Sorry we could not do the QT Liveblog last night, the ongoing server issue haunts us. My thanks to Billy over at KebabTime for manfully stepping into the breach! Anyway, what with all the hassle I though a fresh top of screen OPEN THREAD might help!
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It appears that ITV decided to investigate a story the BBC spiked last year ..
This could be more than a little embarrassing for the Beebiods.
Guido has more on this ..
I guess I best knock together a picture of a 70’s schoolgirl, pregnant with the eternal slogan “Jim fixed it for me” emblazoned upon it.
Wonder if CBBC will show it.
One thing to not report stuff for various ‘reasons’.
Bit more serious still to be covering up possible institutional complicity.
Meanwhile Newsnight seems very interested in the plight of badgers and some anger over cleaners not being well treated.
One can see how this story could pale in comparison, and when space is tight, no room be found to cover it.
If somewhat ‘uniquely’.
Original panorama report to be filed in same place as Balen?
Two contrasting reports on Muhammad film arrest:
“Sharia in action in the U.S.: Man behind Muhammad movie arrested”
“Nakoula Basseley Nakoula apparently deceived many people in order to get his crude movie made. It has even been suggested that he is a jihadist who made the movie in order to provide a provocation that Islamic supremacists could use to push for destruction of the freedom of speech. But no matter who he really is, no matter how terrible of a man he may be, no matter how checkered his past or present or both may be, make no mistake: he is a political prisoner. He has been arrested not for the technicality of the probation violation, but for insulting Muhammad. His arrest is a symbol of America’s capitulation to the Sharia.
“The protests are not about the film. The protests are to intimidate the U.S. into criminalizing criticism of Islam. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is nothing more than the fall guy who became the first offender against the new federal crime of blasphemy against Islam.”
“Nakoula Basseley Nakoula held for violating probation”
I started reading this in the DT and was thinking what an offensive plonker the writer was. When I got to the end, I saw “Terry Deary is the author of the ‘Horrible Histories’ series of children’s books, which also appears as a CBBC Television series.”, and it all made sense.
The Star-Spangled Banner is xenophobic? I guess that makes the theme song for Dad’s Army worthy of banning.
The article isn’t worth analysing. To a BBC fool like Deary, anything remotely patriotic can be described as xenophobic/fascist/racist/take your pick.
Of course, many INBBC reports on and from Islamic countries are written by INBBC Islamic reporters.
So, to take a typical current example of reporting Islamic al Shabab Islamic jihadists (‘militants’ to INBBC) in Somalia, about two-thirds down the report we get the phrase:-
“Mohamed Mohamed, of the BBC’s Somalia Service”…
Say no more.
A first yesterday on the BBC.
Never thought I’d hear that, ever. It was (the usually very annoying) Jeremy Paxman howling at Jack ‘I Was Parachuted Into A Safe Seat With An All-Wimmin Shortlist Because I Was A Union Boss And The Husband Of Harriet Harman’ Dromey. The topic was the exploitation of Rumanian and Bulgarian workers who unlike the rest of Europe have right of residence in the UK only if they are self-employed.
Nothing to do with the BBC but I have never liked the idea of the Big Issue – give scottish alcy’s ‘self-respect’ by giving them a handful of magazines to hand out when they’re begging so that we can all pretend they’re not begging. Now around 50% of Big Issue sellers are ‘self-employed’ Rumanians/ Bulgarians and with their right of residency comes rights of residency for their families and access to benefits, social services, schoolsnhospitals et al.
So instead of purportedly helping UK homeless, Big Issue is now helping Eastern European people who had homes and costing hardworkingfamilies a fair wedge into the bargain.
So I’ve been led to believe – can’t say I can be bothered checking so I’ll leave it to Dopey Dez Dimwit Droid or his pet monkey to google it.
#epic fail
Good old Paxman, for once.
That scumbag Dromey has long known about things like this…and his party were the sole,cause of the trouble that is obviously being caused now.
Dromey tried to wriggle away from his partys culpability, but Paxman continued to repeat it.
We need more of this!
Moments like this on the BBC are such rare interventions of truth and cut so harshly against the grain that they positively roar out of the TV speakers and echo around the room.
WTF?!?! Did that really just happen?!?!
It was a jaw dropping moment.
Janet Daley (who is not a Labour Party luvvie) was invited onto This Week.
Then it became clear why she was invited. She had written a blog entry that attacked the Tories as snobs.
Ah, normal service has been resumed.
P.S. I notice in the week when the Tories are being attacked for being snobs the BBC invite as their Conservative Party representative….Jacob Rees-Mogg. How unexpected.
‘How unexpected’
Along with what questions get asked, who gets interrupted and how the result is edited afterwards, plus ‘carefully selected’ vox pops, what goes into the BBC mincer is also very shaped right from pre-pro in who they ‘invite’.
The notion that anything they set up is representative of anything bar their own agenda being created is laughable.
