“Slain ambassador to Libya aided the jihadists who later murdered him.”
[Opening excerpt]-
“With this revelation, the late ambassador has become the symbol of what U.S. foreign policy is doing vis-a-vis the global jihad, and of what ultimately will be the outcome for the U.S. if this continues.”
One can never underestimate the loathing the liberal left has for the USA. Even the current President only mildly tempers this . I am not at all surprised.
I get the impression that the only reason the BBC is even mildly supportive of the US is Obama. Were he to lose we would soon see their real feelings come to the surface.
“Islamist terrorism is beginning to demolish political correctness”
By Peter Mullen.
“The Ministry of Truth operated by the Guardianistas and the BBC have delighted in what they call ‘The Arab Spring,’ as if this heralded the advent of ‘democracy’ all across North Africa and the Middle East. As we now learn from events in Egypt, Yemen, Syria, the Sinai – and most recently in Libya – this was always a delusion, a perversion of reality flying in the face of the facts.”
Well for all the teachings of Mohammed that the leftwing tossers at the Guardian and bBC push out on a daily basis. The simply fact remains that the actions of their favourite minority group:
Acute Terrorism
Racial bigotry
Sexual Bigotry
Relgious Bigotry
informs the plebs that actually Islam isn’t a religion of peace.
I’m sat at the PC in one end of the room doing some work. On the other side of the room the TV is on and it’s the BBc 18:00 news. I can tell without looking up because all I can hear is “Could”, “might”, “possibly” etc. one after another. Nothing like speculation is there?
From this headline, you could be forgiven for thinking that the impartial BBC are in favour of printing funny money: Federal Reserve to buy more debt to boost US economy
I have in my possesion 6 pkts of Smiffys` stinkbombs and I intend to “suicide bomb” the towns` Mosque during Friday prayers as it is most likely to cause chaos due to Friday prayers being important enough that there will nobody on guard in the foyer where they leave thier `Flip-Flops` … I don`t think I`ll do it tomorrow as I need to check the timetables first… Tbh I don`t care if I get caught.. with a Bi-Polar disorder you can get away with anything….. even if I get a mate to film it… And how ironic the sitename where i got em seems…. http://www.arabesque77.co.uk/stink-bombs-3-pack.html
Lucy PevenseyJan 21, 10:39 Start the Week 20th January 2025 God Bless The USA President Trump has officially withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization.
Lucy PevenseyJan 21, 10:36 Start the Week 20th January 2025 And the latest hivemind update………. Elon Musk gave a Nazi salute. (he was waving at the crowd)
MarkyMarkJan 21, 10:18 Start the Week 20th January 2025 HA HA in 2017 – “”There are names that are down as extremists and we’ve been told there are more…
MarkyMarkJan 21, 10:15 Start the Week 20th January 2025 Trump should create a 4 year report to investigate these guys and ensure they are on the committee! HA HA…
MarkyMarkJan 21, 10:11 Start the Week 20th January 2025 “More and more people retreating into parallel lives, whether through failures of integration or just a country slowly turning away…
Emmanuel GoldsteinJan 21, 10:05 Start the Week 20th January 2025 MM 40,000 on terrorist watchlist. I seem to remember back when I was younger that if there had been just…
Lucy PevenseyJan 21, 10:02 Start the Week 20th January 2025 Trump has revoked security clearance for the 51 intel agents who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GhyBhEfXsAEGMPZ?format=jpg&name=small[/img]
MarkyMarkJan 21, 09:58 Start the Week 20th January 2025 Are we all far-right now? HA HA HA HAAHAH! Lifts hand to point to sun – Nazi! [img]https://image.vuukle.com/3f5236ff-afea-4ca9-8445-9f71d760e95d-b03e85e9-4111-42f7-8678-439ef74b3c1d[/img]
MarkyMarkJan 21, 09:52 Start the Week 20th January 2025 Wonder how many babies born and now have Islamic fathers? “One of the survivors of the Rotherham grooming scandal has…
“Slain ambassador to Libya aided the jihadists who later murdered him.”
[Opening excerpt]-
“With this revelation, the late ambassador has become the symbol of what U.S. foreign policy is doing vis-a-vis the global jihad, and of what ultimately will be the outcome for the U.S. if this continues.”
“Obituary: J Christopher Stevens”
He was probably waving at the muslims who fired the RPG as it flew towards his car…
“Christopher Stevens: Devoured by a Monster He Helped Create”
by Robert Spencer
(2 page article)
Radio 2: J Vine talking about the So called Anti_Islam film.
Surprise,surprise the vast majority of callers…Anti US .
It seems the bBC like question time exactly 11 years can only find hatred of Americans when they are murdered by Muslims.
I suspect those likely to support the US are too busy earning a living to telephone Mr Vine.
One can never underestimate the loathing the liberal left has for the USA. Even the current President only mildly tempers this . I am not at all surprised.
I get the impression that the only reason the BBC is even mildly supportive of the US is Obama. Were he to lose we would soon see their real feelings come to the surface.
“Islamist terrorism is beginning to demolish political correctness”
By Peter Mullen.
“The Ministry of Truth operated by the Guardianistas and the BBC have delighted in what they call ‘The Arab Spring,’ as if this heralded the advent of ‘democracy’ all across North Africa and the Middle East. As we now learn from events in Egypt, Yemen, Syria, the Sinai – and most recently in Libya – this was always a delusion, a perversion of reality flying in the face of the facts.”
Well for all the teachings of Mohammed that the leftwing tossers at the Guardian and bBC push out on a daily basis. The simply fact remains that the actions of their favourite minority group:
Acute Terrorism
Racial bigotry
Sexual Bigotry
Relgious Bigotry
informs the plebs that actually Islam isn’t a religion of peace.
I’m sat at the PC in one end of the room doing some work. On the other side of the room the TV is on and it’s the BBc 18:00 news. I can tell without looking up because all I can hear is “Could”, “might”, “possibly” etc. one after another. Nothing like speculation is there?
From this headline, you could be forgiven for thinking that the impartial BBC are in favour of printing funny money: Federal Reserve to buy more debt to boost US economy
I have in my possesion 6 pkts of Smiffys` stinkbombs and I intend to “suicide bomb” the towns` Mosque during Friday prayers as it is most likely to cause chaos due to Friday prayers being important enough that there will nobody on guard in the foyer where they leave thier `Flip-Flops` … I don`t think I`ll do it tomorrow as I need to check the timetables first… Tbh I don`t care if I get caught.. with a Bi-Polar disorder you can get away with anything….. even if I get a mate to film it… And how ironic the sitename where i got em seems…. http://www.arabesque77.co.uk/stink-bombs-3-pack.html