This is the BBC’s take on how the Olympics went for the troops working there:
London Olympics: How was it for the troops?
The public love them, their efficiency, friendly nature and some of the women coming into the Park often admit there is that man-in-uniform factor.
“I was very happy to see the soldiers,” says Liz Gluckman, arriving with her family from Cobham. “They were very friendly and smiling.”
Well it seems not all the Public love them…or at least one certain section of the Great British Public:
Cannot find any reference to this story on the BBC:
‘Army officers and police are investigating a spate of attack on soldiers who were on duty covering the Olympics.
They have now told troops on duty for the Paralympics to travel around in groups after servicemen were attacked, verbally abused and harassed during the Olympics.
In the worst incident a lone off-duty soldier was targeted by four men who abused him for being in the Army and then attacked him close to the temporary base where soldiers were housed in east London.
The soldier was not in uniform, but was targeted by the attackers because he was carrying a military bag.
Police are investigating the attack by four Asian men which took place in the early hours of Monday August 6 close to Tower Hill tube station.
The soldier was not in uniform, but was targeted by the attackers because he was carrying a military bag.’
When G4S were underperforming and troops were being drafted in to fill the void the BBC showed a lot of concern about troop welfare.
Not so much when they are actually being beaten up it seems.
For the BBC British soldiers are more valuable when dead or injured…a grieving widow or mother says more than words ever can…and the BBC use such images relentlessly in their anti-war campaigns.
Mere pawns in the BBC’s game.
Asian men? I bet it’ll be them gosh darn Chinese again … No, no – it’ll be Thais or Japanese… or Koreans or Cambodians…
Hmmm… wonder what religion they were…
This might help
It reminds me of the clip I saw on one of these Dennis Norden type programmes, where a pair of right-on PC reporters decided to harangue a bloke whose house-for-sale advert had appeared in the local paper with the words “No Asians”.
They were hostile from the start but when they said to him “What if someone from Singapore wanted to buy the house?” and he replied “Well if they’ve got the money why not!”. It turned out he’d asked for “No agents” to be put in his advert, but his words were misunderstood by the person at the newspaper.
Perhaps the BBC thought the thugs who attacked the soldier were agents.
This Off topic , Democrats boo Israel motion >
I trust those Jews in Florida are taking notice.
I can’t wait to see how the BBC covers this abject farce.
How can a party expect to boost recovery when half for and half against means 2 thirds in favour, and they need 3 goes at it?
I dont know, maybe they voted three times but the No votes were only counted the first time?
Be scared, be very scared, over how the Presidential votes are counted in Democrat areas.
Getting on topic now, yeah, disgusting this story hasn’t been given the attention it merits by the BBC.
They felt threatened by the resurgence in patriotism the Olympics represented, then tried to confuse it with the meme it was a celebration of ‘multi-cultural’ Britain. It seemed to have escaped their attention that overwhelmingly the crowd supporting our multi-racial athletes were white.
Narrative, narrative, narrative. Speaking propaganda to the nation.
There is nothing new there. It’s quite well known that certain counties often report late after several recounts. The one I hear of regularly is Cook county in Illinois. Funnily enough, after all the recounts, there are just enough votes to alter the results of the election in favour of the Democrats. The most blatant example I’ve heard of this was the 2004 Washington gubernatorial election where one county went through 3 recounts (IIRC), increasing the Democrat vote each time until it changed the results of the entire election.
I’ve also heard of Republican leaning counties declaring their results, waiting for the Democrat late counties to report in, then announcing a recount.
It does seem that the last county to report in is the most influential.
(Joke: Definition of an honest Chicago election? One where only the dead vote twice)
Blimey, it’s really all carried out via non-secret, guess-the-volume bawling out?
I also have so far to see this covered, but I have got a fair bit on Bill Clinton genuflecting to The One and saying some things about Democratic political ethics that seem on par with his wife’s hazy helicopter memories or Mutha ‘Merica’s dubious ‘You were looky… we were so poor..’ tales of woe.
And which near zero MSM media deemed worthy of holding to account.
Seems we get to know about only what we should, and less of what is deemed ‘unhelpful’ to the narrative.
Propaganda backed by censorship.
Those who do not learn from history….
The fact that the BBC haven’t reported these disgusting acts justifies the existence of this site by a factor of gigantic magnitude. The BBC are scum!
Exactly the sort of news that the armed forces loving British public would rightly expect to hear about from the one broadcaster they have to fund.
Fuck the ever pathetically pussy footing ‘ethnically sensitive’ bBC!!
But no lot look out for eachother like both serving and former British soldiers do – and they’ve got VERY long memories.
Further support to my theory that the BBC is practicing anti-journalism. In so far as their staff keep leaving out anything that disrupts the narrative they’re not only not informing the public, they’re actually leaving them misinformed and worse off than they were to start with.
Ignorance is strength.
Sheer bliss to Al-Beeb. But WE are all having to pay for it though!!
Turns my stomach.