Anyone catch this “Ethics Committee” nonsense from Libby Purvis earlier today. Sex Workers and Crack addicts – all on Welfare, a perfect BBC combination.
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Anyone catch this “Ethics Committee” nonsense from Libby Purvis earlier today. Sex Workers and Crack addicts – all on Welfare, a perfect BBC combination.
Surely sex workers service crack addicts?
I’ll get my coat…
I think it`s actually crack addicts serve as sex workers… Whilst you`re over there will you grab my jacket for me too please?? 🙂
Yup – heard this while driving this morning. What struck me the most ? Well, the former crackhead certainly had the social-worker-lingo down pat. It was all about her’chaotic lifestyle’, she mentioned time after time. Every sentence she uttered, it appeared, had the embedded jargon of the social literati.
Nothing seemed to be the fault of the people concerned…. things just happened to them – they ‘fell pregnant’ (time and again, it appears is the norm)….. her kids never saw her ‘using’ – she just went off to her room for ages, and re-appeared ‘when needed’ – bombed out no doubt, but her kids never actually saw her shooting up – she was really proud of that….she became a ‘sex worker’ (note the terminology again)….she saw how others had become dealers, so she started dealing…. the social housing she was given, she turned into a crack house, then it ‘burned down’, so she was left homeless….then her kids got removed…. etc., etc.
I am really happy for the lady that she seems to be clean now, but she appeared to take no responsibility for what was going on before. Nothing was her fault, nor was it her responsibility to sort out. Even medical help had to be taken to her, since she couldn’t (like so many others, it seemed from the report) be bothered to go to a clinic to get contraception or STD advice, and so on and so on.
The clips of her speaking were all so well-rehearsed it came across as a facade, clearly promoting the need for everybody else to just get on with funding these issues, the drug abuse, the welfare, the ‘relapses’, the social care requirements within easy reach, etc., etc., etc.
But the moral question being asked was whether we should pay such people to take contraception….. hey – feed their habits by giving them money to be able to do so, and they’ll ingest any drugs – even contraception…. but don’t expect their ‘chaotic lifestyle’ to ensure that they keep taking the medication – with the obvious results.
It is so depressing to hear this mangled lifestyle almost being justified to us, that the multiple kids brought into this world by these people ought not to be removed from their ‘care’, that it’s too hard to foster kids under such circumstances, or have them adopted into a much better environment, if one potential adoptive parent may possibly sneeze the wrong way….
But it’s never their fault – and definitely not their responsibility. It’s everyone else’s.
You spoke well. Clearly everything is societys fault, which is the raison d’etre for the Third Sector of chugger-funded charities with EU/Government/Peace Foundation grants to “help people” ie put of the day when their “clients” actually take responsibility for their own lives and sort themselves out.
A start would be to cut off all government grants to “charities”. The next step would be to stop all benefits at the third child out of wedlock. After that, all new single-muvvas given a hostel place, not a nice council flat. All the incentives face the wrong way, and insult decent hardworking responsible people. Yes I mean you, Cameron. No one will ever love you, blue on the inside but red on the outside..
The part where they were discussing whether to give these dirty little smak-skanks £10 or even £20 made me laugh…. I cannot help wondering what would have happened if somebody suggested a one off payment of a £100 rock of crack or a syringe the size of a bike pump full of smak would be more cost effective and the answer to the homeless prostitution problem as they would simply overdose if given enough in one go…. F*ck `em …. I don`t feel sorry for them… they see thier junkie mates die from taking the same stuff they are on, they also know that smakheads and crack whores will rip off anyone they can in thier quest to get more crap in thier systems… Lastly they also know that nobody goes to thier funerals to watch them burn in thier cardboard coffin provided by the taxpayers… TBH they should give em all a one off `big hit` … It is cheaper, it also protects thier family members from the torment of having a thieving slag in the house. Also why the f*ck are English ethics comittees discussing what goes on in Alex Salmonds fiefdom??? Let the SNP deal with it… apparently after they go thier own way Scotland will become an economic powerhouse rivalling the Chinese…. Alex Salmond might have to rethink how many towers and moats he can afford for his new castle he is building, I am sure he won`t mind helping solve the problem as he seems to have an answer for everything else doesn`t he???
Just watched a fair bit of Mark Thompson at the Commons Select Committee in June, tonight on the Parliament Channel. The MPs couldn’t argue their way out of a paper bag even if several (Collins/Mensch) seemed to be heading in a good direction (BBC’s plurality /anti-Israel).
