Ever since bombs have been going off in Western countries and Muslims have been proclaiming this is done in the name of Allah to further His Realm on Earth the BBC have been consistent in denying the religious connection and paradoxically claiming that these Muslims are wrong….the BBC knows better…the Fundamentalists are ‘perverting Islam’.
My contention is that they are carrying out Islam’s policies…to spread the ideology as widely as possible…and that it is ‘moderate Muslims’ who are perverting Islam by not following the fundamentals of their religion but merely cherry picking bits they like.
Now however the BBC has had a change of mind, religion is important in shaping politics and can be the driving force that informs policies.
The BBC has taken a deep look at Islam…..no of course not….they have taken a deep look at Christianity, Protestantism in particular, and decided it doesn’t like what it sees.
Because it looks like Protestant work ethic and thrift with money is behind ze German’s austerity demands for the rest of Europe.
And of course the BBC doesn’t like austerity…so a perfect storm….the BBC’s dislike of a ‘Tory’ policy combined with its dislike of an almost ‘right wing’ religious ideology which demands sacrifice, work and individual responsibility comes together in this tract about the nasty Germans with their boot on the neck of the lovable catholic southern Europeans.
‘The eurozone crisis has intensified a deep-rooted debate about whether Germans, shaped by Protestantism, are fundamentally different from Catholic “Latin” countries and their allies.’
‘Discussion among eurozone leaders about the future of their single currency has become an increasingly divisive affair. On the surface, religion has nothing to do with it – but could Protestant and Catholic leaders have deep-seated instincts that lead them to pull the eurozone in different directions, until it breaks?’
Personally I hadn’t realised the spendthrift Gordon Brown was a Catholic Son of the Manse.
The BBC don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story….But it shows how they are quite prepared to damn a religion if it suits their own political purposes….and the particular religion’s devotees won’t then launch a jihad against the BBC for its criticism.
Bravo Mon Braves.
For the apologists of hypocritical sexist,racist and bigoted Islam (Read bBC) here is the latest death Ramadan death count a brought to you by Eye on the world
After 3 days already at 501. Gee what a peaceful religion.
Good point, I don’t see the BBC comparing Northern Mediterranean countries with Southern Mediterranean countries. But wait Northern Mediterranean countries are Catholic Christian and Southern Mediterranean Counties are Sunni Muslim.
All you have to to is compare what the cities are like. Compare Rome with Cairo or Seville with Tripoli.
And again why not compare Hindu India with Muslim Pakistan?
And as for the Protestant work ethic I though Northern Germans were Lutherans rather than Calvinists. The most famous Calvinist of recent times was Gordon Brown!
To be fair Gordon Brown worked hard. Whether his results were achieved through vindictiveness or incompetence, what one must admit is that his work-rate made things a hell of a lot worse than if he’d been lazy.
There’s an old saying, possibly attributed to Bismark, about the four types of officer subordinates. One who is efficient and ambitious, one who is incompetent and ambitious, one incompetent and lazy and the other (you’ve guessed it) efficient and lazy.
The ambitious and competent are to be avoided because they will be trying to take your job and may succeed in it. The incompetent and lazy aren’t too bad because their laziness will prevent their incompetence from being too disastrous. The lazy and efficient are the best because they aren’t after your job, and what they do do will be done well. The worst is the ambitious and incompetent as they will bring disaster to everything around them through their “hard-work”. Gordon Brown is one of the latter and we’l all be suffering for years to come as a result.
It could be argued, for instance, that Ronald reagan was the lazy but effective type. He knew who to put in the right post, and the USA and West went from the disaster of the Carter years to prosperity bringing the end of the Cold War as well.
latest offering from mr condell, obamaphiles cover your ears now. 😀
F**K Pat he is an insane deluded pinko. He is an atheist lefty who has realised that Islam is a threat to his ideology. But his cure for the problem is more Atheism.
Well Pat hasn’t 70 years of the Soviet Union proved you wrong:? America is religious why is it so successful ? Why is the whole of human Culture based on the belief of the Supernatural?
go ” insane deluded pinko pat” 😀
… yaaayh!
