The BBC knows the majority of people in Britain are highly suspicious of Islam if not completely against it.
That being so the BBC has set out to change how you perceive Islam even if it means broadcasting half truths, outright lies and pure Muslim propaganda.
The BBC believes that your views on Islam are as a result of prejudice and misunderstanding….you need to be educated.
Of course the voices we hear and opinions aired must come from trusted sources….hence you will hear no non-Muslims….you will hear Islam is tolerant and peaceful…Islam is the answer…..what you won’t hear is any criticism of Islam.
In this BBC One To One programme…..
Razia Iqbal takes the One to One chair for the next three weeks to try to discover what it means to be a Muslim in Europe in the 21st century. She talks to three people, in three countries, about their identity as Muslims where they live against a context of prejudice and misunderstandings about their faith.
However look at this last paragraph in the introduction……
‘There are fifteen million Muslims in Europe. The continent looks completely different now compared to how it looked two decades ago.’
That’s not what Iqbal said, this is what she said:
‘There are 15 million Muslims in Europe who have altered the cultural and political landscape of the continent.’
Now why would the BBC alter that sentence? Could it be that someone doesn’t want to confirm your belief that Islam is slowly creeping across Europe and gradually and insidiously worming its way into our culture and slowly strangling it to death?
Islam has destroyed countless cultures and societies across history, it has turned rich, vibrant nations into deserts where science and literature are unknown and nothing but misery and slavery to an oppressive religion endure.
Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant.
‘To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.’
Muslims should be freed from their slavery to this tyranny some call a religion.
Idque apud imperitos humanitas vocabatur, cum pars servitutis esset.
‘Because they didn’t know better, they called it ‘civilization,’ when it was part of their slavery.’
Rejoice, rejoice cries the inbbc, it has been an emancipation games for women. Even saudi and quatar have sent women.
What a load of shite! special rules to get the saudi woman in?
FFS get real.
Where oh where are all these beeb feminists when islam is discussed?
C’mon gals…where are you? prostrating yourselves before an idol of slick willy?
c’mon get a life, get a voice.
“Razia Iqbal takes the One to One chair for the next three weeks to try to discover what it means to be a Muslim in Europe” ???? … who? outside the bbc and the doors of the guardian is bothered?
muslims themselves are only bothered by such money wasting trash if it aides their deceitful “victimhood” industry.
certainly not the 90 odd per cent of normal brits.
the bbc ought to take notice of the live phone in results, to their heavily doctored sunday morning slot where they keep promoting islam over everything else … they get an ass kicking every time.
oh like the Tacitus too ;-D
The sooner the BBC loses the licence fee the better.
Islam is the one religion which exhorts its followers to kill people (eg apostates and Jews). Therefore, it is not in fact a religion.
It is a medieval homophobic, mysogynistic, terrorist suprematist antiWestern organisation. What’s not to like, BBC? Can’t hear you!
Keep trying, Al-Beeb. But you’re completely wasting your time and OUR money.
I am getting SICK TO DEATH OF HEARING ISLAM, ISLAM, ISLAM from the bloody BBC! I AM NOT BLOODY INTERESTED and neither is the majority of this country outside of the posh parts of London, Edinburgh and Bristol. Muslims amount to about 2, 000, 000 of the UK’s population BUT they get huge airplay as if they were the main religion; the BBC’s groveling is repugnant and hideous beyond words.
The flower-picking, wooly jumper-knitting, right-on sandal wearers from the west end of London will be the first to find out what it’s like to be a meaty chunk on a Shish kebab if Abu what’s his name and his like ever get power! What about Buddhism, Hinduism, Celtic paganism or Judaism for a change? I don’t care BUT I am tired of hearing about the ‘wonders’ of Islam from the BBC 24/7.
On the BBC is is constant for us to be informed about the ‘good’ side of Islam; a play on the radio, book of the week, an item on Woman’s Hour, etc etc. If it was proportional to the number of muslims in the UK it would be tolerable. I would ask why we didn’t get the same number of items re buddists, hindus, sikhs etc but then we may get no programmes for the indigenous population.
