The BBC seem very excited about the recent event in Syria that took the lives of three of Boy Bashar’s inner circle. The BBC is presenting this as a “bomb” attack but it was a human bomb attack – the preferred mechanism of the Jihadi. You may accuse me of being overly sensitive but the BBC seem to almost “admire” this grotesque act of terror. It is being plainlyy portrayed by them as moving Syria “to the endgame”. Isn’t this encouraging further such events?
Then there is the question of what lies at the end of the endgame. Just as in other instances of the “Arab Spring” the conflict is being presented by the BBC as being between the forces of oppression (Assad) and Liberation. But WHO are the “liberators”? Does the fact they favour suicide bombers provide a clue and if so, why does the BBC seem so reluctant to probe deeper? I have no time for the thug Assad but the BBC has a duty to at least be honest about those seeking to remove him from power.
I can’t agree that this was an act of terror. The high command of the army in time of war is a clear military target.
Who is Syria at war with?
Civil war.
So all is fair in love and civil war?
I think David’s point is the method used – in this case a suicide bomber – is a clue as to who might be fighting amongst the ‘liberators’.
Exactly, the drone of Assad HAS to leave the country, is al beebs latest pantwetter … apparently because the islamists, (oops sorry the …………………….. ahem “freedom/rebels/resistance/al beeb heroes”),
won t “negotiate” with the regime … :-D.
Well … I got news, islamists don t negotiate with anyone, they impose, they might pretend to … just like the MB “Freedom” party in Egypt … (as we all know “freedom & justice”, are the first thing you associate with Islam eh!) 😀 … just ask the Taliban.
i m so sick to the stomach, of Al Beeb, of Shillary Clinton, of William Vague … all handwringing to the “new calliphate”. not a single vertebrae between them … absolutely disgusting …
One thing i’m fairly sure I remember all broadcasters saying when the shit hit the fan in Christian murdering Egypt was that although they’d do well and probably come 2nd the Muslim Brotherhood wouldn’t win the Egyptian election. And yet what happened?…
Al-Beeb must’ve been SO relieved and overjoyed with the result.
In all these Arab countries, revolutions always seem to the “oppressed” becoming “the oppressors”. Iran is a good example- the old dictatorship under the Shah replaced by an even more dictatorial and oppressive regime under the ayatollahs.
Missed out a couple of words, should read “…….revolutions always seem to result in the ‘oppressed’ becoming ‘the oppressors’.
What the left hasn’t considered is that once the Jihadists have won against us, they’ll turn on the left’s useful idiots, poor luvvies. The champagne socialists and their victim groups and fellow travelers won’t know what hit them.
The most disturbing thing about this incident is that the bBC placed all other news subjects on the back burner (Including conveniently the suicide bomber in Bulgaria) in which to concentrate on..Syria.
Sorry you Islamic cock sucking tossers at the bBC, but spending the first 20 minutes of the news on Syria over 3 deaths isn’t what I want to hear.
Talk about burying bad news.
The bBC, the apologists for Islamic terrorism and the traitors in our Midst
Go out in the street and ask any of your neighbours that walk by if they give a toss about Syria and you can bet your life 8 or 9 out of 10 of them will say “no”.
“Scientists Say U.S. May Have Discovered Previously Unknown Level Of Not Caring About Syria”
The Onion,28807/?utm_source=07-18-12&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=weekly_dispatch
Come on, get with it. The suicide bomber in Bulgaria killed Jews – that’s allowed as far as Al Beeb is concerned. Dead Jews = good news.
Did anyone notice the bomber looked like an extra from ‘Wayne’s World’, and had a driving licence from Michigan? Claims are the licence is a fake, but why would they pick the state with the most Muslim psychos in the US when there are forty nine others to choose from? Hmm…Looks like a convert job to me…
“You may accuse me of being overly sensitive”
Most of the bias of the BBC is in the way information is presented – this includes of course what is selected to be presented. It is inevitable that people rely upon assumptions. You notice (and are sensitive) to their assumptions because they jar with your assumptions.
