Oh God! I’m not even going to bother telling you why, suffice to say that tonight’s Newsnight was the most revolting pile of Left-wing, multicultural groveling. Disgraceful!
Yes Alex, it was loathsome… especially that section on the community allotment with that unkempt, stoned-looking, hippy type; the show discharged a real communist whiff tonight, not to mention the whole multicultural agenda… if one was an alien from the ancient star systems of Cantata coming down to watch a spot of Russian shot put contending courtesy of the BBC, they could be forgiven for thinking that only ethnic minorities struck gold for team GB.
I had to laugh at Newsnight. White people shown as unkempt, knackered, stoned hippies poking around in the dirt of an allotment/working-class whiners working a fruit ‘n’ veg stall, while ‘minorities’ shown as nice, well-spoken, university educated progressives. Classic framing from the BBC. Does anyone actually fall for this crap apart from the BBC/Guardian readers?
they could be forgiven for thinking that only ethnic minorities struck gold for team GB…….or ‘posh boys’ in ‘sitting-down sports’, from public schools.
Beeboids back from their Tuscan holidays, batteries recharged, their biggest hope to bust up the Coalition and get Milliband into office quick, before any boundary changes level the playing field or the voters find him out.
No doubt the unpaid servant, whose services Marx enjoyed in his home in the UK (itself paid for by the profits from a capitalist textile business),
would be described by the BBC as “a volunteer”…
“For many years those on the right of British politics have suspected that the BBC has an inherent bias in favour of the left. Perceived editorial lines on the EU, the NHS, Israel, and other issues aside, there is the classic stereotype of young BBC executives sitting around on the sofas of Broadcasting House, sipping chai tea lattes and peeping at The Guardian’s latest ‘politically correct’ offerings over the top of their designer frames.
“Well perhaps some stereotypes are deserved after all.”
No wonder the Guardian is the most bought newspaper at the BBC. Both are imbued with a public interest ethos
To be specific:
There are so many similarities between the BBC and the Guardian aside from assumptions about politics. Both organisations are free of commercial ownership, with the corporation funded by licence and the paper owned by a trust.
Both are imbued with a public interest ethos. The BBC is a public sector service and the paper views itself in a similar vein. (The Scott Trust values include “a sense of duty to the reader and the community”). It is therefore fair to say that the corporation and the paper have deeply ingrained shared values.
Plus, a lot of their readers are middle class and really nice people.
This doesn’t rebut the groupthink charge for a second, but the BBC will take it as getting it about right.
Heartwarming piece on North West News at lunchtime. A ‘flash mob’ of Muslims took to the streets of Preston to feed the homeless as a celebration of the end of Ramadan.
Strange they had to bring a PA system with them and the ‘hungry queue’ of homeless people had to wait and watch whilst the aforementioned ‘flash mob’ were called to prayer, with the required synchronised kneeling and bowing of heads in the direction of Mecca. All on the pavements of Preston, of course, which the BBC reporter obviously found quite touching, if his reverent tones were anything to go by.
Anyway, it raised a few questions in my mind:
a) Volunteers are doing this up and down the country day in, day out for tens of thousands of homeless without the slightest nod of acknowledgement from the BBC, so why choose this?
b) Which was the more important to the ‘flash mob’, the charitable act or the prayer, and why was the prayer necessary?
c) What recent events in Europe did it remind me of? (genuinely can’t remember, but I think they may have been featured in a YouTube video linked from this website).
And the ‘flash mob’ nature of this guaranteed maximum exposure to the ‘event’ and shielded its participants from any awkward questions – such as ‘Can we expect you to go on doing this on a daily basis like so many other organisations do, week in and week out, throughout the UK, without even the tiniest bit of the publicity you were seeking ?’ The answer is probably obvious.
And just a quick question – most flash mob events are done on a ‘surprise’ basis, since that’s the nature of these things – so what was the commentator/camera crew from the BBC doing there if they hadn’t been co-opted in the first place to publicise the event. ? Just asking .
Ask any international aid worker what happens when there is an emergency in a Muslim country. The West pours in money, aid of all kinds, doctors and workers, and set about rebuilding. The Muslim countrie(s) usually Saudi, rebuild the mosques, or build new ones, distribute Korans and provide imams who tell the locals that the reason this terrible thing has happened, is that Allah isn’t pleased with them and has punished them, because they haven’t been good enough Muslims. Oh yes, nearly forgot. The recipient country frequently charges special taxes on the value of the aid, in addition to the normal import charges, so for example, a million pounds worth of aid, costs another million before it can be distributed to the needy. I would love the BBC to do a documentary on this, but I rather suspect they would be too afraid of the potential for violent reprisal that seems to happen from some misguided followers of the religion of peace.
The BBC seems to be prolonging the enthusiasm for the Olympics to the max in its efforts to promote multiculti Britain. They even claimed earlier that post Olympic there is a different feel to britain, more of a sense of community. LOL As when snow melts, the common talking point is lost, and Britain will be back to its previous depression, a wounded nation, nursing it’s pain.
…and regarding those volunteers…conrast last years rioters with their selfish, violent, thieving something for nothing attitude with those unpaid Olympic volunteers who offered their time and good will just to be part of something greater than themselves. It was good to hear them getting the loudest and most prolonged cheer in the closing ceremonies, and even better to know that their enthusiastic and welcoming attitude has been noticed around the world. It’s gone a long way to repairing our national reputation after last year’s shameful scenes…and they did it for it’s own reward. Something to be proud of, I think.
Hear, hear. But I fear The Left will find a way of belittling it and getting the victimhood rioters back on the agenda asap (deprived inner city, no jobs, let down by the education system etc boring bloody etc…)
If they stuck their heads out of their over-educated bubbles once in a while they might notice that most of those people that they normally hold in such contempt are actually fairly decent human beings…even those of a ‘right-wing’ persuasion (the horror).
More BBC advertising masquerading as ‘news’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-19242083 BBC Sport online registered a record 55 million visits from devices around the world during the Olympic Games.
Some 37 million were from within the UK, the BBC said. The figure includes both mobile and computer access.
visits from devices ?
Erm what the ???? daleks? the total devices they send to the home of those who will not obey or the battery operated ones they use when 2X eddies speaks [ As champagne bottles are only for election nights]!
It’s because they managed not to crap all over the coverage this time, so they’re trying to repair some of the recent damage. It’s only Royal events they don’t give a toss about.
The BBC reports on the Republican vice presidential candidate:
“Like Mr Romney, Mr Ryan lacks foreign policy experience. And at a boyish 42, he risks looking unprepared to assume the presidency should something happen to Mr Romney.”
Compare and contrast with this from the BBC’s historic figures website:
“In 1960, Kennedy won the party’s presidential nomination and defeated Richard Nixon in the subsequent election. At 43, he was the country’s youngest president as well as its first Catholic head of state. He presented himself as a youthful president for a new generation.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/kennedy_john_f.shtml
So Ryan “looks unprepared” but JFK was the “youthful leader of a new generation” Don’t you just love it?
On the subject of Ryan’s foreign policy experience I offer this link to a 2011 speech in which Ryan talks thoughtfully about the state of the world and the place of the US in it:
His Catholic credentials are questioned in this paragraph:
“But he was challenged on this view in an open letter by faculty members at the prestigious Catholic Georgetown University, who warned him the government must not “walk away from the most vulnerable”.
Wow! there you have it! Paul Ryan – the heartless bastard! But wait: Remember Georgetown student Sandra Fluck? In fact, Georgetown is packed with lefties – believe me I know. However here’s a little background on the “Catholic” group involved: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2876903/posts
Back to the BBC article: “He spent almost his entire career working in Washington, beginning as an ambitious and energetic Senate staff member. He detracts from Mr Romney’s attempt to run as a political outsider and creature of the private sector.”
The criticism of Romney has been that he lacked government experience. Now here’s a guy at his side who can pilot the ship through the maze that is the US Congress. Isn’t that a good thing?
But this next BBC quote leaves me speechless, but typical of the BBC subtext.
“He cites the experience of losing his father at the age of 16 – the third generation of Ryan men to die in their 50s – as helping to build his belief in self-reliance.”
Nice one, Louis. You know, I remember back in 2008 the BBC was also talking about a youthful politician in the campaign who had no foreign policy experience and we were to worry that they, too, might seem unprepared to take office: Sarah Palin.
The Beeboids were infinitely more concerned about the VP pick than the fact that Candidate Obamessiah had practically zero experience in much of anything other than community organizing and reading speeches. It’s a joke for them to point fingers elsewhere.
They can’t make too much noise about anyone with a conflict of interest involving Green whatever. Black and Harrabin have had to deflect attempts to nail them in the past, and reporting this would only encourage those charges again.
