About 30 people are staging a Justice for Bhopal protest at the entrance to the Olympic Park. Around 20 of them are taking part in a “die-in”, lying down outside the gates covered in sheets to protest against Dow Chemical’s corporate sponsorship of the Games.
While the BBC sees fit to report “about 30” people protesting Dow Chemical’s sponsorship of the games it has no time to report on at least 200 people in Trafalgar Square!
Silences have been held around Britain to mark 40 years since 11 Israeli athletes were murdered during the 1972 Munich Olympics.
More than 20,000 people joined the Zionist Federation organised “Minute for Munich”, a virtual silence conducted by individuals wherever they were at 11am, that had been promoted on social media.
A short memorial service at the Israeli Embassy and planned by the ZF was streamed live online from 10.45am, in which the memorial prayer was recited and memorial candles were lit.
Around 200 people marked the Minute for Munich in Trafalgar Square. In front of journalists and television crews from around the world they waved British and Israeli flags before observing the minute’s silence.
“In front of journalists and television crews from around the world”
More than 20,000 people in various venues in London attended the British Zionist Federation’s “Minute for Munich” program that was promoted via social media.
A short memorial service at the Israeli Embassy that was organized by the Zionist Federation was streamed live online today, according to the London Jewish Chronicle.
About 200 people marked the Minute for Munich in Trafalgar Square, reciting memorial prayers and lighting memorial candles. Afterwards, they waved British and Israeli flags in front of media who attended the event.
“The British Jewish community is showing its solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel,” the British Israel Coalition’s Ari Soffer told the crowd, according to the Chronicle. “We should not allow this tragedy to go uncommemorated. This is a time to show our respect and remember the dead.”
The families of the victims of the 1972 Munich massacre, in which 11 Israeli Olympics athletes and coaches were murdered by Palestinian terrorists, have mounted a global campaign to get the International Olympic Committee to hold an official moment of silence at the Games. The IOC continues to reject the call, despite its being endorsed by President Obama, GOP presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney, the U.S. Senate, the German Bundestag, the Canadian and Australian parliaments, about 50 members of the British Parliament, the Israeli government, Jewish organizations worldwide and about 100 members of Australia’s Parliament.
I hate to be super picky about this, and perhaps I’m grasping at straws here to find bias under the bed, but that BBC article doesn’t say the Palestinians killed any Israelis. Instead, it says that the Israelis were killed when the Palestinians attacked the apartments and took them hostage, then goes on to say that “many of those who died” were killed in the botched rescue effort. This leads to the impression of shifting blame away from the Palestinians. One could easily infer that most of the Israeli victims were killed in the rescue effort, and not by the Palestinians, rather than the reality that they killed two of the Israelis right away, and then killed the rest of them when negotiations failed.
Then, to further lessen the burden on the Palestinians, the article reports that all of them were eventually “killed” by the Israelis. Yet the Beeboid editor who put this together doesn’t use that verb when discussing what the Palestinians did in the first place. Plus, if one has already assumed that the Palestinians didn’t even kill most of the Israelis, this would seem a bit harsh, just another disproportionate response from the nasty Israelis.
Israelis killed all the Palestinians, but we’re not allowed to know that the Palestinians killed all the Israelis, and in fact are given reason to believe that they didn’t even kill many of them.
I know I’m probably being overly picky here, but it did jump out at me.
So it is, I’m not, and if that headline deserved a URL repeated it’s this one… http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/andrewgilligan/100172882/london-not-alive-with-the-spirit-of-the-olympics/
The BBC, telling the truth, and the welfare state celebrated via the medium of dance in HD via a £4Bpa propaganda monopoly channel that has long lost its credibility abroad as much as at home.
If that is not a cue to forgoe the idiot box and hit the beaches I no not what is.
The Newsnight desponds were really going for it last night – perhaps it was their last chance of getting their Olympic schizophrenia out of their systems before the games begin. Is their a more negative, out of touch, morose offering on TV at the moment?
Same for Vicky Pollard. From what seems to have been a three month, never-ending tidal wave of cynicism, carping and negativity, the instant transformation of some in the BBC to Olympo-enthusiasts seems a tad synthetic – perhaps they have seen the numbers of real people turning out to enjoy the spectacle, people who haven’t signed up to their whinging narrative.
Never mind, it fills up their (Co-operative?) Bank account at the end of the month.
I see the BBC are in overdrive with their blatant contempt for Mit Romney; they’ve given up all pretense of being impartial… the main news is even in on the act. They hate him, absolutely hate him… I wonder why? So what? He said a few diplomatically clumsy words and is not, as of yet, as polished a speaker or social pragmatist as Obama or Hilary Clinton but I don’t ever recall the BBC and Sky laying into Obama with such intensity when he famously removed the statue bust of Winston Churchill from atop of the White House fire place! (A real gestural snub, in my book)
Can you blame anyone for manifesting some apprehension over the security and organization of these games, especially after the interminable moaning and negative publicity that our MSM has been churning out? After all, the man was just repeating what he’d heard…. but the problem is, he’s a white anglo-saxon Christian who holds traditional values… and so the BBC immediately treat him as a redneck racist. I thought the way of arrogant MSM treated the man was DISGRACEFUL!
A guide to how much the BBC ‘supports’ the story is how easy it is to find it on the Internet, particularly if you don’t know precisely what you are looking for.
Off-the-message reports do occasionally slip to the BBC. A fair rule of thumb is how the BBC promotes/ relegates on the website. In descending order: Is there a link on the site home page? … the news home page? … the area home page? If there is a link how long does it remain? Favoured narratives stay weeks or even months. Less favoured disappear quickly if they appear at all.
Christopher Hitchens once described George Galloway as being “either at your feet or at your throat”.
Same image does nicely for the BBC in its Royal or Olympic coverage.
That it lies(and that`s the word) continually at the feet of Uncle Joe Stalin and all who still miss his certainties-like the EU/UN and(of course) the Laborliarz we`re saddled with-is only now to be expected.
Their continual slop buckets and spittoons get sloshed around or thrown in our faces-with lots of virtuous sounding hypocrisy and platitudes that stink to high hell-and we`re the mugs that bankroll the oozing of bile, pus and effluent that the BBC care to drip into and onto us.
Fuck`em…to the power of infinity and beyond..they`ll get theirs soon please God!
All the stories above are tails to pin on the Beebs fat arse-anyone got a Tazer to insert into them?
Interesting blog entry from Peter Hitchens about the BBC’s coverage of Cuba:
The ‘Mandela’ you’ve never heard of
Even Nelson Mandela must get tired of the adulation he attracts. Yes, he opposed a nasty tyranny; yes, he was generous to his defeated foes.
But others, equally if not more deserving of honour, are forgotten and ignored.
One of these is the incredibly brave Oswaldo Paya, who for many lonely, hard years defied the Castro dictatorship in Cuba. Unlike Mandela, he never supported the resort to violence.
Former South African president Nelson Mandela looks on as he celebrates his 94th birthday at his house in Qunu, Eastern Cape
Former South African president Nelson Mandela looks on as he celebrates his 94th birthday at his house in Qunu, Eastern Cape
Now he is dead, in a rather mysterious car crash. It comes nine months after the even odder decease of Laura Pollan, another brave foe of the Castros, who went down with a mystery illness and was cremated within two hours of her death.
In an unintended compliment to Mr Paya, secret police arrested 50 of the courageous Cubans who dared to attend his funeral.
You have probably never heard of him because most of the British media – especially the BBC – are still soft on the Cuban communist dictatorship. But he is as great as Mandela, if not greater.
Classic FM news on the hour is every bit as pro-labour as the BBC. Shame that an otherwise enjoyable station lets itself down in this way along with their horribly frequent ads for “Wonga.com”.
Left-wing bias must be something to do with taxpayer subsidies – most orchestras that play on Classic FM are subsidised by the taxpayer. The station wouldn’t exist without them.