How unexpected…
With all that is currently ‘going down’ (as it were) across the BBC’s crumbling credibility estate, I am given to wonder about all those vocal activist types who often move beyond their perceived main targets to those who they claim are supporting them, and are hence as culpable, simply by using their services…. hence funding their activities.
By paying the BBC licence, and hence propping up an organisation now unfit for purpose by any measure, from quietly ignoring stuff to possibly covering up complicity, can I be held accountable?
If there is a chance I’d really prefer to have the option of expressing my dismay at so much the BBC is involved with that I can’t condone by no longer being required by law to pay no matter what.
Compulsory culpability…The BBC’s own version of ‘we’re all in this together’.
They DO like the ‘Big Society’ ideal, after all.
I wonder why Mr Hasan did not appear on QT.last night?
Could it be that the “Rochdale”crimes,cowardice and derilictions of duty would almost certainly be one of the questions?
overseas aid?
how out of touch? …
even when someone bluntly tells it like it is? …
yep! only totally
well! when you have al bbc & mp s singing from the same hymnsheet, you get conveniently sidelined. eh!
just listen in here 20 mins in.
bridie smith representing the 70% polled who are against overseas aid only last week!
dishes it out
(if you can bear it to listen to scameron, and plaid cymru s excusery pap that is)
One lady on the phone showing the collective politico-media, £100k a piece ‘establishment’ mouthpieces in the studio ALL up for the oxygen thieves they are.
I actually thought the hostess was attempting some balance in dishing it out and around, but she did slip a few times too.
BBC: virtual publicist for politically like-minded Ms Rowling:
“media interviews given only to the upmarket arty crowd: Radio 4’s Front Row, BBC Two’s Culture Show, The Guardian… and me [Gompertz], as the man from the BBC News At Ten and the Today Programme.”
-But, the ‘Daily Mail is not sycophantic towards Rowling:-
“Daily Mail accuses star Leveson witness Rowling of hypocrisy”
Read more:
“Hypocrisy and the ruthless PR sorcery behind JK Rowling’s invasion of her own privacy”
Read more:
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Yesterday, Umbongo reckoned that David Cameron was only pretending not to know the meaning of Magna Carta.
Well, Umbongo, it seems that Boris agrees with you.
Then he’s even more of an idiot than we give him credit for. I guess Nadine Dorries would be pleased.
This is buried pretty low down the BBC News page.
“Jack Straw: Gordon Brown knew he could not do PM job”
Thought it might have merited a more prominent position. Let’s see how high it climbs. Maybe it’ll be the main story by the News at Ten.
‘But “backed off” because he thought it might make Labour’s situation worse.’
Really worked out well for the interests of the country though, didn’t it?
An interesting priority set to have confirmed by those seeking to govern us.
I am sure the BBC was/will be all over this like a rash. Not.
Jack Straw, the man who says he ran the election campaign, knew that Brown would be a useless PM. That epitomises the Labour Party that will sacrifice anything, in this case the U.K. as a whole, for the benefit of the Party.
I wouldn’t expect anything else from a man who once said that ‘the English aren’t worth saving’.
Traitors – they’re all as morally bankrupt as they leave the nation’s finances. Bastards.
Evil City man & sometime Newsnight contributor writes
Syria: a less simplistic view
The text below was not written by me but by a fund manager, Dr Eric Woehrling. It may seem to fall outside the subject matter on which I normally post on my blog although it touches on one area I deal with-BBC bias, or in this case, maybe just naiveté and lack of background knowledge, which is only slightly more excusable
The writer seems most unhappy that the BBC hasn’t emphasized enough that the dirty Jews stand to benefit more than anyone from removing Assad. As if that discredits most opposition to his regime. Ah well, the BBC does claim to get complaints from both sides.
So Israel stands to benefit from Sunni fanatics displacing Assad…..the guy really IS mental.
I know, Israel has benefited so much from the other recent regime changes, right?
I know there was a long thread on this subject only two days ago. But I went through the bBC website on this subject and you get no clue that these acts were carried out by muslin racist paedophile gangs. No wonder this crime that goes back 20 years has a long history of cover up – it is still going on at the bBC.
I`d recommend that anybody who feels aggrieved at the decline in standards, sloppy IT systems and their usual grouches; have a good laugh and a listen to the Today show this morning.
Just after 7am Webb went to Katmandu to ask a local reporter about the tragic plane crash there.
Yet it was as if Goodness gracious Me/ Ain`t Half hot mum had been scripted by Spike Milligan…an absolute joke, and Justin could not disguise his cut and paste pretensions that this was OK…shambolic.
And within the hour, a dodgy mock up of that Pakistani Perks wanting a jihad on the “US film-maker”…yet more shambles from the BBC.
It`s a common event these days-yet the BBC call others to account for sloppy incompetence.
About time the BBC was hauled over the coals for serially getting it so ballsed-up with that Godawful show of theirs. Hypocrites and no sense of their own double standards. An irony-free zone is the BBC!
It is a shambles. One of my pet hates is the inability of most interviewers to phrase their questions concisely. Long, rambling sentences linked with phrases such as “in other words” and “that is to say”.