Guido has been on to him for some time. Difficult to believe the Beeb would have ignored a Tory MP with such apparent conflicts of interest unless these conflicts favoured the greenies.
According to the BBC there are some things in life which are self-evident.
Nicky Campbell tells us that the British public are ‘yearning for the Paralympics’.
Well, I suppose I ought to like it – but I’m afraid I don’t.
Would be Monarch of the Glen Nicky Campbell then shoots the breeze with a female Gaellic folk singer. Gosh what do they like best, Scottish Gaellic or Irish Gallic? 1000 year old cultures from the British Isles – God forbid they ever die out.
There was a cod piece on Campbell’s show yesterday where they played a montage of medal commentaries – basically super-annuated schoolboys screaming at a microphone – over a backing track of rugby commentator Eddie Butler murdering Kipling’s naffest poem.
Is E. Davis blind, deaf and dumb? Speaking with an Independent Police and Crime Commissioner candidate Kent this morning (Tue) he failed to ask why we are spending millions just to replicate the invisible and unaccountable Police Authorities. (She is a member of one.) I predict a low voter turnout.
BTW — this site is still slow and balky.
I noticed Evan Davis’ interview with Nick Herbert, Minister for Police and Criminal Justice, on the same subject, late in the ‘Today’ programme.
I used the word ‘interview’ above in a very loosest manner, since it degenerated into Davis constantly interrupting Mr Herbert within a second or two of him starting to answer questions, haranguing him, and attempting to bully him by demanding he answer aquestions in the way Davis wanted him to. It really was quite disgusting behaviour by Davis – and can I ever imagine, in my wildest dreams, that he would behave in the same aggressive manner towards a government minister of another stripe ? Not in a million years.
It was crystal clear than Davis had no intention of listening to any answer to his questions other than if they were answered in his way, on his terms, and preferably in such a way as to make bullets to use against the government.
I suspect that more time was taken up in the interview by Mr Davis ‘talking’ than him listening to any answers he was being given. And that’s what ‘professionalism’ has descended to today in the BBC.
Government ministers really do have to get far more aggressive with these hacks (sorry, BBC interviewers), and make it clear over the air, in a very civilised way, that their behaviour is unaccaptable.
A very simple way of doing so would have been for Mr Herbert to point out ” Well, that’s the fourth time you have interrupted me before I have even got a few words out in answer to your question… and if you weren’t talking over me so much, you might actually hear an answer. But I guess that’s not what you want…. now can we proceed, or is it your intent to continue to talk over any answers I am giving ?”
I heard that one too. Why are Tory ministers so bloody limp with interviews like that. When Davis said “I think it’s a perfectly reasonable question”, why didn’t Herbert just point out that what Davis thought was irrelevant and that he’d answer the question how he thought fit? They should attack instead of just sitting back and taking it.
Davis’s attitude was a complete contrast to the one taken in the two interviews with the independent candidates, where it was quite clear that they took the candidates side.
Another of those cosy little chats this morning with an ex-Labour minister which have become a trademark of the Today programme since the BBC’s political masters lost power.
This time with Richard Caborn who, as Minister for Sport, singlehandedly delivered the medals success we’ve just witnessed through lots of ‘investment’, especially in school sport. No mention, of course, that the hallmark of school sport under Labour was ‘excellence for all’, where everybody had to have a chance to play in the team, or the focus on fitness rather than competition. And what about the ‘everyone has to be a winner’ culture that embedded itself via the egalitarian Marxist preachings of the educational establishment?
But the icing on the cake came when the sycophantic interviewer mumbled something about spending money in tough economic times. Caborn informed us his £300m spent over several years was only a third of what the premier League earns in a year. No challenge of ‘but that’s taxpayers’ money you were spending’ or ‘so what other public spending would you cut to pay for it?’. No, just the usual BBC/Labour ‘but it’s only three hundred million quid, what’s your problem?’ attitude to our money.
It takes roughly 60,000 average wage earners to raise three hundred million quid in tax in a year, that’s the effing problem, and the sooner politicians start thinking and talking in those terms, the better.
Via Guido The Commentator discloses that in the period April 2010 to February 2011 the BBC bought more copies of the Guardian than any other national newspaper. Make of that what you will.
…a comment on that article tells us all what we already know, but is still revealing…
From Peter Sissons’ book :
“I lost count of the number of times I asked a producer for a brief on a story, only to be handed a copy of The Guardian and told ‘it’s all in there’.”
The Left attempt to cross subsidize their publications with taxpayers money because (if they had a choice) not enough people (willingly) pay for middle class Leftist horseshit. This is the socialist argument for the BBC License Fee in a nutshell.
The BBC is not a source of plurality, it is run by and for people whose aim is to destroy Civil Society (and the nation State, and the free markets, and Western culture) and replace it with a nihilistic absolute State run by and for Guardian readers.
Was there a single person who was surprised when a BBC drama looked sympathetically upon some Leftists who betrayed their country to Stalin?
The fact that it is the “Tories ” which are the focus of their hatred is reason enough, if you believe in a free society, for voting Conservative at the next General Election. Not because you believe a single word they say, but because it is evident that the Stalinists at the BBC have nothing less than the destruction of our democracy in their sights – the BBC is crammed full of people who crave a one Party State run by and for Guardian readers – and the 99% who are not Guardian readers (which they claim are the object of their concern) can go to hell – or emigrate while they actively seek to de-culturate our country and re-populate it so that it resembles something resembling a corrupt and intolerant Third World republic. Lenin would be so proud.
Perhaps you’d like to point me in the direction of a suitable conservative to vote for.
I can’t see any difference in the policies of Lib/Lab/Con. The current leader of the Conservative party does not appear to be a conservative.
My point is that a Conservative government is what the BBC are doing their best to lobby against, and that is reason in itself to vote for them, even if you do not believe them to be Conservatives.
If you think that a Two Party is system is just the same as a One Party system just wait until you get a permanent Labour government. If you think it is bad now………..
Garry ‘Oid Loike To Ask You If Oi May’ Richardson on Sunday morning…
‘How well did the BBC cover the Olympic games? Later on oi’ll be asking BBC Director General Mark Thompson’
Later on….
GR: Mark Thompson, how well did the BBC cover the Olympic games.
MT: Very well indeed, Garry.
GR: Mark Thompson thank you very much for coming on the programme.
I paraphrase but that was the gist. Much hilarity ensued when after denying the existence of the infamous ‘jingoism’ email, Thompson without even drawing breath went on to say why it was sent.
…and while I’m on I believe (but really can’t be bothered checking) that Thompson is off to BBC Worldwide. One presumes that this is because he can earn a multiple of his DG salary there and in virtual anonymity.
BBC Worldwide is of course the ‘commercial arm’ of the BBC. It earns large profits in a fiat supercurrency called Thebbcsownmoney for which the BBC likes to kid itself it is not beholden to the license payer.
BBCW earns these large profits because its brilliant executive team sell BBC programmes to other broadcasters for amounts greatly in excess of what BBCW pays for them.
Alan Yentob is still wandering the halls of the BBC, making a programme or two when he feels like it, so it seems par for the course. It reminds me of Ken Livingstone, who was rumoured to hang around City Hall most days, unable to move on after his defeat to Boris – except that the tax payer is still funding these reluctant has-beens.
Well said, uncle bup. That’s been Thompson’s greatest – and only real – success during his reign: profit. Since the nasty Tories cut their FO subsidy and cut….no, not really….froze the license fee, the BBC needs to increase revenue now more than ever before.
Thompson, an inveterate networker, is the perfect man for the job, from a BBC perspective, anyway. I guess he’ll also have more influence on World Service broadcasting.
I’m just glad this means he won’t be taking over the NY Times.
BBC-NUJ uses an ‘Independent’ interview with British defence Minister, Philip HAMMOND, but BBC-NUJ contrives to omit one of the Minister’s key points, which forms the Indy’s headline:
“Philip Hammond: ‘Games humanised the face of armed forces'”
[Opening extract from Indy report]:
“Of all the legacies of London 2012 it was perhaps the most incongruous and unexpected. Just a few weeks ago when ministers announced they were calling in the troops to check bags and frisk spectators coming to the Games it looked like an act of desperation by a Government caught on the hop. In many ways it was. But now it all looks rather inspired.
“The biggest deployment of uniformed troops on Britain’s streets since the Second World War (12,000 in total) was one of the defining and positive images of London in 2012. Army commanders – who back then were complaining about being overstretched and plummeting morale – are now delighted at the force’s new profile.
“And for their boss, the Conservative Defence Minister Philip Hammond, what started as a rather sorry affair has paid an unexpected political dividend.”
