Sometimes Auntie inadvertently gives us a disturbing flash of her underdrawers.
The BBC 5 Live Gamesmakers, including Chef de Mission, Nicky Campbell, get into a humdinger of an off-message tangle this morning.
Now when one of the BBC plaster saints (Paralympians) is caught cheating, has a sweary hissy fit, or otherwise throws a wobbly, then the Beeb tend to run the story as his ‘apology’ for said misbehaviour.
“In preparation for her retirement from the track, she expanded her television presenting career on BBC Wales and S4C, as well as BBC One.
Chair of the Tony Blair Sports Foundation.
In July 2011 Grey-Thompson was announced as the President of the Leadership 20:20 Commission, the Commission on the future leadership of Civil Society”
I’m no expert on such things but I think that this organisation is, in fact Common Purpose?
The Commission believes that civil society needs bold leaders to give direction and drive change, and that bold leadership can change the world and civil society for the better. The Commission looked into four areas;
Identifying pathways into civil society leadership
Attracting and retaining the most influential leaders
Connecting and growing emerging leaders and
Addressing the challenges future leaders will face.”
Nicky Campbell asks ‘is the British Paralympics organisation the best funded?’
Tanni can’t tell a lie, but she prevaricates a little along the lines of . ‘Well in terms of day to day funding, yes’.
But being something of an elitist she can’t help but add ‘But the South Africans, for example, give a $15,000 bonus to their gold medalist’.
Nicky (God bless him) sinks her boat with the observation : No wonder Pistorius threw a wobbly.
Never mind we are soon told that the Twitterati are baying for the Beeb to concentrate on the positive “Your focus is all wrong” the anonymous Twitterer says.
Great post. One of the speakers at NCVO’s 2011 conference was Daniel Ratchford, a Common Purpose board member who manages behavioural change for Sutton borough council, a subject he is apparently passionate about.
Has Pistorius let the cat out of the bag?
When Pistorius – the South African paralympic ‘blade-runner’ – was winning everything, he tried to convince us that it was all the result of his hard work and upper-body strength, not because of his high-tech springy blades.
But now that he has been beaten, he says it is all because a Brazilian has better blades than him.
So, which is it?
The BBC continue their quest for world domination. And more money of course. No question of their overwhelming media power which of course would have been the case with News International and BSkyB. How does the BBC keep getting away with it.
The vast majority of peo[ple on this site all agree that the BBC needs to undergo massive fundamental change in order to get back to a balnced output. But so ingrained is their bias that change may not be possible and so abolition or removal of the license fee would have to be resorted to.
Whilst it is good to let off steam and realise that others share your views on the BBC it actually doesn’t make an ounce of difference and the BBC carries on with its much loathed mission.
Are there any ideas out there for how we can get more clout, recruit more like minded people, and begin to engage the BBC more vigorously to begin to force a change?
Thanks to this site, I am often handed URLs that can serve as factual support when in discussions elsewhere.
So it was odd to find one I cited (on odd differences in heft and seriousness in reporting between various political spouses) that I had seen here was thrown back at me as fake.
At first I presumed I had cut and pasted in error, because indeed it did no longer work, but then I used google to check…
BBC News – Michelle Obama: ‘I’m not watching Republican … Share 3 days ago – US First Lady Michelle Obama tells US late-night host David Letterman that she has not been watching the Republican National Convention.
Who knows? Maybe the powers that be decided gushing luvvie on luvvie segments really didn’t quite stack up as high profile on-air talents derided the wrong kind of spouse on the line, at least during conventions they didn’t like.
Or maybe they decided to change the URL for some odd reason.
But I do find what the BBC gets up to with edits and archives always… ‘interesting’, especially when it comes to stuff they appear to feel others need not, or no longer get to see or hear.
But even more oddly, a search on the BBC site for a story that was there now only throws up…
Michelle Obama on Letterman
ITN / 30 August 2012
Michelle Obama has appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman talking about the family’s pet dog Bo and campaigning for her husband’s re-election…
Maybe sometimes the ‘tidying up’ can throw up more than simply leaving things dusty?
The paperboy blew his (admittedly very small) chance of a christmas tip this year by delivering me next door’s The Independent last saturday. Leafing through it with the help of tweezers and a dust mask, in amongst the enconiums to One-term Barry and howl-pieces on the environment I saw an article entitled
The Year Festivals Started To Dry Up.
Poor attendance and cancellations being the order of the summer. There was a mild pop at free festivals.
I don’t particularly worry myself about the argument that BBC swamps areas of the media and thus makes it harder for the private sector to compete. True enough but I don’t worry about it.
What does bug me is why the BBC thinks it should be throwing away four or five million quid ? of our money on a free festival – Radio 1’s Big Weekend in Hyde Park. I know it’s a great party for all its staff but I need a bit more than that.
Great for the brand etc but amazing, no, the extent the public sector operates on the principle that if we spend a lot of money NOW, an unquantifiable benefit will accrue to us at some undefinable time in the future.
Any chance ever, just once, that the public sector can get on the other end of that very lucrative trade – RECEIVING a lot of money now on the promise of supplying an uunquantifiable benefit at some undefinable time in the future thought not.
The BBC only voices support for the ‘trickle down’ effect in relation to it’s own activities, otherwise…it’s a product of Reaganomics that condones corporate enrichment at the expense of the public blah blah.
And the good news is that Radio Two’s Big Weekend is on its way. That’ll be another few million down the drain.
I don’t ‘do’ festivals so when do I get my free money? Perhaps the Radio 3 helicopter will fly over my house dropping twenty pound notes.
I suppose when you have to chew your way through £3.5 billion every year on a public sector use it or lose it basis any and every excuse to p*** away money is grasped with both hands.
Due to the lack of jobs and his poverty, a poor Gazan douses himself with petrol and goes up in flames. True to form, the anti-Israeli BBC blames Israel for this act of self-emollition.
Tragic, if misguided.
Such acts seldom result in employment and better financial prospects.
Also from a culture for whom self-topping is a bit of a national pastime, not exactly radar-worthy other than for those who probably got tipped off to have ‘reporters’ on standby by the local stringers.
Guessing talking heads thus far do not include representatives of the BBC’s favourite ex-Olympics venue, especially from within their own country.
Meanwhile how many Greeks have committed suicide in the past year or so due to their dire financial plight? Conveniently ignored by the Beeb as it doesn’t quite align with their rose-tinted view of the great Euro experiment.
A friend of mine has asked the BBB to refund his previous 6yrs license fee payments due to BBB stating on their letters that they send out that it is against the the LAW not to have a television license,there is no such LAW all there is is a regulation STATUTE by parliament, that makes the BBB guilty of deception/intimidation/fraud.
The BBB reply to date is that they are satisfied with the regulation (keep you posted)
Someone mentioned George Gently on the last open thread. Here’s what the RT reviewer had to say about yesterday’s episode (which I didn’t watch, I have better things to do).
“Poor George Gently. He isn’t allowed simply to investigate murders, he has to become involved in Issues, too. Last week he confronted racism; this week he is pitched into the morass of 1960s class politics after a young woman is found dead in a submerged car.
“She’s a winsome violinist, the daughter of a worker at a sumptuous country estate, and the car belongs to the resident cartoon toffs. “How much of England is one bloke allowed to own?” wonders chippy sidekick Bacchus (Lee Ingleby) as he and Gently (Martin Shaw) arrive at a glorious house. The stuck-up chatelaine (Geraldine Somerville) rails at the rioting Paris students (it’s 1968), while her husband (Roger Lloyd-Pack) is an amiable old duffer.
“Writer Peter Flannery gets up to mischief with wry references to the Bullingdon Club (and we all know who belonged to that, don’t we?) as the doughty Gently chips away at everyone’s flinty façades.”
Wait…. a member of a rich and powerful family drowns a young girl in the late sixties and uses family influence to try and evade justice?
Hey, why does that sound familiar?
This sounds like one for top ten in ‘You Know You’re Biased When… the only time your shows reference actual crimes committed by liberals is when they’re rewritten so on-screen they’re committed by conservative stereotypes’.
I watched some of it.
It was grotesque, caricatured class warfare that would have looked extreme even in the Victorian era.
There was no sin the aristocrats did not commit.
I don’t know how the actors could even say some of the lines without tittering.
I moved on.
The actors are all beeboids, it pays the bill you know. As Gently and Judge Deed he has always espoused the socialist line but is now becoming so extreme that it is unwatchable.
I can’t think of a single actor in those ‘feature’ interviews favoured by newspapers who doesn’t spout left-wing bollocks. They’re even more out of touch with the real world than public sector workers.
Poor Martin Shaw I get the feeling that his entire career since the mid 1980s has been an effort to try and make the lefty powers that be in TV forgive him for making “The Professionals”. Which was in the fact the only decent show he has been in 🙂
That gives me an idea: Guess the Gently plot line – summerise in one sentence the next episode’s plotline.
I’ll go first and say that he’s investgating the murder of a closeted gay dude by a fundementalist Catholic policeman who beats him to death while singing ‘Rule Britannia’.
young attractive Left wing lecturer in social politics / human rights and wimmins studies killed by Enoch Powell
In a right-wing alcohol fuelled revenge attack all covered up by the troy government !
Bentley helps her black lesbian Muslim disabled lover to uncover the truth and bring about the fall of the government and the r
It will be an Arab, peace activist, who was found dead in suspicious circumstances which point to a fellow Arab. However, it will eventually turn out he was killed by a crazy war-mongering Jew who was trying to stop any chance of peace between Israel and their downtrodden neighbours.
And no I haven’t seen the script just stopped watching it a year or two ago because of its blatant left-wing biases.
Known as “MI-5” in the States, according to tonights “Only Connect” with the winsome, if tiresomely lefty, Vicky C..
Of course, “spook” has unfortunate connotations in the US, hence the name change. Maybe someone should complain to Auntie………
(From the same round: apparently “Ice-Cold In Alex” was shown in America as “Desert Attack.” Quite the let down for those misled into expecting lots of explosions and “Achtung! Gott in Himmel ! Enghlischer schweinhund ” to instead be confronted by Sylvia Syms and John Mills negotiating the Qattara Depression, I’d have thought).
And pushing a lorry up a sand dune. The yanks cut 48 minutes from the running time so ‘Desert Attack’ might make more sense in the truncated version. Someone (I can’t remember the name) wrote an interesting analysis of the film with regards to the British position in the world – something about the German’s determination and strength (in the post WW2 world) as opposed to the possibly mad, drunken English officer (representing a Britain unsure of itself). Even if you don’t believe it, the hierachy in the film is clear, Germans/colonials top, working class NCO middle, English officer bottom.
At the end, there was a lovely humourous sting in the tail, aimed swipe at Blair’s brand of socialism. The born working class son of the local shopkeeper, educated privately by the Earl and ambitiously aiming for a career in politics, was seen practising in the mirror with the line – “Hello I’m Anthony, no “Hello, I’m an ordinary kind of guy, call me Tony. ” The BBC – getting it about right and manipulating millions of minds every day.
Next week’s episode of the leftist message put across not-so-Gently sounds like a corker…
“Inspector George Gently and his sergeant, John Bacchus, are given an insight into the complexities of the emotionally-wrought world when the adopted child of a middle-class couple is kidnapped. Suspicion initially falls upon the natural mother – did she ‘steal’ her own baby back? But investigations into the Mother and Baby home itself reveals a much darker side to this hothouse of morality; and raises questions as to how far this seemingly perfect couple is prepared to go to get a child. “
‘The natural mother’. That would be the one who gave the kid up for adoption. The working class ‘victim of society’ perhaps.
Only guessing, mind – maybe my mind’s been twisted by watching too much BBC news.
I’ve got a plotline / case for George to solve…
It concerns a corrupt Government and Prime Minister who wants to seduce the populace into supporting an unjust war and an illegal invasion. Supported by the head of the Security Services, his shady Director of Communications and his friends in the mass media (who’s proprietor invites him to be the god father of his son), he frightens people into believing that they are 45 minutes from doom.
Enter our hero, an investigative broadcaster, a misfit in the country’s dominent broadcaster, who discovers that there is no such threat, there are no such weapons. But his source is discovered, an eminent scientist, who is slandered by the Government machine and is then found dead in mysterious circumstances, in a field in the South Midlands. Our hero is sacked, tracks are covered and the trail goes cold.
Nah! Too far fetched, the BBC would never do it!!!
Fresh from my morning surf, as all head back to school, I could not help but note a few from our unique national school timetable media monopoly doubtless still struggling back from the stresses of the summer recess… – Last post Aug 1
Last post July 27
Not like anything happened on their beats while away. Well, any more than when they are here, only now we get their ‘take’ on it again. Like it, or need it, or not.
One is sure we will only benefit from them returning recharged and re-invigorated.
Credit Nick R who only managed 17 days, but then he does seem to make up for these with every break the rest of the year.
Some contracts are more equitable than others?
Of course Stephanie “the UK economy will recover in 2012” Flanders is not one to miss out on a free holiday as her blog has been empty since August 15th!
It might seem that she is slacking on the holiday front but she has had loads of them over the year and is the BBC’s holiday specialist.
Anyone pick up on the wholly one sided approach to reporting on the new anti squatting legislation? In particular the “Any Answers” participants all seem to have been hand picked to be almost wholly sympathetic to saintly squatters who are portrayed as never breaking in (a crime) but only gaining access through unsecured doors or windows, only occupying premises left long term vacant by evil big business or government departments and always leaving when politely requested.
Not my experience having seen the damage done to ordinary peoples homes by these people (a significant number of whom seem to be benefit tourists from other EU countries) and the major cost and hassle of getting them out !
‘hand picked to be almost wholly sympathetic’
They all do it, but the BBC is the most egregious culprit, not least by the way they fail to flag those they have hand picked to spout what the BBC wants from one degree of spurious separation.
Think tanks, research, activist groups, charity directors, witnesses, passing by vox pops to ‘we want this person’s views’ selectees, all are simply manifestations of the production teams prejudices.
Countries that have two things, the Rule of Law and Property Rights tend to prosper as we did when we had them. Both are almost non existant in the third world and are rapidly declining in our Country.
I’d be a bit more careful dealing with such newspapers if I were you. I myself have one of those boxes with the built-in gloves for that type of emergency…
Did anybody catch the BBC piece on the 2002 Gujarat riots on radio 4 today Friday 31 aug? In an interview with the Guardian’s Luke Harding, after Humphreys had implied that the riots were Muslim –Hindu tit for tat, Harding hummed and arrghed (typical leftist prevarication), and did not actually blame the Muslims, and implied that it is still unclear if they were directly responsible for originally attacking the train that sparked off the riots; he spoke of the possibility of it being an accidental fire.
No apologies then for what he had previously written in 2003:
“Riots had just broken out in the western state of Gujarat, after a group of Muslims attacked a train full of Hindu pilgrims, killing 59 of them.” #India ,
but now an observation adapted to a receptive BBC Toady audience, that refuses to blame Muslims for anything anymore anywhere. Typical BBC/Guardian turncoat revisionist journalism, as well as him ranting on in a sort of myopic anti-Putin mode (I think he’s based in Moscow now) about the very real dangers of Indian Hindu nationalism and the BJP.
And here’s the web version. “Egypt’s veiled presenter in breakthrough TV appearance“. I’d have used the word “regressive” myself, but what do I know?
On Today this morning they were comparing the Palestinian who set fire to himself with the gentleman in Tunisia who did much the same thing, setting in motion the Arab Spring. Well, we can see how well that’s turning out. Presumably they’d like much the same outcome for Israel? Can they truly not comprehend what’s going on right in front of their eyes?
It is an odd word for what is, in essence, kicking their culture backwards in time.
The BBC’s use of English gets more bizarre each day.
