A Biased BBC reader writes;
“That poor self -regarding, humanity lover, , the only alleged abuser of women in the world to flee from justice and be applauded by left-wing women, the BBC, and the Guardian, yes, he, there’s only one, Assange, has put out a heart-shredding plea to, “Stop persecuting me.”
In his support, Ecuador, that great champion of Assange’s human rights today, but yesterday widely condemned world-wide for its depth of corruption and persecution of journalists, has stated:
“The evidence shows that if Mr Assange is extradited to the United States, he wouldn’t have a fair trial.”
Eh? What ‘evidence’? They don’t say. But that doesn’t stop them adding:
“It is not at all improbable he could be subjected to cruel and degrading treatment and sentenced to life imprisonment or even capital punishment.”
Blimey. Capital punishment too! But yes! The BBC found a local correspondent to add to this belief that he might be beheaded, as is certainly common in some parts of the world when they are dissatisfied with a person’s beliefs: ‘Most supporters of the Wikileaks founder share this belief,’he commented. Well yes, mate, they would, much as most supporters of the Pope share the belief that the devil doesn’t dwell at the Pearly Gates. But it sounds nice, rather like ‘most people’ if you don’t stop to examine it, as people often don’t.
The BBC’s indefatigable researchers were ready for it all of course. So don’t stop there. They had their usual reliable suspect ready. This latest BBC paragon of impartiality, a Professor Santiago Basabe, described as a ‘University lecturer’(and therefore authoritative) , let the world know, through the BBC’s tax-payer funded world megaphone web site, that: “Many see Mr Assange as somebody who has fought for freedom of speech and freedom of opinion, which are also key components of the Ecuadorean government official discourse.”
WHAT! Only the BBC in all its mind-bending, left-wing, USA-detesting arrogance could try and get away with that. This comment can only be described, to put it mildly, as unbelievable.
Read here: http://bit.ly/obimpH and here bit.ly/MteeyX how a columnist of the chief opposition newspaper was imprisoned for three years and chief executives fined millions of dollars – why? They ‘libelled’ President Correa by publishing an article that called him a “dictator” and challenged his version of events surrounding a 2010 police protest. Under Ecuador’s Criminal Code anyone who offends a government official may receive a prison sentence up to three months and up to two years for offending the president. Private broadcasters must interrupt scheduled programs to transmit government messages known as cadenas.
In July 2011 the Center for Economic and Social Rights, an Ecuadorian human rights group, reported that 189 indigenous people were facing terrorism and sabotage charges. Most of them were in hiding. Prosecutors apply a “terrorism and sabotage” provision of the criminal code for protests against mining and oil projects, and other incidents that have ended in confrontations with police.
And here’s the evidence of the President of Ecuador’s brother: Fabricio Correa said his brother’s image has “collapsed” over the past several years and he plans to challenge him for the presidency next year. He said that the President’s efforts to follow in the footsteps of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has betrayed the basic principles of the movement they both founded… Ecuador is today prey to corruption, loss of freedoms and democratic institutions, and an increase in crime and drug trafficking. He added that’s the opposite of what they sought out to do when they created the movement Patria Altiva y Soberana (Proud and Sovereign Fatherland) in September 2005. http://tiny.cc/633ajw
So, does Assange make you sick – by pleading for decency while running for protection to the thugs who run Ecuador?
If not, this should. He had the sheer bloody-cheek, in his smug complacency, to add the following to his appeal to the world.
… “The United States must pledge before the world that it will not pursue journalists for shining a light on the secret crimes of the powerful.”
Will Assange set the example? Will this world-powerful media person return to Sweden of his own free will, confident therefore of his innocence, to shine a light on his alleged crime of attempted rape?
You don’t need to go to BetFred or any of the bookies to get the odds on that…”
Don’t worry, the alleged rape doesn’t matter to the BBC, as Assange is a leftie. If he was right wing, the BBC would have sent in their own suicide bombers to blow him up by now, and then described the area outside the Ecuadorian Embassy as “restive”…
Christ, even Owen Jones yesterday was calling for him to go to Sweden and stand up to the allegations. Cue shock from BBC presenter on “Islam on Sunday”, or whatever it’s called.
Like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Alexander Barankov has worked to expose government misconduct via the Internet. Both men have received refuge on Ecuadorian territory. But while the South American country made world headlines granting Assange diplomatic asylum on Thursday morning, Barankov faces imminent extradition from Ecuador to its new ally Belarus, described by most observers as “Europe’s last dictatorship.”
Read more: http://world.time.com/2012/08/16/assanges-special-asylum-why-ecuador-isnt-nice-to-anyone-else/#ixzz2458Tohax
But of course if you search the BBC website: Sorry, there are no results for ‘Barankov’ in the category ‘News’.
