Monday morning and the site seems a bit more stable. We have been having nightmarish problems with our alleged server provider – who are utter crap – but thanks to ASE’s endeavours we may be making some progress in restoring service. I am so sorry this has been happening over the past few weeks, I appreciate all your concerned emails to me, but we are doing all we can. Thanks for your understanding. Now – back to BBC bias! Ready, aim…FIRE!
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During the 8 o’clock news on Radio 5 Live this morning, one of the stories being reported was the publication of the Policy Exchange report “Ending Expensive Social Tenancies”.
It was quickly pointed out that the Policy Exchange is “close to Prime Minister David Cameron” (says the same on the BBC website, actually). They then went on to explain that there would likely be an outcry, pushing the least well-off out of expensive streets, and into new “ghettos” – nice choice of word there – The reporter they went to said the same, adding that there would likely be an outcry over this. There weren’t any quotes at this stage, there was no-one to interview, just his opinion that there would be an outcry.
Regardless of whether the policy is a good idea or not, and regardless of whether there would be an outcry, if there hadn’t been one, surely the BBC should just be reporting details of the report, and leaving it at that?
No, of course not, the BBC think it’s a terrible idea, so they want to make sure someone complains about it, and quickly.
Yes it seems selling one of these properties in order to house five more families is socially unacceptable.
……………….Only in the minds of a Leftie.
Guido has a post on IDS complaining about Flanders in a letter to the bbc.
Glad the site is back. Some terrible bias over the last few days I was itching to report. Once again the BBC’s selection of ‘experts’ to comment on news stories is one of the most common ways they cover up their bias. A stunning example yesterday was some bloke News24 had on to discuss the recent statistics about reoffending by those given community service orders. He was clearly an off-the-deep-end looney lefty in favour of closing prisons and giving all offenders a team of social workers to attend to their every need. Amongst the garbage he was spouting was this gem “Most crime these days happens on the internet”. Unbelieveable. Just your typical unbiased ‘expert’ on BBC speed-dial.
He needs an effing good mugging to bring him to his senses. Stupid, irresponsible twat.
If you have taped/teeboided the BBC’s Film PAGE EIGHT recently screened on BBC2 and not got around to watching it yet, my advice is don’t bother, just delete it.
However if you hate the UK, USA and ISRAEL and embrace multicultural shit, this could be the vewing experience of the year, so get the pop-corn out and pretend it’s not biased.
Blimey, I think I just experienced some pretty bad Biased-BBC cold turkey! Good to be back… anyway, click ‘like’ if you’ve found the whole Assange pantomime and the MSM’s coverage inexpressibly repugnant!
Good to have B-BBC back. Mrs U was stoically bearing the brunt of my indignation while you were off-air. Accordingly she is, I think, even more relieved than I am at your return.
Mrs NotaSheep concurs with Mrs U… It’s been a tough few days without BBBC
So Romney is a spooky Mormon, claims Mark Mardell. Well, it’s about time, Mark. How come you’ve left the Mormon card on the table till now? You’re letting the side down.
Mark says: “Many do not think Mormonism is just another branch of Christianity – to them it is not Christian at all and a lot of them are reluctant to vote for a president who is not Christian.”
So here’s my favorite game again. Replace one “M” word with another “M” word? But that would make Mark Islamophobic.
But the real trick in this BBC web article is the picture used to illustrate the page, the fragrant first family attended church. The picture is captioned “The Obama family attended church in Washington DC”
The first family has attended church rarely.
So why, Mark, is your article illustrated without the headline: “The Obama family makes a RARE TRIP trip to church.”? Perhaps you are co-coordinating the agenda with Katty Kay’s chum at the White House.
Is what Romney believes any nuttier than this from Obama’s religious mentor Jeremiah Wright, who now admits that religion was just a way for the One to ingratiate himself into the Chicago political scene.
(Posted with 150 days, 23 hours 36 minutes and 29 seconds to go.)
Can’t to till Romney gets elected. The BBC will have a day of mourning for their marxist, mixed race president loosing. To Morman of things.
Maybe then Barry Obama can move back to his birth place of Kenya.
Well, inside lardell’s mind right now, that’s just not gonna happen!
He is convinced that his spin is somehow going to influence the folk in the US of A? err dont think so.
What do you mean ‘mixed race’ you must ignore his white mother, he is black…… blacker than the blackest black since Blackie the black was voted the blackest black since blacks began.
I’ve always thought he had more to bring to a racially-divided society by claiming to be mixed race. But then, that wouldn’t appeal to the leftist bigots….
But Obama isn’t stupid. He knows who the real racists are. Exit polls showed that 95% of blacks voted for him in the 2008 election. Without those racists he wouldn’t be president, so he has to continue to appeal to their prejudices.
Mardell has form on revealing his anti-Mormon bigotry. From January 20:
In Britain, a senior politician who believed new prophecies were handed down and written on gold tablets in the 19th century, that native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel and that Jesus travelled to America would indeed be questioned.
This time, Mardell lays out Mormon beliefs like he just saw “The Book of Mormon” musical.
