For the BBC any talk about climate change can only be in one direction…the science is fixed (I use that phrase rather than ‘settled’ as it seems more apt)….but so it seems is the politics for the BBC.
The Lib-Dem Ed Davey, Energy Secretary, has been jumping up and down recently sounding off about Tories destroying the planet.
The BBC seem to have lapped it up…and as the science is fixed they feel no need to get a Tory in to answer Davey’s wild assertions. The only other ‘witness’ to this climate crime is Vince Cable, who nods sagely in the corner and mumbles something about polar bears dying in their millions and being fed to Mitt Romney’s dogs and ice bergs floating down the Thames.
Well he might not have said that. But I’m sure the BBC would have written it had they thought they could get away with it.
What was said was : ‘Vince Cable has warned of a “populist backlash against everything green”.’
Ahhh…that old Richard Black trope….‘it is ignorant, uneducated, self interested selfish ‘Plebs’ (er…to use a phrase in current usage) that don’t know anything about science that are denying the TRUTH, Man!’
The BBC are quite unabashed to report that the Tories are turning into the Tea Party Taliban, a lunatic right wing fringe of planet destroying thugs who would only become concerned about climate change if the island tax havens of their rich capitalist friends were going to be sunk under ever rising sea levels.
The BBC, never unknowingly biased.
Maybe it’s an extension of a pattern noted in previous years. At the Labour conference, interview Labour only and at the Tory conference, interview all parties.
The effect of El Nino and La Nina on global ocean temperatures:
The ignorance and confusion of otherwise intelligent people, when it comes to climate change, has been really highlighted for me on FaceBook recently. In the same day, friends have been posting Greenpeace propaganda celebrating the fact that Shell has had to suspend drilling off Alaska, and then asking everyone to sign a petition by Surfers Against Sewage to stop the building of huge offshore wind farms off the N.Devon and Sunderland/Caithness coasts, which could potentially block swell to many surf spots.
SAS has done some great work to clean up our beaches, but it would appear from recent campaigns prior to this one, that they have taken the ‘Green’ shilling, so sadly must suffer the consequences like everyone else.
‘Green’ policies as they are, mean a lack of growth, and lack of growth means less research for a real alternative to fossil fuels.
The BBC is in triumphant mode.”Red” Ed Davey’s spiritual home is the Watermelon patch. We get Greenpeace policies shoved down our throat by the “Greener Than Thou” Coalition.
“Tea-Party Tories destroy green jobs” my arse. There are no “Green Jobs”, ony green jobbies.
Everything Davey says is the polar opposite of the truth, as written by Greenpeace policy advisors, mixed up with straw man attacks and smears. I thought Hune was a repulsive toad but Davey has managed to lower the bar further still.
You wil not hear it on the BBC of course, but there are historical records of Chinese sailors sailing the ice free Arctic Ocean in the summers about a thousand years age, at about the same time as the reports of Viking explorers finding an ice free Arctic Ocean, and colonising reenland, as a green and pleasent land. Not something that the BBC would like to report.
The BBC don’t want anything to destroy their alarmist man made global warming theory.
Least of all the truth.
I’ve heard this before about the Chinese, where can I find more info?
Global warming hysteria is more millenarian theology than empirical science. Because it shifts power to the State the Leftist BBC is only to happy to suppress free debate on the issue.
The Minnesotans for Global Warming site you show is well worth a visit. Thier videos are far funnier than just about anything you can see on the beeb.