I tried to post this at the time but it seemed to go into spinning pizza of death mode, so will cut ‘n paste again..
At risk of incurring a Frankie Boylesque blowback from the more faint of humour fraternity, might I suggest this is not all a bad thing?
Of course the BBC is 90% (cherry archive checkers, start your engines!) fully stocked by coincidence with not uncomely peroxide sinks like any other broadcaster competing for attention (seems babeism does not trouble the sisters as much as other employment pre-selection criteria), but the 10% apparently shoe-horned in for their ‘talents’ could mostly be improved by the addition of a head covering. I was thinking of the full face jobbie, mind.
And think of the fee savings if they have a bad hair day and simply stick the work experience in front of the camera whilst, literally, ‘phoning it in’.
“breakthrough tv” … no greater love eh!
“Some of them sued against the unofficial ban on wearing headscarves on camera and won, but the former government ignored the court rulings, as it pursued a policy of wide opposition to the introduction of Islamic values, says the BBC’s Jon Leyne in Cairo.” … goodness 😀 the “tone” dear!
ie. al bbc – thank god for the hijab, thank god for the arab spring eh!, and obviously “putting us straight” on womens rights too
You know, you really have to be careful when using words like “only” or “never”. It just takes one link from the usual suspects to a blond Swedish rapist to set off a bun fight that hijacks the thread and obscures the pertinent point.
Best to use “usually” or “rarely”. That renders the making of cheap points much more difficult.
Well, to be fair, they are sort, kinda, in a weaselly way, trying to connect a few dots between countries and demographics, as the article (featured elsewhere) on sexual harassment in Egypt tried, but mostly failed to do.
I remain unconvinced that those ‘in charge’, politically or media, are really up to the task of acknowledging, much less coping with a few home truths, preferring some fudging efforts that may well only make what’s bad… worse.
Maybe a plot line for Citizen Khan more akin to any given week on Eastenders may add a grittier edge to bring it into the noughties, as some M*A*S*H episodes did for comedy in that decade?
‘The one where Uncle got shopped for only doing what’s his right but luckily the police, authorities & most media felt that it would make for a hostile environment to make a big fuss’.
Maybe they are all teleprompter dollies on route to the TV studio and the local lads are merely trying to point out where they get it about right?
More seriously… where did they get that picture from? Is it posed? Or part of a non-‘watertight oversight’ court case?
Also.. ‘In video footage of the incident, posted on the internet, she is hauled over men’s shoulders and dragged along the ground
That doesn’t make sense.
Plus… ‘It is hard to tell who is attacking her and who is trying to help.’
Guessing the camera person, like the BBC in this case, is more of a ‘look, but don’t interfere’ persuasion.
I am also struck by… ‘even women who wear the full-face veil – the niqab – are being targeted.’
…with… ‘”If the girls were dressed respectably, no-one would touch them,”
…with… ‘A woman who wore a tight niqab was up for it, he added.’
For a BBC not afraid of analysis, this ‘report’ is all over the place in simply trying to lay out facts and avoid a hint of challenge.. badly.
The law of unintended consequences springs to mind here.
Can anyone explain why reports like this are never replicated on the radio or TV to balance the overwhelming pro-Islamic bias? Is there only ever a semblance of balance attempted by the BBC on its website?
BBC’s Finlo Rohrer has devoted nearly 750 words to Ryan mis-remembering his best marathon time. I detect a level of desperation approaching near panic in the BBC newsroom.
Link seems bad.
I thought it may be one of our ‘it’s not news unless it’s our kind of news‘ censorship squad tweaking their heroes’ latest outing into partisan excess out of existence, like the ‘now you can see it, now it doesn’t exist’ Michelle [hearts] Letterman love-in?
But just an extra bit of URL.. ‘But is it possible to forget the time you clocked in such a gruelling event?’
Er… yeah.
As a piece of anal fisking the rest is as lame as it gets in the cause of ‘news’.
I just caught Martin Shaw in The Professionals saying “i’m a male capitalist pig”. Maybe the lefties thought that’s what Shaw’s been thinking all these years…
His body of work since suggests they would have been 100% correct in that assumption. I’m just surprised he wasn’t part of the late, lamented masterwork “Bonekickers.”
“London Met: A history of controversy.
London Metropolitan University has previously hit the headlines for reasons ranging from a proposed alcohol ban to the over-recruitment of students.”
Another anti bandwagon the BBc has jumped on and has been broadcasting the whole day and that is, of course,free schools, despite Michael Gove pointing out that the 24 free schools introduced last year are working very well and he will be introducing 55 more this year the BBC has spent all day digging up as many negatives as they can,quite difficult as they only managed two one not opened yet, normal problems like waiting for funding, nothing major but according to the BBC coverage there are major problems and will,of course, not be helping the ‘disadvantaged’ because the schools in the wrong areas as Labour told them, (despite denials by the Government) and bringing on someone who in a long interview was somehow very disadvantaged by free schools.
No mention, of course of the abysmal educational standards under Labour.
I feel a complaint coming on. There is never any balance just one sided dogma.
About half of Labour party members are teachers. These non-comprehensive schools seem to little or no teachers who are members of Labour. They nearly always do better than comprehensive schools.
About time someone did to the teachers what Thatcher did to the miners. Education should be a vocation not for a load of socialists to have cushy well paid number.
A confrontation with the teaching unions is well overdue. The miners were producing coal that was vastly overexpensive and increasingly not needed. The state school teachers are failing to produce well educated children at a reasonable cost to society.
The liberal left stranglehold over the teaching colleges and our universities is going to cost us first world status in a generation . We will simply be unable to compete with the well educated children of East Asia.
Agree 100%.
After 11 years of State funded education, getting on for a million kids a year leave without being competent in the 3 R’s.
Now there’s a subject for a documentary or two.
Whatever could be the problem?
Yes, but are they Labour members by choice or merely by dint of being in the union in question?
In some work places not being in the union (even if it is not a closed shop) can result in a very uncomfortable working environment; so many teachers simpy join without thought as to political association.
As a result the school ends up being run into the ground by ideologues and others who are too scared for their jobs and peace of mind to object.
Sad, really as teaching was once a noble profession.
There are only two real Conservatives in the Cabinet , Eric Pickles (PBUH) and Michael Gove but for now Mr Gove is the one taking the lefts fire as they know what he is doing is really dangerous to their long term survival.
Currently being forced to watch the BBC’s ‘New Tricks’, which features a ‘racist public school’ with the usual cast of caricatures and criticisms of privilege. Drivel.
We have a private school that only takes on white pupils and that ‘all’ private schools are failing owing to people not being able to afford fees.
We have a ‘government’ minister whose daughter goes to the private school – he dodgily issues a multi-million pound contract to an Asian businessman that donated money to the school.
The Govt. minister is also complicit in a road death and is unfaithful to his wife.
Much is made of the inequality of private education and it is insinuated that the way private schools survive is courtesy of their charitable status.
At the end, we have a trailer for Some Muslim sit-com and then are told that a programme called “The revolution will be televised” will be on later.
Then we have the news …..
Earlier today Beyond belief had a selection of interviewees from various religions discussing egalitarianism. Amusingly neither the Mussslim nor the Hindu were keen on the idea of Government support for the poor and very much favoured individual families doing it for themselves. When Ernie Ray failed in his gentle encouragement of them to show a more left wing approach, the converstaion was simply moved on, without challenge..
This morning a similar situation arose when sleeps with her dog grubby Jenni Murray was interviewing Mexican investigative journalist and activist Lydia Cacho on sex trafficking. Cacho mentioned European men (no mention of the natives) who exploit these girls on sex holidays, which of course Grubby lapped up, but she was immediately undermined by Cachos explanation for this being that feminism in Western countires was encouraging men to go after more traditional less assertive girls. Hmmm, Grubster didn’t like that very much, but of course because ‘race’ always trumps ‘sexism’ with Beeboids, no direct challenge was issued, instead Grubster craftily distorted what Cacho had said putting words in her mouth and suggesting Western men hadn’t ‘adapted’ to their new role.
Leftie Beeboids just will not face up to the fact that the values of Third Worlders, Muslims etc are conservative, right wing, sexist, intolerant, narrow minded, snobbish, bigotted , authoritarian, the complete antithesis of everything the BBC likes to think it stands for.
And has anyone else noticed how the BBC tends to refer to Big Mo as ‘The Prophet’?
This seems to suggest that he is the ONLY prophet, or at the very leats the highest standing, although there have been a great many alleged prophets over the centuries, and Mo is not even recognised by the majority of other religions.
They have now added to this elevating of Islam by calling the Koran ‘the Holy Koran’. I never hear them prefix the word ‘Bible’ with ‘Holy’ – discrimination or what?
About all this Paralympics lark..
Must say I haven’t seen more than 10 minutes of it, what with the Beeb gushing over the whole ghastly affair. Never saw much of the ordinary Olympics either but never mind. I know I’m being a mean old git but really, what is the attraction?
It seems like some kind of long-drawn out cruel April Fools joke on people who have limbs missing. How the hell did this ever get so popular? Or is it just state enforced empathy being drilled into us for our ‘brave differently-abled’ minorities. Is there an Olympics for people who are mentally ill I wonder…eg having a line-up of depressives in a 100 metre dash to get their prescriptions.
I could handle a day or two of it being mentioned in the news and maybe some odd highlights, but blanket TV coverage of something so blatantly uninteresting – and not really sport (assuming you have all four proper sized limbs) is beyond me. Yes I’m a heartless bastard but what I’ve seen of it just puts me in mind of the Monty Python ‘Upper Class Twit of the year’ sketch
Who ever said it was actually popular? This is a manufactured “popularity”. More power to these people if they can do this kind of stuff rather than sit on their asses feeling sorry for themselves, but it’s not right to shame people who don’t get excited about the actual sports events. That’s what this kind of blanket attention does. “It’s very popular because we’re giving it lots of coverage. If you don’t watch or support it there’s something wrong with you.”
The 2.3 million pre-sales of Paralympic tickets (it was the first Paralympics to sell out) and the record viewing figures for C4 would suggest that it is.
How many of those were corporate sales? How much of the “record sales” was due to a record number of participants’ families and friends and government reps in attendance (which is not the same thing as popularity)? How much of that C4 viewership is due to the manufactured hype and guilt inspired by the blanket coverage? Do you know?
Yes, Nicked Emus, how DARE you point to anything that might convey any factual information. You big bully! David Preiser’s opinion, no matter how fictional, is not to be questioned!
Well how about going to the stadia, going to the venues which are sold out and have been for a while.
But in addition Locog has a daily ticket allowance that it releases in the morning. That sells out. Extra trains have been laid on.
What more evidence do you need: record sales, record viewer figures, consistent and universal commentary across all branches of the media.
What would it take to convince you? You are not here. That your broadcasters are not showing the events live (from what I understand — that may be wrong) means you have no idea what it is like. I work in London and see this every day. It is great.
If you want to ignore all of the evidence and carry on in your own belief despite the evidence that is your own affair.
When will I be catered for, with an Olympics for people like me? I’m not, technically, disabled but I like chips too much to be able to compete in “able bodied” athletics events. It’s downright discrimination! Medals for all! I envisage something like Indoor League (reference possibly not known to those of you in the Home Counties, but presented by Fred Truman and featuring Shove Ha’penny) but on a larger scale and with an opening ceremony directed by Michael Winner.
Some good points here with which I agree and, I’m willing to bet, so do a large proportion of the British public (quietly).
“state enforced empathy being drilled into us”
sums it up and explains why the Paralympics are such a good fit with BBC/Channel 4 attitudes.
“I could handle a day or two of it”
The problem is that once you begin down the road of PC equality thinking then the Paralympics can’t last for a single weekend – it has to match the expensive overblown behemoth which was the real thing.
Seeing as how the BBC’s latest journalistic triumph, the weekly Twitter roundup, includes their favorite tweets going up to only Aug. 31, the massive trend about Monday being National Empty Chair Day didn’t make the cut. But I fully expect it to make the next edition, right?
By any measure, this is an account from a unique (not the BBC version) perspective, and no doubt a partial one.
However it seems calm and factual.
I would be interested in how this event was ‘reported’ by our glorious MSM, given.. ‘… asked the senior police officer present why this was violence was allowed; why nobody had been arrested and why all the cameras present were trained on us under a barrage of bottles and bricks rather than on the people actually throwing them.
The officer replied it was “unsafe” to arrest anybody in such a hostile environment!
There are some legitimate questions there, and so far the answers are not just wanting but risible in terms of official policy and clear double standards.
Can’t say the EDL sounds my cup of tea, but if peaceful in intent and deportment they have a right to speak and be heard.
The way this was handled by a PC/politicised legal/media-cowed establishment does not do much to counter the basic premise of the headline and first para claim.
At least now I have new addition to add to my list of official numptyspeek, whereby I can resist arrest on any grounds, and especially if it’s being attempted in connection with violence, on the basis that it would be ‘too hostile an environment’ to do so.
Thus leaving the police free to devote resources to snagging the real dangers to society…
From right wing rag The Mirror:
The standard line of defence of the BBC monitoring staff, who post here, is often that the Daily Telegraph covered any given story in question in much the same way as the BBC….therefore BBC = not left wing. Well, having read the Telegraph’s ongoing coverage of the USA presidential election (amongst other “liberal” news items), I have to ask: does anyone here still think that the Telegraph is a right wing paper? Because I certainly don’t.
Do Private Eye still call it the “Torygraph”?
Private Eye appears unable to move with the times. Perhaps they ought to have a column dedicated to BBC bias items? or is Ian too closely tied in with the INBBC?
I gave up on The Telegraph last week. I used to buy it every couple of days and always at weekends, I have reverted to The Times. The Telegraph was dumbed down, trying not to be the Torygraph and too pro-Putin’s Russia for me.
‘that the Daily Telegraph covered any given story in question in much the same way as the BBC….therefore BBC = not left wing’
Thus showing a mindset that cannot get around assessing the argument vs. who is making it.
Obviously various media can loosely be couched in tribal terms overall, but blanket ‘readers’ ripostes are simply another sure sign that they know they’ve lost the debate.
The Telegraph is a weird one, as it has a bunch of staffers who by no stretch could be deemed ‘of the right’ on any basis, and especially in their beats. Chivers, Riddell, Hodges…
However most are so pantomine daft my presumption is that they are there not so much to add balance as drum up online ratings as they do attract a fair amount of counter-view on their blogs.
I also reserve a special place for Lean & Gray.
That the Telegraph thinks these two are adequate to cover a beat as important as environment places the paper’s management in my eyes on par with the BBC market rates who figured Black, Shuckman & Harrabin were just what’s needed to educate and inform the world on this topic.
panto dame nikki and the socialist workers club phone in…
5live – your call, religion and work, should religion have any sway in the workplace ….
ALRIGHT! lets get it on …
get those no pork handling , no alcohol handling, insisting on hijab/burkha wearing, guidedog taxi refusing, gender seperating, , excessive prayer time insisting, public bath closing, ramadan council chambering, time off for hajj travel insisting, etc, etc, etc …
pushing groups and their enablers from one ideology
in particular – to face serious questions … RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!
( sound of crickets …….. )
nah! …. lets dish it out in spades on Christians who want to wear a cross … yep! great idea
it is al bbc after all …..
wait a minute! … doesn t the head of religious programmes have anything to say …
Be fair, Gameshow and all the other Beeboids are not paid to be heroically honest on the licence payers behalf. I don’t realistically envisage a trendy vicar radicalising a crack squad for tambourine-ing Nicky to death in a Salford back street to the strains of Kumbaya. However it is a very different ball gameshow for the adherents of the Religion of Peace who may already have filmed the last page to their video diary. And they know where the BBC live.
Not listening to the news what with all those Tory women about to leave the Cabinet…and here`s Jenni Murray to add value/ context.
