I’ll be on the BBC on Sunday discussing the above general topic and wanted to ask if anyone has any particular point they would like me to bring up. Over to you…
This smells like a Kobayahsi Maru setup. Instead of playing by their rules, I say change them. Instead of complaining about how everyone is appeasing Mohammedans and offending Israel at every turn, take it as a given that the audience knows about the appeasing and just keep asking why the Olympic committee and the BBC are doing it. Ask them what they’re afraid of. Don’t get caught in the trap of complaining about Islam, which is what they want you to do. The pandering is happening, everyone knows it, so just keep asking why the BBC and the Olympic mandarins are doing it. Why are they so scared of them that they allow racist behavior (refusing to train near or within sight of Jews, refusing to compete against Jews, etc.). Don’t play the BBC’s game and let them make you the pantomime villain here.
If there’s time, also ask them which other countries are not allowed to decide their own capitals.
which other countries are not allowed to decide their own capitals.
How about Britain? Labour decided, without ever mentioning it in an election manifesto or parliamentary law, to give our capital city to foreigners.
spot on david …
the saudis threatened to walk … and IOC caved
the Lebanese judo team,(practice or go?) … but the IOC caved.
the disgusting/abhorrent “cartelle” of islamic countries preventing the 2 min silence … IOC caved
the IOC/BBC are/is behaving in an antisemitic manner, it is blatant,
Why is religious law on things like the hijab taking precedent for the IOC, as it plainly is,
I assume the excuse for all of this is that the IOC had the unmitigated gall to schedule the Olympics during Ramadan. This was the ultimate offense to Islam, of course, and so all this stuff is the least they can do to make up for it.
I haven’t bothered to do the calendar math, but does anyone know if this is the first time the Olympics and Ramadan have coincided? Or is it just that the Mohammedan nations are feeling more empowered these days and want to see how far they can push the boundaries?
But that was the year the US and nearly every Muslim country boycotted the Games because of the Soviet Union’s invasion of Muslim Afghanistan. I’m not sure that proves anything either way.
David, the best comment I’ve heard so far was from commentator Peggy Noonan.
On radio the other day she said, “the difference in the opening ceremonies between Beijing and London was that it seems the Chinese like their country better than the British like theirs.”
Yeah, the guardian all week has been bumping its gums about how only children who attended private schools (the so called elites) make it as adults into the Olympics. As you can guess, that leftwing dream has been shot well out of the water.
We have labour to thank for our multicultural paradise. The nutty lefties now tell us that London is a world city, how long before England becomes a world country (what a joke)? Bankers are locked up for fraud, why are labour politicians not locked up for treason?
Odd subject…must conclude it is an excuse to tell us how great Islam is and how tolerant…’Look female athletes!’.
What about other religions, why just Islam? What is the BBC’s obsession with Islam….an obsession and yet it denies Islam has any relevance to Muslim’s daily lives or political direction.
The very fact they’re having such a discussion tells you all you need to know about Islam….though I’m sure the BBC see it as a chance to educate the rest of us non-Muslims about its greatness, tolerance and peaceable nature.
Good point. David V, you must mention the following Dominic Laurie (BBC producer) tweet during the opening ceremonies:
‘Saudis whack the women at the back of the parade. There’s a surprise.’
(H/T Jim Dandy for showing me this in an attempt to prove that not all Beeboid tweets are Left-wing.)
Read this out and then say something like, “Yes, I know it’s not an official BBC twitter account, so staff can reveal their personal political feelings.”
As has been pointed out by others the opening ceremony faux medieval paradise did not have any pigs or dogs both a long established part of our countryside.
One of their female Judo contestants has asked for an exception of the dress code. Which seems a small thing but once we start allowing one exception the precedent is established that certain groups can have privileges denied to others we soon go from Sikhs not having to wear motorbike helmets to extra benefits for extra wifes.
If its true about not wanting to train within sight of Jews or against Jews then these backward thinking nazis should be expelled from the games but its not going to happen is it?
It’s been alluded to above, but it’s worth ramming the point home, not only due to the sheer pathology of it all, but also the sheer sleaziness of the BBC in refusing to cover it:
I concur with David’s comment (first comment) and Alan: “The very fact they’re having such a discussion tells you all you need to know about Islam”…and the BBC.
DV, this is all you need talk about. Ask WHY they are having this discussion.
I must confess that I haven’t heard this story regarding the partitioning of Muslims and Jews, at the request of Muslims. Just imagine if any other group had wanted such an action to separate them from Muslims. They would be accused of Islamophobia and be on the first plane home, and rightly so. If the Olympic commitee have complied with this it’s an utter disgrace.
On a slightly lighter note; Imagine trying to compete in the 400 metres hurdles wearing a hijab.
And as for synchronised swimming…
Here’s one report, with photo of Israelis training next to the screen. Defenders of the indefensible are welcome to prove that it’s fake, just nasty Israeli propaganda. Go on, dez and Scott and Nicked emus and redwhiteblue and the rest of you, dismiss this because of the source, then tell me that the Telegraph appears also to be controlled by Israeli agents.
That’s why this is such a key example. The Usual Suspects can’t get away with their usual drivel about context here. They demanded a screen be put up so they didn’t see the offensive sight of Jews. That’s a tough one even forthe Uber-Dhimmis at the BBC to nuance their way out of.
Mr Vance, first off I wish you the best of luck on the forthcoming BBC appearance… I sincerely hope it turns out to be more positive an experience than the Nolan Show. Anyway, two things I would like to see the BBC pulled up on. The first: why the continuing refusal to highlight the clear link between Islam and child grooming in any of their reports, if indeed they do report the case? Secondly, why are they so pro-rebel forces in the Syria conflict, even when many reports now have confirmed that the so-called ‘Liberation’ Army is in fact a hotchpotch of Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists? Cheers.
