Sorry we could not do the QT Liveblog last night, the ongoing server issue haunts us. My thanks to Billy over at KebabTime for manfully stepping into the breach! Anyway, what with all the hassle I though a fresh top of screen OPEN THREAD might help!
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“‘Cavalier’ Marr is accused of ignoring Jesus while honouring Buddhism in his BBC history of the world.
Christians say the BBC is guilty of ‘a glaring oversight’ for excluding Christ.
Eight-part series contains only a handful of references to Jesus.”
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Quelle surprise!
The BBC no longer even bothers to imply that “other churches are available” apart from their own.
Seems like they`ve got their first serial child abuser too-well the first one we know about.
Maybe someone will nail the Balen Report to the cottage up on Hampstead Heath-then we `ll know that the New Reformation is finally underway.
Stop paying your £145.50 indulgences, plebs!
By David Stephenson.
I’m sure the BBC will “get complaints from both sides” on this one.
Here is another article about Hillsborough. The article describes how Straw with the local MPs set out a ‘black ops’ programme to thwart a public enquiry. Why did Straw do this; because the stink would rise in the Sheffield area and douse Labour with a lot of sh**? This would be the area that I would investigate.
As for the bBC, these aspects of the Hillsborough story will I suspect not see the light of day. As it is Labour conference week and also yet another demonstration of the lying conniving nature of Labour.
INBBC’s politically sympathetic assessment of Gitmo’s released
Islamic jihadist, Omar Khadr:-
“Youngest Guantanamo Bay prisoner Omar Khadr leaves for Canada”
(Article appears to have been written by INBBC’s Lee Harper.)
The INBBC political tone is set in the first sentence:
“The youngest prisoner to be held at the Guantanamo Bay detention centre has been returned to his native Canada.”
An alternative, non-INBBC analysis which is NOT politically sympathetic to this Islamic jihadist:-
“He’s B-a-a-a-c-k!: Omar Khadr convicted GITMO terrorist is returned to Canada by the US”
By Jerry Gordon.
“The Harper Government didn’t want him back, but alleged human rights advocates, his family and the liberal media and counsel in Canada have made Khadr out to be a victimized child warrior who is now reformed. ”
BBC’s John Pienaar really is the best Labour spinmeister not actually on the Labour – sorry the unions’ – payroll.
He correctly identifies the problem that the electorate is suspicious of Ed Miliband’s rather odd character and so goes to work to allay our fears.
He realises that the voters mistrust Labour on the economy and so our John works hard to explain Ed’s supplyside ‘predistribution’ wonkism.
But the clincher is the long running strategy for Pienaar to realign the Lib-Dems for an upcoming coalition with Labour.
(You know, the one which starts in 2015 with a policy of index-linking rises in the BBC licence fee with RPI inflation).
John Pienaar is now well into his stride on this and this morning can confidently proclaim (without fear of contradiction on the BBC)
“The Liberals would be more comfortable in coalition with Labour”
Have you got that everyone?
“The Liberals would be more comfortable in coalition with Labour”
The BBC: Just, so you know.
North Sea cod: Is it true there are only 100 left? –
The BBC take the Telegraph to ask over a misleading headline – Oh, the irony!
Ooops, 99 now.
Oh dear.
Clouds are gathering over the BBC and its willingness to protect and give cover to a serial child abuser, so it seems.
Now that the BBC will hopefully be seeen as the accused Church of Second Order Satans that I think it to be….let`s hope that no stone is unturned-we get full disclosures, endless enquiries and smears of all BBC staff…and , of course lots of jokes by Jeremy Hardy and the like.
Oh wait….turns out that he was a Catholic!
That`s alright then…he was of course better known as a Catholic than for actually Fixing things and playing records.
Back to Rome then to enquire further…and here`s Robert Piggott with the dry ice machine until further notice!
BBC online. A search for the name Jimmy Saville brings up…..
Sir Jimmy Savile Scarborough memorials unveiled
How Jimmy Savile helped revive rail travel 30 years ago
Bevin Boys meet for last reunion in Bournemouth
(it turns out “Eric Morecambe and Jimmy Savile were both Bevin Boys”)
Mind you the BBC are in step with the Guardian. A similar search of their site offers….
