I wonder if you heard this inquisition interview conducted with RBS CEO Stephen Heston on the BBC Today programme earlier? A Biased BBC reader did and sent the following thoughts in…
“Did you hear the interview with RBS chief Simon Hester this morning? The interviewer constantly harangued him and came out with this …” Don’t you think the Banks have become too large, too powerful, too arogant and should be split up?” Well what other organisation does that remind you of?
But more than that, what would the BBC have to say if it were made compulsory for anybody wishing to use ANY one of the Banks to be required by Law to pay an annual fee to The Bank of England? What then if the Bank of England used those fees to pay themselves huge salaries, to employ staff based on their ethnicity or sexual orientation rather than their talent or efficiency?
What if the Bank of England used those funds to actively support and promote one political party?
Left wing organisations always think they have the right to flaunt the rules they are only too willing to impose on others. But then, they are doing so for the common good and in the name of helping those who are on the bottom rung of society. However, in the course of their representation of these minorities they happen to award themselves huge amounts of remuneration and perks…..then, “Hey, we deserve it “.
BBC Headline
“UK banks ‘detached from society’
Banks became “detached from society” and still need to reconnect with their customers, the chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland admits.”
The minute I read the word “admits” I knew it was a fit-up. A “Wouldnt you agree that?” question worded to give the headline writer the opportunity to put words in his mouth.The headline is the BBCs words, not a confession by Hester. Hester didn’t call up the BBC to make an admission.
Dog-whistle labour politics – toffs, the rich, the 1%, class war, all by constant repetition of stories about “bankers”. News manufacture. Bankers admit they cause pox, pestilence, drought, famine , all the worlds evils.
Journalism has turned political activism. We saw it with hostile hectoring of Romney by journalists identified as from the Left Wing NYT WaPo and Politico; with Mardell screeching “Gaffe” Gaffe!” everytime Romney opens his mouth.
The BBC is a vile club of expense-account socialists in daily breach of the BBC Charter. Meanwhile Chairman Patten casts his eye over the wine list.
Ah banks: the one business which the Beeboids think does not exist to provide jobs first, and public perception is more important. Stupid bankers just need to unionize…..
“Dog-whistle labour politics”
Nice, like it…
Yes heard Humphrys with a complete lack of irony attacking Hester claiming that…’What with misselling, Libor rigging and the banking crisis there’s still so much (worse) that we don’t know.’
I note they have Hester’s reply about having to keep turning over rocks as the headline on Today site.
BBC very reluctant to do the same…in fact spent £300,000 making sure whatever was under one of those rocks stayed there.
Well said!, David. Hilariously hypocritical questioning cheeky bastards don’t come any worse than bBC news and current affairs presenters, who work for a sickeningly ‘politically correct’ and leftie biased huge organisation that doesn’t just want to rule TV and radio news output here but around the world – and completely undemocratically with British tax payers money!!
I can bank with who I like, but purely because of the uniquely funded bBC I can’t get away with not having a TV Licence, which is daylight bloody robbery!
The thoroughly cowardly Balen Report hiding bBC can bang on and on about the ‘Arab Spring’ and people around the world wanting democracy, yet what the hell does the monstrous bBC itself know about democracy and actually practising what it always tries preaching?!
Spot on. The BBC are doing their utmost to create a one-party state for Labour in Britain.
The only thing to look forward to then will be our own version of the ‘Arab Spring’.