“Mursi’s surprising swipe at military power” bbc …
the bbc is surprised (shakes head) .. looks like THE well used formula to me. hmmm that freedom/democracy loving MB head Mursi in Egypt, dismissed his main opposition from the military yday …. in fact its a good job they are military, or they would end up like Fatah, thrown of the tops of high buildings, by democratically elected Hamas.
This morning on Today Evan had a bit of a fit while discussing Police Commissioners as he tried to get Herbert to say that 15% turn out would be a failing of the policy.
Rude and down right ignorant man.
I thought Herbert fought his corner well, but the barracking was disgraceful. I’m sure Evan has had 2 weeks worth of vitriol stored up from the happy clappy Olympics.
If possible I will be voting independent when the elections come around, I would hope everyone else does as well.
Set aside the (almost) certainty that had Herbert been a Labour dildo instead of a “Conservative” one Evan would have let this whole thing pass, asking Herbert what level of turnout he would consider as giving a police commissioner a democratic mandate is a fair question. Moreover, in the context of the item – ie that independent candidates suffer in comparison with LibLabCon apparatchiks in elections – I don’t think Evan can be reasonably criticised.
On a general note (and, for once, I don’t blame the BBC for this) the election of police commissioners (as with the purported Lords “reform” favoured by the LibDems) is turning out, as expected, to be the usual major party stitch-up. In fact this item highlighted the stitch-up and (one of) the means by which the stitch-up is being achieved.
I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder, because I commented above (before seeing your post) that I thought Herbert was letting Davis off with too much. I really wish they would go on the attack against that sort of thing, rather than accepting it, because their opponents don’t get treated like that with anything like the same frequency.
It’s not that I think Davis was particularly wrong to raise the question. It’s just that Tory ministers (except, on occasion, Michael Gove) conduct interviews as if they’re terrified of offending somebody, but end up satisfying nobody. I believe this is a result of years of differing treatment from the Beeb.
Re. the Olympic legacy. The negative and biased BBC conceeded that 80% of people thought the Olympics had been good for Britain, however, says the ‘have to have a negative BBC’, 54% think it won’t last.
So to make sure that that is self perpetrating prophecy the BBC decided, enough of the feel good factor, we will focus heavily, (making it to the main topic in the news), on the ‘train fares increase in 5 months time’. Oh how have they milked that news, on every five minutes with suitable long faces and interviews with the transport Minister very aggresively.
Beware, the BBC is going to up the anti, enough of this good news, we have a recession and that is what we will be concentrating on. I suggest the off button and reminding the BBC of their pledge to continue with the feel good factor.
Just like Mishal Husain’s closing comments after she had ‘interviewed’ (=interrupted) David Cameron on Sunday (see BBC graffiti thread):
Well, a confidence boost, but the reality is that we wake up tomorrow morning and, you know, we are all reminded that actually we are in a really severe recession and this country’s not in a good place at all economically. That’s the reality.
Sounds to me like all the more reason for a massive cut in unnecessary public spending, such as the BBC.
Sure Michal’s aggressive questioning of Cameron was unwarranted but Cameron could have resisted her constant interruptions. He’s not legally (or in any other way) obliged to sit there and take it. It’s a measure of his lack of belief (or even knowledge) about what he stands for and the consequent sneaking (if incorrect) feeling that she/the BBC may be right. After all, AFAIAC, one of the more disgusting aspects of this whole circus was the sight of politicians getting on the band-wagon of the Olympics’ success.
Had it been the abject organisational failure which I admit I expected, no politician would have been seen anywhere near a microphone and the blame game would have been played out in all its glory. I’m with Matthew Parris on this one: he said that we happen to have won a massive bet on the Olympics but it’s a bet we (or the then Labour parasites) had no business making since the cost of failure would have far outweighed the benefit of success.
However, don’t expect the BBC to entertain any speculation, let alone discussion, of that sort. Expending billions of taxpayers’ money is and was fine by the BBC cheer-leaders as long as “legacy” could be inserted in every whine to camera by Adrian Warner. As it happens (and as I’ve commented before) one of the immediate legacies of the Olympics is the imminent bankruptcy of many small SME retailers in London since the usual relatively free-spending summer tourists have been replaced by Olympic tourists who have spent serious sums of money buying tickets rather than spending and buying in London. BTW the revenues raised from sale of tickets goes to the Olympic “family” not those who have put up the money.
Just caught that on the one o’clock. There is some feel-good factor out there, so lets do our utter best to quash it as fast as possible. They even did their own survey. I bet if the results had shown that the feel good factor would last 1-2 years it would not have been even been reported on.
But because they found that the majority feel that the feel-good factor will only last a short while, it’s bells, whistles and a general air of “whoopee” from the newsroom editors as they realise they can inject the gloom back onto the public.
Every day they make me hate the BBC just that little bit more.
The INBBC political line on Islam is that there are only a ‘tiny minority of Islamic extremists’; such is INBBC’s deception of the political reality of Islam in action in the world.
Considering the President has personally ordered the killing of more Mohammedans than any President in history, I find this all very amusing.
Actually, I don’t care about this. He hosted some holiday do (Passover Seder) for the nasty Jews as well, so this isn’t necessarily significant of anything. I just think it’s funny/depressing that He can be such a cold-blooded killer of Mohammedans and get a free pass from the press.
When you’re getting bad press in The Guardian! – you must be doing something REALLY naughty. There’s plenty of obligatory ad hom towards the American right in this article (I guess the writer felt he HAD to offest the attack on St. Obama), but it’s existence is still noteworthy…
Look, choose the candidates you prefer. There are manifest differences between them. But do yourself a favor. Dispense with the hero worship. Believing a politician transcends politics is to guarantee disappointment. Depravity turns out to be an equal opportunity employer.
Just saw this on the news. Youths, Youths, Youths! They danced around the root of the problem all the way through, and finally made a concession in describing Amiens as an “immigrant town”. BBC’s treatment of it as sure-footed as night following day…
“Tensions remain high in France’s rundown suburbs, where poor job prospects, racial discrimination, 😀 a widespread sense of alienation from mainstream society and perceived 😀 hostile policing have periodically touched off violence”
I see the racists in the BBC are rewriting history: the MOBO (Music of Black Origin) Awards now celebrate urban music in the UK. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/19254308
They have no information on the MOWO Awards.
One cannot beat this statement for a classic case of pc leftoid crap from the above;
NSPCC chief Andrew Flanagan said: “Most importantly, everyone must play their part by watching out for unusual activity and reporting it as early as possible.
“We must never forget this is about child cruelty not culture and we cannot afford to wait until another child is murdered before decisive action is taken.”
No of course culture is purely co-incidental. NSPCC, another waste of space and money undermining the future of this nation.
Just to clarify for those not familiar with African culture; many health, mental or behavioural issues are ascribed to evil spirits. There was some TV coverage of this phenomena in Nigeria a few months ago.
So where a child is thought to be possessed, this state may require violent exorcism of the bad spirit to heal the person.
So the exorcism ritual is cultural so it is difficult to separate culture from the abuse because they are part of the same thing.
How do we know that 54% of people think the feel good factort won’t last, because the BBC phrased the question that way.
What is patently clear if that with a lifetime of left leaning thinking they are inacapable of thinking any other way. They were really flumuxed and amazed that people were actually reacting with happiness to the Olympics when, heaven forbid they must know we have a severe recession on. They have been scrabbling to find reasons ever since.
The sour grapes and totally lefty BBC could not find any room for any kind of congratulation, for which every country in the world has congratulated us (except France, now left wing) which the BBC decided to concentrate on.
If anyone is in any doubt that the BBC is not on the side of this Government this has confirmed it.
Have I missed a thread somewhere or has that Beeb documentary ‘Young, right and on the right’ passed by unnoticed on here Didn’t see it myself but I seems to feature some young Conservative at Oxford being a complete pratt.
Singleton and he comments section attack it in a Mail online piece:
Oh no!!!!! Beeboids’ hero dissents from their worldview…lowering tax rates is so ‘extreme’. Steph Flanders most upset…
Triple London 2012 Olympic champion Usain Bolt has refused to compete in the UK again until the country changes its tax laws.
The sprinter, who won gold medals in the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay at the Games in London, objects to a law that sees him taxed on global sponsorship and endorsement earnings as well as any appearance fee – levied at the 50pc higher earning rate – when he competes in Britain.
And despite setting a new world record during the Olympics, the 25 year-old, who earns an estimated $20m (£12.7m) a year, says his UK-based fans won’t see him compete until the tax laws are loosened.
