Hi all! I’ve taken a little break from the daily chores here but will be back next Monday. It’s funny but having endured BBC news in the past few weeks it makes me want to return here as their bias is not just visceral but also profoundly destructive in so many ways. But wanted to thank Alan, David DB and Craig for keeping the show rock and rolling in my absence and invite you now to comment on this OPEN THREAD! BBC been annoying you? They haven’t half been irritating me!
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Hi Mr Vance, looking forward to reading your posts (and banter) again! Cheers!
It seems that the Muslim world is revolting.
Very revolting
David, there seems to be a problem on this site between those who believe all threads should relate directly to BBC activity (or inactivity) and those who point out things that relate to the friends of the BBC (eg Islamists) but not directly involving the BBC itself.
I personally can see both sides of the picture, as Alan is providing many interesting stories that he has found elsewhere. But too many of these is causing a danger that this site is losing its focus on its raison d’etre, and therefore its relevance.
It’s your site so it’s up to you how to proceed, but I thought you needed to be aware.
I have to disagree strongly with Demon here.
Apart from their shrill defence of the left, the greatest damage that the bbc have done, is their blatant shilling for muslims.
Their constant attempts to portray immigrants from a savage and backward ideology as compatible with British society, is perverse and politically motivated.
Irespective of the squalor and visible deterioration of the inner city ghettos muslims have created, one might suppose that the highly trained ‘journalists’ employed by the bbc at our expense, might take the time to read the tracts which govern muslim thinking and come to the conclusion that they are incompatible with western civilisation. Clearly that is too much to ask and is the main reason that the bbc is unfit for purpose.
Now that there is a chance to open the general publics’ eyes to the true nature of islam, there is every reason for this site to highlight the bbcs; failure at every opportunity.
I think you missed my point. I have no problem with pointing out the BBC’s obsession in supporting all that’s wrong in Islam, despite all the evidence that says they should not. It’s one of many reasons why, as you rightly say, the BBC is unfit for purpose.
But this site has become a little fixated with Islam itself lately, rather than the BBC’s reaction/inaction to Islamic stories. However, I agreed that many of the non-BBC stories are interesting and I appreciate them myself. I have no problem with the occasional story that doesn’t have a direct BBC relevance but too many dilute any possible effectiveness of this site.
This site should be about the BBC primarlily as there are others that deal with the excesses of Islamism, and a site dedicated to exposing the BBC’s biases is needed and this is the one for that.
The relevance of whatever proportion of the site is devoted to Islam Is down to the BBC and the effects of Islam itself.
As the moslem world kicks off (to use the words of comrade mason) then it is INEVITABLE that more space is given over to islam or its apologists.
We have no limit here on the volume or proportion devoted to that 7th C barbaric ideology. If it deserves it, it gets it.
The BBC financed trolls who crawl thro the blog leaving the slime trails have no call on what we can post.
WE choose, not them.
Long may this blog persist.
I’m somewhat sympathetic to your point, Demon, but the non-BBC related stuff has been overwhelming at times. Plus it’s easy fodder for defenders of the indefensible to hijack everything into personal criticisms.
“the non-BBC related stuff has been overwhelming at times”
That’s the point I was trying to make. We shouldn’t strait-jacket ourselves to the point where nothing that isn’t directly related to a BBC action is banned, but we need to keep focus on the core issue of this site – the BBC.
I think it does no harm (to the objectives of this site) to point out not just BBC bias but exactly where and how the bias applies. Therefore, where a BBC report or analysis is skewed to give more or less a free pass to, for example, Moslem violence or child abuse/grooming by Moslems, the BBC should be called to account. Moreover, where Islam (both in itself and its historical or other effects) effectively escapes any critical analysis on the BBC and, compared with other religions or ideologies, is handled with kid gloves, then the BBC – and the readers of this blog – should not be left in any doubt as to the BBC’s shortcomings.
However, for commenters or posters to descend into straightforward abuse of Moslems and Islam is not just unnecessarily offensive, it’s worse: it’s counter-productive in that it blunts legitimate criticism of the BBC policy of distortion and spin where Islam and/or its followers are involved.
It’s nice to have Justin Webb back after Mardell. He’s much more subtle in his prejudices. In his latest web-piece he slips in his message, quietly like a stiletto. “The secretly filmed video in which Mitt Romney appeared to disparage the 47% of Americans who do not pay income tax…”
Hold on, Justin. “Disparage”? Romney was talking to a group of donors. He was asked a question. He answered. 47% of the US population doesn’t pay federal income tax. Fact! Now, admittedly, he should have added that 20% of the 47% (retirees for example) are justified in not paying tax, they have retired – as opposed to the skivers. But the truth of the statement remains. He could have added – as I would have done- turkeys don’t vote for Christmas. People who don’t pay tax will think twice about voting for Romney. Hell, if he wins they might have no excuse to – get a job! But “disparage”?
If I said 100% of the current crop of BBC producers would hate me and my views, I am stating a fact. They would have no interest in anything I have to say. Apart from annoying them, why would I engage in any conversation?
“So what on earth has gone wrong?” continues Webb. “Why did Mitt Romney tell those wealthy donors, in the secretly filmed interaction that leaked out this week, that nearly half the nation were of little interest to him?”
There it is again. Silently inserted. Once again, I say, no Justin, it’s not that he has little interest in the 47%, he knows he can’t win them over – no matter what he says.
