An American takes a close look at the World as Justin Webb would like it:
‘In yet another From Our Own Correspondent entry, Justin Webb reveals just how deep is his obsession with religion and religious Americans. How deep? Well, it seems that being a Bush supporter and – even worse, one imagines – a sunday school teacher is enough to set Webb to secretly questioning one’s children to make sure one is mentally suitable to qualify for Webb’s friendship.
I’m not making this up. As a lead in to his tediously typical portrayal of the American right as religiously ensconced ignoramuses, Webb relates a personal anecdote about going to dinner at the house of the parents of one of his own child’s classmates. He felt compelled to test the classmate, Meade, on the origins of the dinosaurs in order to satsify himself that the parents are not religious loons. As Webb himself tells us, the answer to his question will tell him “something about Meade’s parents which will affect our relationship.” Happily, after a pause which Webb finds to be “agonising”, Meade manages to provide a satisfactory answer, much to Webb’s immense relief….
“I could have hugged him and his parents; we are, after all, inhabiting the same mental planet.”
Sharing Webb’s “mental planet”? Poor Meade.
Webb continues:
“But many modern members of the Republican party, including some in positions of great power, do not seem to be living on that planet.
As the nation recovers this weekend from the worldly pleasures of the wonderfully inclusive festival of Thanksgiving, a festival which can appeal equally to atheist and Bible-basher, it seems to me that the central political question facing everyone here, far more important than any to do with Iraq or the deficit or Guantanamo Bay, is whether or not the Republican party, after decades of flirting, has finally got into bed with an irrational sect.” ‘
Fucking hell what a wanker.
Doyle, I think he’s also a bastard.
Sorry Alan, but in regards to this and your last post.
WTF are you on about?
I would have thought someone as clever as you Number 7, judging by your own opinion of yourself, would have worked it out….all by yourself……..
‘Seems I was right!
Perhaps all the “Great & Good” on this site, who promptly shot me down in flames for suggesting the Jewish lobby still had power in the US would like to apologise.
You who you are!’
Not as powerful as the oil lobby, which is behind the forthcoming Iranian war. Iran has been provoked into going nuclear by western sanctions, which were imposed because the mullahs nationalised western oil assets when they took power.
Companies like BP, Exxon-Mobil and Total want these assets back. It’s a pity the BBC doesn’t expose their influence – no doubt because Labour has had links with BP since Blair’s premiership.
The beeb said bugger-all about BP’s financial backing of Azerbaijan in its oil war with Armenia in the late 90’s. And I think it was only EU money that turned the beeb against the Iraq invasion, from which Blair has profited as a postwar employee of JP Morgan-Chase. (Germany and France, which control the EU, lost contracts when Saddam was toppled, hence the BBC’s antipathy.)
No, I don’t see how the Jewish lobby will benefit from missiles raining on Tel Aviv. However, Iran’s threats to Israel may yet provoke influential Jews to lobby Washington against war – which is clearly the intention behind Teheran’s nuclear diplomacy in the first place.
So yes, there’s a strong Jewish lobby in the States, because so many Jews are wealthy. But big oil is stronger because it’s richer. Big enough to own governments. So I think the oil war will happen, complete with plenty of distracting antisemitism on the box.
‘Iran has been provoked into going nuclear by western sanctions’.
Osama, is it you mate? Oh, please say you’re still alive!
Only a loony would think the mullahs put jihad above the desire to keep profiting from Iranian oil. Fanaticism is for the mindless masses – establishments only care about the money.
Strange that Webb and his leftoid BBC chums have got into bed with a very irrational, and downright murderous, sect.
This is ancient news. This blog busted ol’ Justin on his religious bigotry years ago. It was this kind of openly hostile thinking which got him that coveted seat on Today.
So the BBC can’t be biased just because of the personal views of its presenters.
Yeah, right. And Webb is a bigot of the first order.
I’m still waiting for the one where a Beeboid cross-examines Achmed’s kids to see what they feel about armed film criticism….