Stop the Presses…hold the front page….new evidence has emerged of Christian perfidy!
Libby Purves rewrites history on Midweek and reveals the little known ‘fact’ that Spain was in fact Moorish, a Muslim country, until it was conquered by the Christians in the 13th century whereupon they forced everyone to convert to Christianity and were force fed pork by the Inquisition.
A slight liberty with the facts there by Purves…which totally alters the reality of events in Spain.
That’s one of the BBC’s most moronic history re-writes yet. Purves is an idiot, anyway. But no re-write is too outrageous in their support of Islam.
Interestingly, when I typed in ‘Purves’, my phone suggested ‘Pubes’…
I just don’t know how the BBC get away with this crap!
’don’t know how the BBC get away with this..’
Well, ‘uniqueness’ does confer many a useful get-out clause or several, and when backed by a 24/7, £4Bpa broadcast monopoly worldwide, the truth often is left still tying its boots in face of Aunty’s new narratives.
Theodosius might have been a bit surprised to learn that.
And Isidore of Seville.
‘Libby Purves’ – sounds like a bunch of Left-wing perverts! Mind you, if the BBC’s Bitesize GCSE website is to go by she could be forgiven for thinking that the Religion of ‘Peace’ can do no wrong.
In the BBC world view, the Moors where and are Black. So does that mean that the BBC will now insist that Black actors play the part of Spaniards from Granada.
With a reggae/flamenco fusion background score – look forward to it.
One basic concept in mainstream, not necessarily radical Islam, is that once a land has been conquered for Islam it remains part of the Islamic Wakf forever and it the duty of every Muslim to go on Jihad to retrieve it. That is one of the two main theological objections to Israel.
Whether she knows it or not, Libby Purves is providing the propaganda bed for a developing jihad against Christian Spain to recover Muslim land and property.
While Beeboids are inclined to be over-confident in their knowledge of Islamic Istanbul, they are less confident about their knowledge of
pre-Islamic, Christian Constantinople, conquered by
Islamic jihad imperialists.
So too with SPAIN, where Beeboids are inclined to adopt a pro-Islamic, anti-Christian view of history (and INBBC’s Muslim head of religion, Mr Aaqil Ahmed, commissioned Islamic Al Jazeera TV’s Muslim presenter, Rageh Omaar -who else?- to be financed by non-Muslim British licenecepayers to present INBBC 2’s Islamic TV series on the subject).
To illustrate Beeboids’ misunderstanding of the issue of the Islamic imperialist invasion of Spain (and Western Europe) in history, here’s an historical corrective on year 1492:
” What really happened in 1492
A history lesson”
by Hugh Fitzgerald.
goodness, remember “ragamar” holding back a tear
in islamic history of europe … clenching his fist and squeezing a tear in anguish…
yuk! pass the sick bag … utter utter bilge
I agree with the basic point about Midweek. But citing Fitzgerald is hardly robust support for your argument: he’s a revisionist whose (usually vitriolically anti-Muslim) writing is regarded with disdain by real scholars of the subject. He’s a fringe figure with extremely dubious credentials who dresses up his ideology in pseudo-scholarly language.
“vitriolically anti-Muslim”, as opposed to supine, ingratiating, appeasing, dhimmified – you are no salesman for your viewpoint, he’s got my ear already.
fine, if you prefer people who parrot your worldview to those who have some degree of scholarly reputation. The academic community regards his witterings with utter contempt.
What part of his history of Spain in 1642 did he get wrong?
Think you’ll be waiting some time for an answer to that one.
Typical leftie tactic – play the man not the ball.
That would be the left/liberal dominated, Oikophobe western academic community,that consider any one who challenges their relativist dogma as a heretic and excommunicate those that do not submit to their horizontal pseudo-faith?
Great ,I’m straight onto that well know tax dodging on-line book seller to find some of his works .Any further recommendations?
“real scholars” care to expand?
Real scholars like John Esposito and Karen Armstrong? Or perhaps the Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Oxford University, Tarik Ramadan? All those academics who regard the arguments put forward in Said’s ‘Orientalism’ as incontrovertible? Fitzgerald’s basic thesis – read experts on Islam who wrote before the 1970’s because after that date the subject became contaminated by Muslim money, personnel and liberals on a post-colonial guilt trip – is perfectly rational.
