Ok, I haven’t watched much news this past fortnight, but I did catch the news the otherday and I get the impression that the bBC are the mouth piece for Labour. Gee I wonder why?
1. multiple rape, drug, abuse of children by dozens of Pakistanis in many UK towns: huge failure and cover-up by police and social services compound problem: huge implications for New Labour, immigration, PC culture etc: subdued and minor coverage…
2. Massive cover up by BBC and others over 40 to 50 years of child abuse by big star (abuse linked to others including several politicians – massive child-abuse ring by elite story bubbling under surface: growing (almost begrudgingly) coverage but subdued, less than 5 minutes on news…
3. Thrice disgraced Labour MP in massive money/fraud scandal: almost no coverage
4. Tory calls policewoman pleb: a full week of news, articles every day, 8 (EIGHT!) minutes on news with many interviews slagging Tories generally.
The following is the winning entry from an annual contest
at Oxford University , calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.
This year required a definition for the contemporary term,
‘Political Correctness’.
The winner wrote:
‘Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional,
illogical minority, and rapidly promoted by an unscrupulous
mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is
entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end’
As I’ve said every time I see anything on the news about liebour just as my finger puts pressure on the change channel button all I can see is that bastardised union flag (Why is it sort of grey blue and is that pink?) somewhere in the background.
Kenny Everett said that the Conservatives are a Nazi Party.
Well not quite. The BBC in a drama about Kenny Everett made an actor portraying Kenny Everett say that the Conservative Party Conference was a Nuremberg rally.
So what did Everett actually say?
“Everett…said that he was not a “full Tory”, but that he had been appalled by the actions of Arthur Scargill, who he saw as “inciting violence” and “rebel rousing” and whom he thought looked like “Hitler reborn”. He therefore supported the actions of Margaret Thatcher in opposing Scargill.”
Conservative Party. Nazi Party. It is all the same to the BBC.
On at least two occasions the BBC inserted its wishful thinking bias of what they wanted Kenny Everett to think and say, and then did a rewind before inserting the truth, as is unfortunately for the BBC on record as a fact.
‘Is this Mitt Romney’s last chance to prove he is the man for the job’ asked Emily Titless on Wednesday’s Newsnight. Now, I’m no expert on American politics but even I know that there are another two Obama/Romney debates after this one – so surely Romney’s ‘last chance’ will be in the final debate. I suppose when you live in a liberal bubble like Maitliss though, you can’t see how the Obamessiah can possibly lose. How dare Romney attempt to take His job etc. The BBC are full of shit.
Now there’s a thing.
Open two days.
Questions being asked.
The BBC being held to account.
No answers.
Closed for further comments.
Now, what could possibly have happened on this topic last night for the BBC to decide further discussion would not serve?
Hmn.. OK.
But it surely can be conceded that such professional concern for legal niceties in press coverage can appear to be interpreted and enacted in varying and flexible ways, it appears depending on how keen a medium is to pursue the allegations and person(s) in the spotlight. From Polanski to certain 46yo ‘men’, how accusations get treated seem to follow interesting, and often unique paths, depending.
So it is noteworthy still when some prove less keen to the point of becoming amazingly compliant in watertight oversight. Self-interest may be understandable, but hardly creditable on the professional integrity scale for those in the ‘news’. I seem to recall some being quite vocal at poor coverage of NI woes in The Sun & Times. Karma can be a meanie, can’t she?
Anyway, such things don’t seem to have bothered some.. http://order-order.com/2012/10/03/now-and-then-now-and-then/
…and there’s always twitter…
A broadcast method not unfamiliar to many in the BBC for input and ‘sharing’.
When it suits.
Hard to credit the ‘no one knew’ line still being attempted.
And if that changes, or is forced to change, then more questions may follow in the asking.
And in light of the Rail fiasco, it may be interesting how those at the top feel about the accountability of those they oversee in such things, and vice versa, as events unfold and calls for rolling heads gather apace.
Comments still open here, too.. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/rumours.html
Gets me to thinking again on precedent, as the apologists appear to be focussing on how folk didn’t ‘officially’ complain, but seem less keen on counters that internally for sure for career reasons, and externally for good reasons of not crossing the most powerful media monopoly in the land, all were scared to. Sounds credible and understandable to me on the part of victims and witnesses. Pretty damning for an unaccountable public sector behemoth though.
You know, I am not sure I am comfortable supporting such activities, and the kind of ‘system’ that appears still unable to confront, much less admit them.
I am minded to contact the BBC and tell them they do not as a consequence warrant my tacit support any more in the form of its compelled funding.
No hiding from TVL/Capita… flat out ‘you guys have crossed too many lines and are not fit for purpose’.
I guess when it then comes to the inevitable court case and ‘full force of the law’, our ‘establishment’ would still get much more dedicated to what I had honestly and integrity admitted than the farce of what the BBC, at highest levels, is ‘claiming’ it was unaware of.
There do seem to be as many sets of laws as there are BBC standards, which explains if not excuses why they can, and will get away with it. Again and again. Not the best of messages to see sent.
On “Toady” this morning (and on the news this lunchtime), some Beeboid was blathering on about the Surrey Police investigation of 2007 – he said that the associated allegation against Savile “turned out not to be true”, when, in fact, the Crown Prosecution Service had recommended that there was insufficient evidence to secure a successful prosecution. So the Beeboid was conveniently suggesting that there was no case to answer – a completely different scenario and a gross distortion of the truth, still being promulgated by the BBC in their current news coverage.
Here we go on Savile (Appropriate last four letters in his name). The plan to rub the BBC in it is to never, never, never, never, never accept from the BBC a) their explanations b) their excuses c) their own version of events d) their apologies e) anything else they say on the matter. Ignore them! Keep on at it for ever. Question it. Challenge it. Deny them. Make it daily headlines.
In other words treat them EXACTLY as they have treated Mitchell, Murdoch, Christianity, Tories, Romney, Israel, climate sceptics, indeed anybody that doesn’t fit their ideology or prejudiced viewpoint.
Time to go on the offensive against the offensive BBC!
Oh dear ! Not a very good wednesday for the beeboids.
Mardell forced to concede what every other news outlet reported, that Romney enjoyed a very good first debate.
Then the hopes that Saville would take one for the team rapidly diminished, as a series of quotes from other players in the bbc were linked together , showing that freestyle kiddy fidling was an accepted beeboid passtime.
Helen Boaden, Director of BBC News, at the LSE http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/aboutthebbc/posts/helen-boaden-director-of-bbc-news-at-the-lse ‘the keynote address – about ‘holding power to account’ ‘It is the journalists’ job to hold power to account – to shine light in dark places.”
And if they decide not to… for ever more murky reasons (noting the stout defence of a story run in the face of ‘considerations’ that could not outweigh truth), what then?
Keep on payi… being forced to pay?
In light of recent/ongoing events, nice to see the BBC’s sense of irony is alive & well
The BBC is not doing well at the moment. Huge criticism over their ill-informed coverage of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee; the Jimmy Saville cover up; criticism over their awful antiques and property porn 24/7 promotion; awareness of their Islamic promotion and anti-Christian bias; awareness off their anti-capitalist, anti-tory and pro-Labour bias; ditto Romney and Obama bias; awareness of their global warming scam bias etc etc. They are becoming more and more exposed. Give them another 5 years and the majority of the country will be against them. Adolescent half-wits the lot of them and perhaps too stupid to realise they are cutting their own throats.
interesting 5live – your call, jimmy so-vile and the bbc
panto nikki – distances himself immediately 😀
nothing on “most dangerous man”, “hotel naming”
hearing a lot of rumours etc, strictly – i entered he left palava.
anyway …… obvious the bbc knew, – “he had a terrible reputation for young girls”
BBC production staff claim – ” Savile was just predatory”
Radio 1 boss – ‘aware of Jimmy Savile allegations in 1970s’
other work colleagues knew … ” id heard about him” –
“i ve been waiting 30 yrs” etc
obvious it was known as he started at the bbc, rumours of his behaviour. “I remember Jimmy Savile from when he was the DJ at the Top Ten Club at … I think a lot of people will be starting to feel apprehensive”
i said this on the so-vile thread, the police wanted to tag him – it was an open secret – only logical conclusion
somebody there was covering for him
Nicky Campbell presented a tour de force of BBC dodgeball on Savile this morning. You can already see where the BBC wagons have been circled on this one. Diddy David Hamilton pops up for the phone in to confirm that BBC DJs didn’t have a clue. Odd, because little old pleb non-celeb man-in-the-street me remembers distinctly a rumour from way back that Jim used to collect girls’ phone numbers on bits of paper during his ‘fun runs’ and would call them afterwards. Chinese whispers, I’m sure; but amazing that our Nicky and co were so far out of the loop. Meanwhile lots of BBC focus on that Approved School. Not so much on the BBC. The most dopey of callers patched through to air and priority to personal testimony from abused girls. No, not ones from this case. Sad but non-related safe stories. What a class act Nicky.
