George R in the comments has come up with another good link which raises probably one of the most important questions this country, and many others like it, must answer….first of all of course the media and the politicians have to find some courage and ask that question.
Here is the issue that begs the question as admitted by a Muslim, Alibhai Brown:
‘It’s more or less over for progressive, liberal Islam. Many of us who’ve tried to keep alive the thoughtful, humane, cultured beliefs and practices of our parents and enlightened scholars can barely breathe or speak after the last wretched week when benighted mobs raved and killed across Muslim countries – some of them newly free and supposedly democratic.
Once, we could say with some certainty that Islamicist fanatics, thugs, killers and mind-benders represented a minority and that most Muslims, quiet and sane were unseen and unheard. Today, I fear it is the opposite.’
You can dispute the proposition that there was ever a progressive, liberal Islam as that is certainly not the philosophy preached by the Koran itself.
What isn’t in dispute, and even now we have a ‘renowned’ liberal/progressive, Ali Yasmin Alibhai-Brown coming round to recognising the fact, is that at heart Islam is a violent, intolerant and oppressive ideology….it is not just a few criminals, madmen or ‘perverters of Islam’ who adopt such violence in the name of Islam.
Islam is an ideology that should not be graced with the term ‘religion’ as it is far from spiritual in its raw, natural state.
That aside when liberal progressives themselves start to believe what was denounced previously as the stuff of ‘right wing extremists’, Nazis and Melanie Phillips you have to ask what is to be done with Islam in Western secular countires where it has been steadily growing and a huge influx of immigrants have been further expanding the ghettos of western cities.
If, as Alibhai Brown suggests, that it is in fact a majoriy of Muslims who are fundamentalist, extremist or fanatical when the occasion arises, there needs to be an honest and open debate about the effects of having a large community of people who follow such an ideology settling in ever larger groups, refusing to integrate and pushing for laws that outlaw common Western, secular or non-Muslim practises which are deemed offensive to Islam.
How do you deal with an ideology that is essentailly colonising your country and ‘conquering’ it by stealth?
The ‘moderate’ and highly respected Islamic scholar Yusuf al Qaradawi, has openly stated what must be the wishes of a majority of Muslims:
‘Must the conquest of Europe be necessarily through war? No….There is such a thing as a peaceful conquest. The peaceful conquest has foundations in this religion and I therefore expect that Islam will conquer Europe without resorting to the sword or fighting.
It will do so by means of Da’wa (preaching) and ideology.
Muslims must start acting in order to conquer this world.’
The same al Qaradawi who is now demanding “demonstrations of Islamic rage” in response to the video.
The Arab Spring ‘protestors’ state that what allowed them to get the courage to stand up and be counted was that they were suddenly ‘no longer afraid’ of what the State would do to them.
I suggest the likes of the BBC and the craven politicians also cast aside their fear of Muslim violence and stand up for the rights and values that took 2000 years to develop and which were often only won with the blood of men and women who, had they been looking on at the appeasement of the last few years, would have wondered if their own sacrifices had all been worth it when they are so easily cast aside and the country cast back into the dark ages of religious intolerance and bigotry.
The BBC will of course choke on that as it references two of its unbreachable shibboleths…that of immigration and ‘respect’ for Islam.
INBBC’s dogmatic, unexplained, but acquiescing political line on Islam includes the following FALSE assertions:-
1.) Islam is just like any other religion, and is reformable;
2.) British people should welcome unlimited numbers of immigrants from Islamic world, however many of them intend to impose Islam and Shariah law here;
3.) INBBC prefers to defer to Muslims so that THEY can dictate how Islam is explained, and how non-Muslims should politically accommodate Islam;
4.) INBBC presumes that the West is largely to blame for Muslims’ political situation in the world.
Have always found Alibi – Brown excruciating. A simpering ‘victim- ologist”. This is not Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. YAB returns to her old narrative. The Palestinians are a victimised people. Victimised by the Jewish state and ultimately the USA which backs it. She forgets that Israel integrated the 850,000 Jews expelled from the Arab states, most of whom were not Zionist and many who probably had never heard of Zionism. They were expelled for the ‘crime’ of being Jewish when the ‘Zionist Entity’ came into being. Many of these Jewish populations had histories of residency that went back to the time
of the diaspora. Israel has integrated them as full citizens.
