Almost choked on my cornflakes this morning from laughing…no not at Evan Davis saying he was going to watch the Greco-Roman wrestling at the Olympics…that is probably a usual night’s entertainment in the Davis household.
What was laugh out loud funny was the Davis claim that the upsurge of Britishness displayed during the Olympics must be a bad thing for the Right Wing. The sense of ‘belonging, community and shared values’ not being something that the Right Wing aspire to.
Davis talking to Boris Johnson says that ‘a lot of people have tried to apply a bit of politics to these Olympics, you’re starting to see a lot written about British identity in the papers…many have interpreted it as not being so good for the Right.’
Note Boris Johnson’s astounded tone of voice when he exclaims ‘FOR THE RIGHT???‘
Yes, it is a bit of a counter intuitive leap of imagination to say an upsurge of ‘Britishness’ is against the values of the ‘Right’.
Davis went on to ask if the Tories can be comfortable with the ‘fantastic advert for multicultural Britain that the Olympics represent.’
So there in a nutshell is the BBC attitude towards Tories and the Right Wing….you’re all racist.
The truth of course is the complete opposite of Davis’ assertion…..the Right want to see everyone merged into one ‘melting pot’….all essentially marching to the same tune whilst retaining their individualism….as has been the British way of existence long before Marx and the human rights lawyers took over.
All these values…belonging, shared values and community are traditional Tory values…nothing to do with Socialists who only value the ‘unity’ brought by the AK47 and the Berlin Wall.
Boris Johnson leapt into the breach to give a stout defence affirming that the Olympics exemplified Tory Values….effort and achievement bringing rewards….a Conservative lesson about life rather than the BBC et al’s approach of encouraging a culture of dependency, entitlement and instant gratification without having to work. (Note the BBC don’t quote him on that on the blurb for the clip.)
Davis wasn’t happy with that and had to claim the ‘Bankers’ were just the same…listen to the tone of voice….desperate.
As for the Olympics being an advert for Multi-culturalism, this displays a lack of understanding of what is actually going on… coincidentally Peter Hitchens makes clear in the Mail today….’
It seems to be almost illegal at the moment to attack multiculturalism. And people seem to think that multiculturalism is the same as multiracialism.’
What the Olympics displays is the multi-racial make up of Britain….nothing to do with different cultures or values.
And what of those ‘multi-cultures? What does Cameron say?
Speaking in Munich in February 2011, he said: ‘Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream. We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong. We have even tolerated these segregated communities behaving in ways that run counter to our values.’
So Davis was indulging in a bit of verbal sleight of hand….lying in essence because the BBC has been caught on the hop by the outburst of ‘Britishness’ and unity on display, something which it and the Labour Party have been working hard to destroy…but seem to embrace when politically convenient. Davis’ words were a travesty of the truth and a smear on Tory values when it comes to ‘race’ issues.
The BBC is vastly out of touch with not only the public mood but also the reality on the ground…multi-culturalism is a disaster that leads to division and conflict…..the shared values espoused by Tories, the respect for law, the police, parliamentary democracy, history and ‘Britishness’ are what keeps a nation together. Encouraging different groups to live by their own values is a recipe for war.
Patriotism…last refuge of the BBC and its Cabal of socialist revolutionaries….or at least ‘Plastic’ patriotism.
This shows the bizarre BBC bubble that Davis lives in…his piece was an exercise in Pravda like news manipulation….it was so evidently a shameless fabirication that no one would have been fooled…..even if they had beem willing to suspend disbelief….Davis does the BBC and the Today programme no credit and should be moved on to somewhere that he can indulge his various fantasies……New Statesman….or perhaps the Huffington Post along with that other master of dodgy journalism, Mehdi Hasan.
So wait, Alan is replying to his own posts now?
That’s not a sign of desparation at all, I’m sure…
You can reply to your own posts too if you wish scotty: a bit like liking your own posts i guess.
‘a sign of desparation’
While this silly attempt at a snark playing the person is a sign of something that suggests any common sense filters have been surgically removed in the cherry vulture nest.
