Ah, the love the BBC shows towards Labour knows no bounds. Yesterdays meme was how united the comrades are and today it is about how normal a bloke Ed Miliband is and how he cares so deeply about the “forgotten 50%” The lack of critical analysis is almost amusing and just wait until those evil hated Tories gather next week.
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I like the picture, it shows that his speeches are so boring he even puts himself to sleep.
I had rather a horrid vision of Mr. Balls being a little lower down, back to camera…
Well, well, well. Had a look round the bbc news pages and can’t seem to find any mention of the plod investigating why labour MP vaz , who had serious ‘previous’, on expenses / corruption issues, is being investigated for having the odd unexplained half million quid in his bank accounts.
Compare and contrast when a Tory MP was alleged to have called plod a pleb.
As this post is about Labour and there conference i thought i may share this with you > http://kebabtime.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/want-to-bite-his-ed-off.html (from the Sky party at lab conference)
Guardian have headlined the forgotten 50% too and claim he will ‘put himself on the side of the ‘forgotten 50%’ by ‘drawing on his state school roots’. I am genuinely puzzled as to precisely how this mechanism is supposed to work!
Still the Guardian has a right to bias, just as the Mail and Telegraph do; it has no duty of neutrality.
Nick Robinson liked to talk up how Ed went to an ordinary comprehensive school (unlike Dave). Love the remark (haven’t read it yet) about his family not having sat beneath an Oak tree for 500 years (like Dave) but that Ed was a jewish immigrant. I agree the normal bloke myth was palpable. Tristram Shandy Hunt MP weaved Ed into his Guardian piece on professor Hobsbawm (BBC interview with him was much shorter) and I guess we are all supposed to think that Ed’s dad Ralph Miliband was like Hobsbawm in a way.- A left icon. Of course a million miles away from Bullingdon Dave and his chums, The kids gloves approach to Labour is so clear , and yes the gloves will be off quite soon for the other party.
Don’t get suckered into thinking the comprehensive Milliband attended was an ordinary one.
Haverstock School has all the markings of a Labour Show School.
To borrow a line from Peter Hitchens, Haverstock was an ordinary comprehensive like 10 Downing Street is a terraced house in the inner-city.
In the same way MPs enjoy “ordinary” NHS treatment” at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, the most expensive NHS build that mysteriously never had to jump through the PFI hoop.
I don’t know what happened with Ed but brother Dave benefitted from an ILEA scheme (meant to help “disadvantaged” students) to get into Oxford while, by coincidence, his father was allegedly a member of the ILEA committee which decided on such awards. I’m sure his father left the room while the committee dealt with this one but the nomenklatura – as always – looked (and looks) after its own.
I don’t have a lot of time for Dave Cameron but I suspect that I didn’t contribute financially to his education (apart from the general taxpayer money given to Oxford at the time).
Is this the level to which British politics has plummeted? A wannabe Prime Minister triggering a class war tit-for-tat wherein he believes that waxing lyrical about going to a comprehensive school will somehow make the public more interested in anything he says or does? If liebour, rather, apologised for wrecking the country’s finances, education system and cultural heritage they might win just an iota of respect. Pigs just flew passed my window…
He’s not triggered a class war – he is continuing the one started by his mentor Gordon Brown, who needed to find scapegoats who would take blame for his incompetence. And knowing he was universally unpopular, used his class war and division to try to save his skin, to ‘dog whistle’ in a desperate attempt to get the core Labour vote out.
” Gordon Brown”
Oh yes, he who didn’t suffer bigots gladly!
There was nothing ‘normal’ about Millibands privileged upbringing in upmarket Hampstead where ordinary Brits can only dream of living, with his well connected Jewish parents and their famous friends. It was every bit as rarified as Camerons, albeit in a different way.
