Celebrating diversity and multi culturalism.
From the New York Times:
‘Like a fever, fear has spread across India this week, from big cities like Bangalore to smaller places like Mysore, a contagion fueling a message: Run. Head home. Flee. And that is what thousands of migrants from the country’s distant northeastern states are doing, jamming into train stations in an exodus challenging the Indian ideals of tolerance and diversity.
What began as an isolated communal conflict here in the remote state of Assam, a vicious if obscure fight over land and power between Muslims and the indigenous Bodo tribe, has unexpectedly set off widespread panic among northeastern migrants who had moved to more prosperous cities for a piece of India’s rising affluence.’
“What is at stake is the unity and integrity of our country,” Mr. Singh said. “What is at stake is communal harmony.”
Never mind they will win a lot of medals at the next Olympics due to their multi-cultural society making them such good runners.
I’ve travelled to many Muslim countries over the years. This morning I was pottering around the house and I heard… No, it can’t be… So I went and stuck my head out of the window… And yes, there it was.
“Allah Akbar” over the customary shitty tannoy. We’re moving house in just over a year and it can’t come soon enough.
“fight over land and power between Muslims and the indigenous ……. ”
….. just add any area/country, replicated again again and again, its been going for over 1400yrs.
areas of France – Holland – Sweden – UK.
Off topic: I see that the Cardinal, according to the BBC, has ‘snubbed’ the First Minister over gay ‘marriage’ proposals. I wonder if the BBC will be publishing a similar headline detailing Glasgow mosque’s vociferous protests? Don’t hold your breath!
No, as pathetically usual, too sensitive for the two faced utterly gutless bBC.
We are to believe from the BBC that the two communities that lived side by side for years suddenly turned on each other Yet there is no apparent problem with the majority Hindu population.
There has been plenty of BBC coverage on Assam but nothing like a clear explanation of what this dispute is about.
And don’t expect an explanantion any time soon!
11-year-old girl arrested in Pakistan on charges of blasphemy,” PTI , Aug 18
“a girl was arrested on Friday by personnel from a women’s police station after a man named Syed Muhammad Ummad filed a complaint against her.
However, an NGO named ‘Christians in Pakistan’ reported on its website that the girl has ‘Down Syndrome’ and had been falsely accused of burning 10 pages of the Quran.
The NGO said other Christians living in sector G-12 had been “threatened by extremists” who wanted to burn down their village on Friday.
It said some 300 people had left their homes and were in hiding due to the threats” …….
How totally evil. To Christians, people with Downs are said to be “touched by the hand of God”.
Very nice, but this is supposed to be a blog about BBC bias.
Some posts recently have been long and rambling with only a passing mention of the BBC.
You make a fair point there, maybe the poster should have said that the BBC would not mention the story, likely, given their craven and ugly bias to all things muslim, as is the same with our politicians.
One might mention that had the child been a muslim accuised of anti Christian activities the BBC would be running endless discussions on the story
Dear Rich Tea: given sufficient time reading the blogs here, you will recognise the pattern that it’s ALL about BBC bias, even tho’ it may not state it directly. Give yourself time and I’m sure you will be well pleased with the content. Please, add some items of Bias of your own, if there is something tht has been missed.
I’m sure we all look forward to your contributions.
The clue is in the first line….’Celebrating diversity and multi-culturalism’.
I’m not going to spoon feed every thing to you.
I wish the BBC would do a report about this so I could know who the racists are.
An observation-and I hope that I`m wrong about it, so feel free to correct me;those of you in the know.
I went to Auschwitz-Birkenau last week…truly harrowing as you`d expect even for someone of my mature years…the scale of it was the thing, as well as little human efforts to rise above the evil-and what consequences that brought from the Nazis and their stooges.
But something struck me-in all the languages, guides, translations and peoples that I saw from all over the world…only one group seemed to be absent.
No Arabic under the pictures or on the monuments…no Islamic response in formal interfaith efforts…and no Arabs looking around the place, no Arab leaders photographed there(Gordon Brown, Castro yes..Sadat or King Hussein..no)
As a Christian and a supporter of Israel, I just might have been biased…but I honestly saw no evidence that there was an Arab/Muslim response to the events of 39/45 worthy of the name…even in the name of humanity, care and compassion.
I`ll repeat again…I hope I`ve got it all wrong. But wiser heads may know better than I, hence my posting.
I was there myself a few weeks ago as well and did notice the distinct lack of Japanese even though there were plenty in Krakow. I would not expect to see any Muslims there as they are taught a different story……true like it or not.
Strange you said that. I was there a couple of years ago and there seemed to be plenty of Orientals. I didn’t spend too much time working out exactly where they were from, but I did notice that some were making smiling, posing family photographs in front of various things. I was as shocked by that as by anything.
Radical Islam can be stopped and here’s how:
” The Soft Underbelly of Islam” at:
With regards to the BBC’s blatant racism, can anyone find a BBC report on the excellent news about the police preparing charges against one of Keith Blacklock’s murderers?
The Telegraph broke the story and has written multiple articles,. Even the Guardian and Morning Star have reported it so it’s pretty impressive for the BBC to be more racist than those organisations.
It seems that when Keith Blakelock tripped and fell the mob set on him and efforts were made to cut off his head with the intention of parading it around on a pole. You can only imagine the rent a quote, Guardian reading, pro-Leftist apologetics for mob violence that took place on Newsnight the following night.
He was a white hetrosexual male and I heard he voted for Maggie thatcher. Also he was a traitor to his class by joining the police. The state sponsored oppressor organisation of the workers. He was also trying to stop a demonstration against the evil tories by the oppressed prols. The people who opposed him were following the leaders of their soviets example.
“Never mind they will win a lot of medals at the next Olympics due to their multi-cultural society making them such good runners.”
Too right! With a suicide bomber in the line up even Usain Bolt’s 100 meters world record could easily be beaten.