450,000 Palestinian Arabs became refugees (whether enticed to leave by Arab states or not). The 5 million descendent of these refugees remain refugees. This, as several Arab commentators have realised and condemned, is the most cynical and heartless exploitation of the Palestinians. It is one cynical betrayal that Arab dictators and Palestinian political organisations from the PLO to Hamas has continued to exploit for its propaganda value. No doubt the Islamist of the Muslim Brotherhood will continue the exploitation. YAB needs to recognise this above all else.
Yes; I agree: she clings to the myth of ‘Palestinian victimhood’.
But, for what it is worth, at least temporarily, she has lost faith in the nature of the umma.
To be fair, many Palestinians really are victims – of their own leaders.
Ms Brown, as an immigrant to our country would do well to show some gratitude to us accepting her into our midst, when the Ugandans (I think) threw her and her fellow muslims out. I reckon that Uganda knew perfectly well that these muslims are a pain in the arse and they will cause trouble wherever they live. If she wants to be tolerate in our country she’d do best by shutting her stupid mouth and getting a proper job; perhaps in a supermarket serving real, normal English people.
‘real, normal English people’
By that, do you mean that no Muslim can be a real English person?
Aside from that, it seems a strange thing to say about someone who agrees with you about the problem with fanatical Islam.
“‘real, normal English people’
By that, do you mean that no Muslim can be a real English person?”
Hmmm, I understand we do have a few English ‘converts’, however the vast majority are not ethnically English, nor do they hold ‘English’ nationality.
Indeed, I doubt there are many “English” Muslims.
“White British was an ethnicity classification used in the 2001 United Kingdom Census. As a result of the census, 50,366,497 people (85.7% of the population) in the United Kingdom were classified as White British”
Ten years later? But still
The percentage of White British in 2001 that claimed to be Muslim was 0.14% (Wiki) around 70,000. I suspect only a few real converts, the rest by marriage.
The vast majority of Muslims residing in the UK are of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin, and it will take a generation for them to be “born British”
Cause a lot of fuss for a small proportion of the population, don’t they.
So a second or third generation immigrant, born and raised in this country, is not English?
People are differentiating between English the race and English the nationality. I don’t particularly like the racial classifications myself and normally ignore such attempts to try to classify me.
Racial classification was the province of the nazis and later the apartheid South Africans. Now it is firmly an obsession of the left which rather proves that the nazis were left wing as all their major beliefs are indistinguishable from one another.
As shown some time ago on another thread, I am ethnically 0% English (ie Anglo Saxon) but am proud to call myself English as that is my nationality. I just wish people would only make issue with someone’s politics rather than their race, unless it is in context.
British citizenship is not a racial matter, English is – and there’s no such thing as an “English” citizen. Hope this clears things up.
British citizenship is a historical accident that will soon be put right. I am English, and although my current passport says British I no longer feel British in the way I did even 20 years ago.
Notice she did run to our shores not some muslim haven, and complained about us eversince.
Alibi can be summed up by a passing remark I once heard her make on Any Questions, when she blamed the British for the deaths that ensued from the partition of India – as if they had not believed a united subcontinent would have been one of their proudest legacies and worked against partition until the very moment it became inevitable. Partition was a result of Muslim supremacism and intransigence and blame for the violence that accompanied it lies at their feet.
A good start would be to throw Anjem Choudhary , poppy-burning parasite living on benefit in nice London council accommodation, out of this country and to the middle eastern country of his choice.
To do that the people that run this country would have to grow a backbone. Instead of being spineless jellyfish they are now.
I think Jordan has a nice cosy bed waiting for him.
Alot of people would prefer if Jordan had a nice cosy gallows waiting for him.
I should be so lucky ! Always was a t*t man.
Ahhhhhh………… Jordan………..ooops.
