Funny how Germany and France’s fall from economic grace is caused by their export market to southern Europe collapsing….whilst the British economy stagnating is all the fault of Osborne’s Plan A and nothing to do with European economic meltdown on our doorstep at all (or Gordon Brown).
Yes, one of the anchor tenets of fat ed’s plan B seems to be the temporary reduction of VAT on building products.
Two words.
Big and
I failed to find the word devastating in any of the articles on the BBC with regards Frances three quarters stagnation. All hail Hollande…
Clegg will join the Continental trough feeders soon – a job for life, pillow talk dictates and the pwick follows …
The BBC is absolutely taken aback that there are riots in France. That wasn’t supposed to happen under the newly arrived socialists and a grateful country bowing to the new PM.
It doesn’t work like that as, of course, the left wing have to make cuts as well as the right but the population doesn’t understand that, hence the riots.
I do however, notice that the BBC hasn’t paid much attention to them since their initial coverage.