So what if an author adds.. as opposed to ‘replies’ to their own post?
Mind you, when some do it, they can end up simply digging ever deeper holes, which is indeed fairly desperate,
This bit, especially, seemed to get him in some hot water..
‘Update 1.20pm: The detail of what Moody’s are saying is only just reaching me in the middle of nowhere on my half term break.’
… on a ‘questions being asked’ basis (not just by me; the highest rated posters seemed intrigued too) such that I have driven my complaint on it all the way to the Trust through many ‘comfort’ zones in Complaints and ECU, who seemed unable to quite explain how he arrived at his ‘analysis’ without, as such, knowing what he was analysing.
A BBC ‘reporting’ trait to be sure, but hardly a professional one.
Which makes their attempting to blow it off because ‘Nick could not be unprofessional as he is a BBC Editor’ claim seem just a tad silly.
Scottieboy, you really are a snide little creep aren’t you.
I’d have more respect for you if you contributed to the debate instead of constantly nitpicking and making clever dick comments about others posting on this site.
You are a typical Leftie drone – never argue your case, instead just use half truths and ad hominems. Your copy of Saul Alinsky’s instructions for closing down arguments and emonising opponents must be very well thumbed.
Probably best just to ignore your pathetic attempts at disrupting the arguments.
There is no stick the BBC will not use in an effort to criticise the Tories. Boris did pretty well in countering what was obviously a preplanned line of attack – perhaps he really is maturing into a competent politician.
On the substance of Davis’s point. He repeatedly compared Britain this year with last year when we were in the middle of riots. If the Olympics are a good advert for multicultural Britain then were the riots a good example of the disaster of multiculturalism in Britain?
I just cannot Adam and Eve it; it just beggars belief. Here it is: we are forced to fund the BBC or else face Stalinist Gulag. Once the Left-wing Werbung Corp have our money they spend 99.999% of it on producing programs that undermine British identity; they laugh and joke about ‘little Englanders’ and ‘Right-wing bigots’ and they see foul fit to airbrush our heritage and national character out of the history books, largely through denying that the English are an indigenous race (remember how smug Paxman hounded the EDL leader on Newsnght over British indigenousness? It is OK for the Scots, Irish and Welsh to have a national identity but if we English have it we are racist!). We English are too forgiving (or too far gone in terms of indoctrination). Even those hopefuls who talk of a revolutionary fight-back, do so on Friday nights after a few ales, invariably on blogs, comments pages and so on. We need mass political action if our country isn’t to be injected once and for all with a fatal Left-wing poison.
But I hope that the revolting BBC are reading these indicators of patriotism wrong; I think this surge in patriotism, accelerated by the Jubilee and Olympics, is worrying the likes of Davis, who probably doesn’t really feel like he belongs to anywhere; I don’t think the flag-waving can be attributed to the trendy British patriotism which the BBC and their ilk want us to celebrate (the enforced multicult type etc.).
But that’s the problem with the Left… Like that unutterable and insufferable balloon-head, MORRISSEY from the Smiths, they don’t understand because they don’t belong anywhere; they’ve spend their entire time undermining the communities in which they live… and so the old saying: what goes around comes around. Right, I’m of to get drunk on strong ale.
“…we are forced to fund the BBC or else face Stalinist Gulag.” I know this is an obvious point, but you are not forced to fund the BBC. I haven’t owned a TV for 20 years. What exactly do you get out of it apart from – as far as I can see from this site – high blood pressure? Get rid of your TV and get reading, all the hours God sends. The more people do this, the less licence fee the BBC receives. Starve the beast.
Yes, join the refusniks.
You can have a TV and still not pay the telly tax . Look at the TV resistance websites , work out your strategy then save yourself £140 a year .
Several ways to do it , same form of satisfaction .
Hitchens is correct and Davis is a sly lefty who likes to change the definition of words,
However back in the day when Daley, Linford and Tessa won their medals no one went on and on about the triumph of ‘multiculturalism’ Ah, but that was before the NuLibor.