“As soon as the law changes I’ll be here all the time,” Bolt said. “I love being here, I have so many Jamaican fans here and it’s wonderful.”
Check out how this lengthy report from James Reynolds about the love/hate triangle between Israel, Iran, and Azerbaijan slowly moves from a suspicious view of Israel’s strategic alliance with Azerbaijan to an out-and-out propaganda piece about how Azerbaijan is really best suited to be friends with Iran.
My favorite line of bias comes early on:
Israel and the secular government of Azerbaijan share the same goal: to check the spread of political Islam in general and Iran in particular.
If Israel’s goal has been to check the spread of political Islam, it’s failing miserably. What has Israel been doing to help Azerbaijan stay secular, BBC?
Theirs is an alliance reinforced by hardware. In February 2012, Israel sold Azerbaijan $1.6bn (1.3bn euros) of sophisticated weapons systems.
Read the whole thing to discover how the nasty old Jews are spreading their war machine for their own warmongering interests, while the sainted Iranis improve the lot of the Azeris and are the only hope to save an Azeri youth’s life.
Not BBC related, just thought it an interesting insight into the left’s hypocrisy and complete lack of self-awareness. It’s possible that someone recognised themselves and had a moment of self-deprecating humour, but….really…humour?…at the Guardian?…I’m being too generous…
Is Benedict Cumberbatch right that posh-bashing has gone too far?
[This comment has been chosen by a member of Guardian staff because it’s interesting and adds to the debate]
I wonder which moaning, rich, public-school bastard at The Guradian thought this comment was ‘interesting’, let alone whether it ‘added to the debate’? Such low expectations – it’s no wonder their writing is infamously sloppy.
tipatina : Guardian pick
could we have televised posh bashing to wean us off the olympics….
…f*ck it – just instigate a final solution for the rich and the posh, they’re asking for it ‘cos all our problems are their fault. It’s all about tolerance and diversity with the left, ain’t it. Can we stop calling these nasties ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ please!!
From what I’ve read of Combo’s outpourings on the economy and social ishoos he sounds something of a lefty. His new predicament therefore brought something of a smirk to my face. What – he’s never heard of Labour’s class war?
…even Gordon Brown was engaged in their class war – quite shameful for a Prime Minister to be publicly encouraging bigotry. The left love to seek out the prejudices (perceived or real) in others, but are very openly proud of their own.
If it’s true about Mr. C’s political leanings, he’ll hopefully soon realise just which section of society it is that despises him for his background (which he cannot change), not the content of his character. He’s always seemed like a decent sort of bloke in interviews.
BBC: Our fellow travelers in the US media are censoring it, and so will we. That’s how we roll.
Mardell and Wilson and Co. probably think it’s just a baseless partisan attack anyway, not newsworthy. Meanwhile, Katty Kay tweets yet another White House campaign talking point from the JournoList-infested Politico.
Over in France, upholder of the bBC Liberal Socialist school of reporting offer us this textbook explanation:
The BBC’s Christian Fraser, in Paris, says unrest in places like Amiens is often blamed on the widespread sense of alienation in these suburbs where youth unemployment can be as high as 40%. But, he says, local residents have blamed heavy-handed policing;
No crime, no torching of cars, no rule of law, just “alienation”. What a complete Marxist prick. And you pay for this
Costing the Earth: 9pm, Wednesday, Radio 4: Britain in 2060: A clear picture of Britain in 2060, it is going to be a lot like Madeira. Tom Heap asks what that means. It means that Tom Heap will be in his nineties and if it is not like Madeira, then that will be proof that Global Warming causes Ice Ages. The BBC must have dug up some old predictions for the height of the Global Warming period of August, before the disastrous onset of the Global cooling period that comes with Autumn. There is a 2005 computer model prediction of 11 Kelvin for a doubling of CO2 that the BBC must have dug up for Wednesdays Costing the Earth. The BBC does not want you to Google the grand coordinator general of Cosmoclimatology prediction, David Archibald. No complaints to the BBC will be reported on the BBC therefore your complaints can be ignored. And anyway the BBC only talks to scientist approved by George Monbiot of the Guardian.
JohnCFeb 25, 02:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Remember this ? – from the ‘Centre for European Reform’ to try and interfere with the Brexit vote just one…
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
For anyone interested in the political Left/Right concept and the two party system:
“G. Edward Griffin The Collectivist Conspiracy”
Thanks BOB, GEG is worth listening to.
Oh God! I’m not even going to bother telling you why, suffice to say that tonight’s Newsnight was the most revolting pile of Left-wing, multicultural groveling. Disgraceful!
Indeed. Whoever administers its Twitter Account lost their temper with this critic:
The criticism was barely the lightest frown, but they had to fight back at it? She was complaining about the Olympic legacy thing, I think.
Yes Alex, it was loathsome… especially that section on the community allotment with that unkempt, stoned-looking, hippy type; the show discharged a real communist whiff tonight, not to mention the whole multicultural agenda… if one was an alien from the ancient star systems of Cantata coming down to watch a spot of Russian shot put contending courtesy of the BBC, they could be forgiven for thinking that only ethnic minorities struck gold for team GB.
I had to laugh at Newsnight. White people shown as unkempt, knackered, stoned hippies poking around in the dirt of an allotment/working-class whiners working a fruit ‘n’ veg stall, while ‘minorities’ shown as nice, well-spoken, university educated progressives. Classic framing from the BBC. Does anyone actually fall for this crap apart from the BBC/Guardian readers?
they could be forgiven for thinking that only ethnic minorities struck gold for team GB…….or ‘posh boys’ in ‘sitting-down sports’, from public schools.
Yes, tonight’s Newsnight was ‘attack, attack, attack!’.
In the last 24 – 48 hours, the BBC seems to have released 2 weeks of pent-up hatred.
Yesterday, I heard one of their odious ‘journalists’ refer to the Olympics’ volunteers as “unpaid workers”.
The respite from this shit hasn’t been anywhere near long enough.
Beeboids back from their Tuscan holidays, batteries recharged, their biggest hope to bust up the Coalition and get Milliband into office quick, before any boundary changes level the playing field or the voters find him out.
No doubt the unpaid servant, whose services Marx enjoyed in his home in the UK (itself paid for by the profits from a capitalist textile business),
would be described by the BBC as “a volunteer”…
More proof that the Labour, Guardian, bBC triumvirate exists. http://www.thecommentator.com/article/1520/what_newspaper_do_you_think_the_bbc_mostly_procures_
Yes, a good intro to the article:-
“For many years those on the right of British politics have suspected that the BBC has an inherent bias in favour of the left. Perceived editorial lines on the EU, the NHS, Israel, and other issues aside, there is the classic stereotype of young BBC executives sitting around on the sofas of Broadcasting House, sipping chai tea lattes and peeping at The Guardian’s latest ‘politically correct’ offerings over the top of their designer frames.
“Well perhaps some stereotypes are deserved after all.”
yes, I posted this on the old open thread…knowing -even commenting – that now a new open thread would appear! 🙂
Many comments on that Commenator thread are diversions working out the maths etc, they are missing the point entirely.
Wow, the BBC accounts for about 25% of all Guardian sales. Forget the jobs ads revenue: this is the real financial support the BBC gives to the paper.
And they still made a loss of over £40m last year.
The Guardian has rushed to print a rebuttal:
The BBC buys lots of copies of the Guardian. What does that really say?
No wonder the Guardian is the most bought newspaper at the BBC. Both are imbued with a public interest ethos
To be specific:
There are so many similarities between the BBC and the Guardian aside from assumptions about politics. Both organisations are free of commercial ownership, with the corporation funded by licence and the paper owned by a trust.
Both are imbued with a public interest ethos. The BBC is a public sector service and the paper views itself in a similar vein. (The Scott Trust values include “a sense of duty to the reader and the community”). It is therefore fair to say that the corporation and the paper have deeply ingrained shared values.
Plus, a lot of their readers are middle class and really nice people.
This doesn’t rebut the groupthink charge for a second, but the BBC will take it as getting it about right.
Heartwarming piece on North West News at lunchtime. A ‘flash mob’ of Muslims took to the streets of Preston to feed the homeless as a celebration of the end of Ramadan.
Strange they had to bring a PA system with them and the ‘hungry queue’ of homeless people had to wait and watch whilst the aforementioned ‘flash mob’ were called to prayer, with the required synchronised kneeling and bowing of heads in the direction of Mecca. All on the pavements of Preston, of course, which the BBC reporter obviously found quite touching, if his reverent tones were anything to go by.
