The number of armed and violent radical Muslims is on the rise in Germany.
The Islamist movement is diversifying and attracting growing numbers of students, middle class professionals and intellectuals….the students being recruited as ‘sleepers’ to infiltrate into positions of power and influence later in their careers.
Revelations of mass murder and hate crimes forced the German authorities to admit they’d done too little for too long.
It is one of the biggest scandals of post war Germany….the question is ‘Is Germany’s past preventing it fighting religious extremism now?’.
The Islamists say they are answering the Muslim Umma’s call to save their people and religion and to restore their Caliphate.
The police have long ignored the rise of the Islamists and the ‘political’ background to their actions and ideology. Police never took decisive action….we have to ask why weren’t the Islamists stopped earlier?
It is suspected that there are Islamist sympathisers within the police ranks and in Institutions which all throws up some disturbing questions.
How were these militants allowed to flourish and just how popular and powerful are they?
Tackling Islamism is now high on the German political agenda…no one before had expected to see such a developed network of radicals.
The security services are out of their depth.
The Islamists have developed political groups that reject the German State and want a new world order…non-democratic and dominated by Islamic law and culture.
In the meantime as they wait for that to develop they are establishing ‘Liberated Zones’ dotted across the country where Islam alone rules…Islamic strongholds free of political and religious opponents.
They wish to live by their religion but this is the most dangerous thing…they want to change Germany from within.
They have elected representatives in Parliament who are hostile to the basic values of the German constitution.
The German constitution allows for the banning of groups and partys who are so hostile to the Constitution…the Koran and the Muslim denial of the Divinity of Jesus are already proscribed in Germany.
However statistics show that increasing numbers of Germans are sympathetic to the Islamist cause.
That was an abridged version of a broadcast by the BBC’s Katya Adler…and it was in fact about the rise of the Far Right in Germany. ….I have merely swapped Neo-Nazi for Islamist….close fit though isn’t it?
Can you imagine the same treatment being given to similar ideologies in the UK by the BBC?
Aren’t Neo Nazis far left, like their predecessors?
After all, the National Socialists were previously known as the National Workers Party, and a remarkable number of their policies are readily identifiable in modem day socialism.
yes…see next post
That’s just the thing. Fascism is left wing. There is a hair’s width between fascism and communism/socialism/ whatever you want to call it. The war between the Germans and Russians wasn’t two vastly opposing ideologies coming together in a great ‘war of the ages’, it was two virtually identical ideologies fighting it out for control of the same space. Same net result whoever won…
“same net result”
Untrue, But you are right about them being rivals not opposites.
And, of course, the inevitable activity of many radical Muslims of Turkish origin in Germany does not deter UK Tory, Lib Dem, Labour parties (and INBBC) from continuing their advocacy of entry of 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U.
Yes, never forget that dopy Dave thinks Turkey’s accession to the EU will be an utterly wonderful thing.
What a knob.
“Olympics’ most wanted: Terror police fear suspect hunted after Bulgarian bus bomb could be on his way to London 2012”
Read more:
Yes, mainstream German parties are now talking bout banning the “far right”, not the islamists. While over here, you can get your children snatched by social services if you support the EDL.-
My favourite UK example of a Muslim exploiting a powerful position to which he’s risen is this one:
“Newly elected Dewsbury South Labour councillor Abdul Patel could still face criminal charges over allegations of postal vote fraud during the May 3 local elections.
Although Kirklees Police have referred just three cases to the Crown Prosecution Service, The Press understands they are still investigating the actions of Dewsbury South Labour campaigners, including Coun Patel, who is also the Dewsbury town centre and Savile Town postmaster.”
But since when has ever criminally filthy fighting Labour ever known anything about may the best team win, a fair fight, etc?
Blair, Brown, Miliband, Balls & Co should ALL now be serving VERY long prison sentences!
How they’ve got away with playing such games with the British population is completely beyond me. Scandalous doesn’t even come remotely fuckin close! Blair and Brown should be serving life sentences in prison!
“Terrorist worked in Scottish pubs to bankroll suicide bomb attack in Stockholm.”
forgot link:
O/t not sure where to put this but fantastic load of bias in Wallander last night about Christians. Loads of imagery and references of Christians being fundamentalists (check), Christians are bigoted (check), anti-gay (check) anti-immigration (check) anti-EU (check), burn people and – boo – little animals for their beliefs (check) and so on.
There was no holding back…
INBBC’s political chum and Wallander author,
“Don’t Buy Anti-Israel, Pro-HAMAS Author Henning Mankell’s Novels”
By Debbie Schlussel
Cheers for the link George R
Whereas the fad-prone Swedish Social Democrats just went in for sterilising Borstal boys, before WWII in the name of eugenics.
‘It’ll never happen here, even when it’s happening here’:
INBBC plays catch-up and covers what is gruesome, inhuman practice in Islamic zones (and Britain)- but not totally exclusively in such areas- of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM):-
“Migrants from Europe bringing girls to tolerant Britain for genital mutilation”
Will INBBC’s report on FGM on ‘Newsnight’ tonight dare to relate this practice to Islam, as the above article doesn’t ,but victim HIRSI ALI does?