Good to see you back, if wobbly.
Prepare yourself for the BBC’s self-preening after the games when they will say their efforts were such that they are above criticism and, as you ask: Yes we’ll take another billion in licence fee money to pay for it.
British Long jump champion Greg Rutherford was being interviewed about his brilliant
winning of the Olympic gold for Britain. He was about 30 seconds into his describing his pride in his achievement when he was cut mid sentence
because another BBC reporter wanted to interview Justin Garlin the American 100m runner who had just won his HEAT.
What is going on in the minds of the BBC? They obviously consider an American sprinter winning a heat in the 100m to be more important than
celebrating a golf medal victory with one of our winners. Surely the interview could have been
recorded and aired a few minutes later after the interview with OUR champion was over.
“Multiculturalism and the Olympics”
Blimey sort out your hosting!
Also tell your tech support to set the PHP error reporting to none as currently we are seeing a ton of PHP notices and warning messages.
The Left just don’t understand, or refuse to admit, the Right’s position: Immigration + Integration = Good;
Mass Immigration + Multiculturalism = Disaster.
Keep repeating, you Leftards out there, you’ll get it in the end (no pun intended).
Did you hear the one about the gaffe made by the Daily Express?
If you listen to BBC radio the answer is – yes you did. Rachel Burden was amused to pass on the story that the Express had featured a photo of the Dutch dressage team mistaking them for their Team GB gold medal winning counterparts.
However, as the Evening Standard points out – ‘It’s a mistake anyone could make. The Daily Mirror did it too, in a small item on page 7 and as a centre spread’.
Overlooked by the BBC. Or perhaps they’re just not so quick to take a poke at the Mirror?
I see yet more Muslim groomers were found guilty today.. You’ll need magnifying glasses though to find the story on the BBC website, and if you do you’d never think they were Muslim.
For enrichment news this site, which I’ve only just stumbled across, seems reliable….
BBC1 London News at 10:30 last night found time, in the middle of the Olympic celebrations, to administer another drive-by kicking to Boris. Apparently, according to the BBC, a shedload of law-abiding taxpayers’ money was promised to local councils for onward delivery to last year’s
disproportionately black looters and riotersover-boisterous demonstrators against poverty, bankers and the “cutz”. The funds are still in the bank awaiting a signature on the cheque before disbursement. The delay in paying off the crim-enablers is – surprise, surprise – all the fault of the guy who beat the BBC’s candidate for mayor.This site has always been cumbersome and hard to use, but at the moment it is either unavailable or worse to use than ever.
yes, I also preferred the old website design
“Davis does the BBC and the Today programme no credit and should be moved on to somewhere that he can indulge his various fantasies”
er, like ‘Skin Two’, for example?
Plus, what is going on at the top of the page?
What’s going on at the top of the page is we are seeing a shed load of diagnostic messages that we are not supposed to see. These are for the benefit of the programmers to aid debugging and we should never see them on a live production site.
I don’t know who is hosting / administering this site but the clearly haven’t got the first clue.
Credibility down the tubes I’m afraid.
Perhaps the BBC are hosting it!
Site obviously having serious problems:
In meantime look at this from BBC….nothing like a bit of anti-Tory class war:
Do state school children feel they have any real chance of getting on in the Conservative Party? We followed two ex-comprehensive school pupils who got involved at Oxbridge universities.
“The whole point of the Conservative Association is it gives you a chance to pretend to be a member of the upper classes for an afternoon,” says Chris Monk, a second year Cambridge University student, who is dreaming of scaling the heights of Tory politics by joining the association.
But as a product of the state school system, Monk is at odds with many current Conservative cabinet figures and he fears his ordinary upbringing may hinder a potential political career.
Regardless of his lowly political status, Monk had been hopeful of progress through the Cambridge Conservative ranks.
But since talking to the BBC, he has now decided to concentrate on his studies instead of university politics.