Anyway, it raised a few questions in my mind:
a) Volunteers are doing this up and down the country day in, day out for tens of thousands of homeless without the slightest nod of acknowledgement from the BBC, so why choose this?
b) Which was the more important to the ‘flash mob’, the charitable act or the prayer, and why was the prayer necessary?
c) What recent events in Europe did it remind me of? (genuinely can’t remember, but I think they may have been featured in a YouTube video linked from this website).
Didn’t feel quite right, if you know what I mean.
Sounds like license payers’ money was the incentive for this charity act. It’ll be sponsored Palestinian stone-throwing next….
And the ‘flash mob’ nature of this guaranteed maximum exposure to the ‘event’ and shielded its participants from any awkward questions – such as ‘Can we expect you to go on doing this on a daily basis like so many other organisations do, week in and week out, throughout the UK, without even the tiniest bit of the publicity you were seeking ?’ The answer is probably obvious.
And just a quick question – most flash mob events are done on a ‘surprise’ basis, since that’s the nature of these things – so what was the commentator/camera crew from the BBC doing there if they hadn’t been co-opted in the first place to publicise the event. ? Just asking .
Ask any international aid worker what happens when there is an emergency in a Muslim country. The West pours in money, aid of all kinds, doctors and workers, and set about rebuilding. The Muslim countrie(s) usually Saudi, rebuild the mosques, or build new ones, distribute Korans and provide imams who tell the locals that the reason this terrible thing has happened, is that Allah isn’t pleased with them and has punished them, because they haven’t been good enough Muslims. Oh yes, nearly forgot. The recipient country frequently charges special taxes on the value of the aid, in addition to the normal import charges, so for example, a million pounds worth of aid, costs another million before it can be distributed to the needy. I would love the BBC to do a documentary on this, but I rather suspect they would be too afraid of the potential for violent reprisal that seems to happen from some misguided followers of the religion of peace.
The BBC seems to be prolonging the enthusiasm for the Olympics to the max in its efforts to promote multiculti Britain. They even claimed earlier that post Olympic there is a different feel to britain, more of a sense of community. LOL As when snow melts, the common talking point is lost, and Britain will be back to its previous depression, a wounded nation, nursing it’s pain.
“more of a sense of community.”
Is that the same as the “Big Society” which they hate with venomous passion?
Yeh, volunteers and all that. Spot on, Demon. They wouldn’t spot irony if it jumped up and bit them on the arse.
…and regarding those volunteers…conrast last years rioters with their selfish, violent, thieving something for nothing attitude with those unpaid Olympic volunteers who offered their time and good will just to be part of something greater than themselves. It was good to hear them getting the loudest and most prolonged cheer in the closing ceremonies, and even better to know that their enthusiastic and welcoming attitude has been noticed around the world. It’s gone a long way to repairing our national reputation after last year’s shameful scenes…and they did it for it’s own reward. Something to be proud of, I think.
Hear, hear. But I fear The Left will find a way of belittling it and getting the victimhood rioters back on the agenda asap (deprived inner city, no jobs, let down by the education system etc boring bloody etc…)
I’ve noticed that they are starting to try and push the narrative that we are witnessing “A New Kind Of Patriotism” (©BBC)…ie – one that is free from those ghastly forces of vicious, non-inclusive, racist, xenophobic middle-England conservatism. Lots of academic talking heads setting up strawmen, so that they can redifine patriotism in their own terms, to exclude versions of which they disapprove.
This would appear to demonstrate the metropolitan elite’s insularity from the nation at large and their ingrained low opinion of the majority. They are so surprised that all those hideously white people would actually embrace and be proud of British athletes of all backgrounds who have wrapped themselves in the Union Jack, and that those waving the nation’s flag aren’t all members of the BNP, that they don’t quite know what to make of it all. Thus their need to redefine people’s concepts of nationhood and patriotism in order to make some sense of what they are seeing.
If they stuck their heads out of their over-educated bubbles once in a while they might notice that most of those people that they normally hold in such contempt are actually fairly decent human beings…even those of a ‘right-wing’ persuasion (the horror).
More BBC advertising masquerading as ‘news’.
BBC Sport online registered a record 55 million visits from devices around the world during the Olympic Games.
Some 37 million were from within the UK, the BBC said. The figure includes both mobile and computer access.
visits from devices ?
Erm what the ???? daleks? the total devices they send to the home of those who will not obey or the battery operated ones they use when 2X eddies speaks [ As champagne bottles are only for election nights]!
Ratings = quality.
The Olympics. Any bets as to when the BBc will shut the **** up about it. Answers on a postcard to…
Wait for the Special Olympics, when blacks on springs outboing their white rivals on every programme for a fortnight.
It’s because they managed not to crap all over the coverage this time, so they’re trying to repair some of the recent damage. It’s only Royal events they don’t give a toss about.
No still going on
Breakfast and the dreadful “One Show” I never watch it I just saw what was on before I turned over.
The BBC reports on the Republican vice presidential candidate:
“Like Mr Romney, Mr Ryan lacks foreign policy experience. And at a boyish 42, he risks looking unprepared to assume the presidency should something happen to Mr Romney.”
Compare and contrast with this from the BBC’s historic figures website:
“In 1960, Kennedy won the party’s presidential nomination and defeated Richard Nixon in the subsequent election. At 43, he was the country’s youngest president as well as its first Catholic head of state. He presented himself as a youthful president for a new generation.”
So Ryan “looks unprepared” but JFK was the “youthful leader of a new generation” Don’t you just love it?
On the subject of Ryan’s foreign policy experience I offer this link to a 2011 speech in which Ryan talks thoughtfully about the state of the world and the place of the US in it:
His Catholic credentials are questioned in this paragraph:
“But he was challenged on this view in an open letter by faculty members at the prestigious Catholic Georgetown University, who warned him the government must not “walk away from the most vulnerable”.
Wow! there you have it! Paul Ryan – the heartless bastard! But wait: Remember Georgetown student Sandra Fluck? In fact, Georgetown is packed with lefties – believe me I know. However here’s a little background on the “Catholic” group involved:
Back to the BBC article: “He spent almost his entire career working in Washington, beginning as an ambitious and energetic Senate staff member. He detracts from Mr Romney’s attempt to run as a political outsider and creature of the private sector.”
The criticism of Romney has been that he lacked government experience. Now here’s a guy at his side who can pilot the ship through the maze that is the US Congress. Isn’t that a good thing?
But this next BBC quote leaves me speechless, but typical of the BBC subtext.
“He cites the experience of losing his father at the age of 16 – the third generation of Ryan men to die in their 50s – as helping to build his belief in self-reliance.”
Great research, Louis.
Louis, wait until they start on his triple A rating from the NRA and love of bow hunting, that will really get the beeboids salivating !
Nice one, Louis. You know, I remember back in 2008 the BBC was also talking about a youthful politician in the campaign who had no foreign policy experience and we were to worry that they, too, might seem unprepared to take office: Sarah Palin.
The Beeboids were infinitely more concerned about the VP pick than the fact that Candidate Obamessiah had practically zero experience in much of anything other than community organizing and reading speeches. It’s a joke for them to point fingers elsewhere.
High-cost greenie BBC not on to this:
“Conservative MP who chairs climate committee earns £140k from green energy firms ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2187948/Conservative-MP-chairs-climate-committee-earns-140k-green-energy-firms.html#ixzz23VLgoami
Torn between pro greenie / nasty Tory, which way to jump, how to select the narrative for the ‘news’; oh the dilemma.
Yes; politically for Beeboids, a paid greenie industry propagandist trumps a Tory MP.
They can’t make too much noise about anyone with a conflict of interest involving Green whatever. Black and Harrabin have had to deflect attempts to nail them in the past, and reporting this would only encourage those charges again.
Guido has been on to him for some time. Difficult to believe the Beeb would have ignored a Tory MP with such apparent conflicts of interest unless these conflicts favoured the greenies.
According to the BBC there are some things in life which are self-evident.
Nicky Campbell tells us that the British public are ‘yearning for the Paralympics’.
Well, I suppose I ought to like it – but I’m afraid I don’t.
Would be Monarch of the Glen Nicky Campbell then shoots the breeze with a female Gaellic folk singer. Gosh what do they like best, Scottish Gaellic or Irish Gallic? 1000 year old cultures from the British Isles – God forbid they ever die out.
Whenever someone mentions the Paralympics, all I can hear in my head is Victorian steam-organ music.
There was a cod piece on Campbell’s show yesterday where they played a montage of medal commentaries – basically super-annuated schoolboys screaming at a microphone – over a backing track of rugby commentator Eddie Butler murdering Kipling’s naffest poem.
When it finished there was a long pause.
Gameshow : Boohoo, I can’t keep it together.
Adenoidal Dalek: Boohoo, neither can I.
Chucklehead #3 – Boohoo I was weeping too.
