Team GB is doing well and that’s a cause for celebration but the BBC always have an angle! A Biased BBC readers challenges…
“The BBC has discovered another case of disproportionate success by public school pupils, this time winning more Olympic medals.
Since when did schools have any impact upon a childs sporting success? The amount of sport at ANY school is insufficient to raise a kid to even county level, never mind international. Every young Olympian will have had behind them a parent or other determined and supportive adult who ensured they received the appropriate training at a club or private tuition or both. Has the fact that this usually proves incredibly expensive escaped the BBC. Do they really think that sports teachers at private schools are the people dedicated to the development of one child to the extent that they turn someone who shows simply some early prowess into an Olympian?
If the answer is yes then they are more ignorant even than we imagine. This is just another propaganda piece to win public support for diverting yet more money to spend on ‘the poorest children i.e. yet more multi million pound facilities in Brixton Tower Hamlets and Peckham, state of the art schools and out of school clubs e.g.
some of these race based, such as Asian football teams. Meanwhile the vast majority of ethnic British families who certainly cannot afford riding lessons, or tennis coaching or fencing lessons for their children, carry on as normal, their kids in increasingly depriortitised mouldering provincial schools, yet expected to pay for leg ups for lucky London housed foreigners in every walk of life.”
“Raise state schools to Olympic standard”
Perhaps we should replace the egg and spoon race in schools with the ‘see which rioter can loot the shop quickest’ competition. Our inner city yoof would do the country proud.
By contrast, I wonder why the beeb never asks why public schools are grossly under-represented in football?
They’re not. Around 9 per cent of pro players are ex public school, Frank Lampard most prominently
As many as that ? I am surprised
Frank Lampard? Anyone else?
The thing I’ve noticed about the left is how they love to share their depression with everybody else. So the UK has won a number of Gold medals and instead of joining in with the rest of the UK they come out with something to guilt-trip us all into their doom and gloom world.
To the likes of the bBC the reason why somebody wins a Gold medal for the UK is down to..privilege. Nothing about the early starts, late finishes, the lack of a social life, the support of loved ones, the talent and of course the pure determination to keep going. But no to the bBC the only people who can get to the Olympics are those born with a silver spoon in their mouths.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst.
To the female sex organs art the bBC who just love to moan. Here’s a perfect example of one of your posh elite sportmen/women.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst.
ditto gemma gibbons whom I had the privelege to watch picking up a judo silver medal yesterday. My eyes were ‘reflecting a lot of light’ when she blew away the frog in the semis.
Anyhoo I don’t particularly see why schools in Tower Hamlets should particularly want to offer kids equestrian, clay-pigeon shooting, rowing, and yachting where we are well-represented among the medals.
Isnt ‘asking strangers for cash’ exactly what a grant application is? At least the strangers are giving their money voluntarily, unlike money given from taxes.
‘money given from taxes’
There is also that taken by compulsion, but ‘uniquely’, making it OK.
Traitors indeed…The BBC has a well known foreign correspondent, who, I have just read – and it shocked me – comes and goes on an Irish passport. Yet he speaks with an English accent. He is a two passport man, if he is still British. Like many, for obvious reasons, I am always suspicious of two passport men. Should not all BBC staff be British and pass a British loyalty test?
The cretins have an obsession with minorities. Not enough gays in football, not enough Asians in football, the truth is, if you’re good enough you’re in regardless of class colour or where your sexual preferences lie. They just can’t accept it, they despise the white English class with a passion , they hate the upper class and they hate patriotism. They then send their kids to public schools, because they can afford to, they are massive hypocrites .
You’re right fellow brethren and noble hater of the BBC and all things Left. The flower-picking, rivita-eating, fair-trade coffee sipping liberals are hellbent on turning the white working class, heterosexual English Christian into a disenfranchised, third-class citizen; they might have already succeeded in my foul opinion. Have you noticed how many ethnic minorities are springing up on the ol’ TV screen of late? Adverts, news programs and dramas (I even recall seeing some ethnic minorities in Robin Hood and Maid Marion) are all seeing a massive increase. Now, I don’t mind so long as they are there by merit, and not enforced by the PC “Save the World and Bang a Bongo Drum” Brigade.