I know this post is not specifically about BBC bias, but has anyone else noticed how Sky News is starting to emulate the BBC with taking a “liberal-left” attitude in its output?
Last night they broadcast an interview with an old trout who writes for the Chicago Sun-Times about Romney’s so-called gaffe about the London Olympics ( I thought it fair comment after all the negative publicity about the security problems and the cock-ups such as flying the wrong Korean flag, etc). The journalist was nothing more than a shill for Obama. Her partisanship was glaringly obvious, disparaging the contender as being unfit for President where Obama is a wonderful diplomat, Romney only visiting Israel to shore up the Jewish vote, fundraising in London (oh, the shame of it!) and being a multi millionaire totally out of touch with the American people. In fact her whole diatribe seemed to have been written by the White House spin machine. At no time was she interrupted by Sky’s female newsreader and not even challenged about her comments, or even asked her opinion of Obama’s numerous gaffes.
Now this afternoon, Sky broadcasting seemingly endless footage of Michelle Obama whooping it up with the Olympic athletes and being praised by the reporter for her food fascism, sorry, concern about obesity in the population.
To top it all off Adam Boulton conducted an interview with both Polly Toynbee AND Yasmin AliBORE Brown who were slagging off big business involvement in the Olympics and (Brown especially) being definitely anti-American. The site of those two harridans was too much and I switched off the TV.
I’ve also noticed how Sky increasingly have two lefties reviewing the morning papers, e.g contributors (I refuse to call them journalists) from the Guardian and the New Statesman, or the Guardian and the Independent together.
It may be I’m so fed up with the blatant propaganda being spewed out by the BBC that I’m being a bit too sensitive over Sky, but it does seem that since Murdoch’s proposed take-over fell through, they seem to be going the same way as our National Broadcaster. The only consolation is that I am not forced to pay for Sky under threat of fine or imprisonment.
I’ve no doubt that the journos at Sky are just as fully paid-up members of metro-lefty central as their friends at the BBC. The difference is that I am not compelled by the state to pay for them. As a matter of interest, I would expect Sky to be as much an enabler of the CAGW fraud as the BBC since the Murdochs – on evidence of the Times position on same (cf Times editorials without number and the Times monthly propaganda sheet “science” magazine (Eureka)) – are convinced warmists. It’s odd though that Fox News is in the Murdoch stable but, there again, I suspect it’s a real money-spinner and, let’s face it, other things being equal, money doesn’t talk – it screams!
“The site of those two harridans was too much and I switched off the TV.”
I actually switched over to the BBC, which happened to be better at that time. I did notice that their coverage of the Olympic flotilla showed some evidence of preparation and research – perhaps they do listen occasionally.
As for Polly Toynbee and Yasmin whatever-her-name-is, best to get them out of the way all at once.
Just before 6pm Sky news doing an outside broadcast with an interview which included two media hacks asking for their views on the Olympics – the airheaded Zoé Williams from the Guardian and some bloke from the New Statesman. Are the hacks from the Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Daily Mail, The Sun, etc. all on holiday? I switched to another channel for an hour and returned to Sky only to be confronted with a huge close-up of Michelle Obama being interviewed and then being praised by a number of talking heads. Switched off again.
At this rate I’ll be getting my news online if Sky go the way of the BBC.
This is entirely unrelated, but thought it worth spreading as much as possible. Of all the people that have arrived on our shores (and still are), I think this man has more than earned his place amongst us. If you agree, spread the word – post to facebook, tweet etc…
If we can allow illegal immigrants, foreign criminals and terrorists to stay, we should certainly allow a man who has served 13 years in our armed forces to stay.
This is the editorial reply to a series of complaints I have made concerning what I view as a sustained attack on the work ethic of the British or more specifically the English. This began when the BBc aired “The day the migrants went home” which was part of the “white” series. Readers of Biased BBC the Forum will know the background on this. All I will say is make of this what you will:
I am writing as promised in my letter of 14 May, to let you know the results of my investigation into your complaint. I am sorry that you remain dissatisfied despite the responses you have received from the BBC and I hope I can address your concerns here. I have now watched the program, reviewed your correspondence, and given BBC News the opportunity to respond to the points you raise.
You felt that a report in the program gave a one-sided view of the work ethic of British people. In particular you were concerned that the views of an Albanian chef and a restaurateur – that the British were lazy, and that migrant workers worked harder- were not balanced by contrary views, and their comments were inaccurate.
The comments which caused you concern came during a report on the effect of immigration on British workers, and a report which had said that between 1995 and 2010 some 160,00 British workers had lost work as a result of immigration. Correspondent Matt Prodger then reported from a hotel in London which employed only three British people from a staff of 35. The Hotel’s Head Chef gave his view on this:
Gentian Ndreu: Some British workers they feel a bit lazy than foreign workers. Foreign workers they do give 110%.
Viewers then heard from his manager:
MP: He is not alone in that view. His boss, who is British-born reckons 1% of the job applications he receives come from his fellow countrymen.
James Bray: We get a much higher number of applications from foreign workers than we do from British workers. Then furthermore, it tends to be the foreign workers that possess the skills we are looking for.
MP: Do they work harder than British workers?
JB: We tend to find that they have a far stronger work ethic.
Taking the accuracy of the comments first, I must say it seemed very clear to me that what we were hearing were not undisputed facts but the opinion of two people – albeit Individuals of managing staff in an industry which employs a high number of migrant workers and therefore a degree of insight. Their views were clearly presented as just that-I note, for instance that the script referred to Mr Ndreu’s “view” as being shared by his boss. Mr Bray’s Accountwas based on the applications he received (and what he “reckoned” of thoses numbers) and while this might have been taken to offer some evidence to support his take on matters, it did not seem to me that it was inany sense being suggested that he was qualified to speak as an expert on British workersas a whole. Mr Bray said the stronger work ethic of foreign workers was what “they tend to find” which is clearly some way from asserting that is an inarguable fact. The reporter closed this section of the report by saying that:
MP: while hotels like this one may see migrant workers as their lifeblood, there is resentment elsewhere in the neighbourhood.
Accordingly I felt that the Viewer would have been clear that what they heard in this part of the report were opinions on the part of the employees at one hotel which employed a number of migrant workers, rather than inarguable facts. The perspectives were clearly relevant to a piece looking at a report which noted that this sector employs a great number of migrant workers, displacing British workers. I think that viewers would be clear on the difference between a fact and an opinion, and I can’t see any grounds on which to consider that they would have believed these comments to be factually accurate accounts of the British worker. It is hard therefore to conclude that they would have been misled by them.
On impartiality, you have said that these comments should have been balanced by opposing views. As you know from earlier correspondence, the program did include two “vox-pops” from people critical of immigration, who put in that there were too many people coming from abroad to take jobs which should be taken by young people here, and that there were not enough jobs to sustain more immigrants to Britain. These comments did not of course go to the particular question of the work ethic of the British person, but as I have noted above, I do not believe that anyone would have been misled into thinking that they had heard a factual account of that work ethic, such as to require a correction.
I accept that nevertheless you feel that a balancing view should have been given. However the Editorial Guidelines do not require that every point is always balanced by a contrary view – this would be impractical, if not impossible to achieve, particularly in a piece of this length. Instead they refer to a requirement for “due” impartiality- that is impartiality which is “adequate and appropriate” in the context of the output. This was a short piece on the impact of immigration on Britain and British workers, which contained multiple perspectives on different aspects of complex questions. I can’t agree that balance in this would require that a voice was heard speaking for the British work ethic, any more than I would expect the views expressed in the vox pops to have been balanced by people who believed that more jobs should go to immigrants.
My earlier letter to you reffered to the guidelines on “vox pops”. Typically this phrase refers to a selection of contributions from a range of people approached in a public place to offer their opinions, rather than, as in this case, people who were sought out because of their relevant experience. In any case, I must say that the requirement described in this guideline for an appropriate range of views was met by the contribution of the man and woman who spoke against immigration.