Man up FFS the three of you 🙁
Is E. Davis blind, deaf and dumb? Speaking with an Independent Police and Crime Commissioner candidate Kent this morning (Tue) he failed to ask why we are spending millions just to replicate the invisible and unaccountable Police Authorities. (She is a member of one.) I predict a low voter turnout.
BTW — this site is still slow and balky.
I noticed Evan Davis’ interview with Nick Herbert, Minister for Police and Criminal Justice, on the same subject, late in the ‘Today’ programme.
I used the word ‘interview’ above in a very loosest manner, since it degenerated into Davis constantly interrupting Mr Herbert within a second or two of him starting to answer questions, haranguing him, and attempting to bully him by demanding he answer aquestions in the way Davis wanted him to. It really was quite disgusting behaviour by Davis – and can I ever imagine, in my wildest dreams, that he would behave in the same aggressive manner towards a government minister of another stripe ? Not in a million years.
It was crystal clear than Davis had no intention of listening to any answer to his questions other than if they were answered in his way, on his terms, and preferably in such a way as to make bullets to use against the government.
I suspect that more time was taken up in the interview by Mr Davis ‘talking’ than him listening to any answers he was being given. And that’s what ‘professionalism’ has descended to today in the BBC.
Government ministers really do have to get far more aggressive with these hacks (sorry, BBC interviewers), and make it clear over the air, in a very civilised way, that their behaviour is unaccaptable.
A very simple way of doing so would have been for Mr Herbert to point out ” Well, that’s the fourth time you have interrupted me before I have even got a few words out in answer to your question… and if you weren’t talking over me so much, you might actually hear an answer. But I guess that’s not what you want…. now can we proceed, or is it your intent to continue to talk over any answers I am giving ?”
I heard that one too. Why are Tory ministers so bloody limp with interviews like that. When Davis said “I think it’s a perfectly reasonable question”, why didn’t Herbert just point out that what Davis thought was irrelevant and that he’d answer the question how he thought fit? They should attack instead of just sitting back and taking it.
Davis’s attitude was a complete contrast to the one taken in the two interviews with the independent candidates, where it was quite clear that they took the candidates side.
They think they are being gentlemanly – and they also seem to have a policy of not stooping to Labour’s level (slag off Tories every other sentence).
In fact, it just makes them look weak and they end up never getting their point across either.
Another of those cosy little chats this morning with an ex-Labour minister which have become a trademark of the Today programme since the BBC’s political masters lost power.
This time with Richard Caborn who, as Minister for Sport, singlehandedly delivered the medals success we’ve just witnessed through lots of ‘investment’, especially in school sport. No mention, of course, that the hallmark of school sport under Labour was ‘excellence for all’, where everybody had to have a chance to play in the team, or the focus on fitness rather than competition. And what about the ‘everyone has to be a winner’ culture that embedded itself via the egalitarian Marxist preachings of the educational establishment?
But the icing on the cake came when the sycophantic interviewer mumbled something about spending money in tough economic times. Caborn informed us his £300m spent over several years was only a third of what the premier League earns in a year. No challenge of ‘but that’s taxpayers’ money you were spending’ or ‘so what other public spending would you cut to pay for it?’. No, just the usual BBC/Labour ‘but it’s only three hundred million quid, what’s your problem?’ attitude to our money.
It takes roughly 60,000 average wage earners to raise three hundred million quid in tax in a year, that’s the effing problem, and the sooner politicians start thinking and talking in those terms, the better.
Via Guido The Commentator discloses that in the period April 2010 to February 2011 the BBC bought more copies of the Guardian than any other national newspaper. Make of that what you will.
Wonder what Dopy Dez The Dimwit Droid will make of that.
Don’t suppose we’ll find out.
…a comment on that article tells us all what we already know, but is still revealing…
From Peter Sissons’ book :
“I lost count of the number of times I asked a producer for a brief on a story, only to be handed a copy of The Guardian and told ‘it’s all in there’.”
The Left attempt to cross subsidize their publications with taxpayers money because (if they had a choice) not enough people (willingly) pay for middle class Leftist horseshit. This is the socialist argument for the BBC License Fee in a nutshell.
The BBC is not a source of plurality, it is run by and for people whose aim is to destroy Civil Society (and the nation State, and the free markets, and Western culture) and replace it with a nihilistic absolute State run by and for Guardian readers.
Was there a single person who was surprised when a BBC drama looked sympathetically upon some Leftists who betrayed their country to Stalin?
The fact that it is the “Tories ” which are the focus of their hatred is reason enough, if you believe in a free society, for voting Conservative at the next General Election. Not because you believe a single word they say, but because it is evident that the Stalinists at the BBC have nothing less than the destruction of our democracy in their sights – the BBC is crammed full of people who crave a one Party State run by and for Guardian readers – and the 99% who are not Guardian readers (which they claim are the object of their concern) can go to hell – or emigrate while they actively seek to de-culturate our country and re-populate it so that it resembles something resembling a corrupt and intolerant Third World republic. Lenin would be so proud.
Perhaps you’d like to point me in the direction of a suitable conservative to vote for.
I can’t see any difference in the policies of Lib/Lab/Con. The current leader of the Conservative party does not appear to be a conservative.
My point is that a Conservative government is what the BBC are doing their best to lobby against, and that is reason in itself to vote for them, even if you do not believe them to be Conservatives.
If you think that a Two Party is system is just the same as a One Party system just wait until you get a permanent Labour government. If you think it is bad now………..
BBC Opens Itself To Scrutiny Shock Horror !!!!
Garry ‘Oid Loike To Ask You If Oi May’ Richardson on Sunday morning…
‘How well did the BBC cover the Olympic games? Later on oi’ll be asking BBC Director General Mark Thompson’
Later on….
GR: Mark Thompson, how well did the BBC cover the Olympic games.
MT: Very well indeed, Garry.
GR: Mark Thompson thank you very much for coming on the programme.
I paraphrase but that was the gist. Much hilarity ensued when after denying the existence of the infamous ‘jingoism’ email, Thompson without even drawing breath went on to say why it was sent.
Beats any of the BBC comedy shows.
…and while I’m on I believe (but really can’t be bothered checking) that Thompson is off to BBC Worldwide. One presumes that this is because he can earn a multiple of his DG salary there and in virtual anonymity.
BBC Worldwide is of course the ‘commercial arm’ of the BBC. It earns large profits in a fiat supercurrency called Thebbcsownmoney for which the BBC likes to kid itself it is not beholden to the license payer.
BBCW earns these large profits because its brilliant executive team sell BBC programmes to other broadcasters for amounts greatly in excess of what BBCW pays for them.
# transfer pricing
# shooting fish in a barrel
Alan Yentob is still wandering the halls of the BBC, making a programme or two when he feels like it, so it seems par for the course. It reminds me of Ken Livingstone, who was rumoured to hang around City Hall most days, unable to move on after his defeat to Boris – except that the tax payer is still funding these reluctant has-beens.
#hangers on
Well said, uncle bup. That’s been Thompson’s greatest – and only real – success during his reign: profit. Since the nasty Tories cut their FO subsidy and cut….no, not really….froze the license fee, the BBC needs to increase revenue now more than ever before.
Thompson, an inveterate networker, is the perfect man for the job, from a BBC perspective, anyway. I guess he’ll also have more influence on World Service broadcasting.
I’m just glad this means he won’t be taking over the NY Times.
BBC-NUJ re-British troops’ role at Olympics.
BBC-NUJ uses an ‘Independent’ interview with British defence Minister, Philip HAMMOND, but BBC-NUJ contrives to omit one of the Minister’s key points, which forms the Indy’s headline:
“Philip Hammond: ‘Games humanised the face of armed forces'”
[Opening extract from Indy report]:
“Of all the legacies of London 2012 it was perhaps the most incongruous and unexpected. Just a few weeks ago when ministers announced they were calling in the troops to check bags and frisk spectators coming to the Games it looked like an act of desperation by a Government caught on the hop. In many ways it was. But now it all looks rather inspired.
“The biggest deployment of uniformed troops on Britain’s streets since the Second World War (12,000 in total) was one of the defining and positive images of London in 2012. Army commanders – who back then were complaining about being overstretched and plummeting morale – are now delighted at the force’s new profile.
“And for their boss, the Conservative Defence Minister Philip Hammond, what started as a rather sorry affair has paid an unexpected political dividend.”