Of course, we know perfectly well why leading questions are popular.
Being I got a ‘breaking news’ email from the BBC that a plane had crashed in Nepal about half a day after watching it on SKY, given our £4Bpa professional news gathering monopoly seems to get its scoops from the tweets of fellow ideological travelers, I’d be surprised if this doesn’t end up on Newsnight as gospel too.
Heard the 7a.m newsreader tell me of the “public anger” surrounding the LIBOR scandal of a few months ago.
No-don`t remember it at all.
Being a member of the public, I despise the gravy train opportunists behind the scenes that fiddle and cream off the public purse whenever they get the opportunity.
Whether its Caroline Thomson or Bob Diamond-the principle is the same to me.
But not to the BBC-Webb wanted the LIBOR fiddlers to be jailed as thieves(his word!)…but will happily get his freebies to Florida to say why Obama has it “just about right”.
Same thing Webb-not that the BBC would ever think that…yet they will speak on behalf of the public to select their villains for the day…and it`s never the BBC.
Witness the “soak the rich ” crap of the LibDems earlier this week-as if Martha Kearney etc are disinterested observers, and would not be affected!
Creeps, hypocrites-whoring humbugs the lot of `em!
I do hope that the souffle being served up cold as the Rochdale “child abuse scandal” is not being seen by anyone as anything other than mere ack-ack to deflect the rest of us from the real scandal currently cooking up in South Yorkshire.
Rochdale is ambulance chasing lawyers, grief thieves and a pigpile for enquiries, more training, and a bitchfest between police, social serves and the media.
They will only look into it, now that everyone has moved along; they have their edited “voice of vulnerable young women”, their Womans Hour timelines so the BBC can claim credit. The collected creeps and rubberneckers of public service massagers will major on language, procedures and call for more youth input and more money-and more laws of course.
File under Laming, Butler-Sloss and Baby P…compare, contrast and weep!
This is cold white meat-cold cuts for next summers salad.
But Rotherham is cooking now-hence the refusal to take it on, despite its creepy similarities and downright identical aspects. No wonder McShane, Blunkett and the like want us to ferret around Rochdale, now it`s safe to do so.
No folks-I`m sure the BBC are already chucking round their talcum powder and old coke round the scenes of the child abuse scandals in S.Yorkshire…usual light dusting and rearrangements of the flowerpots…no forensics will be allowed in Rotherham etc, until the BBC are happy that Islam and the disastrous “care system” are let off the hook…yet again!
Let`s see if I`m wrong!
Next week’s Labour Party Conference in Manchester.
Why doesn’t BBC-NUJ just drop its phoney political ‘impartiality’ guise and simply hold that Conference among Labour supporters at BBC-NUJ’s Media City?
Next week: count the BBC taxis; count the Beeboids at THEIR party conference.
Something is troubling me…
The press, and in particular, the BBC are giving wall to wall coverage of the Megan Stammers “Abduction” story, this is a girl who has basically run away with an older man, her teacher no less…
From what is gathered, she has been treated well, she’s a silly girl in love, he’s a silly man, in love.
Wall to wall.
Police cover up the systematic rape, abduction, drugging, prostituting of under age girls in Rotherham by older men of a dusky persuasion, over a period of at least 10 years…
Hardly a murmur from the BBC.
It’s been troubling lots of us Chop.
See the BBC are still choosing to avoid the Muslim link in the disgusting sex gang horror. They are a pathetic joke and, along with all those utterly USELESS ‘social’ workers and other agencies who are paid to do the job of caring and intervening in cases of abuse, are complicit in my eyes. I’m disgusted with the left-wing Guardian-reading PC scum who have ruined this country!
BIAS ALERT! Just seen on the BBC News some of the most grotesque pro-EU propaganda of all time. I’m away and running out of hotel Wi-Fi time so can’t provide link. Will try and supply the iPlayer link when I get back. Unbelievable!!!!! They were interviewing David Cameron who agreed there moight be an EU referendum if the Conservatives get back in… the BBC then proceeded to lost all of the ‘advantages’ that would be lost if we left. PATHETIC!
sorry, it’s list not ‘lost’! Should really put the lights on when I type 🙁
Same Narrative as Robert Peston put forth in his last blogpost about saving the Euro. He said that a referendum would be “tricky”, and that leaving the EU would leave Britain isolated and with weakened influence.
As usual, the viewpoint is spread across the spectrum of BBC broadcasting. No memo, no editorial directive necessary if they all think the same thing anyway. Which makes the bias institutional.
Are these luvvie /BBC / liberal left types lonely . What isolation (there is the rest of the world after all ) . Who do they want to influence and why ?
If these EUro partners are so great , so full of “EUropean values ” there`s no need to worry what they get up to .
BBC liberal/left types will always be lonely seeing nice normal people don’t want anything to do with these freaks.
Australia is “isolated and alone” both Politically, Economically and especially Geographically. But with an independent diplomatic service it has far better free trade agreements than the UK. The economic future of Australia was far better than was expected in the 1970’s when Britain joined the EU and we left Australia “ISOLATED and ALONE”. I think that Norway and Switzerland have far more influence in Europe than Greece and Spain.