He would never, ever be allowed to lay out certain Mohammedan beliefs as odd or questionable like this, or say that a Mohammedan politician in Britain would be questioned for believing that a drugged-up, illiterate Arabian tribesman really flew to Jerusalem on a winged horse.
This is pure bigotry from Mardell, sanctioned by the BBC.
More BBC twisting history. Listening to Radio 4 on a programme about pheasants off all things, it was claimed that Phillip the Good of France and his knights swore an oath on a pheasant to start a crusade against the Muslims in the ‘Holy Land’.
Well there are a few problems with this, Phillip the Good lived in the 15C and there hadn’t been a crusade against the ‘Holy land’ since the 13C. Yes there was an oath for a crusade, but it was against the Turks who had recently conquered Constantinople and much of Eastern Europe.
Now does the BBC believe that ‘Holy Land’ represents any area conquered by jihad. Perhaps they might believe that Tower Hamlets is ‘Holy Land’?
Islamists believe that land once conquered by Islam, is forever islamic, so why should the BBC not agree? I wonder how many ‘journalists’ at the BBC actually know the historical sequences re Muslim invasion and crusades.
e.g. –
‘Crusade Myths’
by Thomas Madden.
great link.. bedtime reading today. Thanks
R4 crackhead was thinking of Edward the 3rd of England, the 14th century, and the hundred years’ war against France. And it was an oath sworn over a heron, not a pheasant, which took Edward and the lads over to Normandy, where mere peasant archers slaughtered snooty French knights at Crecy. Nice bit of English pride, not that we really exist according to auntie!
Have a laugh
George Orwell is ‘too Left-wing’ for a statue, BBC tells Joan Bakewell
When the George Orwell Memorial Trust proposed a statue of the writer for outside the BBC’s new headquarters it expected an enthusiastic response.
It hits too close to home, I’d say.
I thought 1984 was the BBC’s ideal socialist utopia?
Judging by New Labour, 1997-2010, it was.
Impartiality Theatre.
There is a well co-ordinated faux-impartiality smokescreen underway at the BBC. Labour Baroness Bakewell puts up a straw Orwell-man so Mark Thompson can wade in and say “no, no, that would be too left-wing. You don’t understand Joan, we have an obligation to be impartial (ignoring 1000 hours a week of liberal left bigotry emanating from every orifice)
Don’t think for a moment the national broadcaster doesn’t know how to cloak its performance. IDS dares to suggest hints of bias, suddenly we get a non-story out of nowhere about Thompson’s corageous impartiality. Excuse me, I feel sick.
corageous or courageous, whichever takes your fancy, bloody fat finger. BTW welcome back, no venting for three days not good for the BP
Nice bit of doublethink from MiniTrue.
The conflicting emotions are pretty obvioius in this BBC article about China criticizing the President:
Chemical weapons ‘excuse for US to intervene in Syria’
See, China doesn’t want any kind of show of US military muscle these days, and are calling out the President for fabricating an excuse to start yet another war in yet another country. It must be a real struggle in the Beeboid minds to figure out which side is right here.
The Beeboids know China is right (and I think they are) that taking out Assad will only lead to the kind of ugliness we’re seeing in Libya and Somalia and Iraq, They’re very even-handed this time, giving over pretty much equal space to China and Russia’s claims that Assad will be cool, dialogue is the best way, etc., and more tales of death and destruction (20,000 people killed – “mostly civilians”) which is the excuse for taking him out. The BBC has also taken a lot of criticism for their reporting seeming to support the rebels, so it’s nice to see a fairly balanced piece here.
However, one thing is seriously missing: a mention that the President who wants to start yet another war in yet another country is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. How much warmongering does He need to do before there is a single voice allowed on the BBC expressing disappointment? As far as I’m aware, they haven’t even managed to rent one of the usual Leftoid suspects for an opinion piece on it in the online Magazine.
If they weren’t so still in love with The Obamessiah, we’d be seeing criticism by now pointing out that He has the highest body count of any Nobel laureate, and has utterly failed to bring whatever wonderful results the Norwegian buffoons were hoping for when they gave Him the award. It looks even more foolish now for Him to have accepted it. Yet the BBC refuses to discuss it.
Yeah, I know nobody in the mainstream US media is doing this either, but so what? The BBC is spending more and more money, hiring more and more people to cover the US. Is it really respectable that, aside from the “bespoke”, lightweight, magazine-style video pieces, the BBC doesn’t do original reporting and is little more than a replay service for what the Washington Post and Politico report?
” . . and is little more than a replay service for what the Washington Post and Politico report”
Beginning to sound as if the BBC is modelling itself on NPR or, just as likely, the reverse. For instance, NPR’s political columnists (on its signature programme All Things Considered [but only from a left-wing perspective natch]) are David Brooks (NYT op-ed columnist*) and E J Dionne (op-ed columnist of the Washington Post**). Of course, there are no right-of-centre – or even centre – commentators available in the whole of the US. In the same way and in the manifest absence of any alternatives in the whole world, the BBC had no choice but to choose lefties as economics and political
propagandistseditors of Newsnight.* surprisingly Brooks spent the early part of his career at the WSJ: they must have loved him there but, there again, the WSJ is more open to (and willing to publish) views contrary to its editorial line than the NYT (or the BBC for that matter)
** unsurprisingly Dionne worked for the NYT before joining the Post
Funny you should mention NPR. Katty Kay has for years now been the regular guest-host for the Diane Riehm show.