And despite the optimism with which he went to Oxford, Cooke’s experience caused him to reconsider whether his background was a barrier to success.
He felt he could not tell his Oxford peers about his father’s prison sentence.
“I’ve never been able to tell anybody. I got laughed at for having a Yorkshire accent, let alone for the truth,” he says.
“So I changed my accent. I feel like I’ve betrayed who I am.”
Rather an odd article…the two chosen ‘likely Tories’ are a rum choice…one keeps saying he has no chance in the Tory party as he has no ‘socialist academics’ as parents…the other is the strangest sight, no doubt an everyday style in OXbridge, but hardly designed to appeal to ‘the people’….can’t help thinking the BBC chose him deliberately as opposed to the ‘normal’ Tory student in jeans and a sweat shirt.
‘But as a product of the state school system, Monk is at odds with many current Conservative cabinet figures and he fears his ordinary upbringing may hinder a potential political career’.
But not ‘at odds’ with others, presumably. Also, it didn’t seem to do Thatcher, Major or a shedload of cabinet ministers any harm either. Piss-poor, complacent reporting done to an agenda which they now have on autopilot because they think their political arm are home and dry in 2015.
What was the prison sentence for – not having a TV licence?
I’m no big fan of the Olympics. For a variety of good reasons I didn’t want it to be held here. Some months ago I joked on this blog about millions coming to London from the four corners of the globe and how some of them might be going home again afterwards.
Many a true word said in jest, eh?
BBC Gordon Farquar now tells us that a dozen or so of Team Cameroon have gone awal. Presumed to be seeking asylum. According to the Beeboid this is no biggie. Relax. In fact it happens quite a lot. It is all part of the ‘Olympic backstory’ as our Gordon phrases it.
Not on the bloody BBC it wasn’t part of the Olympic backstory. The Beeb must have covered just about every aspect in the build up but overlooked this.
Now our Gordon, being a reasonable BBC chap, explains that although Cameroon may be poor it is not particularly war-torn or suffers an overly bad record of human rights abuse. So we are left with the conclusion that these minor athletes have absconded on their Olympic visas in the hope of ‘a better life’. Ah, bless. Gordon reckons they may actually try their luck in a Francophone part of the EU. Yeah, right. Nothing to worry about. The more the merrier.
Would not be supprised if after claiming asylem once the games are finished they end up being housed at tax payers expense in what was the olympic village.
Though thinking about it the olympic village is probably not up to the standards required by illegal immigrants.
Tuned in to watch Olympics athletics tonight. So far I have had lectures on slavery, American discrimination against their black population and now Eugenics and Hitler and Nazism !
I find this absolutely disgraceful. It’s meant to be a ruddy sports programme! Trust the BBC to turn it into a propaganda slot for their own agenda.
I saw that bit too. It was along the lines of “black people are the master race, white people are rubbish.”
The obvious intention is to make white kids hate themselves and wish they were black.
Some of the most racist stuff I’ve seen on the BBC in a long while.
Their little hectoring essay on race, apart from being spectacularly inappropriate for a non-political sporting competition, was rather contradictory. It started with a condemnation of Nazism and it’s ethics of racial superiority. It then went on to suggest that those athletes who excel at sprinting, possibly being the descendants of West African slaves strong enough to survive the dreadful conditions forced upon them, will have inherited a superior physical constitution. Were they telling us that these athletes are so dominant in their field because they are the product of a physically superior race, whilst at the same time condemning such ideas?
They also risk opening up a Pandora’s Box of racial comparisons by proceeding with this kind of race-based ‘analysis’. I’m sure that was NOT their intention!
I came in at the end of John inverdale before the 200m saying something along the lines of “white people should just give up now”. Anyone get the full version of what he said?
Yes it was Inverdale spouting the most racist shite you’ve heard in a long while. Thankfully Michael Johnson was there on the sofa to give a logical sensible view which shut Inverdale up completely.
All VERY well said, Alan.
Hilarious botty basher Davis must be a crack addict in every sense!