It seems to me that over the piece as a whole, balance was achieved. Voices in favour of and against immigration and migrant labour were heard, and the complex questions of the impact on British workers was explored with reference to two separate research groups with different opinions. I don’t believe that impartiality required that the views you disagreed with were balanced by opposing views, or that viewers would have been misled as a result of their contribution, and I am not therefore able to uphold your complaint.
Complaints director
I work part time on this sector and have seen Brit workers replaced wholesale.
You hear the phrase; Brits are too lazy to do this work. However the reality is very different because in many instances the employer is breaking working time regulations, H&S regulations etc, etc. In many cases the immigrants often do not know the regulations and British workers do and refuse to work like this. Immigrants often have different standards and are happy to share a room/house with 14 other people.
The whole point is that given the employment situation only people with desirable skills should be allowed into the country and then on a limited contract basis.
Whenever does the BBC unritically transmit the opinions of empoyers? Only when it suits the BBC agenda, which in this case is ‘all brits are lazy racists – look how hard the Somalis work…’. I think that exploiting workers is quite popular amongst certain classes of employer. Also the migrant labour is strongly motivated by the foot in the door to UK welfareism – the massive public subsidy that they get – free housing, education, health, per-child payment (even if the child resides in the parent land). All these benefits are discounted by the ‘british worker’ as they are already in receipt of them. In essence we have greedy employers importing low wage unskilled Labour (the capital is used advisedly there) because it is massively subsidised by the UK taxpayer and the Chicom Politbureau.
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of indigenous idle lay-abouts living off the tax taken from my income – and plent of hard working Poles etc.; that is not the point – the BBC opts to to make racial disctinctiosn between the indigenous population (lazy, greedy, stupid, fat, sluttish, drunken, agressive) and the incoming population (hard working, motivated, pious etc). It does this often and consistently. It fits within its heirarchy of victimhood, because it will then charachterise the selfsame lazy sluttish drunken (etc) lot as victims of ‘Fatcher / tory Kutz who pray every morning for a job, any job. It is just that that immigrants have a higher score in the BBC priority listing.
‘It seems to me and that over the piece as a whole, balance was achieved. .. I don’t believe that impartiality required that the views you disagreed with were balanced by opposing views… I am not therefore able to uphold your complaint.
Not really even maintaining the pretence any more, are they?
Classic ‘belief’ in rectitude based on a set of parameters they set themselves resulting in another result for the 110% complaint rejection tractor stats.
Goebells would approve.
‘the Editorial Guidelines do not require that every point is always balanced by a contrary view – this would be impractical, if not impossible to achieve, particularly in a piece of this length.’
This is classic leftist rationale. Make an assertion to be a fundamental fact that is unchallengeable. What is remotely difficult about point-counterpoint?
The answer, of course, is nothing. What a thing to be able to make up your own rules, ignore your own rules, then decide whether or not you broke your own rules.
Well done for persevering with your complaint to the BBC, but I suspect you’re not surprised by the outcome.
This was a disgracefully biased programme, contrasting two carefully selected groups with the inevitable (intentional?) result should that one of them would come out looking very bad indeed.
Even many of the comments on the Guardian TV review saw right through the bias of the BBC. Unfortunately lots didn’t, and were left with the impression of lazy useless Britons.
Perhaps most importantly, this programme was broadcast just a few weeks before the general election. It was a primetime and heavily promoted election broadcast on behalf of the Labour party, and especially supportive of their immigration policy – one of the most controversial aspects of Labour’s time in power.
Evan Davis is hopelessly biased on immigration. Another programme of his “Breaking into Britain” claimed to “uncover the truth about immigration” – that it was nothing more than blatant pro-immigration propaganda. I was going to complain, but I don’t think my blood pressure could take it.
That’s not a bad reply on the whole. Nice work for getting the BBC to make what appears to be a real effort to analyze and respond.
Having said that, surely the opinions that English workers are lazy and useless are not actually balanced out by the two vox pops criticizing immigration. Even the Beeboid response drone realized that, yet it seems to be a get-out-of-bias-free card anyway.
I have worked in both distribution and retail. My experience is not reflected in any by this. I had stated that I was not interested in the chef’s remarks as if that is what he thinks. that’s what he thinks fair enough. The initial response from the BBC was that I was unhappy about what he had said which cetainly was not the case. I was unhaappy about the slant of this and other articles. . I do know people who do actually believe almost everything if it’s on the tv. The BBC did at one stage say this was balanced by other output. As I have never seen the BBC run an article about what hard workers the English / British are I questioned this and suprise they were unable to give me any examples.
So… basically they ‘summarised’ your complaint the way it suited, and incorrectly, and dismissed it based on a vague justification whilst leaving substantive points unaddressed?
Sounds just about typical of a BBC Complaint response to me.
Kick it up to ECU and then Trust (as ECU will simply ‘investigate’ and decide they were right all along. Actually the Trust will too, but they do get jittery by this stage).
Stick with the facts and what they have misrepresented and/or not answered.
It won’t get you anywhere further of course, but once they start packing their replies with bits from the EdGuds that essentially say ‘actually we can do what we like, when we like’ you will know they know they have lost and are again hiding behind their risible, rigged system.
Print it here, and others will know it too.
And every one is a nail in the coffin of their so-called responsive complaints system’s credibility.
Not been listening much to the old leftie bugle today, so I was wondering if this story of the fascistic antics of the leftie/green Brighton council has been covered anywhere:
You have to pinch yourself sometimes when you’re reading this kind of stuff.
Perhaps the more enlightened visitors to this site can explain to us intolerant right-wing bigots how we are out of touch with modern Britain on this one.
I’ve just been watching the 6pm news with Fiona Bruce on BBC1 – lots of interviews with lots of people who will be participating in tonight’s opening ceremony – will any of them (apart from Beckham) be white – because watching the BBC gives me the impression that they will all be black.
Funny that, because I was just thinking the same thing – I just turned on BBC one to be confronted by someone called Dizzy Rascal. No idea what he does, probably a mugger or something but there was some awful shouty noise going on so I muted the sound. I looked up a couple of minutes later and there was lots of clips of some brown chap running around ha! and now that Balding lesbian bloke has appeared and has chosen, from a crowd of predominently white people, to interview a lady of west indian descent…..this is quite funny viewing but can’t bring myself to turn the sound on. Ok…I just turned the sound on….what inane drivel, is this what the jubilee coverage was like?
I’m sick of the bbcs coverage of the olympics already. Political all the way, as is to be expected. I was in Tel Aviv for the jubilee, how I wish I was there now, supping a Goldberg.
I’ve just watched the first couple of minutes of the opening. What the Hell were they thinking I knew it would be bad but this is Samantha Fox Mick Fleetwood legendary bad.
What are you complaining about – the Windrush sailed into the stadium (something I predicted the instant that we ‘won’ the games.
Beeboid said “that’s my kind of history lesson” after the complete crap of an idyllic past peopled by a decidedly vibrant and happy population is smashed by nasty industrialists…. Yes BBC, your kind of history lession – completely made up to make a point.
I despair. F*** – soap operas now. Will this hell never end?
Ha, ha, it’s a beeboids wet dream alright. It seems our history started with Brunel, completely ignoring the thousands of years of history before it. The trouble is that would include the sort of history these lefty twats hate like beating the frogs and (whisper it) the empire. Mind you, what do you expect – dark satanic mills and then the Windrush – hoorah – our real history finally begins – then it’s the sixties and Harry Potter. Jeez, who came up with this shit? Looking at the actors it seems our mills were populated by West Indians – something I didn’t know. And where did they get that orchestra from? It’s the most diverse/multiculti one I’ve ever seen. Two more weeks of this shite.