The BBC were clearly squirming on how to report the cold blooded murder of prisoners by the rebels the other day, the ones they lined up against a wall and shot to bits. It had to be covered but they played the event down as the kind of thing that can happen in war. The BBC is a disgrace, it is partial in many things and distorts facts. Had it been the government killing rebels I dare say they would have gone hysterical. The BBC should be careful what is wishes for.
I couldn’t agree more Mr Wizard! I also happened to catch the gruesome footage of this foul atrocity and agree that the BBC tried their utmost to water it down; also, Sky were running this two days before the BBC. What took the BBC so long?
Yes, and why did the Olympic organizers have to spend months cajoling Saudi Arabia into even allowing a couple of women to compete? What was given in return, I wonder?
Even if you stick to undeniable fact the left will condem you for mentioning facts that they do not like. The target though is not the die hard pro muslim lefties at the BBC but those in the audience who still might be persuded to reason.
That’s why I say DV should refrain from complaining altogether and just ask why the BBC and IOC have been pandering. Take it as read, and keep asking what they’re afraid of. Read out an example – the Lebanese racists, for example – and ask why they allowed it. Ask why there were no headscarves in previous Olympics but now there’s at least one. Just say,
“We know it’s going on, the question is why, and what pressure has been put on the IOC?”
The BBC and so many people are always ready to fret about the Jewish/Israel Lobby putting pressure on this or that government, so I say with all the evidence here, it’s fair to ask if there’s a Muslim Lobby, or if there’s just an atmosphere of fear?
If Islam is such a great religion, then why do they have to make such a fuss about it. My sentiment is, I don’t mention my religion, I definitely do not want to know what yours is!
The Left are shit-scared of Islam, I don’t know why… something to do with a large percentage of the World’s Muslims being violent if they don’t get their own way perhaps? I was on the Guardian website kicking up a fuss last week and some of the groveling, craven and treacherous comments from the lefties there saying that Christianity is outdated and that Islam is more contemporary and suitable for the UK etc ad nauseam were disgusting beyond belief and, quite frankly, utterly disturbing. I called them disloyal scum and then quickly left.
They would last no longer in an Islamic country than they would on a sink estate, where the ‘poor’ – that they also love to patronise so much – reside.
RCE has a point. Why are they even running this theme?
The secularists in the BBC have concerns about Islamic women not getting into sports properly so on this one they will be antagonistic to the Imans etc.
Best to try and turn the arguments on to other issues if you get the chance.
Bloody marvellous, there are some feminists left in this world after all. And there was I thinking they were keeping quiet. Now then where are the brit fems?
I added a link to a DM article about topless Ukranian feminists who were protesting at Tower Bridge about Islamic treatment of women and the way the IOC allows them to get away with it.
Check out Elder of Ziyon on the minutes silence issue. One of EoZ’s posts includes video clips of silences in commentary as the Israeli team entered the Olympic Stadium from (I think) NBC and Al Jazeera. The first was a (brief) token of respect (deliberate, in the absence of any official recognition of Munich), the latter an embarrassed unuttered hatred.
There was also some completely unnecessary and brainless interjections during the opening ceremony by the BBC commentators.
I would say to them that the Olympic Games are about competition between athletes and their countries, and the key word here is “games”. When did Islam become a country? And why is the BBC bringing religion into the Olympics? Back off and stick to the sport. Pop their agenda balloon. Good luck!
Oh look, there is some kind of ceremony going on…..I see the secular saints raise the pink BBC flag up the lucrative flag pole of licence-fee-funding in sure and certain hope of a Lib-Lab Coalition of 2015 to come….. and now the white toga-clad accredited participants surreptitiously scoff a quick and crafty bordello-burger from the under the golden arches of the dark side and let out the tumultuous fart-breath of dear Auntie (with just a light whiff of Lord Reith) to re-ignite the eternal flame in honour of the PC-UN-EU golden dawn we see the great gold-plated message en clair balding Radio 4 old boys now pass the sacred flame to the representatives of the champion men’s lightweights (Campbell and Bacon) of epic failure who run up the artificial mound and are now ready to take the great oaths:
‘I solemnly swear on my honour to get it about right – and failing that there is always Al Jazeera’.
‘…. Lib-Lab Coalition of 2015… ‘ – Oh! I shudder to think about these two in political cahoots together; this will be the final nail, as it were… we’ll be outlawed for certain!
I’ve been away for a bit (watching the Olympics) so I missed the comments here on the Opening Ceremony. I actually thought there were some good things mixed with others that were pointless, or even unnecessarily political (from the hard left of course).
However, I noticed there were two “silences” in the ceremony that were totally inappropriate. The first was in the “history” of Britain and was to remember the dead of the World Wars. I agree that we must always remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice for us, but that we commemorate in November. It is nothing to do with the Olympics and could be interpreted as an insult to Germany and Japan.
I continue on a separate post as I cannot see what I am typing anymore in the top post.
Anyway, the second silence, which (if I remember correctly) is unprecedented in Olympic Opening Ceremonies, was for those people in the stadium who have lost someone in the last year. On the face of it, a nice gesture perhaps – but again totally unnecessary.
So, to my point, why were these “silences” added? To my mind there can only be one reason; as a two-fingered salute and snub to the Israelis requesting that their loved ones and citizens who were murdered in 1972 on Olympic duty (therefore relevant to the Olympics) be remembered in a minute silence.
If anyone can think of any other valid possibility why two unnecessary rememberences were included, and not just blatant Israelophobia then please explain it to me. Scotty, Dezzie, David Gregory – that means you.