Now, there’s a surprise!
My favourite quote from David Brooks of the New York Times.
“I do know that this White House is very much an intellectual hothouse. It’s a little different from the last White House… well it’s obviously different from the last White House (programme host laughs), but there are certain intellects which are, like, fluorescent, and they are taking over the place. And the President is one of them”.
Makes me roar with laughter every time..
‘No one seems to have replied to Obama’s You didn’t build that quote with, Who built you your Nobel Prize?
Yet another Presidential gaffe the BBC won’t be reporting: He can’t even spell “Ohio”. BBC: Zzzzzzzz
The Washington Post, in a foolish attempt to support Him and prove that He does know how to spell it, produced a second photo where they got it right. Which means He did get it wrong the first time. This genius move would be all over the BBC if it had been George Bush.
True that the BBC would be all over it if it was Bush – but it’s hardly a Dan Quayle potatoe moment. It’s one thing to make a mistake when you’re writing a word, but when you’re standing in a crowd of people trying to form one letter with your arms? Weak. There’s better things to attack Obummer on than this.
I took the comment more on what Aunty would send in the 9th Panzer Uberzetoppen brigade with for a week, and certainly as far as HIGNFY, vs. what it would, and seems to have quietly consigned to ‘watertight oversight’ territory? At least until the correction corps ‘proves’ differently.
But true, pointing out a minor gaffe by an above-the-fray statesman like President O, who in no way would stoop low on anything that may serve, would be unkind.
This is just as weak as Bush walking up to a locked door. Video of which the BBC ran endlessly, without hesitation.
The point isn’t the strength or weakness of the gaffe: it’s about BBC standards.
As ‘Ace of Spades’ blog said, that must be on of those extra seven states.
Anyone see University Challenge on Monday – Strathclyde (4 jocks) v Durham (1 jock). The Strathclyde jocks got absolutely murderised, in fact, I think they turned off Durham’s buzzers 10 minutes from the end to make the scores respectable. It didn’t say much for this particular university or for Scottish universities in general which begs the question, if you’re clever and English and you have to pay fees in Scotland and England why would you go there instead of Oxbridge? I suppose Scottish universities only need to do enough to turn out future public servants, box tickers and health and safety Nazis so intelligence is an unneccessary requirement. Give it some time and Salmond and his egalitarian cronies will dumb everything down anyway. Somehow methinks that a future (independent) Scotland will not be leading the world in anything unless you include drug taking, stabbing and Buckfast drinking.
Hang on a minute pal, I study at Edinburgh University thank you very much and am proud to say that we have one of the most celebrated maths, physics and science departments in Europe; but, I’ll happily pass on your comment to Edinburgh University’s world-renowned theoretical physicist, Peter Higgs 🙂
Didn’t Burke and Hare work for Edinburgh University too?
Well, they definitely put the shovel to good use, that’s for sure!
Wow, the inventor of the Higgs Field (it used to be called “ether”) out of which springs a particle so quickly that it disappears before it can be registered – you can only theorise about it. What a quack.
Kashgar? bordering Pakistan/Afghanistan?
Travellers according to AL BBC “few dare
to tread” there? … one has to ask … why?
Then why? the bbc wants to make most of an episode about it?
An episode of a chinese? cooking program.
But then we have lots of, “at odds with the moderning
Han chinese”?
The ancient“Wega” – dis-enfranchised “Wega”s ?
struggling “Wegas” ?
With the usual al beeb undue unwarranted reverence to Islam.
“in the ahem! old town” (obviously nothing of relevance in CHINA 😀
nothing ANCIENT in CHINA, before moh and his sock puppet eh).
“Struggling to uphold their ancient 😀 culture”
“striving to keep their ancient religion”,
lots of ahem! “deeply divided communities”?
with lots of vid of upturned arses etc etc.
followed by abhorrent halal slaughter, with koran reading, and Ken Hom
standing to attention,(shakes head) … couldn t make it up
the upshot … look, this problematic community had 300 million pounds worth
of reconstruction done financed by the government, to update a deeply
ramshackle area – in the attempt to encourage integration.
yep! Once Again!
AL BBC – forgets to mention it was WEGA terrorism, WEGA attacks
on Han chinese houses/businesses, instigated by Pakistani imams in the
Mosques, that set off the civil unrest, reminiscent? of anywhere else 😀 you could
Check out bbc news “Han welcome security forces” 😀
How about al – jazeer .. I mean bbc 😀 “the future is halal” R4… don t even start me on it.
Ought to be called “al beebs longed for abhorrent future, killing animals with maximum pain whilst reciting a fairy story” but it doesn t quite sound as sanitised does it.
how about the DNC in the US?
US Democrats National Convention and the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA).
Among the events an all-day “Islamic Cultural Fun Fest,” which will include ahem!