Next time I go for an interview I will arrive as a cross -dressing, tutu-wearing lesbian from outer Mongolia; would most probably end up as Economics Editor at Newsnight.
Not unless you’re a Marxist cross-dressing, etc., etc.
Remember this stuff (“The BBC has discovered another case of disproportionate success by public school pupils…”)is written by public school, Oxbridge educated graduates employed by the – BBC. Why, they even moved to Salford to prove they were ordinary regular people.
Who was it that abolished competitive sports in state schools, claiming it disadvantaged the least physically gifted children and encouraged an unhelpful competitive ethos ? The Left and therein lies the blame and of course their premiss was so wrong on every level.
I don’t understand : leftists seek to stop others competing — close playing fields, reduce sports, in life everyone must win, equality of Outcome is primary — & now feign dismay at the school background of Olympians …
Success in the more rarified sports has got f. all to do with any school but is entirely down to a parent with an interest introducing the child to that sport and paying for tuiton for them or doing it themselves. Of course money to pay for tuition aand equipment is a big factor, as is effort and interested parenting. These kind of parents are to be found in abundance in the private sector, more thinly spread out, though by no means absent in the state.
Schools, unless they become elitist in their attitude to sport, and concentrate resources on the talented at the expense of the many, can never provide that individual all supporting back up a future Olympian needs, be they state or private. Indeed it should not even be their role, which is to provide sport for health and fun for everybody.
For the BBC dream to be realised then all families would have to have equal income, and even then some parents would use it to benefit their children in ways others wouldn’t. I dont see Beeboids on their fat inflated salaries being happy to take massive cuts! So can this be what they really want? NO of course not, what they really want is just to see ethnic British sportsmen and women squeezed out and replaced by foreigners and their descendents , and if in track and field events blacks dominate well, hey ho, that’s better still, isn’t it – no concerns that ‘whites’ might be ‘under-represented’! How to do this – well pour yet more money into inner cities.
“Britain’s Olympic athletes bridge the class divide.
The vast majority of Britain’s athletes competing in London 2012 were state-educated, Sunday Telegraph analysis reveals.”
The hijab-wearing Saudi girl’s judo bout was over in 82 seconds – it turns out she was only a blue belt and could never have qualified for the Olympics, appearing only by special invitation. I should have given the link to the story at today’s Jihadwatch but its more fun to see how lousy their English is (in the headline) at Pakistan’s Dawn website.
The BBC article is quite informative about the public controversy in Saudi itself concerning female participation, with the word prostitute being bandied about.
In sum: A triumph for gender equality, well done to Rogge for doing what he had to do to get this farce…sorry….historic triumph over fundamentalism accomplished. Who cares about the fundamental spirit of serious competition when we can poke fundamentalists in the eye?
That the Beeboids see it as a good thing to have a little moral victory over Islam doesn’t make them Islamophobes, does it? Hmmm……
Islam triumphed at the Games. The IOC refused to grant one minute of silence for the Israeli athletes they slaughtered; They agreed to put up a partition – let’s not call it a wall because that has negative connotations – so the Lebanese judo team wouldn’t have to see the Israelis at training and the Saudi judoka was allowed to compete with a sock on her head – didn’t look much like a hijab but never mind.
The Saudis now have the perfect out for not allowing sport for girls. They will produce a couple of ring-ins every four years and the issue will be allowed to drop.
A few years ago I went out on the piss in Brussels. We parked our car at one of the city and walked through the immigrant quarter to get to the Stad centrum. Put it this way, it puts Bradford to shame.
Well a young white lady has written and article (with video) on how the local males (want to guess what faith) go for gold everytime she walks out of the door.