LBC are as bad ,any comments critical of islam are quickly stopped (usually followed by an grovelling apology to the muslims ) ,but muslims are allowed to say pretty much what they like .
That’s the left for you hate all religion as long as its Christianity, all the others get a pass, nay they get promoted and are almost as exulted as the new white left intelligent religion of Man Made Global Warming
Alan, you are a disgusting little shit.
The concision of La Rochefoucauld, allied with the profundity of the playpen. Masterful, Dez. Keep it up.
Hard to see how such articulate insight by way of commentary serves well Team Cherry Vulture’s frequent moral high ground claims and [sighs] in contributing here.
Drs. Scezandy may have to have a word about baton dropping & letting the side down, or might this suddenly be a unique case of the collective deciding that on free forums individuals speak only for themselves?
Precedents are being set:)
The Left are keen to defend Islam because both have a totalitarian mentality in which the individual counts for nothing. Both see the West (does anybody believe that Dez would be so outraged if Alan had attacked Christianity?) as the source of (the [manifestly] intellectually, morally, and economically superior) free societies they so despise.
When pond life such as Dez (whose own reflection spits back at him in contempt) are the primary cheerleaders of the BBC you know that it is only a matter of time before people begin to question why they are being forced to pay the wages of a wank circle of Leftists who hate their own country.
As I keep on saying, I do not recall anybody asking me if I want to pay the wages of these leeches? I appreciate that they crave a propaganda platform from which to sneer at Sun readers and Daily Mail readers and Daily Telegraph readers (in fact anybody who is not a black shirted Guardian reader) but if these Left Fascists hate our beliefs so much it is not clear why those of us who do not want to arse lick Stalinists or Islamists (or indeed anybody else with liberty hating cravings) should be forced to fund them.
dez, get on an aeroplane, go and visit half a dozen muslim countries and then come back a sadder and wiser man.
It’s possible, of course, that he’d head straight for the bathhouses in each country and find congenial companions who would show him a whale of a time. A gay commentator in Harry’s Place once remarked that it was a pity these societies produced such wonderful men but treated their women so badly – his proclivities prevented him twigging that it was the other side of a thoroughly rotten coin.
I suggest you calm down dear zed as your are starting to show your vile hateful side again !
I quite like this post: it shows Dez for what he really is. well put Dez!
I haven’t clicked on the “like” button tho’.
Dear Dez, don’t spew out an insult, answer the allegations, point by point, and show everyone why you think Alan’s opinion is wrong.
Dez, are you always a racist or is it just truth that you have a problem with?
You always know you have won an argument when your opponent resorts to abuse.
What it’s like to be a muslim in….. In the whole of my BBC listening life I’ve never heard a single programme examining what it’s like to be an English person suffering the wave after wave after wave of immigrant cultures
Yes, the bbc should ask a friend of mines parents’. Born and bred in the centre of Leicester, they are now afraid to go out of their own house, because of all the ‘culturally enriched’ economic migrants who have taken over the area and turned it into a muslim ghetto.
You have to have a peculiarly perverted logic to be able to ‘overlook’ the reality of details like that, just because they conflict with your right on ideology.
Backwoodsman, that is sadly the situation that exists in the part of the major UK city where I used to live. I’m desperately trying to get my family out, as they cannot leave the house with safety. They cannot even dare complain about their bad doctor for fear of being had up on a false ‘islamophobia’ charge.
These are people who’ve paid tax an stamp throughout their lives but are now treated as second class citizens. Religion of peace don’t make me laugh.
‘[BBC] examining what it’s like to be an English person suffering the wave after wave after wave of immigrant cultures’.
Not 100% true.
The BBC did once headline a story with – wait for it….
“The arrival of thousands of ******* granted the right to live in the UK has prompted fears that services are being “overwhelmed”.
I know, it’s hard to believe, but true. Of course the Beeb broke all their usual rules here because they had an axe to grind.
The ****** actually reads – Gurkhas
The back story was that their good pal Phil Woolas….
