George R in the comments brings this to our attention…..the well known fact of BBC cowardice in the face of threats of violence by Muslims…..if the BBC will not criticises or satirise all religions in the same manner as it does Christianity, then perhaps it should refrain from such an approach until it can also bring itself to do the same with Islam.
You would think that the BBC would in fact redouble its efforts to highlight the hypocrisy and violence inherent in Islam when Muslims attempts to silence any critics by threats, and actual acts, of violence. Instead it does the opposite and seeks to hide that violence and the dangers of such a ‘religion’.
Here a BBC veteran reveals the BBC’s double standards:
‘A respected BBC broadcaster has claimed television is dominated by ‘liberal sceptical humanists’ who laugh at Christianity but are afraid to mock Islam.
Roger Bolton, a former editor of Panorama, said an obsession with human rights over religious beliefs had left corporation bosses out of touch with the public.
In the modern culture of broadcasting, Mr Bolton said anyone who opposed gay marriage or IVF was treated as a ‘lunatic’ if it was because of their religious beliefs.
He added: ‘The default position in broadcasting is always, it’s a question of human rights and how can they do it.’
Mr Bolton said it had got to a point where audiences thought it was ‘fun’ to mock Christianity but would not dare laugh at jokes about Islam.
He said in the last few years ‘something went wrong with the BBC’s religious programming’ and questioned whether it was ‘fit for purpose’.
Now the presenter of Radio 4’s Feedback show, he made his comments at the BBC’s Re:Think festival in Salford, when he gave a speech and sat on a discussion panel.’
The BBC are pathetic if Islam ever took over this country they would be the first to die.
No they wouldn’t. They’re useful idiots.
Yes, they would. No longer useful.
“in the last few years ‘something went wrong with the BBC’s religious programming”
now then, who is the head of religious programming i wonder?
al beeb as a whole – “the last few years” 😀 somethings been wrong a lot longer than that
Yes, like the US ambassador to Libya – he was a proper ‘arab spring’ supporter. They really appreciated his support for their cause – right until they barbecueued him!!
some reports are saying that the Ambassador was sodomised – before or after death
The Daily Mail covered this
BBC is full of liberals afraid to mock Islam (says veteran of the BBC)
Read more:
Can’t seem to remember any burned embassies after this….
Or for the BBC’s hit piece on the Mormon faith, or from Piss Christ, or from any of the BBC’s favorite edgy comedians laughing at Christians, or from Nick Clegg calling Christians bigots.
just listened again to this, 😀
definitely extremist film makers …
fairly extreme salafist terrorist murderers?
just listen from 1hr 38 in …. meister of pap Jeremy Whines indepth ? …
discussion with al bbc s absurdly grovelling correspondent on security
(u couldn t make it up) … in house “scaredy cat” wank oops frank gardener
At least Frank Gardner says “an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) … not the sort of thing you’d usually take to a political protest’ !!!
It obviously is if you’re a Peaceful person.
Wow – that’s weak. Even for BBC comedy. Perhaps a better example of double standards would be Jerry Springer the musical – shown by BBC2 in 2005. Also wait for the BBC programmes on the upcoming Book of Mormon musical ( which is great by the way ). Where’s the equivalent Muslim musical BBC?
Raymond Ibrahim writes a monthly review on the persecution of Christians throughout the Muslim world. Little if anything of this makes it to the BBC radar.
I did however hear them mention today on the midday news about persecution going on in Iraq – against Gays. Clearly this touches the BBC nerve, and so gets a mention.
Good to hear somebody currently employed by the BBC exposing their mindset. Well done Bolton!
There was an actual video report on this earlier today, but it seems to have been bumped off the main pages. But they did a real report at last. Probably someone realizes how shameful it is that they’ve generally neglected this human rights story for so long.
A poorly made anti-Islam film has created a furore in the Muslim world, resulting in the murder of the American ambassador in Libya, among others, and the BBC can’t produce enough articles about it.