Did however catch bits of
1. Christians whinging about being no loner allowed to wear a cross/refuse to bless gays and the like.
Now Michael Nazir-Ali was just the man to tell us why the damn State has no business in doing such things…but unfortunately the incontinent, intemperate and still-ignorant Justin Webb wouldn`t allow the former Bishop time or space to explain WHY it was so newsworthy-hence the BBC line to Justins headset, I`d have thought.
2. Andrew Adonis wanting private schools to successfully teach in Peckham in 50 languages, thirty kat clans and tribes…and be the Savlon for the last disastrous era of comprehensives as trainsets for Blunkett or Bottomley etc.
Seems Eton will only be any good if it doctors exam results and lets the NUT in to destroy its ethos from within….and where Humphrys will be sending his kid once he`s too old for Hampsteads Montessori is not a question any of us will be asking…is it now?
But the reason I got on the computer was to point you n the direction of Paddy O `Connell as he sobbed manfully into Al Aynsley Greens hankie…in a gorgeous Tudor living room of course, and not a SureStart cupboard.(One to One…9.30 4/9/12)
If you want to see how the BBC and the liberal elite become twin tracks to Birkenau, albeit inadvertedly(these are NOW people…and unconcerned with the consequences of their words and deeds(that`s for PETA and Climate Change warriors remember?) -I`d suggest you have alisten.
Certainly explains how the likes of Blunkett and Prescott can live out their seedy little fantasies, but under the guise of “progress”, “doing good for my little lad””professional careers and detachment”….which makes these empathising creeps with degrees (or an agenda to live out) VERY dangerous to the rest of us who simply “learn to live with what we can`t rise above” quote Dr Springsteen.
Would also think the previous stuff re Dawkins is revealing-he moans that his “science” isn`t taken seriously…but then won`t shut up about the more recent ticket to ride that is his nasty strain of atheism.
Dawkins thinks he`s Bohr or Mendel…but his science shows he is to be filed under Morris, Conran, von Danicken and Hancock…Icke Science.
Which is why he baled out onto the bouncy castle of BBC atheism…Muslims not allowed to see or hear of that too often, unless it`s Citizen Khan.
I have been watching the coverage of the cabinet reshuffle and so far it has been described as a media exercise only and that it won’t make any difference to the country and also an ethnic minority person was wheeled out saying the Baroness Warsi being moved was confirmation that the Tory party was hideously white and also anti female. So the BBC have to put the boot in somewhere and have been doing all morning with the biased Norman Smith making it up as he goes along again. Disgracefully biased coverage with the BBC spouting ‘critics say’ as Labour’s voice.
This is disgracful if the BBC is finding people to accuse the Government of being racist.
‘an ethnic minority person was wheeled out saying the Baroness Warsi being moved was confirmation that the Tory party was hideously white and also anti female’
The BBC’s wheeling out of single folk who suit their narrow narrative in ‘speaking for the nation’ is now so overt it’s a joke.
No matter what is done, an aggrieved toe-rag can be sourced via twitter to air their views.
Newsnight’s feed is mostly devoted to finding folk to come on and whinge.
That they seriously are gunning for the ‘not enuf wimmin or effnix’ on the basis that the good Baroness has proven a market rate talent, then their own internal HR is explained in not excused.
Speaking of Newsnight… he’s baaaaaack….
Hopefully well rested after a nice long break, and well on form. ‘”and that’s people with children, and sometimes with health problems”.
Questions being asked of course, but not pertinent ones, not by our hero…
Luckily comments from less market rate, more objective talents are not yet closed: ’15. Londonmag
Will get slated here, but if the author, whom I respect greatly did not want comment on it, then it would not be in his article.
Teenage daughter, two toddlers and four week old baby……
And that’s an evident fan.
Mr. Mason is a cliche of a parody.
And hypocrite.
Ok, so thats an interesting article worthy of the campaigns editor on a left-of-centre media outlet
(by the way, so glad to see that the Beeb commentariat are back on the job. I was beginning to ponder on the subject of ‘Why they’re bunking off Everywhere’)
Now where do I find a balanced article befitting the licence payer funded economics editor of BBC Newsnight?
” But why, at a time when unemployment is falling, and house repossessions have never reached catastrophic levels, do we see agencies dealing with hunger?”
It may have something to do with food being low down the list of priorities, behind the latest i-phone,pad, whatever gadget, full sky package fags etc.
Sounds harsh I know but so often true.
Trawl thro the comments and see what others think.
Either no Editors’ Picks or a closing is my guess, the way things are going.
People also not too clear on the ‘need’ for a Tv licence as a daily essential.
Maybe the Anger and Protests Editor will feel disappointed in this less than enthusiastic welcome to his unique way of observing UK economics and soon seek sunnier, more Molotovian-fuelled climes for his next posting?
Like usual.
He makes Wolfie Smith seem like a BBC teleprompter dolly.
You almost have to admire the brass neck of running a sob sister piece about the poor – and their ‘long-term’ disabled partners – while reminding everyone that the poor are being taxed to keep the market-rate talents in champers and coke.
“It may have something to do with food being low down the list of priorities, behind the latest i-phone,pad, whatever gadget, full sky package fags etc.
Sounds harsh I know but so often true.”
How do you know it’s “so often true” Dysgwr? How are you in a position to know?
If Mason was doing his job properly he’d do a ‘compare and contrast’ with an immigrant Somali family of 10 living a very nice lifestyle off the state, thank you very much, in their Kensington mansion.
But, as we all know, an investigative journalist he is not.
I made the mistake of listening to a Radio 4 show on the Steampunk movement on Monday afternoon. If you aren’t aware of this its a slightly amusing movement in which the adherents dress as though the Victorians who developed and gone into space. Its not my cup of tea but its very British and I wondered what Radio 4 would make of it.
As soon as I heard the presenter was Phil Jupitas I knew what was coming. Of the 30 minutes running time half was a brief explanation of Steampunk with the final half being a political commentary on how nasty and right wing the Victorians were but how the Steampunks are “progressive” and right on.
Its all just so predictable I don’t know why I bother.
Steampunk is old news, derived from a William Gibson book from the ’90’s. I’ve never detected a political bias in it – it’s just the odd idea that Victorians had modern technology but derived from clockwork and steam rather than electronics and oil.
Trust the BBC to polute it. It can’t handle science fiction because views it as adventure stories for nerds and therefore infer dig dontcha kno’. So whenever it gets hold of something like this it has to polute it with a left wing ethos – no matter how jarring that may be. Cretins.
William Gibson is about the only Science Fiction (ish) writer that I read. I enjoyed the Difference Engine years ago but didn’t realise until a year ago that it had spawned then entire Steampunk movement.
“the final half being a political commentary on how nasty and right wing the Victorians were but how the Steampunks are “progressive” and right on.”
That’s not actually true though is it?
There were just a couple of questions about how the movement’s supposed anti-establishment ethos sat with a nostalgia for Victorian times.
Someone said it was more attracted to the dark underbelly of that society, but it was made perfectly clear that it wasn’t affiliated to any particular political view;
“There’s a load of ex-military people… there’s quite a lot of right-wing steampunks; very conservative (small and large C) steampunks…”
That was a brief sentence dez and non of these Conservatives were interviewed. We did how ever interview the Steampunk of Asian background who went on about how Grandad was an Indian freedom fighter. Then we had more about the Victorians sending children to clean chimneys etc etc.
Doing a Craig here.
I`m wondering where the “Citizen Khan” plugs and puffs are going on the Beeb at the moment.
I reckon that we could draw a graph to show just how brave the BBC are in reminding us of this update of Mind Your Language/ The Desmonds hybrid…as Spike Milligan would have edited it anyway.
Do`nt see too many pointers for me to watch it-any chance of Bunglawhala/Siddiqi or Choudhury being asked along to review the BBCs latest triumph of diversity.
That Daniel Cohen eh…turns out he`s a mole working FOR us this time!
Have you a link for that and, given SOP, one hopes, a page capture?
I just ask as I am by coincidence more than interested in what political spouses are worthy of news and who not (according to BBC Eds, Richard Bacon and of course BBBC’s very own media expertise ‘you don’t know the stuff I do and are hence not worthy of having opinions’ counsel).
I had a quick look and search and could not find anything.
I just wonder if the First Love of the First Lady by the BBC was belatedly recognised as potentially unhelpful to Hugs Boaden’s genetic trial results and went the same way as the last suck-up before it got noticed.
Which Aunty, it did, trust me.
I have located this…
They do seem to be pitting the girls against one another.
Are there others with the headline you saw?
“Ann Romney was talking in theory, whereas Michelle had to go back to work quickly after every child because they didn’t have the money,” she says. “When she talks about the issues of women and poor women, it’s more authentic.”
Seriously, can the Obamas ever really be associated with a poverty stricken past? This is just pushing the rich, aloof Romneys versus the Obamas as regular folk BS.
What absolute nonsense! Even before she gave birth to their first child Barry had already become a senator and helped secure Michelle nice sinecure jobs which enabled her to leave the tough world of commercial law.
“Michelle joined the University of Chicago in 1996 as associate dean of student services, developing the University’s first community service program. She then worked for the University of Chicago Hospitals beginning in 2002, as executive director of community relations and external affairs.”
Barrack timeline:
Summer 1991: Moves back to Chicago as civil rights lawyer and teaches constitutional law at University of Chicago.
Reed – tx v much.
Between this and DB’s great image fisking on tweets and home pages, they appear to be en route for the first virtual BJ attempt in news history. ‘The BBC did not have… partial relations with that… awesome Presidential couple’
I’ve said it before, but… why? In the US they count as much as Piers Morgan, and over such overt sucking-up blows an already dire credibility for…. well… anything news related… out of the water, while 99% of the UK could give a monkeys about US election jiggery-pokery anyway.
Why?…it’s just in their DNA. They can’t help it. They actually assume that they are just reflecting the general consensus – we ALL love the Obama’s, don’t we!
This would be Mrs Potus, who when asked what was the best part of being the First Lady, immediately blabbed “the foreign travel”, showing what a total lack of class and gravitas she has. This is Primark woman, who got lucky marrying a Hawaiian community organiser. How we fell in love with Michelle indeed – pass the sick bag.
It is safe to say that the majority here believe that the BBC supports the Labour Party.
Hard to prove it, I know – you either feel this bias or you don’t.
Think of the conundrum another way – does Labour support the BBC?
I’ve been playing around with some figures: RPI inflation against TV licence fee increases since 1971. (As you do).
Rough and ready, I would concede I’m no expert and there are complications about the amount by which rises top inflation and precisely when increases were agreed.
However I reckon that Labour put through a whopping 11 inflation busting increases to 3 under inflation years and 4 just about on inflation.
The Tories account for 6 inflation busters with 17 years under the inflation figure.
Now is that ‘Things can only get better’ that I hear blaring out from somewhere deep within Broadcasting House?
We have a new puppy at Who Towers.
Rule 1: You don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Seems some have learned about the same.
Good for puppies; not so great for supposedly impartial, un-interest conflicted £4Bpa political PR-driven media monopolies.
It’s a roundup of pieces from the Washington Post, the New York Times (front page, no less), and the Huffington Post, all with variations on the theme that, essentially, He’s not the Messiah: He’s a very naughty boy.
BBC stalwarts who can usually be relied upon to retweet or link to something from Politico on a regular basis have gone strangely silent.
Daniel Nasaw is even hanging out with the HuffPosers at the DemCon right now, and hasn’t mentioned any of it. Maybe he knows about their criticism of Him, and that’s what he means by them being a “buzz kill”.
2012 DNC platform deletes passages on Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, and Hamas
Redacted from the official platform: No more Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel. Nothing about Palestinian “refugees” having to live in an eventual Palestinian State instead of getting to “return” to Israel. Not a word about Hamas.
Previously, the Dem position was that Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel, and condemnation of Hamas. No more. The Beeboids will love it.
The bBC and reinventing somebody who went AWOL as a victim. David Hemler: 28 years on the run
David Hemler deserted from the US Air Force and was on its most-wanted list for 28 years. He assumed a false identity, got married and had a family in Sweden. But in the end, the truth came out.It was 1984, the height of the Cold War, and President Ronald Reagan was deploying Pershing II missiles in West Germany. At the time David Hemler was a 21-year-old linguist working for the US Air Force in Augsburg, Bavaria. But he was not happy. He approached his superiors and asked for a discharge on the grounds that he had become a pacifist.
So reading the above do you get the impression that this poor child of 21 (at the time) was a victim of the nasty US Airforce. Who lets be said were only in Europe to prevent the peaceful Russians from liberating us all. Here’s a few things the f-ing bBC don’t mention in their swipe at the US:
1) Dick splash David Hemler wasn’t a conscript but rather a volunteer in the US military which got rid of conscription in 1973. In otherwords David Hemler could have bought himself out of the airforce at anytime.
2) He didn’t go AWOL because he became a pacifist, he left because his girl at the time ditched him.
3) The US military wasn’t after him, as they didn’t have a clue where he was, until he revealed himself in June of this Year because he wanted his children to meet his parents.
4) The reason the US military took his picture down (He was a missing person) was he agreed to have a DNA test done to confirm who he was
Been a fine day off.
You just KNOW you`ll not need to listen to any news for today.
You can already mouth what the BBC and its chums at the Guardian are going to make of replacing a kameez with an empty suit…a grinning content-lie cipher being moved where a power dressed nomark had previously lain.
Still-if it keeps the BBC ankle deep in chicken entrails and Flanders type voodoo dolls then fair enough…but then we`re called upon to pay for their empty fatuous musings by way of “expert analysis”
Anal at least I suppose-and maybe we should be docking the BBC for each day when we can predict what their poppets and muppets will be saying…in short, no more licence fees! …
the only christian member,
who works in a heavily guarded office,
whose own brother was shot dead,
who was choosing his words carefully, for fear they could be twisted ….
strange … didn t hear any of that on 5live drive, only that cabinet member said it didn t need repealing only shouldn t be misused?
still squat on al beeb news too, oh apart from
bbc news – Pakistanis ‘disturbed’ ?? by blasphemy case
hmm maybe a bit more so if your christian though eh!
The Beeb are doing a Radio 4 drama/doc about the murder of Salmaan Taseer, the governor of the Punjab, assassinated in 2011 because of his criticism of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws and opposition to the called-for hanging of the Christian woman, Asia Noreen (Bibi), alleged to have insulted the Paedo Mohammed. Rather weirdly,, the advanced info on the programme makes no mention of Shabaz Bhatti, the only Christian member of the Pakistani cabinet, murdered three months later, again apparently because of his opposition to the blasphemy laws. It will be interesting to see how they carefully tip-toe around the ROP in this offering – all the actors mentioned have Muslim names. Only last Sunday, I noticed the newsreader on one of the Beeb’s radio channels speaking of ‘increased communal tension’ because of the latest blasphemy case – those damned Christians acting provocatively again, no doubt!
The bBC and its open hatred for this country Malaysian lose fight for 1948 ‘massacre’ inquiry Campaigners seeking an inquiry into the killing of 24 male villagers in Malaya in 1948 by British troops have lost their fight at London’s High Court.Judges upheld a government decision not to hold a public hearing into the alleged massacre in the former colony.They said it would be “very difficult” to establish now whether the actions of the Scots Guards had been “deliberate”.
So the attempt to win the lottery (Aided by so called human rights lawyers) by Malaysian villagers has been thrown out of court I quote: “The first matter in relation to the purpose of inquiry is to consider whether it can establish the facts.”There are obviously enormous difficulties in conducting an inquiry into a matter that happened over 63 years ago. Most of the contemporary documents are missing and most of those who were engaged are dead.