A case in point: a liberal friend of mine sheepishly admitted to me he was disappointed in Obama. As a Jew he was afraid of Obama’s Mid-East policy; he confided that Obama probably was not on Israel’s side and, most shocking of all to me, stated that Obama was probably an arrogant self absorbed narcissist.
“So who are you voting for?” I asked.
“Obama”, he said, “because I’m a liberal and I wouldn’t vote any other way.”
Romney is wasting his time with people like my friend. There is nothing I can say to change his tribal habits. I won’t try and turn him. But I have not “lost interest in him”. I’m just being practical in not talking politics with him again and not wasting my time. That’s really what Romney was saying.
You’ve hit the nail on the head here Louis and as perfectly summed up by Yuri Bezmenov:
But in reality the main emphasis of the KGB is NOT in the area of intelligence at all. According to my opinion, and the opinions of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country. …
You are stuck with them. You can’t get through to them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern [alluding to Pavlov]. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.
Very good, “RestoringBritain”. I’d love to read more of this. What’s the source for the Yuri Bezmenov remarks?
I found it here Louis:
If you google him though, quite a few videos come up usually as well.
Yes, Romney was speaking off the cuff in response to questions and not making a speech that had been scrutinised and checked for bear traps.
It was clumsy…..but just writing this you can get ‘tongue tied’ so explaining complicated issues and covering every base and eventuality off the cuff is beyond most people….just listen to PMQ’s.
Now Justin Webb misrepresents Romney’s statement in the exact same way that Mardell has and Bacon has and every other BBC mention of it, and the exact same way the President misrepresented it on Letterman. What a shock.
No memo needs to be handed down, no editorial directive sent from the top. They all think the same thing anyway, and their political bias causes them all – apparently without exception – to get it wrong and mislead the public.
The bias is institutional, and is spread across the spectrum of BBC output.
PS I also love Webb’s repeated phrase “secretly filmed”. Make it all sound so underhand.
The fact is I wish Romney would get up and say this stuff on the stump – and now he probably will. Good.
Seriously? They really did say that?
In the past it has chosen to attack Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, prompting rocket fire on Israel in return.
So all that debate we’ve been having on here about Israel starting it when they returned fire were just wrong. The rockets only come because Israel starts it.
I’ve seen it all now.
Like I always say: It all started when Israel hit back.
That’s the same for the Crusades, the trouble started when the Christians tried to take back by force what had been taken off them by force in the first place.
INBBC propaganda for Islam in the LOUVRE, by Islamic propagandist, INBBC Muslim Razia Iqbal:
“Louvre opens Islamic art wing amid cartoon row”
Ms Iqbal deliberately uses the ‘Islamophobia’ epithet, but avoids Islam’s ‘cartoonophobia’.
In contrast:
“More Riots on Saturday?”
INBBC is deliberately and increasingly deferring to its Muslim staff (and those from e.g. Islamic Al Jazeera TV) on matters which relate to Islam;; this is part of INBBC ‘s political campaign to extend ‘left’-Islam alliance.
-Towards Salmond’s Islamic compliant ‘independent’ Shariah Scotland-
“Muslims protest outside Scottish Parliament: ‘We demand international law to stop religious hatred'”
Tonight’s episode of Any Questions? was ghastly as ever (made slightly more bearable because of technical problems). Deputy UKIP leader, Paul Nuttall, was heckled and jeered by members of the audience for having the temerity to even suggest that there be a debate on capital punishment. And the sanctimonious and condescending reply from Lisa Jardine made me want to vomit. I really cannot stand to watch, or listen to, anymore BBC broadcasts (except Family Guy and American Dad). And if I hear another infantile story about racism and football, or ‘trolls’ and great big babies, well, I’ll…………….
” (except Family Guy and American Dad)”
Yes , you’ll notice they aint made by the INBBC of course. But have to agree the only stuff worth watching on the INBBc.
superb comedy!
Will be listening to as much of the repeat as I dare stomach-for Jeremy Hardy will have emptied me of much of my breakfast beforehand if I`m not careful.
Can`t remember that rule about them ignoring, being hostile etc in terms of orders of resistance to changes-but , having heard Evan Davis at UKIPS conference on Today this morning…we `re clearly at the “patronisisng” stage-but does the BBC do anything but, when it comes to the EU., immigration or their other totem poles of virtues?
That tells me that UKIP are truly on their way-it just needs the liberal pew fillers like Lisa Jardine to peg out first…maybe that assited dying idea is their wish to commit social hari-kiri after all!
Family Guy and American Dad are on FX constantly so no need for BBC3!
Especially after the discussion at the top of the open thread I feel slightly guilty posting this here but….. having avoided the BBC News all day so I don’t know how they treated the Andrew Mitchel (non) story I watched Channel 4 News. The faux notes of indignation from Cathy Newman and Matt Frei…how terrible that this man in the Cabinet of posh boys dares call someone a ‘pleb’, how dreadful in this week of all weeks when women policewomen died’…. etc etc. I cannot remember how they reported Prescott when Deputy PM landed a punch on some one…but I can guess they were only too delighted to use Tony’s excuse that it was just John being John.
And re the debate re reporting Muslim incidents.I believe it important that posters report things that the BBC refuse to but I do think care needs to be shown in how we are informed so that this site cannot be accused of being full of hate crime.