Here’s just a few of what they have on offer:
Anti-Islam film protests spread across Middle East
Egypt protesters breach US embassy over ‘insulting’ film
Innocence of Muslims: Mystery of film-maker ‘Sam Bacile’
Media outraged by prophet film
Protests as they happened
‘Blasphemous film’ protests continue
In pictures: US embassy protests
And these are only a fraction of what they have produced – each article linking to 4 or 5 others.
Point is, the articles are more about the mystery of who produced the film, than the crass mentality of those who are so incensed by it that they justify violence – even against those who had nothing to do with it. Even without any real evidence, the BBC had no problem identifying the producer as an Israeli Jew, which now turns out to be nonsense. But any violence committed by Muslims against Jews as a result of this misreporting will hardly phase the BBC.
The left-wing mentality so virulent at the BBC, and dominating more and more of the seats of power in many Western countries, carries the responsibility that creates this kind of insanity, by continually appeasing and avoiding any confrontation of it – the definition of Dhimmi, bending completely to the strategy of militant Islam to overthrow the West.
Expect more and more incidents of this type as the Islamists become more and more brazen and empowered. Left-wing mentality never learns from their mistakes, so convinced that their way of thinking is true.
Until it’s too late.
Daniel Pipes has more on the subject:
Another Islamist Assault, Another Western Cringe
as does Melanie Phillips: The guilty men behind the Arab winter.
That bit about the filmmaker being an Israeli Jew is just another example to remember next time a defender of the indefensible declares us to be ignorant and foolish for complaining about something not being reported because the BBC is merely waiting for verification of facts before reporting.
The BBC absolutely must find out who made the film, and everything about his background. Discovering that it’s an Israeli or US Evangelical Christian a la Pastor Jones or Sarah Palin would be a boon, and would go some way towards excusing the violent cavemen. If it was someone with an evil (in the Beeboid’s and other media luvvies’ minds) purpose, then they could focus on that and the violent, murderous cavemen would be somewhat exonerated. They would never suggest that the cavemen are completely blameless, of course. I’m not saying they’d excuse it entirely. But it would ease the burden quite a bit.
However, if it turns out to be a Coptic Christian who was hating on Islam in protest against the persecution of his people by the Mohammedans in Egypt, well then the Beeboids would have a real crisis of conscience on their hands. They know it, and have to prove that it was something other than a victim speaking out against the oppression of his people.
BBC and Fact checking before running a story? How about when they reported that WTC 7 (The Solomon Brother’s Building) in New York had collapsed on 9/11, over 20 minutes BEFORE it had collapsed? With the building still standing in the frame behind the reporter?
I am NOT getting into wild conspiracy theories regarding this, but it is an example of the BBC rushing to air, BEFORE fact checking anything and being wholly wrong at the time of the report.
Like your ‘tongue in cheek’ on that one DP 😉
Looking at the current BBC article for this event on their Mid-East page, which was last updated at 10pm, less than 30 minutes ago they state
The film’s exact origin and the motivation behind its production remain a mystery.
I got online a few hours ago and read this from other sources – the amateur filmakers are Klein, an Evangelical Christian and “Bacile” is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula a Coptic Christian.
Perhaps the BBC is withholding this information knowing it will create more persecution for all the Coptic Christians throughout the Muslim world than exists already. But then this raises the question of why they could publish so readily when they thought it was an Israeli Jew.
Of course, we already know the answer to that one.
Thirteen days left to watch this in the link below via 4OD, as the programme maker Tom Holland has been threatened by Muslims, for questioning the “Genesis” of Islam, and Channel 4 are now running scared as well…
Watch Hillary Clinton pathetic words on US embassy burning >
Will the BBC ever note that ultimate responsibility for embassy security rests with the Secretary of State? When she asks why did this happen, a big piece of the blame is not allocating Marine guards for the ambassador’s protection.
BTW there is a photograph circulating that the ambassador was not killed by a RPG but was actually lynched by the Religion of Peace.
Apparently he was sodomized before being murdered. Seems these Islamists can justify pushing shit uphill and not be accused of being Gay provided they do it as part of a Jihad.
Excellent article in Front Page magazine by Robert Spencer that the BBC and those of their ilk would do well to study.