But that doesn’t stop the bBC from playing the victim card for Allah’s favorite victims. I quote from the article:
1)Malaysia gained its independence in 1957, and in 1970 the director of public prosecutions asked the Metropolitan Police to investigate Batang Kali after revelations in The People newspaper suggesting the 24 had been deliberately executed and a massacre covered up.
2)Further probes into the killings were made in the 1990s, but in their ruling the judges noted that it was “difficult to escape the conclusion” that John Major’s Conservative government decided to “progress any inquiries with as much delay as possible”.
3)In 1992 a BBC documentary, In Cold Blood, sparked another blaze of publicity but the Crown Prosecution Service considered there should not be a prosecution.
4)And a fresh investigation by the Royal Malaysia Police between 1993 and 1997 “obtained virtually no assistance” and was met with an “uncooperative attitude” from the UK, the judges said. (Would that be the same John Major Government as above)
5)John Halford, a solicitor representing the relatives, said they would be asking the Supreme Court to overturn the High Court decision….But he called on the government to “do the right thing” and “end the ongoing injustices at the heart of this case”….Mr Halford added: “The ruling makes it clear that the British government decided to be uncooperative to the Malaysian police……”The Malaysian police investigation was scuppered by British civil servants, and you have to ask why that was.”
Yup the bBC, defending allahs favourite victims at the expense of the British taxpayer.
Actually, the dead villagers had been Chinese supporters of the Maoist insurgency in Malaya, which committed atrocities against our troops and ethnic Malays.
The bBC, gun warfare in London and half the story.
So here i am reading this bBC article about the shooting dead of Azelle Rodney by the old bill: Azelle Rodney death: Mother says police ‘executed’ her son The mother of a man shot six times by an officer after a car was stopped has told an inquiry that her son appears to have been “executed” by police. Azelle Rodney, 24, of west London, was killed after officers stopped a suspect car in Edgware, north London, in 2005.Officers thought he and two others were on their way to commit an armed raid…Officers believed Mr Rodney, Wesley Lovell and Frank Graham had machine guns and were on their way to commit a drugs-related armed robbery, the inquiry heard.
So reading the above do you get the impression that the police just shot up a car containing balck men who were out simply for a drive. I mean reading the above no guns were found in the car were they?
Here is what the bBC don’t want you to know about Azelle whose girlfriend was pregnant: Wesley Lovell and Frank Graham, who had been in the car with Rodney, were later sentenced to seven years and six years imprisonment respectively at Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court on 24 January 2006 for drugs and firearms offences. The court was told that three guns were found in the car and that Lovell’s flat had been used to produce crack cocaine.
Muvva avoids feeling guilty about producing a gangsta and blames police rather than herself. Presumably father unable to comment, on account of not hanging around after the conception of little Azelle. What a bunch of lowlife the bBC hands the mike to and reports as gospel.
“Here is what the BBC don’t want you to know about Azelle whose girlfriend was pregnant:
‘Wesley Lovell and Frank Graham, who had been in the car with Rodney, were later sentenced to seven years and six years imprisonment respectively at Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court on 24 January 2006 for drugs and firearms offences. The court was told that three guns were found in the car and that Lovell’s flat had been used to produce crack cocaine’.”
Apart from the obvious fact that none of the above is actually about Azelle; if the BBC “don’t want you to know” any of that, why does this BBC report (from the day before) say:
“Two other men, who were also in the car, were arrested at the scene and jailed for drugs and firearms offences in 2006.
At their trial the court heard three guns were found in the car and the flat of one of the arrested men was being used to produce drugs.”
But Dez,
I was pointing to the article where mummy dear is allowed to opine that here little gangster was executed, while he was on route to most likely execute somebody else.
If the bBC, which can report that so many people have been killed in every report when Muslims,Black gangsters, and their ilk have been killed by the….security forces Why can’t it do likewise when Islamic terrorists ,Black thugs are in the dock? Tell you what you slimly piece of shite, how about you go walk about around south London telling the black gangs they have nothing to lose but their chains and i’ll come visit your grave.
High-cost ‘greenie’ HARRABIN upset: new minister approves SHALE GAS.
Why Beeboid Harrabin is so upset, in his own words:
“Mr Paterson takes over a portfolio – the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) – with a £2.2bn budget.
“But it was reported in Conservative Home he wants to end all energy subsidies and fast-track exploitation of shale gas.
“This would shatter any ambition for the UK of keeping to targets for renewables or greenhouse gases.
“As MP for North Shropshire, he has also campaigned against plans to expand output from Welsh wind farms because of the impact of pylons on the landscape.”
Note: Harrabin only speaks on behalf of his high-cost greenie political chums on this; nowhere does Harrabin refer to the reaction of those involved in the development of shale gas in Britain, such as the exploration company, Cuadrilla, and the very many people in Britain who support the economic development of shale gas.
Harrabin is merely a political propagandist for the high-cost ‘greenies’ liked himself.
He should be ocean-bound with his ex-Beeboid chum, Black.
In contrast,-
‘The Geological Society’ on SHALE GAS:-
INBBC doesn’t report on many of these stories which are consequent of INBBC approved policy of open-door, mass immigration into UK from e.g. Islamic countries.
“UK: Muslim claims his estranged wife doesn’t deserve a divorce because polygamy allowed under Sharia”
It’s obviously a very attractive religion.
Or Europe is stupid enough to open its doors to these parasites and reward them with free health education housing and benefits, guaranteed immunity from local laws on account of cultural difference, and a subsidised community centre – as long as they vote Socialist.
Plus you can fly to a moslem country, contract a polygamous marriage or two, come back to the UK and get benefits for all your wives and your ever-burgeoning brood. Plus a bigger council house.
Not surprisingly, in the bBBC’s socialist mindset, the ‘health world’ doesn’t mean patients (us) or those paying (us) but the bloated public-sector bureaucracy that is supposed to deliver our health services. We don’t even get a mention in the bBBC article.
As with Harrabin on enviro issues above, the BBC default is to head straight to their fellow travellers to have a wallow in how it all affects them.
Hard to reconcile with ‘speaking for the nation’.
More like ‘broadcasting solely on behalf of special interest groups’.
“This page was made on Tuesday 4th September 2012
George Osborne is booed at Paralympic Games
For the past few weeks the Olympic Stadium has been filled with the cheers and applause of 80,000 people.
But for a few moments last night boos rang out from the arena in East London.
The boos were for government minister George Osborne, who was there to present a gold medal to Tunisia’s T38 400m champion Mohamed Farhat Chida.
He seemed to handle the occasion OK though, laughing when his face was shown on the big screen.
The prime minister, David Cameron, was made to feel more welcome when presenting swimming star Ellie Simmonds with her second swimming gold medal of the Games.
While there was some booing, the cheers from the crowd were reported to have drowned them out.”
Why is that even worth publishing? At least they didn’t really do the propaganda and tell the kids that the boos were because Osborne wants to kick all the disabled people out onto the street and take away all the seeing-eye dogs and prosthetics from them.
If they’re not going to explain why he was booed, though, what’s the point of this?
I have seen this reported (and shown) twice now on BBC News – first on the day it happened, second today to add weight to Miliband’s crack at Osborne during Prime Minister’s Questions. Presumably they were booing him for his ‘Cutz’, though I doubt 10% of the crowd understood the difference between deficit and debt, or even that they are two different things.
So, situation normal – great opportunity for the BBC to put out a bit of Labour party propaganda.
Shukman’s Newsnight report on food banks ( Tues 4th ). I see he choose to interview what looked like the only 2 white english women using the service whereas a soft focus shot of the queue outside looked to be almost exclusively non-English immigrants. Furthermore, the first woman he spoke to looked decidedly chubby and was complaining that her benefits had been cut due to the logistics of her various off-spring moving between her council house and that of her various breeding partners. Colour me unimpressed. The cushier the lifestyle provided by taxpayers to these feckless breeders, the more of them will spawn. The studio discussion that followed was the usual 3 against 1 stitch-up.
I thought the BBC was worried about obesity? One cure would be to cut foreign aid and UK benefits – voila, no more chubby Africans. Newsnight please note.
The charity bird I saw interviewed, when asked what should be done about it, said companies should make sure they pay their employees enough to feed themselves (that’s how economics works in the charities world, presumably). No challenge to suggest perhaps we might slash overseas aid or immigration, or that large immigrant families come here and seem to live a pretty good lifestyle on benefits without queueing for food parcels. No examination of individual cases to see exactly what is happening and why, or even if the claims are true.
The ‘cutz’ narrative has become frighteningly exaggerated and surreal – we are only talking 3% for chrissake.
BBC Radio 5 Live like to mix sport and leftwing issues.
Nicky Campbell and Rachel Burden always seize an opportunity to nuture a regional grievance – afterall that is the reason they are now based in Salford.
Don’t believe this bias exists?
Well what question do you reckon our presenters ask British Lions coach Warren Gatland? Something to do with rugby tactics? Don’t be silly.
“How representative of the four home nations will the British Lions team be?”
Yeah and I bet the New Zealand All Blacks will be agonising about the balance between their north and south islands.
You may think that our Nick and Rach are out of touch with the licence payers but as they chuckle about rugby team bonding they get confirmation that they are indeed on message with their Twitter mates. Nicky reads out his favourite “Team bonding – don’t take any English players”
Interesting fact: ‘Are You Being Served? was first broadcast on 8 September 1972 on the BBC, in the form of a pilot for the series Comedy Playhouse. It only aired when it did because of free airtime created by the Munich massacre during the 1972 Summer Olympics.’
Anyone notice that you here nothing of Scott and Dez-parrot for days then they turn up like elton and David at a tiara sale?
Are they perchance related or significant others or two saddos from the BBC newsroom who are momentarily bored with kicking the tories and Christians/ Jews. Or maybe the crankies have reformed and they are cruising for some swapping partners.
markhMar 31, 11:49 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Want something to do today? The BBC has the answer as a main story on its webshite- ‘ LIVE Watch…
Fedup2Mar 31, 11:46 Start the Week 31st March 2025 DJT 3rd term . JD stands as president – DJT stands as VP – JD elected – resigns – DjT…
MarkyMarkMar 31, 11:38 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Oh my aching sides…. Sep 2024 “France: Resistance takes off as Macron ignores elections” Just like Trump, Macron has…
tomoMar 31, 11:33 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Votez Fifi! – really, it would add an element of absurdity that would galvanise les plebs
Fedup2Mar 31, 11:26 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Le pen found guilty of a lawfare crime and therefore disqualified from standing for office – see – Trump -…
tomoMar 31, 11:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Sat down partaking of a Wetherspoons breakfast and multiple coffees – telly opposite BBC nooze obviously crowing about Le Pen’s…
MarkyMarkMar 31, 11:18 Start the Week 31st March 2025 2016 … Bradford’s language bubbles: ‘it’s perfectly possible never to speak English’ 2025 … Bradford City of UK Culture.
Sometimes Auntie inadvertently gives us a disturbing flash of her underdrawers.
The BBC 5 Live Gamesmakers, including Chef de Mission, Nicky Campbell, get into a humdinger of an off-message tangle this morning.
Now when one of the BBC plaster saints (Paralympians) is caught cheating, has a sweary hissy fit, or otherwise throws a wobbly, then the Beeb tend to run the story as his ‘apology’ for said misbehaviour.
“Oscar Pistorius has apologised for the timing of his comments following his loss in the final of the Paralympic T44 200m.
The South African criticised the International Paralympic Committee, saying gold medallist Alan Oliveira’s artificial legs were too long. ”
On comes BBC favourite Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson to give the approved line on all this.
A couple of snippets from her CV….
“In preparation for her retirement from the track, she expanded her television presenting career on BBC Wales and S4C, as well as BBC One.
Chair of the Tony Blair Sports Foundation.
In July 2011 Grey-Thompson was announced as the President of the Leadership 20:20 Commission, the Commission on the future leadership of Civil Society”
I’m no expert on such things but I think that this organisation is, in fact Common Purpose?
The Commission believes that civil society needs bold leaders to give direction and drive change, and that bold leadership can change the world and civil society for the better. The Commission looked into four areas;
Identifying pathways into civil society leadership
Attracting and retaining the most influential leaders
Connecting and growing emerging leaders and
Addressing the challenges future leaders will face.”
Nicky Campbell asks ‘is the British Paralympics organisation the best funded?’
Tanni can’t tell a lie, but she prevaricates a little along the lines of . ‘Well in terms of day to day funding, yes’.
But being something of an elitist she can’t help but add ‘But the South Africans, for example, give a $15,000 bonus to their gold medalist’.
Nicky (God bless him) sinks her boat with the observation : No wonder Pistorius threw a wobbly.
Never mind we are soon told that the Twitterati are baying for the Beeb to concentrate on the positive “Your focus is all wrong” the anonymous Twitterer says.
Normal Service Will Be Resumed
Great post. One of the speakers at NCVO’s 2011 conference was Daniel Ratchford, a Common Purpose board member who manages behavioural change for Sutton borough council, a subject he is apparently passionate about.
Daniel Ratchford, a Common Purpose board member who manages behavioural change
So he’s what we used to call a brain washer then?
Has Pistorius let the cat out of the bag?
When Pistorius – the South African paralympic ‘blade-runner’ – was winning everything, he tried to convince us that it was all the result of his hard work and upper-body strength, not because of his high-tech springy blades.
But now that he has been beaten, he says it is all because a Brazilian has better blades than him.
So, which is it?
The BBC continue their quest for world domination. And more money of course. No question of their overwhelming media power which of course would have been the case with News International and BSkyB. How does the BBC keep getting away with it.
The vast majority of peo[ple on this site all agree that the BBC needs to undergo massive fundamental change in order to get back to a balnced output. But so ingrained is their bias that change may not be possible and so abolition or removal of the license fee would have to be resorted to.
Whilst it is good to let off steam and realise that others share your views on the BBC it actually doesn’t make an ounce of difference and the BBC carries on with its much loathed mission.
Are there any ideas out there for how we can get more clout, recruit more like minded people, and begin to engage the BBC more vigorously to begin to force a change?
Thanks to this site, I am often handed URLs that can serve as factual support when in discussions elsewhere.
So it was odd to find one I cited (on odd differences in heft and seriousness in reporting between various political spouses) that I had seen here was thrown back at me as fake.
At first I presumed I had cut and pasted in error, because indeed it did no longer work, but then I used google to check…
BBC News – Michelle Obama: ‘I’m not watching Republican … Share 3 days ago – US First Lady Michelle Obama tells US late-night host David Letterman that she has not been watching the Republican National Convention.
Who knows? Maybe the powers that be decided gushing luvvie on luvvie segments really didn’t quite stack up as high profile on-air talents derided the wrong kind of spouse on the line, at least during conventions they didn’t like.
Or maybe they decided to change the URL for some odd reason.
But I do find what the BBC gets up to with edits and archives always… ‘interesting’, especially when it comes to stuff they appear to feel others need not, or no longer get to see or hear.
But even more oddly, a search on the BBC site for a story that was there now only throws up…
Michelle Obama on Letterman
ITN / 30 August 2012
Michelle Obama has appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman talking about the family’s pet dog Bo and campaigning for her husband’s re-election…
Maybe sometimes the ‘tidying up’ can throw up more than simply leaving things dusty?
Your eyes did not deceive you, although the bBBC tries to.–election.html has the video clip (and a transcript) that the bBBC is now censoring.
The paperboy blew his (admittedly very small) chance of a christmas tip this year by delivering me next door’s The Independent last saturday. Leafing through it with the help of tweezers and a dust mask, in amongst the enconiums to One-term Barry and howl-pieces on the environment I saw an article entitled
The Year Festivals Started To Dry Up.
Poor attendance and cancellations being the order of the summer. There was a mild pop at free festivals.
I don’t particularly worry myself about the argument that BBC swamps areas of the media and thus makes it harder for the private sector to compete. True enough but I don’t worry about it.
