For a long time the BBC has hidden the true face, the true nature of Islam from viewers and listeners.
The BBC has always tried to downplay the religious aspect of any actions taken by Muslims…bombings and other attacks have been carried out by ‘criminals’ and ‘madmen’ or men ‘perverting’ Islam…..Islam has not been the inspiration nor has it given divine sanction to the violence.
The second part to the BBC’s attempt to obscure the truth about Islam is to claim Islam has no political aspects….Muslims are non-political….it is the Islamists, the ‘extremists’, who are ‘political’…and as such do not represent Islam and Muslims as a whole….’Islamists’ who were ‘created’ in the 1930’s in response to outside intereference in Muslim countries.
Today we have a quote that you should take careful note of and remember it well because it lays to rest those BBC lies about Islam. The quote paints a picture of a very different Islam to the purely spiritual one the BBC normally allows you to hear about.
The mask, or veil, has slipped and the true face of Islam has been revealed, admitted, by the BBC.
Jeremy Bowen is in Tripoli (2 hrs 36mins) discussing the latest Islamic uprisings across the Muslim world………
Jim Naughtie: ‘People in Europe have to remember the way religion and politics are absolutely intertwined in a way we’ve long forgotten.’
Bowen: ‘Well that’s the thing, in secular Europe you forget that in [the Middle East] people are defined by their religion, it shapes their lives and shapes their politics as well and that’s a power you can’t underestimate…it’s absolutely central to the way people live and go about their business.‘
That’s pretty clear, crystal clear….Islam is political, and shapes not only people’s lives but their politics.
We all knew that…when Sidique Khan said he and his fellow bombers were attacking the West because they were followers of Islam and this is what Islam roused and inspired them to do it was transparently obvious that that was true.
Mark Steyn said that ‘The problem with extremists wasn’t that they were perverting Islam but that they were following its ideology and carrying out its instructions’ and he wasn’t wrong.
This is taken from DV’s Tangled Web site and shows Islam’s attitude to non-Muslims…one that has been long established and not as the BBC tell us a creation of ‘Islamists’ in the 1930’s as a reaction against Western interference….
‘In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli’s envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). Upon inquiring “concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury”, the ambassador replied:
It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. ‘
I posted a couple of days ago, about a stunning evaluation of Islam and the Ancient world in a video, on the ‘Gates of Vienna’ website by a Dr Bill Warner. Visit it and settle back to hear Islam revealed in all it’s gory, yes, gory not glory. Well worth the 30mins plus of your time. Please watch it, i wish the politicians and the BBC would.
It was a good video
Thank you John, glad people watched it, it is an eye-opener. Gates of Vienna is on my favs list, has been for a while, it does come up with the the goods.
Thank you for this masterclass Mr Brown.
And as Bill says-as Geert does too-the real craven dhimmis that have yet to commission “Muhammad-the Opera”, but will go to any raggedy-arsed scrubland to offer their necks( well actually OURS! to those scary yet oddly thrilling beardymen!)…
Alan Partridge lapdancers-all of `em!
Oh-they`ll go anywhere to meet their bezzies in Islam-except for Mecca or Medina of course-which we choose not to go to, for fear of patronising theie wondrous contribution to all things lovely.
Great video-compulsory viewing for anyone who wants the truth in simple sntences
Alan I don’t know you pal but we are definitely reading from the same page, mate! Islamic groveling is the best evidence we have of BBC bias and your blogs get straight to the crux of the matter… keep ’em coming chief!
BBC continue to blame “Life of Mohamed” satire equivalent to “Life of Brian” for Islamists foaming at the mouth. No BBC. Its their problem they can’t cope with free speech and satire, not ours. When Southern Tories are outraged by Question Time and start slaughtering BBC staff, we might get a spark of recognition. Until then , it seems its all our fault.
BBC=Islams Useful idiots
If Islam ever took over= RIP BBC Islams Useful idiots
BBC-NUJ’s unexplained campaign for ‘Left’-Islam political alliance.
BBC-NUJ does not come clean on the dangerous absurdity of its own political advocacy.
How has it come to pass that BBC-NUJ is politically so close to the mosque, and, e.g so far away from a UKIP meeting?
Whatever BBC-NUJ’s excuses, its deceit of Islamic apologetics is getting to be more and more obvious and less and less acceptable a position for a publicly-financed broadcaster to adopt.
“Islamic Murder, Western Submission”
By Paul Weston.
True or False regards the Mohammed Film
Was the Holy founder of Islam a Warlord or a saint?
Was the Holy founder OF Islam fond of other men’s women?
Was the holy Founder of Islam found of little girls?
Was the Holy Founder of Islam a crook?
The answer to all those questions is true:
Yet the bBC fails to inform the plebs that the so called highly inflammatory film tells only the truth. But then the bbC only likes it when Westerns are killed.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
Up to the 17C alone, ‘peaceful’ Islam has slaughtered an estimated 270 million souls, simply for being Christian, Hindu, Buddhist etc……Islam is the religion of the savage.