I tend to agree except that there is no such thing as a hate crime. Either someone commits a crime or one does not. But to say that words, however unpleasant, constitute a crime is an abomination that only a socialist mind could construct. If we self-censor because of what we might be accused of, we might as well call it a day and concede the future the the left-wing hatemongers who infest all areas of our society and won’t stop until someone or something stops them.
The new lexicon invented by the left to blacken the character of their critics, such as racist, islamophobe, has totally failed in its objectives. Decent people have begun to see through the crap that is presented to them. They are waking up to what is going on here. Lies are not (yet) covered up by sufficient violence thankfully. They are still on plain view.
This evening I watched some BBC news (24 I think) and they had a FULL 7 minutes on the pleb-gate non story, followed by less than 5 minutes on 3 other stories put together including the police murders update.
Well, slow news or tribally-spun, it has become a story and looks set not to go away.
This suggests the BBC has seen opportunity at least…
A rather extraordinary tack to take, surely? An ‘attack’… on ‘Cameron’?
Given we have a Cabinet Minister and a Police Officer offering two versions of the truth, I am more concerned that one of these chaps has control over the public in an official capacity, don’t know which is a liar, and due to media ‘interest’ more in vague stirring, ‘spokespersons’ opinions and ‘membership views’ will probably end up free to continue.
SKY, never shay of a ratings-driven minister scalping witchhunt, has pointed out the Police Federation is not above using the recent tragedy for political purposes and cannot be seen as impartial in ‘government’ matters to serve their anti-cuts jockeying.
‘shy’… should a grammar Nazi be about.
God will stop the left-wing and their fellow travellers very soon.
They will all feel his rightous anger.
I know some people will think I am mad for writing this. But I say read the bible with a open mind and open heart and you will see it is all happening right now before our eyes.
“righteous” anger.
Not at all Mr Court.
I too have read the end of the Book-and know that the good guys DO win in the end, contrary to all worldly appearances.
Lord Jonathan Sacks, Michael Nazir-Ali, John Sentamu…many have not, will not bow the knee to Baal..and Lord alone knows how many there are and where they work.
I never feel that we`re losing, contrary to appearances.
Just a case of negotiating a path between the two corpses of Liberal Fascism (BBC) and Islamic Fascism that seem to be manacled together in a desperate suicide pact…not as easy to remember at times as I`d like, but we`ll be OK!
MSM (inc INBBC) stop investigating jihadist murder of U.S. Ambassador.
Now, instead, MSM (inc INBBC) push their pro-Islam political stance by blaming unseen video and French cartoons for Islamic daily global violence and repression.
‘Fox News’:-
“Lawmakers urge Obama to clarify Libya attack details, as Clinton calls strike terrorism”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/21/lawmakers-to-obama-get-your-story-straight-on-libya-attack/#ixzz278p8wbDW
I don’t see how this can be considered a terrorist attack, according to the usual definition of the term. An armed mob storming an embassy isn’t the same thing as random attacks on civilians.
But I find this news far more disturbing:
Obama Knew About Benghazi Terror Attacks 90 Minutes After They Began… Went to Bed (Video)
I’m sure the Beeboids still think He’s cool, though.
Should she be calling it ‘militantism’ if she is hoping for BBC coverage?
I see the BBC 10 News just had to get the words ‘racist’ and ‘extremist’ in the same sentence as Ukip. Doing their bit to stem the growth of Ukip support no doubt.
And have a close up shot of the disgraced Neil Hamilton in the audience.
Of course the circumstances of his disgrace are questionable but most of the public don’t know / care. Subliminal message achieved.
AS I say above-heard Evan Davis sly little piece on Today this morning.
He rather saw UKIP as some exotic beetle in his guacamole ans was suitably oily and sly.
Still-it`ll be a stage in Alinsky/Gramsci political stages won`t it?…the smarmy patronising of a truly stereotypical Beeboid means that UKIP can go back to their constituencies and prepare for Government…
No doubt ‘Rules for Radicals’ is required reading for the ‘Today’ production team…
For INBBC: More on LIBYA and Muslim Brotherhood:-
“US Relied on Muslim Brotherhood for Benghazi Consulate Security”
– by Daniel Greenfield.
That’s what you get for having the wrong guy in the Whitehouse!
The minute the story about Mitchell was reported I just knew that here was the rest of the day’s focus for BBC and Channel 4 news. A “Posh Boy (sic)” being rude to a poor copper. And I was right. Droning offended people getting their shots in, unencumbered by any balanced comment, for the past ten hours. At least it kept Clegg off news but I ask you. Was there really no more important story today? And when Gordon Brown swore, shouted, bullied and assaulted his protection squad and police drivers by throwing phones it was suppressed by the biased media. It took Rawnsley’s book to expose that and he has not appeared on the BBC since!
yep, ‘pathetic’ as Dez would say (and does several times a day) just posted above the following:
“This evening I watched some BBC news (24 I think) and they had a FULL 7 minutes on the pleb-gate non story, followed by less than 5 minutes on 3 other stories put together including the police murders update.”
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-19667384 another load of BBC waffle
“How did US politics become so polarised?”
probably by misreported for so long…
Funny how all those anti-war protests and ChimpyMcBushHitler posters and Michael Moore movies weren’t considered polarizing.
Veteran political hacks have never seen anything like it in all their years? I guess we haven’t been trying hard enough, then.
The BBC’s selective memory appears to be as adept at forgetting inconvenient facts from the recent past in the US as it is here in the UK.