BY JOVE! I’ve only been away from the BBC for two days and when I switch on the TV I am inundated! YET AGAIN MORE GROOMING GANGS are arrested in Oxford BUT the BBC don’t mention anything of the Religion of Peace connection! DISGRACEFUL!
Is it me or is anyone else sensing a slight sympathetic tone in the BBC’s news coverage of that disgusting child abductor maths teacher?
My only concern was that the young vulnerable girl got home safely with her family, i don’t care what happens to that sick and irresponsible prat of a maths teacher. The BBC seemed to be too concerned about his ’emotional’ state… i couldn’t care less and hope he gets the book chucked at him!
Oh, I agree, he should feel the full weight of the law, I am far from sympathetic towards him…he is a pedophile.
What troubles me, is the wall of silence in what I consider, a far worse crime, not only by the Muzzbot freaks who raped, drugged, prostituted, beat, threatened & impregnated white underage girls, but from the police, social services & local government of Rotherham, Oldham, Rochdale, Derby, Oxford and every other town and city that these repugnant invaders have given themselves a diversity base to abuse the indigenous population.
Under-age sex is often represented as young “women” being liberated.
I’m sure the BBC are just trying to make sure we all notice that he is WHITE. ooooh whitey “abducts” white girl (not true) so they can fail to mention those other cases in the news of things with girls, given kebabs or something, can’t recall the details.
I think you have hit the nail on the head with that Mr Owl…I was thinking something similar myself.
“Ows” I mean 🙂
If there was a gang of white teachers working together to seduce their students and then run away with them, then maybe. Can anyone really think this balances out several gangs?
I blame the parents/care supervisors, and see the adult males as victims of a messed up society in either case, of course.
I think what the Beeb are trying to do is try to use the Islamic deception method….y’know…”Well, what the Muzzies have done is pretty bad, but LOOK….Whiteys do it too” in regards of this story.
Fortunately the BBC can report on the creation of the Rochdale Community Forum that will combat the sexual predators. Its an interfaith organization and one of its founders is the local Imam. He might be a good chap, but somehow this does not fill me with confidence.
the mosque is where some of these scum meet, it is directly part of the problem, as the teachings spouted in it, are from the “perfect example of conduct” … yep! a child rapist ..
so any imam is integral … only in duplicity
And our liberal educators send children to these places on field trips.
yep! groomed oops …
i mean “married” from 6
raped from 9 …
anyone recognise a pattern?
THE “excellent example of conduct” to follow??? ….
do the math
“anyone recognise a pattern?” …
from 6 till 9, –
i never touched her … (your honour)
I hope they dress them up in burkhas first, for their own safety.
Listening to Saturday Woman’s Hour and other BBC discussions on Rochdale, neither race nor religion are relevant factors. But that is not how the perpetrators of these rapes saw the matter. At his trial the boss of a Rochdale sex grooming gang and one of nine men convicted at Liverpool Crown Court, Shabir Ahmed, told Court at his trial that ‘we are a civilised society, we are the supreme race not these white bastards (pointing to police officers in court)’ ( Rochdale Observer june 2012). Mr. Ahmed, a 59-year-old Pakistani born, father of four and former delivery driver at a Heywood takeaway, was found guilty of 30 counts of rape
A couple of weeks ago a programme called ‘The Choir’ was on and I watched it for a bit, ‘cos I like a bit of singing although I can’t abide ‘X Factor’ etc. This was set in Lewisham Hospital and it was all a solemn paean to our long-suffering multi-culti NHS saints.
Then the next episode was about Bristol Post Office workers, this time nary a dark skin to be seen so what we got instead was loads of heroic working class labourites whingeing about privatisation, job conditions and how worried they were about that classic BBC emotional dread word ‘Cuts’.
The next one looks like it’ll be about (no doubt bolshie) airport workers. The beeb never miss an opportunity to educate us about our false consciousness do they?
I started watching it because I like Gareth Malone’s energy and, overall, it’s not a bad idea, but the harping on about “breaking down barriers” was too much social engineering for my taste.
Fox hunting used to break down barriers but it never got the credit.
I watched the “hospital” one last week, and found the whole thing dreary. I am not a fan of Malone, anyway – I find him too uber-keen and in your face – alarmingly so, but that’s just me. The “Bristol” one was a bit better, but I am becoming heartily sick of all these social-conscience programmes, now, and also the ones depicting how life was in the old days (like the farm one) where everyone dresses up and pretends to be living in past times, with pristine preserved equipment and vehicles, in the full knowledge that their i-phones, computers and warm homes are not far away. It’s all so contrived.
Anyway, back to Gareth Malone and his series. Like all the other programmes of the genre,, what may start as a good idea soon eventually deteriorates into overdone, glossy crap, and the final nail in the coffin for me is when the word “celebrity” is tacked on to the front. So look out for The Celebrity Choir…
Last night prime time on BBC1 Cash Britain “Documentary series examining how customers of a family-run pawnbrokers are coping” was pissing us off big time about the ecomomy.
