The BBC have been delighting in a bit of ‘Blue on Blue’ in the Tory camp as Nigel Lawson suggests that George Osborne should give up some of his other roles and concentrate on the economy, and the BBC have been reporting his advice as often as possible.
Fair enough…Lawson did say that…but Lawson also said that the reason the last budget was an ‘omnishambles’ was that unlike single party governments where Osborne would draw up his plans and have the PM sign them off, in the Coalition Osborne has to work his plans out in conjunction with the Libdems and get them to sign off on the budget also.
Other than broadcast the actual interview these other comments haven’t been given any air time at all (as far as I’ve heard)…..which you might consider somewhat unfair considering that the budget farce was seen as a pivotal moment in this government’s life and for Osborne’s reputation.
Lawson’s comments indicate that if it hadn’t been for the interfering Libdems things might have been very different.
The BBC want to keep Osborne on the hook and his reputation in the gutter and so won’t be repeating anything that let’s him off that hook in any way shape or form.
“The BBC want to keep Osborne on the hook and his reputation in the gutter and so won’t be repeating anything that let’s him off that hook in any way shape or form.”
And that is exactly why Lawson should not have said what he said. What benefit did he think he was doing by expressing that view? BBC is only too happy to push the idiot Balls policies and Lawson’s intervention is not at all helpful. Just what did he have in his mind ? It never ceases to amaze me that those who should no better do not consider the consequences before opening their big mouths.
Probably honesty – a rare quality in a politician these days.
The Tories these days do not have a clue on how to handle the media, especially the always hostile BBC.
How long is it since Terrisa May came out with ” People think we are the nasty Party” a stupid and pointless thing to say and Labour and their PR company the BBC are still quoting it. Stupid woman!!!
Balance? What balance?
About as balanced as Jabber The Prescott on a dental floss tightrope tied between two palm trees in a hurricane.
The Tories don’t understand that the BBC is neither fair nor neutral and will use naything they can find to throw at this Government.
They certainly do not understand the left wing who will stop at nothing to get back into power.
The balance was two Conservatives commenting on the interview; one supportive of the CofE’s dual position, one less so. To argue this represents some sort of left wing bias is asinine or disingenuous.
And yet Jim.
We`re yet to have the equivalent debate where someone from Labour concedes that they fucked the country, were murdering , serially incompetent and nearly abolished civil liberties in this country..oh, nad the little matter of slash and burn in regard of the economy.
And opposing this Labour penitent would be any one of the ex-Labour stooges and lobotomised that currently get paraded on the Today programme like show ponies with something yet to show or tell.
As yet, not only arer Labour allowed to avoid this debate-but the BBC wilfully refuse to want it either…might compromise THEIR thirteen years of obsequious greasing of all things Socialist.
Tow neutered dogs sniffing each others arses and licking each others balls-that`s the BBC and the liberal media that reinforce each others version of history from 1997-2010.
As for Lawson- clever, relatively honest; but any decent Tory would make mincemeat of him…but there`s no such Tory about, until the new generation cut some teeth and grow a pair.
Shafting Osborne?…why not shoot a turkey in a bondage harness?
‘which you might consider somewhat unfair ‘
‘Fair’… and the BBC, rather reminds me of this…
Only the good Marshal at least had focused professional aim and did not pretend to be any kind of moral arbiter.
ps. Mr Dandy… neat precedent you’ve set there. But guessing you figure you’re pretty safe that the BBC getting in any counter-hivemind boat-rockers from the home team on issues close to their hearts is about zero.
So thanks for highlighting that point.
In fact, the opposite. Andy ‘sounds like a Div 2 football manager’ Burnham given free reign to criticize the government over social care for the elderley whilst not being held to account, not in the slightest teeny-weeny way, over Labour’s record of doing absolute bugger all about it during their 13 years in power.
Bias of the most shameful, partisan kind.
The BBC – helping to bring a socialist totalitarian state to a country near you.
Shame there wasn’t a ‘Khaki on Red’ casualty when Cameron visited Afghanistan the other day.