Until I see a proper explanation then I can only conclude Boyle is a raging anti-Semite.
Erm, well the Olympic ceremony itself had nothing to do with me or indeed the BBC, but from what I understand of the concept of the show the first pause was following on from the massive upheaval of industrialisation which lead to great benefits but also incredible loss of life in the great wars. Although the second has been attributed as a specific 7/7 memorial (I believe the BBC commentators did say that) it seems to have been referred to as a more general remembrance based on conversations I’ve had with friends who were there. I believe Danny Boyle’s mother was one of the pictures shown, but there were also two US Marines I spotted. Obviously since these are the London games the events of 7/7 were also on people’s minds but it seems it was a general pause for remembrance for everyone rather than a specific group.
David Gregory – this is something that you won’t be able to discuss here, but I implore you to ask around the office if it’s racist to to refuse to recognize Olympic athletes who were murdered during the Olympic Games, on the Olympic premises, simply because they were Israeli and Jewish.
These were Olympic athletes killed at the Olympics, and it shouldn’t really be politicizing anything or taking sides in the Israel/Palestinian conflict to take a moment to remember athletes. If the victims were anyone but Israeli, this wouldn’t even be a topic for discussion, and there would definitely have been a big tribute and moment of silence. Does anyone you know at the BBC agree with that point?
I know the standard belief for most people is that all Israelis are collectively guilty because they serve in the Army, etc., and that they’re all fair military targets. Ask your colleagues if they think it’s racist to refuse to acknowledge that because the victims were Israeli Jews, or if they don’t deserve a moment of silence because they were Israeli soldiers and legitimate targets.
I don’t expect you to ask anyone, really, as it’s a controversial subject, and I know you could never discuss it here. But I can always hope you might learn something about your colleagues.
I’m a bit too young to actually remember Munich but I have read the descriptions of what happened, and interviews with widows of some of those who were murdered. I was incredibly shocked by the actual details of what happened. As you say it is a controversial area, but in the end the decision is nothing to do with the BBC. But there was a pause for remembrance in the ceremony. I hope people took that moment (as I did) to reflect on those who could not be there or watch it with us.
So a pause for remembrance of whomever one chooses is good enough? Not even close, DG. Such a dodge is beneath you. Olympic athletes killed at the Olympics lumped together with all those who miss a loved one this year? I’m sorry, it doesn’t hold up.
I realize the BBC didn’t control the opening ceremonies. But as you may have read here, there is concern about the BBC’s lack of recognition of the incident. You may be aware of things like Bob Costas on NBC making a point of it. Where are the usual R4 and R5 suspects making this a main topic for discussion on their shows like they do with so many other “controversial” issues? It could be that such a thing wouldn’t be allowed at the BBC because you broadcast to a much more, shall we say, diverse audience, and don’t want to offend them. If so, that’s probably not a slippery slope you’d want to stand near.
In any case, one can be shocked by what happened and still believe that the Israeli athletes were not innocent victims, and as such don’t deserve that moment of silence. I wonder if any of your colleagues feel that way? You should ask around.
David I have much respect for you as a commentator on here (although I disagree with your Chick fil a analysis) and this is an area where many people have deeply held views that I respect. But there was space for remembrance in the ceremony. Now you say that’s not enough and there should be presumably specific silences for remembering certain appalling acts? At that point you get into specifics; how much time is given to Munich, to the bombing of the Atlanta Olympics, to the victims of 7/7, to the man killed by an Olympic bus this week?
Obviously I had nothing to do with those decisions and neither did the BBC, but if we take the events of Munich and of Atlanta say, how would you remember them in an opening ceremony? Would you give the same time to both? If not how would you split it?
David G, you simply cannot say that the non-denominational (so to speak) “space for remembrance” is satisfactory. A generic moment of silence for anyone or anything isn’t the same thing at all as honoring one group specifically. It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny at all.
Again, my point here is not to hold the BBC or any Beeboid responsible. My point was to get you to raise your awareness of your colleagues’ opinions. You can’t discuss that here so this makes things a bit awkward, I know.
I almost accept your point about Atlanta, but no athletes were killed, and none were targeted, and nobody was killed in the Olympic Village. It’s really not the same thing. I would definitely consider, though a joint memorial moment, if both incidents were openly stated. I won’t set my opinion in stone until I’ve had some more tea and thought on it, but it’s a fair option.
As for the Chick-fil-A, how many people have you spoken to who support the “buycott”? How many vox pops have you read or heard saying they’re against homosexual marriage versus how many who say they support it but are against government telling businesses which thoughts to hold? And which news outlets provide you with that information? Have you done your homework on this, besides scanning newswires? I sent three examples of direct quotes, which included links to more, to the website complaints department.
I will tell you straight out (no pun intended) that I support the legal rights for homosexuals to marry (although no legal forcing it on the church/synagogue/mosque), while I oppose government deciding that an individual cannot open a business because of a personal belief. Especially since that business does not, in fact, discriminate. Before you ask, yes, I would equally oppose a mayor banning a fast food outlet if the owner was a Holocaust denier, wore an SS uniform at the office.
The attitude behind the “buycott” for the majority of people is intimately related to that which drives the Tea Party movement. Contrary to what Mark Mardell and Jonny Dymond and Katty Kay and the rest of them – Andrew Neil included – have told you, the Tea Party movement is not about bigotry or hatred or creating an Evangelical Christian State. It’s about smaller, less intrusive, less controlling government. The intersection of the Venn Diagram may include some of those people, just as any large movement is going to include people with different views on other issues, but that’s not what it’s about. If you believe the Chick-fil-A “buycott” is about hatred of homosexuals, you couldn’t be more misinformed, and I’m sorry you feel that way.
