Out of 40 tweets from Mardell 28 are about Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney.
For ‘two boring white men’ Mardell certainly finds a lot to talk about on them….not so much on Obama…..how’s his campaign going then?
Just as well we have a Guardian hit on Obama to even things up in one fell swoop (The BBC haven’t let it bother them):
‘This swiftboating of Mitt Romney disgraces Barack Obama
When John Kerry was defamed in 2004, Democrats cried foul. Now, they’re soiled by their own lies over Obama’s Super Pac ad
For the past 10 days, the president’s Super Pac – Priorities USA Action – has been running a Swiftboat attack on Republican Mitt Romney so grotesque, so dishonest, so debased, as to force you to wonder who this Obama guy is, and whether he has been that guy all along. The ad features a former steel worker named Joe Soptic, recounting the death of his wife from cancer, after Soptic lost his health insurance when Romney’s Bain Capital shut down the steel mill in 2001.
“I don’t think Mitt Romney understands what he’s done to peoples’ lives,” Soptic says.
What Soptic doesn’t say, and what the ad leaves out, is that: a) Romney had left Bain Capital for the Salt Lake City Olympics when the plant was shut down; b) Soptic lost his health insurance, but his wife remained covered at her own job; c) she was not diagnosed with cancer till five years later; d) during which interim she held subsequent jobs and other insurance coverage.
Yet, the message is unmistakable: Mitt Romney has blood on his hands.
Such tactics are beyond obscene. They are depraved.
And so is obliterating inconvenient facts to accuse the presumptive Republican nominee of homicidal neglect.
Meanwhile, the patron saint of hope and change has said not a word. It would have been so easy:
“I am Barack Obama and I emphatically disapprove this message.”
But, nope, mum’s the word. And the silence speaks volumes.‘
That’s one Guardian piece they won’t be reading out when they review ‘what the papers say’.
Everything you expect of the Left – smears without remorse. Since Clinton, politics was only ever about the management of the media. No-one really knows what is going on. They know only what the media tell them. Control the media, you control public thought itself. Democrats and Socialists alike, we are now living in Animal Farm.
I’d say that any article which includes the following line can hardly qualify as a “hit piece”:
it’s more accurate to say that he and the central bankers saved the world.
There is, I admit, the gentlest of chiding about not pushing the Warmist agenda enough, not attacking gun rights enough, and not attacking the banks enough to please “the grungy 99%”. All criticism from the far Left, and the kind of attitude Mark Mardell is talking about when he refers to voters disappointed in Him.
No, really this is a plea from a disappointed worshiper to restore faith. Although, I wonder if that closing line about hero worship will register with people like Anita Anand or Jude Machin. The only thing this does highlight is that it’s been yet another rather big controversy censored entirely by the BBC because it makes Him look bad.
The Joe Soptic story has been a leading issue in US politics for over a week now. Even keen Democrats in the media are sickened by the hypocrisy in the Obama campaign.
Obviously too unimportant to be covered by Mardell et al.
I loved John Sununu’s remark to interviewer Soledad O’Brien – @Why don’t you wear an Obama bumper-sticker across your forehead ?”
Same applies to lots of people at the BBC.
“You know it’s bad when even the libs on MSNBC can’t hide their disgust.”
CNN also went out of their way to debunk it. Oh, and it’s also being reported that the President’s campaign has lied about knowing it was a lie. Something this supposed hit piece fails to mention while posing on the moral high ground.
Even Politico is on the case. For some strange reason, Katty Kay didn’t retweet this particular article of theirs, when she’s usually so eager to share others with her followers.
“This swiftboating of Mitt Romney disgraces Barack Obama” quoth the Guardian. But the BBC’s house journal omits one salient fact. The “swiftboaters” were hundreds of fellow vets. They had been waiting thirty years for revenge. It was they who called John Kerry out on his disgraceful fictitious exploits during the Vietnam war. The reason the “swiftboater’ claims resonated with the public was that what they alleged was TRUE. When he came back from Vietnam, his shortcut to celebrity came in the form of becoming a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War and offering harrowing stories of American service personnel perpetrating war crimes – allegations that he now admits were “exaggerated.”
Everyone – and I mean everyone, even Mr. Soptic himself – must know that his allegations are wild. If one could make a connection between Mitt Romney and Mrs. Soptic’s death from cancer, then I can make a case for Joe Biden writing Shakespeare’s plays or Barrack Obama being responsible for the sinking of the Titanic, and to echo the now infamous words of Harry Reid, “They’d have to prove they didn’t do it.”
As we’re on the subject of the hapless John Kerry, has anyone pointed out that twice married war hero is worth four times as much as the “rich white man” Mitt Romney? (He married two rich women.) Don’t remember any Democrats objecting to his wealth or the BBC making an issue of it.
I don’t mind Mardell saying whatever he wants to say in the safety of his BBC pensionable job, but I’d sure like to hear the other side – just once. Fat chance.
No Louis, credit where credit is due: that iceberg was bigger, stronger and cooler than Obama….and more originality, and probably makes better sense too.
It’s just as well the BBC ‘journalists’ have their noses buried in the Guardian because they don’t yet seem to have noticed the front page of The Times today (14 August).
Romney’s new No 2 savages the NHS
This non-story is because in 2009 Paul Ryan co-authored an article including the sentences ‘Once a large number of citizens get their healthcare from the State, it dramatically alters their attachment to government. Every time a tax cut is proposed, the guardians of the new medical-welfare state will argue that tax cuts would come at the expense of healthcare – an argument that would resonate with middle-class families entirely dependent on the government for access to doctors and hospitals.’
That, it appears, is ‘savaging’ the NHS. But in 2007/08 The Times was, if possible, an even bigger campaigner for the blessed Obama than the BBC was. So they grasp at any tiny straw.
The truth passed by the Left a generation ago and left them wandering around on their flat earth. They will find the edge eventually, and fall into oblivion. It won’t be in our lifetime but our children, when they witness the heavy yoke of Socialism placed around their necks, will declare “never again will this poison envelop us. Be gone,be gone!
Well, well….Mark Thomson’s going to be CEO of the New York Times.
Quel Surprise.
He’ll be able to publicly agonise about whether there’s any left leaning bias there as well – without doing anything about it.
Presumably the job went to a Brit because the locals know it’s going down the pan.
Earlier this month the company announced it had made a net loss of $88.1m in the second quarter, as gains from paying subscribers and a small increase in revenues were wiped out by losses on About.com, a resource guide the company had bought to boost its online business.
They think Thompson is going to save the NY Times with his skill in networking, lobbying, and creating new revenue streams.
I do wonder, though, if his first instinct won’t be to try and get government funding.