The BBC continues its demonisation of the EDL with a ‘report’ that is merely an excuse to try to malign and abuse EDL supporters and label them all as racist…no such thing as a ‘moderate’ EDL member apparently.
According to this report they are all drunken, racist hooligans….really?
Note the positively scary Big Brother attitude of Leeds City Council which sacked an EDL member for being in the EDL….apparently his private personal views do not meet the approval of the thought police. However I’m sure that there are many Muslims employed by LCC whose racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic views do seem to meet their approval…obviously, as they’ve still got jobs.
And read the attached piece from Harry’s Place….will the BBC be doing such a hatchet job on this mob as well?
From the BBC:
“Tony Smith”, the Bradford organiser of the EDL’s political arm – the obscure British Freedom Party – eventually admitted his surname was Sutcliffe and that they were forced to protect their identities.
“I believe that’s because people are scared to be labelled racist; to lose their jobs; to have their neighbours associate them with something that they’re not.
“So in some instances the alcohol and the frustration take over. They can be labelled a demon, a Nazi, a racist – that’s not the case.”
Clearly, many take a different view.
On the same day as the Keighley rally it emerged that Leeds City Council had sacked one of its staff who had been exposed by a national newspaper as an EDL supporter and prominent contributor to far-right web pages.
Chris Knowles, who worked in the school governor support team in the children’s services department, told the BBC that he not broken any laws and his dismissal breached his civil liberties.
In a statement Leeds City Council said that after an investigation it was found that his views were incompatible with the multicultural policies which every member of staff has to follow.’
Homophobic hate preachers set to gather in York
Cross-Post, August 14th 2012, 1:00 pm
In just under a fortnight, over the August Bank holiday weekend, Thorpe Underwood Estate in York will play host to the Islamia Village, a weekend retreat organised by the Islamic Network Project. According to its advertising literature the Islamia Village is a four day retreat which “combine incredible lectures with amazing recreational activities you get a truly breathtaking Islamic experience. Learn, relax, and be inspired in peaceful Islamic surroundings. Islamia Village is a dream come true, a hidden gem in the heart of the countryside.”
The range of activities in such a setting does seem truly impressive, that is until you look a bit more closely into some of the speakers set to address the event. Among them are several who preach extreme hatred against homosexuals, including calls for them to be killed.
What I don’t understand is how the craven Left can openly turn a blind eye to repulsive paedo grooming, the awful abuse of women’s rights, blowing trains, plains, automobiles, churches up, burning poppies, calling for the death of gays, the beating of pupils in Madrasa schools, protesting with placards that say, ‘death to the infidels’ and ‘UK freedom go to hell’ ad infinitum and yet they spit hellfire and brimstone against a few hundred lads in England shirts who have the courage to voice concern over these vile Taliban-supporting pond-froth… Ye couldnae make it up pal, as they say in Easterhouse!
the obscure british freedom party … and thus not on the bbc
I would urge everyone here to e-mail LCC and complain about the sacking of this person, and pointing out that every muslim employee must be sacked as well for holding homophobic, anti-semitic and female repressing views, which they all will, certainly.
I have just done so, will let you know of any response. Go on, get typing, keep it polite and to the point. I e-mailed their general enquires mail.
Standard automated reply nonsense so far, usual fob off, no surprise, turns out the guy may not be with the EDL, but what the hey, no reason given for sacking that holds water, Union backs off, this could run and run, time for a Guido intervention?
Chris Knowles: fired for his political beliefs
Wish Canada’s SUN NEWS was on here. It would very quickly become hugely popular with British viewers.
Cheers! noggin.
It’s astonishing that this chap has lost his job on the premise that he doesn’t hold the right views. Public servants are supposed to be apolitical and carry out the policies of the council. If this chap is doing that, despite his own personal politics, then he has a prima facia case of wrongful dismissal (IANAL BTW). WTF is NALGO or Unison doing about this? Three wise monkey time I’d bet.
How many trade union organisers work in the civil service or in councils where there views are at odds with the Tories in charge? Why aren’t they being sacked for holding to the genocidal philosophy of socialism?