On a related topic:
Ft. Hood Whitewash
After a more-than-two-year review, a report released last week accuses the FBI of having dropped the ball when it investigated the Fort Hood jihadist before the 2009 massacre.
So — how many people will be fired?
Exactly . . . none.
That’s right: The agency might have been able to prevent the killing of 13 people by a home-grown Islamic fundamentalist, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan — but failed to do so.
And yet, not a single FBI official will lose his or her job.
“We do not find, and do not believe, that anyone is solely responsible for mistakes in handling the information,” concluded former FBI Director William Webster, who conducted the probe.
Some may remember that the Army had plenty of red flags about Hassan at the time, but sat on their hands and did nothing. Think it’s just the evil Muroch press saying this? Think again:
Investigators Knew Of Hasan’s Link To Radicals
The concerns, one official said, were not enough even to start a preliminary investigation. The officials also dismissed the significance of reports that Hasan’s colleagues complained about his religious and political views. We get thousands of complaints every year, one official said, some lead to investigations, he said, others do not.
This is from NPR, folks. The same NPR where BBC Washington correspondent and anchor of BBC World News America, Katty Kay, regularly guest hosts, and where BBC North America editor, Mark Mardell appears as a guest from time to time. They wouldn’t be gracing the outlet with their esteemed, impartial presence if it was a racist, islamophobic organization.
Just after the Ft. Hood shootings, Mardell attempted to whitewash Hassan’s jihadi intent, even though the news was already out there that he had been shouting the usual Mohammedan catch phrase while killing his co-workers. He also had the gall to write soon afterwards that some were wondering whether or not the media had attempted to play down Hassan’s jihadi intent.
I wonder if Mardell regrets doing this now? Somehow, I believe he feels he got it about right anyway. Just more evidence of exactly the problem Alan is talking about at the BBC.
‘We do not find, and do not believe, that anyone is solely responsible’
That has an oddly familiar ring to it, from self-investigating to quaint ‘belief’ in stead of tangibles.
Do FBI and BBC Complaints operate on the same model?
Here is some footage taken by an Islamophobic cell phone.
You can hear him shouting ‘Allah Akbha’ on this but not on the BBC.
the minute you hear it you think the same thing
This BBC video carefully covers up the catch phrase with the Beeboid voice over. In this way, the young Mohammedan is presented as just another silly person trying to get at the torch, just like those two little boys and a kid on a bike. Nothing unusual or untoward about him at all, as the Beeboid voice over does not mention anything different about his attempt.
I thought the initial BBC report about this did mention that Mohammedan catch phrase, but that seems to have gone down the memory hole.
Funnily enough, the girl explaining to the other girl with the East London accent what he had said, sounded as though she had a Bengali accent which would explain why she could reproduce the phrase acccurately.
I wasn’t going to add this but I will….the shout is quite loud and distinct so why isn’t it on the video which I believe was released by the BBC?
Censored by the traitors at the INBBC. They will do anything to supress the truth.
Treacherous Bastards.
you know james, i want every single one of these islamic fascists treated exactly the same way the minute they open their mouths, whether it is disrupting the bloody “who gives a toss” londoncentric luvvie olympics, or our troops coming home, or remembrance sunday, or railing against a politician for telling the truth
etc etc.
guess what …
it won t happen, it should but it won t
sorry … not that well put.
re that – every time they use that thuggish behavior
That’s a prequel to trying to grab the country.
Will he be shouting Allah Akbha when he is in the lake of fire?
Yeah, I came across this daft but offensive BBC article last week, but to be honest I gave up reading after a couple of paragraphs because it was yet another highly predictable affront on the Christian faithful. The BBC wouldn’t dare highlight any aspect of Islam getting in the way of democracy. Christians = soft target; Muslims = Danger! Beware: potential for explosive violence if criticized. The adjective, Craven, comes to mind.
The BBC and their lefty friends will burn in hell in the lake of fire for all eternity for what they have done.
Post by request of Naughty Emu