Labour MP since 1997 and Minister of State for Borders and Immigration….
Television producer for the BBC on Newsnight from 1988 to 1990….
had been royally shown up – as you will remember – as right turkey by that nice Ms Lumley.
The BBC, looks after it’s own.
Dez thinks that an aversion to Islam is racist but in fact a very common form of racism is to assume that people from other cultures have thought processes very similar to one’s own. Religion and lifestyle etc are seen as superficialities overlying a basic human nature and morality ( which funnily enough they assume follows some sort of universal basic Judaeo-Christian line, however much they despise those religions).
Because Beeboids are prone to this weakness we get a prayer for the day at the beginning of Ramadan where an imam prays that we will all be delivered from hellfire.
Since at least 95% of his audience are non-Muslims, they will all, on the day of judgment, go straight downstairs without passing go and without collecting £200 and that’s official – ask them at al Azhar university. The imam is therefore speaking of Muslims only or asking his god to convert us all to Islam – tee hee, and the silly infidels don’t even realise it: what a clever man.
One of the reasons I’m dismayed by the increased presence of Islam in this country is the way this kind of dishonesty can infect the whole public discourse. With their blatant lies and cover-ups about the religion the Beeboids are acting as enthusiastic helpers in this debasement of public debate. The chatterati/ academics/ Beeboids seem to share a certain cavalier attitude to the truth with the followers of the religion of peace, because they both suffer from the belief that their dogmas are the truth and any facts have to be made to fit and reinforce these dogmas.
I think the main problem is that the BBC London bubble-living liberal lefties only come into contact with suave, educated, well-off, amusing ‘dinner party’ Muslims; this makes them believe the whole religion is the same.
We really need a few islamic drop-in centres or perhaps madrassas to open up close to the chipping norton set, to show our elite/liberal thinkers/dhimmis what the truth is.
I wonder if the cotswolds folk would enjoy their new neighbours ways?
“Child groomers now taking over Hampstead media ghetto….Newsnight guests say it’s nothing to do with religion….Jeremy Paxman forced to apologise for controversial remarks….Paedophile Crusader exposed on Panorama…..massive media migration to Salford……”Asian” groomers everywhere….blame the Jews shouts Teheran Question Time audience…
Can I clear up a misunderstanding. Under no cirucmstances is it legally possible to be racist towards a muslim. Why? Because they are followers of a religion, not a recognised racial group.
Under current British law it is possible to incite religious hatred against a muslim, or any follower of a religion. But this is not racism.
On the other hand, it is possible to be racist towards a Jew, (and many people are) because Jews are a universally recognised racial group, irrespective of their nationality.
“Political correctness is trumping reality in the West’s approach to Syria”
By Peter Mullen
“Has no one noticed that there is a fundamentalist, violent Islamist insurgency all across North Africa and the Middle East, extolled by the blissfully ignorant as ‘the Arab Spring’? Libya and Egypt are in chaos and darker forces than any imagined by the BBC and The Guardian are seizing the reins of power and will, given time, pose a more perilous threat to world peace than that exercised by such as Gaddafi or Assad.
“Moreover, the revolution is not confined to North Africa and the Middle East. We must observe also what is going on in Sudan and Somalia, Mali, Yemen, Nigeria and half a dozen other loci of instability.”
I am kidding myself but ‘our’ reaction in Syria is so wrong – especially when you see the results in Libya and Egypt – that the only reason I can think of is that the West needs an excuse to start a major Holy War against Islam and so is setting the scene/sowing the seeds to give it an excuse to attack….yup, kidding myself.
You would like to think that we had a long term strategy for dealing with and defeating Islam as it’s a lot more comforting than the alternative (appeasement) that seems to be the current policy.
Peter Mullen is the kind of Anglican vicar who makes the Archvampire of Canterbury jump back in his left-wing coffin. Here’s his Northern Echo blog –
And why doesn’t the Beeb call it murder – not an “honour killing”?
And where are the national health figures on the number of operations to put right the butchery of cliterectomies?
If all these people want to live under Sharia Law then perhaps we should assist them to move to countries where there is Sharia Law?