Sorry David G, I didn’t make myself clear that I realise that the Opening Ceremony was nothing to do with the BBC. But it was created by someone with a similar left-wing mindset as BBC personnel, you included.
I was just hoping that you or one of the other Beboid apologists on here could answer my question about what was probably in Boyle’s mind. Obviously not but thanks for trying.
I am still, therefore, convinced my thoughts as to his reasons are probably valid.
Demon. Have you read Danny Boyle’s introduction from the Olympic programme? It sums up what he was trying to do. And I think there really is something for everyone there. Older readers may know I live in Birmingham and work as a Science Correspondent and I really love the celebration of the industrial revolution (there was even a nod to the Lunar Society) A huge part of the opening ceremony was about the triumph of industry, business and innovation. It wasn’t all NHS nurses on trampoline beds. http://moviecitynews.com/2012/07/danny-boyles-introduction-in-the-olympic-program/
There are some amusing facts to be gleaned from the blog ‘Muslim women in sports’ -e.g. the first Turkish woman to win an Olympic gold for her country (in weightlifting) is not participating in the games this year after failing a drugs test. The first woman to win a gold for Algeria had to move to Europe for her training after receiving death threats, for revealing too much of her body, from the more enthusiastic practitioners of Islam.
This year’s Palestinian entry for the women’s 800 meres does not expect to do very well because her personal best is 53 secs slower than he Olympic record.
As far as women’s sport is concerned the blog leaves the impression that, as with so much else, Muslim societies are somewhat dysfunctional.
Make sure you know in advance who is against you, also make sure they answer the point and not slide off on another rant. Make sure the interviewer lets you have your say and does not come in with a different question as Dimbleby does on Question time. You probably know this anyway.
Is this a joke, arrrggghhhhhhhhhhhh. What does Islam have to do with the Olympics ???? No wonder with stupid discussions like this people turn against Islam. We are a very tolerant country and correctly welcome all ethnicities, rekigions, crap like this and jokers like you are driving wedges between people by discussing such pathetic stuff. Islam at the olympics FFs argghhhhhhh
” jokers like you are driving wedges between people by discussing such pathetic stuff. Islam at the olympics”
.and ……… the discussion is on BBC Sunday 😀
“Saudi judoka who got Olympic rules changed so she could wear hijab got special invitation to compete: she is blue belt and would never have qualified for Olympics”
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown can be an insufferable Guadianista. Amongst other things she is a shrill feminist. Of course her views get her a regular seat on BBC News Channel’s newspaper review.
Last night she went skiing way off piste with comments about the restrictions placed on Isamic women competing at the Olympics.
The very bland beeboid, Tim Wilcox(?), had the party line – ‘well it’s a breakthrough that they (Islamic countries) are including women in their teams’.
Yasmin was was having none of it – more power to her elbow. She effectively burst the moral relativist bubble the BBC have been inflating over their Muslim Olympics.
I was impressed and wondered whether the Shafilea Ahmed murder case would come up.
10 out of 10 Yasmin. She gave it both barrels with this deserved ‘an exemplary sentence’ and ‘I don’t know why these people come to this country, if they don’t want their daughters to benefit from a British lifestyle’.
The Beeboid looked more than a little discomforted.
‘It’s the men…the Imans who are to blame, you know’.
Sometimes it takes a lefty going off message to show up how PC and craven the BBC really are.
More credit to Willcox as well, then, for remaining impartial. He’s ex-military and not one of the wet Leftoids who take the other News Channel slots. He doesn’t reveal his opinions anywhere near as much as the rest of them do. You’re right about him toeing the BBC line, though. That comes from his producers.
I expect thats a general heading, with a specific question to be finalised.
Of course, no one seems to see any irony in another BBC invitation to Mr Vsnce to express hios opinons on Islam.
Do we get to know how much you’re being paid?
Search Biased BBC
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This smells like a Kobayahsi Maru setup. Instead of playing by their rules, I say change them. Instead of complaining about how everyone is appeasing Mohammedans and offending Israel at every turn, take it as a given that the audience knows about the appeasing and just keep asking why the Olympic committee and the BBC are doing it. Ask them what they’re afraid of. Don’t get caught in the trap of complaining about Islam, which is what they want you to do. The pandering is happening, everyone knows it, so just keep asking why the BBC and the Olympic mandarins are doing it. Why are they so scared of them that they allow racist behavior (refusing to train near or within sight of Jews, refusing to compete against Jews, etc.). Don’t play the BBC’s game and let them make you the pantomime villain here.
If there’s time, also ask them which other countries are not allowed to decide their own capitals.
which other countries are not allowed to decide their own capitals.
How about Britain? Labour decided, without ever mentioning it in an election manifesto or parliamentary law, to give our capital city to foreigners.
spot on david …
the saudis threatened to walk … and IOC caved
the Lebanese judo team,(practice or go?) … but the IOC caved.
the disgusting/abhorrent “cartelle” of islamic countries preventing the 2 min silence … IOC caved
the IOC/BBC are/is behaving in an antisemitic manner, it is blatant,
Why is religious law on things like the hijab taking precedent for the IOC, as it plainly is,
really nail them on their treatment of Israel, these olympics are the perfect example, this is also about islam.
I assume the excuse for all of this is that the IOC had the unmitigated gall to schedule the Olympics during Ramadan. This was the ultimate offense to Islam, of course, and so all this stuff is the least they can do to make up for it.
I haven’t bothered to do the calendar math, but does anyone know if this is the first time the Olympics and Ramadan have coincided? Or is it just that the Mohammedan nations are feeling more empowered these days and want to see how far they can push the boundaries?
