For many years now we have been told by the BBC that we have peace in our time…peace that is, in Northern Ireland and have been generous with the airtime for the slippery Hain and Mandelson who spared no blushes in fulsome praise of the brave Gerry Adams for making the decision to use the ballot instead of the bullet.
Except of course he never really did…just as he has never admitted to being a member, let alone a commander of the IRA, he will never admit that IRA weapons still exist and that the intent still exists to use violence.
Adams has successfully distanced himself from the violence but is having his cake and eating it as ‘dissident’ IRA groups continue the work….the EOD bomb disposal teams can be called out anything up to 700 times a year…at least half of those explosive devices being ‘viable’.
Adams of course did admit that ‘the Struggle goes on to unite Ireland’…..peacefully of course.
Now we hear that all the dissident groups are uniting under one command…up to 20 groups of varying sizes….you know that does sound like the war really is over doesn’t it?
Guess like Islam the IRA is misunderstood and that a few ‘criminals’ are ‘distorting and perverting’ the Republican cause.
Note too that the same BBC that is outrageously outraged by any Catholic who simply states their opposition to gay marriage, nevertheless turns a blind eye to the Church’s smirking, nod and a wink attitude to a bunch of blood and soil fascist nutcases operating under their brand name.
As ever, the BBC’s attitude is driven by one question: which side is trying to destroy traditional western values. Hence why the Church is a bad dog for trying to preserve marriage, but a good dog when it refuses to condemn the mad bomber.
I think you will find John Paul II did condemn the ‘the mad bomber’ on his visit to Dublin in the 80s.
I think the mural at the top of the page says it all
Mark Mardell proudly tells us that:
‘The Democrats even rushed out this advert (which happens to feature a couple of seconds of your correspondent).’
I wonder if Mr Mardell is aware of the irony of him appearing in a Democrat party broadcast…
Whoops! Sorry, wrong thread! I initially assumed you were talking about Republicanism in the American context!
So why on Earth WAS McGuinness holding a submachine gun on Bloody Sunday? For self-defence?
Yes, a Thompson .45 on single shot no less. He was there to shoot up the Army and make them over-react, which he and others did. The Parachute regiment is known for it’s lack of fire discipline, oh yes it is any ‘vets’ out there. A Guards or line infantry regt, or, to rub it in , Royal Marines are much better at these incidents. Stroke of luck for the IRA that brutal shock troops were there.
Has anyone apart from the BBC ever believed that the IRA have gone away?