ATTICUS in the Sunday Times (no link £) reveals the mindset of the BBC staff:
‘Which moment of the Olympics do you think was greeted with the biggest cheer by BBC staff? Was it Mo Farrah’s win? Or the gold for Jessica Ennis?
Neither, according to the veteran sports reporter Harry Gration: it was the moment when Team GB’s male footballers were knocked out of the tournament on penalties.
He told a literary lunch in Harrogate, North Yorkshire: “There was just this feeling that the football wasn’t in the spirit of the Olympics.” ‘
Funnily enough Justin Webb confirms that attitude in another Sunday Times piece (no link £) when he reveals in ‘MY HAVEN’ that: ‘To me rugby is the finest game ever invented. I hope it supplants football as the national sport one day, because not only is it more complex and interesting, it involves a great degree of bravery too. There’s a feel of good honest endeavour about rugby – players aren’t going to fake injuries, as they so often are in modern football.’
Good to hear that a presenter from a major news programme hasn’t heard of ‘Blood Gate’ or stories like this ‘Rugby World Cup: Ireland faked injuries to beat us, says ex-Australia star.’
Must assume he also thinks football fans are too thick to watch a ‘complex game’, the players being too cowardly, unskilled and somehow dishonest in football.
Football is a game for gentlemen played by ruffians
Rugby Union is a game for ruffians played by gentlemen
Rugby League is a game for ruffians played by ruffians
So the only one worthy of the elitist BBC is the elitist Rugby Union (I’m not knocking normal RU fans by the way).
Football is, as far as the privileged Islingtonian BBC is concerned, enjoyed by the sort of person who supports the EDL, i.e. the Real Working Class. (I’m not knocking the Working Class either, just the BBC attitudes to it).
The thing is, these days, premiership football is boring, played by strangers and in contests that are fabricated by an association with the past.
Justin Webb has many faults, many contemptible faults, but criticising him for preferring rugby union is pretty weak.
One of my daughters and my son are keen footballers, and I love to watch them play, and win if they can, but rugby union is still a better game.
I think there’s an element here of Webb not looking beyond the upper echelons. The vast majority of the football played in this country is by amateurs – ok, it may not be pretty and it may not be ‘gentlemanly’, but it’s tough and it’s (largely) honest.
Well, I like football, and as I’ve run out of cereal, was planning on going to my local McD’s (with halal certificates, naturally) tomorrow for a sausage and egg McMuffin. So it must be true then.
The bbc staff probably subscribe to the Andy Murray school of thought – anyone but England. And if it could be a muslim – team or individual – then all the better. As an organisation individually and collectively, They disgust me.
They would definitely get a kick out of the fact it was an English player who missed the all-important penalty, as they no doubt have at all our penalty failures over the years (too numerous to mention).
The Metropolitan elite were the real cause of
the Hillsborough disaster, they would still put football supporters in cages if they could. They have learned nothing, their self-righteous attitude stops them from looking inwards for culpability. If you know the grubby working class are no good you can preen your ego nicely.
Yes, all football supporters in the 1980s were purer than the driven snow and the barriers which made the Hillsborough disaster possible were installed for no reason whatsoever as part of a wicked conspiracy by the Metropolitan elite.
Good point.
The reasons for putting up fencing at football grounds were just as strong for the Israelis building their security wall.
I’m sure Mo Farrah made the olympics for most BBC staff. He’s pretty close to the top of their ‘Progressive Stack’.
If only he was disabled and homosexual as well. The search for the lunatic left’s supreme being would be off!
Sorry but that’s bullshit, In BBC land being female would trump homosexuality, especially in sporting events.
For them it’s particularly important to overemphasise female sports “stars” and pretend they’re just as good as the men (if not better). The ridiculous coverage of Jessica Ennis is proof of this, watch the BBC Olympics highlights video and you’ll see them refer to her as “the best all round athlete in the world), despite being light-years behind any male decathlete.
Yeah, but she is hot …
Mo Farah certainly made the Olympics for me.
An awesome double-gold and from a countryman proud to wear the British vest. No – “very proud”.
And a nice chap to boot.
A fine example of someone who has embraced our society and values and asked not what his (adopted) country can do for him, but what he can do for his country.
Beebtards wet themselves when he won, not because he is a British winner but precisely because he is not. He may be a swell individual, but what he is not is British.
He was born in Somalia to Somalian parents and raised in Somalia. His name is Mohammed not “Mo”. He is used as a poster child for the establishment multicultists as if one athlete makes up for the ongoing immigration disaster.
Rugby is a much better sport than football though.
You hit the nail on the head there Meh. It was the domination of the cycling by the British that made the games for me. They were so well disciplined, so talented and so consistent, but hideously white.
The lunatic left seem to think that the success of one talented Somalian runner who has a British passport and had integrated well in to British society, prior to moving to The States, can make up for all the problems that their failed mass-immigration policy has brought with it.
Kevin McGuire said that his wins should silence any criticism of Islam!?
And this manifests itself in Webb’s BBC work how?
I don’t understand the point of this article.
Are you accusing the BBC of having an anti-football bias? That seems a little strange, particularly so in the wake of the publication of the Hillsborough panel’s report and the BBC’s coverage of it.
I would suggest that Hillsborough is just a temporary blip in the BBC mindset. It works for them because it is an anti-police, and they hope anti-Thatcher story.
In the 1980s most of the BBC saw football supporters as crypto-fascists.
I did not see this but someone I knew witnessed the Hysel rampage in a student union TV room. He noted that all of the left demanded that the police charged the Liverpool supports with batons and plastic bullets. As he pointed out they would never have seen the irony as they would not have made the same remarks about the miners strike.
To be fair to the Scousers the Italians did kick off first at Hysel. IIRC there is video footage, pre-start of the game, of Juvenus supporters firing flares into the Liverpool supporters.
Doesn’t justify what happened next but does add some context.
I think a few people are taking this post way too seriously….have a break….it’s Sunday, have some fun.
Some BBC staff need to be sent to political correctness re-education gulags – fancy standing up for white “dominated” rugby against multiracial football! Maybe it’s the big muscles that subvert their metrosexual minds. Pity the corporation’s gorilla lesbians don’t get much of a look-in, girls’ gymnastics receiving so little coverage. Oh no, that’s white “dominated” too!
Well I agree with Webb for once (not family of the ‘inventor’ is he?)
“rugby is the finest game ever invented.”
I think this is more a class thing than a political one. I lost count of the number of people I have met who use their support of rugby over football as an indicator of their oneness with the middle classes.
Just another one of those pathetic snobberies.
I think the post is just emphasing the fact the BBC is not inclusive, as it tries to pretend. Its almost entirely white, middle-class, urban dwelling, and of course, left-leaning, especially the higher ranks. Such people are often derogatory towards the lower-classes and their interests. On Hillsborough this manifests itself in their coverage, which was very low-key whilst the families campaigned for publicity and were ignored by Jack Straw and co, but now they can erroneously say ‘it was fatcher what done it’, they have become motivated.
Football Is For People Who Eat In McDonalds As Knives And Forks Are Too Hard To Master
You know what I love about this headline? Its how the so called political elite look down at people who eat with their hands. You know like how the very people who have this outlook will use their fingers to eat common food from far and wide, Mexican food, Italian food Indian food, thai food all eaten with fingers yet those who do feel superior than others who use their fingers. More popcorn vicar?