The way forward is the assumption of repatriation to their places of origin of all muslim economic migrants. They all retain strong family links to their ‘native place’ and their is absolutely nothing inhumane about the procedure.
As a starting point, any muslims receiving any social security benefits should only be able to claim these in person, for a limited time span, at the place they migrated from.
Property owned in the UK should be subject to compulsory government purchase and should be used to reduce council house waiting lists.
Even by the loathsome “standards” of this blog, this thread is utterly contemptible.
Maybe while you are waiting to forcibly repatriate all Muslims (even though they are UK citizens and hence can’t be “repatriated”) you could round them up and keep them in a camp?
Perhaps if they could be asked to wear a symbol on their clothes, maybe a green crescent, that would help identify them.
So we have had morons on this gutter blog saying Muslims shouldn’t read the news. We now have Nazis calling for religious cleansing and for the state to forcibly acquire their property.
Further down this thread we have more Nazis calling for the extermination of Muslims.
Fortunately sites like this represent no one but a very small, angry, impotent and embittered collection of racist knuckle-dragging misanthropes drawn from the far left hand side of the bell curve.
And yes, that is an ad hominem so spare me the crocodile tears. You deserve to be called out on this. People on this blog are seriously proposing a “Final Solution”?
Nazi ideology alive and well and living among the pond life gathered here.
oh dear … wrong side of the bed this morning 😀
you want to stop reading socialist workers weekly, for your bedtime story … because you re starting to sound a bit too much like an like martin smith.
muslims are the new jews … yawn!
the mosque has taught you well ….
you might make a modicum of sense
but in error, you ve posted here instead
of the muslim council of britain, they ll love your analogy … and conveniently deny the last holocaust, whilst some of their ilk want to reign in the next one …
Jew hatred is really up these days, just read the quran. :-D, or the news from sweden, belgium, germany and any number of so called “muslim” countries,
unless you choose to ignore it.
“embittered collection of racist knuckle-dragging misanthropes”
oh sorry i didn t realise you were talking about libya, egypt, pakistan, afghanistan etc etc
but on the jews analogy shame on you, for your analogy SHAME ON YOU.
like the film says
“act crazy somewhere else … we re all out here”
deluded prick
“Jew hatred is really up these days”. So your argument is “they started it?” That may work on the playground, where I suspect you will be intellectually at home, but not in this case.
The simple fact is that the vile racist comments on this blog have reached a new low (who knew that was possible) when people are calling for the extermination of Muslims in this country.
I am staggered that David Vance puts his name to this blog. I have today drawn the attention of this thread to BBC NI to see if they really think he is someone suitable to appear on their programmes. Why should my licence fee go on someone who supports this kind of neo-Nazi filth?
As even someone such as yourself with barely double-digit IQ must comprehend the analogy with the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis is completely apposite (and if you don’t know what that means, borrow a dictionary from a grown up).
Nicked emus repent before it is to late or you will suffer eternal damnation in the lake of fire.
Save the fire and brimestone rubbish for people who give a f***. It got tired. There is no lake of fire, there is no eternal damnation. Get over it.
Why are you upset?
Does the truth hurt?
I am upset when I see people calling for the mass extermination of Muslims, calling for their forceable repatriation.
More to the point, why are you not upset by that?
Jehovah God will destroy all Muslims from the Earth in the near future. They are followers of a false religion and will suffer gods rightous anger.
Thank you for sharing but probably better to keep this kind of insane nonsense to yourself. It doesn’t do you any favours.
Like I say why is no one else outraged by the suggestions on this site. Calling for the mass extermination of Muslims is absolutely contemptible and anyone who supports it is a neo-Nazi.
“Jew hatred is really up these days”.-
sorry pseudo intellectual behemoth
to inform you but it is … particulary from muslims, particulary who act on it.
or didn t you get that part 😀
oh …“they started it????” …
hello? who? me? you? … voices in your head? (even your D grade playground classmates, may not get your meaning)
oh … is that it? … the depth of your insight? :-D, a legend in his own mind like yourself? 😀
hmmm … perhaps the rest of my comment their hit a raw nerve 😀
The Muslims hate the Jews because they are gods chosen people.