If I go and live in Saudi, then I have to comply with their local law and culture. If you want to come and live in my country then you should observe my law and culture. The culture of my country is what makes it possible for free speech and what makes it possible for immigrants to work here and clam benefits here. If you don’t like our culture then stop taking our benefits and get you back to from whence you came.
Personally I think the term ‘honour killing’ is a useful term for a peculiar and appalling type of murder: it’s internationally recognised and means the phenomenon can be quantified, studied and campaigned against as an issue. The most accurate alternative term I’ve seen is ‘family execution’ which, in terms of sharia, is what it is and exposes it as a predominantly Islamic crime.
Of all the catalogue of Islam’s grotesque parodies of otherwise universal ideals and,(usually western) conceptions, this despicable idea of “honour” is one of the most disgusting.
… and no surprise the bbc equate islam and honour,? (shakes head)
of course the term used should be “another islamic honour killing” as over 92% of them are islamic
I’m surprised Equalities and Diversities hasn’t banned the term “honour killings”. How about “protests against western values”?
How about some honour killing of BBC employees for bring Western civilisation great shame.
Islam and al-beeb both suck. But don’t be so quick to defend christianity, arguably the most violent creed ever known. For 2000 years they have been altering Europe through murder, expulsions, forced migrations, and lately the shame of the Holocaust. I won’t even digress into the havoc this “religion”, i.e. fantasy, have been perpetrating around the rest of the world.
Your site has to put things more into proportion.
‘The religion of peace’:
In prevailing British middle class culture, devastating critiques of Christianity are just a regarded as atheists having a bit of fun – devastating critiques of Islam are treated as hate speech. Whatever connection there was or was not between Xtianity and the holocaust, there was a least one other inspiration: in his table talk Hitler once remarked that people will soon forget what had been done to the Jews – who talks about the Armenian massacres nowadays?(and that’s not to mention the Grand Mufti egging him on).
Here we go, the “Christians do it too”––defence.
In this argument, all religions have extremists, and so it is bigotry to suggest that there’s something in Islam that makes such violence more acceptable.
John Esposito for example asserted that “Terrorists can attempt to hijack Islam and the doctrine of jihad, but that is no more legitimate than Christian…extremists committing their acts of terrorism in…the name of Christianity.”
The number of attacks attributable to Christian terrorists however is miniscule compared to the toll of Islamic jihadists––17,489 since 9/11, and only a tiny handful of Christians defend their actions, contrary to the widespread acceptance and approval of jihadist terrorism within the Muslim world. For example, a recent survey found that one in five people in Egypt view al Qaeda favorably.
Nor can one find Christian clerics or scholars justifying religious violence, whereas numerous Muslim religious leaders praise violence on a regular basis, for the obvious reason that it is doctrinally legitimate and traditional.
The tradition can be traced back to Mohammed who in his farewell address in 642 said, “I was ordered to fight all men until they say, ‘There is no god but Allah.’” This was repeated by the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979: “Until the cry ‘There is no God but God’ resounds over the whole world, there will be struggle.” and bin Laden in 2001: “I was ordered to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah, and his prophet Muhammed.” and it was quoted by the Fort Hood murderer Nidal Malik Hassan to justify his massacre.
So cut the moral equivalence crap you Muslim apologist..
Perhaps you’d show me where the Christian teachings can compare with things like:
Honour killings?
Enslaving women?
Executing apostates?
executing gays
stoning adulterers?
enslaving dhimmis?
amputating limbs for thieves?
Just saying, thats all.
For you, the Enlightenment is something that happened to other people, then?
I couldn’t disagree more. Please get yourself a New Testament, read Matthew, Mark, Luke or John and discover for yourself the true teachings of Christ. The unspeakable evil that was the Holocaust was not carried out by true followers of Christ. It is a legitimate question to ask if Christianity has done more harm than good. Please consider balancing the equation by including the uncountable number of acts of love, kindness, sacrifice, forgiveness, generosity and selfless service to fellow men and women carried out by those following Jesus teachings.