What does bug me is why the BBC thinks it should be throwing away four or five million quid ? of our money on a free festival – Radio 1’s Big Weekend in Hyde Park. I know it’s a great party for all its staff but I need a bit more than that.
Great for the brand etc but amazing, no, the extent the public sector operates on the principle that if we spend a lot of money NOW, an unquantifiable benefit will accrue to us at some undefinable time in the future.
Any chance ever, just once, that the public sector can get on the other end of that very lucrative trade – RECEIVING a lot of money now on the promise of supplying an uunquantifiable benefit at some undefinable time in the future thought not.
It’s not too often that I laugh out loud, these days, but your first paragraph, Uncle Bup, did it for me. Thanks!
The BBC only voices support for the ‘trickle down’ effect in relation to it’s own activities, otherwise…it’s a product of Reaganomics that condones corporate enrichment at the expense of the public blah blah.
And the good news is that Radio Two’s Big Weekend is on its way. That’ll be another few million down the drain.
I don’t ‘do’ festivals so when do I get my free money? Perhaps the Radio 3 helicopter will fly over my house dropping twenty pound notes.
I suppose when you have to chew your way through £3.5 billion every year on a public sector use it or lose it basis any and every excuse to p*** away money is grasped with both hands.
This is self-explanatory:
Excellent – BBC bias permeates every aspect of its TV and radio output
Due to the lack of jobs and his poverty, a poor Gazan douses himself with petrol and goes up in flames. True to form, the anti-Israeli BBC blames Israel for this act of self-emollition.
Tragic, if misguided.
Such acts seldom result in employment and better financial prospects.
Also from a culture for whom self-topping is a bit of a national pastime, not exactly radar-worthy other than for those who probably got tipped off to have ‘reporters’ on standby by the local stringers.
Guessing talking heads thus far do not include representatives of the BBC’s favourite ex-Olympics venue, especially from within their own country.
Palestine 101 Israel is responsible for everything. Arabs are never responsible for anything they say, do or fail to do.
Meanwhile how many Greeks have committed suicide in the past year or so due to their dire financial plight? Conveniently ignored by the Beeb as it doesn’t quite align with their rose-tinted view of the great Euro experiment.
Baring in mind the history of ‘forced suicide’ bombers from the ME; how does the BBC know that this chap wasn’t coerced into rasting himself?
Did they even ask?
A friend of mine has asked the BBB to refund his previous 6yrs license fee payments due to BBB stating on their letters that they send out that it is against the the LAW not to have a television license,there is no such LAW all there is is a regulation STATUTE by parliament, that makes the BBB guilty of deception/intimidation/fraud.
The BBB reply to date is that they are satisfied with the regulation (keep you posted)
Someone mentioned George Gently on the last open thread. Here’s what the RT reviewer had to say about yesterday’s episode (which I didn’t watch, I have better things to do).
“Poor George Gently. He isn’t allowed simply to investigate murders, he has to become involved in Issues, too. Last week he confronted racism; this week he is pitched into the morass of 1960s class politics after a young woman is found dead in a submerged car.
“She’s a winsome violinist, the daughter of a worker at a sumptuous country estate, and the car belongs to the resident cartoon toffs. “How much of England is one bloke allowed to own?” wonders chippy sidekick Bacchus (Lee Ingleby) as he and Gently (Martin Shaw) arrive at a glorious house. The stuck-up chatelaine (Geraldine Somerville) rails at the rioting Paris students (it’s 1968), while her husband (Roger Lloyd-Pack) is an amiable old duffer.
“Writer Peter Flannery gets up to mischief with wry references to the Bullingdon Club (and we all know who belonged to that, don’t we?) as the doughty Gently chips away at everyone’s flinty façades.”–series-5—2-gently-with-class
Wait…. a member of a rich and powerful family drowns a young girl in the late sixties and uses family influence to try and evade justice?
Hey, why does that sound familiar?
This sounds like one for top ten in ‘You Know You’re Biased When… the only time your shows reference actual crimes committed by liberals is when they’re rewritten so on-screen they’re committed by conservative stereotypes’.
I used to have a bumper-sticker that read
I watched some of it.
It was grotesque, caricatured class warfare that would have looked extreme even in the Victorian era.
There was no sin the aristocrats did not commit.
I don’t know how the actors could even say some of the lines without tittering.
I moved on.
The actors are all beeboids, it pays the bill you know. As Gently and Judge Deed he has always espoused the socialist line but is now becoming so extreme that it is unwatchable.
I deliberately haven’t watched it this series as just reading the reviews was enough to see the Leftishness involved.
I can’t think of a single actor in those ‘feature’ interviews favoured by newspapers who doesn’t spout left-wing bollocks. They’re even more out of touch with the real world than public sector workers.
Poor Martin Shaw I get the feeling that his entire career since the mid 1980s has been an effort to try and make the lefty powers that be in TV forgive him for making “The Professionals”. Which was in the fact the only decent show he has been in 🙂
That gives me an idea: Guess the Gently plot line – summerise in one sentence the next episode’s plotline.
I’ll go first and say that he’s investgating the murder of a closeted gay dude by a fundementalist Catholic policeman who beats him to death while singing ‘Rule Britannia’.
young attractive Left wing lecturer in social politics / human rights and wimmins studies killed by Enoch Powell
In a right-wing alcohol fuelled revenge attack all covered up by the troy government !
Bentley helps her black lesbian Muslim disabled lover to uncover the truth and bring about the fall of the government and the r
OH sometimes I hate this comments box
thing !
Carry on son, you were doing fine!
It will be an Arab, peace activist, who was found dead in suspicious circumstances which point to a fellow Arab. However, it will eventually turn out he was killed by a crazy war-mongering Jew who was trying to stop any chance of peace between Israel and their downtrodden neighbours.
And no I haven’t seen the script just stopped watching it a year or two ago because of its blatant left-wing biases.
…think they did that one in Spooks.
Known as “MI-5” in the States, according to tonights “Only Connect” with the winsome, if tiresomely lefty, Vicky C..
Of course, “spook” has unfortunate connotations in the US, hence the name change. Maybe someone should complain to Auntie………
(From the same round: apparently “Ice-Cold In Alex” was shown in America as “Desert Attack.” Quite the let down for those misled into expecting lots of explosions and “Achtung! Gott in Himmel ! Enghlischer schweinhund ” to instead be confronted by Sylvia Syms and John Mills negotiating the Qattara Depression, I’d have thought).
Ooh Sylvia Simms …. that takes me back. No wonder I’m short sighted now 🙂
And pushing a lorry up a sand dune. The yanks cut 48 minutes from the running time so ‘Desert Attack’ might make more sense in the truncated version. Someone (I can’t remember the name) wrote an interesting analysis of the film with regards to the British position in the world – something about the German’s determination and strength (in the post WW2 world) as opposed to the possibly mad, drunken English officer (representing a Britain unsure of itself). Even if you don’t believe it, the hierachy in the film is clear, Germans/colonials top, working class NCO middle, English officer bottom.
I think Spooks did variations on it more than once.
These programmes often repeat story lines. Plots with as little imagination as Gently will pinch from elsewhere with no sense of shame.
Well, that’s what winsome Palestinian violinists get when their estate worker dads are employed by the Rothschilds.
At the end, there was a lovely humourous sting in the tail, aimed swipe at Blair’s brand of socialism. The born working class son of the local shopkeeper, educated privately by the Earl and ambitiously aiming for a career in politics, was seen practising in the mirror with the line – “Hello I’m Anthony, no “Hello, I’m an ordinary kind of guy, call me Tony. ” The BBC – getting it about right and manipulating millions of minds every day.
Next week’s episode of the leftist message put across not-so-Gently sounds like a corker…
“Inspector George Gently and his sergeant, John Bacchus, are given an insight into the complexities of the emotionally-wrought world when the adopted child of a middle-class couple is kidnapped. Suspicion initially falls upon the natural mother – did she ‘steal’ her own baby back? But investigations into the Mother and Baby home itself reveals a much darker side to this hothouse of morality; and raises questions as to how far this seemingly perfect couple is prepared to go to get a child. “
Haha, nice one, that’s the best so far….oh hang on, this is an actual plot synopsis. The output of the beeb gets harder and harder to satirise.
‘The natural mother’. That would be the one who gave the kid up for adoption. The working class ‘victim of society’ perhaps.
Only guessing, mind – maybe my mind’s been twisted by watching too much BBC news.
I’ve got a plotline / case for George to solve…
It concerns a corrupt Government and Prime Minister who wants to seduce the populace into supporting an unjust war and an illegal invasion. Supported by the head of the Security Services, his shady Director of Communications and his friends in the mass media (who’s proprietor invites him to be the god father of his son), he frightens people into believing that they are 45 minutes from doom.
Enter our hero, an investigative broadcaster, a misfit in the country’s dominent broadcaster, who discovers that there is no such threat, there are no such weapons. But his source is discovered, an eminent scientist, who is slandered by the Government machine and is then found dead in mysterious circumstances, in a field in the South Midlands. Our hero is sacked, tracks are covered and the trail goes cold.
Nah! Too far fetched, the BBC would never do it!!!
Yes and if David Kelly did it himself my !ӣ$ is a bloater!
Even if he committed suicide New Labour and the BBC have blood on their hands.
Fresh from my morning surf, as all head back to school, I could not help but note a few from our unique national school timetable media monopoly doubtless still struggling back from the stresses of the summer recess… – Last post Aug 1
Last post July 27
Not like anything happened on their beats while away. Well, any more than when they are here, only now we get their ‘take’ on it again. Like it, or need it, or not.
One is sure we will only benefit from them returning recharged and re-invigorated.
Credit Nick R who only managed 17 days, but then he does seem to make up for these with every break the rest of the year.
Some contracts are more equitable than others?
Of course Stephanie “the UK economy will recover in 2012” Flanders is not one to miss out on a free holiday as her blog has been empty since August 15th!
It might seem that she is slacking on the holiday front but she has had loads of them over the year and is the BBC’s holiday specialist.
Paul Mason’s still off. Last post 27 July – A brief musing seemingly sparked by landing at Heathrow, maybe it wa actually a take-off!
Let’s hope that he has gone somewhere so enticing that he won’t want to come back. Cuba? N Korea?
Perhaps on a ‘Syrian Sabbatical’? We live in hope.
Passenger: P. Mason
Flight: Guevara Airways/BBC2
Destination: 1968
Or maybe Peston was nursing wife.
Anyone pick up on the wholly one sided approach to reporting on the new anti squatting legislation? In particular the “Any Answers” participants all seem to have been hand picked to be almost wholly sympathetic to saintly squatters who are portrayed as never breaking in (a crime) but only gaining access through unsecured doors or windows, only occupying premises left long term vacant by evil big business or government departments and always leaving when politely requested.
Not my experience having seen the damage done to ordinary peoples homes by these people (a significant number of whom seem to be benefit tourists from other EU countries) and the major cost and hassle of getting them out !
‘hand picked to be almost wholly sympathetic’
They all do it, but the BBC is the most egregious culprit, not least by the way they fail to flag those they have hand picked to spout what the BBC wants from one degree of spurious separation.
Think tanks, research, activist groups, charity directors, witnesses, passing by vox pops to ‘we want this person’s views’ selectees, all are simply manifestations of the production teams prejudices.
Countries that have two things, the Rule of Law and Property Rights tend to prosper as we did when we had them. Both are almost non existant in the third world and are rapidly declining in our Country.
‘Third world’ and ‘our country’. Hmmm…
Who says the BBC is slow to react to breaking news?
BBC News 24 and Beeb on line are all over the story of the Green Party’s new leader – within minutes of her election this morning!
“Ms Lucas stood down to focus on her duties as an MP and “give other people the opportunity to get well known”.”
You betchyer she did. Get used to new Green leader Natalie Bennett’s self-righteous antipodean tones – she is going to be on air all over the Beeb.
Well, well an Australian Guardianista, who’d a thunk it?
Not Gillard in disguise, is it? Rumour has it she is looking for another, er,’position’…
Uncle Bup,
I’d be a bit more careful dealing with such newspapers if I were you. I myself have one of those boxes with the built-in gloves for that type of emergency…
if it had been the Guardian my end-of-civilisation NBC suit would have been out.
“Uncle Bup receives bravery award after enduring entire Toynbee article”
Did anybody catch the BBC piece on the 2002 Gujarat riots on radio 4 today Friday 31 aug? In an interview with the Guardian’s Luke Harding, after Humphreys had implied that the riots were Muslim –Hindu tit for tat, Harding hummed and arrghed (typical leftist prevarication), and did not actually blame the Muslims, and implied that it is still unclear if they were directly responsible for originally attacking the train that sparked off the riots; he spoke of the possibility of it being an accidental fire.
No apologies then for what he had previously written in 2003:
“Riots had just broken out in the western state of Gujarat, after a group of Muslims attacked a train full of Hindu pilgrims, killing 59 of them.” #India ,
but now an observation adapted to a receptive BBC Toady audience, that refuses to blame Muslims for anything anymore anywhere. Typical BBC/Guardian turncoat revisionist journalism, as well as him ranting on in a sort of myopic anti-Putin mode (I think he’s based in Moscow now) about the very real dangers of Indian Hindu nationalism and the BJP.
I see that the BBC text news service has headlined the wearing of a headscarf by an Egyptian television presenter as a “Breakthrough”.
You couldn’t make it up!
And here’s the web version. “Egypt’s veiled presenter in breakthrough TV appearance“. I’d have used the word “regressive” myself, but what do I know?
On Today this morning they were comparing the Palestinian who set fire to himself with the gentleman in Tunisia who did much the same thing, setting in motion the Arab Spring. Well, we can see how well that’s turning out. Presumably they’d like much the same outcome for Israel? Can they truly not comprehend what’s going on right in front of their eyes?
It is an odd word for what is, in essence, kicking their culture backwards in time.
The BBC’s use of English gets more bizarre each day.
I tried to post this at the time but it seemed to go into spinning pizza of death mode, so will cut ‘n paste again..
At risk of incurring a Frankie Boylesque blowback from the more faint of humour fraternity, might I suggest this is not all a bad thing?
Of course the BBC is 90% (cherry archive checkers, start your engines!) fully stocked by coincidence with not uncomely peroxide sinks like any other broadcaster competing for attention (seems babeism does not trouble the sisters as much as other employment pre-selection criteria), but the 10% apparently shoe-horned in for their ‘talents’ could mostly be improved by the addition of a head covering. I was thinking of the full face jobbie, mind.
And think of the fee savings if they have a bad hair day and simply stick the work experience in front of the camera whilst, literally, ‘phoning it in’.
BBC Doublethink: “breakthrough” = backwards in time. No wonder they were so uncomfortable with the idea of that Orwell statue.
Breakthrough?? Unf**king believable! I wonder how long before BBC news follow this great leap forward for women’s oppression?
“breakthrough tv” … no greater love eh!
“Some of them sued against the unofficial ban on wearing headscarves on camera and won, but the former government ignored the court rulings, as it pursued a policy of wide opposition to the introduction of Islamic values, says the BBC’s Jon Leyne in Cairo.” … goodness 😀 the “tone” dear!
ie. al bbc – thank god for the hijab, thank god for the arab spring eh!, and obviously “putting us straight” on womens rights too
And from all their feminists: zzzzzzz..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..
Feminazi Naomi Wolf on Newsnight last talking about rape. She mentioned Sweden but she didn’t mention those responsible. Like a good feminist she tars everyone with the same brush but as the statistics show there’s only one ‘community’ doing the raping.
You know, you really have to be careful when using words like “only” or “never”. It just takes one link from the usual suspects to a blond Swedish rapist to set off a bun fight that hijacks the thread and obscures the pertinent point.
Best to use “usually” or “rarely”. That renders the making of cheap points much more difficult.