More by (ill) luck than judgement I heard yesterday’s Radio 4 You and Yours item concerning the exposé of Big Pharma by Ben Goldacre (who writes a weekly column for the Guardian). Goldacre can be good news and his work on much dodgy science is generally spot on. However, this item was particularly thin gruel and the “scandal” reduced to Big Pharma marketing their drugs to doctors and patients’ groups (by “lavish” entertainment or direct finance in the case of patients’ groups) so these in turn can lobby/pressure NICE to approve such drugs for NHS purchase/use.
Who knew? Just about everyone over the age of 10 I guess. After all, you’d have to be very naive indeed to be shocked that private companies seek to influence those who influence purchasing decisions, particularly by a state monopsony (ie the NHS in the UK).
Oddly Goldacre’s scepticism of science or the motives of lobbyists and rent seekers does not extend to warmism or its proponents. Where warmism is concerned dodgy “science” and lobbying of government by parasites, pressure groups, industry associations and private companies all demanding taxpayer funded/supported bungs is not just OK, it’s positively welcomed by Ben. Needless to say the BBC has the same position on this and takes its side with the warmists. I can safely predict that there’ll be no exposé concerning the baleful influence of warmists and warmism broadcast on You and Yours – or any other BBC outlet come to that.
Could anyone please justify why the Left-wing BBC aired an hour-long piece of sycophantic drivel celebrating the anti-British, Marxist Stalin sympathizer, Eric Hobsbawm, on Monday night? This man stated he had no problem with millions of lives being lost in the quest for a pure communist society, was most probably a traitor, a lousy author who lied in his works, BUT, and here’s the bias connection: he was a hero of the snooty lefty intelligentsia of Britain. He hated the normal person and held the general public in utter contempt – and yet the BBC saw fit to change Monday night’s program schedule to show a celebratory film of this ‘great man’s’ life achievements. Why is our money being wasted on trumpeting the ‘triumphs’ of an anti-British, extremist Left-wing Marxist hater?
What is not to admire in a hero of the liberal left?
The beeboid that prides itself on being a thinking caring rounded human grew up on this man’s words.
You can be sure that when Mrs Thatcher will receive quite different treatment when the sad day of her demise comes .
Mrs Thatcher was a ‘divisive and controversial figure. Lord Honsbawm was a great intellectual under-appreciated inthis country. Mrs Thatcher consorted with fascists like Pinochet, Lord Hobsbawm understood the difficulties that Stalin had to operate under. Mrs Thatcher destroyed mining communities. Lord Hobsbawm’s remarks about excusing the murder of 20 million plus in Soviet Rusia were taken out of context. etc. etc. etc.
Yes, true. Sometimes my passion gets in the way of my questioning! But, isn’t it depressing, David, after all our two countries have been through – in terms of wars, industrialization and advances in medicine, democracy and technology – that we still harbour/breed a traitorous class who would sooner dance with the enemy and entertain the sympathies of external aggressors than believe in and stand shoulder to shoulder with their fellow countrymen and women?
This goes right to the crux of the what is eating away at our culture at present; a self-loathing urban liberal intelligentsia (every bit as despotic and removed from the common man as any capitalist neoliberal) which despises its own country’s poor people whilst simultaneously glorifying those from a similar economic strata but who are from foreign shores… it is the malaise which Byron used to call cant; a pseudo-emotional incontinence that, whilst ostensibly being about love and harmony, is in fact a mechanism for the upper classes to shed their guilt over how opulent and idle they’ve become.
It is even simpler than that – socialism enables the less talented members of the upper middle classes to live off the peasants and still feel morally superior.
The hagiographers of the last clown to run the BBC, Thompson, waxed about the challenges he met (and of course overcame magnificently) in particular the Ross/ Brand incident.
The hagiographers of the current clown (entwhistle ?) will in their turn wax about the challenges he met (and of course overcame magnificently). No doubt The Great Now Then Now Then Crisis of 2012 will be to the fore in their encomiums.
I suppose chief execs in the real world would love it if that was the extent of the ‘challenges’ they faced. I mean having to suspend Dross for three months is right up there with One Term Barry trying to steal $5 billion from you (BP), or your major drugs going off-patent (Glaxo). No?
Yesterday Nicky presented an awkward little section in his show that seemed to be his own and his old mates first line of defence on the emerging Savile story. I posted this yesterday….
“There was no hint of impropriety around the Radio One building’
Well that’s ok then.
Wait a minute, why am I hearing this from BBC 5 Live at a little before half eight this Wednesday morning?
John Pienaar is saying: “Ed Miliband rather looks the part”
Nicky Campbell is refering to: “the right wing press” (I think he means the popular newspapers).
And our Nicky is celebrating some kind of personal anniversary.
Nothing unusual so far.
Now Campbell is reminiscing about his formative years in radio. Some old stager from the BBC (Johnny Beerling) is shooting the breeze with Nicky about how he helped the Beeb to do away with the old ‘Smashy & Nicey’ image. This we are told was replaced with Nicky’s “passion for politics”. Youth issues, innit?
Oh for the days when a music channel played music.
Mind you, with all this talk of Nicky, Simon Bates, Si Mayo and the rest of the old crew I begin to sense a massive pachyderm about to mess on the BBC parquet.
Fearless broadcaster Nicky asks the Jimmy Savile question (as if the thought might have just occurred to him).
Of course Nicky is at pains to point out “He left as I joined”
Mr Beerling reassures us “I dropped him not because of any sexual misconduct but because he was old hat….I’m staggered”.
I’m still slightly stunned by what I’ve just witnessed.
Talk about watertight oversight. Ok, move along, we’ve done that. Or perhaps this was a case of……
…as it ‘appens, there’s nothing to see here, guys n gals….
At the end of the day the only BBC DJ we know for sure had sex with a 15 year old was their uber-hero John Peel. £10 for the first person to tell me they’ve heard that on the BBC this week.
Crops up on twitter if you try the #jimmysavile hashtag, and from an interesting source… the Graun.
Not sure Aunty’s traditional fellow travellers will be hitching up for this ride.
However, I think I may have stumbled across the BBC’s latest topical ‘comedy’ recruit… Robert Florence @robertflorence
Jimmy Savile is further proof that everyone who likes Margaret Thatcher is evil.
Either that, or he could try for Newsnight News Editor.
How long before the entire BBC gets ‘closed for comments’, as their explanations seem to be biting the dust one witness at a time which, if I recall, they were not averse to highlighting to bring down entities they felt were not serving the public good.
Really good, honest, somber segment about the Savile scandal on the News Channel just now with Julian Beeboid and somebody from the BBC standards department. No BS, Julian bringing up all the witnesses coming out of the woodwork, asking what the scandal says about the culture at the BBC at the time, no punches pulled.
They know this is a big problem, and were not playing games. Here, this time, at least.
BBC News Channel repeating the segments about Savile now. So much for their attempted watertight alibi “we have no record of it, the end”. Like I said, people knew and kept quiet. I guess Newsnight can still be sort of excused because of too much reliance on the police, but this is otherwise very damning of the BBC culture.
“Imagine Sir Jimmy Savile had not been a star BBC presenter, but a Catholic priest. Do you suppose for a moment that the Corporation, which consistently attacks Christianity (though never Islam), would have closed ranks to protect him?
The question answers itself: no, programme makers would have pursued him remorselessly, exposing every allegation, while missing no opportunity to smear the church that employed him.
“As it was, Sir Jimmy was one of the BBC’s own. So staff kept their mouths shut about his criminal sexual activities, no matter how many children they might be putting at risk. And even after the presenter’s death, a Newsnight exposé was suppressed on orders from above.
Hasn’t the BBC as much to answer for as the Church it never ceases to condemn?”
…and just imagine if SaVILE had worked for NEWS INTERNATIONAL. Not only the BBC would be remorsless in their search for the truth, but also assorted MPs, luvvies and other hangers on, for good measure.
‘just imagine if SaVILE had worked for NEWS INTERNATIONAL.’
It will be interesting to see if Kay Burley (admittedly the market rate talent that told a London riot witness what he didn’t see and could say) will now be up for wall to wall vilification for the not-great howler of telling some folk some news they didn’t know on air, vs. the obviously much more ‘now-let’s-move-on-worthy’ news of folk NOT telling anyone anything in private that could have prevented other abuses.
No need to apologise.
Sadly, I probably cannot help you with you comprehension levels if you can’t connect the BBC taking anything SKY/NI to task (a rather crass faux pas by a rival network anchor being a possible candidate) to excess over what someone has said, vs. them being studiously quiet about a lot of their staff remaining mute on what one of their own was doing.
If I was unclear or presumed you were more up to speed on the news I apologise, but there are also better ways of seeking clarification if unsure of something.
May I suggest it might serve better to reserve inter-poster sniping in this way for more deserving targets.
‘Newsnight can still be sort of excused because of too much reliance on the police’
What, like… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-19567757
They rather hoist their own petard there, too, no?
-and as featured on ‘Newsnight’ tonight with Ms Wark’s smiley pandering partial chat with Turkey’s Ambassador about Turkey-Syria issues (with Syria unrepresented).
” Turks’ entry into European Union, ”
Don’t ever forget that Dopey Dave believes Turkey’s accession to the EU would be wonderful, and solve all our islamophobia at a stroke.
What a plonker!
