Well, the Olympic London 2012 Opening Ceremony is now behind us and what a piece of Statist agit prop nonsense it was. Little wonder the BBC have been going on about how “wonderful” Danny Boyle’s production has been. The only wonder is how Her Majesty tolerated it. Hope you all spotted our pal Universal Shami’s big moment. The NHS section was particularly odious and yet that seems to be one of the bits the BBC liked best. A paean to a BLOATED grossly expensive inefficient cold Statist monstrosity – mmmm….think I know WHY the BBC liked it so much! On a separate note, Biased BBC has just clocked up more than ONE MILLION page views since 28th March. Not bad, eh?
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Family did notice some of the politically correct moments, for instance, on the few occasions that there was a mainly white group of people, the camera focused on the token Afro-Caribbean in the crowd. There was also the comment about the fact that there where few Asians amongst the Ethnics, presumably they where less afraid of Afro-Caribbean suicide bombers. Another point was the mention of the fact that it was the first Olympics in which Women where included in all the teams, a triumph for equality? Not really, Women are still segregated in separate events from the Men, presumably because they think that few Women would get any medals if they did bring equality to the Olympics. There was also puzzlement about the inclusion of an old Punch drunk Black-American Boxer, I said it was Cassius Clay, he called himself the Greatest. Even when they found out it was Ali, they though it was a bit awful that he was included, he is American and this is the London Olympics, even if he does have the Politically correct privileges of being Black and having Parkinson’s.
Men & women competing in the same events……now that is equality !
“There was also the comment about the fact that there where few Asians amongst the Ethnics, presumably they where less afraid of Afro-Caribbean suicide bombers”
Nah, its because its Ramadan , innit? The ‘holy’ month! The local Bangladeshis can’t be seen to be engaging themselves in frivolity.
Had they been available I suspect there would have been an even lower proportion of ‘white’ people, and lower still of British – half the ‘whites’ were probably Eastern Europeans.
Richard, I agree with most of your comments except about Mohammed Ali. I suspect the fact he won the Gold Medal in the heavyweight boxing at the 1960 Rome Olympics may have counted a little to his inclusion.
A shambling relic of past glories who looked like he hardly knew where he was or why he was there, yes they had sir Paul singing
Subsidy and socialism go together – NHS, BBC, Olympics….
Perhaps he was trying to say a big ‘FUCK YOU’ to the Third World countries whose best nurses we’ve poached. Don’t want these nations developing and emitting unnecessary amounts of CO2 now do we.
Hopefully the Eastern Europeans got the message too: “All your brightest, youngest and best educated workers are over here cleaning toilets and wiping old people’s arses! Ha ha!”
I enjoyed the music (especially the Who’s ‘My Generation’ getting a wee play!) BUT as I predicted, the Left sabotaged proceedings and went completely overboard with the ethnic minority allocation… call me a moaner but I’m tired of this London-centered, state enforced multiculturalism crap being imposed on everyone; the PC Brigade just had to get in on the act last night and judging by the infantile excrement posted by the likes of Paul Mason on Twatter, the Left are in ecstatic overdrive.
These days, every advert, every TV soap and current affairs/news program has more and more ethnic minorities… completely disproportionate in my view and not representative of the majority of communities outside London and Birmingham; I don’t mind different cultures at all living side-by-side peacefully and naturally. However, I do object to the state enforcing multiculturalism and when such social engineering is to the detriment of the indigenous communities. In reality, I just don’t want multiculturalism forced down my throat by the snooty Left-wing chattering classes who gloat over their own sanctimony whilst drinking bubbly in west London wine bars… you know the types, the lanky bloke with thick French Connection glasses, designer stubble and the woolly jumper and the girlfriend wearing an Afghan scarf and armed with an iPad; you can spot them a mile away. Right, I’m off to ‘Google’ up a beer… chow darlings, see you in the coffee house tomorrow for latte and perusal of the Guardian!
You’re right about this: only last night again I thought the same thing especially about the ads: Nivea for example looked like they were filmed in Jamaica. I preferred it when they had the blonde chick in white bikini, ahem
Attempted political re-instatement of Ms S Chakrabarti.
BBC-NUJ tries to re-instate this LSE Gaddafi chum, and the leftist Boyle’s ‘my Olympics’ does it too.
Don’t rock the boat, especially if it’s a ship of leftie fellow travelling fools…
The BBC and Shami – raising hypocrisy and cronyism in Britain to a new olympic standard.
