Through the left wing prism of the BBC the “Arab Spring” is an unambiguously “good thing” – albeit with the odd “bump in the road” (Copyright Obama) such as the slaughter and sodomisation of the occasional American ambassador. Hence the favourable reporting of…
David Cameron is expected to urge world leaders to do more to support emerging democracies of the Arab Spring, as he addresses the United Nations General Assembly for a second day in New York. In a keynote speech on Wednesday, the prime minister will say he is optimistic about the region’s future. He will also offer Egypt financial support and help with security.
No voices on the BBC to challenge this support for Islam rising just unmitigated support for helping Dar Al Islam. Who says that the BBC is anti-Conservative? It is PRO Conservative just so long that Conservative is playing the dhimmi.
I’d be happy “to support emerging democracies of the Arab Spring” as Cameron says. Only – there aren’t any!
Not one country appears that it will be better off after the Spring was sprung than before. Most are on the fast train (or camel) back to the Dark Ages.
This is classic neo con rubbish. In their eyes democracy can only ever be a good thing and as we (the West) are democracies every one wants to be just like us.
Cameron and the rest are confusing majority voting with a stable civil society. Western style democracies just did not appear as if by magic with one man one vote.
In the Arab world one man one vote will lead to Muslim Brotherhood autocracies or worse. How can our leaders be so stupid?
I am always puzzled by the opposition to the Arab Spring. No one expected countries that suffered for 40 years under dictatorship to go overnight to paragons of Jeffersonian democracy. Look at some of the CIS countries; no one would describe Belarus, for example, as a functioning democracy. Ukraine isn’t looking too great either, to say nothing of Russia itself.
But either you believe in the concept of democracy or you don’t. If you don’t, then you don’t have any objection to people living under autocratic rule, and equally well it is hard to complain too much if you find democracy lacking in your own country.
If you do believe in the concept of democracy then you have to accept that the people may well elect regimes you don’t particularly like. The people of Egypt don’t have to ask for our approval who they get to vote for.
But even there how about giving them a chance to prove themselves? Tunisia for example is doing some very interesting things in terms of post conflict rebuilding, Libya has some great programs which are supported by all parties.
People get very scared by the phrase Muslim Brotherhood (oooo, those scary Muslims). Let’s see what happens. To expect tyranny to democracy in a year is unrealistic and smacks of a strawman argument.
“I am always puzzled by the opposition to the Arab Spring” 😀
“Because he is a prophet. – But I don’t think his status is under question, is it?” 😀
i see that nicked emus is back from dragging his knuckles over the keyboard – after trying to stitch
D Vance up
“puzzled” … yes obviously it doesn t take much
You are perfectly entitled to think the best of people and nations. Those entrusted by us with the fate of this country need to be clear sighted and free from illusion and concerned only with this country and it’s people. . That they rarely are is the way of the world.
As to the concept of what we in this country understand by democracy that is another tale. There appears to be one ME nation that fits this description but it is the one that arouses emotional spasms in liberals in search of a cause so I better not mention it.
If you want to talk about strawman arguments, how about the one where you claim that we wanted Jeffersonian democracy within in year? Or the one where you claim we don’t believe in democracy just because the Egyptians elected people we don’t like?
‘You either believe in the concept of democracy or don’t.’ So, it wouldn’t bother you if the BNP (National Front, Golden Dawn etc) were ever elected, would it? I’m betting that you and your fellow travellers would happily do you utmost to undermine democracy then.
There was a guy like you once – the pro-arab-spring US ambassador to Libya. He was raped to death by his favourite people. I wonder what it would take to show you the errors of your ways?
BTW – still haven’t seen that situation described properly in the mainstream media!
Ukraine looks good from where i’m sitting here in Odessa
Do you have a link confirming the sodomisation of the American ambassador? I can’t find anything in my blog roll about it…
“The Sexual Pathology of the Libyan Attackers”
Snopes now has it as “Undetermined”. Because so many in the media have a vested interest in making the incident as minimally harmful to the President as possible, I have no faith that we’ll ever learn what really happened.
PM Cameron-INBBC support Muslim Brotherhood/Islamic winter.
Maybe Beeboids will politically warm to PM Cameron as he copies Obama and INBBC, and supports Muslim Brotherhood, not least with British taxpayers’ money.
‘Jihadwatch’ (two months ago):
“Obama reiterates support for Islamic supremacist ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings in Ramadan greetings”
“It is by now abundantly clear that the ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings were not flowerings of Western-style democracy and pluralism, but pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist takeovers. However, that has not dimmed Obama’s enthusiasm for them.”
Islam Not BBC(INBBC) ARABIC, financed by British taxpayers, does its job by sanitising Muslim mob violence, and using propaganda to blame the West.
“Egypt paper launches campaign against Prophet Muhammad cartoons.”
By Naglaa El-Emary,
BBC Arabic.
INBBC censors West’s cartoons against Islam/Arabs/Muslims, but it propagandises Arab cartoons against the West.
A reprise:
“Our coverage of the Arab Spring was over-excited, admits BBC”
Read more:
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INBBC’s coverage of ‘Arab Spring’ is worse than ‘over-excited’: it is wrong.
“The guilty men behind the Arab Winter”
by Melanie Phillips.
The question is, why did they get it wrong. We know how they got it wrong. Will there be any honesty as to why?
BBC foreign policy is to damn western tyranny for the world’s problems, whilst ignoring other kinds of tyranny, such as the nascent “islamist spring”.
(All those in favour of abolishing the vote say “Aye”….)
Obama-Cameron-INBBC-‘Arab Spring’ axis.
A question INBBC could put to Cameron, re-his U.N. speech today, if it would not embarrass both parties:
‘Was your speech to the U.N. written before the Islamic jihad murder of American Ambassador Stevens in Libya?’
I am struck by this headline on the BBC website.
Obama’s UN General Assembly speech condemns extremism
President Obama: “It is the obligation of all leaders to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism”
US President Barack Obama has urged global leaders to rally against extremism in an address to the UN General Assembly in New York.
“It is the obligation of all leaders to speak out forcefully against violence and extremism”
This is coming a week after the grovelling apology the Obama administration has made to the Muslim world for our society’s freedom of speech’. Yet clearly for the BBC they see nothing laughable about it.
Only because they don’t want to.
This is their ‘forceful’ jug-eared idol.