Let them find a white man here:
Well, to be fair, they are sort, kinda, in a weaselly way, trying to connect a few dots between countries and demographics, as the article (featured elsewhere) on sexual harassment in Egypt tried, but mostly failed to do.
I remain unconvinced that those ‘in charge’, politically or media, are really up to the task of acknowledging, much less coping with a few home truths, preferring some fudging efforts that may well only make what’s bad… worse.
Maybe a plot line for Citizen Khan more akin to any given week on Eastenders may add a grittier edge to bring it into the noughties, as some M*A*S*H episodes did for comedy in that decade?
‘The one where Uncle got shopped for only doing what’s his right but luckily the police, authorities & most media felt that it would make for a hostile environment to make a big fuss’.
Will she manage to report from Tahir Square without being raped by the colourful locals? That would be a breakthrough.
…if she did, it probably wouldn’t be ‘rape’ rape.
Yes, probably just “bad sexual etiquette” © G. Galloway
Strange how this started happening…. must be the Tories fault.
Surprised it made it through the BBC censors…
Maybe they are all teleprompter dollies on route to the TV studio and the local lads are merely trying to point out where they get it about right?
More seriously… where did they get that picture from? Is it posed? Or part of a non-‘watertight oversight’ court case?
‘In video footage of the incident, posted on the internet, she is hauled over men’s shoulders and dragged along the ground
That doesn’t make sense.
‘It is hard to tell who is attacking her and who is trying to help.’
Guessing the camera person, like the BBC in this case, is more of a ‘look, but don’t interfere’ persuasion.
I am also struck by…
‘even women who wear the full-face veil – the niqab – are being targeted.’
‘”If the girls were dressed respectably, no-one would touch them,”
‘A woman who wore a tight niqab was up for it, he added.’
For a BBC not afraid of analysis, this ‘report’ is all over the place in simply trying to lay out facts and avoid a hint of challenge.. badly.
The law of unintended consequences springs to mind here.
This can’t be true. I’m sure this is just what BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen describes as “conservative, moderate, and non-violent”.
Hands up those who wish for more of these barbarian savages in our country?
Can anyone explain why reports like this are never replicated on the radio or TV to balance the overwhelming pro-Islamic bias? Is there only ever a semblance of balance attempted by the BBC on its website?
BBC’s Finlo Rohrer has devoted nearly 750 words to Ryan mis-remembering his best marathon time. I detect a level of desperation approaching near panic in the BBC newsroom.
Link seems bad.
I thought it may be one of our ‘it’s not news unless it’s our kind of news‘ censorship squad tweaking their heroes’ latest outing into partisan excess out of existence, like the ‘now you can see it, now it doesn’t exist’ Michelle [hearts] Letterman love-in?
But just an extra bit of URL..
‘But is it possible to forget the time you clocked in such a gruelling event?’
Er… yeah.
As a piece of anal fisking the rest is as lame as it gets in the cause of ‘news’.
I just caught Martin Shaw in The Professionals saying “i’m a male capitalist pig”. Maybe the lefties thought that’s what Shaw’s been thinking all these years…
His body of work since suggests they would have been 100% correct in that assumption. I’m just surprised he wasn’t part of the late, lamented masterwork “Bonekickers.”
BBC-NUJ still in cahoots with London Met Univ.
BBC-NUJ continues it s political campaign to increase Mass Immigration into UK, via foreign ‘student’ influx.
Note: here BBC-NUJ claims “MPs” support BBC-NUJ campaign; but BBC-NUJ deviously only mentions TWO MPs as its plural, including usual suspect Corbyn:-
“MPs challenge London Metropolitan University overseas ban”
By Sean Coughlan
BBC News education correspondent.
‘Daily Mail’:
“Damian Green is dragging the dysfunctional student visa system into the daylight. About time too.”
Read more:
“London Met: A history of controversy.
London Metropolitan University has previously hit the headlines for reasons ranging from a proposed alcohol ban to the over-recruitment of students.”
“Deporting a brave Briton while we shelter terrorists is sheer insanity”
Read more:
Another anti bandwagon the BBc has jumped on and has been broadcasting the whole day and that is, of course,free schools, despite Michael Gove pointing out that the 24 free schools introduced last year are working very well and he will be introducing 55 more this year the BBC has spent all day digging up as many negatives as they can,quite difficult as they only managed two one not opened yet, normal problems like waiting for funding, nothing major but according to the BBC coverage there are major problems and will,of course, not be helping the ‘disadvantaged’ because the schools in the wrong areas as Labour told them, (despite denials by the Government) and bringing on someone who in a long interview was somehow very disadvantaged by free schools.
No mention, of course of the abysmal educational standards under Labour.
I feel a complaint coming on. There is never any balance just one sided dogma.
About half of Labour party members are teachers. These non-comprehensive schools seem to little or no teachers who are members of Labour. They nearly always do better than comprehensive schools.
About time someone did to the teachers what Thatcher did to the miners. Education should be a vocation not for a load of socialists to have cushy well paid number.
A confrontation with the teaching unions is well overdue. The miners were producing coal that was vastly overexpensive and increasingly not needed. The state school teachers are failing to produce well educated children at a reasonable cost to society.
The liberal left stranglehold over the teaching colleges and our universities is going to cost us first world status in a generation . We will simply be unable to compete with the well educated children of East Asia.
Agree 100%.
After 11 years of State funded education, getting on for a million kids a year leave without being competent in the 3 R’s.
Now there’s a subject for a documentary or two.
Whatever could be the problem?
Yes, but are they Labour members by choice or merely by dint of being in the union in question?
In some work places not being in the union (even if it is not a closed shop) can result in a very uncomfortable working environment; so many teachers simpy join without thought as to political association.
As a result the school ends up being run into the ground by ideologues and others who are too scared for their jobs and peace of mind to object.
Sad, really as teaching was once a noble profession.
There are only two real Conservatives in the Cabinet , Eric Pickles (PBUH) and Michael Gove but for now Mr Gove is the one taking the lefts fire as they know what he is doing is really dangerous to their long term survival.
I just hope Mr Gove isn’t reshuffled today !
Currently being forced to watch the BBC’s ‘New Tricks’, which features a ‘racist public school’ with the usual cast of caricatures and criticisms of privilege. Drivel.
You left out the ‘best’ bits:
We have a private school that only takes on white pupils and that ‘all’ private schools are failing owing to people not being able to afford fees.
We have a ‘government’ minister whose daughter goes to the private school – he dodgily issues a multi-million pound contract to an Asian businessman that donated money to the school.
The Govt. minister is also complicit in a road death and is unfaithful to his wife.
Much is made of the inequality of private education and it is insinuated that the way private schools survive is courtesy of their charitable status.
At the end, we have a trailer for Some Muslim sit-com and then are told that a programme called “The revolution will be televised” will be on later.
Then we have the news …..
F**k the BBC, I’m sick of them.
Whatever you do, don’t actually watch “The Revolution Will Be Televised”. It’s enough to give Zeno a stroke.
INBBC jumps to, and assists Muslim Brotherhood Egypt in London.
“UK ‘fails to freeze’ Mubarak-era assets”
By Tim Whewell
BBC Newsnight:
In contrast, INBBC doesn’t jump to and assist Christians and Jews persecuted by Muslims in Egypt.
Instead, INBBC censors that.
Earlier today Beyond belief had a selection of interviewees from various religions discussing egalitarianism. Amusingly neither the Mussslim nor the Hindu were keen on the idea of Government support for the poor and very much favoured individual families doing it for themselves. When Ernie Ray failed in his gentle encouragement of them to show a more left wing approach, the converstaion was simply moved on, without challenge..
This morning a similar situation arose when sleeps with her dog grubby Jenni Murray was interviewing Mexican investigative journalist and activist Lydia Cacho on sex trafficking. Cacho mentioned European men (no mention of the natives) who exploit these girls on sex holidays, which of course Grubby lapped up, but she was immediately undermined by Cachos explanation for this being that feminism in Western countires was encouraging men to go after more traditional less assertive girls. Hmmm, Grubster didn’t like that very much, but of course because ‘race’ always trumps ‘sexism’ with Beeboids, no direct challenge was issued, instead Grubster craftily distorted what Cacho had said putting words in her mouth and suggesting Western men hadn’t ‘adapted’ to their new role.
Leftie Beeboids just will not face up to the fact that the values of Third Worlders, Muslims etc are conservative, right wing, sexist, intolerant, narrow minded, snobbish, bigotted , authoritarian, the complete antithesis of everything the BBC likes to think it stands for.
And has anyone else noticed how the BBC tends to refer to Big Mo as ‘The Prophet’?
This seems to suggest that he is the ONLY prophet, or at the very leats the highest standing, although there have been a great many alleged prophets over the centuries, and Mo is not even recognised by the majority of other religions.
They have now added to this elevating of Islam by calling the Koran ‘the Holy Koran’. I never hear them prefix the word ‘Bible’ with ‘Holy’ – discrimination or what?
The ‘holy month of Ramadan’ was popular amongst beeboids a few weeks back.
Actually “Beyond Belief” would be a good name for the BBC should it ever need to rebrand itself.
About all this Paralympics lark..
Must say I haven’t seen more than 10 minutes of it, what with the Beeb gushing over the whole ghastly affair. Never saw much of the ordinary Olympics either but never mind. I know I’m being a mean old git but really, what is the attraction?
It seems like some kind of long-drawn out cruel April Fools joke on people who have limbs missing. How the hell did this ever get so popular? Or is it just state enforced empathy being drilled into us for our ‘brave differently-abled’ minorities. Is there an Olympics for people who are mentally ill I wonder…eg having a line-up of depressives in a 100 metre dash to get their prescriptions.
I could handle a day or two of it being mentioned in the news and maybe some odd highlights, but blanket TV coverage of something so blatantly uninteresting – and not really sport (assuming you have all four proper sized limbs) is beyond me. Yes I’m a heartless bastard but what I’ve seen of it just puts me in mind of the Monty Python ‘Upper Class Twit of the year’ sketch
Who ever said it was actually popular? This is a manufactured “popularity”. More power to these people if they can do this kind of stuff rather than sit on their asses feeling sorry for themselves, but it’s not right to shame people who don’t get excited about the actual sports events. That’s what this kind of blanket attention does. “It’s very popular because we’re giving it lots of coverage. If you don’t watch or support it there’s something wrong with you.”
Who ever said it was actually popular?
The 2.3 million pre-sales of Paralympic tickets (it was the first Paralympics to sell out) and the record viewing figures for C4 would suggest that it is.
How many of those were corporate sales? How much of the “record sales” was due to a record number of participants’ families and friends and government reps in attendance (which is not the same thing as popularity)? How much of that C4 viewership is due to the manufactured hype and guilt inspired by the blanket coverage? Do you know?
Why do you find it hard to accept that these games have been incredibly popular? Read a paper, look on line. They have been huge.
Read a paper? Look online? That’s were the hype is manufactured. If you want to swallow it all whole that’s your own affair.
Yes, Nicked Emus, how DARE you point to anything that might convey any factual information. You big bully! David Preiser’s opinion, no matter how fictional, is not to be questioned!
Well how about going to the stadia, going to the venues which are sold out and have been for a while.
But in addition Locog has a daily ticket allowance that it releases in the morning. That sells out. Extra trains have been laid on.
What more evidence do you need: record sales, record viewer figures, consistent and universal commentary across all branches of the media.
What would it take to convince you? You are not here. That your broadcasters are not showing the events live (from what I understand — that may be wrong) means you have no idea what it is like. I work in London and see this every day. It is great.
If you want to ignore all of the evidence and carry on in your own belief despite the evidence that is your own affair.
When will I be catered for, with an Olympics for people like me? I’m not, technically, disabled but I like chips too much to be able to compete in “able bodied” athletics events. It’s downright discrimination! Medals for all! I envisage something like Indoor League (reference possibly not known to those of you in the Home Counties, but presented by Fred Truman and featuring Shove Ha’penny) but on a larger scale and with an opening ceremony directed by Michael Winner.
Al se the.
Some good points here with which I agree and, I’m willing to bet, so do a large proportion of the British public (quietly).
“state enforced empathy being drilled into us”
sums it up and explains why the Paralympics are such a good fit with BBC/Channel 4 attitudes.
“I could handle a day or two of it”
The problem is that once you begin down the road of PC equality thinking then the Paralympics can’t last for a single weekend – it has to match the expensive overblown behemoth which was the real thing.
‘Gay Pride Olympics’ anyone?
The 100 metre mince?
They could play “Last one in the water is a cissy”. Trouble is the swimming and diving would never get started.
I meant to add that nothing would start as they would all be waiting for the others to dive in first.
Seeing as how the BBC’s latest journalistic triumph, the weekly Twitter roundup, includes their favorite tweets going up to only Aug. 31, the massive trend about Monday being National Empty Chair Day didn’t make the cut. But I fully expect it to make the next edition, right?
Where’s INBBC’s standard NUJ policy of anti-EDL, pro-Islam propaganda?:-
“21st-century fascism: EDL demo canceled after police fail to control violent Islamic supremacist and Leftist mob”
(inc videos).
“EDL in Walthamstow.”
“England’s New Totalitarian Police Force”
by Paul Weston.
By any measure, this is an account from a unique (not the BBC version) perspective, and no doubt a partial one.
However it seems calm and factual.
I would be interested in how this event was ‘reported’ by our glorious MSM, given..
‘… asked the senior police officer present why this was violence was allowed; why nobody had been arrested and why all the cameras present were trained on us under a barrage of bottles and bricks rather than on the people actually throwing them.
The officer replied it was “unsafe” to arrest anybody in such a hostile environment!
There are some legitimate questions there, and so far the answers are not just wanting but risible in terms of official policy and clear double standards.
Can’t say the EDL sounds my cup of tea, but if peaceful in intent and deportment they have a right to speak and be heard.
The way this was handled by a PC/politicised legal/media-cowed establishment does not do much to counter the basic premise of the headline and first para claim.
At least now I have new addition to add to my list of official numptyspeek, whereby I can resist arrest on any grounds, and especially if it’s being attempted in connection with violence, on the basis that it would be ‘too hostile an environment’ to do so.
Thus leaving the police free to devote resources to snagging the real dangers to society…
From right wing rag The Mirror:
Wonder if the white bloke in glasses is the local Labour MP, or headmaster at the local comp maybe…
The standard line of defence of the BBC monitoring staff, who post here, is often that the Daily Telegraph covered any given story in question in much the same way as the BBC….therefore BBC = not left wing. Well, having read the Telegraph’s ongoing coverage of the USA presidential election (amongst other “liberal” news items), I have to ask: does anyone here still think that the Telegraph is a right wing paper? Because I certainly don’t.
Do Private Eye still call it the “Torygraph”?
Private Eye appears unable to move with the times. Perhaps they ought to have a column dedicated to BBC bias items? or is Ian too closely tied in with the INBBC?
I gave up on The Telegraph last week. I used to buy it every couple of days and always at weekends, I have reverted to The Times. The Telegraph was dumbed down, trying not to be the Torygraph and too pro-Putin’s Russia for me.
‘that the Daily Telegraph covered any given story in question in much the same way as the BBC….therefore BBC = not left wing’
Thus showing a mindset that cannot get around assessing the argument vs. who is making it.
Obviously various media can loosely be couched in tribal terms overall, but blanket ‘readers’ ripostes are simply another sure sign that they know they’ve lost the debate.
The Telegraph is a weird one, as it has a bunch of staffers who by no stretch could be deemed ‘of the right’ on any basis, and especially in their beats. Chivers, Riddell, Hodges…
However most are so pantomine daft my presumption is that they are there not so much to add balance as drum up online ratings as they do attract a fair amount of counter-view on their blogs.
I also reserve a special place for Lean & Gray.
