If you wanted to hear the Bullingdon Club in action you could do worse than to tune in to the Today programme where Humphrys, Webb and Mardell do a good impression of a cabal of rich, over indulged, self obsessed, elitist, arrogant, complacent yobs throwing bread rolls and brickbats at any passing foreigner they don’t like.
‘Cynics say the best thing that could have happened to whip up enthusiasm for the Olympics here was to have a high profile foreigner come here and rubbish them. Well it happened. And you don’t get much more high profile than Mitt Romney, who might well become the next president of the United States. The BBC’s Mark Mardell reports.’
Romney rubbish the Olympics? ‘Well it happened’.
No it didn’t….that’s just a flagrant BBC lie.
Mardell ‘reports’…only he didn’t, it was one long sneer at Mitt Romney and it was clearly intended to be that because looking at what Romney said there was nothing in the slightest offensive or ‘gafflike’ in it….and seeing as he is not privvy (cue loo jokes) to British school boy humour about tits, boobs and backsides….and Mardell in this report on the BBC website actually excused Romney…so for him to play along with Web and Humphrys and then to add to the mirth by suggesting Romney was the nearest thing to the Luftwaffe London was likely to see this year neatly shows that this ‘report’ on Today was a pure attack on the Republican Presidential candidate.
It is in effect BBC racism…Humphrys and Co thinking it’s OK to mock Romney in a way they never would Obama purely because Romney is a white, Christian, Republican American…whereas Obama is black, a Democrat and may not even be American….and may be a Muslim to boot.
This is what Romney said about the Olympics…bearing in mind the BBC’s weeks of apocalyptic predictions about strikes and security Romney’s remarks are measured and considered and completely fair…..
‘Mr Romney told NBC News he saw “a few things that were disconcerting” about London’s preparations. “The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, supposed strike of immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which is encouraging,” he said.’
Yes…highly controversial stuff, an obvious diplomatic gaff of great importance.
This is what Mardell said on the web:
The British press have decided he is a knave and a fool.
As for the major offence, Mitt Romney was merely raising the same doubts behind the stories that have dominated both the BBC news and newspaper headlines for weeks.
The Sun did not accuse the Mail of a slur, nor the Mail say the Sun was a party-pooper for raising legitimate questions about London’s readiness to run the Games.
Their security physically stopped the cameras getting shots of anti-Mormon protesters, but nothing could block the barrage of negative coverage.
And note that ‘anti-Mormon protestors’. Something the BBC approves of as Romney is white and Christian? Funny how the BBC takes a completely different tone about the EDL as they protest about Islam.
PS: From ‘Spiked’….This explains why the BBC et al attacked the Olympics:
That is the thing about the current attacks on the Olympics for what look like freedom-loving reasons. These attacks are cynical and opportunistic. And as a result, they are particular. The reason for that is threefold. The increasingly shrill attacks are motivated as much by a dislike of sport and those who enjoy it – seen by our enlightened commentators as ‘bread and circuses’ dupes – as for any principled reason. Second, it is only now, in London, amid the transport disruptions and increased police presence, that such authoritarianism is affecting broadsheet journalists and Hackney-dwelling postgraduate Marxists. Before, the state’s focus always seemed to be confined to those on the margins of British society, from the binge-drinking chav to the foul-mouthed racist. And third, it is now not just the British state involved in limiting individual freedom; it appears to involve entities far worse: that’s right, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Nike. Big Corporations. Evil Corporations. For metropolitan liberals, who have tacitly supported the state’s war on the behaviour of the less savoury members of society, it is only now, when Nike and McDonald’s are seemingly involved in this perfect storm of illiberalism, that there seems to be a battle worth fighting.
But slamming London 2012 for supposedly bringing corporation-backed authoritarianism to these shores is not only wrongheaded; it’s also just really miserable.
Standard Lefty smear tactics. We had “gaffe-prone Bush”. Allen West was crucified by the smears – a black pro-business Republican had Obama-lovers crapping themselves. Sarah Palin – you heard all about her daugther’s baby, not her policies. Damian McBride’s planned campaign of smears of a sexual nature against senior Tories, to “destabilise” the opposition in the run-up to the general election.
Lets be absolutely clear: Democrats, like Labour are evil and will stop at nothing to discredit anyone opposing The One. Smears is the only thing they have got, in the absence of policies that stand up to scrutiny.
Now The Sun is the latest to rumble the bBC
“BlatantlyBiased against Conservatives”
Exactly. Just as the 13 years of new Labour aren’t mentioned, nor is anything remotely bad for Obama; just to head off the probable exception proving the rule I’d like to tell Dez and co that we KNOW they have reported at least 1 of the 50 or more Obama gaffes.
Now The Sun is the latest to rumble the bBC
That article is two years old.
Good post. Smearing is the favoured tactic of the left as a means of avoiding debate. ‘Play the man, not the ball’ really came into its own under Blair, and was used against anybody who dared stand up and criticise their sacred socialist dogma. Think of those labelled ‘racist’ if they dared challenge mass immigration and multiculturalism, think of poor David Kelly being hung out to dry, think of the poor old lady neglected for hours on end on a trolley in a hospital corridor – smeared with lies and labelled as ‘racist’ (funny how that one kept cropping up), think of the Rochdale woman called a ‘bigot’ by Brown when she dared express concern about immigrants taking jobs from the unemployed. Then, of course, there are the climate alarmists, who have taken the art to a whole new level…
There has been an explosion in the number of articles lately about BBC bias. The Telegraph, the Mail, the Express, the Sun, the GWPF and even in Mensa publications. But I doubt that they read these publications at the BBC unless they wrap them up inside a Guardian newspaper. Nothing will happen until the Tories get rid of Cameron.