A Brummie ‘uncle’ has a very quiet morning and looks out of the window to bemoan the fact that there are only seven people on the bus going into town. Bad times indeed.
Well with economic insights like that who needs Pesto and Flanders on the payroll?
Anyway, I’m not as well versed in doublethink as are the Beeboids, but I thought that pawn brokers were supposed to prosper in recessions?
And to think, its just before the Labour Party conference and with good old Miliband still trailing Cameron in opinion polls over the issue of the ecomony.
Really Labour couldn’t wish for better puff pieces.
I watched the Military Wives choir one which was OK. I then watched the hospital one and just 5 minutes of the Post Office one before giving up. and reading. Its just all so predictable. Gavin has to bring people together you see so we have to find a grumpy manager or surgeon type and cheeky chappy junior. They then mix in the choir and grumpy has to realise there are little people he has never met and cheeky chappy has to “realise his potential”. Also at some point (its probably predictable to the minute) the choir have to “go on a journey” which is helpfully illustrated by them going on a coach journey so those of us with just GCSEs even can get it.
I stand by my assertion made on this forum a few years ago that the majority of prime time TV shows are actually written by a Microsoft Word macro.
It is Help for Heroes Day on Smooth and Real Radio today.
Would be good to see the Mosques across Britain raising funds for the cause!
“Help for Heroes Day” …. well yes there is that!
they ll hurriedly send their zakat (charity)…
for osama bin laden
What’s your fantasy Question Time panelists? I’m thinking it could include Mr Blobby clones and a steaming turd as the host
…would certainly be an inprovement on last weeks episode…or any episode, come to that.
The Commentator – A blow for ‘actorvism’
Steve Coogan’s woeful appearance on BBC’s Question Time (from Brighton) marked a new low in cringeworthy contributions from the celebrity panellist.
…More idiotic babble was to follow about the Rochdale abuse case, in which in Coogan was so terrified at being perceived as pointing the finger at Islam – which clearly was his point – that he made no sense at all, although bravely had a pop at Catholicism.
New D.G Entwistle demands more social engineering:-
He’s starting as he means to go on and on and on.
Soon all credibility will be gone. Just why can’t they employ some genuinely independent minded people?
Answers on Guardian headed notepaper.
Hello everybody.
If you missed Question Time last night, you can catch up here:
Never Say Muslim Paedophile in Rochdale on the BBC
It was an exceptional moment, not only because what was said – was not said, but that everyone listening knew what Coogan was trying not to say what he eventually didn’t say.
There were so many uhms and ahs that any normal person with an ounce of sense would know the Islam game was afoot and that Mr PC Coogan was so utterly scared of uttering it.
…and as he ‘ummed and ahhed’ about how NOT to say what he almost said, he clambered for that one failsafe exit for desperate PC lefties – the invocation the Daily Mail Devil…
“I have to be very careful, we’re getting very cose to Daily Mail territory here”.
Perhaps dreadfully un-PC publications such as the Daily Mail are the only remaining places in the mainstream media that will broach these subjects in an honest and direct fashion, without the dissembling cowardice of the likes of the BBC, The Guardian and all their soul mates in ‘the PC community’.
As a PS Someone posted below your blog about the woman allowed to blame Government cuts for not listening to these girls groomed by ‘Asian Males’ being given lots of airtime being a BBC plant. Given nomquery iver the timeline for this story; it happened on Labour’s watch; what is crystal clear from the clip is that the soundman knows exactly where to go to interupt the flow of the debate – it’s been rehearsed. I agree with the blog poster; this woman was known, and her interuption timed and allowed. Certainly a BBC plant.
PPS As a double PS another sleight of hand at 9 mins into the clip. A woman in the audience tries to tie the question neatly into the Teacher and 15 year old girlfriend on the run in France story.
Sleight of hand, cups and balls – under which cup is Islam? You have three shots, and as you say in the blog.
Islam and Mohammed not mentioned once in about 12 minutes of narrative. Not once!
That surely wouldn’t happen outside a controlled BBC environment. Course not.
Also notice that, despite 3 left wingers (excluding Dimbleby who would make it 4) outnumbering 2 right wingers on the panel , left winger Harman gets to speak twice in that segment, everyone else just the once.
The BBC – “our ‘impartial’ balance always means the left get the most”
Was Harriet Harman seated next to David Dimbleby, in her usual position? All the better to control the chairman and the programme…
Thanks for putting this up, Mr Ferreri!
The worst and most blatant piece of QT crap I think I`ve ever seen.
So obvious and unsubtle-all of `em playing a Twister of the tongues, so that awful scary M word never raised it`s hijabbed head.
Coogan was desperate-and that Harman would risk all manner of blokes getting falsely accused and losing their livelihoods (and even lives) rather than check what a kid says is truly evil.
Of course all these blokes would be white…maybe a token black or two…but guess which bunch of Asian Males would be given the keys to the nations childrens homes in the cause of ” diversity”?…from Abu to Zarqawi!