Oppose ‘multiculturalism’ (inc mass immigration without limit), and you are politically ostracised by political class (inc BBC-NUJ).
Ostracised for daring to have a less than positive view of muticulturalism. Whatever happened to free speech? And whatever happened to democracy, or did I miss mass immigration in Blair’s 1997 manifesto?
“The NHS did not deserve to be so disgracefully glorified in this bonanza of left-wing propaganda ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2180124/Olympics-opening-ceremony-NHS-disgracefully-glorified.html#ixzz21wj7PIdx
I read the article with which I am in full agreement, and then I read the other readers comments. It appears to have attracted a concerted lefty attack.
As one supportive comment warned “Well said, now wait for the hate mail that will surely come your way. As you know, you must not express the ‘wrong’ opinion.”
I think the BBC making so much of the NHS also supported OBama’s efforts to impose a similar NHS on the US. There is much opposition to this in the States. Also reinforces the message in the UK.
“The Olympic opening satire.”
Douglas Murray.
I’m trying to work out what Mrs Lawrence was doing there. And why so many brown faces to be seen depicting Britain pre 20th century?
I heard an interesting snippet on a radio prog’ (not BBC) this morning. This chap had taken part in the proceedings and represented the Empire Windrush, which, according to him, “had brought Carribean people to Britain to assist in the war effort.
Nobody picked him up on it. Perhaps he was a history teacher from an inner city comp…
A quarter of the population of Jamaica live in the Uk – mostly London. They fly backwards and forwards. It is nothing to do with history, everything to do with personal advantage. Try flying to Jamaica as a Brit and claiming a council house, and three free school places….
What is your source for this claim? I have not herad of this before.
“The Jamaican High Commission estimates that there are around 800,000 British people of Jamaican origin in the UK”
Population of Jamaica is estimated at 2.7 million by the World Bank.
So they are all living in council houses?
What’s distressing is that there is clearly an editorial lockdown on dissent throughout the media. Only squeaks of disquiet are being allowed through, even in newspapers like the Telegraph and the Mail, For the most part the meejah seem to have decided it would be unpatriotic not to be seen to be supporting this collectivist nightmare.
And before Nicked emus or one of the other beeboids pops up to suggest the media are merely representing the majority view – not if the newspaper comments sections, LBC phone-ins and blogs are anything to go by, they’re not!
The biggest issue is not reporting true government debt figures.
Mind you they finally got round to reporting this story
6000 avoidable deaths in the UK, in the NHS, from just one cause.
Scale that up for other mistakes.
I’m currently in Orlando – locals here thought it a bit disappointing- why couldn’t we stick with what we do best – soldiers in ceremonial uniform and marching bands. We invented that sort of pageantry and it would have impressed the world
Tell the Americans that Windrush was the Mayflower of multiculturalism and repression of free speech and opinion, and therefore any criticism of Britain’s Olympic opening ceremony is racist. The whole world should envy Britain for importing an Afro-Caribbean community, and any disrespectful opinions about this are racist, therefore should be suppressed by force if necessary. Black people are equal to white socialists in intelligence, any white socialist will admit this.
Beeboids applaud Boyle’s Hollywood UK Olympics =
Razzamataz + leftist political propaganda.
Just watching the BBC News’ shameful reporting on today’s events at the Olympics. In particular a chump called David Bond displayed particular ineptitude reporting on the cycling with the result that Mark Cavendish told him to stop asking stupid questions. It was shockingly poor reporting. Really, really bad.
If you think that was bad, you should have watched the BBC commentators on the road-race cycling as it happened this afternoon. They didn’t know where on the course they were (how far to the finish), couldn’t identify most of the riders, didn’t even know which team was wearing which colours, and couldn’t tell the difference between the leading bunch of 30 riders and the group that was following one minute behind.
And we have to pay these clowns from our compulsory TV-tax.
Well that was partly Uncle Hugh Porter who is fantastic at track-cycling commentary but a dead loss on the road (as we’ll see once again come the World Championships). He has a tendency to fixate on certain riders and spot them at every opportunity when the relevant team colours hove into view (usually on a team-mate, natch). Today-s choice: Matt (“Mattie”) Goss.
To judge by the commentary, something was going wrong with the link to time gaps, but I’ve never before seen a road race without some sort of distance countdown – quite a surreal experience watching cyclists going round and round Surrey with not a clue as to when they might be nearing the finish.