The British media has its knickers in a twist about comments made by Mitt Romney about the security problems at the London Olympics. I wonder where he got THAT idea from? Wait – of course – he must have been reading and watching the British media.
I liked the way the white woman in the mini had a mixed kid and the obligatory black boyfriend in the house. Beeb are loving it – NHS, kids in wheelchairs, downtrodden workers – the full works. The bit with the queen/daniel Craig was good, though. Liz was up for it. The rest of it’s bollocks.
For extra authenticity they should have given her a black eye. He of course would not have just one mixed race child but lots of kids all over the place (none of which he pays for).
Beeboid’s Ms HARRISON reports Britain’s over-crowded primary schools, but omits MASS IMMIGRATION!
Compare 1.) and 2.):-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:
“The future well-being and education of our children will be compromised if we don’t do something about immigration”
Nice to see that the socialist-realist school is not dead – it must have made a few old CP members watching in Eastern Europe feel quite nostalgic. Puffing the NHS to the world was downright weird.
They’ve been pushing the NHS as a world service for a while now – what this means is that the world uses it but WE pay for it. Free at the point of entry – all foreigners hear is free.
We knew back then that Barclay’s had sucked up to the Mohammedan oil sheiks for emergency capital, so this isn’t really a big deal. I expect most people will yawn at more noise about a few bankers’ fees at this point.
Peston already got his scalp (Bob Diamond), so doesn’t much care that Barclays is actually doing okay in the end. It must have also pained him greatly to write that the UK economy is merely stagnating and not going down the toilet.
shouldn t the Pallys reps, walked in with the Independents?
their latest “stunt”
“Unesco’s World Heritage committee has approved a Palestinian bid to place the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem on its list of sites of World Heritage in Danger – a move seen by some nations as dangerously mixing politics and culture.
Palestinian spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi said the vote was an affirmation of Palestinian “sovereignty” 😀 over the site that marks the place where Christians believe Jesus was born.
Israel angrily denounced the vote, with foreign ministry spokeswoman Ilana Stein saying the decision “has turned Unesco into a theatre of the absurd”.
Sky is as left wing bias as the BBC, they also buy some of their news from the BBC.
We have no competition on our airways at all. Also most of the newsreaders on Sky are ex BBC.
After the demiseof BskyB we are dominated by the left wing.
‘No, not really. It’s just my little joke, based on pretending to take people like the BBC’s resident climate activists David Shukman, Richard Black and Roger Harrabin seriously.’
The BBCs “David Bond” is being torn limb from limb in the comments section in the link below, for his negative and ill informed reports on the Olympic cycling road race…The amount of comments that have been “removed” for breaking BBC “house rules” is telling.
Chicago likes to compare itself to other world cities, so Ward Room thought it would find out how we rank in violence. It turns out no one can top us. Among what are considered Alpha world cities, Chicago has the highest murder rate — higher even than the Third World metropolises of Mexico City and Sao Paolo. Here’s how we rank in murders per 100,000 among cities we consider our peers, based on a projected murder total of 505 for this year.
Singapore 0.4
Tokyo 0.5
Hong Kong 0.6
Berlin 1.0
Sydney 1.0
London 1.4
Toronto 1.7
Amsterdam 1.8
Paris 4.4
New York 6.0
Los Angeles 7.5
Mexico City 8.0
Moscow 9.6
Sao Paolo 15.6
Chicago 19.4
We could be doing worse: Caracas, Venezuela has a murder rate of 130 per 100,000.
And Venezuela just banned private gun ownership. Yeah, that’ll work. Those murders are all done by ordinary citizens who would otherwise be totally harmless if they couldn’t legally buy an AK-47, right? I await the BBC special report on all this.
While comparing figures, here’s a statistic to give pause for thought:
“A United Nations study on the Caribbean said Jamaica has had the world’s third-highest murder rate over the past decade, with about 60 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.”
While OBAMA, and Islam Not BBC (INBBC) support Muslim Brotherhood, ROMNEY supports ISRAEL in (for INBBC’s information), the capital of Israel, JERUSALEM.
“Romney would back Israeli strike against Iran, senior adviser says.”
Meanwhile, Mardell wrinkles his nose at Romney’s statements, suggesting – hiding behind the journalist’s smokescreen, “others say” – that he might be a warmonger. Even though the Nobel-Peace-Laureate-in-Chief bombs the crap out of people in new countries, has assassinated US citizens in cold blood without due process of law, and escalated both of Cowboy Bush’s wars, Mardell has never suggested that anyone would call The Obamessiah a warmonger.
Ah, I just realized why the Beeboids really hate Romney: he says Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel. Yeah, it’s only that wingnut Republican tool, Jennifer Rubin, but surely at least one Beeboid reads it since she’s a blogger for the Washington Post. Funny how Mardell forgot to mention it, though. The Jewish Lobby must own Romney now, right, BBC?
I’m not sure that they hate Romney as much as they hate Sara Palin. The BBC is firmly in the re-elect Obama camp which means that giving Obama’s lack of achievement in his first term; his failure to live up to the expectations of his followers and his gaffes they have no choice but to lead personal attacks against whoever is not Obama.
The vote-for-anyone-not-Obama group is so high that demonising Romney is the only way to go. They won’t persuade anyone to move their vote from Romney to Obama but they may encourage a plague on both of them failure to vote at all.
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ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
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JohnCFeb 22, 22:38 Weekend 22nd February 2025 ‘Trump hasn’t got any plan’: Russians speak to BBC after three years of war https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckgd0vdg34qo ‘Oh’ I thought, why are…
No mention at all from the BBC about events to commemorate Israeli athletes murdered at ’72 Munich Olympics, but they do mention this:
1103: Sallie George, BBC News
About 30 people are staging a Justice for Bhopal protest at the entrance to the Olympic Park. Around 20 of them are taking part in a “die-in”, lying down outside the gates covered in sheets to protest against Dow Chemical’s corporate sponsorship of the Games.
The BBC: No Time For Dead Jews!
“No mention at all from the BBC about events to commemorate Israeli athletes murdered at ’72 Munich Olympics”
29 June 2012, almost a month ago.
And should the 2012 Olympics do more to mark the 40th anniversary of the Munich terror attack?
So dez, no mention of today’s events to commemorate those murdered Israeli athletes.
BTW, how do you get those short bbc URLs, something reserved for beeboids is it?
While the BBC sees fit to report “about 30” people protesting Dow Chemical’s sponsorship of the games it has no time to report on at least 200 people in Trafalgar Square!
Silences held despite IOC’s refusal to mark Munich at Opening Ceremony
“In front of journalists and television crews from around the world”
But not the BBC?
29 June 2012, almost a month ago.
That pesky BBC, reporting on news when it actually happens! The very idea!
BTW, how do you get those short bbc URLs, something reserved for beeboids is it?
Maybe he found links because they’ve recently been recirculated, e.g.:
That pesky BBC, reporting on news when it actually happens! The very idea!
No reporting on what actually happened today. So what’s your point?
Not newsworthy today:
More than 20,000 Londoners hold moment of silence for Munich
More than 20,000 people in various venues in London attended the British Zionist Federation’s “Minute for Munich” program that was promoted via social media.
A short memorial service at the Israeli Embassy that was organized by the Zionist Federation was streamed live online today, according to the London Jewish Chronicle.
About 200 people marked the Minute for Munich in Trafalgar Square, reciting memorial prayers and lighting memorial candles. Afterwards, they waved British and Israeli flags in front of media who attended the event.
“The British Jewish community is showing its solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel,” the British Israel Coalition’s Ari Soffer told the crowd, according to the Chronicle. “We should not allow this tragedy to go uncommemorated. This is a time to show our respect and remember the dead.”
The families of the victims of the 1972 Munich massacre, in which 11 Israeli Olympics athletes and coaches were murdered by Palestinian terrorists, have mounted a global campaign to get the International Olympic Committee to hold an official moment of silence at the Games. The IOC continues to reject the call, despite its being endorsed by President Obama, GOP presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney, the U.S. Senate, the German Bundestag, the Canadian and Australian parliaments, about 50 members of the British Parliament, the Israeli government, Jewish organizations worldwide and about 100 members of Australia’s Parliament.