The coarsening of political discourse seemed to miss out on the vitriolic and -SEXIST maan!-abuse of the wonderful Sarah Palin.
How did the lefties at the BBC/Democrats possibly overlook this?…oh look…tumbleweed!
On the previous open thread, I complained about the obvious bias in this BBC report. I said they were falsely trying to shift blame away from the President by saying that Fast & Furious began under Bush.
As usual, the BBC was simply parroting the White House Narrative. Now ABC’s Jake Tapper is calling the President a liar. Which means the BBC was lying for Him.
Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.
‘Which means the BBC was lying for Him.’
Or….. ‘watertight oversight’ was again selectively applied, namely ‘switched off to suit’. Again.
So the caution on trust is well taken.
John Humphreys (secular, anti-US liberal) rendered speechless and taken apart by well-briefed Islamic extremist (Moslem, anti-US conservative this morning on ‘Today’ (Sat).
He was left speechless when Islamic person quoted areas of restricted free speech in UK and could only bleat that Christians have to get used to having their leader Jesus denigrated so why not Moslems.
Worse when Mustapha switched to attacking US/UK interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan (supported by droves of Moslems in those countries), Humphreys couldn’t cope as he thinks they were anti-Islam wars.
Even the sniggering Evan Davis could have done better.
Still nobody like Douglas Murray is allowed on ‘Today’.
yes that is bad enough, and after aayan hirsi ali schooling the newsnight, “A team”, where can a handwringing apologist hide eh!
but you know, when we have the “apologist in chief” (pbuh), spending 70,000 dollars on his latest grovelling advert to pakistan, whilst simultaneously taking his burkha off just long enough, to state that “piss christ” is not worthy of an apology.
you know if put it together, you might even think he was muslim 😀 …. but as W House spokesman have said before “what could be wrong with that” … (shakes head!)
a fight “concur” between him and galloway eh!
1hr and 1hr 43 from y-day
from today
1hr 10mins
all the usually pap from this, hate group
understanding- values- context -all religions etc etc, and “offence” to a billion whatever “believers” ya da ya da
and re my last comment …. no surprise shillary clinton is brought up as an “aid” 😀 to his duplicitous drivel.
apologies THIS is the first link
Humphrys turns out to be as irrelevant and off-topic in his efforts to take on the Hasir-al-Tahrib bloke(or whatever they`re called-life`s too short to learn Arabic!…well, not when Hebrew is available).
Humphrys made a complete fool of himself…merely wanting to shout over an opponent with less bats in his belfry.
Reminded me of Alan Partridge finally finding out that…”no,Dr Hook is NOT a real doctor!” as he was led away in handcuffs.
The more I listen to the BBCs “current affairs” these days-the more I find that Chris Morris, Alan Partridge and David Brent actually turn out to be serious templates for Beeb interviewers…
If I were an Islam nutter wanting Sharia, I`d pray to Allah that the likes of Humprys keep getting fed to `em.
Desperate radio!
Naturally BBC Newsnight with softly-softly Gavin Esler wets it’s knickers over the Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell outburst story.
[Oh dear, if only our political elite these days were thoroughly liberal enough to keep their inner superiority to themselves – like New Labour did]
I see the BBC propaganda machine has already focused the story on their real target.
“Andrew Mitchell row: Police leader attacks Cameron”
Yeah, course, it was Cameron what did it!
But I had to chuckle at Newsnight’s take on this:
‘what will the media make of the story?’
Well given that the BBC shovels out roughly 80% of the plebs’ news intake, Gavin, why don’t you just cut to the chase and tell us what you and your mates are going to make of the story?
The Police Federation not slow of the mark with…
‘only two days after two officers were killed…’.
It is, and they were, and it’s a tragedy, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with police pensions, Andrew Mitchell, and / or the Coalition government. And shame on police spokesmen for trying to extract political capital out of the tragedy.’
Something on Is;lamic jihad which INBBC will not admit:-
“Radical Islamic terror ‘flicks’ insult humanity far more deeply than an idiot film about Muslims by a felonious con man.
“If New Yorkers stormed embassies with murderous rage after 9/11, the NYPD would wrap us in huge orange nets, but the video of the twin towers falling, not to mention those of Daniel Pearl’s beheading and the slaughter at the 1972 Munich Olympics are the true evil.”
By Denis Hamill.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/radical-islamic-terror-flicks-insult-humanity-deeply-idiot-film-muslims-a-felonious-man-article-1.1161857#ixzz27Byj5yTy
Not bias, but the BBC’s obsession with this Nick Clegg sorry music video shows how adolescent their mindset is. They have taken to playing it at every opportunity, even during the headlines, giving it as much publicity as possible and almost willing it into the charts.
Someone should tell them: This is not news. But it does show how pop culture obsessed they are.
For INBBC to report eventually? Maybe not.:-
INDIA – Muslim mobs use violence on journalists.
“Hyderabad journalists beaten and dragged for not covering protesters”
Dez provides the links from the beeb! (if one appears).
Yestereve the BBC was indulging its pet Random Chav Plucked From A KFC Queue On A Friday night.
Subject of discussion – the economy.
Owen Shoutie: I’ll tell you… (long pause while he tries to think of the first name), Melvyn… (long pause while he tries in vain to think of the surname), the head of the Bank of England…
and then goes on to give the Shoutie prescription for the economy; how we got in the mess and what we should do to get out of it.