But for its own political reasons, BBC-NUJ decides to censor that key section in its editing, thus:-
“G4S failure forced rethink on private sector – Hammond”
BBC-NUJ link to above is:
check out Drive on 5live, where
(rebel/moderate islamist loving)
AL BBC, got a right dressing down from a freelance Syrian journalist
gold medal? 😀
link 1hr 35 in
“Mursi’s surprising swipe at military power” bbc …
the bbc is surprised (shakes head) .. looks like THE well used formula to me. hmmm that freedom/democracy loving MB head Mursi in Egypt, dismissed his main opposition from the military yday …. in fact its a good job they are military, or they would end up like Fatah, thrown of the tops of high buildings, by democratically elected Hamas.
what could go wrong? 😀
This morning on Today Evan had a bit of a fit while discussing Police Commissioners as he tried to get Herbert to say that 15% turn out would be a failing of the policy.
Rude and down right ignorant man.
I thought Herbert fought his corner well, but the barracking was disgraceful. I’m sure Evan has had 2 weeks worth of vitriol stored up from the happy clappy Olympics.
If possible I will be voting independent when the elections come around, I would hope everyone else does as well.
Set aside the (almost) certainty that had Herbert been a Labour dildo instead of a “Conservative” one Evan would have let this whole thing pass, asking Herbert what level of turnout he would consider as giving a police commissioner a democratic mandate is a fair question. Moreover, in the context of the item – ie that independent candidates suffer in comparison with LibLabCon apparatchiks in elections – I don’t think Evan can be reasonably criticised.
On a general note (and, for once, I don’t blame the BBC for this) the election of police commissioners (as with the purported Lords “reform” favoured by the LibDems) is turning out, as expected, to be the usual major party stitch-up. In fact this item highlighted the stitch-up and (one of) the means by which the stitch-up is being achieved.
I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder, because I commented above (before seeing your post) that I thought Herbert was letting Davis off with too much. I really wish they would go on the attack against that sort of thing, rather than accepting it, because their opponents don’t get treated like that with anything like the same frequency.
It’s not that I think Davis was particularly wrong to raise the question. It’s just that Tory ministers (except, on occasion, Michael Gove) conduct interviews as if they’re terrified of offending somebody, but end up satisfying nobody. I believe this is a result of years of differing treatment from the Beeb.
Re. the Olympic legacy. The negative and biased BBC conceeded that 80% of people thought the Olympics had been good for Britain, however, says the ‘have to have a negative BBC’, 54% think it won’t last.
So to make sure that that is self perpetrating prophecy the BBC decided, enough of the feel good factor, we will focus heavily, (making it to the main topic in the news), on the ‘train fares increase in 5 months time’. Oh how have they milked that news, on every five minutes with suitable long faces and interviews with the transport Minister very aggresively.
Beware, the BBC is going to up the anti, enough of this good news, we have a recession and that is what we will be concentrating on. I suggest the off button and reminding the BBC of their pledge to continue with the feel good factor.
Just like Mishal Husain’s closing comments after she had ‘interviewed’ (=interrupted) David Cameron on Sunday (see BBC graffiti thread):
Well, a confidence boost, but the reality is that we wake up tomorrow morning and, you know, we are all reminded that actually we are in a really severe recession and this country’s not in a good place at all economically. That’s the reality.
Sounds to me like all the more reason for a massive cut in unnecessary public spending, such as the BBC.
Sure Michal’s aggressive questioning of Cameron was unwarranted but Cameron could have resisted her constant interruptions. He’s not legally (or in any other way) obliged to sit there and take it. It’s a measure of his lack of belief (or even knowledge) about what he stands for and the consequent sneaking (if incorrect) feeling that she/the BBC may be right. After all, AFAIAC, one of the more disgusting aspects of this whole circus was the sight of politicians getting on the band-wagon of the Olympics’ success.
Had it been the abject organisational failure which I admit I expected, no politician would have been seen anywhere near a microphone and the blame game would have been played out in all its glory. I’m with Matthew Parris on this one: he said that we happen to have won a massive bet on the Olympics but it’s a bet we (or the then Labour parasites) had no business making since the cost of failure would have far outweighed the benefit of success.
However, don’t expect the BBC to entertain any speculation, let alone discussion, of that sort. Expending billions of taxpayers’ money is and was fine by the BBC cheer-leaders as long as “legacy” could be inserted in every whine to camera by Adrian Warner. As it happens (and as I’ve commented before) one of the immediate legacies of the Olympics is the imminent bankruptcy of many small SME retailers in London since the usual relatively free-spending summer tourists have been replaced by Olympic tourists who have spent serious sums of money buying tickets rather than spending and buying in London. BTW the revenues raised from sale of tickets goes to the Olympic “family” not those who have put up the money.
Just caught that on the one o’clock. There is some feel-good factor out there, so lets do our utter best to quash it as fast as possible. They even did their own survey. I bet if the results had shown that the feel good factor would last 1-2 years it would not have been even been reported on.
But because they found that the majority feel that the feel-good factor will only last a short while, it’s bells, whistles and a general air of “whoopee” from the newsroom editors as they realise they can inject the gloom back onto the public.
Every day they make me hate the BBC just that little bit more.
INBBC must be non-plussed by why Tunisian women are concerned that the Islamic government will impose Shariah law, and so prevent freedom.
“Tunisian women protest to demand equality”
The INBBC political line on Islam is that there are only a ‘tiny minority of Islamic extremists’; such is INBBC’s deception of the political reality of Islam in action in the world.
” which they fear will reduce women’s rights.”
Well they’d better get used to it, it sure as hell aint gonna get any better anytime soon under Islam.
Are the Olympics over, then? Thank Christ for that. I’ve no doubt the post mortems will go on and on and on and on…
I see there are twenty odd HD BBC channels on Freeview (and presumably Sky, too), where you can relive the glory days, God forbid.
Wheres David P :-D,
it looks Mr Obamas nose growing speeches,(ala american history) at Iftar dinners are set to continue
President Obama Hosts an Iftar Dinner. BBC News …
Clinton senior aide Huma Abedin Sits With Muslim Brotherhood Leader at …
then again … wheres whitman 😀
Fitzgerald “Barack Obama, The New York Times, that Iftar Dinner, and the rewriting of history.
“Obama again spreads false claim that Thomas Jefferson hosted first Ramadan iftar dinner at White House.”
Considering the President has personally ordered the killing of more Mohammedans than any President in history, I find this all very amusing.
Actually, I don’t care about this. He hosted some holiday do (Passover Seder) for the nasty Jews as well, so this isn’t necessarily significant of anything. I just think it’s funny/depressing that He can be such a cold-blooded killer of Mohammedans and get a free pass from the press.
When you’re getting bad press in The Guardian! – you must be doing something REALLY naughty. There’s plenty of obligatory ad hom towards the American right in this article (I guess the writer felt he HAD to offest the attack on St. Obama), but it’s existence is still noteworthy…
Look, choose the candidates you prefer. There are manifest differences between them. But do yourself a favor. Dispense with the hero worship. Believing a politician transcends politics is to guarantee disappointment. Depravity turns out to be an equal opportunity employer.
He started out by saying that The Obamessiah had saved the world already. Not much damage done by the rest of it.
is he lying or not though?
Reporting last night’s RIOTS in AMIENS, FRANCE.
1.) BBC-NUJ:
“French riots: Amiens buildings torched in clashes”
Note how in its political conclusion to its report on riots, INBBC politically excuses any ‘Muslim youths’ by designating them as, in final sentence:
…”France’s marginalised youth, many of North African origin.”
2.) ‘Daily Mail’ gets as far as using the words ‘ mass immigration’:
“Police officers shot and buildings gutted as hundreds of youths riot during ‘extremely violent’ night in northern France.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2188133/Police-officers-shot-buildings-gutted-hundreds-youths-riot-extremely-violent-night-northern-France.html#ixzz23WHrnBC0
Just saw this on the news. Youths, Youths, Youths! They danced around the root of the problem all the way through, and finally made a concession in describing Amiens as an “immigrant town”. BBC’s treatment of it as sure-footed as night following day…
“Tensions remain high in France’s rundown suburbs, where poor job prospects, racial discrimination, 😀 a widespread sense of alienation from mainstream society and perceived 😀 hostile policing have periodically touched off violence”
one news, no surprises linked on the AL BBC page
Mass immigration = fewer jobs and wealth to go round. Bloody obvious what happens after that, and it has.
Come on Beeboids, do your bit…..!
“‘No decision’ on Dandy’s future
The number of people reading about Desperate Dan’s escapades has plummeted in recent years
Jobs fears at Aberdeen Journals
The publisher of Britain’s longest running comic has said no decision has been taken on whether it will cease publication.
There has been speculation that The Dandy, home to characters such as Desperate Dan, was under threat of closure because of circulation decline.”
Come on Beeboids, if you can do it for the Guardian….