Actually the blowback on a series of fondly treasured notions and stories seems to be extensive at the moment.
Certainly the whole ‘one man’s rape is another’s poor etiquette’ fun & games has tied the whole moral outrage prioritisation brigade in knots as they had a juicy Republican twerp to savage and then it all got complicated again back home.
Meanwhile Ecuador does seem to have rather opened a Pandora’s box on its rather spotty press freedom and indeed asylum records as various media shake off the luvvie rose-tints and actually do some investigative reporting.
SKY was all over Barankov this morning.
The BBC….? Not so much.
Currently search does get you to some well tucked away links to 3 other media making mention, but even on the Latin America page they seem keener on the wealth gap in the land of the tin pots.
Interesting filter.
So what does Ecuador gain from this? International praise for saving St. Julian from the evil clutches of the US?
The ability to put a well publicised two fingers up to the gringos!
So that he can face the Swedish sexual assault charges, how about we just extradite Julian Assange while he’s asleep?
Then lets see if he thinks a sleeping person can give consent.
I had all sorts of vile Left-wing abuse hurled at me on Youtube for merely pointing out that this man just might be a little hypocritical for vociferously pontificating about justice whilst skipping bail and avoiding questioning over alleged rape charges; and the whole Left-wing conspiracy theories regarding extradition to the US do not hold up considering that Sweden has one of the most liberal and fair judicial systems in the world.
As far as I can see this narcissistic exhibitionist has a humungous ego, is making a complete mockery of our judicial system and hospitality, and is using diplomacy as an escape vehicle from the EU’s due process of law. What’s more, I am not ashamed to say that I find all of his posh, lefty clingers-on utterly odious and the epitome of the spoilt, sanctimonious Left-winger. And, make sure you’ve taken your blood pressure tablets because some of you are really going to hate me saying this, but for the first time EVER, I thought Newsnight’s Gavin Esler highlighted St. Julian of Assange’s arrogance extremely well and impartially the other night. I fear this BBC positive feedback will send the site into meltdown again!
Perhaps the BBC’s New Journey of Balance has begun with Esler’s first small step…….
Awwww, bollocks it has.
I’m none too fond of this man, and you won’t find a bigger critic then me, but I will give credit where due, and, like it or not, he did rip the whole Left’s hypocrisy apart on the issue of Assange’s double standards. It was a good interview.
Did you watch the interview? He actually did a good job, for once, of dissecting the issue and highlighting the ridiculous hypocrisy of Assange and his blind-faith supporters.
He only gave a good interview because it is now acceptable on the Left to question the sanctity of St. Julian of Assange. Newsnight is about as balanced as Oprah Winfrey on a pogo stick.
I didn’t see the interview. I was being sceptical not of his performance but that it might herald some kind of sea-
change at the BBC. Being more sceptical still, maybe we’ll see more interviews like this interspersed amongst the mass of leftist propaganda so the BBC will be able to point to them as examples of ‘balance’, much like the Orwell stunt proves they’re not left-wing.
” EU’s due process of law” ?
you sure about that? Due process?
oy vay.
Well, I detest the EU and its appalling Brussels corruption but I’d sooner be under EU jurisdiction that Ecuadorian!
Console yourself with the thought that some of these darlings of the bien pensant left lost some serious dosh when the Blessed Julian did a runner!
No he is NOT “the only alleged abuser of women in the world to flee from justice and be applauded by left-wing women”. You forgot about Roman Polanksi who drugged and buggered a 13 year old girl. And here is the lefty woman defending him
On the BBC aspect of the Julian Assad asylum case, have you noticed how the BBC’s Will Grant, their man in Quito, Ecuador never fails to emphasise ‘colonialism’ or the ‘Malvinas’ in his reports and interviews.
He previously went native in Venezuela and believes his position is balanced – i.e. midway between Correa and Chavez.
He forgets to mention our colonial achievements in South America were minor and long in the past.
He hasn’t noticed either that ‘native South Americans’ are at the distant bottom of the economic pile.
The BBC world radio service was bleating on and on about the ” Malvinas “yesterday again … sickening, brazen ethnomasochism served up again by the lasses at BBC centraal …
The word ‘traitors’ comes to mind, and yet another case of the BBC being totally ignorant of, or choosing to ignore, historical fact.
It’s laughable the way the Ecuador Government have made threats if “Britain involves itself in Ecuadorian affairs” or some such. The boot is of course on the other foot; Ecuador, by inviting Assange in and giving him asylum, have involved themselves in Swedish and British affairs.
This has nothing to do with them and they should politely get the Exhibitionist to leave. What happens next is of no concern to them. Also, if they believe that Assange could be facing execution in the USA then they must think he is responsible for illegally causing death.