Don’t forget to give us atheists a shout out….
We get choppy-choppy heads off too!
Most leftys I know are athiests. They think all religion is a joke and people who believe in it mad. But don’t dare say that about Islam, I wonder why?
To Chop
the islamic mind control death cult can not co-exsist peaceably along with anyother belief or idiology the islamic mind control cult cannot understand intellectial reasoned debate or criticism islam demands mindless unquestioning obedience Dalek like from its mindless followers and like the Daleks islam has to be the supreme power to the detrement of everyone or everything not islamic or Dalek if the BBC does not start producing the facts on the odious cult that is islam it will be another step towards the day when the lastr word that the last free non muslim on the planet will be EXTERMINATE opps got the muslims and the Daleks mixed up but no difference the muslims and the Daleks have the same ultimate goal..To be the supreme rulers
From the Onion
No One Murdered Because Of This Image
Can’t see the picture. Link?,29553/
Wondered why Buddha has a smile on his face, good cartoon, not in the least offended.
Why is it that the BBC failed to report the threats of violence against Tom Holland and Channel 4 relating to the second screening of his documentary ‘Islam: The Untold Story’, which was initially reported to have led to the programme having been pulled, as well as an associated special screening and debate at Channel 4 HQ? Another inconvenient truth for the BBC relating to the innately non-cuddly nature of Islam presumably?
r4 – any questions – 1st question – ian dale
& showing he knows absolutely nothing about islam or mohamhead,
“i know enough about mohamhead to know
he wouldn t be on the streets protesting, (wait for it)
he would be … ahem! …. turning the other cheek” 😀
yes we are, ” in an interesting post revolutionary landscape”.
hmmm … off switch
Well written Alan 🙂
Something occurs to me reading your opening line: For a long time the BBC has hidden the true face, the true nature of Islam from viewers and listeners.
It’s whether the BBC itself knows the true face and nature of Islam. I don’t believe they actually do.
What seems more likely to me is that certain themes that the Islamists were pushing appealed already to the BBC mindset, so they were all too willing to suck it up hook, line, and sinker. Like 9/11 being a result of George Bush and American policy in Israel. Basically, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Based on ignorance, entrenched in a left wing mindset, once they had their tinted lenses on, they were and are unable to see, or even contemplate the reality.
It will ultimately hit them when they, like Christopher Stevens, find themselves being sodomized just before execution.
I’m also reminded of Alec Guiness in Bridge on the River Kwai, when after alerting the Japanese to the British Commandos trying to destroy his ‘magnificent bridge’, and it occurs to him ‘what have I done’, just before he’s killed.
They only see the world they want to believe exists. not the reality.
Lara Logan (CBS News), Bobby Ghosh (Time)-
“Mideast Violence is Organised”
(1 min: 45 sec video from Charlie Rose Show, Bloomberg TV.)
Lara Logan appears to understand what’s going on now. It’s a pity that she was so unaware before.
“…when Sidique Khan said he and his fellow bombers were attacking the West because they were followers of Islam and this is what Islam roused and inspired them to do…”
Except he didn’t actually say “Islam” inspired him to go on a murderous killing spree did he Alan?
But regardless, Sidique Khan was an idiot. Why are you giving any credence to the wittering of moronic idiots such as him?
“This is taken from DV’s Tangled Web site and shows Islam’s attitude to non-Muslims…”
No it doesn’t [what a ridiculous statement]. It shows nothing more than Tripoli’s attitude towards the U.S. in 1785.
Des ,
I see you have no problem defending an evil Islamic terrorist. While attacking the people who point out the uglyness encoded into the DNA of each and every muslim on the planet.
Dez, why are you defending these barbarians? Can one of you leftards please tell me why any normal civilised human being has to put up with these medieval retards. A doctored video that allows them to launch a co-ordinated attack on humanity is giving people like you the justification to censor criticism of Islam. You are as usual a useful tool for the extremists. The hatred that some Muslims feel towards civilisation has no place in the 21st Century but people like you bend over backwards to promote it. I really, really want to know why you so think its acceptable to support an ideology that hates women, gays, Christians, Jews.
“Dez, why are you defending these barbarians?”
I haven’t defended anyone who goes round killing people.
Neither have I defended anyone who calls for people to be killed (such as several people on this blog).
Idiots, intent on stirring up trouble, can say whatever they like. And he rest of us can call them f***ing idiots.
What is your problem with that?
“Jihad is an obligation on every single one of us, men and women, and by staying at home you are turning your backs on jihad which is a major sin.”
Mohammad Sidique Khan
“I am directly responsible for protecting and avenging my Muslim brothers and sisters.”
Mohammad Sidique Khan
“I and thousands like me have forsaken everything for what we believe in. Our driving motivation does not come from tangible commodities that this world has to offer. Our religion is Islam.”