That “pesky” BBC, indeed!
I hate to be super picky about this, and perhaps I’m grasping at straws here to find bias under the bed, but that BBC article doesn’t say the Palestinians killed any Israelis. Instead, it says that the Israelis were killed when the Palestinians attacked the apartments and took them hostage, then goes on to say that “many of those who died” were killed in the botched rescue effort. This leads to the impression of shifting blame away from the Palestinians. One could easily infer that most of the Israeli victims were killed in the rescue effort, and not by the Palestinians, rather than the reality that they killed two of the Israelis right away, and then killed the rest of them when negotiations failed.
Then, to further lessen the burden on the Palestinians, the article reports that all of them were eventually “killed” by the Israelis. Yet the Beeboid editor who put this together doesn’t use that verb when discussing what the Palestinians did in the first place. Plus, if one has already assumed that the Palestinians didn’t even kill most of the Israelis, this would seem a bit harsh, just another disproportionate response from the nasty Israelis.
Israelis killed all the Palestinians, but we’re not allowed to know that the Palestinians killed all the Israelis, and in fact are given reason to believe that they didn’t even kill many of them.
I know I’m probably being overly picky here, but it did jump out at me.
Your team at the beeb serves you well Dez; dark arts department is it?
Brown people dying at the hands of Evil Western Imperialist Corporations = Good, Dead Jews = Bad.
You have that backwards, Zemplar.
So it is, I’m not, and if that headline deserved a URL repeated it’s this one…
The BBC, telling the truth, and the welfare state celebrated via the medium of dance in HD via a £4Bpa propaganda monopoly channel that has long lost its credibility abroad as much as at home.
If that is not a cue to forgoe the idiot box and hit the beaches I no not what is.
The Newsnight desponds were really going for it last night – perhaps it was their last chance of getting their Olympic schizophrenia out of their systems before the games begin. Is their a more negative, out of touch, morose offering on TV at the moment?
Same for Vicky Pollard. From what seems to have been a three month, never-ending tidal wave of cynicism, carping and negativity, the instant transformation of some in the BBC to Olympo-enthusiasts seems a tad synthetic – perhaps they have seen the numbers of real people turning out to enjoy the spectacle, people who haven’t signed up to their whinging narrative.
Never mind, it fills up their (Co-operative?) Bank account at the end of the month.
I see the BBC are in overdrive with their blatant contempt for Mit Romney; they’ve given up all pretense of being impartial… the main news is even in on the act. They hate him, absolutely hate him… I wonder why? So what? He said a few diplomatically clumsy words and is not, as of yet, as polished a speaker or social pragmatist as Obama or Hilary Clinton but I don’t ever recall the BBC and Sky laying into Obama with such intensity when he famously removed the statue bust of Winston Churchill from atop of the White House fire place! (A real gestural snub, in my book)
Can you blame anyone for manifesting some apprehension over the security and organization of these games, especially after the interminable moaning and negative publicity that our MSM has been churning out? After all, the man was just repeating what he’d heard…. but the problem is, he’s a white anglo-saxon Christian who holds traditional values… and so the BBC immediately treat him as a redneck racist. I thought the way of arrogant MSM treated the man was DISGRACEFUL!
“I see the BBC are in overdrive with their blatant contempt for Mit Romney; they’ve given up all pretense of being impartial…”
Can you name ONE Republican President or candidate over the last 50 years. which the BBC did note HATE with a passion
lol I’m only 33 mate so will take your word for it 🙂
‘Can you name ONE Republican President or candidate over the last 50 years. which the BBC did note HATE with a passion?’
Last 50 years no. Before that………Abe Lincoln?
Teddy Roosevelt (except the hunting cute animals part, of course), because he went Progressive eventually.
South Africa.
BBC-NUJ recognises only white ‘racism’, not black ‘racism’.
BBC-NUJ does not report this:
“The murders so brutal they shocked even South Africa: Couple shot dead, then son aged 12 is drowned in scalding bath ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2179171/Walkerville-family-murders-Horrific-death-boy-12-drowned-boiling-water-robbers-raped-mother.html#ixzz21oiBQiAo
Nor this:
“Black racism and race hatred of non blacks”
But BBC-NUJ has this:
“Mandela plot: South African convicted of treason”
When the beeb decides to publish a headline, Dez will provide the link:
as he always does courtesy of his BBC team.
A guide to how much the BBC ‘supports’ the story is how easy it is to find it on the Internet, particularly if you don’t know precisely what you are looking for.
Off-the-message reports do occasionally slip to the BBC. A fair rule of thumb is how the BBC promotes/ relegates on the website. In descending order: Is there a link on the site home page? … the news home page? … the area home page? If there is a link how long does it remain? Favoured narratives stay weeks or even months. Less favoured disappear quickly if they appear at all.
News24 Yesterday, Cameron is making his speech and the running breaking news is showing tweets from Nadine Dorries.
Christopher Hitchens once described George Galloway as being “either at your feet or at your throat”.
Same image does nicely for the BBC in its Royal or Olympic coverage.
That it lies(and that`s the word) continually at the feet of Uncle Joe Stalin and all who still miss his certainties-like the EU/UN and(of course) the Laborliarz we`re saddled with-is only now to be expected.
Their continual slop buckets and spittoons get sloshed around or thrown in our faces-with lots of virtuous sounding hypocrisy and platitudes that stink to high hell-and we`re the mugs that bankroll the oozing of bile, pus and effluent that the BBC care to drip into and onto us.
Fuck`em…to the power of infinity and beyond..they`ll get theirs soon please God!
All the stories above are tails to pin on the Beebs fat arse-anyone got a Tazer to insert into them?
Interesting blog entry from Peter Hitchens about the BBC’s coverage of Cuba:
The ‘Mandela’ you’ve never heard of
Even Nelson Mandela must get tired of the adulation he attracts. Yes, he opposed a nasty tyranny; yes, he was generous to his defeated foes.
But others, equally if not more deserving of honour, are forgotten and ignored.
One of these is the incredibly brave Oswaldo Paya, who for many lonely, hard years defied the Castro dictatorship in Cuba. Unlike Mandela, he never supported the resort to violence.
Former South African president Nelson Mandela looks on as he celebrates his 94th birthday at his house in Qunu, Eastern Cape
Former South African president Nelson Mandela looks on as he celebrates his 94th birthday at his house in Qunu, Eastern Cape
Now he is dead, in a rather mysterious car crash. It comes nine months after the even odder decease of Laura Pollan, another brave foe of the Castros, who went down with a mystery illness and was cremated within two hours of her death.
In an unintended compliment to Mr Paya, secret police arrested 50 of the courageous Cubans who dared to attend his funeral.
You have probably never heard of him because most of the British media – especially the BBC – are still soft on the Cuban communist dictatorship. But he is as great as Mandela, if not greater.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2180295/Join-smiley-Cult-Five-Circles-Sorry-I-democratic-right-bored-Im-exercising-I-can.html#ixzz221qe3jpk
Classic FM in this house for the foreseeable future, and even then there’s no escape…
Classic FM news on the hour is every bit as pro-labour as the BBC. Shame that an otherwise enjoyable station lets itself down in this way along with their horribly frequent ads for “Wonga.com”.
Left-wing bias must be something to do with taxpayer subsidies – most orchestras that play on Classic FM are subsidised by the taxpayer. The station wouldn’t exist without them.
A contribution from the swingometer school of political analysis.
not BBC but a fun bit on the Guardian
I know this post is not specifically about BBC bias, but has anyone else noticed how Sky News is starting to emulate the BBC with taking a “liberal-left” attitude in its output?
