You have to laugh at the total lack of self awareness really. The BBC Trust appoints a “friend of the Corporation” – Stewart Prebble – to determine if it is being impartial. Here’s the best bit of all…
“I have long-term affection for the BBC. It’s important for all of us in broadcasting,” he told the Times. He said that impartiality was no longer seen as a simple balance between left and right in politics. “It’s much more complicated than that in the much more diverse society that we live in,” he said.
When a leftist tells you ‘it’s complicated’, get the waders on, there’s a manure tsunami on the way. There’s nothing complicated about going to places and reporting on what happens there.
It’s a pity that I didn’t see that job advertised.
But doubtless Mr Prebble will abide by the ‘Nolan’ Seven Principles of Public Life. Just like the BBC does.
Holders of public office should take decisions solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit.
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office.
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
Apparently he’ll have his own lunchtime show as well – “Prebble Dil at One”…
If you want a serious debate about the BBC go to
Serious debate that the BBC supported the “illegal war” in Iraq, don’t think Blair is a war criminal, etc.? Yawn.
Laughable. BBC is the voice of the establishment. Vehemently anti socialist and pre market. It was proved that they were the most pro war in the lead up to Iraq war. You might want to read Chomsky´s classic study of the media called Manufacturing Consent. It gives a great insight into the workings and ideology of the bbc.
You’ll have to forgive David, he’s evidently only seen the BBC that sneers at business…
That uses its news programs to attack the current government as much as possible…
That assumes the left are the heroes and the right the villains…
That regarded itself as “hideously white”…
That ran programs attacking the (apparently) laissez-faire economic rule of Thatcher…
That has its tongue firmly up the US president’s arsehole (while it mocked the last one, wonder why?)…
That will give airtime to just about any “charity” or other puritanical organisation looking to ban something…
And that used its near monopoly power to attack a potential rival…
He doesn’t realize that until its employees address each other, on camera, as comrade and the C in its logo is redesigned as a hammer and sickle its a free-market, virtually libertarian love fest.
I’m glad that you’ve taken the time to correct him and the other poor, misguided souls on this vile website. Hopefully we can get them all to repent before “re-education” becomes a necessity…
Come on, Medialens will critsise the BBC, but only from the extreme left, I occasionally read the emails they send me (for some reason), and to be quite honest, thay are more left wing than any other organisation I can think of.
This is not bad either.
If you think the BBC supports the US’s handling of Cuba since Castro’s Revolution, you’re an idiot. Next you’ll be telling us that the BBC is full of George Bush-loving Evangelical Christian Right-wingnuts, and that the BBC trashes the current US President at every opportunity.
And there is more.
The BBC’s “groveling coverage of Israel”? Yawn again. Why don’t you come here and dispute all the evidence presented here of the BBC’s anti-Israel bias, and engage in debate, if you’re so certain?
FMS seems to one of those spamming bots that post links so that the traffic to those sites increase…
Part 1
Part 2
‘… the much more diverse society that we live in.’
The above passage tells me everything I need to know about this man and his agenda.
Just providing balance. Perhaps try reading them first?
I see we have a sort of a BBC Jehovah’s Witness knocking on our blog doors, wanting to open our eyes.
What’s the relevance to Stuart Prebble?
“…….. no longer seen as a simple balance between left and right in politics. ”It’s much more complicated than that in the much more diverse society that we live in,” he said.
And in consideration of this, impartiality it is only fair, we give our all out support for the Labour Party. Please do not try to challenge the logic in this, we know much better than you.
Licence payers stitched up again.
Mr Entwistle, formerly BBC current affairs commissioning editor, commissioned Mr Prebble to make a three-part series on Alastair Campbell’s diaries, shown in 2007.
Mr Prebble, a friend of Mr Campbell, portrayed the former Labour spin doctor as “a guy who is more vulnerable than you would think”.
“Having spent most of my career outside the BBC, I look forward to bringing a fresh perspective to examine how well the commitment to breadth of voice – which is unique to the BBC – is being met.”
Prebble – who left ITV in 2002 to set up production company Liberty Bell, which produces Grumpy Old Men, and is now a director of Storyvault Films
Stuart Pebble’s appointment has got a big thumbs up from Bad Al,
“Stuart Prebble is a soon-to-be 60 year old TV programme maker of considerable repute. Of the telly things I have done, the ones I felt had the greatest depth and integrity were the ones I did with Stuart’s Liberty Bell company – including a three part series on The Blair Years, and, best of all so far as I am concerned, a film on my breakdown in the mid-80s.
He knows that I am not much of a partygoer but because it was him, I made an effort, rushed back from Burnley’s 4-0 hammering at Leicester, and joined the gathering for his 60th at Draper’s Hall near the Bank of England. Splendid venue. ”
“They (meaning the UK government) know they can trust us not to be really impartial.”
John Reith ( bbc´s First General Manager) 1922
What chance an unbiased coverage of the Libor scandal by the BBC? Chairman of BBC Trust – Marcus Agius. Chairman of Braclays Bnk – yes Marcus Agius!
” It’s much more complicated than that in the much more diverse society that we live in,” he said.”
Prepare for a dhimmified bullshit exercise then, the brass neck of these knobs is beyond belief.
” It’s much more complicated than that in the much more diverse society that we live in,” he said.”
He means the job is a bit to complex for him, so you should ask a BBC diversity officer if the BBC is impartial or not.
It reads like a mission statement for giving a PC slant on every issue of ‘impartiality’ he is asked to pass judgement on.
Just seen a comment in a paper that the bBC paid a company called Egon Zehnder £190k to head hunt the new DG. Sorry if this is old news, just that my jaw hit the floor when I read it, can’t be true surely?
I see Biased BBC gets praised in the Spectator letter columns this week while Rod Liddle addresses the opening ceremony question.
DV, I liked this bit from your link page –
“He was ITV’s chief executive until 2002 when he resigned after the collapse of ITV Digital.
Since then, Mr Prebble, 61, has made many programmes for the BBC as an independent producer, including Grumpy Old Men, Three Men In a Boat and It’s Grim Up North.”
So if he doesn’t keep up the constant praise, Auntie won’t buy his stuff any more.
‘So if he doesn’t keep up the constant praise, Auntie won’t buy his stuff any more. ‘
Luckily, due to the uniquely different way the BBC is funded by the licence fee payers, such a relationship is avoided when it comes to what we are compelled to buy no matter what.
BBC-NUJ acting as Labour Party agent at Olympics:-
“Jeremy Hunt criticised for Rupert Murdoch Olympic ‘meeting'”