Melvyn? Mervyn? meh whatevs.
Maybe it’s just me, but if I was running a TV station I would at least make half an effort to ensure that ‘an expert’ I called in and spent public money on had at least a grasp of the very basics.
Both the television company and its ‘expert’ are utter embarrassments.
I have had to use the off switch on the BBC and Sky and Channel 4 on the Andrew Mitchell story, it was not doing my blood pressure any good at all. The whole of the left wing establishment has gone hysterical on this story and is backing the Police Federation to the very hilt. Andrew Mitchell was tired and wanted to get home and a jobsworth policemen refused him exit in his usual manner, for what reason, nobody knows but Andrew Mitchell got annoyed and (and now it depends who you listen to) called the policeman a phleb or allegedly used several expletitives in front and behind it. Nothing has been proved, there is no CCTV with voice over so the Liberal establishment is saying Andrew Mitchell is guilty until proved innocent which is in fact what the left wing has turned our justice into.
John Prescot, punched a voter he didn’t resign, a Labour MP drew blood in a commons brawl, he had to resign as he drew blood, Gordon Brown called a voter a bigot he didn’t resign and strayed on as PM and virtually had to be forced out of Dowing Street.
Yet this whole day Andrew Mitchell has been treated like the devil incarnate and the Lib Dems conference has hardly received any coverage at all.
I will be watching very carefully the amount of slavish coverage given to the Labour conference and compare that to the overly negative coverage that, I know will be given to theTory party conference. If that happens I think everyone in this country should complain and loudly. If we don’t in a few short years, the Unions will be back in full force,the education system will return to it’s dumbed down best, immigration will soar again and the BBC can rest in the knowledge that its license fee is safe again in the hands of Labour.
“The whole of the left wing establishment has gone hysterical on this story”
Well have a look at The Daily Mail and Daily Express then. Left wing?
Of course this is a story.
This is the usual “evidence” of BBC bias. All it is is evidence that most people on this site don’t have a clue how the media works. This site is one on going display of cognitive bias ( which is not, despite the claims on here some left wing conspiracy).
Satan is Left-wing
Nicked Emus repent before it is to late or you will suffer eternal damnation in the lake of fire.
It’s only a story because the swivel-eyed left-wingers of the BBC have made it so. They hold the monopoly over news broadcast in this country and the papers have to follow.
It’s so much more minor than many things the BBC ignored or condoned (such as Prescott’s punch) but that will not stop the extremists at the BBC from forcing a minister to resign for very little reason other than he is a Conservative.
“It’s only a story because the swivel-eyed left-wingers of the BBC have made it so”
A while ago a BBC journo [forget who?] said/admitted the real political power of the BBC was its ability to ‘set the agenda’, ie decide what is news.
Tory misbehaves – lead with it all week.
Labour misbehaves – ignore it.
It is the perfect ‘deniable’ bias. They can claim its all done on a fair ‘journalistic values’ basis and there is sweet FA that can be proved otherwise.
Tim Davie, Director BBC Audeo & Music:
“Radio 4 plays a unique role in the country’s cultural and news agenda and these results reflect its influential place in British life.”
Even if they don’t, they think they do. Which can only encourage them to behave accordingly.
The Guardian:
….a programme that more than any other sets the agenda for the day’s news.
Imagine that. I guess neither of these people know how media works, either.
‘The Guardian:
….a programme that more than any other sets the agenda for the day’s news.’
Making its representation, and influence in certain quarters all the more strange given its relative ABC figures.
Unless the nation the BBC speaks for is a different one it uses a £4Bpa uniquely-funded megaphone to broadcast at.
Do you seriously think that at morning conference everyone says “so what did they do on Radio4 today? We must follow what they did.”
Today certainly likes to think it sets the agenda but it is bollocks; in the rest of the media yes it is a source but it is what the guests say not its newslist.
And unlike people on this site, people at conference understand how the media work.
The fact is the agenda on most days sets itself; disasters, events, government announcements, sport, financial news etc.
Sorry to disappoint but there isn’t some cabal where the secret orders of the BBC-Guardian Nexus are calculated and promulgated.
Nicked, that is just rubbish. I had thought you were a little more open-minded than the Dez’s of this site but I can see how mistaken I was.
And before the grammar nazis get too excited I realise I made the awful apostrophe mistake. Apologies.
Care to point out why it is rubbish?
‘The fact is the agenda on most days sets itself; disasters, events, government announcements, sport, financial news etc.’
Ah the passivity. It all just sets itself, you see?
How many newsrooms have you been in? How many news lists have you drawn up?
I realise you all like to think there is one huge conspiracy but alas not.
Sorry fellows.
What was Tim Davies on about? No idea. Maybe he is talking bull.
So, Nicked, what was Tim Davies on about? Just the usual Beeboid hubris? The Guardian in lockstep, why?
Perhaps you’re misunderstanding the meaning of the word “influence”.
So there is no such thing as an influential news broadcast or show or paper or outlet of any kind? I don’t understand why the meaning of “influence” is being twisted around by Nicked.
Personally I couldn’t give a tinker’s cuss how the media works. I just don’t think one should be obliged by law to pay for the BBC just for owning a telly.
‘most people on this site don’t have a clue how the media works’
And if you feel you do more, then it seems in a rather ‘selective’ way, which fits well with your brief and evident allegiances.