A “TownHall Issues Conference” that will address “issues such as Islamaphobia, Anti-Shariah,
Middle Eastern Crisis, Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act ..
😀 sorry but a bit “heavy” for fun isn t it
” Among the events an all-day “Islamic Cultural Fun Fest,””
guess they’ll be having such fun events as: synchronised honour killings?
stoning adulterers (the women of course)
hanging homosexuals ( added marks for artistic merit)
rapid beheadings
yeah you get the picture
thats enough……ed.
Oh the cultural enrichment they can bring to us.
You couldn’t make it up, you really couldn’t.
That would mean the BBc would lose about 90% of its staff.
Compared to the next Caliphate these appeasing lefties will be living under sooner than they think – yeh, that’s fun.
One lefty will stab another in their back to save their skin. Until they are all gone from from hanging from cranes and lamp posts.
If Auntie keeps on bleating for euthanasian….. I think I’ll strangle her!
In the wake of the sad demise today (of natural causes we are told ) of Tony Nicklinson (sufferer of ‘locked-in syndrome’) the man who had recently lost his case for help in ending his life – we soon get the Beeb promoting the cause and a lawyer with another test case is put straight to air. (His client is named Mark – don’t worry – you’ll soon be hearing all about it on the BBC).
5 Live carries the interview and cut price Naughtie wannabe Peter Allen opines
“MPs are not interested in changing the law, but the public does have an appetite for it”
Really? I wonder what opinion surveys he and his editorial team have swallowed? Judging from their choice of news items they obviously don’t worry about public opinon on subjects such as capital punishment, the EU, immigration, green taxes……I could go on…..
Remind me who doesn’t pay the TV licence. The over 75s.
Then in a few years they will be an absolute uproar and calls for changes to be made because another Harold Shipman has been knocking off pensioners for their inheritance.
This time it won’t be that easy to prove because the good doctor will have an assisted suicide request.
Sadly medicine meddles too much with nature. One has to question the intentions of some of the medics when they embark on the saving of a life when the outcome for the patient will be devastating. Do they do this for their own egos or the family? In many of these situations the medics need to detach themselves and ask the question; If I go down the road of saving this life what quality of life will this person have?
The BBC have been running with the idea that Olympic sports people are somehow morally superior to Premiership footballers.
The Beeb love a slogan and this one runs something along the lines of : Olympics good, Football bad,
Why-oh-why can’t footballers act like ‘Oympians’?
“The achievements of Team GB at the Olympics have led to a wave of criticism of footballers. They’ve been lambasted for being overpaid, arrogant underachievers. But why do some people hate footballers so much?”
However, two weeks of the Olympics gave us racist Tweets, blubbing losers, tax exiles and drug cheats.
“Three men from the Jordanian Paralympic squad have been charged following allegations of sexual assault in County Antrim.”
But I don’t suppose that the BBC will ever alter their views.
Eric Pickles tells Royal Mail and BBC to come clean about their use of snooping powers
Public bodies including Royal Mail and the BBC should disclose how many times they snoop on people using anti-terrorism powers, a senior Cabinet minister has suggested.
‘public bodies like the BBC, Ofsted and Royal Mail can carry on using the snooping powers without permission. ‘
Carry on?
I never knew they had such powers in the first place.
Seems the BBC is cool on snooping… when it suits…
I seem to recall high horses on abuses of freedoms were being mounted left, left and left of centre.
And the BBC is not at all prone to emulating STASI paranoia and methods itslef. Oh no.
I seem to recall a main post here several months ago where the BBC CECUTT had got in a snit about some licence fee payers sharing their experiences on BBBC as it was meant to be ‘their little secret’ (What next? Offering boiled sweets to kids who shop their parents?).
A complaints system that self-assesses and then tries to insist its (inevitably whitewashed) deliberations are not made public hardly seems compatible with the principles of holding power, especially abused power, to account.
But then, uniquely, the BBC seems to feel that standards it applies to others are only an FoI exclusion away from not needing to include them.
Propaganda propped up by censorship policed by spying… poor historical precedent.
And then we have News International. Bad, bad , bad boys for snooping on people. Must have a public inquiry to root out these evil people invading people’s private space.
A young Somali male was brutally murdered in south London last night. Because I used to live in the next road I was keen to discover any update on the stabbing. LBC and other radio outlets have been full of it since this morning.
The BBC London News hardly gave it a mention. In fact they gave far more time to a zoo keeper weighing a penguin.
Are killings in London now so common place they don’t warrent more coverage, or is there a rather more sinister reason?
The Frankfurt school must be really proud of what they have done to western society.
Who murdered him? That’s important, because the BBC tends to value people’s lives according to who killed them.
Odds are on a gang of ‘West Indian origin’. Lot of tensions between the two, erm, ‘cultures’.
It seems to have been a black-on-black attack, so not newsworthy –
“A Somali man who was stabbed to death in Streatham last night was chewing khat with a group of about 10 men just before he was attacked, a witness has said.”
Link Dez?