I think though that their arrogance that their way must be right will continue to blind them to reality.
Christopher Stevens: Devoured by a Monster He Helped Create
‘amazing’ says Rachel Chucklehead on Radio 5 Rusting Iron Lung talking about the film producer, ‘how one man can have such an effect on global politics’.
Nah, Rachel, luv, it’s not the man that’s the problem here it’s a religion that’s the problem.
Gameshow Nikk in an amazing fit of candour
‘there’s an argument that some people are just looking to be offended’.
In an even more amazing fit of candour he would actually state who these ‘some people’ are.
I heard on a phone-in this morning – sorry, non-BBC, but I’ll put it out there anyway – “haven’t we just got to sit down and, you know, talk with these guys? Is it our fault, all this?”
Beautiful stuff…
Standard leftie inversion. If they attack us, it must be our fault, we deserve it. We provoked it. (battered wife forgivness defence) Because if we admit they attack us without reason or provocation, simply because they are hate-filled religious psychopaths stuck in the middle ages, errr we’re not safe, Help!!!!
Lefties can only feel safe if they convince themselves the hate-filled islamists are peace-loving misunderstood blah blah bBC crap.
amazing he just couldn t find anything to really press him on 😀 …
laughably, even when he stated he d organised a march straight after friday incitement hour … i mean prayers 😀
panto didn t seem to have that problem, on christians/gay marriage though.
jeremy whine has much the same problem.
Actually for once the chap on R5 this am was ok on this – asking guest who was responsible for Ambassadors death with the clear insinuation that the responsibility lay with those who actually killed him
Infact I noticed another small victory the other day when chap from the IPPR was introduced as being from ‘left-wing think tank’
Could it be that the BBC are beginning to feel the heat?
Who is responsible? Aside from the killers? Hilary Clinton! The Secretary of State is responsible for embassy security.
Actually for once the chap on R5 this am was ok on this – asking guest who was responsible for Ambassadors death with the clear insinuation that the responsibility lay with those who actually killed him
Sad of course that a normal, sensible, humane response by our national broadcaster is regarded so unusual as to be worthy of comment.
The BBC continues to lie about the true cause of the Libya murders – it was a deliberate operation by an Al-Q affiliate, a revenge job that had been planned for a while to happen on 9/11, and the absurd film was just being used as a pretext. Even the Independent front page today is saying that there were credible intelligence warnings 48 hours beforehand of attacks on embassies.
The proximate cause for all the faux anger in the Arab street is that a lot of them simply hate the West – especially the US – nearly as much as they hate Israel.
A contributory cause for wider mob violence in Cairo and Yemen and other Arab cities is the spineless appeasement policies of Obama and Clinton. All reminiscent of Carter and Iran in 1979. Worse – it looks increasingly that Clinton is directly responsible for failure to have adequate protection of US diplomatic staff, for ignoring intelligence warnings of the risks, for relying on patently unreliable Libyans to provide external security, and for failure to provide sufficient US Marine protection for the Ambassador.
Of course the BBC would never dream of suggesting that Obama and Clinton have brought all this on themselves – or rather – have put State Department staff in harms way, and have made America a laughing stock in the Middle East. Oh no – all the BBC can do is repeat the Dem talking points about Mitt Romney daring to talk about the President’s weak foreign policies.
Why can comedian Greg Gutfield see things more clearly that BBC “journalists” ?
Fox of course. That is worth paying the license fee for. But not for the worthless dishonest crap we are given by the BBC instead.
Reducing levels of protection for officials whilst credible threats are known is a deliberate policy.
I do not believe it was merely incompetence, I believe it was intentional. Who benefits?
It wasn’t intentional. What would it accomplish? That’s the same crap people spouted about Bush and 9/11. This was just poor policy, management asleep at the switch. Yet nobody in the mainstream US media (whom Mark Mardell has described as being mostly liberal) will scream about the President skipping His security briefings, or about a lack of action after the warning.
