Today ‘Iran resurrects Salman Rushdie threat’.
‘Iran has seized on widespread Muslim outrage over a film insulting the Prophet Mohammad to revive the death threat against Salman Rushdie, raising the reward for killing him by US$500,000 (£320,000).’
Ironically yesterday the BBC finally found its backbone and spoke up in favour of defending civilised values of free speech and free thought….having Salman Rushdie on to speak along with others:
We were told that ‘respect’ for Islam was a codeword for fear….something we need to overcome….what we need is open discourse as part of the culture of this country..
We must defend the right of people to say things we don’t like, it’s not freedom of speech otherwise, we need to stand up for that freedom of speech more clearly.
Freedom of speech underpins the whole of society…democracy means nothing without freedom of speech, everybody otherwise lives in fear….all it requires is for good men to remain silent.
There is a lot of fear, especially around Islam, there is a phoney culture where no one admits the truth…that they are afraid of Islam….which results in a silencing of the necessary critical voices and debate and the continuation of identity politics.
How long this bravery lasts at the BBC remains to be seen….will they act on these words or are they merely mouthing platitudes, grandstanding whilst there are outrages across the Muslim world in protest against a film that is no more than a complete piece of rubbish…'”an idiotic video… A piece of garbage”‘, only to slip back into the old formula of quietly silencing all criticism of Islam and going along with anything any Muslim says about ‘respecting’ the religion, i.e. not allowing anyone to say anything Muslims disagree with.
Perhaps the BBC socialists will have a hard time coming to terms with allowing freedom of speech, at least for things they disagree about for as Hayek tells us Socialists and Islamists have a lot in common:
‘The French writers who laid the foundations of modern socialism had no doubt that their ideas could be put into practise only by a strong dictatorial government. To them socialism meant an attempt to “terminate the revolution” by a deliberate reorganisation of society on hierarchical lines, and the imposition of a coercive “spiritual power”. Where freedom was concerned, the founders of socialism made no bones about their intentions. Freedom of thought they regarded as the root-evil of nineteenth-century society, and the first of modern planners, Saint-Simon, even predicted that those who did not obey his proposed planning boards would be “treated as cattle”.
Cattle eh? Reminds one of Mehdi Hasan telling us we non-Muslims were all cattle.
Socialists and Muslims…..wonder how that turned out in Iran?
Anyone see Andrew Marr attempt to knock this one out of the park this morning? One of his guests brought up the (albeit ridiculously crappy anti-islamic movie) to which he rapidly responded “the director of which has now been arrested.” Really? He was taken in for questioning in a country in which freedom of speech is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. No crime has been committed. And really, shouldn’t we be focussing on the response of Islamic Extremists, rather than trying to discredit their critics? An interesting reflex, I thought.
… and since released. I don’t think the ‘Director’ has broken any laws in the USA, and he was probably dragged in for advice on his own safety, but you’re right Marr shows his colours by his stance.
The filmmaker was “voluntarily” brought in for questioning on an entirely unrelated matter. He’s on probation for bank fraud, and one of the probation terms is that he can’t use the internet or get someone to go online to do something for him.
The FBI – under orders from the very top, you can be sure – moved heaven and earth to find out who he was, and found to their delight that they had a reason, no matter how flimsy, to pick him up.
How’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ out for ya now, BBC?
How come you know more about the First Amendment to the Constitution than Andrew Marr ?
Are you being paid £1 million a year ? Do you have a team of researchers and producers finding out the facts ?
It really is a sad decline for Britain. The press – the media – are supposed to “argue truth to power” To report on what is going on, to try to hold politicians to account.
RIP Derek Jameson, just died. Didn’t give a monkey’s.
He would have despised today’s MPs
and he would have despised “journalists” like Marr
‘An interesting reflex, I thought.’
And an inaccurate one it would transpire, which I presume was not corrected?
We seem to be paying a lot of money for market rate ‘talent’ that neither educates or informs properly.
Marr actually said “(hat odd bloke who has now been arrested”.