That the Telegraph thinks these two are adequate to cover a beat as important as environment places the paper’s management in my eyes on par with the BBC market rates who figured Black, Shuckman & Harrabin were just what’s needed to educate and inform the world on this topic.
Chivers is priceless on occasion.
The highest rated comment puts him back in his cage, but it is interesting to note the continuity of the attack line with the BBC.
All of which means the @Torygraph’ actually has a wider diversity of views than our impartial state broadcaster.
panto dame nikki and the socialist workers club phone in…
5live – your call, religion and work, should religion have any sway in the workplace ….
ALRIGHT! lets get it on …
get those no pork handling , no alcohol handling, insisting on hijab/burkha wearing, guidedog taxi refusing, gender seperating, , excessive prayer time insisting, public bath closing, ramadan council chambering, time off for hajj travel insisting, etc, etc, etc …
pushing groups and their enablers from one ideology
in particular – to face serious questions … RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!
( sound of crickets …….. )
nah! …. lets dish it out in spades on Christians who want to wear a cross … yep! great idea
it is al bbc after all …..
wait a minute! … doesn t the head of religious programmes have anything to say …
(sound of crickets!)
listen in … i kid you not
campo mentioning islam in glowing positive light
showering it with praise on at least 4 occasions.
yep! (shakes head), you couldn t make it up.
Be fair, Gameshow and all the other Beeboids are not paid to be heroically honest on the licence payers behalf. I don’t realistically envisage a trendy vicar radicalising a crack squad for tambourine-ing Nicky to death in a Salford back street to the strains of Kumbaya. However it is a very different ball gameshow for the adherents of the Religion of Peace who may already have filmed the last page to their video diary. And they know where the BBC live.
there not “supposed” to be paid to be dishonest either ….
or are they?
Maybe worth getting online to ask how he and his BFF’s feel about Joe Six Pack President’s new found hobby, being used to such great effect to stand apart form his competitors…
Have to love that headline.
I wonder if the Oval-shaped activities of any previous Presidents with interns may have had an effect on the US’ standing on the world stage.
Kent Goldings and Fuggles. A rare decision He’s made that I approve of. Probably lame malt, from the looks of it, though.
Not listening to the news what with all those Tory women about to leave the Cabinet…and here`s Jenni Murray to add value/ context.
Did however catch bits of
1. Christians whinging about being no loner allowed to wear a cross/refuse to bless gays and the like.
Now Michael Nazir-Ali was just the man to tell us why the damn State has no business in doing such things…but unfortunately the incontinent, intemperate and still-ignorant Justin Webb wouldn`t allow the former Bishop time or space to explain WHY it was so newsworthy-hence the BBC line to Justins headset, I`d have thought.
2. Andrew Adonis wanting private schools to successfully teach in Peckham in 50 languages, thirty kat clans and tribes…and be the Savlon for the last disastrous era of comprehensives as trainsets for Blunkett or Bottomley etc.
Seems Eton will only be any good if it doctors exam results and lets the NUT in to destroy its ethos from within….and where Humphrys will be sending his kid once he`s too old for Hampsteads Montessori is not a question any of us will be asking…is it now?
But the reason I got on the computer was to point you n the direction of Paddy O `Connell as he sobbed manfully into Al Aynsley Greens hankie…in a gorgeous Tudor living room of course, and not a SureStart cupboard.(One to One…9.30 4/9/12)
If you want to see how the BBC and the liberal elite become twin tracks to Birkenau, albeit inadvertedly(these are NOW people…and unconcerned with the consequences of their words and deeds(that`s for PETA and Climate Change warriors remember?) -I`d suggest you have alisten.
Certainly explains how the likes of Blunkett and Prescott can live out their seedy little fantasies, but under the guise of “progress”, “doing good for my little lad””professional careers and detachment”….which makes these empathising creeps with degrees (or an agenda to live out) VERY dangerous to the rest of us who simply “learn to live with what we can`t rise above” quote Dr Springsteen.
Would also think the previous stuff re Dawkins is revealing-he moans that his “science” isn`t taken seriously…but then won`t shut up about the more recent ticket to ride that is his nasty strain of atheism.
Dawkins thinks he`s Bohr or Mendel…but his science shows he is to be filed under Morris, Conran, von Danicken and Hancock…Icke Science.
Which is why he baled out onto the bouncy castle of BBC atheism…Muslims not allowed to see or hear of that too often, unless it`s Citizen Khan.
I have been watching the coverage of the cabinet reshuffle and so far it has been described as a media exercise only and that it won’t make any difference to the country and also an ethnic minority person was wheeled out saying the Baroness Warsi being moved was confirmation that the Tory party was hideously white and also anti female. So the BBC have to put the boot in somewhere and have been doing all morning with the biased Norman Smith making it up as he goes along again. Disgracefully biased coverage with the BBC spouting ‘critics say’ as Labour’s voice.
This is disgracful if the BBC is finding people to accuse the Government of being racist.
‘an ethnic minority person was wheeled out saying the Baroness Warsi being moved was confirmation that the Tory party was hideously white and also anti female’
The BBC’s wheeling out of single folk who suit their narrow narrative in ‘speaking for the nation’ is now so overt it’s a joke.
No matter what is done, an aggrieved toe-rag can be sourced via twitter to air their views.
Newsnight’s feed is mostly devoted to finding folk to come on and whinge.
That they seriously are gunning for the ‘not enuf wimmin or effnix’ on the basis that the good Baroness has proven a market rate talent, then their own internal HR is explained in not excused.
Speaking of Newsnight… he’s baaaaaack….
Hopefully well rested after a nice long break, and well on form.
‘”and that’s people with children, and sometimes with health problems”.
Questions being asked of course, but not pertinent ones, not by our hero…
Luckily comments from less market rate, more objective talents are not yet closed:
’15. Londonmag
Will get slated here, but if the author, whom I respect greatly did not want comment on it, then it would not be in his article.
Teenage daughter, two toddlers and four week old baby……
And that’s an evident fan.
Mr. Mason is a cliche of a parody.
And hypocrite.
Ok, so thats an interesting article worthy of the campaigns editor on a left-of-centre media outlet
(by the way, so glad to see that the Beeb commentariat are back on the job. I was beginning to ponder on the subject of ‘Why they’re bunking off Everywhere’)
Now where do I find a balanced article befitting the licence payer funded economics editor of BBC Newsnight?
” But why, at a time when unemployment is falling, and house repossessions have never reached catastrophic levels, do we see agencies dealing with hunger?”
It may have something to do with food being low down the list of priorities, behind the latest i-phone,pad, whatever gadget, full sky package fags etc.
Sounds harsh I know but so often true.
Trawl thro the comments and see what others think.
Either no Editors’ Picks or a closing is my guess, the way things are going.
People also not too clear on the ‘need’ for a Tv licence as a daily essential.
Maybe the Anger and Protests Editor will feel disappointed in this less than enthusiastic welcome to his unique way of observing UK economics and soon seek sunnier, more Molotovian-fuelled climes for his next posting?
Like usual.
He makes Wolfie Smith seem like a BBC teleprompter dolly.
Yep, I saw that.
You almost have to admire the brass neck of running a sob sister piece about the poor – and their ‘long-term’ disabled partners – while reminding everyone that the poor are being taxed to keep the market-rate talents in champers and coke.
“It may have something to do with food being low down the list of priorities, behind the latest i-phone,pad, whatever gadget, full sky package fags etc.
Sounds harsh I know but so often true.”
How do you know it’s “so often true” Dysgwr? How are you in a position to know?
If Mason was doing his job properly he’d do a ‘compare and contrast’ with an immigrant Somali family of 10 living a very nice lifestyle off the state, thank you very much, in their Kensington mansion.
But, as we all know, an investigative journalist he is not.
As Cranmer pointed out the other day, Baroness Token simply failed at her job. Why can’t the BBC just admit it?
I made the mistake of listening to a Radio 4 show on the Steampunk movement on Monday afternoon. If you aren’t aware of this its a slightly amusing movement in which the adherents dress as though the Victorians who developed and gone into space. Its not my cup of tea but its very British and I wondered what Radio 4 would make of it.
As soon as I heard the presenter was Phil Jupitas I knew what was coming. Of the 30 minutes running time half was a brief explanation of Steampunk with the final half being a political commentary on how nasty and right wing the Victorians were but how the Steampunks are “progressive” and right on.
Its all just so predictable I don’t know why I bother.
Just shows how clueless Jupitus is.
Steampunk is old news, derived from a William Gibson book from the ’90’s. I’ve never detected a political bias in it – it’s just the odd idea that Victorians had modern technology but derived from clockwork and steam rather than electronics and oil.
Trust the BBC to polute it. It can’t handle science fiction because views it as adventure stories for nerds and therefore infer dig dontcha kno’. So whenever it gets hold of something like this it has to polute it with a left wing ethos – no matter how jarring that may be. Cretins.
William Gibson is about the only Science Fiction (ish) writer that I read. I enjoyed the Difference Engine years ago but didn’t realise until a year ago that it had spawned then entire Steampunk movement.
“the final half being a political commentary on how nasty and right wing the Victorians were but how the Steampunks are “progressive” and right on.”
That’s not actually true though is it?
There were just a couple of questions about how the movement’s supposed anti-establishment ethos sat with a nostalgia for Victorian times.
Someone said it was more attracted to the dark underbelly of that society, but it was made perfectly clear that it wasn’t affiliated to any particular political view;
“There’s a load of ex-military people… there’s quite a lot of right-wing steampunks; very conservative (small and large C) steampunks…”
That was a brief sentence dez and non of these Conservatives were interviewed. We did how ever interview the Steampunk of Asian background who went on about how Grandad was an Indian freedom fighter. Then we had more about the Victorians sending children to clean chimneys etc etc.
Doing a Craig here.
I`m wondering where the “Citizen Khan” plugs and puffs are going on the Beeb at the moment.
I reckon that we could draw a graph to show just how brave the BBC are in reminding us of this update of Mind Your Language/ The Desmonds hybrid…as Spike Milligan would have edited it anyway.
Do`nt see too many pointers for me to watch it-any chance of Bunglawhala/Siddiqi or Choudhury being asked along to review the BBCs latest triumph of diversity.
That Daniel Cohen eh…turns out he`s a mole working FOR us this time!
Urgghhhh! I think I’m going to vom. Have you had the misfortune to read the bbc news Internet page?
‘First Love
How a nation fell for Michelle Obama’
What a perfectly emetic piece.
Have you a link for that and, given SOP, one hopes, a page capture?
I just ask as I am by coincidence more than interested in what political spouses are worthy of news and who not (according to BBC Eds, Richard Bacon and of course BBBC’s very own media expertise ‘you don’t know the stuff I do and are hence not worthy of having opinions’ counsel).
I had a quick look and search and could not find anything.
I just wonder if the First Love of the First Lady by the BBC was belatedly recognised as potentially unhelpful to Hugs Boaden’s genetic trial results and went the same way as the last suck-up before it got noticed.
Which Aunty, it did, trust me.
I have located this…
They do seem to be pitting the girls against one another.
Are there others with the headline you saw?
GW – you have the right article. It’s linked to from their World News page on the right-hand side panel…
Features & Analysis
First love – How a nation fell for Michelle Obama
…and – really – this…
“Ann Romney was talking in theory, whereas Michelle had to go back to work quickly after every child because they didn’t have the money,” she says. “When she talks about the issues of women and poor women, it’s more authentic.”
Seriously, can the Obamas ever really be associated with a poverty stricken past? This is just pushing the rich, aloof Romneys versus the Obamas as regular folk BS.
What absolute nonsense! Even before she gave birth to their first child Barry had already become a senator and helped secure Michelle nice sinecure jobs which enabled her to leave the tough world of commercial law.
“Michelle joined the University of Chicago in 1996 as associate dean of student services, developing the University’s first community service program. She then worked for the University of Chicago Hospitals beginning in 2002, as executive director of community relations and external affairs.”
Barrack timeline:
Summer 1991: Moves back to Chicago as civil rights lawyer and teaches constitutional law at University of Chicago.
Oct. 18, 1992: Marries Michelle LaVaughn Robinson.
1993-96: Associate lawyer at Miner, Barnhill & Galland, representing community organizers, discrimination claims and voting rights cases.
1993-2004: Lecturer in constitutional law at University of Chicago.
1995: Publishes Dreams from My Father. Random House gives him a contract because of his success at Harvard.
1996: Elected to Illinois Senate, representing 13th District in Chicago’s south side neighborhood of Hyde Park.
1999: Daughter Malia Ann is born.
Even before Malia was born Barry was already doing very well!
“First love – How the BBC fell for Michelle Obama”
There, fixed that for them.
Reed – tx v much.
Between this and DB’s great image fisking on tweets and home pages, they appear to be en route for the first virtual BJ attempt in news history.
‘The BBC did not have… partial relations with that… awesome Presidential couple’
I’ve said it before, but… why? In the US they count as much as Piers Morgan, and over such overt sucking-up blows an already dire credibility for…. well… anything news related… out of the water, while 99% of the UK could give a monkeys about US election jiggery-pokery anyway.
Why?…it’s just in their DNA. They can’t help it. They actually assume that they are just reflecting the general consensus – we ALL love the Obama’s, don’t we!
…did I really put an apostrophe in there 👿
This would be Mrs Potus, who when asked what was the best part of being the First Lady, immediately blabbed “the foreign travel”, showing what a total lack of class and gravitas she has. This is Primark woman, who got lucky marrying a Hawaiian community organiser. How we fell in love with Michelle indeed – pass the sick bag.
Bottom of page
It is safe to say that the majority here believe that the BBC supports the Labour Party.
Hard to prove it, I know – you either feel this bias or you don’t.
Think of the conundrum another way – does Labour support the BBC?
I’ve been playing around with some figures: RPI inflation against TV licence fee increases since 1971. (As you do).
Rough and ready, I would concede I’m no expert and there are complications about the amount by which rises top inflation and precisely when increases were agreed.
However I reckon that Labour put through a whopping 11 inflation busting increases to 3 under inflation years and 4 just about on inflation.
The Tories account for 6 inflation busters with 17 years under the inflation figure.
Now is that ‘Things can only get better’ that I hear blaring out from somewhere deep within Broadcasting House?
We have a new puppy at Who Towers.
Rule 1: You don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Seems some have learned about the same.
Good for puppies; not so great for supposedly impartial, un-interest conflicted £4Bpa political PR-driven media monopolies.
Here’s a Politico post the Beeboids definitely won’t be retweeting:
Media: Obama is egotistical, selfish, dull
It’s a roundup of pieces from the Washington Post, the New York Times (front page, no less), and the Huffington Post, all with variations on the theme that, essentially, He’s not the Messiah: He’s a very naughty boy.
BBC stalwarts who can usually be relied upon to retweet or link to something from Politico on a regular basis have gone strangely silent.
Daniel Nasaw is even hanging out with the HuffPosers at the DemCon right now, and hasn’t mentioned any of it. Maybe he knows about their criticism of Him, and that’s what he means by them being a “buzz kill”.
Here’s another reason the BBC loves the President and supports the Democrats:
Pro-Israel Language Removed From Democratic Party Platform
2012 DNC platform deletes passages on Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees, and Hamas
Redacted from the official platform: No more Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel. Nothing about Palestinian “refugees” having to live in an eventual Palestinian State instead of getting to “return” to Israel. Not a word about Hamas.
Previously, the Dem position was that Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel, and condemnation of Hamas. No more. The Beeboids will love it.
Here’s their rationale…
There’s at least one Jew in that picture: Axelrod. I can’t see who’s behind him to tell if there’s a second one.
The bBC and reinventing somebody who went AWOL as a victim.