Thompson is such a 3rd rate performer yet he twisted his way out of having to give even the tiniest of concessions to their concerns.
All he yapped on about was the BBC’s commitment to impartiality which had them acquiescent in seconds.
Help please any Beeboid .
Ive worked out a way to stop these ” victims ” becoming drug addicts , but it involves the death penalty for the Mr Bigs who supply . Will you give your support to stop yhe drugs trade ?
Any chance that the BBC would trake (my) line. Drug use and “chaotic lifestyles” are actively selected lifestyle choices. there are people who cannot be arsed actually feeding themselves and see this way of life as viable because I feed, clothe and house them and every time their house/flat/den/nest mysteriously spontaneously combusts I give them a new one. The ‘victims’ actively construct these lifestyles – shit though they may be – and live as festering parasites sucking billions of tax pounds into their greedy self pitying maws.
Welfareism does a very great deal to encourage this. [BBC endorsed] Proposals to bribe them to ‘change their lifestyle’s are transparently ludicrous – simply scrotes applying moral blackmail to the taxpayer – fund my feckless parasitic lifestyle or I will starve my numerous progeny. Bound to work isn’t it, they will never come back for more will they.
I am in a particularly virulent mood at the moment – I saw “Secrets of Shoplifters” (I think it was on C4) and the full horror of the parasite population educated in the language of whining self pity struck me.. “I ‘ad to nick those £200 sun glasses as I an’t got any money” cried scumbag smackhead X, who had never been out of bed before 10:30 in its life, He got a “9 week supervision order”. He must have shaken in terror when he heard that. I believe Mrs. too much complained a smidge after that programme as she was treated to a long diatribe on the beneficial curative properties of Arazona chain gangs and the surprizingly motivational effects of genuine starvation.
BBC, please explain to me why should we pander to this class of parasites who have chosen to live hellish lifestyles?
I only heard a small part of the programme towards the end, thank heavens. There seemed to be some concern over the ethics of health professionals offering some form of inducement, small amounts of money, free meals I think was another and various other types of non-expensive things, to encourage prostitutes to have appropriate health checks and to use some form of contraception.
It seems that the B-BBC’s main concern about the morality of using such methods for the encouragement of the people under discussion to take suitable steps towards staying as healthy as possible. My mind immediately sprang back to a few years ago when the Health Professionals were busy trying to find suitable ways to bribe, sorry, encourage people to stop smoking or to lose weight by adopting “healthy” eating habits.
I found it rather hypocritial of the B-BBC that they should be so concerned over the ethics of health professionals offering bribes over one set of health issues but not over other sets of health issues which, at the time, were part of Labour’s very highly politicised “concerns” over some people’s life choices. Obviously, when it comes to following the the Labour Party line all questions of morality are locked away and studiously ignored.
Women who “find themselves on the street” . Presumably having “lost their way in life”. I tried finding myself in a bank vault once unfortunately the police also found me there.
Ha – reminds me of a vulgar quote from The last Boyscout
“Sure, sure, I know… it just happened. Coulda happened to anybody. It was an accident, right? You tripped, slipped on the floor and accidentally stuck your d**k in my wife. “Whoops! I’m so sorry, Mrs. H. I guess this just isn’t my week.”
The problem is of course that the welfare state has encouraged the feckless , the idle and the stupid to breed (we pay them to do so) which they have done in ever greater numbers while at the same time taxing the productive. Now we have a problem ever greater numbers of basically retarded people who are now unable to contribute to society due to their low IQ and limited social skills. The current buzz word for these people is “chaotic lifestyle” but I prefer plain stupid.
One of my neighbours has a teenage son who sadly has Downs Syndrome. But despite this makes his own way to college on public transport , can read a bus timetable and most of the little things you need to survive in modern society. Sometimes in a morning I stand at the bus stop with him and as we wait I see fleets of mini cabs shuttle past us. These I learned are sent by the local council to the homes of persistent truants whose parents have “chaotic” lifestyles to try and take their little darlings to school about a mile down the road from me. This is because they are to stupid to be able to get up at a certain time and be able to use a bus timetable. This lad wants to work and his Dad told me the other day he now has a work placement on a scheme at a farm. Its quite possible in a few years he will be paying tax to support the underclass. This just hits me as being perverse.
As the years pass this underclass is going to start to make up a larger and larger proportion of society. The levels of shoplifting , rioting , looting and general crime is going to increase exponentially yet no one even seems to want to think about his.
An observation both really heartening (in the case of your neighbour’s son) and really exasperating (in the case of the others). And as for your prognosis for the future….I’m afraid I can only concur.