My primary criticism of the BBC is not that they have Leftist assumptions, it is that they seek to exclude or demonize all other assumptions. The BBC is profoundly totalitarian.
I have no objection to sermons, but I profoundly reject the notion that the [Socialist] church should be the only religion in town.
It is tempting to say that this is simply a problem caused by the dominance of the BBC, but this dominance is entirely deliberate. The Party will fight media plurality with all the tenacity of a Leftist hanging onto the teat of the taxpayer.
The BBC have not shown this clip
If it wasn’t so serious, I’d have believed it was a comedy sketch.
So let’s get this right…….. Allah says it’s ok to be sodomised so your arse is stretched enough to accomodate a jihadist bomb. Then you have to seek Allah’s forgiveness for being sodomised.
I suppose Allah, being a forgiving kind of guy, will duly oblige.
‘Islam, the religion of peace which only sees exploding suicide arses as the last resort’.
Is this video the reason why the hidously gay IBBC loves Islam so much.
Have they never heard of dildos? No mess, no fuss. Available from all branches of Woolworth and Woollco. Also, interesting to see this man who hates the west drinks coffee from infidel coffee shop Costa…
Pork sausage up the bum!…Bet they’d draw the line there.
“Blast exposes vulnerability of Assad’s inner circle, brings jihadists to the fore”
“In the most audacious anti-Assad strike to date, the attack wreaked havoc at the core of the brutal and repressive, but secular, regime. It drove a stake deep into the heart of the Assad family’s iron-fisted four-decade rule. But it will also instill terror among Syria’s exposed minorities – Christians and Alawites, Kurds and Druze – long protected by the dominance of Mr. al-Assad’s minority Alawite sect.
“All of Syria’s minorities fear a successor regime led by Sunni extremists, and the triumph of the Muslim Brotherhood as the country’s most powerful force. For Mr. al-Assad’s dwindling band of loyalists, mostly the generals and favoured businessmen from his tiny Alawite clan, the bomb blast left a grim message bloodily written on the walls of a heavily guarded war room: Nowhere in Syria remains safe for Mr. al-Assad’s cronies.”
INBBC’s contradictions on IRAQ and SYRIA.
Although INBBC claimed to be opposed to enforcing ‘regime change’ in the case of Saddam Hussein’s IRAQ, in the current case of SYRIA, INBBC seems to favour ‘regime change’ via Sunni extremists’ Islamic jihad massacres.
Where do I start with the Globe and Mail? ‘Audacious’ – here the MSM reveal their admiration for terrorism. ‘Drove a stake into the heart’ – they’re not vampires, no matter how much the MSM try to convince us that they’re inhuman. ‘Brutal and repressive BUT secular’, GOT THAT, it’s brutal and repressive, you’re supposed to forget the secular bit just remember – (look into my eyes) – brutal and repressive . ‘Tiny Alawaite clan’ – about 2.5 million – hardly tiny and a large percentage of the coastal strip. They also dominate the military, militia and government. ‘Assad’s cronies’ – hasn’t every leader got cronies – Obama’s cronies like Holder, Cameron’s cronies like Osbourne. Don’t all leaders rule using patronage? Is it not cronyism in the west then? Is it just cronyism in the countries we don’t like. More shite from the world’s MSM.