Last night they broadcast an interview with an old trout who writes for the Chicago Sun-Times about Romney’s so-called gaffe about the London Olympics ( I thought it fair comment after all the negative publicity about the security problems and the cock-ups such as flying the wrong Korean flag, etc). The journalist was nothing more than a shill for Obama. Her partisanship was glaringly obvious, disparaging the contender as being unfit for President where Obama is a wonderful diplomat, Romney only visiting Israel to shore up the Jewish vote, fundraising in London (oh, the shame of it!) and being a multi millionaire totally out of touch with the American people. In fact her whole diatribe seemed to have been written by the White House spin machine. At no time was she interrupted by Sky’s female newsreader and not even challenged about her comments, or even asked her opinion of Obama’s numerous gaffes.
Now this afternoon, Sky broadcasting seemingly endless footage of Michelle Obama whooping it up with the Olympic athletes and being praised by the reporter for her food fascism, sorry, concern about obesity in the population.
To top it all off Adam Boulton conducted an interview with both Polly Toynbee AND Yasmin AliBORE Brown who were slagging off big business involvement in the Olympics and (Brown especially) being definitely anti-American. The site of those two harridans was too much and I switched off the TV.
I’ve also noticed how Sky increasingly have two lefties reviewing the morning papers, e.g contributors (I refuse to call them journalists) from the Guardian and the New Statesman, or the Guardian and the Independent together.
It may be I’m so fed up with the blatant propaganda being spewed out by the BBC that I’m being a bit too sensitive over Sky, but it does seem that since Murdoch’s proposed take-over fell through, they seem to be going the same way as our National Broadcaster. The only consolation is that I am not forced to pay for Sky under threat of fine or imprisonment.
I’ve no doubt that the journos at Sky are just as fully paid-up members of metro-lefty central as their friends at the BBC. The difference is that I am not compelled by the state to pay for them. As a matter of interest, I would expect Sky to be as much an enabler of the CAGW fraud as the BBC since the Murdochs – on evidence of the Times position on same (cf Times editorials without number and the Times monthly
propaganda sheet“science” magazine (Eureka)) – are convinced warmists. It’s odd though that Fox News is in the Murdoch stable but, there again, I suspect it’s a real money-spinner and, let’s face it, other things being equal, money doesn’t talk – it screams!“The site of those two harridans was too much and I switched off the TV.”
I actually switched over to the BBC, which happened to be better at that time. I did notice that their coverage of the Olympic flotilla showed some evidence of preparation and research – perhaps they do listen occasionally.
As for Polly Toynbee and Yasmin whatever-her-name-is, best to get them out of the way all at once.
update on my earlier post re Sky News…..
Just before 6pm Sky news doing an outside broadcast with an interview which included two media hacks asking for their views on the Olympics – the airheaded Zoé Williams from the Guardian and some bloke from the New Statesman. Are the hacks from the Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Daily Mail, The Sun, etc. all on holiday? I switched to another channel for an hour and returned to Sky only to be confronted with a huge close-up of Michelle Obama being interviewed and then being praised by a number of talking heads. Switched off again.
At this rate I’ll be getting my news online if Sky go the way of the BBC.
did they challenge Michelle to a push-ups contest?
gee no?
This is entirely unrelated, but thought it worth spreading as much as possible. Of all the people that have arrived on our shores (and still are), I think this man has more than earned his place amongst us. If you agree, spread the word – post to facebook, tweet etc…
If we can allow illegal immigrants, foreign criminals and terrorists to stay, we should certainly allow a man who has served 13 years in our armed forces to stay.
How f*cked up is this system?!?!
” How f*cked up is this system?!?! ”
yep sadly
This is the editorial reply to a series of complaints I have made concerning what I view as a sustained attack on the work ethic of the British or more specifically the English. This began when the BBc aired “The day the migrants went home” which was part of the “white” series. Readers of Biased BBC the Forum will know the background on this. All I will say is make of this what you will:
I am writing as promised in my letter of 14 May, to let you know the results of my investigation into your complaint. I am sorry that you remain dissatisfied despite the responses you have received from the BBC and I hope I can address your concerns here. I have now watched the program, reviewed your correspondence, and given BBC News the opportunity to respond to the points you raise.
You felt that a report in the program gave a one-sided view of the work ethic of British people. In particular you were concerned that the views of an Albanian chef and a restaurateur – that the British were lazy, and that migrant workers worked harder- were not balanced by contrary views, and their comments were inaccurate.
The comments which caused you concern came during a report on the effect of immigration on British workers, and a report which had said that between 1995 and 2010 some 160,00 British workers had lost work as a result of immigration. Correspondent Matt Prodger then reported from a hotel in London which employed only three British people from a staff of 35. The Hotel’s Head Chef gave his view on this:
Gentian Ndreu: Some British workers they feel a bit lazy than foreign workers. Foreign workers they do give 110%.
Viewers then heard from his manager:
MP: He is not alone in that view. His boss, who is British-born reckons 1% of the job applications he receives come from his fellow countrymen.
James Bray: We get a much higher number of applications from foreign workers than we do from British workers. Then furthermore, it tends to be the foreign workers that possess the skills we are looking for.
MP: Do they work harder than British workers?
JB: We tend to find that they have a far stronger work ethic.
Taking the accuracy of the comments first, I must say it seemed very clear to me that what we were hearing were not undisputed facts but the opinion of two people – albeit Individuals of managing staff in an industry which employs a high number of migrant workers and therefore a degree of insight. Their views were clearly presented as just that-I note, for instance that the script referred to Mr Ndreu’s “view” as being shared by his boss. Mr Bray’s Accountwas based on the applications he received (and what he “reckoned” of thoses numbers) and while this might have been taken to offer some evidence to support his take on matters, it did not seem to me that it was inany sense being suggested that he was qualified to speak as an expert on British workersas a whole. Mr Bray said the stronger work ethic of foreign workers was what “they tend to find” which is clearly some way from asserting that is an inarguable fact. The reporter closed this section of the report by saying that:
MP: while hotels like this one may see migrant workers as their lifeblood, there is resentment elsewhere in the neighbourhood.
Accordingly I felt that the Viewer would have been clear that what they heard in this part of the report were opinions on the part of the employees at one hotel which employed a number of migrant workers, rather than inarguable facts. The perspectives were clearly relevant to a piece looking at a report which noted that this sector employs a great number of migrant workers, displacing British workers. I think that viewers would be clear on the difference between a fact and an opinion, and I can’t see any grounds on which to consider that they would have believed these comments to be factually accurate accounts of the British worker. It is hard therefore to conclude that they would have been misled by them.
On impartiality, you have said that these comments should have been balanced by opposing views. As you know from earlier correspondence, the program did include two “vox-pops” from people critical of immigration, who put in that there were too many people coming from abroad to take jobs which should be taken by young people here, and that there were not enough jobs to sustain more immigrants to Britain. These comments did not of course go to the particular question of the work ethic of the British person, but as I have noted above, I do not believe that anyone would have been misled into thinking that they had heard a factual account of that work ethic, such as to require a correction.
I accept that nevertheless you feel that a balancing view should have been given. However the Editorial Guidelines do not require that every point is always balanced by a contrary view – this would be impractical, if not impossible to achieve, particularly in a piece of this length. Instead they refer to a requirement for “due” impartiality- that is impartiality which is “adequate and appropriate” in the context of the output. This was a short piece on the impact of immigration on Britain and British workers, which contained multiple perspectives on different aspects of complex questions. I can’t agree that balance in this would require that a voice was heard speaking for the British work ethic, any more than I would expect the views expressed in the vox pops to have been balanced by people who believed that more jobs should go to immigrants.
My earlier letter to you reffered to the guidelines on “vox pops”. Typically this phrase refers to a selection of contributions from a range of people approached in a public place to offer their opinions, rather than, as in this case, people who were sought out because of their relevant experience. In any case, I must say that the requirement described in this guideline for an appropriate range of views was met by the contribution of the man and woman who spoke against immigration.
