What would Jesus do?
The alternative title was ‘Kristallnacht’ in light of the unremitting ‘pogrom’ against all bankers regardless of guilt in pursuit of a Socialist ideology of a banker free world….with the Occupy storm troopers putting boots on the ground and a Goebbels like media riding shotgun behind Miliband.
To save you reading all of this I’ll give you a quick precis….Exam boards have been rigging the market for their exams leading to a dumbing down of exams and the resultant narrowing and truncating of pupil’s education and destruction in trust in their qualifications and therefore reduced job prospects and a commensurate damaging effect on the economy.
And yet there are no opportunist Milibandian calls for a judicial inquiry or cries that this has damaged our schools’ reputation world wide etc.
How different a reaction to the banks rigging the market….surely no more important than education, education, education?
However it seems no one is really interested in the kids when they’ve got bigger fish to fry.

Ed Miliband receives his certificate of education.
A funny old world where the massive chorus of outraged politicians and media commentators shouting to the rooftops about scandal and rigging the financial markets to the detriment of ‘the public’ have marched Bob Diamond out to the firing squad and told him to shoot himself.
We’ve been told the bank’s actions have been unprecedented.. a shock to all…a scandal of historic proportions…who knew! who knew!
Really? I would imagine fixing of the Libor has been going on since its inception…as have all the other dodgy financial scams that the banks have (yet again) been caught at recently.
Let’s ask ourselves ‘what would Jesus do?’ Two thousand years ago he was tipping over the money lender’s tables……so not a new problem then with bankers and financiers….and yet it comes as a surprise that bankers are involved in shady practises?
The BBC have singularly failed to join the dots on this and gone solely with the banker bashing narrative. They deserve to be bashed…but it was ever thus. Who doesn’t remember the old black and white films from the 20’s and 30’s where the desperate widow was being evicted by the greedy banker?
The BBC’s highly focused reporting and commenting on essentially one aspect of a society in pursuit of its chosen victim…not so long ago it was Murdoch…..means that other ‘culprits’ , such as Brown, Miliband and Balls, are allowed to escape and an overemphasis is placed on Barclays which suffers enormous damage whilst others get off scot free.
Look at this story which has gone not unreported but reported without exclamations of shock and horror and cries for judicial inquiries from the opportunist flim flam artist that Miliband is turning out to be.
Exam boards are ‘rigging’ the market to sell their products….meaning exams are being ‘dumbed down’ , made easier, so that more schools will buy them with a resultant increase in pass rates and a leap up the league tables and….
“a public loss of confidence in exams such as GCSEs and A-levels”.
…leading to pupils with a narrow and truncated education, leaving them without the jobs they could have obtained and employers either importing skilled immigrants or restricting their production and therefore the country’s economy.
Is not the rigging of exam papers and the dumbing down of education a national scandal that equals and maybe surpasses Bob Diamond and his nifty footwork with the Libor?
And yet this comparison passes the BBC by….it simplifies to the point of stupidity which results in a massive distortion of the news and the relative importance of a story.
Sure the bank scandal is big but not unusual or unexpected in reality…we all know it went on since the first ‘bank’ was created.
Examine the claims that the banks manipulation of the Libor may have cost people money whether in pensions or mortgages or otherwise.
Labour instigated a massive printing of money, Quantitative Easing, to stabilise the economy. This resulted in a devaluation of the pound…and inflation….it therefore cost everyone, rich and poor, a lot of money (remember the BBC reports of the ‘poor’ being hit by Tory VAT increases…but no such squeals here). Not only that but interest rates are being held down…making savings a worthless prospect especially if you rely on savings to fund your pension from the interest on them….all of which continue now…with the prospect of another interest rate drop and more QE.
And yet such serious consequences go pretty much unremarked by the BBC…..no comparison to the Libor…in principle it is the same thing…rigging the interest market…only it was being done by the Labour government to cover up its own massive failures in financial regulation and overspending.
And yet Labour get away unscathed…Miliband claiming today that ‘Yes we failed to regulate properly and we’re truly sorry…but hey, we’ve learnt from it and we’ve learnt lessons for the future…let’s move on and so vote us in!’
‘Sorry’ isn’t enough….Labour have brought the economy to the brink of complete ruin and go unscathed legally and without public scrutiny by the BBC…no trial by media inquisition here. Let’s face it Bob Diamond resigned…’sorry’ didn’t cut it for him, he had to go.
In fact he sent a letter to his staff yesterday in which he made the same claims Miliband made….‘What went wrong happened on my watch…and I’ve learnt lessons and so it is up to me to put things right.’
And now he’s gone whilst Miliband and Balls are still there and basking in the lime light from the unquestioning BBC.
As I’ve said the banking scandal is massive with important consequences but it should be looked at in respect to other events and in relation to history, neither of which is happening, leading to a highly febrile atmosphere and media lynchings…all of which the BBC is supposed to prevent by a measured, balanced and accurate reporting of events.