What’s this…an MP who is also a Special Constable who relished his role as an Olympic volunteer, having enjoyed the community spirit of the occasion and the opportunity to genuinely serve the public. It’s great to hear that there is such a warm, helpful, decent, selfless individual amongst our unpleasant, insular, self-centred, partisan operatives in the House of Commons. Perhaps, in this spirit of non-partisanship, the BBC decided that it would be amiss to mention his party affiliation…or perhaps his cheerful participation in the event countered the useful Aidan Burley narrative of the nasty, anti-society Tory, disengaged with ‘modern’ Britain.
…oh, and it’s good to have you back !
Ah! so that’s Mr Davies.
He was the MP that I recall was assailed by some silly racist bat on the Jeremy Vine show. Speaking to him in Welsh (and not grasping that he was speaking Welsh to her) she accused him of stealing her language and of not be being able to understand her, as she said, ‘Because, Mr Davies, you’re ENGLISH.’
As opposed to Pakistanis living in Wales who only speak English, but who are as Welsh as Owen Glendower, according to the same silly bats.
Owen who?
I told you so (and I am sorry to have to admit that that, after the flack I received the last time, it gave me some pleasure to write that).
Your problem is not with your service provider. If I were your hosting service I would sue you for your statement.
As I tried to point out to you before, your site is intrinsically unstable and is (still) throwing continual errors. The person responsible for this site should get rid of the plugins, return to a stable base format and then proceed from there. Your next crash is just round the corner.
It is a great pity, because you have a good and worthwhile site here.
George, this is site run by volunteers, as a public service for those of us who care that BBC bias does this country a great dis-service. I know nothing at all about how web sites are run – you obviously know what you are talking about. Have you thought about contacting David via the ‘Contact us’ tab at the top and offering your services?
Deborah, I wish I could help more directly. I have a very full time job and I am working most weekends. There is no point my writing and offering sympathy.
I can only try in five minutes to change the mindset of those who run this site and point them in the right direction – simplicity and gradual evolution.
If you only have one or two volunteers you have to cut your cloth as best you can. This site is far too ambitious for the available resources in my opinion.
Nevertheless, I hope they can sort out the internals of the site – it is almost certainly NOT the hosting company IMO.
This should be fun: Michael Mann, Warmism superstar and friend of Richard Black, is threatening to sue the National Review (a conservative US mag) over a post by Mark Steyn calling his infamous hockey-stick graph “fraudulent” and suggesting that Penn State covered up his own bogus research the same way they covered up Jerry Sandusky’s raping of young boys.
Needless to say the folks at NR are laughing in his face. In fact, the editor says for Mann to bring it on, since he probably won’t be able to hide his work from legal discovery requests from the defense. If this goes forward, I can’t wait to see how the BBC handles it.
And the request for him to disclose the code behind the hockey stick, made some years ago, remains outstanding.
Anyone else think the BBC news coverage of the so called ‘Right to die’ case has been completely one-sided and biased? For a start the headline is disingenuous: it’s not the ‘right to die’ that’s being debated, everyone has that right. It’s the right for the State or an inconvenienced relative to kill you after coercing you into signing a release form. Again we have a pro-euthanasia BBC ‘expert’ called in to put the case for state sponsored murder – without anyone to challenge him or put the case against. Again we have the emotional blackmail of the VT of the poor man. No attempt to discuss the reasons why ‘assisted suicide’ is currently illegal. Biased biased biased. And Sky was no better.
The BBC are going to their socialists roots of eugenics from the Fabian society. Another way to get their Marxist world government.
Currently watching a BBC programme about British jets.
They mentioned that a Labour Government was elected after the war as the country needed homes… they vaguely mentioned the battle between ourselves and the US for the prize of passing the sound barrier.
They forgot to mention that it was a Labour Government that ordered Miles to give all their research to the Americans.
They also mentioned RR were allowed to export a few engines to the Soviets with Government backing – you can bet your life that if it were not a Labour Government that did this, its hue would have been made very clear.
I await the part where they announce that a Labour Government cancelled the most promising aircraft of a generation – the TSR2 and see how this is spun.
Glad to see you back again!
Such is the pacifist, anti-defence spending political mentality of BBC-NUJ that many Beeboids would prefer that Britain had no defence industry, let alone a larger one; they would prefer to spend on financing unlimited mass immigration, and on uneconomic windfarms.
And they would much rather we had no nuclear deterrent, so the likes of Iran could invade unchallenged.
In the words of Clarkson the ones who cancelled the T.S.R.2 should have been ‘dragged out and shot ‘
[not using full quote as the beebles sock puppets are hustling the posts as of late !]
The part about the Sands report was interesting, how the Conservative Minister was the death knell for the British aircraft industry however they did mention that it was a Labour Government that *had* to cancel TSR2 owing to cost over runs. Again, omission of some facts makes it appear that it was a good idea to cancel it – they didn’t mention that it had a couple of test flights by then and did say that the test pilot would say no more than “it flew fine” .
Very subtle.
The BBC4 programme ‘British jets’, talks about how jet engines were sent to the Russians. The programme said it was Rolls Royce that did it. My history says Attlee was the idiot that pushed and agreed for the engines to be sent to the soviets. The bBC never seens to be able to criticise Labour under any circumstances.