Haverstock Comprehensive was the favoured school of wealthy middle class north Londoners at that time, those with lefty leanings or not quite wealthy enough to be able to afford private schooling while maintaining the expensive house. It was at that time a school of extremes, children from council estates (almost all indigenous at that time, before mass immigration penetrated every corner of London) and chgildren of wealthy successful professionals, accountants, lawyers and so on rather than nurses and teachers. The middle people simply couldnt afford to live there. Ed will have undoubtedly been able to become part of a clique of the similar to himself.
posh school eh.
wonder where ‘e picked up ‘is glo’al stops then.
Same place Bliar picked up ‘is.
Kozak was the daughter of wealthy Jewish parents, in the Polish town of Czestochowa with a Jewish population of about 35,000. In 1939 when the Germans took control, the Kozaks’ factory was commandeered and transformed into a munitions plant. In the town, an estimated 2,000 Jews were murdered on the spot and another 40,000 transported to the gas chambers at the Treblinka extermination camp. At some point nuns in a convent took the Kozaks in and hid them from the Nazis. Marion refuses to divulge where or when this took place.
Millibands mother is certainly from a VERY privileged background. Interesting that they were the survivors from their town where 40K Jewish people were rounded up. One cannot help but wonder how they persuaded the nuns to offer them protection when so many they knew were murdered. No wonder Kozak still doesn’t wantt o reveal who they were.
There again most of the Jewish holocaust escapees were those from wealthy privileged backgrounds.
Maybe a future BBC programme: Who Do You Think You Are? I seem to remember they were quite shirty with Lord Coe, maybe because he was a Tory (bad) and they could expose the British colonial Plantation owner and Black slaves connection in his family. Then again, I doubt it’s the sort of question they would raise for a Labourite(good), how exactly did his family escape the Nazis (bad), such intricate details would be glossed over.
Not really. I know a few who were not. It was more due to other circumstances in many cases.
Your knowing “a few who were not” doesn’t alter the fact that most of those who escaped were the wealthy and privileged, those with money and connections.
Some years ago, when less hidebound by PeeCee restrictions than now, the BBC actually did a programme where this was pointed out, however even just your own experience will I am sure confirm the claim
Like the hippies used to say
‘life is a shit sandwich – the more bread you have the less shit you taste’
It has always been and always will be the case.
You know nothing about the people I know or the part of my family who were wiped out entirely. You don’t know if this would confirm the claim or not.
No, I wasn’t speaking of your family, or specific people you know, but simply basing my statement on the statistical likelihood.
In fact until that post I had no knowledge of your family being Jewish.
Millibands references to his family to portray himself as ‘a man of the people’ are a travesty.
Agreed. Think the BBC will call him on it?
From researching the family history I can assure Aerfen that while many Jews that escaped may have come from a wealthy background, there were still many from a wealthy background who died at the hands of the Nazis.
I didn’t say otherwise. I am simply pointing out that the rich and privileged were very much overrepresented among those who escaped – even that most famous of families, Anne Frank’s, though of course they were caught in the end, so that underlines your point as well as mine.
Wall to wall oozing round Ed Miliband and his merry men(and, of course, women!)
Witness Liam Byrne telling Martha Kearney that Labour “will inherit a dogs breakfast when they take over”.
Now is that better or worse than a post-it note saying that “all the money has been spent”….I`ll never know because dear Martha the Muffin was NOT going to go down that road.
Not when the objective is for Labour to be let loose in the Treasury again…the revolution is unfinished….got that?
Miliband wants to be a one nation leader….and yet he constantly attacks anyone with any perceived ‘advantage’ in life.
Miliband spawn of Marxist Aristocracy.
Miliband who goes to football matches in a Rolls Royce (when he had promised to go to visit a NHS hospital)
Miliband who lives in a house worth nearly £2 milliion.
Miliband who champions the Squeezed middle or is it youth unemployment, the poor or is it women or is it the planet?
This is the Miliband, once a treasury advisor to Brown, who landed us all with enormous green taxes and ensured we are indeed ‘squeezed’….by his ever higher fuel tariff to pay for his wind farms.
…never mind industry being ruined by this tax either.
He’s a star.
Remind me again of the jobs Milleband has held down since leaving university. Has he actually worked at anything other than politics etc. ?