Hardly surprising since the BBC propaganda mission is getting more and more overt – which is very worrying, as the clearly no longer fear the consequences of all the criticism levied against them and their acclaimed ‘neutrality’ no longer being accepted.
The cat is out of the bag with the BBC.
Everybody KNOWS that it is now a tool of the liberal elite to sneer at anything that opposes the onward march of State control…anti marriage, anti white, pro gay and pro Islam.
Unaccountable, cocooned and feather bedded by taxes from those it despises to its very core…and we poor saps don`t rise up to refuse compulsion on paying to get our faces slapped.
Until we hit them systematically in their pockets, the Beeb will continue to suck up to the Euro project, the coronation of Obama, the Godless worship of the UN…and they will not rest until we`re coerced into compliance.
Toxic ,biased and relentlessly nasty-it needs to be bankrupted before it drags us under with its fat blooted carcass.
In the name of Allah…f***off, BBC
The cat is out of the bag with the BBC.
Everybody KNOWS that it is now a tool of the liberal elite to sneer at anything that opposes the onward march of State control…anti marriage, anti white, pro gay and pro Islam.
Unaccountable, cocooned and feather bedded by taxes from those it despises to its very core…and we poor saps don`t rise up to refuse compulsion on paying to get our faces slapped.
Until we hit them systematically in their pockets, the Beeb will continue to suck up to the Euro project, the coronation of Obama, the Godless worship of the UN…and they will not rest until we`re coerced into compliance.
Toxic ,biased and relentlessly nasty-it needs to be bankrupted before it drags us under with its fat bloated carcass.
In the name of Allah…f***off, BBC
Obama’s Top 10 anti-British gaffes – and the worst was when Obama gave Britain’s nuclear secrets to the Russians. I can’t recall the BBC reporting any of Obama’s gaffes :
The BBC actually at first tried to defend The Obamessiah over that messed up toast to the Queen, and blamed the band instead.
Sunday – and I’m just reading Mardell’s continuing denigration of Romney.
“Is there such a thing as being not an honoured guest, but a dishonoured one?”
I expect an equally “incisive” attack on Obama – oh sorry. I forgot. Mardell is a fully paid-up, card carrying member of the Obama campaign. In fact, he is so in love with Obama that he even quotes comments from the Sun! The SUN! OMG! This man and the America bureau of the BBC are a joke. At least in the UK the newsroom gets its marching orders from the Guardian – here in the US their thoughts are culled from the Huffington post.
OFF TOPIC? – just watched BBC news tonight. Mardell tells us that the evil republicans mysteriously accused Obama of not being business friendly. Cue TV advert of Obama praising american small businesses (those nasty Republicans!). However, NO mention, at all, of Obama’s infamous recent speech dissing businesses “you didn’t build that” (perhaps I only imagined it). Egregious, biased reporting of the worst kind. …absolute f***ing disgrace.
You’re right. The BBC has censored all news of “you didn’t build that”. Video of the President praising small business in response to criticism over that, yet shown completely out of its context, is White House propaganda.
…Later the same day…writing about the US supporting Israel against Iran, Mardell says: “We still don’t know how far President Romney would go down the road to support that worse alternative.” Here comes the war-monger slur – Romney – very dangerous; very Ronald Reagan, (thinks) I wish he’d wear a cowboy hat so we can print the picture on the website and tell the world how dangerous this right wing MORMON nut job is – but wait! His trip Mardell says “is about coming over as harder and tougher than President Obama on the world stage.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME? TOUGHER THAN OBAMA ON THE WORLD STAGE? Where is this guy’s head?
I can hardly wait for the next installment of the Mardell/Obama re-election committee’s press release.
Tougher than killing hundreds of people in cold blood with drone attacks? Wow.
Last week members of the White House press corps were trying to get Obama’s Press Secretary to say that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. He repeatedly ducked the question.
By contrast Romney stated flat out that Jerusalem is indeed the capital of Israel.
Obama tries to make out that Israel was created as some sort of recompense for the Holocaust. Romney states firmly that the home of the Jews was ALWAYS Israel. Romney’s speech yesterday was a barnstormer – while abroad he cannot explicitly criticise Obama, but at many points Romney contradicted the whole substance of Obama’s policy.
NOT reported by Mardell, of course.
Nor will Mardell report the latest book that says that Obama flinched at least 3 times from sending the Seals in to get or kill Osama bin Laden – Valerie Jarrett apparently held the President back. So the whole image of Obama-as-tough-guy will be shot to pieces. His only “foreign affairs” so-called achievement is being trashed.
Mardell has if anything become even more pro-Obal recently
Will Mardell or others at the BBC EVER dare say that only 12% of Israelis approve of him, compared with the large majority of Jewish Americans who vote traditionally Democrat ? Isn’t that proper background to any reporting of Romney’s visit to Israel ?
Rudi Guiliani skewers Obama nicely on his 2-faced policies in the Middle East :