I see the disgusting news about those Jordanian para-olympians charged with revolting sex offenses vanished real quick from the BBC’s top news headlines. If that were white British Olympians we’d never hear the bloody last of it!
In fairness, nor should we. I only wish the BBC was an equal opportunity accuser.
The koran says you can do what you want with dhimmi girls – which is why these pervs did it – and that’s good enough for auntie.
The Paralympics
The big question is : who will have the fortitude, the dedication, the professionalism, the downright bravery – to go on the BBC airwaves and say that, actually, they don’t like it.
5 Live ‘Team B’ (have a nice long holiday Nicky Campbell) have their phone-in on the subject of the Prince Harry photos this morning.
So all that BBC hype over Leveson was less about the privacy issue and much more about Murdoch bashing – thought so.
‘So all that BBC hype over Leveson was less about the privacy issue
The very idea..
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
“if you want the truth, he looks fantastic”, Vanessa Feltz on the Harry photos. #Newsnight
That wouldn’t be the sexist Vanessa Feltz by any chance?
Watching the breakfast news, a think-tank is calling for petrol tax to be raised as the war on motorists is a myth and that public transport is being hit far harder than the car driver. Wow that would be a popular move from the Government! Not. Shame though that I have to research other media outlets to discover that the think-tank, Institute of Public Policy Research, is in fact a left of centre think-tank with close links to Labour. Probably no time to add that 2 second snippet of information, as you have to fit in a lengthy report on some new Asian TV sitcom coming to the BBC which is obviously far more important to the public these days.
They think ‘correctly’, therefore they are not in need of placing in context…
Well by some. Maybe such things ‘don’t fit’ (space or narrative to be brushed away by CECUTT) for some?
Best I could locate thus far on site:
Elsewhere on the web
Go ahead, motorists can afford it: Government should push petrol taxes up, think tank says
This is Money / NEW 32 minutes ago
The Government should press ahead with fuel duty hikes and prioritise spending on public transport the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR)
Go on, Aunty… take a wild stab at showing where these thinkers’ thoughts might be coming from.
…and yet – if they have a think tank on to tell us that mass immigration is putting a strain on ‘community cohesion’ and public services, they will always make sure to ‘warn’ us up front that MigrationWatch is a ‘right-wing’ think tank.
Have they omitted this think tank’s affiliation to Labour because they know this policy will be welcomed like a turd in a swimming pool, or because they wish to remove the partisan nature of the group posing it in order to suggest a wider political consensus for ‘green taxes’. (as if one were needed these days, they’re all pretty much on board – with the exception of UKIP)
Graham Stuart, Conservative MP and Chair of the Education Committee on Radio 4 this morning. I think he covered all bases at the start of his interview, ie congratulating all students, knows they are all cleverer than previous students, knows they and their teachers all work harder etc etc before he even dare talk about ensuring that all qualifications that are supposed to equal a GCSE or 2 really does so. My husband was furious that he started with all that nonesense but I had to point out that if he didn’t the BBC would use whichever line he missed out as their headlines for the day.
I’m an old bloke. But back in the mid-sixties, if someone got 2 A’s at A level, they were almost certain to get into Oxford or Cambridge. Today’s kids must be so bright…
You only needed one if you were the well connected Polly Toynbee
Surprising really, as she went to high-achieving Holland Park Comprehensive straight from a Bristol private school – thus elbowing out a local London kid since there’s only so many places available.
How I hate the way these champagne socialist brats monopolise the best comps, just like the Blairs getting their bastards into Brompton Oratory.
Even in the 80s, it was considered rare for someone to do more than 3 A-levels, and even rarer to get A grades in all those that you did take. You were assumed to be destined for a career at NASA if you did.
Like I always say – someone needs to be doing scientific research on the brains of these young students. There’s some remarkably fast evolution occurring in the intelligence of the human species – apparently limited to the UK. I doubt it’s related to our diet.
…but you can’t speak of such doubt in the outstanding, record breaking (not this year – OMG what has happened!!) results triumph without being accused of demoralising young people and, even worse, those hard working teachers. It’s the same with the NHS – those poor nurses blah blah blah.
Public sector vested interests…and their race to the bottom, while insisting that they’re responsible for all the excellence brought about by their egalitarian finishing line. When you’re all equal, there is no excellence, but then excellence for the minority is elitism…boo hiss.
The real results are the world education rankings where we’ve slumped into Halfords Budget Screen Wash League territory.
Actually you could get into Oxbridge with no ‘A’ levels – as long as you passed the entrance exam and the interview ‘A’ levels were more or less irrelevant.
Hence Prince Edward getting in with 2 E’s and a carrot. Or was that Harry?
I’ve been waiting for it, and it’s finally materialised: the Muslim sit-com. ‘Citizen Khan’ (geddit?) starts next monday on BBC1.