I wonder if the bBC will mention how nearly all of these abusers belong to one social group.
Well seeing as they have no problem copying the Guardian for the vast majority of its news coverage.
I bet I know the area you’re talking about, pounce. Or one of two or three possible candidates. Is it the street where there’s a Preiser shoe store (no relation) not far from the Grand Place? There’s a northwestern neighborhood on the way to the Ring that would be another candidate.
Sorry I left out will the bBC show how all these sexist bastards all aim for gold come from a certain gay death cult.
Went to a BBC prom this week – what a hideously white affair, – the orchestra and the audience. Well to be honest not totally – there were quite a few asian (of the chinese variety) in the audience, and even one or two asian (of the indian variety – but no hijabs). But I only saw one person from either African or Caribbean descent – it is no good – the BBC will just have to abolish the whole series.
What was the Prom?
Don’t tell him, Deb!
Especially if he says he’s ‘genuinely interested’.
There madness lies.
I shall just say it was a good one
Its the same when I give blood, each and everytime I do so I am the only none-white person who does so. I first noticed this in Belize as I was returning from the airport over BFBS, there was a call for anybody with B+ blood to go to the hospital. So I did and after I gave blood I found out that it was for a local black woman, but for some strange reason none of the locals would give their blood , so the request went out to the military.
Rather than keep carping at the private education sector the Left would be better occupied asking what is wrong in the state education system. Perhaps something to do with the leftie educational estbalishment and teachers quietly getting rid of ‘elite’ sports, eliminating the concept of competition because ‘everyone must be a winner’, lack of interest or sporting ability amongst teachers because they’ve come through the same system, spending tens of thousands on computer equipment which is peripheral to educational needs e.g. i-Mac ‘design suites’ rather than sports equipment, and of course Labour selling off school sports fields.
In other words, it’s the same old story of leftist dogma – if the state sector is failing let’s throw loads of money at it in the wrong areas and if it’s still failing (as world educational league tables clearly show) drag everything else down with it.
How refreshing it would be if they looked at what made privately-funded schools successful and tried to emulate that culture. No politician would dare suggest it, and on the Left it would leave them staring at the reality of 40 years of Socialist policies – in a social as well as educational context – gone horribly wrong (or maybe in their twisted view of egalitarianism, it’s ‘mission accomplished’) .
Completely correct. It would also be cheaper and infinitely more beneficial to give disturbed and delinquent young offenders , burseries to boarding school.
Or looking at it another way….. it never occurs to me to think about the background of our athletes. I might hear accents when they’re interviewed – Scouse, London, Manc, Geordie, Scottish, Welsh. N Ire, West Country etc etc – they are all part of team GB. They might be all the shades of the rainbow and from every social background – so effing what? They all feel part of a team determined to do well and that is what is great about our country. Does anybody apart from Owen Shoutie Jones care about class? Get behind our sportsmen and women who obviously feel a team spirit and unity which is beyond the comprehension of the class warriors from certain quarters at the BBC, though thankfully their TV sports commentators have risen above such petty shite.
Indeed. And somebody on this forum should state, and I will, the greatest truth about these Olympics – Great Britain are doing brilliantly !
It is a complete non-sequitur, have they considered how many Chinese, Koreans, French or US Americans go to private schools? Probably less than 5% but sport is encouraged and valued…as it is in British private schools.
Maybe David G or Dez has pointed it out but the BBC comments etc are from a Conservative, Lord Moynihan. Very unhelpful unless his aim is to try to reverse the lefty shite fest that has plagued UK schooling for over decades.
So I am watching the female Triathlon and just like last weeks cycle race the coverage is piss poor. Last week the bbC unable to work out what it wanted the plebs to watch kept changing the channel. So every 30 minutes or so you had to swop channels. Today they have a very pretty Asian girl (wearing red) a dig at India perhaps by the pro Pakistani bBC hosting the mike and boy is she thick. She just doesn’t have a bloody clue and her knowledge of the sport is on a par with a 2 year old child.