I’ve just turned on North West Tonight (Pravda). The presenters were sat with their “serious” faces on. Someone at Rochdale has quit they then went on to bleat about the muslim grooming report. Funny how they weren’t in the slightest bit interested running a report on the Liverpool court case. This is the response to my complaint as to why they were not reporting on the trail recieved by me on 08/02/12.
Reference CAS-1288417-M8C02L
Thanks for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you’re unhappy at the lack of coverage of a court case in Liverpool.
Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every viewer and listener will feel we get right every time.
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
Essentially this is a judgement call rather than an exact science but BBC News does appreciate the feedback when viewers and listeners feel we may have overlooked or neglected a story.
I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
“Had you typed it on a typewriter and snail-mailed it, as in the pre-email era, we would have included a photocopy of your complaint with our reply, which would also have instructions on how to fold it, and into which orifice we should like you to insert it, you ignorant pleb.”
‘Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter’
Well, rather evidently such subjectivity tends to fall in certain directions, in or out, obsessive 24/7 coverage or watertight oversight until old news, ‘sources say news’ about those not approved of vs. tittle tattle about ‘family’.
Too unique, too often.
Plus there’s a certain irony that the BBC has defended its Savile responses on a ‘no one complained’ basis (looking sillier and sillier each day as more and more BBC employees come forward), yet if licence fee payers DO complain they move heaven and earth to ban them from being able to do so.
“I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.”
That’s the response I get. And how much attention do many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers pay to it?
Haven’t noticed BBC Womans Hour represented at this important event, where Palestinian women of Islamic Jihad attended a rally Thursday in Gaza City to mark an anniversary of the movement.
Heard on the BBC News at 5p.m that the “BBC are asking people to come forward in order to help the police with their enquiries in regard of their old boy, Sir James Savile”.
Most kind BBC…ever so public spirited.
Are we therefore allowed to see the police as possibly a higher court or law than that the BBC embodies…don`t we all go to Watchdog and You and Yours now that the BBC is a more effective form of court than the emasculated husk bequeathed us by Milibands Merry Men and women of course)?
I have decided that the BBC is in denial-it is institutionally pederastic-and needs to be stripped of anything whatsoever to do with children.
Maybe not allowed to put stuff on until 9p.m with a big red triangle,, saying that all its Children in Need stuff was but a ruse to fiddle with kiddies minds…and worse in the case of some of its highest paid and most revered groomers-sorry presenters.
Let the apology season begin!
Here’s a complaint made to the BBC, and their response, by one of my posters over the ‘gaffe’ recently by Frank Gardner quoting the Queen’s comments about Abu Hamza, and how the BBC used it.
Complaint Summary: Insolence to the Queen.
Full Complaint: After the gaffe of Frank Gardner in the morning, the BBC saw fit, quite rightly, to apologise to H.M the Queen for betraying her confidence. In the PM programme someone authorised a long item gloating over the facts, even repeating the original gaffe. Whoever authorised this programme’s implied repudiation of the BBC’s previous apology should be sacked forthwith. I assume that Frank Gardiner will be permitted to take immediate retirement. Dear Mr. Roberts
Thanks for contacting BBC News.
We understand you were unhappy with BBC News continuing to report on the fact The Queen had raised concerns regarding the activities of Abu Hamza al-Masri after an apology was made.
The BBC agrees that this private conversation should not have been revealed in this manner and we have apologised for this.
BBC News strives to be an impartial broadcaster; this includes reporting on stories which involve BBC News. This story was widely covered throughout the UK media and we believe it was a subject worth covering.
We hope this allays your concerns, and can assure you your complaint has been registered on our audience log, an internal document of all audience feedback and made available throughout the BBC including to senior management.
The audience logs are important documents that help shape future decisions at the BBC.
Thanks for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints
Complaint Summary BBC not reading my original complaint
Full Complaint: My original complaint was that he BBC first apologised and then compounded the insult by gratuitously repeating the offence in every news bulletin all day, even REPEATING THE ITEM in the 13:00 news. Clearly nobody had bothered to read my complaint properly as the response merely reiterated that the BBC had apologised. There was no explanation of the decision apologise and then to repeat the offence many times the same day. Has the fool who decided to do this been sacked yet?
Typical of the BBC – Shitting on you then treating you like your stupid for recognising the fact. At times like this I like to recall how Saddam ended up.
Ah, the old answering anything other than what you complained about, and then popping that in the ‘audience log’ so it doesn’t actually count at all, much less as an upheld complaint.
Tinkers. And they would get away with it, but for that darned internet… ‘This story was widely covered throughout the UK media and we believe it was a subject worth covering.’
As opposed to the attention being paid to ‘other news’ that seems less attractive for certain trusted, objective, professional news corporations to report upon, much less timely or in-depth.
Newsnight the other night had an ‘interview’ with civil rights advocate James Meredith who in 1962 attended the University of Mississsippi thus becoming the first American-American to attend. This action resulted in the National Guard being called out while Meredith’s house was shot at and attacked.
The interview, if you can call it that, wasn’t exactly critical, just some less that taxing questions to an old (and embittered) old man. The black British beeboid, who seemed awed to be in the mans presence, asked ’so what has changed in the south?’ Meredith answered ‘absolutely nothing, I went to war 50 years ago and I’m still at war.’ Meredith says that race remains the most important issue in American life despite the election of you-know-who.
‘No matter what happens the most important thing in American history is the election of BO as President of the US. He’s President not because he’s black or white but because he dominated Harvard University’ (?????) The beeboid then asked ‘what’s changed in America in regards to an African American President?’ Meredith replied’ literally nothing, white supremacy still reigns … Mississippi whites feel so powerful they don’t even acknowledge that I’m big enough to call myself at war with them.’
I’m not much of an expert so I wonder what David Preiser and others think of this, especially the (extraordinary) claims that nothing has changed in the deep south and Mississippi. Although it’s the fiftieth anniversary of Meredith attending the University of Mississippi, I think it was just an excuse to get in a reference to His Royal Obamaness and nasty racist whites. Where would Newsnight be without those two subjects?
“Leveson must now investigate conduct of the BBC, says Tory MP in letter to the judge.
Anne Main says abuse claims raise concerns about ‘culture and ethics’ at the corporation.
Also criticises Newsnight editor for pulling investigation into the presenter.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“A Tory MP has written to Lord Justice Leveson to ask him to investigate the BBC’s conduct over the Jimmy Savile affair.
“Anne Main said the corporation has questions to answer over claims that senior figures were aware of allegations against the entertainer as far back as the 70s.
“The MP for St Albans said the claims raised concerns about the ‘culture, practice and ethics’ of the BBC – and argued that meant Leveson should look at the organisation as part of his inquiry into media ethics.”
If the good Lord does respond to this call, it will be interesting to discover the enthusiasm from those who before were hanging on every second and image and word. Or what they choose to ignore.
‘Cos some pretty good at that when it suits.
Following the announcement that Sir Norman Bettison is to retire, tonight on BBC News 24 and Radio 5 the bBBC has continued its uncritical support for the Hillsborough families’ campaign for revenge. They repeatedly give airtime to Scousers calling for ‘justice’, such as stripping Sir Norman of his knighthood and pension, without ever questioning why.
It’s even worse for those of us living in the northwest as we continually have to endure the bBBC parroting the Liverpool cover-up, that there were only 96 of their supporters in the Leppings Lane stand but Mrs Thatcher ordered the South Yorkshire Police to crush them against the fence.
Control the pre-pro, control the edit: control the medium.
Control the medium, and you control the message.
Control the message and you control opinion.
Control opinion and you control policy.
And £4Bpa on pervasive, sugar-coated 24/7 propaganda, backed by censorship (from internal omission to aggressive modding to ‘expediting’ complaints), buys a lot of control.
And it’s over the poor saps who are also required to fund it.
With zero choice in the matter.
The BBC gave us this “public sector” problem of avoiding tax as its second item on Todays 8a.m news.
The Student Loans Company boss was cited as the man who upset the applecart, and so HE was to blame for having a light shone into these “creative arrangements, used to employ the talent to mutual benefit-and it was…er..legal…ish!”
The BBC were quickly skated over as having “issued contracts”, not employing tax avoiders-largely the BBC itself of course.
I therefore see Naughtie and Humphrys no longer as stiffies and shillers for the BBC. Just “talking contracts”…so nothing could ever be illegal again.
And apparently Margaret Hodge said stuff-now when the likes of herself, Vaz and Morris have ANYTHING to say on behalf of their “Public Accounts/Enquiry”…theyt get a couple of free shots at a soundbite to shaft the Government/Big Oil/Pharma etc..all set up for the 8a.m news.
Yet, curiously and for the first time that I can recall, no word from “La Hodgerina” herself…not a dicky bird!
Had she been on already-will she be on? So many questions, so little time to fritter.
Ah but-the leads story at 8.10 is what we`ve ALL been talking about…no, not Sir Jimmy, not BBC tax affairs…but Imran Khans Peace People March today around the Afpak border…bloody US drones, eh and not their suicide bombers, Taliban butchers or psychotic Fat Controllers of toy railways.
Good old Beeb eh?…Imran will only be doing what Galloway did up in Bradford last month..so the BBC are truly the collectors of “halal dung” behind each and any Islamic “March Against Drones”…until Iran gets them of course.
Can we march against our own drones-those eternal whingers and Guardian shits at the BBC?