Allow me to explain as you may not appreciate the full situation by virtue of living in the bubble created by relying on the BBC for how to think.
Market rates are pegged to ratings.
Government gaffes are ratings gold.
Especially with a public outrage back story based on a recent tragedy.
It is irresistible to any medium no matter what tribal affiliation.
Where the BBC lowers itself below the sewer even further is adding a whole new, deeper level of odium by actively seeking to make political points to suit a clear agenda.
How else do you explain their first effort being to grab a government foe for comment and spinning this as an attack on… Cameron?
If you are indeed a news media professional, the current state of reporting and editorial is explained, but not excused.
I must have missed the trial of Mr Mitchell at which he must have been found guilty of some crime (apart from the stupidity of giving away millions of pounds of British people’s money to dictators).
So now, we have chunks of the sweary political ‘left’, the politically correct officious police, and the self-righteous media, joining in with their oh-so-moral condemnations.
“Andrew Mitchell is an idiot who has done the Tories great harm, but the campaign against him is a political operation aimed at David Cameron”
By Benedict Brogan
‘the campaign against him is a political operation aimed at David Cameron’
Can’t think how they got that idea…
Bozo opens gob (and should be toast as it is becoming clear he did say what he said… or close to it… and then tried a daft fudge if not lie) so what does the BBC do? The BBC heads to a tribal foe of the party leader and spins that as the headline.
Cameron deserves most that comes his way, but why is a so-called impartial, professional ‘news’ organisation actively complementing a political operation aimed at him?
Newsnight’s twitter feed is an interesting insight into their obsessions. The last half dozen are purely on this topic, culminating in..
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
On #newsnight Met Pol Fed’s John Tully says officers feel PM’s tributes to the killed Manchester WPCs were “hollow words”
It’s Mitchell at possible, probable fault, yet they are still nakedly trying to make this into a Millie Dowler Mk 2 for political reasons, which is beneath contempt.
For trying to make political capital out of the deaths of those officers, John Tully should be sacked. Not even given a chance to resign, it is disgusting how he uses the bodies of his comrades for that purpose.
Brogan has his head so far up Cameron’s arse he can see Mitchell’s shoes.
Don’t agree. Mitchell is a grade ‘A’ cock. He should go.
Well, guys and gals, the BBC is revving up for a Romney presidency. If this happens he is going to be Bushwhacked at every turn.
A few moments ago Clive Anderson, on the R4 show in which he attempts to channel the spirit of Ned Sherrin, let a snide comment rip even though nothing before or after had any relevance to the US Presidential candidate.
I’ve heard so many “Romney is a fool” comments made by the small-minded, highly-educated fools at the BBC that I’ve stopped counting.
Here’s a case in point – an article that is supposed to be about the perils of speaking in Spanish to a Spanish audience.
The writer of this piece is Jason Margolis described as a producer for the BBC World Service, Public Radio International and WGBH in Boston. I see he has a master’s degree in journalism from the University of California, Berkley, and a bachelor’s degree in history from UCLA. and is originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, This can all be translated from the Spanish as “liberal stooge”.
Jason tells us, “Asked what Spanish fruit he likes, Romney replied, ‘I am a big fan of mango, papaya, and guava.’ The hosts could not suppress their laughter. It may not strike you as particularly funny that Mr. Romney said he liked papaya, but “papaya” is Cuban slang for vagina”.
Silly Romney! Foolish Romney! He thought a papaya was a fruit! The dumbass!
Hey, Jason, why not go further: isn’t ‘fruit’ a slang term for a gay man? Wasn’t Romney being asked who his favorite gay icon is?
Maybe Romney was really being asked who his favorite BBC personality was? After all isn’t the colloquial term for ‘vagina’ also a term more appropriately applied to this form of human life?
But here’s the kicker. Guess who gets a pass: you guessed it. The US President and Misspeaker-in-Chief himself.
Jason sought out one Christine Marquez-Hudson of the Mi Casa Resource Center in Denver, “an advocacy and support organization for Latino families” and, by the way, whose husband Andrew Hudson worked for a certain Wellington E Webb, the first African American Mayor of Denver (Go on, folks, have a guess which party Webb belongs to).
So Jason (D) quotes Christine (D) as saying “The thing about Obama is that he was a community organizer, and ‘si, se puede’ is a community organizing chant,” she says. “That’s the connection for me.”
Talk about a set-up!
Be aware. These pieces, disguised a journalism, are appearing more often on the BBC platforms. We’ve sussed Mardell and Webb, but that’s just the start.
Get ready chaps. The assault on a potential “President Romney” from the papayas in the press is going to get rough.
Where’s the BBC piece about the President’s disastrous appearance on Univision, where the presenter asked Him, “Shouldn’t you fire Eric Holder?”
Katty Kay can tweet about Romney’s appearance, but total radio silence from her and the rest of them about the President.
Come on, media pros, tell me how this isn’t evidence of an editorial bias at the BBC. Lemming journalism isn’t an answer.
We are charged for and have no choice but to pay for impartial news, we get non-stop liberal-left activist journalism. Where is that useless superannuated cow Helen Boaden and her impartial genes? No where to be seen.
Yasmin looking resplendent in red on BBC News24
The word ‘BOUNTY’, and INBBC’s creative Islamic ‘reporting’.