This is the sort of generalised unanalytical smear tactics adopted by the left and its Islamic supporters?
Who are the ‘experts’ on Islam? Certain uncriticisable Muslims and their leftist apologists. What ‘revisionism’?
Of course, Fitzgerald is the bane of the likes of ex-nun now Islamic apologist Ms Armstrong of ‘Guardian’, and of Tariq Ramadan of Muslim Brotherhood pedigree so deferred to by INBBC.
It’s a leftist-Islam tactic:- smear, don’t analyse the criticism of Islam.
Here’s another example of Fitzgerald’s analysis and his critique of ‘New York Times’ on Cordoba Cathedral:
“Fitzgerald: The New York Times, and That Business At the Cathedral In Cordoba” (2010)
Typical straw man tactics. Who mentioned Karen Armstrong, Ramadan et al? You did. I have no time for any of these people. I’m talking about the generations of (white, non-Muslim-funded, non-Muslim) scholars of the Middle East at major UK and US universities whose work actually has some intellectual heft behind it, rather than the rantings of an ideologue. Go on, name a single scholar at a major university who thinks Fitzgerald *isn’t* a charlatan. Bet you can’t. And please stop calling me a lefty. I’m not. I’m a Tory, and I have never voted for a left-of-centre party in my life. There are a lot of complaints on here from people who don’t like being called a ‘Nazi’ or a ‘fascist’ because they articulate anti-immigration views. Well, just because I don’t sign up to some of the more unpleasant, ignorant and bigoted opinions voiced here does not make me a socialist. Try to understand that there are shades of opinion in right-wing thought too.
“unpleasant” possibly .. are they, fact/truth?, …
“ignorant and bigoted” opinions to those maybe not used to such frankness, but hey …. what with offence and all that jazz 😀
“Who mentioned Karen Armstrong, Ramadan et al” – you haven’t mentioned anybody. Give us some names of academics who have remarked on Fitzgerald – who is a polemicist, and essayist, not an academic – and we can examine their case for doing so. Fitzgerald’s arguments are in plain view for all to see and can be defended or attacked on their merits – what you are doing is trying to argue from authority ( respectable academics with heft!) and throw around terms like charlatan. “rantings of an idealogue” etc. His argument that the academic study of Islam lost its way in the 1970s (when 3% of teachers in the subject were Americans and 2005, when 60% were Muslims). Why you are so admiring of institutions that have gone out of their way to render the government’s Prevent strategy ineffectual and oppose restrictions on foreign student numbers when it is known 50% of applicants are using study as an immigration tactic, I don’t know. You clearly have a soft spot for Islam, for goodness knows what reason.
sorry, please insert quote from Fitzgerald to complete sentence beginning ” His argument that the academic study of islam lost its way….”
” – it is hardly possible to get the truth about Islam almost anywhere you might once have expected to find it. A near-monopoly has been established among academic centers by the army of apologists for Islam”
sooo ….in a circular fashion, we re back to – my previous point ie “real scholars” so once again – care to expand?
in your first reply, i note much disrespectful fluff – about mr fitzgerald, then your riff of “real scholars” … you know this is something i have heard many times,
normally from muslims though … and before correcting them, on their highly dubious “islamic history”…. so please … feel free mr red white and blue … expand
Immigration + racial integration = no problem. Mass immigration + multiculturalism = massive problem. Voicing concerns over the latter is not bigotry, it’s healthy debate and one we tend not to get on the BBC.
As most Middle East Departments at Western Universities are financed and staffed by pro-Arab, pro-Islam people, I expect they would be opposed to Hugh Fitzgerald’s analysis.
Of course, the name ‘Hugh Fitzgerald’ is a pseudonym for an academic who has to cover his back in defence of personal Islamic jihad threats.
I note that you do not assess the quality of Fitzgerald’s argument in article above on Cordoba Cathedral.