What about the first comment by the bint that interviewed Vinokourov she said to him “well that wasn’t the result the GB crowd were hoping for”! He should have said “good, fuck off”.
It’s Jill Douglas who’s usually pretty good, so I’m guessing she was under editorial instructions (as a lots of sports interviewrs seem to be lately): she looked very uncomfortable to be asking the questions at any rate. Even so, and much as I’m not thrilled with Vino’s victory, it’s bloody rude to start an interview with a man who’s just won an Olympic gold by implying that he’s inconsiderately messed up the script.
In the interests of fairness, it’s become apparent this morning that the road race broadcast is provided by the Olympic Broadcasting Service and therefore the lack of graphics, timings etc is their fault. Hopefully they’re not in charge of too much more coverage, or watching the time trial without splits is going to be challenging viewing to say the least
I’m pretty sure they’re not responsible for Uncle Hugh still referring to “Can-Sellara” after all these years, however.
Thank God we’ve got Sky covering the other major sports.
Watch Eurosport then, I am.
Just what I expected. It sould not have been political but of course they dont think it is if its left wing.
Got to say that I`m in the Dez /Scott seat on this one.
Yes of course the likes of Shami, NHS kids jumping on beds and the like were PC twaddle-but until Coe opened his mouth, there was a lot to commend Boyles effort to show a version of Britain that most of us recognise and can laugh at…and Boyle was being funny more often tna not.
I thought it was a fine showcase for the comedy cuts nation that we are now-but with music, comedy and arch self-mockery: we`re lucky to live here-even with the BBC squatting over us all.
True-there was nonsense as outlined above, but it missed very little of what makes us a great bunch…I myself would have added Hitchcock, Madness and Elton…but it was brilliant.
And-can I say here-I only watched it on iPlayer-wouldnt watch it live, for fear of it being crap-having seen it, I think it was better than I had any right to expect from the luvvies commissioned to do it-and report it too.
And-if nothing else-let the next generation look at Ali and learn not to have the extra shot at glory or money..simply tragic.
Would be interested if anyone stood up for the Godawful Olympic anthem…or bothered with the UN boolcks with Doreen Lawrence, Ban KI Moon…and, of course the UN “Champion of the Earth”…oh do tell!
“On a separate note, Biased BBC has just clocked up more than ONE MILLION page views since 28th March. Not bad, eh?”
And no doubt The Sun has gone down by the same number. The tone of many of the comments on this site is far too abrasive to achieve anything. Most of the best commentators seem to have drifted away, having been replaced by the “BBC is f*cking crap” school of analysis.
Had enough.
I bet if you received more ‘likes’ for your posts you’d be singing the site’s praises.
I agree with Barry. With a few notable exceptions, most of this site seems to have recently sunk down into the “just plain dumb” category.
Alan’s post from yesterday suggesting that the BBC was racist by apparently mocking Mitt Romney because he was a white, Christian, Republican;
“…whereas Obama is black, a Democrat and may not even be American….and may be a Muslim to boot”
is a perfect example.
Hello dez darling.
Precisely how recently did we sunk down ?
A dumb answer from you honey would be much appreciated.
July 29, 2012 at 1:52 am :p
Why ‘apparently’ mocking Romney. The man is a total dick no doubt but the BBC with its impartiality genes in full play went overboard in its reporting.
Barry has had enough. Have you?
Returning to the ceronomy why was the NHS featured at all? And why oh why was that total anti majority of the population of this country bitch Shami allowed anywhere near the Olympic flag let alone carry it.
Why the hostility towards Shami Chakrabarti? She was fiercely critical of the last Labour government; does she not deserve some credit for that at least?
The publicity she gained especially from the BBC when the spoilt children(students) protested over tuition fees ( that were introduced by Labour) and were heavily policed resulted in Police inaction in last years riots. She was totally missing in action during that chaos. The only Liberty she supports is for Criminals to go free while the general public have to put up with the consequences.
It’s that thing again Dez: much like a certain broadcaster, she was critical *from the left*.
She wanted Labour to be more leftist than it was. Covering a debate between a leftist MP and an even-more leftist activist is not balance.
Fiercely critical in what way? It’s disastrous handling of the economy? Mass immigration without giving the people a say? Massive expansion of welfarism and the entitlement mentality?
Or because it wasn’t leftist enough?
It’s not a perfect example, it’s an exception.
And the sooner we hear your opinion on the blatantly inexcusable examples of BBC bias on here (rather than your predictable and vacuous Leftie yah boo antics), the better. Start with Laurie and Mason’s tweets and BBC ‘imapartiality’. Away you go……..