It seems to me that over the piece as a whole, balance was achieved. Voices in favour of and against immigration and migrant labour were heard, and the complex questions of the impact on British workers was explored with reference to two separate research groups with different opinions. I don’t believe that impartiality required that the views you disagreed with were balanced by opposing views, or that viewers would have been misled as a result of their contribution, and I am not therefore able to uphold your complaint.
Complaints director
I work part time on this sector and have seen Brit workers replaced wholesale.
You hear the phrase; Brits are too lazy to do this work. However the reality is very different because in many instances the employer is breaking working time regulations, H&S regulations etc, etc. In many cases the immigrants often do not know the regulations and British workers do and refuse to work like this. Immigrants often have different standards and are happy to share a room/house with 14 other people.
The whole point is that given the employment situation only people with desirable skills should be allowed into the country and then on a limited contract basis.
Whenever does the BBC unritically transmit the opinions of empoyers? Only when it suits the BBC agenda, which in this case is ‘all brits are lazy racists – look how hard the Somalis work…’. I think that exploiting workers is quite popular amongst certain classes of employer. Also the migrant labour is strongly motivated by the foot in the door to UK welfareism – the massive public subsidy that they get – free housing, education, health, per-child payment (even if the child resides in the parent land). All these benefits are discounted by the ‘british worker’ as they are already in receipt of them. In essence we have greedy employers importing low wage unskilled Labour (the capital is used advisedly there) because it is massively subsidised by the UK taxpayer and the Chicom Politbureau.
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of indigenous idle lay-abouts living off the tax taken from my income – and plent of hard working Poles etc.; that is not the point – the BBC opts to to make racial disctinctiosn between the indigenous population (lazy, greedy, stupid, fat, sluttish, drunken, agressive) and the incoming population (hard working, motivated, pious etc). It does this often and consistently. It fits within its heirarchy of victimhood, because it will then charachterise the selfsame lazy sluttish drunken (etc) lot as victims of ‘Fatcher / tory Kutz who pray every morning for a job, any job. It is just that that immigrants have a higher score in the BBC priority listing.
‘It seems to me and that over the piece as a whole, balance was achieved. .. I don’t believe that impartiality required that the views you disagreed with were balanced by opposing views… I am not therefore able to uphold your complaint.
Not really even maintaining the pretence any more, are they?
Classic ‘belief’ in rectitude based on a set of parameters they set themselves resulting in another result for the 110% complaint rejection tractor stats.
Goebells would approve.
‘the Editorial Guidelines do not require that every point is always balanced by a contrary view – this would be impractical, if not impossible to achieve, particularly in a piece of this length.’
This is classic leftist rationale. Make an assertion to be a fundamental fact that is unchallengeable. What is remotely difficult about point-counterpoint?
The answer, of course, is nothing. What a thing to be able to make up your own rules, ignore your own rules, then decide whether or not you broke your own rules.
Well done for persevering with your complaint to the BBC, but I suspect you’re not surprised by the outcome.
This was a disgracefully biased programme, contrasting two carefully selected groups with the inevitable (intentional?) result should that one of them would come out looking very bad indeed.
Even many of the comments on the Guardian TV review saw right through the bias of the BBC. Unfortunately lots didn’t, and were left with the impression of lazy useless Britons.
Perhaps most importantly, this programme was broadcast just a few weeks before the general election. It was a primetime and heavily promoted election broadcast on behalf of the Labour party, and especially supportive of their immigration policy – one of the most controversial aspects of Labour’s time in power.
Evan Davis is hopelessly biased on immigration. Another programme of his “Breaking into Britain” claimed to “uncover the truth about immigration” – that it was nothing more than blatant pro-immigration propaganda. I was going to complain, but I don’t think my blood pressure could take it.
Correct I was indeed not supeisedsuprised. However if no one complains the bias will get larger and larger.
That’s not a bad reply on the whole. Nice work for getting the BBC to make what appears to be a real effort to analyze and respond.
Having said that, surely the opinions that English workers are lazy and useless are not actually balanced out by the two vox pops criticizing immigration. Even the Beeboid response drone realized that, yet it seems to be a get-out-of-bias-free card anyway.
I have worked in both distribution and retail. My experience is not reflected in any by this. I had stated that I was not interested in the chef’s remarks as if that is what he thinks. that’s what he thinks fair enough. The initial response from the BBC was that I was unhappy about what he had said which cetainly was not the case. I was unhaappy about the slant of this and other articles. . I do know people who do actually believe almost everything if it’s on the tv. The BBC did at one stage say this was balanced by other output. As I have never seen the BBC run an article about what hard workers the English / British are I questioned this and suprise they were unable to give me any examples.
So… basically they ‘summarised’ your complaint the way it suited, and incorrectly, and dismissed it based on a vague justification whilst leaving substantive points unaddressed?
Sounds just about typical of a BBC Complaint response to me.
Kick it up to ECU and then Trust (as ECU will simply ‘investigate’ and decide they were right all along. Actually the Trust will too, but they do get jittery by this stage).
Stick with the facts and what they have misrepresented and/or not answered.
It won’t get you anywhere further of course, but once they start packing their replies with bits from the EdGuds that essentially say ‘actually we can do what we like, when we like’ you will know they know they have lost and are again hiding behind their risible, rigged system.
Print it here, and others will know it too.
And every one is a nail in the coffin of their so-called responsive complaints system’s credibility.
An OTT anti-Romney hatchet job from Obamardell – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-19015278
“Is there such a thing as being not an honoured guest, but a dishonoured one? If so, Mr Romney is one.”
The rest is equally bad
Not been listening much to the old leftie bugle today, so I was wondering if this story of the fascistic antics of the leftie/green Brighton council has been covered anywhere:
You have to pinch yourself sometimes when you’re reading this kind of stuff.
Perhaps the more enlightened visitors to this site can explain to us intolerant right-wing bigots how we are out of touch with modern Britain on this one.
I’ve just been watching the 6pm news with Fiona Bruce on BBC1 – lots of interviews with lots of people who will be participating in tonight’s opening ceremony – will any of them (apart from Beckham) be white – because watching the BBC gives me the impression that they will all be black.
Funny that, because I was just thinking the same thing – I just turned on BBC one to be confronted by someone called Dizzy Rascal. No idea what he does, probably a mugger or something but there was some awful shouty noise going on so I muted the sound. I looked up a couple of minutes later and there was lots of clips of some brown chap running around ha! and now that Balding lesbian bloke has appeared and has chosen, from a crowd of predominently white people, to interview a lady of west indian descent…..this is quite funny viewing but can’t bring myself to turn the sound on. Ok…I just turned the sound on….what inane drivel, is this what the jubilee coverage was like?
I’m sick of the bbcs coverage of the olympics already. Political all the way, as is to be expected. I was in Tel Aviv for the jubilee, how I wish I was there now, supping a Goldberg.
I’ve just watched the first couple of minutes of the opening. What the Hell were they thinking I knew it would be bad but this is Samantha Fox Mick Fleetwood legendary bad.
What are you complaining about – the Windrush sailed into the stadium (something I predicted the instant that we ‘won’ the games.
Beeboid said “that’s my kind of history lesson” after the complete crap of an idyllic past peopled by a decidedly vibrant and happy population is smashed by nasty industrialists…. Yes BBC, your kind of history lession – completely made up to make a point.
I despair. F*** – soap operas now. Will this hell never end?
Ha, ha, it’s a beeboids wet dream alright. It seems our history started with Brunel, completely ignoring the thousands of years of history before it. The trouble is that would include the sort of history these lefty twats hate like beating the frogs and (whisper it) the empire. Mind you, what do you expect – dark satanic mills and then the Windrush – hoorah – our real history finally begins – then it’s the sixties and Harry Potter. Jeez, who came up with this shit? Looking at the actors it seems our mills were populated by West Indians – something I didn’t know. And where did they get that orchestra from? It’s the most diverse/multiculti one I’ve ever seen. Two more weeks of this shite.
