Horrible story about the loss of life in that Denver movie theatre – BBC quick to tell us the shooter was a “White American”
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Horrible story about the loss of life in that Denver movie theatre – BBC quick to tell us the shooter was a “White American”
Any speculation that he’s a right-winger inspired by the Tea Party?
Yes there was, until it transpired that the killer had the same name as a local Tea Party supporter, but was not the same man! The MSM are desperate for a Tea Party supporter to go postal, because that’s the way “swivel eyed right wing loons” are supposed to behave, and are annoyed that they do not conform to the stereotype imposed on them by the left.
yes terrible incident , goodness those poor victims,
i noticed every ten mins bulletens, breaking the open coverage for an hour long special, cancelled the movie show, in depth reports, interviews, who he was ,name, address, friends, get the criminologists in etc.
so obviously islam is not involved, is this overt coverage going to go on … was he christian? (boo hiss) … ahem right?, far right? … get “ole whitey” under the microscope, check it double check, triple check.
will there be any tenuous links even …. it is the bbc.
goodness doesn t the previous behaviour of al bbc make you just a tad cynical
If the murderer turns out to be an Occupier, the BBC will refuse to report it, just like they refused to report that those hirsute and pierced gentlemen who were caught plotting to blow up a bridge were Occupiers. One of them was even a local pod leader. That’s right, defenders of the indefensible, the BBC refused to report it, even after the facts were well known and reported elsewhere.
Yet they openly speculated – on air, on Twitter, and on BBC website blogs – that the guy who shot Gabby Giffords and murdered several people was a Tea Partier, and tried to blame Sarah Palin, even though there was no evidence whatsoever. The BBC is highly selective in when and how they report on certain stories. Highly selective, and their bias shows through in their editorial policy.
‘Yet they openly speculated’
Where I am there are 3 choices of news broadcast: Al Jazeerah, Fox… and BBC World.
So far the first has been on the whole OK. The second rather over-dominated by very loud male anchors and endless peroxide & Botox sink females, and the latter one utterly thick peroxide sink in the studio expected to pull together various ‘expert’ editors.
Last night at 8pm (Asia time) all were chasing their tails as nobody knew a darn thing for certain but for sure it was too juicy to leave alone until they did.
The BBC was head and shoulders the worst at speculating, to the extent that when they ran (very quickly) out of anything to say over the same helicopter footage and Google Earth views, the peroxide sink first ‘interviewed’ a survivor and actually asked him if it was a ‘horrid’ experience (no relative measures offered to help him to pin it down: paying a compelled £145.50pa to fund an unfit for purpose news coverage service horrid, or seeing kids blown away in front of you for no reason horrid. I wonder if she is a £96k a year B-teamer?).
Then when his polite ‘how dumb a question is that’ responses sunk in, they flipped to the BBC’s default saviour… Twitter!
So we were then treated to an exchange between peroxide and the BBC WHYS editor, based on no more than what Samuel from Senegal ‘felt’ this said about American society.
Complete… and utter… tripe.
I agree with your description of Fox News. Although I must say that MSNBC is much, much louder, bordering at times on frightening.
Also agree with your calling out the BBC’s use of Twitter as filler and valid commentary like that. They’re so close to it, they’ve elevated all of it to a higher level in their minds than the majority of it actually is. Objectivity out the window in so many areas.
As soon as I heard how he was dressed i knew it wasn’t a jihad attack. This guy was equipped to survive – bullet proof vest, gas mask, proper helmet, armed to the teeth etc. No self-respecting Islamic jihadist would be caught dead with all that clobber, as the whole point is they die during the operation.
They are also generally fucking useless at it.
With a few exceptions.
Well yes, no need for them to have to guess that the bus just exploded was there. One of those awful “accidents” , no of course not. Cant wait for charlie staytt to ask an eye-witness “what did he look like?”
Slaughter of Israelis tourists in Bulgaria, slaughter of Denver young cinemagoers. You might find some equivalance in condemnation, but no.
BBC quickly slipped in the suggestion the Israelis tourists – these Israelis? any Israelis? – were killed “in response” to what Israel had done to Iranian nuclear scientists (averting a nuclear holocaust anyone?)
“BBC’s Jon Donnison, in Jerusalem, says the attack could be part of a covert but violent war between Israel and Iran, and there is a view among some analysts that this attack could be a response to a series of recent attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists.”
We await the slaugher in Denver to be explained by the BBC as “in response to” something or other.
Wait….the bombing was in response to what Israel had done to Iran, but it’s too early to say that the bombing was done by Iran? Narratives getting confused here…..
It was where the Bulgarian bomb blast was in the running order compared to the Denver cinema killings on the BBC that made it so apparent that the death of Jews counts for nothing. (Similar numbers killed and injured).