Fuck the BBC for this piece of tulip tiptoeing…their most obvious one yet!
They`ve not even got to Sheffield yet either!…and won`t be leaving the Hillsborough Chairmans suite anytime soon , even if they do!
“Labour turns to BBC stars in new fight for rights of older women”
Thought for a minute that they were following other despotic regimes into the realms of astrology.
But no, it seems fellow travellers attract.
Though that would be ‘ex-BBC’ ‘stars’, surely, as Auntie canned them in an ‘ism purge ‘they feel they got about uniquely different’.
Guessing Carol Vordeman wasn’t on the menu?
What about white male middle/working/under class discrimination. Labour have long since ditched these people.
Cheap foreign labour -> mass immigration -> grateful employers -> kickbacks to politicians -> native workers can bugger off.
For pink BBC:
“One in 66 Britons is gay or bisexual – NOT one in ten, as previously thought”
Read more:–NOT-previously-thought.html#ixzz27qnuTbuo
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I demand a recount.
Is this part of the Tories “Happiness Index” notion-or do they mean gay in the “Guardian new lexicon?” kinda way?
And I for one am worried about this decline in the endangered gay population?…do they need a Royal Society, a flag waving day, or is it due to the decline of woodlands where cottages may once have stood?…who knows?
Is this an international problem?…howzabout we send Rageh to ask about how the gay population has held up/gone down in Iran or Medina after Friday prayers-the Beeb tend to have their people there always looking for a burning US or Israeli flag, so it would not be too difficult to get that much needed “International perspective”…From Our Own Correspondent perhaps?
But I joke-why would the gay population need anything other that cBBC, BBC1,BBC2, BBC3, Channel 4, 5Live and the Guardain and all who cohabit in a civil kind of way with this lot…it`s a gay day every day on the BBC and don`t we all know it?
Did Lyse Doucet “challenge” Amhedinejadh about his “denial of his inner gay”-or must countless accused gays swing from Qom cranes until the Beeb grow a pair…even ONE principle would suffice at the moment?
The BBC happy to let Islam kill the selfsame types that they blow for in any other arena than the Muslim one!
“Spineless bastards all”( St Stephen Morrissey of Stretford)
I’m sure that last year I read in one of the news papers about a completely anonymous(so as to avoid social pressure) survey came up with a figure that was lower around 1 in a 100.
I didn’t pay it much mind at the time as it seemed to just confirm the bleeding obvious.
But now I’m wondering (at the risk of seeming a conspiracist) If latest survey this not a lame attempt by the ‘ministry of facts’ to counter that earlier survey in support of ‘liberal Inquisitions’
latest social engineering project (gay marriage)
If so its back fired.But it makes me wonder what other research on subject of homosexuality
has been deemed inconvenient
Younger minds with better memory’s might
remind me were I read about that previous survey
I haven’t gone out of my way to find out about this, but between programmes on Radio 4 extra (where the propaganda is slightly toned down) we’ve been getting extracts of a programme about domestic servants in the UK. Possibly related to this
The extracts are hilarious, a servant does his best to dish the dirt on the kinds of lives and behaviours still in existence. But in case you weren’t getting the right message, the Beeb has added some extremely creepy background music.
I’m fairly sure this subject matter was chosen as being programme material because of the political message the BBC could attach to it* – which in their subtle way they had to use horror-film music to get across 🙂
* the same dynamic is present in “Saturday review” on Radio 4, where they like to review dramas about the “end of an era” – the BBC needs reforming at every level, I’m afraid
The series ‘Life below stairs’ is presented by Dr Pamela Cox and the series is described by the Telegraph in its review thus
” Given that Cox’s grandmothers (I actually thought she said great-grandmothers) were in service and that she teaches at Essex – a university not renowned for its right-leaning views – one might have expected a rant.” While it wasn’t a rant you could tell whose side she is on. But when describing what a hard, dreadful and as she was explaining lonely life those below stairs in middle class homes had she failed to explain how these lonely ancestors of hers managed to find husbands.
So Naughtie tells us that Miliband wants to let his dangleberries get back behind the wrecking ball that was theirs for thirteen years a short time back.
And he brings in some “way lefty”…and some new “third way pinko” to “debate whether Labour today are great or merely brilliant?
Now I`d have thought that the only thing that these two could debate was whether New Labour was a “good” or a “bad” thing to their nasty little party?…isn`t that the only game in town for those scumbags since Benn and Healey after all?
But no-Jim said that this was neither the time nor the place to be talking about that…so those opinion polls of 2010…what say you Kitty?
The Godawful cringing suckup lefties like Nightie seem only to want their old perks and privileges enhanced as before…not ” in danger of being reduced fifty years hence like the current nomarks “in office” seem to hope to do one day.
This dreadful schmooze between Lefty Sheet and Lefty Shi`ite was set up as nothing more that a seminar in a phone box…there`s no longer any debate about anything that matters on the BBC.