Last night’s Newsnight and a spokesman for Syrian National Council (umbrella group for opposition ie. ‘rebels’) was given a remarkably easy ride by Esler to spread opposition propaganda . According to the spokesman the ‘free Syrian army’ carried out the attack – different units and battalions from Damascus – see what he did there, these aren’t terrorists, there’s nothing to see here. The claims were hysterical but not questioned i.e. ‘A lot depends on the reaction of the regime on whether they will use chemical weapons … whether they will level or shell certain neighbourhoods in the capital.’ In response to whether the rebels were terrorists – ‘The only way to end this tyranny … is doing it (terrorism) themselves’ . Apparently it was ‘unclear whether the fighting will stop during the holy month of Ramadan’ – ‘Holy Month of Ramadan’ was repeated several times – twice by Esler- the king of dhimmis. Esler then just repeated that the regime would use chemical weapons (in Damascus) to which the spokesman said … ‘complete game changer… the Syrian government would ‘bring some of the most ‘vicious and bloodiest militia to Damascus.’ Again this wasn’t questioned, it was just more opposition propaganda. Following this Alistair Burt said the ‘regime has to understand that the Syrian people are looking for change’ -really all of them? Even the Christians, Alawites, Druze or Kurds. Burt repeated that the use of chemical weapons would be ‘extraordinary’ and a ‘game changer’. Next up Bill Clinton’s ‘charitable work’ and I put my foot through the TV. Now, if you didn’t get any of that here’s a short summary – chemical weapons, chemical weapons, chemical weapons. Disgraceful bias.
Yep, the appearance of slick willy on the screen brought a premature off switch for me too.
Have a care you have used that word DHIMMI again, don’t you know it may upset and offend some of our bbc employees?
I’ve said many times that we simply don’t know who these ‘Liberators’ are; from what the American special services and others in the area are reporting, we know Jihadis are in there alongside other Muslim fanatics and terrorists; and the turn of events in Egypt would suggest that this is, in fact, an Islamic revolution. Christians and religious minorities in Syria have also expressed apprehension about the composition of the Rebel army and what their future might hold under such rule.
BUT the BBC have no such apprehensions; they have been cheerleading from the outset, for a full blown offensive. They didn’t question (until the Americans and Russians did) at all the nature of the rebel forces and they are so biased in their reporting of events it is almost vomit-inducing. If this was a Christian revolt against Assad, it would be seen as an act of oppression!
sleepwalking politically correctly, into big trouble.
swapping one bad guy, for a much bigger one with the no 1 excuse book, & who don t answer questions …. moh and his sock puppet. (allah says – you do).
did you see Shillary Clinton with her personal MB senior aide, kissing up to that fascist Morsi … you may have not seen the demo outside demanding she doesn t sell them & Egypt down the river, thats the issue it won t take many to set up another tyranny.
This is appeasement, after appeasement, through cowardice … well in the long game they ll buy appeasment, but get war, not in Syria, or Egypt, but in Israel and the US and here at home.
the weak horse is Knobama, Scameron and co.
The Russians maybe face down in the vodka, but at least theyve got one eye open.
We’ve had misguided criminals, Carpenters and even innocent British asians from the bBC in which to disguise the fact that followers of the so called great magnanimous religion of peace are anything but. And here is todays version:
Wife guilty of Jewish terror plot
Clicking the above we are presented with this fine example of bBC Islamic propaganda:
Oldham wife Shasta Khan guilty of Jewish jihad plan
A woman from Oldham has been found guilty of helping her husband plan a terrorist attack in an attempt to carry out “jihad at home”.
Hands up those who thought that the above was about a nasty Jewish bitch?
The bBC, the mouth piece of Islamic Terrorism and the traitors in our Midst
Yes, what a bizarre headline!
I’d love to hear an explanation from the BBC as to why they didn’t use the straightforward, non-confusing and accurate headline “Oldham wife Shasta Khan guilty of ANTI-Jewish jihad plan”.
My Yahoo account flashed up that news a few minutes ago under the headline “Couple planned anti-Jewish attack”, so I wondered what weird tack the BBC would take with the story.
They’ve decided not to put the story on the home page of the BBC News website, obviously considering ‘Downton up for best drama Emmy’ and ‘Sun journalist held in hack probe’ to be far more important than news of the conviction of al-Qaeda-inspired terrorists planning to cause carnage in Jewish neighbourhoods in the BBC’s very own Salford.
Truly bizarre news priorities from the BBC.
To anyone familar with the English language “Jewish jihad plan” implies that the plan was Jewish. Shall we be charitable and regard this as yet another example of poor BBC English or as a deliberate attempt to obscure the issue?
I go for the former. The average BBC reporter is just not up to real deviousness.