These people know little of our lives and care less.
Miliband is a closet Marxist nothing more nothing less.
Thi is all getting out of hand, as if the best background you can have to run the country is to have grown up in a septic tank, be raised in care, adopted by paupers, graduate from North London Poly, followed by a real world ordinary job, say a bus driver. Just the man to lead the country, FFS.
All the French Presidents except I think Sarkozy are graduates of the Paris grand ecoles, American Presidents all went to Harvard or Yale. There is nothing right or wrong about having been fortunate in your upbringing, only whether you have an ounce of sense between the ears and have the quality of leadership.
I dare say such a person may or may not exist, but Milliband fails the last two and only tests that matters, abysmally.
Thing is the left still think the country is run by eeeeviiiil Top Hats who oppress the poor for jollies.
Once upon a time, when Marx was laying the foundations for genocide this was true, sort of. A bus driver would never get to run the country no matter how clever he was.
These days any one from the working class with the smarts to succeed can, sort of. So socialism is fighting a fight that doesn’t need fighting – it’s why Labour is run by posh boys not bus drivers …
He’s no more normal than Cameron. How can or once great nation even consider this ludicrous geek as its leader? He’s going to look and sound ridiculous and lose our country billions with his awful nasal lisp!!!
Now now that’s not very PeeCee, people with a speech impediment are underrepresented in parliament.
I’ve just been listening to Ed’s speech. At the drop of a hat the audience were responding with well rehearsed and stage managed standing ovations. It reminded me of the TV programme “An audience with….” where the celeb’s are prompted to fall about laughing on cue at some contrived ad-lib.
The poor lad looked completely out of his depth. He was insipid and awkward and as for “ooh look at me I don’t need notes”…
I think Ed could become the Tory Party’s biggest asset.
So Ed Miliband does his Henry V speech in front of all his friends and family as the annual Frankfurt School Open Day.
Well done Miliband Minor!
Anyone care to note how many minutes old Hobspawn got by way of silence or applause before wee Edward spoke.
Anybody also care to check down the list why Labour must never be allowed to f*** the country over…vote BNP, EDL…ANYBODY rather than Labour, New or Newer.
1. Debauchery of crime and education figures.
2. Human Rights Act.
3. Lost Tax Discs
4. Immigration let rip as a matter of deliberate policy.
5. War in Iraq by deceit
6. David Kelly…for Gods sake, the likes of Hoon and Campbell preferred him dead than risk a dip in opinion polls
7. Cash for Honours
8. Mandelson, Blunkett and Prescott…that last oaf was DEPUTY Prime Minister….whatever will we tell our children?
9. Robin Cook, Paul Boateng, Tessa Jowell, Patricia Scotland, Uddins and Ahmeds
10. MPs expenses
11. Global crash and their precipitating it
12. Pensions and care shambles, but delayed for the next lot after them.
13. Letting asylum criminals go free and not even bothering to try and find them
14. Beverley Hughes and the Chinese cockle pickers
15. Stephen Byers, Patricia Hewitt-Railtrack and Rover
16. Devolution shambles
17. Regional assemblies for their northern suckups
18. Ken Livingston, George Galloway
19. The Millennium Dome
20. Hutton, MacPherson, Laming and Baby P
21. PFI and Qinetic flog offs, along with the pensions
22. Damien MacBride, Derek Draper and the nobbled nomarks that debauch any “Civil Service”
23. The Guardian jobs page that they fund.
24. Energy hikes and gross incompetence re future supplies
25. Doctor Dentist NHS contracts and the computer system
26. E-learning, Learning Skills Councils.
27. Derry Irvine, Falconer and the other castrators of any legal system surviving Straw and Smiffy etc.
and there`ll be more.
If Milipede/Mr Bean, Wallace or whatever even acknowledged any one of those scandals, then it will have been less that irrelevant tripe from an irrelevant man in a nasty, evil little party.
Wonder how the BBC will report it-that may well get me to think again….no, really!