Just for posterity, here’s a transcript of what she said:
“And, of course, Spain was Moorish – so, Muslim, middle-Eastern – and then conquered in the 13th century by Christians. Forced conversions at that time. And you say that there was a kind bit like our Olympic brand police, they would go around checking that people were using pork fat in their cooking, the Spanish Inquisition would come and get you if you weren’t using pork fat because it meant that you were secretly Jewish or Muslim at home?”
What utter twaddle!
Funny that Libby, the Spanish use olive oil in their cooking, it is the English that use lard in their cooking. Maybe the Spanish inquisition came round to check everyone was drinking Newcastle Brown Ale.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
Makes what modern Islamic enforcers get up to look like child’s play, eh? Er…..
Portaloo has made a radio documentary called ‘Stepping stones to Islamic Spain’ going out at 13.30 this Sunday:
“Michael says ‘Spain is a self-consciously Christian country, despite and because of its years of Islamic rule and its border with Muslim North Africa. Many of its own Muslims struggle to fit in, yet the fabric of the country is interwoven with Islam – enormous Cathedrals, tiny chapels, grand mosques, daunting castles and even ordinary backstreet houses show the influence of Islamic architecture, philosophy and engineering.”
-so the usual nonsense then with what looks like a ‘Muslims as victims’ narrative thrown in.
Moorish Granada is held out as the pinnacle of Islamic civilisation.
1 It is a very poor castle setting, nothing like as grand as the castles built in Wales much earlier
2 It is boring and small-scale “art” compared to the magnificence of contemporary buildings in England such as Hampton Court – and peanuts compared to the earlier great Norman cathedrals of England. Salisbury Cathedral knocks the Alhambra into a cocked hat.
And for nearly a thousand years the Arabs built nothing to match the 5th century Hagia Sofia basilica in Constantinople.
I do wonder what kind of hold Libby “Bloody” Purvis has over them all at the Beeb.
No discernible talent, no track record in anything-yet this pew-filler has been a fixture at 9am every Wednesday on Radio 4…certainly for as long as I can remember.
And she`s never mentioned-like Laurie Taylot or MIchael Rosen…sheer sinecures and hang the listening figures!
These barnacles on the BBCs tawdry pedalo will not be moved-and do they ever take a holiday?…do they hell!
Maybe an award for Media Limpit of the Year should go to Purv,who says nothing, offers nothing whatsoever of wit or originality…yet cashes that fat cheque and pension and is able to say that “she works for the BBC”.
The Medias equivalent of Shirley William-privileged, job for dead mans shoes( or kitten heels), and a stuffed envelope of nothings…I hate Libby Bloody Purvis!
Where are Scott and Nick when you need them? Wonder if this fits with the version of history they have acquired over the years.
Well, boys?
I once knew a Moroccan Jew who absolutely hate the Moors (he called them “Arabs”). They would regularly kidnap Jewish children, tie them to the bed and rape them until they got used to married life. Some islamic “civilisation” – no wonder the Spanish were glad to see the back of these animals.
PubesPurves obviously did her research at Wikipedia:
Although one must assume that before the Moorish invasion of 711 the inhabitants of Iberia (Spain) were in fact Christians, and of course Jews.
Next week , Libby tells us how the Antartica was inhabited by muslims until Scott and Amdunsen chased them out with their Husky dogs , or something .
But what is to be expected of affirmative action Radio 4 – all day woman’s hour : their quotas are out of kilter – the gender bias is to the female … the calibre is on a down curve … we listen less and less over here .
Website Subsidised By Spanish Taxpayer Claims Leonardo Da Vinci Was a Muslim
In Spain there is a website called Webislam that is published by the “Junta Islámica” [Muslim Council]. This is one of these non-profit Muslim propaganda outfits that takes taxpayer cash (Spanish taxpayers), and claims to be promoting a wholesome, decaffeinated version of Islam that is compatible with human rights and equality of the sexes.
But the website publishes an unending stream of outlandish propaganda. One recent article claims Leonardo Da Vinci was a Muslim. Based primarily on a book written by an Iranian “scholar”, it claims Da Vinci’s mother was an Arab slave and that a fingerprint found on one of his paintings has a 60% probability of being from an Arab. It also claims that in several of Da Vinci’s paintings, including the Last Supper, there are figures making the sign of the Islamic Shahada.
