When the latest British GDP figures were about to be released the BBC treated us to frequent doom laden warnings of what they would contain…and when they were released John Humphrys called them ‘apocalyptic’ having fallen 0.7%.
(However since the Coalition took over the GDP figures have only fallen a total of 0.3% overall.)
The USA has just released its figures…no fanfare of catastrophe from the BBC, in fact very little comment at all….none on Today or on the news(on the radio).
Growth in the US economy slowed in the second quarter to an annualised pace of 1.5%, as consumer spending eased.
The 1.5% annual pace in the second quarter is equivalent to 0.4% quarter-on-quarter growth.
Note….no comparison with previous figures showing by how much the economy has slowed until right at the very end…… whilst figures that were revised upwards have been highlighted in the first paragraph.
So what were the previous quarter’s figures? Two percent…..so GDP fell 0.5%…….must be very close to Humphrys’ ‘apocalypse’ surely?
Real gross domestic product — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property
located in the United States — increased at an annual rate of 1.5 percent in the second quarter of 2012,
(that is, from the first quarter to the second quarter), according to the “advance” estimate released by the
Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the first quarter, real GDP increased 2.0 percent.
That is the first paragraph of this…..funny the BBC miss out that very salient point!
Note also that when Balls & Co say that the economy was recovering when they were booted out of office and it is the Coalition’s policies that are dragging the economy under perhaps the BBC would like to ask them to explain how the same pattern of economic activity occurred in the US:
The new estimates show that economic activity fell by 3.1 percent in 2009 and then rose by 2.4 percent in 2010. The government previously reported that activity fell by 3.5 percent in 2009 before rising 3 percent in 2010. The estimated pace of growth in 2011, 1.8 percent, remained basically unchanged. It was previously reported as 1.7 percent.
Another question…..just how is that STIMULUS doing for Ya?
How to correctly predict how the BBC will report a story?
Ask yourself how would a Labour Party spin merchant report it.
How to correctly predict the content of Newsnight?
Ask yourself how The Guardian would cover an issue.
When do you realise that the BBC is pushing a Leftist agenda?
After watching/listening/reading 10 minutes worth of BBC content.
How do you stop paying for the BBC?
You don’t.
Hang on a minute….where’s my script….ah, here it is:
The US economy is still struggling because we’re affected by the problems in the Eurozone and because those awful Tea Party Republicans have blocked the President’s every attempt to fix things.
Did I get it about right?