Well, it is summer, and a lot of us are gardening and holidaying.
“Join the smiley Cult of the Five Circles? Sorry, but I have a democratic right to be bored (and I’m exercising it while I still can).”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2180295/Join-smiley-Cult-Five-Circles-Sorry-I-democratic-right-bored-Im-exercising-I-can.html#ixzz21zv6O2KV
Peter Hitchens sums it up well.
“This is supposed to be a light-hearted, generous-spirited event. But it isn’t really. It’s an overbearing, officious, self-important celebration of corporate greed, unpunished corruption, tolerated cheating and multiculturalism.
Will the world be impressed? Well, would you be impressed if a family in your street, who were jobless, undischarged bankrupts with delinquent children, whose roof leaked, whose wiring was dangerous, whose garden fence was rotten and whose unmown lawn was full of weeds, suddenly hired a marquee and a brigade of maids and waiters, and invited everyone to a noisy champagne party?
“Boyle criticized for dealing with ‘leftist’ issues at opening ceremony”
Don’t the Japanese wish they had multicultural inner-city shit holes full of Afro-Caribbean’s? How racist of them.
“BBC boss in ‘secret’ champagne dinner paid for by KPMG.
“Zarin Patel, the BBC’s chief financial officer, attended an undeclared champagne dinner with executives from KPMG, which was paid £1 million to help close pension scheme.”
“BBC pays headhunters £350,000 to fill two top jobs – then gives both of them to its own man.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2180441/BBC-pays-headhunters-350-000-jobs–gives-man.html#ixzz2202fXo7b
Back to first principles: our genetically-impartial state broadcaster is just plain refusing to cover criticism of the ceremony.
Where’s Paloma Faith when we need her?
It’s hard to find politics in a parade of boats, but back then, every report had to include a compulsory reference to some group of 20 Republicans holding a protest in the back room of The Hammer and Sickle.
Oh now be fair tranny boils attempt to articulate his vision of the new world order and his message to the world about how great we are and how we are a beacon to the poor underprivileged people of the planet wasn’t in any elitist or imperialist/nationalist it’s just looked that way ahem !and he was right to use the N.H.S for his wet dream as if I remember right Stafford’s team in in with a shout of gold in the 1200 unnecessary deaths final !
Apart from among a few embittered bigots and backwoodsmen, the ceremony has been well received across the political spectrum.
And right there in that statement….
‘Apart from among a few embittered bigots and backwoodsmen, the …………..[insert item here]………has been well received across the political spectrum.’
…… you have in a nutshell the approved BBC answer to any and all criticism.
Mr Dandy, you were being satirical, right?
No, he really means it.
Promotion to the Inner Party will shortly follow.
The official opinion of the BBC, with the censorship of the truth removed.
Apart from among intelligent white English people in London (a few embittered bigots) and white people outside of London (backwoodsmen) , the ceremony has been well received by those politicians that dare comment (political spectrum).
And Danny Boyle was so impressive he must now be knighted! Give me strength.
I watched the opening ceremony with a son-in-law who is on the Liberal list of candidates, and decidedly leftie in most of his views.
He commented almost immediately – and before me -that there was a lot of PC stuff in there. Several times he groaned at the superficiality of the PC inserts.
I enjoyed most of the show, some of it was brilliant or wickedly funny. Loved HM and Bond, Mr Bean, Evelyn Glennie and the drummers, great solo singers for Jerusalem and Abide With Me, the raising of the rings and the final flame cauldron – spectacular.
The NHS stuff was nutty but we all respect Great Ormond Street, JK Rowling and the various literary figures took too long ? Superb fireworks.
But black Victorian capitalists ? Empire Windrush ? None of Brunel’s real achievements ? No great British inventions – except the Web – where were Stephenson’s Rocket, Baird and TV, the Penny Post, Chadwick and public sanitation, Newton et al, the concept of satellites, penicillin, even the wretched Concorde, etc ? If the CND logo could be included, surely more significant British items could be referenced? Even the importance of the canal system was hardly touched on although the flame was carried up Limehouse canal.
And nothing really about Britain seeding so many notions of civic freedom, parliamentary democracy, rule of law etc. With so many despotic nations attending, it would have been good to rub their noses in such stuff.