“The BBC procures more copies of the Guardian than any other national newspaper, despite its small market share and continued decline.”
Of course they need those copies of the grauniad, it saves them having to write scripts.
I see the racists in the BBC are rewriting history: the MOBO (Music of Black Origin) Awards now celebrate urban music in the UK.
They have no information on the MOWO Awards.
That would be the Classical Music scene.
“A judo athlete and four officials from the Congo have vanished in London, joining seven other athletes who have gone missing since the Games began.”
“Nice Outfits Guys, Respect!” As BBC Trevor Nelson once said back there at the opening ceremony.
Which seems to be what he always says.
it appears that boxers from Cameroon all want to stay too … appears they faced discrimination back home :-D, (AL BBC should be right on their case 😀 )
Bet you won’t see too much headlining of the return of the dark ages on the Beeb anytime soon;
How much more enrichment can we expect?
One cannot beat this statement for a classic case of pc leftoid crap from the above;
NSPCC chief Andrew Flanagan said: “Most importantly, everyone must play their part by watching out for unusual activity and reporting it as early as possible.
“We must never forget this is about child cruelty not culture and we cannot afford to wait until another child is murdered before decisive action is taken.”
No of course culture is purely co-incidental. NSPCC, another waste of space and money undermining the future of this nation.
I must admit I took it as meaning that stopping child cruelty was more important than tolerating a foreign culture.
Perhaps I’m feeling generous today.
Just to clarify for those not familiar with African culture; many health, mental or behavioural issues are ascribed to evil spirits. There was some TV coverage of this phenomena in Nigeria a few months ago.
So where a child is thought to be possessed, this state may require violent exorcism of the bad spirit to heal the person.
So the exorcism ritual is cultural so it is difficult to separate culture from the abuse because they are part of the same thing.
” this is about child cruelty not culture”
…unless, of course, child cruelty is part of that culture..sssshhhhh…that’s totally not a child’s dismembered corpse you see floating by…
How do we know that 54% of people think the feel good factort won’t last, because the BBC phrased the question that way.
What is patently clear if that with a lifetime of left leaning thinking they are inacapable of thinking any other way. They were really flumuxed and amazed that people were actually reacting with happiness to the Olympics when, heaven forbid they must know we have a severe recession on. They have been scrabbling to find reasons ever since.
The sour grapes and totally lefty BBC could not find any room for any kind of congratulation, for which every country in the world has congratulated us (except France, now left wing) which the BBC decided to concentrate on.
If anyone is in any doubt that the BBC is not on the side of this Government this has confirmed it.
Have I missed a thread somewhere or has that Beeb documentary ‘Young, right and on the right’ passed by unnoticed on here Didn’t see it myself but I seems to feature some young Conservative at Oxford being a complete pratt.
Singleton and he comments section attack it in a Mail online piece:
Myers in anther mail online article uses the (new to me) term facepalm to characterise it
It was discussed in the Commentator podcast linked elsewhere on here:
and Guido has a take on it
Sounds like the BBC taking a proffered opportunity for a bit of Tory bashing to me.
It was, I think mentioned in the comments last week but got lost in the site meltdown.
Oh no!!!!! Beeboids’ hero dissents from their worldview…lowering tax rates is so ‘extreme’. Steph Flanders most upset…
Triple London 2012 Olympic champion Usain Bolt has refused to compete in the UK again until the country changes its tax laws.
The sprinter, who won gold medals in the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay at the Games in London, objects to a law that sees him taxed on global sponsorship and endorsement earnings as well as any appearance fee – levied at the 50pc higher earning rate – when he competes in Britain.
And despite setting a new world record during the Olympics, the 25 year-old, who earns an estimated $20m (£12.7m) a year, says his UK-based fans won’t see him compete until the tax laws are loosened.
“As soon as the law changes I’ll be here all the time,” Bolt said. “I love being here, I have so many Jamaican fans here and it’s wonderful.”
Just in case anyone’s interested…
UKIP Leader Nigel Farage will be on FOX News tonight at 2130GMT. Channel 509 on SKY.
Check out how this lengthy report from James Reynolds about the love/hate triangle between Israel, Iran, and Azerbaijan slowly moves from a suspicious view of Israel’s strategic alliance with Azerbaijan to an out-and-out propaganda piece about how Azerbaijan is really best suited to be friends with Iran.
My favorite line of bias comes early on:
Israel and the secular government of Azerbaijan share the same goal: to check the spread of political Islam in general and Iran in particular.
If Israel’s goal has been to check the spread of political Islam, it’s failing miserably. What has Israel been doing to help Azerbaijan stay secular, BBC?
Theirs is an alliance reinforced by hardware. In February 2012, Israel sold Azerbaijan $1.6bn (1.3bn euros) of sophisticated weapons systems.
Read the whole thing to discover how the nasty old Jews are spreading their war machine for their own warmongering interests, while the sainted Iranis improve the lot of the Azeris and are the only hope to save an Azeri youth’s life.
“French soul search as Amiens is hit by ‘urban guerrilla warfare'”
Not BBC related, just thought it an interesting insight into the left’s hypocrisy and complete lack of self-awareness. It’s possible that someone recognised themselves and had a moment of self-deprecating humour, but….really…humour?…at the Guardian?…I’m being too generous…
Is Benedict Cumberbatch right that posh-bashing has gone too far?
AllyF (Guardian pick)
Moaning, rich, public-school bastard.
[This comment has been chosen by a member of Guardian staff because it’s interesting and adds to the debate]
I wonder which moaning, rich, public-school bastard at The Guradian thought this comment was ‘interesting’, let alone whether it ‘added to the debate’? Such low expectations – it’s no wonder their writing is infamously sloppy.
…and another ‘Guardian pick’…
tipatina : Guardian pick
could we have televised posh bashing to wean us off the olympics….
…f*ck it – just instigate a final solution for the rich and the posh, they’re asking for it ‘cos all our problems are their fault. It’s all about tolerance and diversity with the left, ain’t it. Can we stop calling these nasties ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ please!!
From what I’ve read of Combo’s outpourings on the economy and social ishoos he sounds something of a lefty. His new predicament therefore brought something of a smirk to my face. What – he’s never heard of Labour’s class war?
…even Gordon Brown was engaged in their class war – quite shameful for a Prime Minister to be publicly encouraging bigotry. The left love to seek out the prejudices (perceived or real) in others, but are very openly proud of their own.
If it’s true about Mr. C’s political leanings, he’ll hopefully soon realise just which section of society it is that despises him for his background (which he cannot change), not the content of his character. He’s always seemed like a decent sort of bloke in interviews.
Atty. Gen. Eric Holder sued for civil contempt by the House Oversight Committee.
BBC: Our fellow travelers in the US media are censoring it, and so will we. That’s how we roll.
Mardell and Wilson and Co. probably think it’s just a baseless partisan attack anyway, not newsworthy. Meanwhile, Katty Kay tweets yet another White House campaign talking point from the JournoList-infested Politico.
Over in France, upholder of the bBC Liberal Socialist school of reporting offer us this textbook explanation:
The BBC’s Christian Fraser, in Paris, says unrest in places like Amiens is often blamed on the widespread sense of alienation in these suburbs where youth unemployment can be as high as 40%. But, he says, local residents have blamed heavy-handed policing;
No crime, no torching of cars, no rule of law, just “alienation”. What a complete Marxist prick. And you pay for this
Being left-wing is most definately a mental illness
AMIENS, FRANCE update. More INBBC censorship:
“French riots: Amiens crowd jostles Manuel Valls”
Who did the ‘jostling’, INBBC?
Were any Muslims involved?
EGYPT: updates for the censoring Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
“Egypt’s Jihad Organizations Call for Christian Genocide”
“Egypt’s Islamist president now has powers that rival authoritarian predecessor Mubarak”
Costing the Earth: 9pm, Wednesday, Radio 4: Britain in 2060: A clear picture of Britain in 2060, it is going to be a lot like Madeira. Tom Heap asks what that means. It means that Tom Heap will be in his nineties and if it is not like Madeira, then that will be proof that Global Warming causes Ice Ages. The BBC must have dug up some old predictions for the height of the Global Warming period of August, before the disastrous onset of the Global cooling period that comes with Autumn. There is a 2005 computer model prediction of 11 Kelvin for a doubling of CO2 that the BBC must have dug up for Wednesdays Costing the Earth. The BBC does not want you to Google the grand coordinator general of Cosmoclimatology prediction, David Archibald. No complaints to the BBC will be reported on the BBC therefore your complaints can be ignored. And anyway the BBC only talks to scientist approved by George Monbiot of the Guardian.
Totally biased, totally unscientific, totally lacking in balance, totally depressing. Bastards.