While the Muslims worship a false religion founded by a prophet that might not have even existed.
Seeing as it’s Question Time can I ask a question? We are told to respect and be sensitive towards Islam by our gutless and cowardly politicians, social ‘commentators’ and MSM. But why? Why should I respect anything remotely connected with this violent and offensive religion? It’s OK for Muslims to burn poppies, burn our flags, spit at our troops, treat Christians and anyone who isn’t Muslim as third class citizens and worse, chuck hand grenades through church windows, call for the death of Christians and non-believers, blow things up, attack Israel, fly planes through buildings, stone women to death, groom children and marry off 12-year-olds to adults in sharia courts, call for the death of anyone who is non-Islamic, violently protest against the West (whilst claiming welfare here), call for the death of gays… after all that, why should I respect or even acknowledge Islam as anything other than a violent, oppressive fascist regime that is hellbent on subjugating all in its encroaching path? Long live freedom of speech and if Muslims don’t like, then that’s tough!
One for the appeasers:
Or this . . .
Islam and its Left-wing useful idiots will feel gods rightous anger in the near future.
An interesting article in the Hampshire Alton Herald (14 Sept) concerns the Jalsa Salana billed as the Britain’s largest Ahmadiyya Muslim gathering. Held on a 210 acre former farm they own some 28,000 attended this the sixth such event on the East Worldam site. Muslims from 88 countries attended,; the police and local dignitaries praised the organization of the event. Jeremy Hunt Sec of State for Health said ‘you clearly area community dedicated to peace’ The meeting also received messages of praise from Ed Milliband and Boris Johnson on the same lines.
It truly does appear to be an exemplary organization, but I wonder why they hold meetings in leafy English Hants. rather than say Syria, Iraq, Iran , Pakistan, Northern Nigeria, Sudan, Afghanistan, where their moderating call to fellow Muslims would surely be welcomed. I’m sure that BBC favourite Yasmin A Brown, could go along and put the women’s point of view.
looks like a nice target to me. Does any non-Muslim that understands Arabic attend?
Ahmadi beliefs differ from those of orthodox Islam in various ways (an aversion to violent jihad is one of the major ones) that they are not accepted as proper Muslims by the general community, are banned from visiting Mecca and are sporadically persecuted in various Islamic countries. This does not mean that, when it is useful to them, Muslims are above parading Ahmadis, spouting their pacifist views, as typical Muslims when producing propaganda for infidels.
Too true. Like the Druze, Ahmadiyya moslems have their own prophet who came after Mohammed. That explains the ongoing mass murder of Ahmadiyya members and the large number of Druze in the Israeli army.
Jeremy BOWEN,
INBBC Middle East Editor:-
“I’d say most pious Muslims do agree that the film was insulting. Many don’t agree with violent protests. I hope our reporting reflects that.”
(Bowen’s statement can be found at link at point 3 below.)
ME, in reply:’
-No, Mr Bowen: that is not what you are doing in your current political propaganda.
What you are doing is:
1.) blaming an obscure, largely unseen ‘film’ for global Islamic jihad murders and violence; not blaming the Islamic perpetrators of the murders and violence;
2.) reporting politically as though you work for the Islamic Al Jazeera Arabic TV / Muslim Brotherhood;
3.) giving a massive political platform to uncriticised Islamic organisations, not only Muslim Brotherhood but Hezbollah too, which they use to criticise the West, including UK, as here:
“Lebanon Hezbollah head rallies against anti-Muslim film”
This is sheer political propaganda from Islamic jihad Hezbollah, presented courtesy of INBBC, at British people’s expense.
There is not one word of criticism of Hezbollah, nor of Islamic violence in this INBBC ‘report’. It is outright INBBC propaganda for Hezbollah. The slogan certainly applies to INBBC: ‘We are all Hezbollah now.’
Mr Bowen, you are so embedded with Islam, you now represent its political interests, not those of the British people.
All you need to know about Jeremy al-Bowen is that he thought it ok to hold a Twitter Q&A on one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar, Rosh Hashanah. By doing this he must have realised that most Jews, and almost all religious ones, would be unable to participate. He wasn’t particularly apologetic when I pointed ths out to him.