Will INBBC report this?:-
“From a distinguished peer fighting to protect women… Sharia marriages for girls of 12 and the religious courts subverting British law”
Read more:
The outrage seen after the first episode of Citizen Khan should make it quite obvious that Islam can’t even be spoken about unless in constant praise (Nickie Campbell on Sunday mornings).
Once victim status is attained, offence can be found in almost anything.
The Irony of Citizen Kane is that he is loved by the BBC, but constantly expounds right wing values of the sort that the BBC hates… but he is a Pakistani Moslem, so he is allowed his rabid caricatured racist right wing views on marriage, family, race, gender, business etc… and the coked up homosexual PC BBC luvvies will think it is cute.
Sorry, Citizen Kahn…
Time for a new comedy, “Citizen Cohen”?
I’m not sure what to make of this take: Sam Bacile was a Salafist who used Jews and Copts as a front for a Salafist agenda.
Why is it that that dreadful rag the Daily Mail manages to bring us more vivid images – and more NEWS – about the true nature of all the trouble than the BBC with its huge budget ?
Either we believe in freedom of speech and tell deranged Muslims to “Go to hell” or we give up this fundamental belief (and strength).
America’s paralysis is illustrated by their likely treatment of the Al Qaeda flag raised in their compound.
More on this and the film that caused all the trouble at:
Antidote to INBBC:
Glenn Beck and experts on Islam and Muslim Brotherhood (7 min video)-
I’ll sign off from my weeks’ perusal of the articles on this site. As usual this one is based on no fact but an inference. In fact logic (That A follows B) is generally 100% absent from every article on this site. But that doesn’t stop the fantasies.
Clearly no one here listens to comedy on Radio 4 as they would find plenty of references to Islam, terrorists and other numpties. However any ray of truth is generally attacked by the tiny group of EDL knuckle draggers , failed unioinists and sad Yanks who make up most of the correspondents. You really do inhabit a different universe to the rest of us.
In truth you are completely out of step with the UK as the feeble attacks on the Olympic showed. You represent nobody but a tiny embittered group who in the most part have failed in life and want to blame someone. You are no threat to anyone except logic and the English Language. Every time one of your number stands for election, the public roundly ignore you. I’d take up another hobby like fishing.
So farewell!
Resistans is futile, you will be assimilated
Oh dear the BBC has been has gone! bye you failed pathetic waste of air! a true follower of Aljabeeber who spends all his time like a French paparazzi on the edge of the comments waiting for his golden shot/shower then running off to his basement to giggle and fret himself into a huffington style frenzy [remember J.a.f.a always use the left one as the right is evil !!]
I hope in your future you are rewarded in a manner most deserving of your thoughtless/pointless work protecting a multi billion £ corporation from us ,we who have no effect well except on you and that alone makes it worth it !
Oh p’s
I come from a family who has in it’s ranks a gay couple a trans gender woman and we are atheists who have the ex vice royal commissioner to the UK from Jamaica in the family and I am a full ground tech on T1 and t2 hawks for the R.A.F !
so there !
jah – you are so self-unaware, you are comedy gold. You were once actually funny (unintentionally), but now you have become boring. So I am glad to see your pathetic attempts to smear people you don’t know will be taking a rest.
You can now go back to your fantasy world where decency is evil, and evil is to be apologised to. It would be nice to think that some extremists like yourself are probably just a little slow and easily led by the evil masterminds. But I may be underestimating you, maybe you are really that disgusting yourself.
Another delusionist who thinks the Olympics were a triumph for multiculturalism, that the ‘science’ behind man-made global warming is ‘settled’, that mass immigration is good for the country (but can’t understand why we still have a million young people unemployed), who thinks the debt and deficit can be overcome by more debt and deficit, that Islam is the religion of peace, that Israel denied ‘Palestinians’ their own state and who believes the BBC is a model of impartiality and balance.
Sad to see him throw the towel in so early and resort to puerile insults as his parting shot. Still, as all true Lefties know, if you can’t win the argument (and he’s chosen not to join in many, for obvious reasons) – play the man!