Time to offer it to Islamists if they`ll all piss off back to Mecca, na d start a revolution from their beds as St Noel of Burnage once said-he channels Lennon you know!
BBC-NUJ, Labour Party and Olympian National Health Service:
“Just one GP for 500,000 patients: The true scale of crisis in out-of-hours NHS cover revealed”
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Get your sick-bag ready, or preferably a bucket, before reading the bBBC’s sycophantic ‘news’ Labour’s rising stars about the ragtag bunch of assorted ‘former special advisers’ that the bBBC is hoping will form the next government.
Rising stars: Labour’s class of 2010
“Owen Smith, A former BBC radio producer…”
Small world, eh?
I’m sure it’s racist to show this video, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how. Perhaps those who are outraged by the constant stream of racism on this blog can explain it to me.
PS: I really, really don’t want to know what film this guy saw. Over and over, apparently.
I wonder whether Peter Tatchell and his BBC companions would regard criticism of all this as “cultural imperialism” requiring tolerance and diversity to be complied with..would it not be racist and patronising to criticise their sincerely held cultural beliefs?
If this was Arabia and not Africa…Islam and not Christianity; the Beeboids would be fully supporting the people-if not in full agreement with what is being said.
As it stands, the BBC will sit on the fence -and our pastor here would have a view on what benefits ensue from doing so….would certainly account for some of the BBC staffs impression of eternal self-satisfaction anyway
Excellent point. It seems that sometimes Colonialism is the right thing to do.
I posted to show the double standards we have in our PC society. This is a black African in Uganda talking homsexuals. People don’t thinks its offensive just funny.
If a white man done this in this country he would end up in prison for a hate crime.
Some good points…
some …. indeed
“insulting the Prophet Mohammed”
” legitimate form of protest” ….
well yes it is – doubly so, especially as it is the truth
BBC-NUJ’s Labour Party conference – its preview is this top of page headline which has been running all day on its ‘Politics’ page.
“Labour ‘on your side’ – Miliband”
Compare and contrast with BBC-NUJ treatment of Tory Party Conference in Birmingham next week.
‘its preview is this top of page headline ‘
Well if it was when you posted, 1/2hr later it has changed to ”Economic emergency’ faced, Ed Miliband tells voters”, with the ‘on our…er.. your side’ relegated to the initial paras.
Actually the Politics page has this portentous effort: ‘Warning over ‘economy emergency’
And then Nick Robinson offering us this choice:
Is Ed Miliband a Churchill or an Attlee?
Luckily, comments again not enabled, as some may have offered a few other alternatives.
But ‘Toenails’ is again earning his nickname.
Shouldn’t that be Foot instead of Churchill? One suspects Robinson has ruined a good quip with an attempt at hyperbole. The wartime thing falls flat in my view.
Still, someone must have gotten to him for the former Young Conservative to accept printing the following heavily sanitized bit under his byline (assuming he actually has any integrity left and hasn’t gone completely native after too much alcohol consumption):
the brothers who learnt their values in an extraordinarily political home, the lessons of a privileged upbringing and a state education; long on broad vision – how re-building Britain depends on us really all being “in it together” as we were both in post-war Britain and during the 2012 Olympics; but short on detailed policy.
What kind of extraordinary politics were taught at that home, Nick? I guess we’re supposed to accept that anyone reading the blog will already know just how extreme Left the Miliband household was, so there’s no need for Robinson to even contemplate informing the reader. No reason at all to leave that out, right, BBC?
It’s not bias to say which corner of the political spectrum Pater Miliband inhabited. It’s an historical fact. But it might direct the reader towards seeing Ed as a bit Red, so Robinson censored it. Lame.
Headline just been changed by BBC-NUJ, after 10 hours or so.
In town tonight:-
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” – Voltaire
Any ideas, anyone..?
…welcome to the caliphate, then.
I am proud to say that I was able to predict that Charlie Richardson would get a fine send off by way of a BBC obituary(Last Word 4p.m Fri;Radio4).
He got the Jamie Oliver impressionists in a tizz. No end of sociology lecherers , diamond geezers and hacks spoke up in his defence-old school, violence exaggerated yada yada.
Some Jesus nut got a few minutes after our Charlies eulogy-she`d set up houses for child lepers in both China and India….but hardly nailing people to the floor is it?
Such is the BBCs ongoing eternal mindset-wonder if Matthew Bannister has ever even been to Camberwell?
Far too much Open University going begging in Dartmoor , it seems to me!
Still-he `d be Doug or Dinsdale then?…and the stiffs at the BBC won`t even get that!…absolutely no history, no sense of humour…witness Citizen Khan if you doubt me!
Harrabin will go hairless:
“US blocks Chinese firm’s investment in wind farms”
Harrabin will have to keep quiet this time, as this is about bolstering The Obmaessiah’s national security credentials and finding a way to get in a couple of White House talking points against Romney.
Talking about Harrabin, see 2nd item below by Christopher Booker in ‘Sunday Telegraph’:
“George Osborne’s CO2 tax will double UK electricity bills”
‘confirming our public spending deficit (the one the BBC tries to ignore) as the highest in Europe.’