Just how much fun can there be from beheading folks who burn the Koran, or are forced to marry their cousins, or cannot be seen without a mask on, or are killed for family honour, or gangs that take a liking to little girls, or the mutilation of women’s private parts and then there is the little matter of wandering around with knapsacks full of fertiliser? Oh yes and the male only bonding holidays abroad for training purposes. This will all be in the show won’t it?
I cannot wait.
The bit where the bloke’s daughter is raped and therefore, subsequently, stoned to death is a classic!
“They don’t like it up ’em, Captain Mohammed”.
Personally I can’t wait for this BBC Islamic comedy.
It should be a real giggle.
Now what could the catchphrase be…?
“Ooooh, you are Sharia, but I like you!”
Or, How do we solve a problem like sharia
Sharia! I just met a girl named Sharia And suddenly that name Will never be the same To me
Sharia I just kissed a girl named Sharia And suddenly I found How wonderful a sound Can be
Say it loud and there’s imans praying,
Say it soft and they’ll soon be preying,
on Maria …
I wanna blow up A-mer-ee-ka!
My favourite character is the openly gay next door neighbour but he mysteriously disappears halfway through episode 1, as does the daughter of the family after she introduces them to her “western” boyfriend.
Rumour has it that a each week, a different Hollywood star fills the role of “Wife Number 1” but we never know who it is because she has no lines and we never see her face. I think it is Vanessa Redgrave in the first episode.
Funnily enough an Egyptian Beeboid was on the World Service today saying that if you watch thee TV soaps in Egypt it’s difficult to think you are in an Islamic country because of all the bare arms and the amount of leg being displayed. Unfortunately she rather spoiled the effect by saying that a national favorite is called ‘The Fourth Wife’ in which various 4th wives use all sorts of cunning stratagems to try and gain their husband’s favour. I think that would have been a big clue about the religion of the country she was in. Incidentally, the correspondent’s tone of voice gave the impression she found this programme amusing rather than grotesque.
Sorry, it wasn’t broadcast today but two days ago.
No, it’ll be Vanessa Redgrave in ALL the epsiodes. She demanded it.
Come on, it will show all muslims to be friendly, knock-about (no pun intended) guys next door – just like you and I! A sort of Islamic ‘Terry and June’.
yep! al beebs “little mosque on the prairie” …. intellectual lovers of peace, and everyone else hick rednecks eh!
even the idea, knowing al beeb narrative is nauseating.
child gang raping, cousin marrying, “honour” killing, openly discriminatory fascist book reading, jew hating, insane mass murder loving, special treatment demanding, sharia law advocating, education denying, insidious victim mongering, proven history of deceit ,women/gay discriminating etc etc etc etc … aspects of islam, (yep! hilarious)
might just not make it to episode 1
I think they’re copying their Canadian colleagues at the CBC…
Love the description “Shit-com” 🙂
Kirsty Wark was showing a bit too much thigh last night on Newsnight. Ewwwwwwwwwwww.
For some reason BBC favourite Ms Wark always puts me in mind of that Scottish Play.
‘Fair is foul and foul is fair….’
more like hubble bubble toil and trouble etc etc
These old slags go on about sexism in the media, but they make it pretty obvious how they got their jobs. Fiona Bruce is a classic.
Well, the GCSE results are out today. But according to the images on, only pretty girls were pleased with their grades.
Plus, of course, Rena and Karim opening their envelopes live on air.
No white boys at all.
SKY was a bit more representative, but not by much, as I have no clue where they had gone to ‘share the joy’. Somewhere in Brum.
What I did have trouble reconciling was the reporters and anchors solemnly sharing the outrage of teachers the length of the land that their charges’ futures were being ruined by grade re-evaluations, when almost all the moppets opening their envelopes appeared to have gained in excess of A*’s, and hence were ‘very proud’.
As were their onscreen headmasters.
Well, bar one, about whose thoughts I could barely grasp a syllable.
Rather worryingly, he was an English Language teacher… I think.
It’s been this way for years…
Also – Karim’s hair…interesting. Did they check it for crib sheets prior to the exams?
Is the BBC is in the hotel free publicity business, now?
Bur Dubai goes boutique
Georgina Wilson-Powell is the Dubai Localite for BBC Travel. BBC has 193 travel reporters for every state?
Here’s a beaut that could only be written by a beeboid;
Note the following which could also describe the Beeb;
Perhaps the most shocking closure of all was that of the highly respected left-leaning daily Eleftherotypia.
and then shock horror;
“We will turn into George Orwell’s 1984 if we don’t get honest, reliable reporting. Lack of information breeds racism and nationalism. Journalism is part of democracy. If Greece wants democracy, it has to reinvent journalism.”
Yes really.
Two sentences after labeling the paper “left-leaning”, the Beeboid editor wrote this:
It was a rare voice of independence and impartiality – a voice silenced arguably when it was most needed.
Ah, it’s all become clear now. The Beeboid mindset revealed.
‘Two sentences after labeling the paper “left-leaning”… a rare voice of independence and impartiality’
I’d love to run that as a ‘questions being asked’/’power to account for’ notion past ‘Hugs’ Boaden.
I also see he’s squeezed cuts in there too, bless him.