He certainly made life ‘very difficult’ for the few Jewish families left in Baghdad by exposing them.
Not just those Jewish families, johnny. I absolutely guarantee everyone that over the years Arssange and WankyLeaks have got no end of innocent people, here and around the world, caught up in their utterly irresponsible fun and games. They always just got hold of stuff and released it and to hell with the consequences.
Just ask a few former British National Party members, who were actually on that leaked membership list years ago as having left the party (so officially from the horses mouth!), but who nevertheless still got absolutely bombarded day and night on their home phones by UAF loonies and other Far Left nutters and in a few cases even had their cars and family homes attacked, completely regardless of if whole families, even with kids, had had party political interests or not. Far Left rabid loons didn’t care.
Now the shoe’s on the other foot and all mouth Arssange is quite rightly being shown to be just a complete and utter Houdini acting farcical coward, when it’s perfectly normal for police to want to TAKE AWAY an alleged criminal for questioning and potentially charging and NO country, including Sweden, has to alter its laws and ways it does things just to suit pathetically cowardly Arssange!
We’re not above the law….and nor’s he!
However difficult or time consuming, etc, there’s right ways and wrong ways of going about things, but Arssange and WankyLeaks don’t give a stuff about any of that. So I don’t give a stuff if the US does eventually get hold of Arssange!
The sooner the UK’s shot of the cowardly hypocritical clown the better!
“This monstrous narcissist is playing Britain’s governing class for suckers.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2190724/This-monstrous-narcissist-playing-Britain-s-governing-class-suckers.html#ixzz24Ln3c770
I see the Assange-supporting fascists have come out heavily on the comments section, both in the comments themselves and the green and red like/dislike buttons.
“The Assange Diaries: Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd”
by Jonathan Bracey-Gibbon.
Things are slightly more complicated then that.
These are the facts as we know them:
Assange is wanted for helping the swedish police with their inquiries (not accused, nor even charged with anything)
According to EU law the only reason when an international arrest warrant may be issued is in case of a criminal being charged with a major felony.
Based on this the Swedish request is illegal, following that the British compliance is illegal.
Having a British court just skip over that tiny detail and handle the case regardless has nothing to with justice and everything to do with revenge.
They want his head on a platter.
So Assange, well aware that he is in the position he is, stuck between a rock and an american prison never to see daylight again jumps any which way he can to avoid joining Madding in a padded cell.
Ecuador is chosen not because it is a shining light of democracy, but because they’d have him. Being vastly anti-US and having been made a fool of in US cables that Assange made public their common enemy made them unlikely friends.
The sheer stupidity of the British government to force the Ecuadorian hand by trying to intimidate them made asylum a fact.
So, whilst indeed Assange comes over as the freak he is, being a freak still isn’t illegal.
The british government conspiring with sweden and the us to have him hung, drawn and quartered is illegal to say the least
Then if as you say he is only wanted for questioning then why run here why not just get on a plane and sort it out ? all the b/s about conspiracy this and that don’t wash !
He may have committed a very serious offence and I find that the lefts defences of arsehinge and his weaky-leaks non success is deeply troubling if it means a sex offender walks free !would you be happy that any one asked for questioning that runs off to a foreign embassy deserves the same left show boating ? say Gary Glitter ?
If there is any hanging, drawing and quartering going on, or beheading, it is not being done by the U.S British or Swedish governments:
“Taliban prepare to punish WikiLeaks Afghan informers” (2010).
Oh he is a Australian? I thought it was Austrians that liked to hide behind south American dictators egos!
Has Assange’s Wikileaks , crusader for truth, leaked anything about anything from say Iran? Cuba? North Korea? Somalia? Zimbabwe? Russia? Venezuela? South Africa? Only a one way trip – against democracies, who he thinks he can attack with impunity and no consequences.
If an embassy behaves “undiplomatically” like Equador why not remove their diplomatic status, expel those who breach our rule of law, and seize Assange? Could it be Cameron and May are more frightened what the Guardian and Independent might say about them than what us 99% think of them?
Sure they have. Just do an online search for the country and “wikileaks cables”, and you’ll find plenty of it. There’s a lot more on the US, of course.
However, St. Julian is not on record saying that he wants to harm their national interests, as he is about the US.
To be honest I couldn’t be bothered to look, thanks for the correction. When I saw Wikileaks published the names and addresses of members of the British National Party, I did wonder in the interest of balance whether they published the membership list of the Labour Party, another legitimate listed political party. Was I right not to bother looking?
You’re right about the overall biases of St. Julian and WikiHacks. How interesting that it intersects so neatly with the BBC’s biases.