Well, in the minds of Beeboids, the Israeli tourists aren’t innocent victims….
Was the Colorado mass murderer a member of Occupy Black Block? Possible evidence here.
If it’s true, the BBC will not report it.
Looks like there was already concern that the Batman movie portrayed the Occupy-like group in a negative light. I’d be as shocked as anyone that there’s a single Hollywood luvvie who doesn’t support the Occupiers, so this is probably no more than an inference from some quarters. But if there was talk of it in some Occupier or anarchist forums, the murderer could have been inspired by it whether it was true or not.
It’s sheer speculation on my part – backed by one bit of possible evidence posted above, mind – that the murderer is an Occupier or associated with them somehow. But the BBC had no problem doing the same based on zero evidence about the Giffords shooter and pretty much every other one recently. An idiot at ABC has already apologized for wrongly reporting on air that a Tea Partier with the same name was the suspect. I’m surprised the BBC didn’t leap to report it. Maybe it was retracted before the BBC News Online editor had a chance to get a story online.
The Beeboids are probably on pins and needles here. I notice, though, that they’ve wasted no time in wringing their virtual hands over Colorado gun laws.
On the BBC report I heard the initial facts were followed up by an extensive anti-gun rant delivered in tones of superior disdain.
Yep, that’s the BBC: never miss an opportunity to use a tragedy as an excuse to make a partisan policy point.
Watched an eyewitness to the shooting being interviewed by a studio-bound female Beeboid. The witness was still in a state of shock when he described the events and then seemed momentarily speechless when the Beeboid asked if America’s gun ownership laws needed stronger legislation. The witness eventually said that no change was needed to the gun laws and that a sick individual caused the massacre (I’m paraphrasing).
Obviously not the answer the Beeboid was seeking and quickly ended the interview.
Yep, the BBC never tire of following the Obama left-wing agenda.
looking forward to the OWS links developing!
Look, I realize the murderer is probably just another mental case, like Jared Loughner. Which means it’s all the more meaningless that he’s white, as opposed to “Asian”. Which also means it’s all the more ridiculous for the BBC to rush to inform you of the color of his skin without waiting for some actual relevant facts to come out.
But then, the BBC had a specific agenda when reporting the color of his skin…..
The Review Show……….what a load of bollocks
How long before the BBC call for a ban on cinema attendance-clearly the dark and excitement is a trigger to the vulnerable.
Far better instead to sit at home and watch the BBC…with a cooresponding rise in licence fees to increase their “output”.
Ban cinemas…any fillum not made by the BBC….NOW!
I noticed that too – the BBC that never tells us the ethnicity of criminals in the hope that by default we will assume them to be ethnic British!
Can you imagine that if this shooter had been a Black or Hispanic American that it would have been revealed ?
Perhaps the new ethnic category of “white Hispanic” would have been used again?
In the states part of the news story is that early on, when the person arrested name was first released a network new reporter searched Google and found a Tea Party member from the area with the same name.
Incredibly, with just that information, he went on the air on a national news show and reported that the Tea Party member might be the suspect. He wasn’t. He was a 52 year old Hispanic fellow who was an ex-cop. He ended up having to umplug his phone because of all of the death threats and what-not.
A huge number of people, including to their credit some left of center folks, are completely lived over such irresponsible journalism. Thus, te media’s bias has become part of the story as a result.
Anyone who has spent time in the USA will know that the mainstream media (TV and papers) are overwhelmingly pro-democrat and generally left wing. NBC/MSNBC are the worst offenders IMO but ABC, CBS and the increasingly irrelevant CNN are broadly in line with our BBC Guardianistas. Selective reporting has become an art-form albeit a laughably predictable one. Fox and Talk Radio go some way to restoring the balance hence the vitriolic hatred they regularly receive from the above named outlets. Having been a regular visitor to the USA for over 20 years i believe that the current level of partisanship and polarization of not just the media but also a large proportion of Americans I meet and know, of both political persuasions, has never been worse.
I feel very bad for my second favourite country.
The partisan division has always been there, from the beginning. The US was split in two for about four years, remember. Can’t get more divided than that.
At the beginning of the 19th Century, even Northern States were threatening to secede for various reasons. The 1960s was a pretty divisive time as well.
It’s just that we have many more means of spreading information and expressing ourselves now than ever before. It only seems like we’re more poralized when in fact it’s really that more opinions are being heard than ever before.
Yep, absolutely right, the ever gutless mainstream media both sides of the pond could hardly be more truly laughably and ridiculously biased and misrepresentative of their countries whole populations. Most of us only need ask our friends or venture down to our back garden gates and ask neighbours going by for their views on various things to know we FAR from all dance to the foolish brainwashing mainstream medias do-goody tunes.