Shame they didn’t show a bit more of the elegant Jubilee barge Gloriana, so very “novel but historic”, which had brought the torch of Friday from Hampton Court up to Tower Bridge
Probably too much pop stuff, and McCartney dragged on, the Stones would have been more dynamic. The people carrying the Olympic flag seemed to be mostly PC tossers, sickmaking – but by then the mostly-enjoyable evening was almost over. On balance, all pretty good, no glitches, entertaining and often impressive or witty.
My grandchildren now know that Frogs are those French voices that kept intruding on our show – as if the modern Olympics are a wholly French invention. In fact it was an English surgeon who first revived the Olympic idea, from the 1860s. Baron de Coubertin visited them decades later and pinched the idea.
And it might have been worth reminding the world that Britain invented so many sports – and codified them, and spread them around the world via that horrid British Empire and via British trade under Pax Britannica.
That’s a pretty good summary and I agree with most of what you say. It was a faultlessly executed spectacular with loads of originality but spoiled for me by political point-scoring and continuous observance of political correctness (a black Victorian entrepreneur in a stove pipe hat for God’s sake?) – to the point where it began to feel racist. Was it just me or would audiences around the world get the impression Britain is 50% black/coloured?
But one glaring omission: Churchill, and Britain fighting alone for the first part of WW2.
But in Dandy’s book EVERYTHING was fine and dandy. And I am just an “embittered bigot, a backswoodsman”
Nah, John, you’re just an embittered bigot. We have an actual Backwoodsman who comments here. He’s probably embittered, though, if he does. 😉
You can try persuading him he should listen to other’s views and comment in a constructive way, but I get the feeling if somebody gave him the authority, he’d close this site down.
Left-wing intolerance of others’ views ? You mean they think they are always in the right, always think anyone who disagrees with their naivete, their lack of experience of the hard graft of the real world, they are the only ones who care for their fellow-men, the only ones with social solutions – NEVER !
We should always respect them, they pure as the driven slush
PS: I did catch the Queen/Bond and Bean on the YouTube. Hilarious, especially the Queen and Simon Rattle.
I have heard lots of people saying that HM Queen with James Bond plus the Mr Bean bit were the highlights of the evening. Memorable, idiosyncratic, the Brits at their self-demeaning best.
The Queen has performed graciously and impeccably all through the summer, she is beaming on several of the newspaper front pages today on her visit to the athletes’ village yesterday. Adding to the sense of well-being of the nation – any excuse for a party !
On the other hand I can’t recall anyone saying how splendid it was to see Universal Shami and the Lawrence woman with the flag. Funny that. The contrast was so stark with the honoring of the 7 young athletes given the final torches. But that will have been the Olympics organisers’ idea, not Boyle’s.
From today’s Sunday Times:
“The Equality and Human Rights Commission wants to halve staff numbers to 150 but in a letter to Baroness Prosser, the commission’s deputy chairwoman, 124 employees have warned the plans will put the quango in breach of the Equality Act it was set up to enforce.”
So they recruit mainly minorities & invoke the racism card when they have to downsize. Isn’t this the result of their own biased recruitment in the first place?
My ghast never ceases to be flabbered by the all-encompassing laws Labour enacted to perpetuate its socially-engineered version of Great Britain.
We’re looking at a whole new class of bureaucrats spawned in Labour’s image: ‘The Untouchables’.
Hoisted by their own petard. Delicious irony.
It’s interesting to see what’s being said about the Olympics opening ceremony by Mick Hume, who was editor of Living Marxism when Danny Boyle’s script-writer was TV critic there. So, not exactly a rabid right-winger.
When all else fails to inspire, fall back on the image of the UK as the nation of the National Health Service, with Boyle highlighting ‘NHS’ like a political slogan. But it has to be an entirely fairytale version of the NHS of course, far removed from the grim realities, with the poor kiddies in their hospital beds menaced by every horror from Captain Hook to Voldemort (what, no David Cameron?) before being rescued by an army of angelic nurses and an airforce of flying Mary Poppinses.
Beeboids claim they can’t see left-wing propaganda of opening Olympic cermony: the Labour Party can –
“Labour glee over its ‘best advert in years’: Party delighted at Games ‘socialist’ opening ceremony.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2180863/London-2012-Olympics-Labour-Party-delighted-Games-socialist-opening-ceremony.html#ixzz226icaps4
And still it continues. This afternoon the BBC took the opportunity to replay part of the NHS section of the opening ceremony as a prelude to … the trampolining!
Apparently they thought kids bouncing on beds (arranged to spell NHS) was the best way of introducing the sport.