Marr should stick to sliding his hand down the jeans of women who aren’t his wife outside Costa Dorada in Hanway Street at two in the morning instead of commenting on this…
Isn’t that an act of public indecency? Does Knacker know?
Inside every ‘progressive’ is a secret policeman.
Socialists need to be able to coerce, because the system they would like to see imposed goes against the grain of human nature, which is why it has always failed. This is Mark Thompson’s greatest legacy: an organisation teeming with champagne socialists on top talent salaries drawn from the public purse. Their own personal variation of Living in a Socialist Paradise.
Come on people, the only reason the bBC is pointing this out, is becasue they know there is a really good chance of Rushdie getting his throat slit. To the Muslims (and Plastic Muslims) at the bBC, that is a result.
So in order to terrorise the British Public some more the bBC are making this into a big story so everybody knows just who Rushdie is, before he is murdered for Allah.
The bBC, the fifth column in our Midst
Andrew (super injunction) Marr free speech – oh the irony
oxymoron of the century!
The time is ripe to send a message to the bBC, that Islam is not the state faith of the UK. That Sharia isn’t law and that Mohhamed was a pervert, who raped a 9 year old child, who robbed people blind and who formed a gay death cult.
Send them a message that you find their support for Islam unacceptable, that they are a fifth column and that you will be writing to your MP about how the bBC has become the mouth piece for Islamic intolerance in the UK at your expense..
If everybody posted one e-mail to the bBC who reads this blog to the same bBC address. Then we will block up the inbox of that person for the day. Make it polite, and if we did that on a day to day basis on a rolling posting (different e-mail address everyday) we will send the message to the supporters of Sharia law at the bBC that we (the unwashed) can mess up their day just as Islam messes up our days with bad news.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
So on that note who should we target first for a mass posting?
Answers on the back of the unholy Koran to….
And right on time up pops john Bell of the Iona community to denounce anyone who dares to criticise islam as a “psychopath”, get that? If you dare to use your right to free expression and the right to criticise islams contradictions you are a psychopath and you are to blame for the rage filled blood lust that follows.
This appeaser demands that we stay silent just in case we provoke islamofascism, Bell demands that we get our our knees and stay there lest we give islamofascism a reason to get enraged and offended. Notice to Bell, islamofascism will manufacture reasons where non exists because they must keep their followers in a constant state of rage.
If you dare to criticise islam you are a bigot according to bell, free speech is to blame for the deaths, the victims are dead and its the fault of the “psychopaths and bigots” who dare to exercise their right to free speech and not the actual perverted killers. And it is this kind of grovelling appeasement and excuse making that actually empowers and emboldens islamofascism. Self censorship does not work because islam will always be offended by something, its in their nature to be offended and you can almost feel the impatience of the rage mob to be offended so they can showcase their constant rage.
Wonder how big the Muslim community is on Iona, assuming that’s where this bigot is actually from.
The message is clear isnt it? The gradual restriction of free expression in case it offends someone, go down that road and it leads to a dark place.
I reckon we’re almost there, courtesy of the Blair-designed PC straitjackets we’re all now wearing.
bliar didnt get it all his own way over the religious hatred law:
Well said, Cassie (long time no see!). And it’s the much easier, and more effective, soft fascism of shaming people into silence rather than going through the trouble of legislation. Why bother passing laws when the BBC is there to browbeat the public into submission (see what I did there)?
Do not adjust your set! Warmonger Blair on Toady explaining what is going on with the Islamic film protests. That will sort it!
Notice the liberal media jump on this film as the cause of riots and attacks on Western symbols. Only in their heads.
“Film Riots” has slipped into the journalists shorthand. It is not the cause of Muslim hatred of the West. That has been there for centuries. Blaming the film is liberal code for “It’s our fault. We brought it on ourselves. We are to blame for their rage”
If it is not our fault, then what? Staring into the abyss…
I believe that Blair went to war out of deep conviction. And he was right! I will criticize anyone and not just my “political” opponents. We should be free to be abusive otherwise the whole concept will be slowly eroded until we are all enslaved to the latest lunatic power group. question: who called for madman Khomeni’s arraignment for incitement to murder?