Witness Kirsty last night on Newsnight-that the Minister said what she`d shown him was “illegal” , Kirsty just banged on round the houses like a drone with no payload, but her tax accountants!
Desperate …desperate…desperate…the BBC are forever one month behind George Galloways horse and cart…probably their “Oil For Contracts” talking contract, our George…
Did listen to bits of the show on iPlayer.
They do a couple of pieces on it-just after 7, and in that bit where they slide off at 9.
But sense the crackly lines, the rushed dull accountant at the BBC who wanted to bore us all to death with all that detail will be a BBC ploy here-bore us with details about I`35s versus other documents, and hope we don`t ask who the hell Kirsty or Justin are to berate Phillip Green or Fred the Shred…they`re all in THAT together!
Noted too no “interview” with Hodge-just selected soundbites from a pre-recorded(and no doubt heavily-redacted )interview.
I only have the one clue-she says that such abuses “unfortunately happened even at the BBC”.
Say no more, squire-I sense a pre-edit here, for fear of unsettling the sheep out here!
Savile, tax…a good week for the BBC eh?…sense they`re on their way out!
Height of Hypocrisy: …Where is the condemnation?!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-19826595
Turkey’s Parliament approved a motion Thursday that authorizes further military action against Syria, as Turkey began its second day of shelling targets within Syria in response to a mortar attack that killed five civilians.
Quoting a statement from Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s office:
“Our armed forces on the border responded immediately to this atrocious attack within the rules of engagement, and points in Syria determined by radar were hit with artillery fire,” it said. “Turkey, within the confines of the rules of engagement and international law, will never leave these types of provocations aimed at our national security unanswered.”
The BBC and Erdogan’s comments directed towards Israel, after the Jewish state responded to a very similar situation, albeit on a larger scale, betray an unparalleled and gross hypocrisy. After over 2700 Qassam rockets were fired into Israel by Gaza terrorists, within a two year period between 2005 and 2007, prompting Israel to launch Operation Cast Lead in defense of its citizens, the Turkish Premier’s reaction was very different to what we have seen today.
Oh but you see if this were not Islamic Turkey – but were instead Christian USA or the UK – as far the BBC is concerned the victims of such cross border shelling would be expected to ‘turn the other cheek’.
Jewish Israel (despite theological differences: eye for an eye and all that ) is expected to just take it ditto USA & UK.
“BBC contracts raise ‘suspicions of complicity in tax avoidance'”
“The Public Accounts Committee found that the BBC has issued 25,000 so-called “off-payroll” contracts, under which tax is not deducted at source. 13,000 of these contracts are for people who appear on our screens. Reports suggest they include Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman and Antiques Road Show presenter Fiona Bruce.
“The BBC admitted last night that 4,500 contributors were paid through personal service companies, including 1,500 who appear on camera such as presenters and actors.”
Of the BBC, by the BBC for the BBC.
It’s what makes so much, especially it’s ‘reporting’, so unique.
Surprised they didn’t try out the ‘maybe it’s not as such the best way to behave, but no one had a problem before’ tack again.
INBBC: still supporting Pakistani Islamic jihad apologist, IMRAN KHAN.
Khan’s ‘march against drones’ (supported by Taliban) got typically sympathetic treatment by INBBC ‘Today’ this morning (8:10 am).
A view of Imran Khan which INBBC never airs:
“The lies and triangulations of Imran Khan”
By Saroop Ijaz
“Imran Khan speaks of his fondness for the Taliban, Islamic welfare state (what that exactly is remains a historical mystery), liberal scum and female emancipation, progressive thought etc in the same breath, with complete absence of any embarrassment. Triangulation, a term perhaps most popularly used by Christopher Hitchens in regards to the politics of Bill Clinton is the concept of taking a few, best and most populist notion from both ends of the ideological spectrum and create a non-ideological, non-principled middle ground. In Imran Khan’s case it is certainly triangulation, however, it seems that he is drawing disproportionately heavily from the ultra-religious right rhetoric.
“The relative rise of Imran Khan has brought another disturbing and anti-democratic tendency to our already sordid political culture.”
On a day where the Daily Fail/ Hate/ Whatevs leads with the story of BBC’s 25,000 tax-dodging contracts, Radio 5 Rusted Iron Lung has a discussion on the value of UK brands. Completely unprompted up pops the sanctimonious twat’s sanctimonious twat, Gameshow Nikk with…
Another BBC neologism right there. cf drones-which-kill-innocent-people
And you gotta lurve that ‘which some people argue’ – routine droid-speak for ‘which we at the BBC believe’.
I suggest to Gameshow that he gets it together with his bezzie, Loooooocy from UKUncut and creates a new unter-race of brain-dead, sanctimonious, supercilious, hypocritical, stem-cell dead, publicity-junkie, shoutie, half-wit shills.
You might have thought the BBC would struggle with reporting this as it was also revealed that there are 25,000 people at the BBC who have such “off payroll” contracts. Strangely the word “hypocrisy” did not appear in the BBC report.
Neither did it appear in a recent Guardian article about the Conservative Party Treasurer’s views that the UK should lower tax rates to allow the UK to compete with offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands in which many hedge funds are incorporated.
But what was truly staggering is that the Guardian omitted to mention that Guardian Media Group has used Cayman Islands companies for tax management purposes and that it pays a lower rate of tax than Tullett Prebon.
The BBC, the Guardian and all those who drone on about “The pervasive culture of greed and tax avoidance in many areas of the private sector” need to be taught the rule about what you shouldn’t do if you live in a glass house.
I presume it’s derived from a quote, but this tweet from our in no way partial ‘news headlines that fit mobiles’ national monopoly has just served me this tweet… BBC Politics @BBCPolitics
VIDEO: ‘Miliband doesn’t have to be that good’ http://bbc.in/RhHX2m
Then again, it may just be them expressing their dearest wishes in securing him their desired victory.
. . . and back in the real world, the truth is that the tax saved by using a personal service company is minuscule: the money saved for both the “employee” and the BBC is in NI contributions.
For 2011/2, the tax paid on the profit of a PSC is a total of corporation tax (20% on a small company) together with – if all the post-tax profit is paid out as dividends – the dividend receivers “normal” tax less a 10% credit on such dividends. Accordingly, if say a PSC had a profit of £50,000 and all its post tax profit (£40,000) were paid out in dividends the company, its owner would pay a total of tax of £10,000 (the personal allowance kicks in of course which reduces the tax payable). If £50,000 were paid as wages, tax would (after personal allowance) be – wait for it – £10,010. But, of course, NI contributions would be nil if the dividend route is followed and £4,400 in employee‘s contribution and £5,900 by the employer if through PAYE.
For £100,000 profits the total tax paid would be £34,000 if through the company (£20,000 CT + £14,000 income tax) and £30,000 income tax if paid through PAYE but, again, no NI (if through PAYE the employee contribution alone would be around £5,400 and by the employer about £12,800).
I’d be grateful if somebody could check my calculations since they are done from memory and on a calculator but I think this is what all the fuss is about. No-one’s saving tax strictly speaking: all the saving is on NI (which is a tax on employment, assessed on earnings and “sold” to us by politicians and the press as some kind of insurance contribution – except there ain’t no insurance “fund”) and escaping the bureaucratic crapola of actually employing someone.
Was this explained on Today this morning? No – all we got was John Humphrys giving the BBC employment/tax bloke grief for saving the BBC money and hassle. I’ll agree that the BBC is complicit in eliding the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion (and allowing its airwaves to be used to give the “rich” a kicking – especially if they’re Conservative or conservative) but, on this matter, the BBC has absolutely nothing to apologise for – except hypocrisy, of course, but it’ll never admit that, let alone, apologise for it.
So politicians – who fall more into the tax evaders camp than the avoiders one – and the press display their fake “surprise” that this is going on. Were NI to be melded into the normal tax arrangements this whole issue would disappear tomorrow. Now why hasn’t this happened?
Well, follow the money and the politics: it doesn’t suit our civil “servants” to get rid of the job creating boondoggle which is the NI system. It doesn’t suit politicians since they can continue fooling the public that the “standard” rate of income tax is, what, 20% rather than way above 30% . It doesn’t suit the press because they’re too ignorant (or complicit with both the bureaucracy and the politicians) to realise or admit what the realities are: in that way the press can keep selling papers (and the BBC keep kicking the private sector and the “rich”) by “exposing” tax avoidance.
This is a fake campaign against a faux-problem led by Margaret Hodge, a very wealthy Labour hypocrite who has lived a life of ease on money in a family trust set up (wholly or in part to avoid tax) by her (hard-working) father.
Don’t forget the VAT (at 20% of gross raises more than NI), other ‘owning a company’ taxes and the fees paid out to others like accountants and agents. All money lost to the economy when a PSC is forced to become a collection of wage slaves.
Thing is with bought in programmes and services is that they are just that, bought. So a programme like Red Dwarf is made by a company for the the BBC. The BBC will pay the company not Craig Charles or Chris Barrie.
They can try blaming Mrs Thatcher but the BBC has bought in such services for years before her and decades after. American programmes, like Star Trek for example, are no different to home made ones.