Mohammad Sidique Khan
Apparently, according to Dez this makes him an idiot. Someone who is encouraging people to murder in the name of a dysfunctional religion is an idiot!
It makes one wonder what he would call the chap who send nail bombs to a gay bar, and to Muslim and Black addresses a few years ago – “A little naughty” perhaps?
The justification comes from The Koran, and since its content has not been revised nor has there been a fundemental change in its interpretation, the year 1785 is an irrelevance.
Durotrigan, Re: ‘Untold story'(apt)
Channel 4(or al jazeera lite as I like to call it) must be thanking their lucky stars they pulled it when they did.
Conspiracists may think more than luck was involved
P.S. Persian Fire isn’t ‘all that’
These people were cavemen before Mohammed was a twinkle in his uncircumcised father’s eye. His religion grew out of that culture, and, as Geert Wilders correctly points out, hasn’t gone through an Enlightenment. It’s a problem, but the Mohammedans who run the bodega down the street and sell me my beer are not going to kill me any time soon. Nor are the ones who live in my friend’s building nearby. I could go on.
This is the true face of cavemen who are inspired by their local religious leaders, who are also cavemen. I have no respect for them or their religious beliefs, nor do I have any respect for those who defend their behavior, or cry “bigot/racist” at those who call Islam vile and all that, without offering any reasonable argument why the complainers shouldn’t be concerned. But these cavemen are not the same as the civilized people I know. The problem is who are the majority in power and who are the minority who have fled the cave. A large part of the world needs to grow up, and those denying it are now part of the problem.
The likes od Dez will always claim it’s only a small minority – bit I’d like to see proof of that. Channel 4 did a survey of British Muslims a couple of years back and the beliefs and attitudes of a disturbingly large number of them, especially younger ones, were more aligned to radical Islam than British laws and customs. Damned if I can find it anywhere on t’ interweb though.
Antidote to INBBC appeasement of Islam:
“Michael Coren and Robert Spencer on the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens”
(8 min video)
What on earth was Clinton thinking when she sent a gay as an ambassador to an unstable muslim country? She literally signed his death warrant. How arrogant or ignorant are these politicians who seem to adore Islam so much.
INBBC will continue its support for unlimited mass immigration into Britain from Islamic countries, regardless of the inevitable consequences.
The BBC (Islamic Proselytizer Corp.) needs to bolster support for its existence somehow; like Liebour, the BBC foresees a time when the indigenous population calls time on its corrupt ways and so a back-up support plan i.e. one involving islamic useful idiots, is needed. But to be honest I’m a-struggling to determine who, in fact, are the useful idiots… white middle class liberals or dynamite wielding Jihadis. I think this whole politically correct minority obsession of the middle-class liberals will backfire, with appalling consequences for this country. I’ll be long-gone by then, hopefully.
The most obscene aspect is the contrast between treatment of hate speech by native Brits and Muslims.
More at:
We are all heading for a disaster of bibical proportions, no one will escape it especially the self-loathing, cowardly scum that run things.
Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them (47:4)
The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65)
Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (3:28)
Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an (8:12)
Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels (8:60)
Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them (2:191)
Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood (9:123)
When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them (9:5)
No need to post the BBC’s mission statement here…
Meanwhile, in Sydney:×349.jpg
You set up a straw man, saying the BBC claims Islam has no political aspects. Then you disprove the point by quoting Bowen and naughtie saying the opposite.
So your point is pure assertion, which then you refute.
“You Can Never Awaken a Man Who Is Pretending to be Asleep.”
“Violence is what brings Islam success. In Mohammed’s life, he preached the religion of Islam for 13 years and garnered 150 new followers. When he went to Medina and became a politician and a warlord, when he died every Arab was a Muslim. Jihad violence was what made Islam successful. If Mohammed practice jihad, Muslims must use the technique of jihad.
“Hello establishment experts, the black flag is not an Al Qaeda flag. The black flag with the Shahada, ‘There is no god, but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet’ and the swords goes back to the Golden Age of Islam in Baghdad in the 9th century. (The establishment professors never tell you about this jihad aspect of the Islamic Golden Age.) This jihad flag is ancient.
“Current news is that Ambassador Stevens was raped before he was killed. If so, then this is pure jihad doctrine.”
The BBC says it hates empires yet continues to help the islamic empire as it moves forward step by little step …
At CoJo, their Madrassa of Islamic Journalism, Beeboids censor out books such as E. Karsh’s ‘Islamic Imperialism’ (Yale U.P)
INBBC censors that murderer of British troops was Islamic jihad Muslim-
“Two British soldiers shot dead in Afghanistan”
or, more accurately –
‘Disguised Islamic jihad Muslim murders two British soldiers’
Jizya for EGYPT’s Muslim Brotherhood.
British taxpayers pay for INBBC Arabic TV to broadcast Islamic propaganda from Egypt’s anti-West, Muslim Brotherhood government.
(Video clip)
“Good news: $1.6 billion annual aid to Egypt not in jeopardy”