Ask yourself this, would he have held such an event on a Friday afternoon during Ramadan?
More here and here.
Remember this is the same Jeremy Bowen who the Editorial Standards Committee of the BBC Trust published a report into three complaints about in April 2009. The complaints included 24 allegations of breaching BBC guidelines on accuracy and impartiality of which three were fully or partially upheld.
On Yom Kippur (the holiest day in the Jewish calendar) in 1973 the armies of Egypt & Syria with support from elsewhere attacked Israel, deliberately choosing the day when they hoped Israel’s defences would be at their weakest. Is Jeremy Bowen simply following anti-Israel tradition?
I often find that the BBC chooses its most anti-Semitic, anti-Israel reports on a Friday night when orthodox Jews do not watch the TV. I assume it is to reduce the level of complaints to a number that needs no further investigation.
Do I really have to start watching BBC News on a Friday night now?
The most orthodox don’t watch any TV at all.
Oh, you mean the “terrorists”?
Live in hope…
Pray tell us more of this ‘solution’?
It’s the same solution you BBC hacks wish for Jews.
BBC Gamesmaker Nicky Campbell dipped his toe in the hot waters of this debate with a very short discussion featuring Alibhai Brown this morning.
The belly laugh was provided by another contributer (another Muslim)…..”When I think back to the times of the Prophet, there was no violence then”
When statements like that go unchallenged then you know for sure that you are tuned into the BBC.
Didn’t he personally slaughter a large number of captive Jews? I forget the exact number, I learned this from one of the excellent In Our Time broadcasts about the early life of the Phrophet; indeed I have learned a great deal about Islamic history from this series which concentrates on fact and history (as far as it can be ascertained) rather than the usual BBC spin and distortion and PC.
You can find all the IOT programmes on Podcast and have a listen. The Abbasid Caliphs and Greek and other translations are most informative. It does seem that after they went, the last one was rolled up in a carpet and beaten to death, that Islam rather lost it’s way..or found a different more violent path.
say that again …
panto nikki – the afternoons intelligence insulting r. bacon
cosybudy buddy chats, doesn t really cut it.
despite al bbcs absurdly naive trumpeting of a supposed “offence”, over a “highly insulting” two bit film on mohamhead.
… still no real exchange of views.
prime example, for a 6th day rampant muslim savages continue to maim, murder, destroy, even in Afghanistan where they don t need a pretext. Now over 50 soldiers have been killed by supposed, “army training colleagues”
bringing a long overdue seed change
AND a flagship al bbc ahem “news”?? debate, on R5live, has managed to sidestep this for now a 6th day.
so today its badger time … lets get indepth views, open emotional talk, all the whats and wherefores, of a proposed cull.
Culling. troops, ambassadors, US agency staff …. leaves the sound of crickets … unless its about the orchestrated offence, or insult, to al bbcs beloved islam.
So looks like its bye bye freedom of speech, and “mon sharia amour” to al bbc ….
AND don t even start me on that B/S on Israelli “price taggers” … yep! lots of time to skew a narrative there eh!
get “indepth” on both sides eh!
bbc – basically beneath contempt
Some of the images we have seen in the past week have been horrific. The gruesome slaughter of the American ambassador was dreadful beyond words. What is more terrifying still is the complicity between politicians and mass media to pretend these outrages were caused by a fifteen minute video. I heard a piece on the BBC yesterday claiming that Prince Harry being sent back to Camel Dung Central was “provocative” and would lead to more lives being lost. WTF??? Everything we do is provocative to these third world, uncivilised barbarians. It’s like a battered wife being terrified of “provoking” her brutal husband if she smiles at the milkman or is late with his dinner.
We need leaders who are brave enough to confront this cultural cancer but I really don’t see any.