Then there’s people like Ken Livingstone who is paid through a PSC. Now if you were a tax grubbing lefty you could claim the newt botherer should be paid as an employee for his appearances as a ‘celeb’. But he isn’t so he isn’t.
So the BBC legitamately pays loads of companies for loads of things. Including IT, telecoms, catering, etc. I even met a lass who claimed she ran courses for public bodies, like the BBC, on how to answer the telephone!
The problems start where they are paying people to do jobs that they would normally have an employee do; not just presenting or news interviewing, but cameramen, sound engineers, runners, admin staff etc. Then they are stepping into dodgy waters – and deserve to drown in a lake of hypocritical tears.
Great post this umbongo!
Now why the hell do we have crackling line monkeys who deliberately will not tell us what is going on…and none of us would ever expect Humphrys to know what the point of all this was.
Got it in one-these haters of Phillip Green, Hester and the like are all Jimmy Carrs and Jimmy Savile Sheltered Vehicles aren`t they?
That word HYPOCRITES again…it never goes away when it comes to the BBC does it?
Were I looking for a aprt-time job at the BBC just now, I reckon I could find work there at the editing suite, redacting all references to our Sir Jim for all those endless reruns of Top of the Pops compilations they inflict on us to fill up BBC3.
I imagine that few shows didn`t feature Jim gurning and picking at teenage tots between songs; so I reckon there`s a few months work there.
Anyone care to write the Guardian job page/Ariel advert?…previous experience with Gary Glitter clips and Jonathan King shows an advantage?
Savile?…Tax dodging at the BBC?
Not on the The News at One though?
For the Kenyan Mau Mau can sue the pants and pith helmets of Old John Bull-well, his poor sods of descendants that we turn out to be, anyway!
The BBC seem very pleased-and all three interviewees chosen to speak by the BBC had gained materially from supporting the case brought…but you`d have to hear the clues to uncover THAT.
Typical BBC…that magic money tree just keeps on giving to charities and lawyers…and as long as it shafts the poor white trash forever stumping up for it, well grand!
I do hope that Hassans, Bigleys, Pearls, Bergs and the like are preparing cases so we can get Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan hauled before the High Court to get some REAL compo for the murder of their loved ones?
Will Martin Day, Phil Shiner or any other grievance farmer take THEIR cases?…not at all, just whitey and no BBC Empire sword to pose with!
Christ-this country is truly stuffed, innit?
One is getting the impression when one reads the the BBC’s Live Text that the Corporation, by allowing many supportive texts to be aired, sympathizes with these foul vermin. I would love to see the looks on that hook-handed piece of excrement’s face when he gets off the train in America. The USA sure do know how to deal with these parasites, unlike our lilly-livered lefty country.
never has “sling your hook” been so much fun … its better than “a poke in the (only) eye with a blunt stick” though, apparently if this failed he was going to try to escape, so long as someone on the outside could give him a hand bum! bum!
“Abu Hamza: civil engineer who turned hate preacher against West.
“Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza has finally lost his eight-year battle against extradition and will face a series of terror charges in the United States.”
Do Beeboids/Guardianistas support the anti-extradition demo people in photos here?:-
“Now can you sling your hook!
“Hate preacher Abu Hamza loses last-ditch attempt to stay in Britain as court rules he must be ‘extradited immediately’ to face trial in U.S.”
george, it certainly looks like it,
given the amount of time they gave
one dr? ahmed on 5live drive this evening.
apparently it will be looked at as a great miscarriage of justice? , just like the bham pub bombers? can t be bothered to link .. sorry
ya da ya da
You just have to ask yourself, why do these savages, scum, murderous bastards all want to remain in the UK?
We just have to be the biggest bunch of fools in the world.
Where is Shami thses days? not watched the news all day, but shami? gareth pierce?, where are they?
After the disgusting antics of Saville and the BBCs complicity, the latest tale of a teacher and pupil and a missig mite what do the BBC run as a story line in Waterloo Road?
Just seen an advert for a will they won’t they teaser for this crap. You’d think they’d’ve learned by now but they really have no clue do they?
i think that the old bbc might take a lot of notice of this story
is david cameron, sending kindly, ian duncan smith
who, (after making it his “mission” to take concerted advice from the US where 47 million are on food stamps),
is flying over to spend a fortnight living in a tin hut, before overhauling any benefits that might be applicable?.
i had been looking for this after a segment on 5live news
i had to trawl through to regional news, then find the west mids section.
“Telford brothers convicted of child sex offences jailed
“the brothers were both “cold hearted and cynical” and “present significant danger to the public” and told them that they had shown “no remorse or regret”.
Tayyab Khan, defending Ahdel Ali, urged the judge to be lenient because “this type of rape is not like other horrible types of rapes”.Khan then told the court that the 13-year-old girl said in evidence that she had not been forced to do anything”
reported on 5live news, these two raped children, and then passed them round to pakistani restaurant workers for cash
The time has come for the BBC to pay for its mistakes in relation to Savile and its tax evasion.
A campaign to dock a fiver from the licence fee this year is due.
Instead of £145.50 pay £140.
They wouldn’t dare invoke jail threats for a fiver.
News 24 bbc reporting entwhistles committment to assist the police with investigations into St Jimmy’s paedo activities:
Maybe he just has to look under the balen report where he may find other buried evidence?
JohnCMar 26, 02:06 Midweek 26th March 2025 The worst part of it Tomo is that they are not there to stop them at all. They are there…
JohnCMar 26, 01:58 Midweek 26th March 2025 I would just like to say that this spate of attacks against Tesla cars sums up the Left absolutely perfectly.…
tomoMar 26, 01:34 Midweek 26th March 2025 https://twitter.com/hector_drummond/status/1904680487366295967 Named 9 month old gets US Government $100,000 loan….
tomoMar 26, 01:25 Midweek 26th March 2025 How many rubber boats cross the channel at night? – answer : very,very few – if any. What does the…
tomoMar 25, 22:38 Start the Week 24th March 2025 Ireland 2040 is a thing then? [img]https://i.ibb.co/SDxxpcQ4/scum-politicians.jpg[/img] https://twitter.com/FatEmperor/status/1904615029665636478
Up2snuffMar 25, 21:37 Midweek 26th March 2025 wwfc, you are on a roll! You have got to have a go at three in a row now.
tomoMar 25, 21:18 Start the Week 24th March 2025 https://x.com/StarkNakedBrief/status/1904602912375922829 [img]https://i.ibb.co/PGg6Xvsj/betterlatethan.jpg[/img] Hey 77th Brigade – was that your handiwork or was it escalated to Cheltenham?
ZephirMar 25, 21:15 Midweek 26th March 2025 Never to be heard on the bbc : “Biden-era guidance encouraged use of Signal app by highly-targeted govt officials: ‘Best…
Ok, I haven’t watched much news this past fortnight, but I did catch the news the otherday and I get the impression that the bBC are the mouth piece for Labour. Gee I wonder why?
Surely not true, coverage is even and unbiased:
1. multiple rape, drug, abuse of children by dozens of Pakistanis in many UK towns: huge failure and cover-up by police and social services compound problem: huge implications for New Labour, immigration, PC culture etc: subdued and minor coverage…
2. Massive cover up by BBC and others over 40 to 50 years of child abuse by big star (abuse linked to others including several politicians – massive child-abuse ring by elite story bubbling under surface: growing (almost begrudgingly) coverage but subdued, less than 5 minutes on news…
3. Thrice disgraced Labour MP in massive money/fraud scandal: almost no coverage
4. Tory calls policewoman pleb: a full week of news, articles every day, 8 (EIGHT!) minutes on news with many interviews slagging Tories generally.
What’s bias?
Talking of a ‘PC culture’,
The following is the winning entry from an annual contest
at Oxford University , calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.
This year required a definition for the contemporary term,
‘Political Correctness’.
The winner wrote:
‘Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional,
illogical minority, and rapidly promoted by an unscrupulous
mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is
entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end’
Brilliant 🙂
As I’ve said every time I see anything on the news about liebour just as my finger puts pressure on the change channel button all I can see is that bastardised union flag (Why is it sort of grey blue and is that pink?) somewhere in the background.
Kenny Everett said that the Conservatives are a Nazi Party.
Well not quite. The BBC in a drama about Kenny Everett made an actor portraying Kenny Everett say that the Conservative Party Conference was a Nuremberg rally.
So what did Everett actually say?
“Everett…said that he was not a “full Tory”, but that he had been appalled by the actions of Arthur Scargill, who he saw as “inciting violence” and “rebel rousing” and whom he thought looked like “Hitler reborn”. He therefore supported the actions of Margaret Thatcher in opposing Scargill.”
Conservative Party. Nazi Party. It is all the same to the BBC.
On at least two occasions the BBC inserted its wishful thinking bias of what they wanted Kenny Everett to think and say, and then did a rewind before inserting the truth, as is unfortunately for the BBC on record as a fact.
Hiya Mr Vance and Co 🙂
This is off topic , but awesome , a politician crowd surfing > http://kebabtime.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/crowd-surfing-politician.html .
Ps let me now if you wanna do l/c tommorrow if i can. 🙂
can any left wingers who read this blog, suggest any right wight bias at the BBC?