“Every sense” bar one. 😉
Yep, crack journalism it certainly ain’t.
“We are too focused on Team GB: Astonishing memo from ‘increasingly unhappy’ BBC boss over patriotic tone of news coverage ”
Read more:
The above item was posted by ‘Number 7’ on ‘Nearly Back’ thread.
The soon to depart Director General, Mr M Thompson will not be missed.
“The email was sent by the BBC’s Helen Boaden”
another unattractive lefty with a huge chip of resentment on each shoulder
But I thought the whole point of the inane parroting of ‘Team GB’ is to avoid mentioning our country, and certainly not calling it Great Britain, let alone the United Kingdom.
…yes…and what of Northern Ireland, who are part of the UK, not GB ??
Apparently this was the BBC reaction to left-wing journos in the States expressing their astonishment at how partisan and patriotic the BBC coverage has been.
In other words, stop getting giddy and get back to toeing the party line.
We know blacks are rubbish at swimming, so why didn’t the BBC commentators tell us that black people shouldn’t bother doing it, like they keep reminding us day after day during this olympics with running?
Davis’ question on multiculturalism was of a right-wing politician asked from a left-wing viewpoint.
If the BBC were balanced, we would hear questions on multiculturalism asked of left-wing politicans from a right-wing viewpoint. And let’s face it, there are plenty to be asked.
Not sure if this has been highlighted previously but on the day that Peter Wilson won the gold for trap shooting the BBC barely mentioned it. All part of the socialist game plan to demonise shooters. Can’t have anything positive to say when it comes to shooting or people might get the worng idea.
Plus he was public-school educated, very articulate and an all-round nice guy.
Tucked away on the BBC Africa page.
‘Seven Cameroonian athletes have disappeared while in Britain for the Olympics, officials said.’
‘According to the news agency [AP], it is not the first case of its kind, with Sudan’s embassy confirming last month that three athletes had gone missing.
One had applied for asylum and the other two were expected to do so, reports AP.’
The gives BBC lots of H/Ts to AP. Almost as though the Beeb were not particularly interested in this story.
BBC Africa page is, however, a mine of stories not headlining on the main BBC news broadcasts.
‘African Olympics pavilion closes with debts outstanding’
‘Africa Village, set up in Kensington Gardens, west London, owes suppliers hundreds of thousands of pounds, Laurent Bagnis said.
He said an exact figure was not yet known.
A meeting is to be held to establish whether the venue can open later for its Tunisia Day.’
‘Militant Islamists in Mali have cut off a man’s hand as punishment for theft in the northern town of Ansongo. ‘
‘Last week, a couple who had sex outside marriage were stoned to death in the town of Aguelhok, controlled by the Islamist group Ansar Dine.’
‘The group has also destroyed ancient shrines in Timbuktu, denouncing them as promoting idolatry. ‘
Reality one day will destroy that bubble that Evan Davis lives in. If it is Islam that destroys it, then Evan Davis will be wishing he had stayed in the closet. Same goes for the rest of his Left-wing friends at the IBBC.
Then there’s the culture the BBC would rather not mention – Usain Bolt’s for example:-
I think some of the BBC coverage seems to be shoddy with a lot of times there are just a group of the
“look-at-mes” talking to themselves and the camera when you can see sport going on behind.
Twice I was “lucky” enough to see Claire Balding’s unnecessary item on feminism (sod all to do with the Olympics but wonderfully left wing).
Then there was a discussion, between Jonathan Edwards, Denise Lewis and Colin Jackson, promoting the Black Power runners to almost saintlihood. Those were the people who promoted the violent Black Panthers. (Although the black people in America were treated evilly at the time; the Olympics was not the place for such a demonstration.) Denise Lewis mentioned 1972 in passing but the others ignored it and no more was said about the truly Olympic tragedy.
The BBC will use anything, the Queen’s Jubilee, the Olympics etc. to push their evil left-wing agenda. And then Scotty and co. come on here and say it ain’t so. They are so deluded.