Today fabricated a story to keep climate change in the headlines…..
Analysts are saying that America’s worst drought for 50 years could mean that rising food prices could hit some of the world’s poorest countries. Joe Kelsay of the Indiana Department of Agriculture explains how bad the situation is, and Dr Alice Bows, senior lecturer in Energy and Climate Change at the Sustainable Consumption Institute, explains what needs to be done.
Kelsay said that their own climate expert believed this was just ‘climate’ and that they’d had droughts in the 1930’s , the 1950’s and the 1980’s and was likely just one of thise things that happen ocassionally.
Not so said Dr Bows…she admitted there was no proof that the drought was linked to climate change…that is man made climate change…but she thought it was regardless of the lack of proof…and that it was evidence that we are going to suffer from ever more extreme weather…or is that climate?
What ever happened to predictions of no snow in winter and no rain in summer?… we get some heavy snow in winter and the usual British wet summer……and now apparently that is what they really thought all along….until next time the weather changes.
This seemed just like an idea to get climate change back on the airwaves along with the usual dire predictions….they weren’t really interested in drought in Indiana nor the history of drought…it was merely a chance to get Bows in to spout her doom laden scenario and keep up the pressure at a time when even the government are backing down on ‘investment’ in the Green industry…..really enjoyed that last line from the BBC….Bows ‘explains what needs to be done.’
Well..only if she is right….which she almost certainly isn’t.
Still no proof at all that CO2 causes global warming….so far it is the other way round….warming causes a rise in CO2….as admitted by the infamous Phil Jones.
Watching a documentary programme last night I was struck by the news that the earth’s core is cooling down as heat is being dissipated out from the surface into space. So, if the earth is cooling down it should be offset a little by the hot air spouted from the Climate Change missionaries.
This is clearly good news for 4 x4 drivers and the fine fellows of Top Gear but bad news for windmills and those of a sandal predilection. I shall therefore now look forward with immense pride to the BBC headlines next week; “Ali Akbar – WE SHALL ALL BE SAVED & burn more coal in Salford”!
There was also the little matter of the earth’s magnetic poles may reverse soon, which it does every few hundred thousand years, and during the changeover we may all be subject to a lot of nasty radiation that could cause an extinction event. This is of course all the fault of Mrs Thatcher and the Coalition, supported by the EDL.
These amateurs have no idea, and are like rats in a barrel. If they could only break away from the politically induced mental block that prevents them looking at weather from space, they would find the answer.
The Hale Magnetic Cycle is a weather oscillation that lasts four solar cycles or an average of 44 years but does not effect long term climate change as the effect evens out over four solar cycles. This is caused by the Suns magnetic polarity changing every two solar cycles allowing an increase and decrease of cosmic rays at the Earths magnetic poles, as they oscillate with the Galactic magnetic field.
So the Sun changes its magnetic polarity every 22 years and the morons at the BBC never notice this, so you can see that this will simply change the weather regime, while the morons at the BBC will give everyone a scare as serious as the millennium bug.
And for gods sake, do not tell anyone at the BBC, that over 90 percent of the mass of the Earth is hot enough to melt rocks.
I`ll not add to what I said on the Open Thread about this joke of a story.
Dr Alice won`t have done a days farming in her life, which is why Today got her on to push the “global boiling” notion , so beloved at the BBC.
What the hell would the Indiana bloke know about farming and drought in his own state…he had no “Climate Change” addendum to his “stiff“kit” , so it would be Alice that was needing the grants.
Whole tenor of the piece was despicable-being brow beaten by prep school bastards of newsreaders from the 70s is NOT what the farmers of the mid West need at the moment.
The BBC sees no harm in stepping over the dead of Aurora to sneer at the NRA…nor does it fail to blame the USA for its own natural disasters, when Gaia screams from the BBCs creche, like a sad-eyed mummy.
We really need a Pat Buchanan in over there to ensure the likes of Webby and Balls never get another chance to spread their man-made oil slicks round about Cape Cod again…ban these traitors from your shores long enough for us to restore the death penalty for traitors please!
The BritishBrainwashingCorporation – reigning Olympic Piddling-In-The-Wind champions.
I’d love to see where all the evidence of the BritishBrainwashingCorporation’s clear impartiality on so-called climate change is.
And there was no ‘sceptic’ involved in this piece?
Well, blow me down.
Biased as ever.