Is ignoring what doesn’t suit a narrative an acceptable function of a ‘news’ provider that exists by compulsory funding?
This carbon floor price was a big mistake as it allows the left and their followers to now blame all the energy price rises on the Coalition. GO should have left well alone allowing the (true) claim that is was mainly down to New Labour and especially Ed Miliband!
The BBC does not even try to hide it’s bias, It was reported on the BBC that 73% of Labour voters believe that David Milliband would make a better leader than Ed Milliband, it was described by the BBC as a Tory commissioned poll. Of course, the BBC have now robbed the polls of any credibility, what they have, in effect said is, polls are not random, they are specifically targeted with a partisan theme in mind. That means then that when we hear that Labour is ahead of the Tories in the polls it means this poll was commissioned by Labour to get a specific result. Oh dear! BBC foot in mouth moment. But we already knew it was the Unions manipulating the polls didn’t we?
However, the BBC faithfully covered Ed Milliband throughout his whole question and answer session with no interuptions, well thankfully Ed Milliband performed dismally, he was flat and seemed out of his depth, no charisma whatsover and did not seem to have a theme, ‘could do better’ was an understatement, so much so that Norman Smith the BBC’s lefty commentator struggled to find anything to say about it.
Howevever they will give total coverage this whole week and when it comes to the Tories, BBC Parliament will go on the blink as it did for the Nick Clegg’s conference speech, so if you missed it on TV tough.
Is Ed Miliband a Churchill or an Attlee? –
What has Nick Robinson been smoking?!? How can he compare one of Britain’s weakest ever political leaders with arguably the greatest Prime Minister in history???
although out of date, i thought this might still be of interest……
With all newsworthy and deserving mature debate, what does the supposed leading topical magazine show have on its twitter feed?:
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
On #newsnight tonight: Harriet Harman MP, or Hatty from Camberwell, will debate page 3 with Neil Wallis, former deputy editor of the Sun
‘Hatty from Camberwell’? That’s one way of spinning Lesley Harriet Harman, child of a solicitor married to a Harley Street physician, niece of Elizabeth Pakenham, Countess of Longford, with cousin Lady Antonia Fraser.
She attended a fee-paying public school, St Paul’s Girls’ School and then the University of York, where she gained a BA….in…. Politics!
Or, to the BBC PR division… ‘Hatty from Camberwell’.
In other coincidental news, Ed from da hood is being pitched against Tory Toffs and the banksters, with no questions being asked on where the money for all his promised dependency culture promises is meant to come from.
Pure propaganda.
By amazing coincidence, as the BBC dances to the Labour line…
‘Toffs who play at being comrades’
I`m getting to like Toby Young!
And what with Frankie Boyles column on a Friday-the Sun may yet be the place to revisit for the last of independent thinking.
All hail Sir Rupert!
Had a browse of the BBC Editors’ increasingly pointless (no more than broadcast only propaganda outlets, in some cases backed by draconian censorship) ‘blog’ roll, to note Mr. Mason has wisely ensured his last three are free of comment.
Ms. Flanders has however foolishly exposed her latest economic genius to the public, and is getting slaughtered.
Just who are these folk really speaking for?
What a swizz. Got up early to have a chuckle at the newspapers review on Beeb’s website and found no mention of the Sunday Mirror. Wonder why?
Oh dear, this may make things awkward in the bar after the latest Labour Conference orgy of awesomeness from certain impartial media. And after all the BBC did to keep the DM out of Leveson. Ingrates.
Daily Mirror @DailyMirror
Today’s Sunday Mirror frontpage, leading on Jimmy Savile rape accusations
Oddly, Newsnight still seems pretty keen on discussing badgers.
‘Yesterday the BBC said there was no record of any allegations of misconduct against Savile and therefore no investigation was undertaken.’
Really? Or was it a bit of a Rochdale?
‘In a statement yesterday the BBC said: “Whilst the BBC condemns any behaviour of the type alleged in the strongest terms, in the absence of evidence of any kind found at the BBC that corroborates the allegations that have been made it is simply not possible for the corporation to take any further action.”
And that, one presumes, is the end of it?
As always, BBC precedent seems variable to a truly unique degree.
” Newsnight still seems pretty keen on discussing badgers. ”
Nothing wrong with that, I remember a politician enjoying badger watching! (govt. minister actually)
Secluded place near Bath it was! no links you’ll soon find it!
St Polly on Marr has announced that without the EU arrest warrant we’d all be doomed. Well, we wouldnt have got that runaway teacher back anyway, ever! No?
I’ll sleep well tonight knowing that I’m protected by that EU arrest warrant after all! Thank you Polly!
‘St Polly on Marr’
Shocked, I tell you. Shocked!
There must have been a spike in the Graun’s ABC ratings, surely?
All that the Guardian and BBC types will be annoyed about is that he allegedly failed to fill in a risk assessment form before taking his vulnerable young woman for a spontaneous-school trip.
Who does he think he is?…Jimmy Savile?