I presume this ‘not paying’ lark was after a period of ‘consumers not buying’, which of course can afflict those not enjoying ‘unique’, compelled funding.
But raising the whole Orwell thing given current events dear DG, events, was certainly ‘brave’.
I know that by “independent”, the Beeboid really meant “not controlled/influenced by the government/a political faction”, and “impartial” is supposed to mean not taking sides on issues. But it’s obviously impossible to be obviously “left-leaning” and at the same time impartial.
Doublethink much, BBC?
“It was a rare voice of independence and impartiality – a voice silenced arguably when it was most needed.”
Yep – we all miss the News Of The World…is that what they are referring to? Oops…no…missed the ‘left leaning’ part.
You have to go to the very last line of the b-BBC News item on this year’s OfCom report ( to discover that More than half of adults – 59% in all – felt that TV news was “impartial”, down from 66% last year.
You might have thought, when numbers of %’s seem to matter so much… well, when it suits (Boris v. Francois springs to mind)… as indicators of areas of trouble a’t mill, a 10% drop in the power of the Force might be a cause for comment, if not concern in genetic impartiality (see Tiger & David’s posts above) central.
Good job Mr. Leveson’s scope was narrow and ended early enough to avoid untoward comparisons being raised.
BBC News Channel right now complaining that the guy who killed John Lennon won’t be getting parole. Clive Myrie at the news desk is openly questioning the ruling, although his guest was trying to play it fairly straight eventually.
The BBC pays far too much attention to what goes on in the US legal system. Why is their opinion any more valid than anyone else’s?
Imagine there are no ‘views’: it’s easy if you try,
No ‘analysts’ above us; with coverage more like SKY
[actually they’re pretty pants too, frankly]
Imagine all the Beeboids
Living off our pay
Imagine there’s just reporting, it isn’t hard to do
No need for ‘experts’ on killing, dying religions too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And a world let live as one
Imagine no compulsions, I wonder if you can
No need for unique quangos supporting dodgy ‘stans
Imagine all the people
Sharing for the world
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
Take my hand and join us
And the world will live, will live as one
For the last couple of days, several newspapers have been running stories on the outside earnings of MPs.
But search the b-BBC for ‘mps outside earnings’ and the most recent item is 23 March 2010.
Surely this couldn’t be because most of the big earners are Labour ex-ministers cashing in, led by Gordon Brown and David Miliband? Isn’t it newsworthy that our ex-Prime Minister is making nearly £1,000,000 a year by travelling the world, whilst still pretending to be an MP?
“whilst still pretending to be an MP”
No change there – he spent 3 years pretending to be Prime Minister.
Glad you are back, I was beginning to think you have been BBC’d.
The BBC has gone overboard this last week bringing on the opposition to ‘comment’ negatively on every single thing the Government says. 3 opposition to one Government on one day alone. The BBC accuses Davd Cameron of being ineffectual in S.A. through their world websites andt even in other regions of the U.K. and the USA.
Their treachery knows no bounds.
Desperate (in more than one way) much?
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
@TMZ Hi we would like to talk to you about an interview re Harry story. Can you follow us so we can DM?
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
@HarveyLevinTMZ Hi Harvey this is BBC Newsnight in London trying to talk to you about Prince Harry story. Can you follow us so we can DM?
“What Delight for The Guardian and BBC: Leveson 1 Press Freedom 0.”
by Neil Wallis.
“Lord Justice Leveson, your work here is done.
“In just a few short months you have managed to do what the massed phalanxes of the Guardian and BBC have been trying to do for years but failing.
“You have neutered the great British press, and made it a laughing stock.
“And that is a damned disgrace.”
BBC-NUJ propagandises that ‘racism’ is committed by whites only.
BBC-NUJ continues to propagandise the untruth that only attacks by white people on blacks can be described as ‘racist’; BBC-NUJ is avoids describing attacks by black people on whites as ‘racist’.
‘Daily Mail’ report:
“Woman arrested after video surfaces of black woman making racist comments about white people on a London bus.
“34-year-old held on suspicion of racially aggravated public order offence.
“Middle-aged black woman’s racist rant lasts two-and-a-half minutes.
“‘Free speech. I hate white people. I can’t stand none of you’, she said.
“Film uploaded to YouTube has been watched nearly 7,000 times.”
Read more:
I have not checked all the following cases:-
“Black racism and race hatred of non blacks”
BBC Newsnight shocker Emily Maitlis makes a Freudian slip tonight.
Introducing the Prince Harry story she says the News of the World will publish the pictures tomorrow when she meant to say The Sun.
Perhaps this should be called a BBC Murdochian slip?
Anyway I make the score :
Leveson/BBC/Guardian 1
British man-in-the-street/irreverent free press 2
On a pre-bedtime surf of the Newsnight Facebook page, I see their tongues are firmly in butter-wouldn’t-melt places only a Beeboid can place them..
Has fear of Leveson inquiry into press standards neutered the power of Britain’s press?
Meanwhile in other news (well, the thread below), a poster has shared this:
Is this for real? I ask as I would have thought more may have been made of it elsewhere by now.
Kind of funny it’s on their own page, so it must by definition be true.