It was in 1980, the Moscow Olympics. Suleiman Nyambui of Tanzania took silver in the 5000 meters while fasting.
But that was the year the US and nearly every Muslim country boycotted the Games because of the Soviet Union’s invasion of Muslim Afghanistan. I’m not sure that proves anything either way.
ask them which other countries are not allowed to decide their own capitals.
I would very much like to know where the “Chinese Taipei” is located on the map, for starters.
But while we’re at it, could you puh-lease not politicise THE games?
David, the best comment I’ve heard so far was from commentator Peggy Noonan.
On radio the other day she said, “the difference in the opening ceremonies between Beijing and London was that it seems the Chinese like their country better than the British like theirs.”
Muslim olympics
Team Grooming
Burka Beach Volley ball where they throw a IED over a perimeter fence.
Putt the stone ( like the shot , only with a female target)
competitive Quran burning, with most points for most absurd insane over the top reaction, (al bbc could easily get among the medals).
Indoor pig-racing, from the East London mosque.
Yeah, the guardian all week has been bumping its gums about how only children who attended private schools (the so called elites) make it as adults into the Olympics. As you can guess, that leftwing dream has been shot well out of the water.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
“Halal Games and Anti-Jihad War Apparatus in Islamized London”
We have labour to thank for our multicultural paradise. The nutty lefties now tell us that London is a world city, how long before England becomes a world country (what a joke)? Bankers are locked up for fraud, why are labour politicians not locked up for treason?
Would you mind just slipping this ‘vest’ on for me ?
Odd subject…must conclude it is an excuse to tell us how great Islam is and how tolerant…’Look female athletes!’.
What about other religions, why just Islam? What is the BBC’s obsession with Islam….an obsession and yet it denies Islam has any relevance to Muslim’s daily lives or political direction.
The very fact they’re having such a discussion tells you all you need to know about Islam….though I’m sure the BBC see it as a chance to educate the rest of us non-Muslims about its greatness, tolerance and peaceable nature.
Good point. David V, you must mention the following Dominic Laurie (BBC producer) tweet during the opening ceremonies:
‘Saudis whack the women at the back of the parade. There’s a surprise.’
(H/T Jim Dandy for showing me this in an attempt to prove that not all Beeboid tweets are Left-wing.)
Read this out and then say something like, “Yes, I know it’s not an official BBC twitter account, so staff can reveal their personal political feelings.”
As has been pointed out by others the opening ceremony faux medieval paradise did not have any pigs or dogs both a long established part of our countryside.
One of their female Judo contestants has asked for an exception of the dress code. Which seems a small thing but once we start allowing one exception the precedent is established that certain groups can have privileges denied to others we soon go from Sikhs not having to wear motorbike helmets to extra benefits for extra wifes.
Erm, I must have imagined that sheepdog then. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/news/meet-the-real-stars-of-the-olympic-opening-ceremony-a-cow-called-gabriella-whos-a-bit-of-a-diva-and-a-goose-called-gordon-7999169.html
If its true about not wanting to train within sight of Jews or against Jews then these backward thinking nazis should be expelled from the games but its not going to happen is it?
It’s been alluded to above, but it’s worth ramming the point home, not only due to the sheer pathology of it all, but also the sheer sleaziness of the BBC in refusing to cover it:
I concur with David’s comment (first comment) and Alan: “The very fact they’re having such a discussion tells you all you need to know about Islam”…and the BBC.
DV, this is all you need talk about. Ask WHY they are having this discussion.
Yep, I forget who said it but Hells Angels and Muslims are the only two demographics who expect public adulation just for acting normally.
BBC et al need to wake up to the future:
I must confess that I haven’t heard this story regarding the partitioning of Muslims and Jews, at the request of Muslims. Just imagine if any other group had wanted such an action to separate them from Muslims. They would be accused of Islamophobia and be on the first plane home, and rightly so. If the Olympic commitee have complied with this it’s an utter disgrace.
On a slightly lighter note; Imagine trying to compete in the 400 metres hurdles wearing a hijab.
And as for synchronised swimming…
Here’s one report, with photo of Israelis training next to the screen. Defenders of the indefensible are welcome to prove that it’s fake, just nasty Israeli propaganda. Go on, dez and Scott and Nicked emus and redwhiteblue and the rest of you, dismiss this because of the source, then tell me that the Telegraph appears also to be controlled by Israeli agents.
That’s why this is such a key example. The Usual Suspects can’t get away with their usual drivel about context here. They demanded a screen be put up so they didn’t see the offensive sight of Jews. That’s a tough one even forthe Uber-Dhimmis at the BBC to nuance their way out of.
And stay 3ft behind your husband
Islam and 1972 Olympics:
Mr Vance, first off I wish you the best of luck on the forthcoming BBC appearance… I sincerely hope it turns out to be more positive an experience than the Nolan Show. Anyway, two things I would like to see the BBC pulled up on. The first: why the continuing refusal to highlight the clear link between Islam and child grooming in any of their reports, if indeed they do report the case? Secondly, why are they so pro-rebel forces in the Syria conflict, even when many reports now have confirmed that the so-called ‘Liberation’ Army is in fact a hotchpotch of Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists? Cheers.
The BBC were clearly squirming on how to report the cold blooded murder of prisoners by the rebels the other day, the ones they lined up against a wall and shot to bits. It had to be covered but they played the event down as the kind of thing that can happen in war. The BBC is a disgrace, it is partial in many things and distorts facts. Had it been the government killing rebels I dare say they would have gone hysterical. The BBC should be careful what is wishes for.