Olympic Opening Ceremony…..the biggest load of inane rubbish ever
Massive labour party broadcast and a great advert – sent all round the world advertising our free international health service.
The British media has its knickers in a twist about comments made by Mitt Romney about the security problems at the London Olympics. I wonder where he got THAT idea from? Wait – of course – he must have been reading and watching the British media.
I liked the way the white woman in the mini had a mixed kid and the obligatory black boyfriend in the house. Beeb are loving it – NHS, kids in wheelchairs, downtrodden workers – the full works. The bit with the queen/daniel Craig was good, though. Liz was up for it. The rest of it’s bollocks.
For extra authenticity they should have given her a black eye. He of course would not have just one mixed race child but lots of kids all over the place (none of which he pays for).
Dez will be after you for that!
A class act!
Beeboid’s Ms HARRISON reports Britain’s over-crowded primary schools, but omits MASS IMMIGRATION!
Compare 1.) and 2.):-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’:
“The future well-being and education of our children will be compromised if we don’t do something about immigration”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2179801/The-future-education-children-compromised-dont-immigration.html#ixzz21rXoWSmj
2.) BBC-NUJ-Labour:
“Primary school place demand set to rise”
By Angela Harrison
Education correspondent, BBC News.
i think the various Chariots saunas are going to be very busy over the next couple of weeks
Nice to see that the socialist-realist school is not dead – it must have made a few old CP members watching in Eastern Europe feel quite nostalgic. Puffing the NHS to the world was downright weird.
They’ve been pushing the NHS as a world service for a while now – what this means is that the world uses it but WE pay for it. Free at the point of entry – all foreigners hear is free.
BBC-NUJ’s Robert PESTON goes very lightly on latest Barclays Bank unsavoury financial revelations of links to Middle East Arab financiers.
Mr Peston does NOT mention that the still executive chairman of Barclays Bank, Mr AGIUS, is still on the board of the BBC.
Note the gaps in Peston’s account:
“Barclays in new FSA investigation”
Alternatives to BBC-NUJ:
1.) ‘Independent’:
“Barclays hit by new storm as chiefs probed over £7bn Arab bailout”
2.) ‘Daily Mail’:
“Prince Andrew’s former model girlfriend among Barclays staff being probed over £12billion deals with Qatar sheikhs”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2180016/Barclays-probed-12bn-Gulf-deals-New-blow-beleaguered-bank-Libor-scandal.html#ixzz21u1XERqX
We knew back then that Barclay’s had sucked up to the Mohammedan oil sheiks for emergency capital, so this isn’t really a big deal. I expect most people will yawn at more noise about a few bankers’ fees at this point.
Peston already got his scalp (Bob Diamond), so doesn’t much care that Barclays is actually doing okay in the end. It must have also pained him greatly to write that the UK economy is merely stagnating and not going down the toilet.
ooh la la!
no al beeb tweets on this yet, though eh! …
strange?, non!
IOC. “Lebanese Olympic Team Demands Barrier Separation From Israel Squad,” July 27
is Jaques Rug, banging the table, as we speak? ….
that ll be a no then?
oops! sorry if i keep adding bits of Francais, BEFORE the reply in english …
why is that? … am i in gay Pareeeee!
shouldn t the Pallys reps, walked in with the Independents?
their latest “stunt”
“Unesco’s World Heritage committee has approved a Palestinian bid to place the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem on its list of sites of World Heritage in Danger – a move seen by some nations as dangerously mixing politics and culture.
Palestinian spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi said the vote was an affirmation of Palestinian “sovereignty” 😀 over the site that marks the place where Christians believe Jesus was born.
Israel angrily denounced the vote, with foreign ministry spokeswoman Ilana Stein saying the decision “has turned Unesco into a theatre of the absurd”.
Sky is as left wing bias as the BBC, they also buy some of their news from the BBC.
We have no competition on our airways at all. Also most of the newsreaders on Sky are ex BBC.
After the demiseof BskyB we are dominated by the left wing.
Yes, let’s have no political illusions about News Corp and Sky.
One of News Corp’s largest shareholders is multi billionaire SAUDI prince Al-Weleel bin Talal.
And recently Sky joined forces with another Arab billionaire, the Manchester City’s owner, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al-Nahyan, of ABU DHABI.
“BSkyB launches Sky News Arabia”
97 per cent of the world to be destroyed tomorrow! – http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100173120/97-per-cent-of-the-world-to-be-destroyed-tomorrow/
‘No, not really. It’s just my little joke, based on pretending to take people like the BBC’s resident climate activists David Shukman, Richard Black and Roger Harrabin seriously.’
The BBCs “David Bond” is being torn limb from limb in the comments section in the link below, for his negative and ill informed reports on the Olympic cycling road race…The amount of comments that have been “removed” for breaking BBC “house rules” is telling.
That’ll be another Beeboid reporter that ‘got it about right.’
Enough said.
How’s that gun-control thing workin’ out for ya now?
The Deadliest Global City
Chicago likes to compare itself to other world cities, so Ward Room thought it would find out how we rank in violence. It turns out no one can top us. Among what are considered Alpha world cities, Chicago has the highest murder rate — higher even than the Third World metropolises of Mexico City and Sao Paolo. Here’s how we rank in murders per 100,000 among cities we consider our peers, based on a projected murder total of 505 for this year.
Singapore 0.4
Tokyo 0.5
Hong Kong 0.6
Berlin 1.0
Sydney 1.0
London 1.4
Toronto 1.7
Amsterdam 1.8
Paris 4.4
New York 6.0
Los Angeles 7.5
Mexico City 8.0
Moscow 9.6
Sao Paolo 15.6
Chicago 19.4
We could be doing worse: Caracas, Venezuela has a murder rate of 130 per 100,000.
And Venezuela just banned private gun ownership. Yeah, that’ll work. Those murders are all done by ordinary citizens who would otherwise be totally harmless if they couldn’t legally buy an AK-47, right? I await the BBC special report on all this.
While comparing figures, here’s a statistic to give pause for thought:
“A United Nations study on the Caribbean said Jamaica has had the world’s third-highest murder rate over the past decade, with about 60 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.”
link for that:
While OBAMA, and Islam Not BBC (INBBC) support Muslim Brotherhood, ROMNEY supports ISRAEL in (for INBBC’s information), the capital of Israel, JERUSALEM.
“Romney would back Israeli strike against Iran, senior adviser says.”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/29/romney-would-back-israeli-strike-against-iran-senior-adviser-says/#ixzz222EtQeEW
Meanwhile, Mardell wrinkles his nose at Romney’s statements, suggesting – hiding behind the journalist’s smokescreen, “others say” – that he might be a warmonger. Even though the Nobel-Peace-Laureate-in-Chief bombs the crap out of people in new countries, has assassinated US citizens in cold blood without due process of law, and escalated both of Cowboy Bush’s wars, Mardell has never suggested that anyone would call The Obamessiah a warmonger.
Ah, I just realized why the Beeboids really hate Romney: he says Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel. Yeah, it’s only that wingnut Republican tool, Jennifer Rubin, but surely at least one Beeboid reads it since she’s a blogger for the Washington Post. Funny how Mardell forgot to mention it, though. The Jewish Lobby must own Romney now, right, BBC?
I’m not sure that they hate Romney as much as they hate Sara Palin. The BBC is firmly in the re-elect Obama camp which means that giving Obama’s lack of achievement in his first term; his failure to live up to the expectations of his followers and his gaffes they have no choice but to lead personal attacks against whoever is not Obama.
The vote-for-anyone-not-Obama group is so high that demonising Romney is the only way to go. They won’t persuade anyone to move their vote from Romney to Obama but they may encourage a plague on both of them failure to vote at all.