Aren’t you forgetting the continuous persecution of Christians and Jews in the middle east and North Africa, ever since these areas were overrun by the mass-murdering islamic hordes? Since then the massacres may have been smaller in number but there were – no, are – many more of them than there have been pogroms in the West. How about the abduction and forcible “marriage” of dhimmi children in these countries? How many dhimmis are there left? Not many. Andt’s still going on – the pagan Kalash of northern Pakistan are still being “converted”, or murdered if they don’t. And as soon as any ethnic group converts to islam the women are treated worse than camels.
I meant “smaller in size”. Bugger.
Muslim Anjem CHOUDARY still active in Britain:
UK political class (inc INBBC) indifferent.
3 min video
The dhimmis at the INBBC are proud to promote the society that permits scum like choudry to peddle his hate-filled ideas. One day the shit really will hit the fan, then where will they hide?
INBBC’s censored headline:
“Awol US soldier Naser Jason Abdo jailed for life”
-should read:-
‘Muslim US soldier Naser Jason Abdo jailed for life.’
Most shocking of all the BBC omissions is that surrounding “honour killings”. The full horror is outlined in “The Dogs That Don’t Bark” at:
In a way I hope Mo Farrah doesn’t win tonight or there will be a resurgence of reilgious beliefs from an organisation that is basically left wing anti christian but embraces Islam because it’s its anti west -how else can you explain the dual atitude?
By the way if Mo does win tonight be prepared for a new exetnded series of Minarets on Sunday with Cat Stevens replacing Aled Jones. Oops I mean Yusuf Islam.
Now what was that song..ah yes
Up at eight
you can’t be late
Mohammed and Son
Cos they won’t wait.
And increasingly INBBC will use its political line to :
1.)appease the Somali Islamic jihadist activists and supporters in Britain;
2.) blame Britain for poverty among Somalis here;
3.) advocate that poor Somalis immigrants should come to Britain in larger numbers.
There’s a ‘viral’ (stupid term) video going around Yahoo of Foster and Cram apparently going nuts over the ‘home town boy’s’ victory–oly.html
Trouble is he is hardly a home town boy and secondly most Somalis in London are benefit dependant criminals. I really do feel torn with stuff like this: I’m pleased and proud at the tolerance and open arms that the English offer to immigrants who come here and do the right things in terms of behaviour and attitude, but I can’t stop the other resentful side of me thinking how disgustingly our politicians treat our own indigenous hard working folk (not the sink estate crowd). How those who have spent decades working, not asking anything of the state yet having to sell their homes for care costs when they get older. Meanwhile, although I’m pleased for Mo Farah’s fortunes I can’t help but think of all the others that come here yet hate us and wilfully take what they can and believe me they do get priority by guilty English middle classes, the left and their own kind who get to work in pivotal positions in local government jobs and the like.
I hate these unkind feelings and resentment that I feel but as with the BBC approach to the Muslim issue and say Cram and Fosters over the top response to Mo Farah’s win as if the coming of the second messiah or Mohammed come to that, is a fawning unfair and unsavoury sight indeed
CAT stevens – yusuf islam – i love my DOG
you couldn t make it up
peace??? train … LOL
maybe he s a ahem moderate 😀
islamist ..hmmm! then again
There is a Korean version of Cat with a version of I Ate my Dog.
He’s yusuf islam most of the time. But when he wants to sell records he reverts to Cat stevens.
funny that!
Update on INBBC’s ‘Arab Spring’ there, which INBBC censors:
“Libyan woman provokes headscarf row in parliament”
(Or rather Muslim leader Mr Jalil provokes row).
Don’t worry, the Beeb have secured the religion of peace in our time.
The BBC has a policy of employing more and more muslims. Is it a matter of time or has the BBC already been taken over by Islam ?
Yes, there is a deliberate INBBC policy to extend the political influence and power of Islam inside the Corporation.
Not only are Islamic invented epithets such as ‘Islamophobia’ commonly adopted by INBBC, but the words ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslim’ are censored from INBBC headlines, and even from whole reports, about jihad murders, or about the imposition of shariah law.