You must be joking they wouldn’t be able to name 10 proper conservatives! and not the wet liberal pasty faced tits like Brandme and portaloo!
can any left wingers who read this blog, suggest any right wing bias at the BBC?
If I was Marxist I would be of the opinion that all the presenters are capitalists exploiting the workers.
‘Is this Mitt Romney’s last chance to prove he is the man for the job’ asked Emily Titless on Wednesday’s Newsnight. Now, I’m no expert on American politics but even I know that there are another two Obama/Romney debates after this one – so surely Romney’s ‘last chance’ will be in the final debate. I suppose when you live in a liberal bubble like Maitliss though, you can’t see how the Obamessiah can possibly lose. How dare Romney attempt to take His job etc. The BBC are full of shit.
The overwhelming opinion of pundits is that Romney thrashed Obama in the debate. How is the BBC covering it?
The BBC headline…
“Romney ‘wins’ US election debate”
They cannot bring themselves to admit that Romney won, so they put the word ‘wins’ in single quotes, suggesting that he never really won.
Had it be the other way round, there would not have been the quote marks.
Now there’s a thing.
Open two days.
Questions being asked.
The BBC being held to account.
No answers.
Closed for further comments.
Now, what could possibly have happened on this topic last night for the BBC to decide further discussion would not serve?
The police being called in to investigate, so it becomes a matter of jurisprudence, hence no comments allowed.
Hmn.. OK.
But it surely can be conceded that such professional concern for legal niceties in press coverage can appear to be interpreted and enacted in varying and flexible ways, it appears depending on how keen a medium is to pursue the allegations and person(s) in the spotlight. From Polanski to certain 46yo ‘men’, how accusations get treated seem to follow interesting, and often unique paths, depending.
So it is noteworthy still when some prove less keen to the point of becoming amazingly compliant in watertight oversight. Self-interest may be understandable, but hardly creditable on the professional integrity scale for those in the ‘news’. I seem to recall some being quite vocal at poor coverage of NI woes in The Sun & Times. Karma can be a meanie, can’t she?
Anyway, such things don’t seem to have bothered some..
…and there’s always twitter…
A broadcast method not unfamiliar to many in the BBC for input and ‘sharing’.
When it suits.
Hard to credit the ‘no one knew’ line still being attempted.
And if that changes, or is forced to change, then more questions may follow in the asking.
And in light of the Rail fiasco, it may be interesting how those at the top feel about the accountability of those they oversee in such things, and vice versa, as events unfold and calls for rolling heads gather apace.
Comments still open here, too..
Gets me to thinking again on precedent, as the apologists appear to be focussing on how folk didn’t ‘officially’ complain, but seem less keen on counters that internally for sure for career reasons, and externally for good reasons of not crossing the most powerful media monopoly in the land, all were scared to. Sounds credible and understandable to me on the part of victims and witnesses. Pretty damning for an unaccountable public sector behemoth though.
You know, I am not sure I am comfortable supporting such activities, and the kind of ‘system’ that appears still unable to confront, much less admit them.
I am minded to contact the BBC and tell them they do not as a consequence warrant my tacit support any more in the form of its compelled funding.
No hiding from TVL/Capita… flat out ‘you guys have crossed too many lines and are not fit for purpose’.
I guess when it then comes to the inevitable court case and ‘full force of the law’, our ‘establishment’ would still get much more dedicated to what I had honestly and integrity admitted than the farce of what the BBC, at highest levels, is ‘claiming’ it was unaware of.
There do seem to be as many sets of laws as there are BBC standards, which explains if not excuses why they can, and will get away with it. Again and again. Not the best of messages to see sent.
Comments still seem ‘open’ (nobody has made any tho) here, too:
On “Toady” this morning (and on the news this lunchtime), some Beeboid was blathering on about the Surrey Police investigation of 2007 – he said that the associated allegation against Savile “turned out not to be true”, when, in fact, the Crown Prosecution Service had recommended that there was insufficient evidence to secure a successful prosecution. So the Beeboid was conveniently suggesting that there was no case to answer – a completely different scenario and a gross distortion of the truth, still being promulgated by the BBC in their current news coverage.
Here we go on Savile (Appropriate last four letters in his name). The plan to rub the BBC in it is to never, never, never, never, never accept from the BBC a) their explanations b) their excuses c) their own version of events d) their apologies e) anything else they say on the matter. Ignore them! Keep on at it for ever. Question it. Challenge it. Deny them. Make it daily headlines.
In other words treat them EXACTLY as they have treated Mitchell, Murdoch, Christianity, Tories, Romney, Israel, climate sceptics, indeed anybody that doesn’t fit their ideology or prejudiced viewpoint.
Time to go on the offensive against the offensive BBC!
Oh dear ! Not a very good wednesday for the beeboids.
Mardell forced to concede what every other news outlet reported, that Romney enjoyed a very good first debate.
Then the hopes that Saville would take one for the team rapidly diminished, as a series of quotes from other players in the bbc were linked together , showing that freestyle kiddy fidling was an accepted beeboid passtime.
Helen Boaden, Director of BBC News, at the LSE
‘the keynote address – about ‘holding power to account’
‘It is the journalists’ job to hold power to account – to shine light in dark places.”
And if they decide not to… for ever more murky reasons (noting the stout defence of a story run in the face of ‘considerations’ that could not outweigh truth), what then?
Keep on payi… being forced to pay?
In light of recent/ongoing events, nice to see the BBC’s sense of irony is alive & well
Comments now closed there as well. One deleted, one published. They’re closing down the debate.
The BBC is not doing well at the moment. Huge criticism over their ill-informed coverage of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee; the Jimmy Saville cover up; criticism over their awful antiques and property porn 24/7 promotion; awareness of their Islamic promotion and anti-Christian bias; awareness off their anti-capitalist, anti-tory and pro-Labour bias; ditto Romney and Obama bias; awareness of their global warming scam bias etc etc. They are becoming more and more exposed. Give them another 5 years and the majority of the country will be against them. Adolescent half-wits the lot of them and perhaps too stupid to realise they are cutting their own throats.
interesting 5live – your call, jimmy so-vile and the bbc
panto nikki – distances himself immediately 😀
nothing on “most dangerous man”, “hotel naming”
hearing a lot of rumours etc, strictly – i entered he left palava.
anyway …… obvious the bbc knew, – “he had a terrible reputation for young girls”
BBC production staff claim – ” Savile was just predatory”
Radio 1 boss – ‘aware of Jimmy Savile allegations in 1970s’
other work colleagues knew … ” id heard about him” –
“i ve been waiting 30 yrs” etc
obvious it was known as he started at the bbc, rumours of his behaviour. “I remember Jimmy Savile from when he was the DJ at the Top Ten Club at … I think a lot of people will be starting to feel apprehensive”
i said this on the so-vile thread, the police wanted to tag him – it was an open secret – only logical conclusion
somebody there was covering for him
Nicky Campbell presented a tour de force of BBC dodgeball on Savile this morning. You can already see where the BBC wagons have been circled on this one. Diddy David Hamilton pops up for the phone in to confirm that BBC DJs didn’t have a clue. Odd, because little old pleb non-celeb man-in-the-street me remembers distinctly a rumour from way back that Jim used to collect girls’ phone numbers on bits of paper during his ‘fun runs’ and would call them afterwards. Chinese whispers, I’m sure; but amazing that our Nicky and co were so far out of the loop. Meanwhile lots of BBC focus on that Approved School. Not so much on the BBC. The most dopey of callers patched through to air and priority to personal testimony from abused girls. No, not ones from this case. Sad but non-related safe stories. What a class act Nicky.
ahhh …
doo dee-doo, dee-doo, dee-doo (the 3rd man)
“just, WHO? was that masked man”?
More by (ill) luck than judgement I heard yesterday’s Radio 4 You and Yours item concerning the exposé of Big Pharma by Ben Goldacre (who writes a weekly column for the Guardian). Goldacre can be good news and his work on much dodgy science is generally spot on. However, this item was particularly thin gruel and the “scandal” reduced to Big Pharma marketing their drugs to doctors and patients’ groups (by “lavish” entertainment or direct finance in the case of patients’ groups) so these in turn can lobby/pressure NICE to approve such drugs for NHS purchase/use.
Who knew? Just about everyone over the age of 10 I guess. After all, you’d have to be very naive indeed to be shocked that private companies seek to influence those who influence purchasing decisions, particularly by a state monopsony (ie the NHS in the UK).
Oddly Goldacre’s scepticism of science or the motives of lobbyists and rent seekers does not extend to warmism or its proponents. Where warmism is concerned dodgy “science” and lobbying of government by parasites, pressure groups, industry associations and private companies all demanding taxpayer funded/supported bungs is not just OK, it’s positively welcomed by Ben. Needless to say the BBC has the same position on this and takes its side with the warmists. I can safely predict that there’ll be no exposé concerning the baleful influence of warmists and warmism broadcast on You and Yours – or any other BBC outlet come to that.
