The BBC are never keen to associate anything with Islam, especially if it has negative connotations.
You may well be a Muslim embarking on a Holy war and declaring such in a video…but the BBC will edit out your declaration of Jihad and claim you’re just a criminal madman.
That tends to change when associating Islam with something that will foster a better perception of Muslims.
We recently had reports of a man that doctors believed was too ill to survive and with no hope of recovery and so wanted to switch off his life support.
The BBC told us ‘Patient L’ could not be identified…we could not even know the hospital he was in.
That changed ….and suddenly we knew his religion..he was Muslim. The BBC pushed hard the idea that Islam demanded the ‘preservation and protection of life’, Islam respected the ‘sanctity of human life’…the ‘protection of life’ was an essential requirement of Islam.
Odd how the BBC is so ready to tell us what Islam means when they believe it represents a good characteristic of the ideology but refuses to allow on air anything that might detract from that image of a religion of peace and tolerance towards all men and other cultures.
If they really knew Islam they would know that far from insisting Patient L be kept alive with no hope of recovery, Islam would say that the decision was God’s alone and that he should die a natural death if that was God’s will….after all you are denying him the promised ‘Paradise’.
God’s ‘sovereignty’ doesn’t just extend to the political and legal sphere but to all life.
You’re absolutely right. I am loosely acquainted with a couple who try to promote palliative care in an Arab country. Competing with the “insha’allah” mentality is an uphill struggle, to put things mildly.
” the idea that Islam demanded the ‘preservation and protection of life’, Islam respected the ‘sanctity of human life’…the ‘protection of life’ was an essential requirement of Islam.”
That’s one of the funniest lines I have read by any comic-script writer for years.
I wonder if they can build it into the script in the new Khan comedy due to begin next week, much trailed on INBBC.
It would make me howl with laughter! Talk about being in total denial?…..
You couldn’t make it up, well someone really has this time! Total shite.
‘Islam demands the protection and preservation of life’.
Straight out of Room 101, no messing.
Islam might well respect the sanctity of human life but it seems maybe only for followers of Islam.
The evidence would seem to show that even that is not the case.
when it was first on BBC 5live, an ejector seat imam was wheeled out and he was asked reverently, by the resident beebot, “could you inform us, what does allah dictate?”
what else ensued, i don t know … due to the off switch
Islam demands the ‘preservation and protection of life’, Islam respected the ‘sanctity of human life’…the ‘protection of life’ was an essential requirement of Islam …
ken bigley? … and
19,479 terrorist atrocities SINCE 9/11
shame on the bbc
preservation and protection of life … ya da ya da, unless
you re an 11 year old downs syndrome girl?
“Pakistan orders report into ‘disabled girl’s blasphemy case’ bbc news
Why the change?
The BBC are mentally why are they so nice an ideology that whats to kill them all?
Because, like most ‘left-leaning’ (to use a typical BBC euphamism) organisations, it believes that at the point of almost no return, somebody else will come along, take all the flak whilst solving the problem for a reasonable period into the future, and then they’ll be able to resume their previous imperious ways.
Personally I hope no saves the BBC or thier lefty comrades from Islam. The left has brought our whole civilisation to the point of a global collapse. Better thousands of leftys die than the whole human because of these lefty freaks.
Sorry, but I think calling for the death of people, even the lefties who are happy to cheer at the death of innocents, brings us down to their level of depravity.
What if its god will for this to happen?
If you read your bible the wicked, the leftys in this case will feel gods rightous anger.
It also says “Love your enemies”. I’m not religious but I know that the Jesus of the Bible would not be happy with calls for people to be killed.
Richard, that actually kind of makes sense, in a scary way.
Now, hold on a minute, David – are you actually saying that, for the first time ever, one of my posts/rants actually approaches the status of almost making sense ?
I’m hurt 🙂
….and I even scare myself sometimes !
I’ve often said that there’s a serious intellectual failure on the issue at the BBC. Your comment clarifies it in a way. I meant that the fact that this just may be their mindset is scary.