I couldn’t agree more Mr Wizard! I also happened to catch the gruesome footage of this foul atrocity and agree that the BBC tried their utmost to water it down; also, Sky were running this two days before the BBC. What took the BBC so long?
Why are there so few female Swimmers from Islamic countries ?
Why has Beach Volley Ball not taken off in countries that have more sand then they need ?
Yes, and why did the Olympic organizers have to spend months cajoling Saudi Arabia into even allowing a couple of women to compete? What was given in return, I wonder?
You cannot possibly come out of it well. It is not an issue and you are guaranteed to be portrayed as just anti-Muslim when it comes to everything.
Call in sick, say something has come up, or whatever; but don’t do it.
Even if you stick to undeniable fact the left will condem you for mentioning facts that they do not like. The target though is not the die hard pro muslim lefties at the BBC but those in the audience who still might be persuded to reason.
I agree 100%. But it won’t work.
That’s why I say DV should refrain from complaining altogether and just ask why the BBC and IOC have been pandering. Take it as read, and keep asking what they’re afraid of. Read out an example – the Lebanese racists, for example – and ask why they allowed it. Ask why there were no headscarves in previous Olympics but now there’s at least one. Just say,
“We know it’s going on, the question is why, and what pressure has been put on the IOC?”
The BBC and so many people are always ready to fret about the Jewish/Israel Lobby putting pressure on this or that government, so I say with all the evidence here, it’s fair to ask if there’s a Muslim Lobby, or if there’s just an atmosphere of fear?
If Islam is such a great religion, then why do they have to make such a fuss about it. My sentiment is, I don’t mention my religion, I definitely do not want to know what yours is!
The Left are shit-scared of Islam, I don’t know why… something to do with a large percentage of the World’s Muslims being violent if they don’t get their own way perhaps? I was on the Guardian website kicking up a fuss last week and some of the groveling, craven and treacherous comments from the lefties there saying that Christianity is outdated and that Islam is more contemporary and suitable for the UK etc ad nauseam were disgusting beyond belief and, quite frankly, utterly disturbing. I called them disloyal scum and then quickly left.
They would last no longer in an Islamic country than they would on a sink estate, where the ‘poor’ – that they also love to patronise so much – reside.
Why the unholy alliance between Islam and the Left: they both hate us.
“… Christianity is outdated and that Islam is more contemporary and suitable …”
Hitler said the same thing. But then, Hitler was also a Socialist, who wanted to destroy capitalism.
Ask Why the BBC chose Islam at the Olympics as the topic, and not Jews at the Olympics, or in other words, anti-semitism at the Olympics.
RCE has a point. Why are they even running this theme?
The secularists in the BBC have concerns about Islamic women not getting into sports properly so on this one they will be antagonistic to the Imans etc.
Best to try and turn the arguments on to other issues if you get the chance.
David, play them at their own game and turn the argument against them.
Be brave and stand up for your beliefs, they’ll hate you for it put the public will be behind you.
What is the Olympic ideal ?
For the Olympic salute see this pic –
Could you provide programme details – channel? Time?
“Ukrainian feminists stage topless protest near Tower Bridge over Olympic body’s ‘support for bloody Islamist regimes’”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2182630/London-Olympics-2012-Topless-Ukrainian-feminists-stage-protest-Londons-Tower-Bridge.html#ixzz22R8GCNNF
Bloody marvellous, there are some feminists left in this world after all. And there was I thinking they were keeping quiet. Now then where are the brit fems?
“Topless women stage London protest”
I added a link to a DM article about topless Ukranian feminists who were protesting at Tower Bridge about Islamic treatment of women and the way the IOC allows them to get away with it.
Hadn’t seen George’s link above before I posted mine.
Check out Elder of Ziyon on the minutes silence issue. One of EoZ’s posts includes video clips of silences in commentary as the Israeli team entered the Olympic Stadium from (I think) NBC and Al Jazeera. The first was a (brief) token of respect (deliberate, in the absence of any official recognition of Munich), the latter an embarrassed unuttered hatred.
There was also some completely unnecessary and brainless interjections during the opening ceremony by the BBC commentators.
Sock it to ’em.
I would say to them that the Olympic Games are about competition between athletes and their countries, and the key word here is “games”. When did Islam become a country? And why is the BBC bringing religion into the Olympics? Back off and stick to the sport. Pop their agenda balloon. Good luck!
Oh look, there is some kind of ceremony going on…..I see the secular saints raise the pink BBC flag up the lucrative flag pole of licence-fee-funding in sure and certain hope of a Lib-Lab Coalition of 2015 to come….. and now the white toga-clad accredited participants surreptitiously scoff a quick and crafty bordello-burger from the under the golden arches of the dark side and let out the tumultuous fart-breath of dear Auntie (with just a light whiff of Lord Reith) to re-ignite the eternal flame in honour of the PC-UN-EU golden dawn we see the great gold-plated message en clair balding Radio 4 old boys now pass the sacred flame to the representatives of the champion men’s lightweights (Campbell and Bacon) of epic failure who run up the artificial mound and are now ready to take the great oaths:
‘I solemnly swear on my honour to get it about right – and failing that there is always Al Jazeera’.
‘…. Lib-Lab Coalition of 2015… ‘ – Oh! I shudder to think about these two in political cahoots together; this will be the final nail, as it were… we’ll be outlawed for certain!
I’ve been away for a bit (watching the Olympics) so I missed the comments here on the Opening Ceremony. I actually thought there were some good things mixed with others that were pointless, or even unnecessarily political (from the hard left of course).
However, I noticed there were two “silences” in the ceremony that were totally inappropriate. The first was in the “history” of Britain and was to remember the dead of the World Wars. I agree that we must always remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice for us, but that we commemorate in November. It is nothing to do with the Olympics and could be interpreted as an insult to Germany and Japan.