You searched for ‘jimmy saville’
126 result
Tags matching your search…
Jenny Saville (Art and design),
Robert Saville (Media),
Nick Saville (Contributor),
Saville Kushner (Contributor),
Jimmy Anderson (Sport)
Amazing when ‘watertight oversight’ can kick in, isn’t it?
Still not feeling that peaceful vibe promoted by many, from President O to the BBC, here..
Or are we to presume there a whole new set of moral relativism uniques at play here?
‘Hundreds of Muslims in Bangladesh burned at least four Buddhist temples and 15 homes of Buddhists on Sunday after complaining that a Buddhist man had insulted Islam’
Evil Buddhist individual may or may not have said something, so hundreds of others from another team go on a destructive rampage.
Let’s see how the BBC ‘reports’ this….
Nope, nothing yet.
But from ‘Asia’ we do have…
” Evil Buddhist individual may or may not have said something, so hundreds of others from another team go on a destructive rampage.”
Yes of course, we’ll behead those who say islam is violent!
There’s another dimension to this besides religion, though:
Fresh violence between Buddhist tribals and Muslim settlers
Yes, I know this can be spun as religion having everything to do with the approach. But this kind of strife would exist between the two camps regardless of anyone’s religion.
Remember how BBC presenters were warned from on high not to be too supportive of Team GB at the Olympics?
Well listening to BBC Ryder Cup golf coverage I notice a sudden outbreak of very overt patriotism and support for one side. Lots ‘us’ and ‘we’ in the coverage.
I wonder why the impartiality rules in this case might be different?
Yep you have sussed them out! It’s the EU connection so beloved of our INBBC.
The word is spreading…
“Yesterday, two opposition activists were shot dead during a rally for Henrique Capriles in Chávez’s home state of Barinas. (Another died later)
How did the international media reflect this act of campaign violence?
Reuters: “Two Venezuelan opposition activists shot dead”
AlJazeera: “Two killed in Venezuela political clash”
CNN: “2 killed as Venezuelan campaign turns violent”
BBC: “Venezuelan election: Opposition duo die at poll rally”
Really, BBC? They just … died? What, did they drown? Did they have a heart attack? Did they kill themselves? The headline writer didn’t think it was important to highlight the fact that they were shot to death?
i wonder how many ‘celebrity’ comrades will be attending the Labour Party Conference next week? The whole thing, from those attending as well as the reporting by the BBC, is going to be vomit inducing
Worth taking screen shots of their politics index page over the coming days to see how much of the page do they devote to the opposition, and how much space is given to Government replies. Then compare it with next week as we see how many opposition replies are put on the politics page covering the Tory conference.
Given the airtime offered to opine on various matters of public interest, those chosen by the BBC so often do seem a unique bunch.
One presumes that, this being merely an investigation, ‘watertight oversight’ will again kick in as it’s ‘family’, but at this rate the BBC news is going to struggle to find anyone or thing to report on.
Vic Derbyshire was at some side bar debate linked to the Labour Party Conference this morning. Or ought that to be the Labour Party were meeting at some fringe event beside the BBC relaunch of Ed Miliband? It is increasingly hard to tell.
Anyway some off message pleb who was unhappy with the conduct of our MPs managed to refer to the current revelations about the financial scandal involving a former minister.
Of course our Vicky explained that this was a story about Keith Vaz.
Well, she knew the story damned well but she also knew loyal listeners only tuning into the Beeb wouldn’t have had a clue what this story was all about!
Perhaps BBC-NUJ will give this story on Labour’s Keith VAZ some priority after the Labour Conference is over:
“Secret police probe into Labour MP’s £500,000.
A police investigation into a high-profile Labour MP discovered that he apparently held hundreds of thousands of pounds in a series of bank accounts, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.”
Will BBC-NUJ run negative coverage on Labour’s Vaz as it has done on Tory Mitchell for over a week?
BBC News this evening leading on Ed Balls speech at the Labour party conference followed by a long piece on the death of commy historian Eric Hobsbawn (no, me neither). Compare and constrast with sky news which sensibly finds neither of those two stories newsworthy.