INBBC’s censorship of Islam’s global censorship campaign.
There is a global Islamic jihad campaign to force the West to criminalise any criticism of Islam; and Iran’s renewed death threat to Salman Rushdie is part of that campaign.
INBBC should make clear the role of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which represents the Islamic interests of 57 Islamic countries, and which is near to imposing Islamic legal censorship on us; but INBBC , in turn, operates a censorship policy on the OIC’s actions against the West.
“OIC top dog: murderous riots ‘demonstrated serious repercussions of abuse of freedom of expression that OIC had consistently been warning against'”
The OIC.
For INBBC, which seems quite ignorant of the sinister intentions of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (ex-Conference) – the OIC:-
-by Ida Lichter-
“Since 1999, resolutions on defamation of religions have been introduced repeatedly on behalf of the OIC in the UN Human Rights Council, and from 2005, in the UN General Assembly. These were aimed at making criticism of Islam an international crime. Limitations on freedom of speech were already manifest in 1990, when the OIC adopted the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, which declared, in Article 22, that everyone had the right to free speech as long as it was not contrary to Sharia law.”
Good find.
‘Human Rights in Islam’. Must be a contender for Oxymoron of the Year.
Ha guys, now you know why I’m always rabbiting on about my personal experience of muzbots being rabid psycos !
If Rushdie, who is frankly a pretentious and boring beeboid manque, would do the decent thing and take one for the team, that would really put the beeboids on the spot.
So the head of a terrorist state puts a bounty of £320,000 on a British writer. Imadinnerjacket is clearly quite potty. It’s doubtful if many of us would have heard of Rushdie had the Muslim Mafia not over-reacted in typical insane fashion two decades ago. Now they’re at it again.
I have a knee jerk reaction now whenever I hear the word “Muslim.” I’m expecting a story of bloodshed, beheading, rioting, suicide bombing, homosexual baiting, wife beating, honour killing and paedo child grooming. I know that we shouldn’t tar everyone by the same brush, that clearly wouldn’t be fair. But isn’t it time the left stopped using the “religion of peace” mantra?
The religion of piecemeal submission is what the liberal left subscribe to. Incrementally deranged.
….or stopped claiming the Islamonutjobs are ‘just a tiny minority’?
It’s about time we had a Panorama special on our most rapidly-growing export – Islamic jihadists.
I’d accept the whole business about this being merely a tiny minority if it weren’t for the fact that they’re also the ones in charge of these countries.
I have just discovered this great site! It is not just fear of Islam and it’s lunatic hoards that the BBC fears. For years I used it has my home page for my daily news feed but am sick of that organization today. With its geoblocking and constant tracking the site has become the opposite of what the BBC once stood for. Now it is rare to have comments allowed for any news item, even if mildly controversial, and any contentious comments are deleted. Trouble is the whole Internet is being locked down by this spreading cancer.
BBC-NUJ, Salman Rushdie, Islam and Iran.
While many Beeboids appear to sympathise with the personal plight of Salman Rushdie, and they would prefer to see his books published, they are reluctant to criticise Islam as the fount of such repression and violence.
While the renewed fatwa originates in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Beeboids still reserves its political vitriol for Israel, one of Iran’s main opponents.
Perhaps an update on Beeboid attitudes in all this weill be gleaned from tomorrow night’s BBC 1
The above incomplete comment was cut short and automatically posted by the B-BBC site!
I will try to complete my comment here:-
Wednesday, 19 September: BBC 1 TV – 10:45 pm to 12:05 am
‘Imagine’ Salman Rushdie
(inc 3 min video clip)
“We must answer Rushdie’s call to ‘be braver’. The only alternative is abandoning our free speech”
How ironic that today the BBC site had an article about the anti-islam film and self-censorship and surprisingly allowed readers comments for a short time but removed 50% of the comments!! Not surprised eh? And I bet they don’t even see the connection!
It’s about time we censored the BBC by a total boycott.
I used to be a great fan of what I thought was a wonderful and free organization but now I have grown to hate it intensely for the hypocrisy and lack of freedom.