Elsewhere, the website has claimed that Muslim North Africans discovered America in the 12th century and that no Muslim invasion of Spain ever took place.
I’m sure the BBC keeps an eye on biassed-BBC. The above link will guide them to webislam, that will furnish them with all sorts of inventions and discoveries that Muslims made, but White Christians stole.
Next week Libby proves that muslims inhabited the moon until chased off by Buzz Aldrin in Apollo 11 , or something .
Followed by….and how Muslims came from a far off Avatar-like planet to bring the prophet Jesus to us in their UFO. They didn’t get it right first time, so had to come back 600 years later with Mohammed, this time on an inter-galactic camel.
Only the crescent moon. This meant that they had to lead a nomadic life. But that wasn’t such a hardship, as Arabs were a nomadic people anyway.
Reminds me of the recurring character on “Goodness Gracious Me” who kept saying everyone was Indian.
Hate to say this, but Libby was repeated tonight on the radio and I heard the offending twaddle from earlier.
The “pork fat” lady clearly had a book of some kind to put out-and , coming from Istanbul: it`ll be safe to say which side of the religious divide she`ll be.
Something more revealing about the BBC mindset was Libby worrying about Stella Rimington having to “admit to her soft-left friends” that she was head of MI5…”quelle horreur” in the eyes of dear Purv.
And there was Laurie Taylor earlier injecting steroids into the notion that East German athletes weren`t ALL drugged up freaks…and possibly thinking a little more centralisation in Britain could help us get the respect that the East Germans got way back.
Do you think that Laurie was a bloke-and one with a brain of his own…before the Stasi turned him into Poly Fop with leather patches and a job at the Beeb for life.
How come THIS Modular Marxist never gets a long summer holiday-like Purv, he`s never off his Wednesday spot…why so?
The worry is, Purves is actually as close to a ‘normal’ person, as a beeboid ever gets !
Her sailing columns are reality based – there must be some form of brain altering device installed in the security pases they put on to enter broadcasting house !
The Beebyanka’s allowing Purves to spout such unadulterated twaddle is potentially very serious. The islamists are exactly like the stalinists. While they want to take over the whole world, anyway, they’ll start with the bits which they consider to be their original birthright. As a result, we have seen (but not often on the beebyanka’s reports), a spate of atrocities against Christians in Egypt, which was a majority Christian country, it is estimated, for a full thousand years after the Arab conquest, as well as before; in southern Nigeria, which, unlike the north, has never been muslim; in Lebanon, like Egypt a Christian region for centuries before anybody had ever heard of “the prophet”, or of the book that he didn’t actually write.
Then there are the places which muslims conquered, but lost, and, again, in the soviet-inevitability way, they decide they must return again to their sway. Israel is the obvious one. Judaeism outdates islam by about two thousand years. Even during the disaster of the Diaspora, there were always Jews in what is now Israel. Spain seems to be the second favourite, which is why the words of Libby Purves were so ill-judged. Libby, or her islamist chums, could apply the same logic to Sicily, or Greece and Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary; Russia, for that matter (a bit ironic, that one).
The average British islamist airhead, desperate to head off to Pakistan for his terrorism training, hasn’t learned a thing about history in school. He’ll have heard tripe about the “caliphate” in the mosque and now he gets the moron Purves giving her imprimatur to that. OK, your average jihadi skips “Midweek”, I imagine, but I bet somebody in the organisation takes the trouble to compile a dossier of supportive quotations from our beebyanka buddies and produces them from time to time, to say, “Look! Even the infidels admit we are right!”
It’s not even safe on Radio 3: yesterday, some presenter introducing Barenboim’s West-Eastern Divan Orchestra mentioned that it included young Spanish as well as Arab and Jewish players to evoke the spirit of Spain in the early middle ages when Jews, Christians and Muslims lived peacefully together. Barenboim has now based his orchestra not just in Spain but in Andalusia itself (Seville to be exact). The myth of the convivencia is alive and kicking, not just in the corridors of the BBC. Edward Said, of ‘Orientalism’ fame (or infamy, more like), was a co-founder of the orchestra.
Really no matter if someone doesn’t be aware of then its up to other people that they will help, so here it happens.
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