We licence payers finance a Muslim head of INBBC religious broadcasting, Aaqil Ahmed, who commissions Muslim Rageh Omaar (and his kind) of Islamic broadcaster, Al Jazeera, to make Islamic TV series on INBBC 2.
Given the size of the global broadcasting empire of the Corporation, we find that our licence fees are used to finance the salaries of Muslims in the Islamic world who variously support the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. as expounded in reports that they may file at INBBC.
If our Muslim friends take over the IBBC. What will happen to all the homsexuals employed at the IBBC.
If not slaughtered they might end up as sex slaves – after all many Taliban use boys in this way.
Guess it makes a change from dhimmi girl grooming and wife-beating.
As George Michael said
Stone me.
Never thought of that.
Have you ever noticed how when a supermarket franchise or a petrol station is taken over by m*slems the amount of white people working there falls as the number of m*slems rises? They get rid of the whites by cutting their hours or through intimidation and bullying and so the franchise eventually ends up with a non-white workforce. Once they’re in the door they recruit in their communities and if anything comes up they’ll get jobs through word of mouth. Now, look at the BBC and then imagine the future – muzzies fousands of em!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) and Muslim Brotherhood.
Like Obama’s Democrats, INBBC politically supports the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).
For ‘analysis’ of MB, INBBC invariably uses a Muslim supporter of MB.
For a non-Islamic, non-INBBC account of the activities of the MB in the West:
“Inside the Muslim Brotherhood in the West”
by Erick Stakelbeck. (inc 6 min video)
The bBC and a tale of two Mohammeds
Farah claims second Olympic gold
Somali-born Mo Farah wins his second Olympic gold at London 2012, adding the men’s 5,000m to the 10,000m title.
So the bBC points out that while Mr Mohammed has won the gold for the Uk, he isn’t exactly British.
No charges for MI5 officer accused over Binyam Mohamed
An MI5 officer will not be prosecuted over the mistreatment of UK resident Binyam Mohamed in Pakistan in 2002.
Anybody notice how the Mohammed who has become British , is proud to be British and has repaid the UK by winning 2 golds at the Olympics and the bBC make sure you know he isn’t British born.
Yet a failed Asylum seeker, who hates everything about the UK and was nabbed trying to fly back from Afghanistan in which to carry out terrorist acts and the bBC tries to tell you he is ..British.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
Apparently it was ‘hard graft’ that won Mo the double – he must be the only one, nearly every Somali is on the dole. There again, they do work hard at fiddling, thieving, mugging and raping so maybe I’m being a bit harsh.
The real Saudi Arabia and INBBC’s myth.
INBBC, inc ‘Today’ tries to spread Olympic propaganda for Islam e.g.
“Sarah Attar on ‘opening the door’ for Saudi women
But INBBC censors the bigger picture, unlike ‘Daily Mail’:
“No man’s land: Women-only city planned for Saudi Arabia to allow more and more females to pursue a career”
Read more:
Even deeper segregation. They get worse not better.
SOMALIA: Al Qaeda’s child suicide bombers.
as reported by ‘Daily Mail’, not INBBC:-
“Al Qaeda’s brutal new weapons: Children kidnapped and kept in chains to be taught how to become suicide bombers.”
Of course, INBBC, in showing its political sympathies with the
Sunni opposition, is disinclined to report any of this:
‘Euronews’ report:
“Graphic video is claimed to show Syrian atrocities”
“Shocking video has emerged on social network websites purporting to show Syrian rebels throwing government fighters from a tall building near Aleppo.
“‘euronews’ has cut the video, but some viewers might still find the images disturbing.
“It is claimed that these pictures were taken at the post office at Al-Bab, north east of Aleppo, which has seen some of the most intense fighting of the past month.”
Another chapter for her, in which INBBC’s ‘Yolande of Sinai’ learns about one of the murderous Islamic consequences of INBBC-approved Egypt ‘Arab Spring’.
“Fighting” [Islamic ] “extremism in Egypt’s Sinai”