David Cameron is like Neville Chamberain without the piece of paper. And I don’t see any Winston Churchill’s on the horizon.
any aid to these deceitful needs to stop immediately.
and military hardline, immediately come in … no ifs, no buts.
instill that for ANY such action, there is a price to pay, “hearts and minds”? forget it –
hearts they don t have any, and their minds are poisoned
Don’t look to the useless tories for a solution. They are no more capable than the nest of vipers that is liebour.
Cameron, hopless.
Vague? just that, clueless.
I know he’s moved on now, but what sensible party would appoint Ken Clarke as Justice Minister?
Any clues as to how to deal with the EU?..sweet FA i’m afraid.
Immigration? I’m beginning to think Cameron wants it to remain unrestricted like Liebour do.
We even had a sec of state for wales representing amersham and bucks ( think so anyways. That may not bother anyone in England but didnt go down well here in Wales.)
This dopy bunch of tories are sleepwalking toward the edge of a cliff come the next GE.
Sense they have none
Guts they have none
hope?…WE have none.
It’s heading toward a “last one out turn off the lights” moment.
Cheer up Mr u
Unpronounceable! Look on the brighter side!
Oh feck, there isn’t one.
It’s pronounced :
duskoor kumraag phonetically
ty for trying sir!
and it’s welsh.
Cheer up Mr Unpronounceable! Look on the brighter side!
Oh feck, there isn’t one.
apologies for double post – very slow site response today
I would say that ,having seen Bill Warners piece on the Gates of Vienna website-as posted by one of our friends on THIS site-there really is no further need to listen to a word from the likes of Alibiah-Brown or whoever.
The argument is closed-nothing further to add-Bill Warner has said it and we need to draw the lessons, and not fear the cultural cringers, the abused and whipped self loathers of the white west…and certainly not the passive aggressive victimthugs that are militant Islamists.
Worrying about what a BBC stiffer or an Indie stoolie like Yasmin A/B has to say about Islam and its wonders or concerns is a distraction…go to Bill Warner and be ready!
Thank You Noggin. i`ll have to get the kids to show me how to do this!
Thank you chrisH, i’m glad it’s now on this site, i was hoping someone would post it up, i just had to tell everyone here just how scorching this is. I’ve been a follower of GofV for ages, and it comes up with great stuff.
Anders Behring Breivik was a huge fan
yep and that dont make it wrong. just saying!
And Charles Manson liked the Beatles, and the 9/11 mass murderers liked the Koran, and these lovely lads who wanted to blow up a bridge while innocent people were on it like Left-wing blogs and not only liked but were actually associated with Occupy Wall St.
Which best suits the logic of your comment, Nicked?
-More INBBC outright propaganda for Muslim Brotherhood.
-Note no critical viewpoint allowed by INBBC.
We licence payers are paying Bowen and his ilk to propagandise FOR Islamic interests AGAINST the interests of American and British people. As here again:
I see the despicable BBC trumpet yet another anti-Romney headline on their useless ‘news’ site. Get rid of this left-wing nest of socialist scum.
I miss the good old days when commenters were more concerned about BBC bias. Why not start a new blog about Islam?
….and another blog about Washington politics
My posts and comments concerning Washington politics are made in the context of BBC bias on the issues. If I spend too much time expressing my own political ideology without any reference to anything BBC, please call me on it.
Because BBC Islamic bias is by far the worst bias we have evidence of. It goes to the very heart of Left-wing cowardice and hypocrisy; In light of this I’d say we need to focus on this area in particular in addition to anti-Republican and pro-global warming agendas. .
have to agree … issues like freedom of expression, of speech, have been driven into sharp focus because OF islam, and lefty media like the bbc s cowardice, and its unholy alliance WITH islam, goodness even its position as an arbiter of our terrestrial religious programmes, has been inverted by its head of R.P.
these bias lines are now so blurred as to be indivisible.
this blogs strength is that it brings it to the fore, exposes it, sharp focus along with all the others – climate change, multiculturism, goodness even the cult of the 5 rings was infested with its agenda – yes bbc and islam, how about
the disgrace of Munich silence – where was the bbc condemnation? etc etc etc
Then let’s please talk about the BBC’s bias on the subject instead of just complaining about Islam itself and calling for the deportation of all Muslims.