I suggest that following headline should be given a INBBC Madrassa COJO’s Taqiyya prize in dissimulation:
“Anti-Islam film: Pakistan minister offers bounty.”
[Opening extract]:
“A Pakistani government minister has offered a $100,000 (£61,616) reward for the death of the maker of an anti-Islam film produced in the US.
“Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour said he would pay the reward for the ‘sacred duty’ out of his own pocket.
INBBC seems to offer this Pakistan Govt Minister better press than it affords to certain British Government Ministers.
It hardly needs saying that the British people should NOT be forced to give any more money to that enemy of the West which is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
‘Bounty’? Only, dead or dead.
From a (well paid) government minister of a major world nation?
Why is this not knocking all other daft stuff off the front pages?
It is a leadership-sanctioned call to murder in another country.
Yet, as I watch an equally-coy SKY, it comes after Sir Al’s ‘letter’ to make nice at a football match and a jacknifed lorry. And they only admit his colleagues have ‘distanced themselves’ from this, and are giving some Jabba the Hutt High Commissioner airtime to make excuses about how ‘angry’ they are before waffling on about how ‘peaceful’ Islam is. He just supported his Minister’s call for murder. Talk about self-imploding on air (so probably worth the feature).
What is it about railway types from that benighted continent?
As to the BBC, maybe they had it confused over a spat around a coconut chocolate bar.
If they don’t get on this story sensibly, just how in the tank they are to the religion of peace will be clear for all to see, beyond that already weasely headline.
Yes indeed sir.
The 8am news bulletin on radio 4 was not content with the bounty hunting threat either.
It went on to give a translation of what he said next(apparently)…that if we don`t make laws to protect their Prophet then it`s all going to get extremely dangerous for us all here.
Do I sense that the BBC rather like this idea?…
I only ask because a revealing “Feedback” the other day had some Radio 4 head harpie telling us all that Kates topless pictures trumped the deaths at Bagram, Benghazi etc because they were “new, interesting and important”…the cliched criteria for what Beeb editors have decided makes it worth passing down to the rest of us.
Kates toplessness was kept warmed up by the BBC because it suits the suits at the BBC…no kore, no less…and damn the plebs in Afpak or wherever.
Not a peep goes by on the BBC without its “narrative”…Green Socialism run by Gays and shouty Muslims…NOW!…and only the BBC to hold them all together in a story circle of niceness!
And until we can get that up on your Testcard…here`s more nonsense about Tories on bikes and our last great white hope saying sorry to a rap tune…yes indeed…New, Interesting and Important!
Such shite IS important in the Salford Septic Tank that is the BBC.
PAKISTAN: INBBC’s stealth overnight edit:
above headline now becomes:-
“Anti-Islam film: Pakistan minister’s bounty condemned.”
And opening extract has been changed to:
“The Pakistani PM’s spokesman has condemned a minister’s $100,000 (£61,600) reward for the killing of the maker of an amateur anti-Islam video.
“Shafqat Jalil told the BBC the government ‘absolutely disassociated’ itself from comments by Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour.”
Has Beeboid editor told its Pakistan pro-Islam ‘reporter’ which side you’re supposed to be on ?
“Relax: Senate overwhelmingly defeats bill to cut aid to Pakistan until release of doctor who helped U.S. find bin Laden”
Reporters on BBC News24….waffle
there won’t be a Gay Pride march in Libya for a while
In other… very funny… news, the BBC millionaires being specifically targeted and highlighted by the Lib Dem ‘affluence unit’.
Be interesting to see or hear how they get their ‘reporting’ around that one.
Given the market rates abounding in the media world, and the fact that most live in a housing catchment that puts them the wrong side of this initiative, I’d say the LibDims are being ‘brave’.
Frankly they seem to have totally lost the plot and are flailing around to find something… anything to score a vote from the dependency classes addicted to Labour’s siren calls (as PR’d relentlessly by their media PR arm).
What next? An ‘aspiration unit’ to locate any seeking to better themselves and drag them back into the morass of mediocrity these so-called politic-media ‘elite’ need to prop up their sorry edifices?
Just me?
or do others here find it rather sinister that the BBC is throwing its weight behind calls for 100% compliance with the new Liverpool Doctrine.(there were no ticketless never any drunken fans – the police were to blame – indeed for all intents and purposes {law suits, compensation etc} the authorities murdered the fans).
From what I’ve heard in the build up to the Merseyside game this afternoon, dissent (on the terraces – sorry, unlike the BBC commentators I was recalling football and its followers as they actually were in the 1970s and 80s – I should say: dissent in the seats, is not to be tolerated.
Suppose some idiot sings ‘You’re always the victims….’? Well it would be sacrilege. Like some fool swinging off the Centaph and claiming he didn’t know what it was.
Meanwhile the BBC plays a skillful game of Keepy Uppy with this one
“The chief whip did swear during a confrontation in Downing Street – but not at police, sources say.”
Interesting new angle – I don’t think!
And bugger me sideways…..
“Ex-gay survivor’s tales of exorcism in middle England”
No, I don’t know what an ex-gay survivor is either. I’m sure I can rely on the Beeb to tell me.
“After $30,000 for controversial conversion therapy, three attempts at exorcism and one failed marriage, Peterson Toscano finally resolved the conflict between his faith and sexuality – he was gay.”
Ah, thought so.
“It took 17 years to accept it.”
Again that slightly sinister note from the Beeb; implying that given enough time and a consistent pounding message we can all be brought to believe?