I continue on a separate post as I cannot see what I am typing anymore in the top post.
Anyway, the second silence, which (if I remember correctly) is unprecedented in Olympic Opening Ceremonies, was for those people in the stadium who have lost someone in the last year. On the face of it, a nice gesture perhaps – but again totally unnecessary.
So, to my point, why were these “silences” added? To my mind there can only be one reason; as a two-fingered salute and snub to the Israelis requesting that their loved ones and citizens who were murdered in 1972 on Olympic duty (therefore relevant to the Olympics) be remembered in a minute silence.
If anyone can think of any other valid possibility why two unnecessary rememberences were included, and not just blatant Israelophobia then please explain it to me. Scotty, Dezzie, David Gregory – that means you.
Until I see a proper explanation then I can only conclude Boyle is a raging anti-Semite.
Erm, well the Olympic ceremony itself had nothing to do with me or indeed the BBC, but from what I understand of the concept of the show the first pause was following on from the massive upheaval of industrialisation which lead to great benefits but also incredible loss of life in the great wars. Although the second has been attributed as a specific 7/7 memorial (I believe the BBC commentators did say that) it seems to have been referred to as a more general remembrance based on conversations I’ve had with friends who were there. I believe Danny Boyle’s mother was one of the pictures shown, but there were also two US Marines I spotted. Obviously since these are the London games the events of 7/7 were also on people’s minds but it seems it was a general pause for remembrance for everyone rather than a specific group.
David Gregory – this is something that you won’t be able to discuss here, but I implore you to ask around the office if it’s racist to to refuse to recognize Olympic athletes who were murdered during the Olympic Games, on the Olympic premises, simply because they were Israeli and Jewish.
These were Olympic athletes killed at the Olympics, and it shouldn’t really be politicizing anything or taking sides in the Israel/Palestinian conflict to take a moment to remember athletes. If the victims were anyone but Israeli, this wouldn’t even be a topic for discussion, and there would definitely have been a big tribute and moment of silence. Does anyone you know at the BBC agree with that point?
I know the standard belief for most people is that all Israelis are collectively guilty because they serve in the Army, etc., and that they’re all fair military targets. Ask your colleagues if they think it’s racist to refuse to acknowledge that because the victims were Israeli Jews, or if they don’t deserve a moment of silence because they were Israeli soldiers and legitimate targets.
I don’t expect you to ask anyone, really, as it’s a controversial subject, and I know you could never discuss it here. But I can always hope you might learn something about your colleagues.
I’m a bit too young to actually remember Munich but I have read the descriptions of what happened, and interviews with widows of some of those who were murdered. I was incredibly shocked by the actual details of what happened. As you say it is a controversial area, but in the end the decision is nothing to do with the BBC. But there was a pause for remembrance in the ceremony. I hope people took that moment (as I did) to reflect on those who could not be there or watch it with us.
So a pause for remembrance of whomever one chooses is good enough? Not even close, DG. Such a dodge is beneath you. Olympic athletes killed at the Olympics lumped together with all those who miss a loved one this year? I’m sorry, it doesn’t hold up.
I realize the BBC didn’t control the opening ceremonies. But as you may have read here, there is concern about the BBC’s lack of recognition of the incident. You may be aware of things like Bob Costas on NBC making a point of it. Where are the usual R4 and R5 suspects making this a main topic for discussion on their shows like they do with so many other “controversial” issues? It could be that such a thing wouldn’t be allowed at the BBC because you broadcast to a much more, shall we say, diverse audience, and don’t want to offend them. If so, that’s probably not a slippery slope you’d want to stand near.
In any case, one can be shocked by what happened and still believe that the Israeli athletes were not innocent victims, and as such don’t deserve that moment of silence. I wonder if any of your colleagues feel that way? You should ask around.
David I have much respect for you as a commentator on here (although I disagree with your Chick fil a analysis) and this is an area where many people have deeply held views that I respect. But there was space for remembrance in the ceremony. Now you say that’s not enough and there should be presumably specific silences for remembering certain appalling acts? At that point you get into specifics; how much time is given to Munich, to the bombing of the Atlanta Olympics, to the victims of 7/7, to the man killed by an Olympic bus this week?
Obviously I had nothing to do with those decisions and neither did the BBC, but if we take the events of Munich and of Atlanta say, how would you remember them in an opening ceremony? Would you give the same time to both? If not how would you split it?
David G, you simply cannot say that the non-denominational (so to speak) “space for remembrance” is satisfactory. A generic moment of silence for anyone or anything isn’t the same thing at all as honoring one group specifically. It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny at all.
Again, my point here is not to hold the BBC or any Beeboid responsible. My point was to get you to raise your awareness of your colleagues’ opinions. You can’t discuss that here so this makes things a bit awkward, I know.
I almost accept your point about Atlanta, but no athletes were killed, and none were targeted, and nobody was killed in the Olympic Village. It’s really not the same thing. I would definitely consider, though a joint memorial moment, if both incidents were openly stated. I won’t set my opinion in stone until I’ve had some more tea and thought on it, but it’s a fair option.
As for the Chick-fil-A, how many people have you spoken to who support the “buycott”? How many vox pops have you read or heard saying they’re against homosexual marriage versus how many who say they support it but are against government telling businesses which thoughts to hold? And which news outlets provide you with that information? Have you done your homework on this, besides scanning newswires? I sent three examples of direct quotes, which included links to more, to the website complaints department.