Could anyone please justify why the Left-wing BBC aired an hour-long piece of sycophantic drivel celebrating the anti-British, Marxist Stalin sympathizer, Eric Hobsbawm, on Monday night? This man stated he had no problem with millions of lives being lost in the quest for a pure communist society, was most probably a traitor, a lousy author who lied in his works, BUT, and here’s the bias connection: he was a hero of the snooty lefty intelligentsia of Britain. He hated the normal person and held the general public in utter contempt – and yet the BBC saw fit to change Monday night’s program schedule to show a celebratory film of this ‘great man’s’ life achievements. Why is our money being wasted on trumpeting the ‘triumphs’ of an anti-British, extremist Left-wing Marxist hater?
What is not to admire in a hero of the liberal left?
The beeboid that prides itself on being a thinking caring rounded human grew up on this man’s words.
You can be sure that when Mrs Thatcher will receive quite different treatment when the sad day of her demise comes .
Mrs Thatcher was a ‘divisive and controversial figure. Lord Honsbawm was a great intellectual under-appreciated inthis country. Mrs Thatcher consorted with fascists like Pinochet, Lord Hobsbawm understood the difficulties that Stalin had to operate under. Mrs Thatcher destroyed mining communities. Lord Hobsbawm’s remarks about excusing the murder of 20 million plus in Soviet Rusia were taken out of context. etc. etc. etc.
Ever tried reading any of his books?
Its like watching paint dry.
Not really, dry paint is a good end in itself so justifies the time taken to observe it.
Alex, I think you’ll find you’ve answered your own question.
Yes, true. Sometimes my passion gets in the way of my questioning! But, isn’t it depressing, David, after all our two countries have been through – in terms of wars, industrialization and advances in medicine, democracy and technology – that we still harbour/breed a traitorous class who would sooner dance with the enemy and entertain the sympathies of external aggressors than believe in and stand shoulder to shoulder with their fellow countrymen and women?
This goes right to the crux of the what is eating away at our culture at present; a self-loathing urban liberal intelligentsia (every bit as despotic and removed from the common man as any capitalist neoliberal) which despises its own country’s poor people whilst simultaneously glorifying those from a similar economic strata but who are from foreign shores… it is the malaise which Byron used to call cant; a pseudo-emotional incontinence that, whilst ostensibly being about love and harmony, is in fact a mechanism for the upper classes to shed their guilt over how opulent and idle they’ve become.
It is even simpler than that – socialism enables the less talented members of the upper middle classes to live off the peasants and still feel morally superior.
In fact, it’s even simpler than that: they’re just a bunch of turds!
The hagiographers of the last clown to run the BBC, Thompson, waxed about the challenges he met (and of course overcame magnificently) in particular the Ross/ Brand incident.
The hagiographers of the current clown (entwhistle ?) will in their turn wax about the challenges he met (and of course overcame magnificently). No doubt The Great Now Then Now Then Crisis of 2012 will be to the fore in their encomiums.
I suppose chief execs in the real world would love it if that was the extent of the ‘challenges’ they faced. I mean having to suspend Dross for three months is right up there with One Term Barry trying to steal $5 billion from you (BP), or your major drugs going off-patent (Glaxo). No?
ps does anyone know if Jimmy Saville and Gamshow Nikki’s careers overlapped at the BBC?
Or did Jimmy leave just as Nikki arrived?
I haven’t heard.
“He left as I joined”
Yesterday Nicky presented an awkward little section in his show that seemed to be his own and his old mates first line of defence on the emerging Savile story. I posted this yesterday….
“There was no hint of impropriety around the Radio One building’
Well that’s ok then.
Wait a minute, why am I hearing this from BBC 5 Live at a little before half eight this Wednesday morning?
John Pienaar is saying: “Ed Miliband rather looks the part”
Nicky Campbell is refering to: “the right wing press” (I think he means the popular newspapers).
And our Nicky is celebrating some kind of personal anniversary.
Nothing unusual so far.
Now Campbell is reminiscing about his formative years in radio. Some old stager from the BBC (Johnny Beerling) is shooting the breeze with Nicky about how he helped the Beeb to do away with the old ‘Smashy & Nicey’ image. This we are told was replaced with Nicky’s “passion for politics”. Youth issues, innit?
Oh for the days when a music channel played music.
Mind you, with all this talk of Nicky, Simon Bates, Si Mayo and the rest of the old crew I begin to sense a massive pachyderm about to mess on the BBC parquet.
Fearless broadcaster Nicky asks the Jimmy Savile question (as if the thought might have just occurred to him).
Of course Nicky is at pains to point out “He left as I joined”
Mr Beerling reassures us “I dropped him not because of any sexual misconduct but because he was old hat….I’m staggered”.
I’m still slightly stunned by what I’ve just witnessed.
Talk about watertight oversight. Ok, move along, we’ve done that. Or perhaps this was a case of……
…as it ‘appens, there’s nothing to see here, guys n gals….
The BBC: Alles in Ordnung
just have another look at this clip
Theroux is as creeped out here as Mardell and Katty Kay were when interviewing Tea Partiers.
F*ckin’ el, he’s like a Yorkshire version of Norman Bates. The only surprise is that there isn’t a mummified ‘Duchess’ in a rocking chair somewhere.
The Savile story just keeps on growing ..
So who is the third star who is still in the business I wonder ?
At the end of the day the only BBC DJ we know for sure had sex with a 15 year old was their uber-hero John Peel. £10 for the first person to tell me they’ve heard that on the BBC this week.
Crops up on twitter if you try the #jimmysavile hashtag, and from an interesting source… the Graun.
Not sure Aunty’s traditional fellow travellers will be hitching up for this ride.
However, I think I may have stumbled across the BBC’s latest topical ‘comedy’ recruit…
Robert Florence @robertflorence
Jimmy Savile is further proof that everyone who likes Margaret Thatcher is evil.
Either that, or he could try for Newsnight News Editor.
How long before the entire BBC gets ‘closed for comments’, as their explanations seem to be biting the dust one witness at a time which, if I recall, they were not averse to highlighting to bring down entities they felt were not serving the public good.
Is BBC Scotland Biased Against Rangers?
What is there for BBC Scotland to dislike about the Union-Flag waving, protestant, unionist Rangers fans?
£96,000,000 in unpaid tax?
Really good, honest, somber segment about the Savile scandal on the News Channel just now with Julian Beeboid and somebody from the BBC standards department. No BS, Julian bringing up all the witnesses coming out of the woodwork, asking what the scandal says about the culture at the BBC at the time, no punches pulled.
They know this is a big problem, and were not playing games. Here, this time, at least.
BBC News Channel repeating the segments about Savile now. So much for their attempted watertight alibi “we have no record of it, the end”. Like I said, people knew and kept quiet. I guess Newsnight can still be sort of excused because of too much reliance on the police, but this is otherwise very damning of the BBC culture.
now then … now then …
as it appens, many a true word spoke in jest
‘Daily Mail’ Comment:-
“Imagine Sir Jimmy Savile had not been a star BBC presenter, but a Catholic priest. Do you suppose for a moment that the Corporation, which consistently attacks Christianity (though never Islam), would have closed ranks to protect him?
The question answers itself: no, programme makers would have pursued him remorselessly, exposing every allegation, while missing no opportunity to smear the church that employed him.
“As it was, Sir Jimmy was one of the BBC’s own. So staff kept their mouths shut about his criminal sexual activities, no matter how many children they might be putting at risk. And even after the presenter’s death, a Newsnight exposé was suppressed on orders from above.
Hasn’t the BBC as much to answer for as the Church it never ceases to condemn?”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2212544/A-day-shame-Civil-Service.html#ixzz28LQZCMmT
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…and just imagine if SaVILE had worked for NEWS INTERNATIONAL. Not only the BBC would be remorsless in their search for the truth, but also assorted MPs, luvvies and other hangers on, for good measure.
‘just imagine if SaVILE had worked for NEWS INTERNATIONAL.’
It will be interesting to see if Kay Burley (admittedly the market rate talent that told a London riot witness what he didn’t see and could say) will now be up for wall to wall vilification for the not-great howler of telling some folk some news they didn’t know on air, vs. the obviously much more ‘now-let’s-move-on-worthy’ news of folk NOT telling anyone anything in private that could have prevented other abuses.
Am I the only one who is unable to understand the point of this post?
Sorry guest-who!
No need to apologise.
Sadly, I probably cannot help you with you comprehension levels if you can’t connect the BBC taking anything SKY/NI to task (a rather crass faux pas by a rival network anchor being a possible candidate) to excess over what someone has said, vs. them being studiously quiet about a lot of their staff remaining mute on what one of their own was doing.
If I was unclear or presumed you were more up to speed on the news I apologise, but there are also better ways of seeking clarification if unsure of something.
May I suggest it might serve better to reserve inter-poster sniping in this way for more deserving targets.
In the spirit of sharing, this may explain the context:
One can’t help but note already the tweets in critique seem to be from those curiously mute about activities elsewhere by those perhaps considered more the ‘home team’.
‘Newsnight can still be sort of excused because of too much reliance on the police’
What, like…
They rather hoist their own petard there, too, no?
‘people knew and kept quiet.’
A lot of them.
Though they seem to be more vocal now.
Like this old school matron in the right wing gutter press…
I see old Kenny Clark is waving the flag for the right on QT tonight
INBBC’s unswerving political support for Islamising TURKEY.