A tiny minority, which is why many thoughts here are echoed by Tory MPs and writers for major newspapers and fits in more with the top-selling papers than with Guardian readers and BBC staff, who really are a tiny minority by comparison.
Spot on David. And I’d add to that the 70% of the electorate who saw mass immigration as their main concern prior to the 2010 election, about the time Brown was branding the Rochdale woman as a ‘bigot’ for daring to raise the issue.
Of course, since then, the net immigration figure masks the massive replacement in the UK population of the wealth creating, entrepreneurial indigenous Brits by the rural, primitive peoples of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Africa, who will gradually reduce that percentage over time until it becomes a minority, assuming immigration continues at its current rate.
And that is what the Left want. It’s all about redistribution of wealth, and the stealthy annihaliation of Western culture and capitalism.
The problem they will be left with, though, is who will serve them their skinny lattes when Islington and other Marxist upper class refuges are no longer distinguishable from all the other third world hellholes?
A message which INBBC regards as irrelevant:
“Islam must be scrutinised”
“This is a press release by The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain.
“The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain would like to make public its support for Tom Holland’s Channel 4 documentary ‘Islam: The Untold Story’. We are indignant to learn that due to threats made on Holland, Channel 4 has cancelled a repeat screening of the historical inquiry into the origins of Islam similar to the kind of inquiry that has been applied to other religions and histories in Britain for many years.”
More of the same crap on Vine at lunchtime i.e. who/what is behind this pathetic little film – and of course Vine managed to trot out Evangelical Christians, Coptic Christians, right-wing extremists and Jews without pausing for breath.
And of course it was no great surprise to find BBC regular and Ahmadinejad-worshipper George Galloway in the Koran corner whom Vine allowed to pursue his own narrative virtually unchallenged whilst taking the opportunity to tell us how he knows what it’s like to be lied about on YouTube (most of us will know which self-damning videos he’s probably referring to).
It’s clear that the BBC have now spent more primetime broadcasting – probably by a factor of ten – on the making of this film than they have on the persecution and murder of Christians in Muslim countries across the Middle East, Africa and the Indian subcontinent. If that isn’t sick, biased broadcasting, I don’t know what is.
heres the link 34mins in
from 1hr 38 in
a double jeremy whine whammy, “scaredy cat” al bbc security?? correspondent, 70s dj voiceover vine, and tosspot traitor galloway …
yep! theres indepth debate for you
Islamic jihad bomb threats inside USA too, of course:-
Texas and North Dakota campuses cleared by” [al Qaeda] “bomb threats”
The likely destruction of the christian and Shia is ignored
As is the useful role the socialist pan arab beleifs have provided in providing a non sectarian form of government to hold the ring . Yes there was no real freedom and the regime can be corrupt and brutal but the alternative is of a large minority ruled by a repressive majority could be even worse.
The nearest analogy would be the Romanovs being replaced bt the bolsheviks. A corrupt brutal family replaced by a idealogical dictatorship seems apt.
The quality of reporting is increasingly poor from the BBC the reporting on syria is pathetic they showed a sophisticated shape charge of the type used against the US and uk in Iraq( it project a molten porjectile highly effective against older tank types not fitted with ceramic composite armour) and said it was a simple IED.
The level of technology to make that type of weapon means its Iranian or produced by a fairly sophisticated armoury, Given that it was in the hands of Sunni that means Al queda, Saudi arabia or turkey. This wouldn’t fit the narrative so the footage was simply wrongly described by the off screen “expert”.
The fact that the Syrian army hasnt fallen apart and large sections of the community including sunny middle class, various shia sects, the christians and a core of old gaurd pan arabs doesnt fit the narrative so this is barely mentioned.
The heavy supply of weapons and the training of the insurgents by Saudi, Turkey and a number of neighbouring countries and the proability that Iran and even Turkey could be drawn in shouldthe syrian state collapse is hardly broached.
They seem to think that democracy will flourish if the anti Assad forces win it wont. Im not an apologist for Assads state hes a vicious thug but so was the Shah in Iran At least there the country that became a religious state was largely homogenous a patch work qiult like syria has the possibility for a long running blood bath.