Like I always warn friends about Al-Beeb, Pounce,…whether it’s blatent shit or it’s stealthy shit, it’s all in the wording, it’s aaall in the wording.
what a bizarre headline!
No. Simply inaccurate. The question becoming whether through ineptitude or in service of editorial misdirection.
Whichever way, as a service of education or information the BBC is unfit for purpose.
On the former basis by being useless.
On the latter by being a shameless propagandist.
So, George, which is it?
Because £145.50pa on one is fraud and on the other something much darker.
The BBC and the rest of the left if they carry on like this will end their lifes care of the Islamic JCB crane company.
Peter Hitchens’ comment on the bias of the BBC on this (and in general) is worth a read.
Seems the BBC gets ‘carried away’, like some giggly schoolgirl, on crushes it has.
All media do.
And that, while not, fine, is inevitable.
Thing is, they seems to get ‘carried away’ a lot, across all sorts of topics, but only in one direction.
That… at a compelled £145.50pa, to fund a £4Bpa propaganda monopoly, is not fine.
And that I am denied the ability to protest and/or withdraw support for anything which I believe goes beyond poor service to actual counter-belief advocacy if not harmful activity is risible.
The 8.10 main story this morning on Today was about Syria.
The general drift would have been to put the Israeli speaker up against the Syrian expert, but the Syrian spokesman did say something very revealing.
He said that Bashir Assad was using a classic tactic out there-namely to create a problem, and then intervene in it afterwards….and then said that the BBC will know of this-and do it too!
Humph moved quickly on with a cough, but the damage was done.
I have yet to hear the BBC better described-causing the problems that it then sets out to commentate on, mediate on and -of course-give us ITS solutions , that we`re just supposed to go along with.
I now see another way of seeing the Beeb, thanks to our Middle Eastern friend-equating the BBC with the Syrian High Command in terms of how it exerts power and influence was revealing.
So too was the view that no-one could have imagined life after the Assads…so nil desperandum to those sad souls who see no life after the Dimblebys and Attenboroughs…they`re due a fall in the coming Sky Spring of 2013, please God!
Just a bit of Information
Shafilea Ahmed: Mother says father was last to see her
Shafilea Ahmed’s mother has told a court her husband was the last person to see their daughter alive. Farzana Ahmed, 49, and her husband Iftikhar, 52, both deny murdering the 17-year-old at their Warrington home in 2003. Speaking through a translator, Mrs Ahmed told the jury at Chester Crown Court that she had played no part in Shafilea’s death.
Do you know why so many so called British citizens always ask for a translator when in the dock?
It because they believe that if they present themselves as not understanding English, then they feel they will be treated less harshly than if they did.
And whitey lets them get away with this sham.
I bet if she’s ever worked here that she’s always understood everything in her fuckin wage slips alright!
Its’s pretty clear why the BBC-left wants extremists to bring down the Assad regime – the more jihadi states surrounding Israel the better.
The fact that the west is aiding the removal of Iran’s only ally to ease its conquest, so that BP, Total and Exxon-Mobil can grab Iranian oil, doesn’t interest them.
If the Iraqi oil war had led to to jihadis seizing power rather than the west, then the BBC-left would have been happy. They hope for better returns in Libya.
And so to Yemen!
Newsnight carried a typical piece on the tragedy unfolding in that benighted country…and the kaffir/infidels are flaunting their racist privilege by way of money from Oxfam.
Yet -no context, no reasons-just starvation and tragedy. No one is to blame….well certainly not the Saudis( wealthy neighbours who haven`t quite got the idea of zakat for their neighbours yet), nor the Godawful culture that sees dead babies as Allahs wish for cowed mothers.
No-it`s the wailing Wests fault clearly -dig deep whitey and let the Wahhabi stick their oil gotten gains to foment jihad in Hoxton, Bercy etc…
Allah must marvel at how feeble His Arab League is, in comparison to the Christians….
I am regular reader, how are you everybody? This article posted at this website
is in fact fastidious.