Pakistan: Muslims torture and murder 11-year-old Christian boy, detectives investigating whether he was accused of blasphemy
Will the Islamophobia never end? “Christian boy tortured and killed in Pakistan,” by Dean Nelson for the Telegraph, August 23 (thanks to David):
The tortured body of an 11 year old Christian boy has been found in a town in Punjab, Pakistan, days after a young Christian girl was arrested on blasphemy charges.
Detectives in Faisalabad, around 60 miles from Lahore, said they were investigating whether accusations of blasphemy had also been made against the boy.
Full story on jihadwatch…..wonderful reading
It seems that the BBC have been caught out attempting to suppress the truth, after being caught out filming Syrian rebels, forcing a prisoner to become a suicide bomber, which of course would be termed as a war crime….A point of which when they realised the implications of the point, quickly deleted all evidence and went with a different report.
Average Joe’s page has also been censored now. The page does not exist.
It’s there Demon, just click to the home page (the url is wrong)
Thanks. That is shocking even by BBC standards.
I’ll bet we won’t see Dezzie, Scottie, Dave G or any others of the Cherry fraternity commenting on the substance of this. They may try to deny it but they will ignore the truth of it as always.
Dez will provide the links to that now censored video. C’mon Dez, get your team at the INBBC to reinstate it for us?
No? thought not.
Dazed & Confused,
“It seems that the BBC have been caught out attempting to suppress the truth…”
And apparently they did this by showing the video on BBC1 during the 10 o’clock news.
“…when they realised the implications of the point, quickly deleted all evidence…”
Yeah right, because they just stuck it on the 10 o’clock news without watching it first… didn’t have a clue what it was about…
The simple explanation as to why the video clip is no longer on the BBC website, or its YouTube channel (or anywhere else), is because The New York Times wants it to be exclusive to the NYT website.
It’s called; “advertising revenue” not; “paranoid conspiracy theory”.
NIGERIA: jihad.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) censoring this:
“Nigeria: Jihadists rule out peace talks, threaten media”
The Western liberal media classes have already accepted dhimmi status. They are afraid. It is that simple. Believing in nothing and despising themselves and their cultural history they fear those with the conviction to act on their beliefs.
But many of us have realised this and no longer listen to a word they say.
” The Western liberal media classes have already accepted dhimmi status.”
Mark Thompson has admitted his dhimmi status publicly by telling us the INBBC fears islamic reprisals.
The negative message was “Christians DO NOT respect human life.
As a Biased novice I thought i’d compare reports in the daily mail v the bbc, this in regard to the shocking story of the 11 year old girl in pakistan. As mentioned above..
The mail had it on the front of its web page, no problem finding it.
As expected, on the beeb you had to do some serious clicking to find the report.
INBBC still censors on Muslim jihad murderer.
“Toulouse gunman Mohamed Merah ‘no lone wolf'”
INBBC’s Mr FRASER, in finally working out that Merah had strong international Islamic links, still omits what should be a basic educational lesson: that Merah was-
1.) a MUSLIM,
For INBBC’s Mr Christian, Muslim Islamic jihadist murderer Merah
was simply a ‘Toulouse gunman’.
Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’ had this five months ago:
“The Toulouse Massacre: More Jihad Denial”
Read more:
What is betting that if this had been devout Christians they would have been presented as extreme religious fanatics who were refusing to face reality by failing to listen to sound scientific medical advice.
I have no wish to `love my enemies` as i know that they will still be my enemies and will only take advantage of my inability to recognise them as such and cause me harm. If I was slapped in the face I would not turn the other cheek, I would retaliate instantly (or run off if they were bigger than me) or i would retreat and get revenge at a later time. If you turn the other cheek, you make yourself look weak in the minds of those who wish to do you harm and encourage them to do you more harm in future. They won`t think “Oh.. he has taken the higher moral ground and that action has made me rethink my purpose so i will not hit him again and certainly will not upload the footage onto utube to enjoy with my dickhead mates”…. We need to stop believing that the answer to everything is finding common ground and leading by liberal examples, it doesn`t work… Stand your ground or pick the time to stand your ground and hit back harder than you were hit in the first place…. Most of all stop giving ground to Islamic fanatacism it`s apologists and thier enablers…