You may not thank me for saying it, but thank you.
i just have ……………
as for nicked emus, i ve got news for you brainchild, there are people ala bbc who already peruse this site, so they don t really require, a “run to mommy” gobshite, with a delusion of superiority to do it for them.
freedom of expression/speech means exactly that, some comments i don t like either but hey … thats freedom for you, and DV is more than capable
Actually, noggin, I quite like it when a lurker here runs to mommy and informs some Beeboid what we’ve said. It either gives us a chance to actually engage with them and possibly learn something, or they reveal their arrogance and disdain elsewhere, which we can then highlight. Like when David Gregory told Jim Hawkins about something posted here, or when somebody told either Jane Bradley or Lucy Williamson or Kate Dailey (forgot which, can’t find the link – maybe DB has it?) that she was mentioned on this site and proudly tweeted that this was a BBC hate site, and that “I am so on it!”, or when somebody ran and told Greg Palast’s Newsnight producer about one of my posts.
its his general attitude there s, just something so arrogant, (which if you actually have anything between your ears, i can just about bear) but, an airhead like that no …. no chance i m afraid … anyway
well bud, you make a good point too.
(lets just hope nicked changes the nappy, before running all the way to the bbc eh!).
but hey … somebodies reading us, thats how it keeps going up the ratings 😀
You, and the rest of the pond life, can hold whatever contemptible vile beliefs you like. You can say what you like about the BBC, but I don’t see why my money should be spent giving the oxygen of publicity to someone who runs a site that promotes the mass extermination of Muslims.
Since David Vance has taken down other posts in the past then he has assumed editorial control and can not claim a common-carrier defence. He, and the other editors are liable for the content and the views expressed here. As we have seen there are legal consequences. Wouldn’t that be a shame if the site’s editors were in front of the magistrate? Oh, what a fine day that would be.
If it makes you feel better about your own foul views to share them amongst yourselves then post away; it is good entertainment and I for one enjoy laughing at it. I know many others do to. No one takes this site seriously.
However someone who facilitates the posting of neo-Nazi comments calling for the mass extermination of Muslims is not someone with whom the BBC should associate themselves and I very much hope that they stop using David Vance — the only person round here taking the BBC’s money.
That is what I complained to the BBC about; not the fact that a bunch of knuckle-dragging impotent old farts get off writing ill-informed nonsense about them. Nobody cares.
Nicked, nobody is going to get hauled in front of a magistrate for something in the comments thread. You can try to incite a campaign against David Vance’s appearances on the Nolan show if you like, but it’s sheer fantasy to think that I’m going to get arrested for an anonymous comment. If that were the case, Guido Fawkes or the editors of CiF or numerous other people would already be in the dock.
Your statement that I or anyone else “facilitates the posting of neo-Nazi comments calling for the mass extermination of Muslims” could even be considered libel. Would you care to restate? I’m not sure you can hide behind your fake email if it comes to a lawsuit.
Ah, the man with the curious obsession with a tv station in a country thousands of miles away. Some people collect stamps, you get your knickers in a twist over foreign tv. Have a look at what the Belgians are up to — it will shock you.
One of the consequences of being a yank is that you haven’t got a clue what you are talking about when it comes to the law (or indeed a great many other things).
There is a common carrier defence, but as soon as you start to filter posts you lose that protection. Posts here are deleted, so you have now assumed liability for them.
Furthermore your attention has been drawn to them so you can’t claim you are not aware of them.
As has been reported elsewhere people have very recently been in court over comment on a site; indeed even back in the 1990s there was a case.
However much as I love the idea of you and the others being dragged in front of the judge it isn’t going to happen. Shame, it would have been sweet justice.
As for my libelling you – truth is a defence in libel. The suggestion that Muslms should be exterminated is wholly a neo-Nazi comment; you have taken no steps to remove it, so you are facilitating it.
Meanwhile good luck tracking my email — or indeed this pooled IP address, via a proxy server.
Nicked, truth is not necessarily a defense in libel in the UK. As for my “curious obsession”, I’ve explained that at length a number of times. I you refuse to understand the difference between the BBC and some Belgian network or whatever, and don’t accept my reasoning, that’s your own affair.