Bravo! When you put it like that, there is an *awful* lot to answer for.
Time for a revolution, maybe?
Revolution I hope everyone has got an enemies list, because I have.
28. The minimum wage – pricing British nationals out of work in favour of immigrants.
28 isn’t even scratching the surface; that is what is really worrying…
” vote BNP, EDL…ANYBODY rather than Labour, New or Newer.”
The alternatives you quote will be faced with the usual Tory scare tactics come the next GE. It’s the cry that voting for one of these lets in the Labour party. Dopey Dave appears to be unable to neutralize the threat, which will indeed allow back that disaster for the UK which is Labour.
Don’t be put off by the Tory scare tctics, vote as ChrisH suggests! At least it may force to now useless Tories to realise where they are going wrong.
His speech was cringeworthy.
We are meant to believe that the child of a top Marxist ‘thinker’ whose house was filled with squads of squabbling socialists went to a local comprehensive and only there learnt how to be confident and how to mix with plebs.
It is all a bit fishy. When did he become a labourite?
Miliband is a Frankfurt school cultural marxist. He is pretending to be labour to help advance the cause of a global marxist government..
Excellent speech Ed. You’ve got the far right cacking itself and having difficulty restraining its natural antisemitic disposition. Gods knows how these comments relate BBC
Ed Miliband is as Jewish as Hitler was.
oh yes bet the rest of the Israeli supporting lot on here are kicking themselves !
Prole, a Labour Party supporter whose party had used anti-semitic posters as an attack on Michael Howard and Oliver Letwin. The Labour Party whose members want to destroy the world’s one state where Jews are treated fairly, and clearly wouldn’t mind another holocaust in the Middle-East as they are already blaming the Jewish victims for their intended fate.
I assume your attack is based on the left-wing nutjob claim that any criticism of Obama is racism, therefore any criticism of Milliband is anti-semitic.
Yes the Israel supporters on here are all naturally anti-semitic. @@
My word, prole is actually even more stupid than Dez and that’s an achievement.
Clearly prole!
The 28 reasons above seem not to be botherng you then!
Can I add
29. The Kinnock gravy train and the choice of Mandelson as EU Commissioner at the same time that Buttiglioni was not seen fit to be one.
30. Geoff Hoon, Bob Ainsworth and other SAS material that somehow ended up at Labours M.O.D.
That the likes of you learn nothing from the last 13 years when Labour brought the country to its sorry state is proof positive that the likes of Hobsbawm had their desired effect…yes indeed, we just can`t contend with the accumulated wisdom of yourself, Polly, Billy, Neil, Prezza, Eric, Owen and the like.
At least Stalin thought Webbs, Hobsbawms etc to be USEFUL idiots…so where does that leave you ,pal?
31. Keith Vaz considered a suitable person to chair the Home Affairs Select Committee
32. Margaret Hodge and Islington Child Abuse scandal.
33. Dianne Abbott, Harman, Ruth Kelly and their “privately educated” spawn
34. Equalities Act
35. Home Information Packs.
36. Jo Moore/Martin Sixsmith/good day to bury bad news on 9/11 under Byers regime.
37. Alan Michael, Frank Dobsons by way of enforced candidates…we get Ken etc instead!
38. Jack Dromey getting the womens shortlist vote to be an MP…`cos harriet said so.
39. Cherie Blair and her flat buying
40. Blair wanting to push in at Queen Mothers funeral-as Prescott screwed Tracey temple next door!
41, Foot and Mouth Omnishambles
42. EU Farm payments shambles under Old Ma Beckett
43. Dogs dinner of train services post-Selby and the like.
44. CRB checks disasters and incompetent shambles.
Anybody else see a pattern here re Labours “competence”?
Back to the Past.
Can we expect BBC-NUJ be as equally opportunistic as E. Miliband in seamlessly shifting its political allegiance from 19th century century Marx, to 19th century Tory Disraeli?
Shadow cabinet?
Why do Nu Nu new liebour Milliebland have a bastardised version of the union flag that the bbc like to focus on. Or is it supposed to associate in the minds of the sheep Liebour with the massive “success” (not) of the olympics.