How about they bring a ugly white girl in, who knows how to communicate with the public.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
Oh dear, the whole crowd sang God save the Queen during the medal presentation for the men’s coxless four .
Expect sleepless nights for the ethical latte drinkers, numerous article from the Guardian and bBC about how this exposes the hidden depths of racism ingrained within the British people.
Me, I was in tears at hearing the British Public being proud of their British citizenship.
And the bBC have acted, the medal presentation for the two girls the crowd were just as loud as before, but the bBC ensured they toned it down so you couldn’t grasp the fever and raw emotion of the crowd.
The bBC , the traitors in our Midst
Oh the bbC have aired the medal presentation, just listen to that crowd.
Makes you proud. Unless of course you are a cocksuckingislamlovingbritishhatingethicallattedrinking member of the bBC.
Me too !
So I’m watching the rowing and the British entry has stopped dead in the water. The bbC prick is coming out with if they exacerbate the situation (play the victim) they can get another chance. Now he’s changed tack and screaming out what over what has just happened (seat broken) why should the British team get another chance.
Typical left wing speak or what.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
You think the BBC rowing commentary team are left wing! Truly deluded.
Jim, in this instance I agree that the confusion of Gary Herbert was not due to a political issue. But see below what I put about Claire Balding’s piece – if that’s not political, and from a left-wing standpoint, then I’m really handsome and slim.
If the British really want to improve their athletic performance, and frankly I doubt it, there are several ways to go and the education system is heavily involved. They could offer university sports scholarships as they do in America or they could identify talented athletes very early and train them in special schools as they do in China. They could create a tradition of competitive sport as they do in Australia where it is quite normal to play for the school team(s) during the week and for the local team on weekends.
We could teach sledging as well! 🙂
This story was whipped up by Lord Moynihan, Toby Young and Murdoch. So not a Marxist plot. Bbc’s coverage has been eyewateringly pro-Britain, even jingoistic at times. If the BBC was anything like the wasp nest of left wing bias Biased -BBC contend it is, you might expect something different. But that doesn’t fit your narrative does it.
Oh nice try pandy but no this wasn’t whipped up to attack private schools by your hate figures though it will be by the BBC it was about how the state system is failing it’s pupils because of the no win no pride left wing unionised bull !
To someone who loves his country, it’s patriotism. For someone who hates his country, its jingoism.
How mind-numbingly predictable you are.
The story ‘whipped up’?
How about they noted with dismay how underepresented (to use that hideous phrase in its proper context) state educated athletes were in the British Olympic Team owing to the trendy anti-sports ethos that has prevailed in the state schools sector.
I can’t comment upon how the BBC has covered this because I’ve caught very little, but, what I have seen of the coverage has been very enthusiastic for the British team. For you ‘eye-watering’, for me, as things should be.
It is true, that for once, they are actually being truly British. Unfortunately a couple of weeks every 4 years isn’t much.
Just a quick point, but less than an hour ago, I am absolutely sure I heard a beeboid announcer tell us that Sir Chris Hoy was not allowed to compete in a race which he won to become Olympic Champion in Beijing, because it had been decided that ‘….only one competitor from each country would be allowed in individual cycling events in order TO PREVENT DOMINANCE IN THE SPORT (sorry – I have no idea as to how to embolden text, so caps it is for the moment)….
Whoa – wait a minute – this was passed off without even a comment from the beeboid. I hate to think what sort of reaction we’d get from the BBC if, for instance, it were decided that Ethiopia and Kenya were to be limited to only one long distance runner in each Olympic distance event, or the Asian nations were limited to only one competitor or pair in the badminton events, etc., etc., etc. Why isn’t the BBC livid, as it would be masse, if the above limitations were sought to equally ‘avoid dominance’ in other events.
Indeed. Well spotted, well said.