I wouldn’t dream of trying to trace you. That’s not what I meant at all. I was talking about an actual legal procedure, which is a different matter.
I’m aware of those awful comments, yes. But, unlike you and the BBC, I believe in freedom of speech and will stand by it. Let people make up their own minds about the individuals making any and all comments.
Trying to discredit a blog by pointing fingers at a few comments has yet to work. Guido and lots of other sites – including the BBC – would have been taken down ages ago if that tactic worked.
You’ve made your point. It’s really too bad you’ve chosen to focus on playing the man and not the ball in all this stuff. Additionally, the energy you’re spending on your campaign to get DV taken off the BBC airwaves might be better spent helping to hold the BBC to account for their bias, like you claimed you wanted.
“One of the consequences of being a yank… ”
What a vile and nasty comment that is. You arrogate to yourself the right to pronounce judgements on bigoted commentary whilst scribbling unfair and racialist orientated hate-speak such as the above?
There are two very particular circumstances in which truth is not a defence in libel, neither of which have any relevance here.
I am not denying anyone the right to free speech. But at the same time as people exercise that right, they should be held accountable for it and deserve to be called out when they produce vile and contemptible statements as have been produced on this hideous thread.
But it says everything you need to know about the moral integrity of the people who frequent this blog that no one said anything.
As for playing the ball not the man — once I cared about this on this blog. But since people have threatened me and called for my death it cuts no ice with me whatsoever. Sort out your own house before trying to criticize me.
Alex – spare me the faux outrage. I don’t see you condemning the call for the extermination of Muslims.
Correction….. It is not the BBC’s money, it is Licence-payers ( and EU, to their eternal shame) money. Btw, slinging out insults is the last refuge of someone who has lost the argument ….. and deep down you know you have .
David Preiser,
“…instead of just complaining about Islam itself and calling for the deportation of all Muslims.”
Oh so it’s “Muslims” now. What happened to describing them as “Mohammedans“; as you have done in virtually every other post on the subject?
Not that I’m calling you a blatant hypocrite or anything.
Dez, this is your most pathetic effort yet. Truly beneath you. You know perfectly well I was using the term for sober effect. Using an archaic term would have distracted from my point and humble attempt at gravitas.
As for my regular use of the term “Mohammedan”, it’s not a bigoted term as far as I’m aware. It’s entirely “accurate”, which is enough for Jim Dandy and Nicked Emus and JAH and every other media professional who has visited this site.
I use the term because whenever I write it I hear Graham Chapman’s voice saying it from the “Bells” sketch on Monty Python’s “Contractual Obligations” album. It amuses me, and nothing more.
It’s the term used in nearly every history book involving them I own, and was also good enough for Winston Churchill, although I suppose you’ll call him a racist just like you did me. I’m still waiting for an apology for that, btw.
If you want to play proxy-faux outrage on someone else’s behalf, be my guest. It means nothing to me.
If you can find any single sentence from me in the entire history of my presence on this blog that would back up your apparent assertion that I’m bigoted against Islam in some way, let’s see it. Otherwise, you owe me yet another apology.
The Islamic preacher is correct. As sure as night follows day in three generations there will be a Muslim majority in the UK. My great-grandchildren will wake up to the BBC starting its morning programmes with the famous
Islamic call to prayer. However I dont think that the London programme after the 6PM news will be that much different than it is now.Maybe the lady equivalent of Peter Cockroft will be giving us the weather forecast dressed in a burkha, but that actualy could happen sooner than three generations, maybe next week. No I reckon the main differenc.e will be that it is by then Londistan and the South outh East
The Cultural Marxists at The BBC chose their alliance with Islam because they (rightly) identified it as the creed / ideology / religion that is the most destructive & greatest threat to everything that The West has ever achieved & stood for.
The purpose of this alliance between The British hard Left & Islam is to destroy us, nothing more, nothing less.
Why do the left want to destroy western civilisation. If Islam ever took over they would be the first to die. Remember the Iranian revolution in 1979.