David Hemler: 28 years on the run
David Hemler deserted from the US Air Force and was on its most-wanted list for 28 years. He assumed a false identity, got married and had a family in Sweden. But in the end, the truth came out.It was 1984, the height of the Cold War, and President Ronald Reagan was deploying Pershing II missiles in West Germany. At the time David Hemler was a 21-year-old linguist working for the US Air Force in Augsburg, Bavaria. But he was not happy. He approached his superiors and asked for a discharge on the grounds that he had become a pacifist.
So reading the above do you get the impression that this poor child of 21 (at the time) was a victim of the nasty US Airforce. Who lets be said were only in Europe to prevent the peaceful Russians from liberating us all. Here’s a few things the f-ing bBC don’t mention in their swipe at the US:
1) Dick splash David Hemler wasn’t a conscript but rather a volunteer in the US military which got rid of conscription in 1973. In otherwords David Hemler could have bought himself out of the airforce at anytime.
2) He didn’t go AWOL because he became a pacifist, he left because his girl at the time ditched him.
3) The US military wasn’t after him, as they didn’t have a clue where he was, until he revealed himself in June of this Year because he wanted his children to meet his parents.
4) The reason the US military took his picture down (He was a missing person) was he agreed to have a DNA test done to confirm who he was
5) Everybody else reported on this story in June of this Year.
But the bBC waits 3 months before doing so.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
Been a fine day off.
You just KNOW you`ll not need to listen to any news for today.
You can already mouth what the BBC and its chums at the Guardian are going to make of replacing a kameez with an empty suit…a grinning content-lie cipher being moved where a power dressed nomark had previously lain.
Still-if it keeps the BBC ankle deep in chicken entrails and Flanders type voodoo dolls then fair enough…but then we`re called upon to pay for their empty fatuous musings by way of “expert analysis”
Anal at least I suppose-and maybe we should be docking the BBC for each day when we can predict what their poppets and muppets will be saying…in short, no more licence fees! …
the only christian member,
who works in a heavily guarded office,
whose own brother was shot dead,
who was choosing his words carefully, for fear they could be twisted ….
strange … didn t hear any of that on 5live drive, only that cabinet member said it didn t need repealing only shouldn t be misused?
still squat on al beeb news too, oh apart from
bbc news – Pakistanis ‘disturbed’ ?? by blasphemy case
hmm maybe a bit more so if your christian though eh!
The Beeb are doing a Radio 4 drama/doc about the murder of Salmaan Taseer, the governor of the Punjab, assassinated in 2011 because of his criticism of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws and opposition to the called-for hanging of the Christian woman, Asia Noreen (Bibi), alleged to have insulted the Paedo Mohammed. Rather weirdly,, the advanced info on the programme makes no mention of Shabaz Bhatti, the only Christian member of the Pakistani cabinet, murdered three months later, again apparently because of his opposition to the blasphemy laws. It will be interesting to see how they carefully tip-toe around the ROP in this offering – all the actors mentioned have Muslim names. Only last Sunday, I noticed the newsreader on one of the Beeb’s radio channels speaking of ‘increased communal tension’ because of the latest blasphemy case – those damned Christians acting provocatively again, no doubt!
The bBC and its open hatred for this country
Malaysian lose fight for 1948 ‘massacre’ inquiry
Campaigners seeking an inquiry into the killing of 24 male villagers in Malaya in 1948 by British troops have lost their fight at London’s High Court.Judges upheld a government decision not to hold a public hearing into the alleged massacre in the former colony.They said it would be “very difficult” to establish now whether the actions of the Scots Guards had been “deliberate”.
So the attempt to win the lottery (Aided by so called human rights lawyers) by Malaysian villagers has been thrown out of court I quote:
“The first matter in relation to the purpose of inquiry is to consider whether it can establish the facts.”There are obviously enormous difficulties in conducting an inquiry into a matter that happened over 63 years ago. Most of the contemporary documents are missing and most of those who were engaged are dead.
But that doesn’t stop the bBC from playing the victim card for Allah’s favorite victims. I quote from the article:
1)Malaysia gained its independence in 1957, and in 1970 the director of public prosecutions asked the Metropolitan Police to investigate Batang Kali after revelations in The People newspaper suggesting the 24 had been deliberately executed and a massacre covered up.
2)Further probes into the killings were made in the 1990s, but in their ruling the judges noted that it was “difficult to escape the conclusion” that John Major’s Conservative government decided to “progress any inquiries with as much delay as possible”.
3)In 1992 a BBC documentary, In Cold Blood, sparked another blaze of publicity but the Crown Prosecution Service considered there should not be a prosecution.
4)And a fresh investigation by the Royal Malaysia Police between 1993 and 1997 “obtained virtually no assistance” and was met with an “uncooperative attitude” from the UK, the judges said. (Would that be the same John Major Government as above)
5)John Halford, a solicitor representing the relatives, said they would be asking the Supreme Court to overturn the High Court decision….But he called on the government to “do the right thing” and “end the ongoing injustices at the heart of this case”….Mr Halford added: “The ruling makes it clear that the British government decided to be uncooperative to the Malaysian police……”The Malaysian police investigation was scuppered by British civil servants, and you have to ask why that was.”
Yup the bBC, defending allahs favourite victims at the expense of the British taxpayer.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst.
Actually, the dead villagers had been Chinese supporters of the Maoist insurgency in Malaya, which committed atrocities against our troops and ethnic Malays.
Which still makes them grade A in BBC eyes.
Malaysia is and was then primarily an Islamic state. Which is why 60% of the fuckers are Muslims.
The bBC, gun warfare in London and half the story.
So here i am reading this bBC article about the shooting dead of Azelle Rodney by the old bill:
Azelle Rodney death: Mother says police ‘executed’ her son
The mother of a man shot six times by an officer after a car was stopped has told an inquiry that her son appears to have been “executed” by police. Azelle Rodney, 24, of west London, was killed after officers stopped a suspect car in Edgware, north London, in 2005.Officers thought he and two others were on their way to commit an armed raid…Officers believed Mr Rodney, Wesley Lovell and Frank Graham had machine guns and were on their way to commit a drugs-related armed robbery, the inquiry heard.
So reading the above do you get the impression that the police just shot up a car containing balck men who were out simply for a drive. I mean reading the above no guns were found in the car were they?
Here is what the bBC don’t want you to know about Azelle whose girlfriend was pregnant:
Wesley Lovell and Frank Graham, who had been in the car with Rodney, were later sentenced to seven years and six years imprisonment respectively at Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court on 24 January 2006 for drugs and firearms offences. The court was told that three guns were found in the car and that Lovell’s flat had been used to produce crack cocaine.
So much for being an innocent man then?
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
Muvva avoids feeling guilty about producing a gangsta and blames police rather than herself. Presumably father unable to comment, on account of not hanging around after the conception of little Azelle. What a bunch of lowlife the bBC hands the mike to and reports as gospel.
“Here is what the BBC don’t want you to know about Azelle whose girlfriend was pregnant:
‘Wesley Lovell and Frank Graham, who had been in the car with Rodney, were later sentenced to seven years and six years imprisonment respectively at Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court on 24 January 2006 for drugs and firearms offences. The court was told that three guns were found in the car and that Lovell’s flat had been used to produce crack cocaine’.”
Apart from the obvious fact that none of the above is actually about Azelle; if the BBC “don’t want you to know” any of that, why does this BBC report (from the day before) say:
“Two other men, who were also in the car, were arrested at the scene and jailed for drugs and firearms offences in 2006.
At their trial the court heard three guns were found in the car and the flat of one of the arrested men was being used to produce drugs.”
But Dez,
I was pointing to the article where mummy dear is allowed to opine that here little gangster was executed, while he was on route to most likely execute somebody else.
If the bBC, which can report that so many people have been killed in every report when Muslims,Black gangsters, and their ilk have been killed by the….security forces Why can’t it do likewise when Islamic terrorists ,Black thugs are in the dock? Tell you what you slimly piece of shite, how about you go walk about around south London telling the black gangs they have nothing to lose but their chains and i’ll come visit your grave.
High-cost ‘greenie’ HARRABIN upset: new minister approves SHALE GAS.
Why Beeboid Harrabin is so upset, in his own words:
“Mr Paterson takes over a portfolio – the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) – with a £2.2bn budget.
“But it was reported in Conservative Home he wants to end all energy subsidies and fast-track exploitation of shale gas.
“This would shatter any ambition for the UK of keeping to targets for renewables or greenhouse gases.
“As MP for North Shropshire, he has also campaigned against plans to expand output from Welsh wind farms because of the impact of pylons on the landscape.”
“Green groups’ concern over Owen Paterson record”
Note: Harrabin only speaks on behalf of his high-cost greenie political chums on this; nowhere does Harrabin refer to the reaction of those involved in the development of shale gas in Britain, such as the exploration company, Cuadrilla, and the very many people in Britain who support the economic development of shale gas.
Harrabin is merely a political propagandist for the high-cost ‘greenies’ liked himself.
He should be ocean-bound with his ex-Beeboid chum, Black.
In contrast,-
‘The Geological Society’ on SHALE GAS:-
Click to access Shale%20gas%20briefing%20note%20final%20version.pdf
INBBC ignores Islam and polygamy in UK.
INBBC doesn’t report on many of these stories which are consequent of INBBC approved policy of open-door, mass immigration into UK from e.g. Islamic countries.
“UK: Muslim claims his estranged wife doesn’t deserve a divorce because polygamy allowed under Sharia”
And this is the alarming demographic trend:
“Europe’s Muslim population triples in 30 years”
It’s obviously a very attractive religion.
Or Europe is stupid enough to open its doors to these parasites and reward them with free health education housing and benefits, guaranteed immunity from local laws on account of cultural difference, and a subsidised community centre – as long as they vote Socialist.
Plus you can fly to a moslem country, contract a polygamous marriage or two, come back to the UK and get benefits for all your wives and your ever-burgeoning brood. Plus a bigger council house.
What has the health world made of Jeremy Hunt’s arrival?
Not surprisingly, in the bBBC’s socialist mindset, the ‘health world’ doesn’t mean patients (us) or those paying (us) but the bloated public-sector bureaucracy that is supposed to deliver our health services. We don’t even get a mention in the bBBC article.
For the BBC “the ‘health world’ doesn’t mean patients (us) or those paying (us) but the bloated public-sector bureaucracy”
The BBC in a nutshell.
As with Harrabin on enviro issues above, the BBC default is to head straight to their fellow travellers to have a wallow in how it all affects them.
Hard to reconcile with ‘speaking for the nation’.
More like ‘broadcasting solely on behalf of special interest groups’.
I was curious to see how BBC On Line news dealt with George Osbourne being booed at the Paralympics.
Certainly this was a significant victory for BBC propaganda. But would the Beeb be so obvious as to brag and bray about it?
Oddly the only trace I found was this…
CBBC Newsround (CBBC – thats for kids)
“This page was made on Tuesday 4th September 2012
George Osborne is booed at Paralympic Games
For the past few weeks the Olympic Stadium has been filled with the cheers and applause of 80,000 people.
But for a few moments last night boos rang out from the arena in East London.
The boos were for government minister George Osborne, who was there to present a gold medal to Tunisia’s T38 400m champion Mohamed Farhat Chida.
He seemed to handle the occasion OK though, laughing when his face was shown on the big screen.
The prime minister, David Cameron, was made to feel more welcome when presenting swimming star Ellie Simmonds with her second swimming gold medal of the Games.
While there was some booing, the cheers from the crowd were reported to have drowned them out.”
Nice bit of ‘balance’ at the end there.
Get them young eh?
Why is that even worth publishing? At least they didn’t really do the propaganda and tell the kids that the boos were because Osborne wants to kick all the disabled people out onto the street and take away all the seeing-eye dogs and prosthetics from them.
If they’re not going to explain why he was booed, though, what’s the point of this?
Any time an unknown person in the anonymity of a crowd takes a pop at Tories – that is newsworthy. Or so the bBC tell us…
If someone booed Obama, they would tell us … wouldn’t they?
I have seen this reported (and shown) twice now on BBC News – first on the day it happened, second today to add weight to Miliband’s crack at Osborne during Prime Minister’s Questions. Presumably they were booing him for his ‘Cutz’, though I doubt 10% of the crowd understood the difference between deficit and debt, or even that they are two different things.
So, situation normal – great opportunity for the BBC to put out a bit of Labour party propaganda.
Shukman’s Newsnight report on food banks ( Tues 4th ). I see he choose to interview what looked like the only 2 white english women using the service whereas a soft focus shot of the queue outside looked to be almost exclusively non-English immigrants. Furthermore, the first woman he spoke to looked decidedly chubby and was complaining that her benefits had been cut due to the logistics of her various off-spring moving between her council house and that of her various breeding partners. Colour me unimpressed. The cushier the lifestyle provided by taxpayers to these feckless breeders, the more of them will spawn. The studio discussion that followed was the usual 3 against 1 stitch-up.
I thought the BBC was worried about obesity? One cure would be to cut foreign aid and UK benefits – voila, no more chubby Africans. Newsnight please note.
The charity bird I saw interviewed, when asked what should be done about it, said companies should make sure they pay their employees enough to feed themselves (that’s how economics works in the charities world, presumably). No challenge to suggest perhaps we might slash overseas aid or immigration, or that large immigrant families come here and seem to live a pretty good lifestyle on benefits without queueing for food parcels. No examination of individual cases to see exactly what is happening and why, or even if the claims are true.
The ‘cutz’ narrative has become frighteningly exaggerated and surreal – we are only talking 3% for chrissake.
BBC Radio 5 Live like to mix sport and leftwing issues.
Nicky Campbell and Rachel Burden always seize an opportunity to nuture a regional grievance – afterall that is the reason they are now based in Salford.
Don’t believe this bias exists?
Well what question do you reckon our presenters ask British Lions coach Warren Gatland? Something to do with rugby tactics? Don’t be silly.
“How representative of the four home nations will the British Lions team be?”
Yeah and I bet the New Zealand All Blacks will be agonising about the balance between their north and south islands.
You may think that our Nick and Rach are out of touch with the licence payers but as they chuckle about rugby team bonding they get confirmation that they are indeed on message with their Twitter mates. Nicky reads out his favourite “Team bonding – don’t take any English players”
BBC sanctioned Anglophobia!
Auntie is happily topping up the pocket money of her favourite nephew again this morning.
The artless-dodger Owen Jones is on air yet again.
“Tory Cutz….Homophobia….Right Wing….Rupert Murdoch Stooges!”
Ooooh isn’t he clever….has he grown since we last saw him?
Only his gob has grown – his politics are as stunted as ever.
MUNICH, September 5, 1972, and INBBC’s ‘militants’.
The Islamic jihadists who murdered Israel’s athletes are termed
mere ‘militants’:-
“The Munich massacre remembered”
(inc video clip)
In contrast:
Debbie Schlussel reviews Spielberg’s film ‘Munich’ (2004)-
how many times ….
shame on the bbc, disgusting!
oh ….. panto nikki, has shouty owen jones
interrupting everyone on your call
Shouty Owen Jones – or as he’s known round these parts…
Random Chav Picked From KFC Queue On A Friday Night.
Owen jones should be a poster boy for Mencap
Interesting fact: ‘Are You Being Served? was first broadcast on 8 September 1972 on the BBC, in the form of a pilot for the series Comedy Playhouse. It only aired when it did because of free airtime created by the Munich massacre during the 1972 Summer Olympics.’
Anyone notice that you here nothing of Scott and Dez-parrot for days then they turn up like elton and David at a tiara sale?
Are they perchance related or significant others or two saddos from the BBC newsroom who are momentarily bored with kicking the tories and Christians/ Jews. Or maybe the crankies have reformed and they are cruising for some swapping partners.
Hear. Oops
I would wager they work in whatever the BBC call their information department.
But how much would you wager?