Remind me why I am paying for this stuff?
I don’t know why you’re paying for it. But you’re nuts if you are.
Yes, I had the misfortune to be in earshot of Radio 5 much of this morning and their endless peddling of the new version of Hillsborough – The Truth.
There were only 96 Liverpool supporters there, minding their own business until Mrs Thatcher ordered the South Yorkshire Police to crush them against the fences.
And they had done the same thing four years previously, pretending to be Liverpool fans at Heysel.
No Scouser has ever given any reason, ever, for the Police to be suspicious of them.
It got even worse when their talking heads started telling us how we had to think, not just how we ought to behave.
It’s bad enough that Hillsborough has gone from being an establishment cover-up to a Liverpool cover-up, but even worse that we have to pay for the bBBC to sponsor the fiction.
al bbc continues to peddle the whopper, that murder-riot-violence, started because of a youtube clip, instead of orchestration by islamic sources wanting reinstate their “perceived” victory against the “great satan” 9/11.
SMLive tries to frame the so called debate (surprise surprise) this morning, at least d murray is on, maybe
he ll even get the chance, expose the release the “blind sheik” angle – its the first time its anywhere near an open exchange of views – daytime, and after newsnights
A teams dismal failure with a.h.ali, whats a grovelling apologist to do?.
of course the “offence” angle by islam, is getting to be a “busted flush” – and does need exposure.
as germany titanic magazine gets to print motoons next.
bless the al bbc – peace be upon them, so far theres only been, 3 to 1 with muslims :-D, if you add the presenter 4 to 1 :-D.
douglas might get to squeeze a word in 😀
” as germany titanic magazine gets to print motoons next.”
oh! am I looking forward to that!
Beeboids and Lib Dems.
It’s hard to avoid the impression that BBC-NUJ is facilitating a future
Lab-Lib coalition, to defeat the Tories.
So we get Beeboids: soft on Clegg, soft on the causes of Clegg.
I hope that the likes of Mr Emus and others who get grumpy about the likes of Alan putting up stuff NOT on the BBC will bear with me.
Maybe there`s a reason why the death of Thomas Szasz on Sept 8th wasn`t mentioned by the BBC-and certainly not on its Last Word programme.
And maybe there`s a reason why RD Laing got such fulsome praise and eulogies when HE died way back…for the BBC and Guardian mindset would always choose a mate of Yoko Lennon, as being more “important” that the one man who singlehandedly transformed the black art of psychiatry into something a little greyer…isn`t that the colour of the moment?
So no mention of Szasz…but plenty about Griselda Blanco…the BBC likes its rebels to be harmless to themselves, but nasty to the plebs…those not with their programmes of softening up this society for the likes of Barosso or Lagarde.
Szasz was the real thing-and the BBC could only dream of having anything like his long-term influence.
Everyone has heard of RD Laing. I’ve even read ‘The Divided Self’ and I’m not that interested in mental health. Not everyone has heard of Szasz – and I’d include the average Beeboid in that group so his death would pass them by.
Szasz was a firm believer in the State staying out of peoples lives. So even if they had heard of him the BBC would not want anyone else to discover him.
Interesting man, but he went a bit too far for me with the idea of mental illnesses, like schizophrenia, being a myth.
Szasz argued very cogently that accusations in the media that Barry Goldwater was mad were a product of bias and abuse of psychiatry. But I am sure that the BBC would not be interesting in drawing attention to that, having gone out of their way to brand Palin as mad, with delusional religious views, and holding an extended HYS discussion filled with vitriolic accusations that she was an acessory to homicide in the Gifford shootings.
Would agree with you Pah.
He was a flawed hero alright, but to take on such a dangerous monolith as psychiatry in the USA at that time took real courage…not playing punk records and spitting your Gitanes over the Eton wall…as the BBC seem to think.
I`d have thought that the BBC might give us stuff that would educate and inform. The likes of Szasz and Schumacher were real rebels, but the BBC give us Will Hutton and Owen Jones instead..house trained poodles with their Marc Bolan hats.
But why the BBC prefer to honour a Columbian drug baron and not Szasz is clear enough to me…the drug baron was female, and so an empowering sister for Jenni Murray to marvel at.
Which will have to do before the first Muslim psycho in a burka starts to behead her enemies..wet dream territory for the Beeb, I`ll bet.
Beeboid report on drug crimes and murders in Marseilles.
What is censored?
“Drug violence in Marseilles: 20 murders in nine months”
2 min video clip.
Other non-Beeboid reports:
“France: Marseille Mayor Calls For Military To Be Deployed To Tackle Muslim Gangs In ‘No-Go Zones’”
“The Socialists Discover Crime”
Q&A: Anti-Islam film
“opens with a scene in which a Coptic family in a newly radicalised Islamic Egypt is attacked by a group of Muslims while police look on without intervening. The father tells his daughters that Muslims want to kill all Christians and that the Islamic state is hiding their crimes”
goodness … i thought this crap was supposed to be full
of fabrication. 😀
of course al bbc goes to great great length to catalogue the erm “offence”, virtually vilify the maker.
and yet still – no real hard open exchange of views –
on al bbc … maybe next time eh!
Anti-Islam film: Pakistan minister offers bounty
bbc news
Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour said he would pay the reward for the “sacred duty” out of his own pocket,
but i m confused islam means peace? …. doesn t it? 😀