I`m really glad that Evan was able to slum it out in Openshaw a few days ago.
A piece he did for Today on Monday about the workshy dependency culture did not start out as such. But he was “put straight” as it were, and he clearly had learned something, albeit in a tangled way.
And so it was that the BBCs presumed “coronation of Ed” this morning was car crash radio.
Evan skewered him, albeit by mistake.
Brilliant stuff and required listening for anybody who wants to know why this man is barking…Ed ,I mean of course.!
1. Clueless in any specifics whatsoever.
2, Didn`t know any details at all, and could not respond to the transport “fiasco”-apart from giving it a name-“fiasco”.
3. Full of his own hype-Gordon Brown Syndrome.
4. Affected glottal stops on the minute…Tony Blair Syndrome.
5. Wild eyed, shouty, incoherent and running on Daily Mirror steroids…Manic Messianic Syndrome as shared by both his previous bosses.
This interview should be replayed unntil election day. He believes his few hours of hyperbolic crap, and spins off into the studio thinking that he knows anything, but how to be a parrot…Alexander Haig Syndrome.
The bloke is Bonkers, Barking and Creepy…the very embodiment of the new BBC!
But thank you Evan Davis for doing your job!
It was a surprisingly aggressive interview from old Evan on the Today Programme, although it generated more heat than light. One that would produce a red blip on Craig’s interruption coefficient graph.
“Hardly bog standard… Ed Miliband’s days at the Eton for lefties”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2211962/Hardly-bog-standard–Ed-Milibands-days-Eton-lefties.html#ixzz28E14KSFE
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Yet Ed “didn`t have a thirst for knowledge, so therefore missed out on St Martins College”.
I say “fine”.
This squit is desperate isn`t he?
I had a flatmate at university who was the same…he`d say he was from “Manchester” because it was trendy as a student tag back in the days of Joy Division and Magazine etc.
Yet he came from Preston and hated to te told so! A fake!
Likewise DLT and his “Manchester” bit, when I was told he was actually from Derbyshire.
Ed Miliband wants to “be/sleep/eat like Common People do”…it is desperate and no-one but his similarly deluded fakes and phonies at the BBC etc will take him seriously.
What is it with the likes of Blair and Hillary Clinton?…if you`re not even honest about your own lives…how the hell can we trust you with those of the soldiers etc who can`t afford left wing postures and vogues?
F***in Mick Jagger started all this didn`t he?
John Lennon also claimed he was a “Working Class Hero”. I remember when the (then) three surviving Beatles got back together in the 90s, the other three chuckled about that saying that Lennon had lived in a better part of Liverpool than any of the others. The people who do that are as sad, or more so, than those who pretend they’re from posh backgrounds when they’re not.
“Working Class Hero” is a bloody good song tho’ … 😉
Agreed. And I’m still a fan of all of them, particularly together.
‘Matt’ :-
“Miliband ducks million-pound question on TV”
Where is the BBC pronunciation unit? All gone on holiday?
When instructing its staff on Arab placenames the BBC prides itself on being pernickity. Bahrain and Sanaa, both traditionally pronounced not in Arabic but in an Anglicised manner when speaking English, are now BahHu – rain and San -aaaar, while Islam and Muslims are pronounced with hissssssed ‘s’.
Isn’t it more disrespectful when they FAIL to advise their presenters of the correct pronunciation of a British town, especially when that town happens to be the one where the little five year old girl is missing?
I havent heard one Beeboid manage it successfully yet. Some do the ‘ch’ sound but fail on the double ‘l’ (Peter Allan Five Drive managed that) but Asma Miah made zilche effort, repeatedly saying ‘Mackunleth’. Not one has even acknowledged their error.
Seems the BBC just dont care if its only the indigenous people of our islands ‘ offeneded’. Or maybe theyre happy to offend if it drives a few more Welsh people towards the Plaid Cymru , furthering the break up of Britain into weakened tiny statelets.