Well, former UN head Kofi Annan, much beloved of the BBC, has spectacularly failed to achieve anything in Syria and has resigned his position yesterday. I was watching the BBC report on this last night and what was remarkable was the backside covering sycophancy directed his way. It was an “impossible task” that the heroic Kofi had bravely taken on but now was walking away from, head held high. Like Rwanda. They love Kofi.
Well I am really amazed that Kofi was not able to sort this out when you consider his wonderful record of success in…………………………………………??????????????????
“is it becuz I is blak” ? ….
one has to assume, that it is all part of “the plan”,
dear dear, as Kofi is packing his little suitcase, the despot ridden, islamic agended arab league, will simply move to step 2, take up Obama s kind offer and hey ho another step toward global calliphate …
“barry” and his buddies, do love it when a plan comes together, all those MB aides are teaching him well.
…he never stood a chance anyway (despite him being a useless waste of space): Arabs hate blacks
I thought they liked them – after all they kept buying them from other blacks, from the tenth century to the nineteenth.
The Royal Navy helped put a stop to this trade, presumably out of islamophobia.
just listen in to W. Vague on R4 Today
sheesh! …. excrutiating, he and the UN pah! not a vertebrae between any of them
hope people get to see this!
before it disappears down the list
take no prisoners discussion about syria
obama iran
Never understood why this man was ever in the position he held, like the current incumbent, weak and inconsequential. Mind you, that’s the UN and its adjuncts all over, isn’t it?
Its because you need to have a silly name to become Secretary General of the United Nations :-
Kofi Annan
Trgve Lie
U Thant
Boutros Boutros- Ghali
Ban Ki-moon
Could not possibly have someone called
John Smith…..or even (God forbid) Gordon !!!
My prediction is that the next “leader of the world” (aka Secretary general of the UN) will be one Barrack Obama – so the funny name theme will continue. But I’d love it to be the Nigerian leader Goodluck Jonathan. A Nigerian would have the perfect credentials for the post, don’t you think?
does no one remember Herman Banana 😀
obviously not … its Canaan Banana, does it sound like herman 😀
Didn’t he get jailed for not being straight?
There’s an apocryphal story about an old time BBC newsreader who quaked with fear every time he approached the name “Alhaji Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa” in a news bulletin. Balewa was the one and only prime minister Nigeria every had. The newsreader stayed up nights practicing how to say it. Finally just as he nailed it Abubakar Tafawa Balewa died.
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa died because they shot him.
ahhh! … sadly as bent as his namesake,
the randy rev was as a promiscuous pastor as one could find, with half his congregation, his inner circle and even some of his security staff!,
apparently the headline as he fled to S. Africa, was, “hand over banana Mandela told”
i remember M Steyn did a brilliant pi–take, on some appearance, check it out … pure olympic gold 😀
ahhh! … sadly as bent as his namesake,
the randy rev was as a promiscuous pastor as one could find, with half his congregation, his inner circle and even some of his security staff!,
apparently the headline as he fled to S. Africa, was, “hand over banana Mandela told”
i remember M Steyn did a brilliant pi–take, on some appearance, check it out … pure olympic gold
Not forgetting Dag Hammarskjöld, and the soon-to-be elected Anthony Fucking Lying Bastard Blair, and THAT’s a name to conjure with…
Perhaps, Christ-like, Blair will be nailed up on a cross for the remission of the world’s sins.
The BBC just can’t let go of the monumental all-time failure that is Kofi Annan, and further to that the UN itself. The UN has never stopped or prevented any war, ever, and never will do.
My personal Kofi highlight is Rwanda – a superb example of how endlessly useless he is. And after that, he got the nod for the top job. Only the UN, the most venal, despicable organisation on the planet, would have done this. And the BBC loves every second of it…
You forgot corrupt and nepotist.
UN = United Nothing.
Did this coincide with Syria’s last 5-star hotel getting blown up?
Yes, Kofi Annan is much loved at INBBC, not least for endorsing
Muslim-invented word, ‘Islamophobia’.
If the Olympics were being held in Damascus, the BBC would never need to report anything else.
What would al-beeb say if the UN transformed itself into the United DEMOCRATIC Nations, and then managed to really get something done?
As a matter of interest, the last – and only – time this (sort of) happened was at the time of the North Korean invasion of S Korea in 1950. The USSR withdrew from the Security Council (objecting that China’s seat was still held by the Chinese old regime). At that point the UN/Security Council system began to work as intended and the outcome was the preservation of S Korea under, ostensibly, UN auspices although the heavy lifting was carried out by the USA (and us to an extent).
I don’t think the USSR made that mistake again.
Freedom to a true Muslim means an open path to the Mosque. There shall be no leader but Allah; the will of the people will be expressed by Sharia Law. Satanic rulers must be removed; Islamic anarchy will become the holy order.
And all other religious minorities will be shown the door at best or killed.
No DP you have it wrong:
Minorities are given a choice, yes a REAL choice thanks to the benevolent reliogion of peace,
1 Convert to islam
2 become a dhimmi ( definition of which available from someone called me sir! me sir! but all other islamic sympathisers wouldnt answer)
3 get killed
What a nice choice to be given.
Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret U.S. support for Syrian rebels
Just as his Saudi masters demanded.
More on the link as
Obama’s order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence “finding,” broadly permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Assad.
This and other developments signal a shift toward growing, albeit still circumscribed, support for Assad’s armed opponents – a shift that intensified following last month’s failure of the U.N. Security Council to agree on tougher sanctions against the Damascus government.
This is one case in which I hope the Russians and Chinese prevail – which I believe they will…
Anan, the Bleater, checks all the must-have BBC boxes, the prime being ethnicity : affirmative action & outcomes rule . Knee jerk and debased.
I am extremely concerned that the always extremely concerned mighty Kofi has buggered off.
Right, now i’m off to bed.
I have watched with a degree of patience as you shoot dissenters down. The invective on this platform does nothing for your cause.
Really, BBC have faults but the BBC is not the problem here, Is it? ____ Brown people! Or maybe black ones. Flippin’ hell! What if they are gay too? Intolerance in 2012 is disgusting. I’m clearly a leftist namby pamby Liberal? But you see, I’m not. I like people on merit and I don’t let the cancer of bitterness suffocate me. It ain’t Left V Right. It’s human decency V ………
Finn, hopefully you have seen enough of this site to understand it would happily close down if the license fee did not exist. It’s not at heart an idealogical issue.
Whether you are left or right, people shouldn’t be compelled to pay to support your beliefs.