Yep, they did say that, IOC even cut down on the events (and made the women’s event list the same)…
Poor old Michael Phelps and the Thorpedo (great TV comments Ian) had they done this in swimming?!!!
“State school attitudes to sport are the real reason so many of our Olympians come from private schools”
By Brendan O’Neill .
From main page of the BBC website tonight:
“Britain claims six gold medals on day eight of the London Games, including three in a golden hour of athletics, to enjoy their most successful day at an Olympics in 104 years.”
Their? What does the first B in BBC stand for?
Well spotted!
Yes, you’ve got it. Britain and the British are always “they” and “their” not “us.” It’s just one of the scores/ hundreds of their subtler anti-British biases.
Yes, let’s just ignore that the headline and standfirst are clearly referring to Team GB – which I don’t believe includes any journalists among its ranks.
Why let facts and commonsense get in the way of a silly little putdown?
If the BBC cared more about facts and common sense this website, which you love so much, wouldn’t need to exist.
The BBC could be 100% accurate 100% all of the time, and Biased BBC would still have enough socially inept conspiracy theorists to maintain itself. And I’m sure David Vance would be at the vanguard, bleating on about how the BBC wants to “abolish marriage”, or any other topic that pushes his own little buttons.
I get the impression gay marriage presses your buttons.
Why did they write “Britain” in the paragraph and not “Team GB” who they are “clearly referring to”.
The original story and quote have also disappeared down the BBC memory hole or been revised to such an extent that they are unrecognisable.
It said Team GB when I read it, not Britain.
I cut and pasted the quote at the time but they have altered the original story to such an extent (or deleted it) that it doesn’t show up on Newssniffer with that quote.
The BBC (website) have a slightly odd policy with their editing and revisions. I posted further down about this – a story, originally about Jessica Ennis is now a story about government policy on schools sports…same URL but the only connection is that Jessica Ennis is mentioned further down in the body of the story. Why not leave the original story as was and have a completely new story about “tori-kutz”? Are they running out of URLs or something?
‘when I read it’
Does make it tricky to debate what is said when the BBC keeps changing it, to be sure.
Worse still when on cherry vulture strafes.
Worth dropping ’em a note it makes your job here even trickier?
They just can’t help themselves. Claire Balding was just doing a longish piece on women’s sport and feminism with the stress on the feminism. They have to politicise (from the left of course) anything and everything. Why couldn’t they leave sport alone!!
If they wanted to do a feminist (aka sexist) piece then why copuldn’t they wait until well after the Olympics. Oh wait, they wouldn’t have the young minds to poison then of course.
The BBC have a very strange way of managing stories on their website
at 10:30 this morning we had a story entitled:
“Jessica Ennis hails ‘incredible’ Olympics crowd”
This has now morphed into the oh so slightly different:
“Step change in government sport policy needed, BOA says”
Try it on a CECUTT Director.
They’ll advise that it merely ‘evolved’ to reflect updated parameters.
In this case, some now demoted Beeboid actually wrote a heading that reflected factual accuracy, but once brought to the attention of the views enhancement team, it was replaced with something that better spoke for… to… at.. the nation.
Hence a Brit winning and according credit to the the public could not possibly stand as such, so a more appropriate damaging political snipe was introduced in correction.
It’s what makes them so… unique:) If more than creepy.
I was just going to have a quick look at this on newssniffer again and the item has now had 9 pretty major revisions. If you look at the revisions, you can see how bizarre their editorial technique is – they have added all sorts of bits and pieces about today’s medals, the weather and god knows what else…but the headline stands as is.
Version zero is just about Ennis and, now, version 9 is a summary of the last two day’s medal results plus the Lord Moynihan drum beating. Shouldn’t all of these be seperate stories? Why did they have to add to and, eventually, more or less edit away the original story? Why not create new posts for Lord Moynihan and today’s results? Very strange.
I realise that they are probably getting it just about right but maybe one of our regular BBC monitors can explain why they do it this way. Is it because they are “unique”?