Could it be that the Tories are just more honorable than lefties after all?
Britain is a politically oppressive society where public authorities, such as Leeds Council, deprives a person of employment because such authorities disagree with that person’s EDL membership.
Who is to say that such a politically does nor operate at least unofficially at the BBC? After all, all NUJ branches there follow national NUJ policy which is one of opposition to the EDL.
Of course, any applicant for employment with such public authorities who happened to mention support for e.g. the Muslim Brotherhood would be regarded positively!
The repression of ‘multiculturalism’ against freedom of employment in action in the public sector. And it will get more repressive.
Correction above:
2nd para ‘policy’ for ‘politically’.
Very disturbing and worrying for freedom of speech. Hope the EDL guy get access to some top lawyers. I suspect the council may have acted without consulting their legal advisors.
Note political hostility of INBBC’s far-left Mr TINGLE in ‘reporting’ against the ENGLISH DEFENCE LEAGUE.
Note far-left INBBC Tingle’s use of the phrase:
“The EDL was spawned in Luton”
-it so happened that Mr Len Tingle was ‘spawned in Barnsley.’
Either far-left Tingle is a policeman, has a breatherlyser on him, or had just come out of a pub, because he says of the the EDL supporters: ” a back drop of largely drunken men”!
And INBBC’s far-left Tingle inaccurately restricts the argument to
‘British Asian’, not Islam which is what the EDL is critical of.
I have the impression that if INBBC’s far-left Tingle were on the Leeds Council that he would approve the sacking any EDL member too.
Will INBBC, Mr Tingle, Leeds Council, etc play their part in condemning and disqualifying from public employment anyone taking part in the following political event this Friday, 17 August?:-
“Islamic Human Rights Commission & Al Quds Day: Tip of the UK’s Iranian support network iceberg”
Can we look forward to the day that holding membership of a legal national Political Party – The Labour Party – will be grounds for dismissing officials of Leeds City Council? Or the BBC? This is Blairs gift to Britain. The law of inverse consequences.
Bring it on.
“In a statement Leeds City Council said that after an investigation it was found that his views were incompatible with the multicultural policies which every member of staff has to follow.’
So refusing to believe in “multiculturalism” is a sackable offence now is it?
What next? Sacking people who do nor believe in the NHS? Sacking people who want to withdraw from the EU?
I recall that Leeds University sacked a lecturer for pointing out that some races have higher/lower IQ’s than others, so are we to conclude from this that it is only a matter of time before support for Israel becomes a sacking offence.
Next stop the Gulag.
Spot the real fascists.
Hold on, didn’t the UK government itself finally state the bleeding obvious and say on telly to everyone that multiculturalism has failed and doesn’t work? – Yes, it did, and no way should Leeds City Council or any council be at all allowed to act like some sort of law unto itself. Multiculti mental bastards!
And then there’s this guy, who Leeds Council gladly employed right up until the day he died:
Multiculturalism is an explicitly anti-Western ideology, and so (for the sake of consistency) it is only a matter of time before Leeds City Council puts up a tribute to (the above mentioned) Mohammad Sidique Khan – after all the Sheffield City Council has put up tributes to various Leftist shits who died in the Spanish Civil War fighting for Stalin.
It is presumably impossible to work for the BBC without being a fully paid up political liberal( modern usage) .So it is hardly surprising that the EDL is continually demonised . It would be more surprising if it was given a fair hearing.
The BBC is the mouthpiece of a very carefully crafted political standpoint. That it is irrational and largely a fantasy is what makes it so potentially dangerous.
What next, public denouncements followed by purges of non-party members then claims of Offences against the State with show trials to follow?
Leeds City Council behaviour sounds more like the activities of Stalinist Russia than a council in a British City but with the makeup of some councils that’s not surprising.
The first reply to his sort of introduction be it on radio, on TV or whatever should be “if you call the EDL far right just how extreme must you think Islam is?”, puts them on the back foot, just keep bringing it back to woman hating, gay hating, jew hating Islam.