I will tell you straight out (no pun intended) that I support the legal rights for homosexuals to marry (although no legal forcing it on the church/synagogue/mosque), while I oppose government deciding that an individual cannot open a business because of a personal belief. Especially since that business does not, in fact, discriminate. Before you ask, yes, I would equally oppose a mayor banning a fast food outlet if the owner was a Holocaust denier, wore an SS uniform at the office.
The attitude behind the “buycott” for the majority of people is intimately related to that which drives the Tea Party movement. Contrary to what Mark Mardell and Jonny Dymond and Katty Kay and the rest of them – Andrew Neil included – have told you, the Tea Party movement is not about bigotry or hatred or creating an Evangelical Christian State. It’s about smaller, less intrusive, less controlling government. The intersection of the Venn Diagram may include some of those people, just as any large movement is going to include people with different views on other issues, but that’s not what it’s about. If you believe the Chick-fil-A “buycott” is about hatred of homosexuals, you couldn’t be more misinformed, and I’m sorry you feel that way.
Sorry David G, I didn’t make myself clear that I realise that the Opening Ceremony was nothing to do with the BBC. But it was created by someone with a similar left-wing mindset as BBC personnel, you included.
I was just hoping that you or one of the other Beboid apologists on here could answer my question about what was probably in Boyle’s mind. Obviously not but thanks for trying.
I am still, therefore, convinced my thoughts as to his reasons are probably valid.
Demon. Have you read Danny Boyle’s introduction from the Olympic programme? It sums up what he was trying to do. And I think there really is something for everyone there. Older readers may know I live in Birmingham and work as a Science Correspondent and I really love the celebration of the industrial revolution (there was even a nod to the Lunar Society) A huge part of the opening ceremony was about the triumph of industry, business and innovation. It wasn’t all NHS nurses on trampoline beds. http://moviecitynews.com/2012/07/danny-boyles-introduction-in-the-olympic-program/
There are some amusing facts to be gleaned from the blog ‘Muslim women in sports’ -e.g. the first Turkish woman to win an Olympic gold for her country (in weightlifting) is not participating in the games this year after failing a drugs test. The first woman to win a gold for Algeria had to move to Europe for her training after receiving death threats, for revealing too much of her body, from the more enthusiastic practitioners of Islam.
This year’s Palestinian entry for the women’s 800 meres does not expect to do very well because her personal best is 53 secs slower than he Olympic record.
As far as women’s sport is concerned the blog leaves the impression that, as with so much else, Muslim societies are somewhat dysfunctional.
link to ‘Muslim women in sports’:
Make sure you know in advance who is against you, also make sure they answer the point and not slide off on another rant. Make sure the interviewer lets you have your say and does not come in with a different question as Dimbleby does on Question time. You probably know this anyway.
“Concessions to Muslim law in Saudi woman controversy undermines the Olympics”
1st, get concessions for muslims others don t have.
2nd, with the precedent set, get it as standard
yup! … thats sharia for you … the olympics are just the next on a long list to be poisoned by its fascist ideal.
“London’s Marxist Multicultural Olympics”
by Paul Weston.
Is this a joke, arrrggghhhhhhhhhhhh. What does Islam have to do with the Olympics ???? No wonder with stupid discussions like this people turn against Islam. We are a very tolerant country and correctly welcome all ethnicities, rekigions, crap like this and jokers like you are driving wedges between people by discussing such pathetic stuff. Islam at the olympics FFs argghhhhhhh
” jokers like you are driving wedges between people by discussing such pathetic stuff. Islam at the olympics”
.and ……… the discussion is on BBC Sunday 😀
“Saudi judoka who got Olympic rules changed so she could wear hijab got special invitation to compete: she is blue belt and would never have qualified for Olympics”
The headwear argued about at such length looks remarkably similar to the hoodie worn to great effect by Cathy Freeman in Sydney.
Totally non-story.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown can be an insufferable Guadianista. Amongst other things she is a shrill feminist. Of course her views get her a regular seat on BBC News Channel’s newspaper review.
Last night she went skiing way off piste with comments about the restrictions placed on Isamic women competing at the Olympics.
The very bland beeboid, Tim Wilcox(?), had the party line – ‘well it’s a breakthrough that they (Islamic countries) are including women in their teams’.
Yasmin was was having none of it – more power to her elbow. She effectively burst the moral relativist bubble the BBC have been inflating over their Muslim Olympics.
I was impressed and wondered whether the Shafilea Ahmed murder case would come up.
10 out of 10 Yasmin. She gave it both barrels with this deserved ‘an exemplary sentence’ and ‘I don’t know why these people come to this country, if they don’t want their daughters to benefit from a British lifestyle’.
The Beeboid looked more than a little discomforted.
‘It’s the men…the Imans who are to blame, you know’.
Sometimes it takes a lefty going off message to show up how PC and craven the BBC really are.
More credit to Willcox as well, then, for remaining impartial. He’s ex-military and not one of the wet Leftoids who take the other News Channel slots. He doesn’t reveal his opinions anywhere near as much as the rest of them do. You’re right about him toeing the BBC line, though. That comes from his producers.
INBBC on who can and cannot be described as Muslim.
a.) Iftikhar Ahmed and Farzana Ahmed: ‘honour killer’ murderers
-INBBC censors out that they are Muslims;
“Shafilea Ahmed case shows victims ‘must break ranks'”
b.) Mo Farah, Olympic gold medal winner
-INBBC emphasises that he is a Muslim.
“Heart And Soul
Going For Gold In Ramadan”
Presumably, and I don’t think it takes a genius, the reason the discussion is Isma and the Olympics is due to this:
and a few other related stories.
I expect thats a general heading, with a specific question to be finalised.
Of course, no one seems to see any irony in another BBC invitation to Mr Vsnce to express hios opinons on Islam.
Do we get to know how much you’re being paid?