INBBC’s support (and that of British political class) remains for 80 million Muslims Turks’ entry into European Union, despite Turkey’s:
1.) bombing Syria, and supporting Al Qaeda opposition there;
2.) bombing Kurds inside Turkey, and in Iraq;
3.) Erdogan campaigning to ban any criticism of Islam globally.
-and as featured on ‘Newsnight’ tonight with Ms Wark’s smiley pandering partial chat with Turkey’s Ambassador about Turkey-Syria issues (with Syria unrepresented).
” Turks’ entry into European Union, ”
Don’t ever forget that Dopey Dave believes Turkey’s accession to the EU would be wonderful, and solve all our islamophobia at a stroke.
What a plonker!
I’ve just turned on North West Tonight (Pravda). The presenters were sat with their “serious” faces on. Someone at Rochdale has quit they then went on to bleat about the muslim grooming report. Funny how they weren’t in the slightest bit interested running a report on the Liverpool court case. This is the response to my complaint as to why they were not reporting on the trail recieved by me on 08/02/12.
Reference CAS-1288417-M8C02L
Thanks for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you’re unhappy at the lack of coverage of a court case in Liverpool.
Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every viewer and listener will feel we get right every time.
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
Essentially this is a judgement call rather than an exact science but BBC News does appreciate the feedback when viewers and listeners feel we may have overlooked or neglected a story.
I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
Kevin *******
BBC Complaints
“Had you typed it on a typewriter and snail-mailed it, as in the pre-email era, we would have included a photocopy of your complaint with our reply, which would also have instructions on how to fold it, and into which orifice we should like you to insert it, you ignorant pleb.”
‘Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter’
Well, rather evidently such subjectivity tends to fall in certain directions, in or out, obsessive 24/7 coverage or watertight oversight until old news, ‘sources say news’ about those not approved of vs. tittle tattle about ‘family’.
Too unique, too often.
Plus there’s a certain irony that the BBC has defended its Savile responses on a ‘no one complained’ basis (looking sillier and sillier each day as more and more BBC employees come forward), yet if licence fee payers DO complain they move heaven and earth to ban them from being able to do so.
Funny you should say that. Listening to the Today programme this morning, it would appear that Owsaboutthathengate never happened.
Does anyone seriously think that if this had been about Murdoch, some excuse to prolong the story would not have been found?
“I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.”
That’s the response I get. And how much attention do many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers pay to it?
Just enough so they can say, “We get complaints from both sides, therefore we get it about right.”
Haven’t noticed BBC Womans Hour represented at this important event, where Palestinian women of Islamic Jihad attended a rally Thursday in Gaza City to mark an anniversary of the movement.
Couldn’t see Lauren Booth or Yvonne Ridley there, unless that is them in the burquas.
No, they weren’t given permission to travel by their better halves.
Heard on the BBC News at 5p.m that the “BBC are asking people to come forward in order to help the police with their enquiries in regard of their old boy, Sir James Savile”.
Most kind BBC…ever so public spirited.
Are we therefore allowed to see the police as possibly a higher court or law than that the BBC embodies…don`t we all go to Watchdog and You and Yours now that the BBC is a more effective form of court than the emasculated husk bequeathed us by Milibands Merry Men and women of course)?
I have decided that the BBC is in denial-it is institutionally pederastic-and needs to be stripped of anything whatsoever to do with children.
Maybe not allowed to put stuff on until 9p.m with a big red triangle,, saying that all its Children in Need stuff was but a ruse to fiddle with kiddies minds…and worse in the case of some of its highest paid and most revered groomers-sorry presenters.
Let the apology season begin!
Here’s a complaint made to the BBC, and their response, by one of my posters over the ‘gaffe’ recently by Frank Gardner quoting the Queen’s comments about Abu Hamza, and how the BBC used it.
Complaint Summary: Insolence to the Queen.
Full Complaint: After the gaffe of Frank Gardner in the morning, the BBC saw fit, quite rightly, to apologise to H.M the Queen for betraying her confidence. In the PM programme someone authorised a long item gloating over the facts, even repeating the original gaffe. Whoever authorised this programme’s implied repudiation of the BBC’s previous apology should be sacked forthwith. I assume that Frank Gardiner will be permitted to take immediate retirement.
Dear Mr. Roberts
Thanks for contacting BBC News.
We understand you were unhappy with BBC News continuing to report on the fact The Queen had raised concerns regarding the activities of Abu Hamza al-Masri after an apology was made.
The BBC agrees that this private conversation should not have been revealed in this manner and we have apologised for this.
BBC News strives to be an impartial broadcaster; this includes reporting on stories which involve BBC News. This story was widely covered throughout the UK media and we believe it was a subject worth covering.
We hope this allays your concerns, and can assure you your complaint has been registered on our audience log, an internal document of all audience feedback and made available throughout the BBC including to senior management.
The audience logs are important documents that help shape future decisions at the BBC.
Thanks for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints
Complaint Summary BBC not reading my original complaint
Full Complaint: My original complaint was that he BBC first apologised and then compounded the insult by gratuitously repeating the offence in every news bulletin all day, even REPEATING THE ITEM in the 13:00 news. Clearly nobody had bothered to read my complaint properly as the response merely reiterated that the BBC had apologised. There was no explanation of the decision apologise and then to repeat the offence many times the same day. Has the fool who decided to do this been sacked yet?
Typical of the BBC – Shitting on you then treating you like your stupid for recognising the fact. At times like this I like to recall how Saddam ended up.
Ah, the old answering anything other than what you complained about, and then popping that in the ‘audience log’ so it doesn’t actually count at all, much less as an upheld complaint.
Tinkers. And they would get away with it, but for that darned internet…
‘This story was widely covered throughout the UK media and we believe it was a subject worth covering.’
As opposed to the attention being paid to ‘other news’ that seems less attractive for certain trusted, objective, professional news corporations to report upon, much less timely or in-depth.
Newsnight the other night had an ‘interview’ with civil rights advocate James Meredith who in 1962 attended the University of Mississsippi thus becoming the first American-American to attend. This action resulted in the National Guard being called out while Meredith’s house was shot at and attacked.
The interview, if you can call it that, wasn’t exactly critical, just some less that taxing questions to an old (and embittered) old man. The black British beeboid, who seemed awed to be in the mans presence, asked ’so what has changed in the south?’ Meredith answered ‘absolutely nothing, I went to war 50 years ago and I’m still at war.’ Meredith says that race remains the most important issue in American life despite the election of you-know-who.
‘No matter what happens the most important thing in American history is the election of BO as President of the US. He’s President not because he’s black or white but because he dominated Harvard University’ (?????) The beeboid then asked ‘what’s changed in America in regards to an African American President?’ Meredith replied’ literally nothing, white supremacy still reigns … Mississippi whites feel so powerful they don’t even acknowledge that I’m big enough to call myself at war with them.’
I’m not much of an expert so I wonder what David Preiser and others think of this, especially the (extraordinary) claims that nothing has changed in the deep south and Mississippi. Although it’s the fiftieth anniversary of Meredith attending the University of Mississippi, I think it was just an excuse to get in a reference to His Royal Obamaness and nasty racist whites. Where would Newsnight be without those two subjects?
“Leveson must now investigate conduct of the BBC, says Tory MP in letter to the judge.
Anne Main says abuse claims raise concerns about ‘culture and ethics’ at the corporation.
Also criticises Newsnight editor for pulling investigation into the presenter.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“A Tory MP has written to Lord Justice Leveson to ask him to investigate the BBC’s conduct over the Jimmy Savile affair.
“Anne Main said the corporation has questions to answer over claims that senior figures were aware of allegations against the entertainer as far back as the 70s.
“The MP for St Albans said the claims raised concerns about the ‘culture, practice and ethics’ of the BBC – and argued that meant Leveson should look at the organisation as part of his inquiry into media ethics.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2213099/Jimmy-Savile-Leveson-investigate-conduct-BBC-says-Tory-MP-letter-judge.html#ixzz28NIWy3wJ
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If the good Lord does respond to this call, it will be interesting to discover the enthusiasm from those who before were hanging on every second and image and word. Or what they choose to ignore.
‘Cos some pretty good at that when it suits.
INBBC’s Labour chum LIVINGSTONE back with Islamic Republic of Iran propagandists:
“Ken Livingstone returns to Iran state TV”
By Andrew Gilligan
Following the announcement that Sir Norman Bettison is to retire, tonight on BBC News 24 and Radio 5 the bBBC has continued its uncritical support for the Hillsborough families’ campaign for revenge. They repeatedly give airtime to Scousers calling for ‘justice’, such as stripping Sir Norman of his knighthood and pension, without ever questioning why.
It’s even worse for those of us living in the northwest as we continually have to endure the bBBC parroting the Liverpool cover-up, that there were only 96 of their supporters in the Leppings Lane stand but Mrs Thatcher ordered the South Yorkshire Police to crush them against the fence.
BBC 5 Live this morning. So Nicky Campbell, what’s in the newspapers?
‘MPs criticise BBC staff tax avoidance’
‘Call the BBC, they’ll put you through to my dressing room – Jimmy Savile’
– Our Nicky says hopefully: “There’s a nice picture of Michelle Obama, in the Guardian”
Control the pre-pro, control the edit: control the medium.
Control the medium, and you control the message.
Control the message and you control opinion.
Control opinion and you control policy.
And £4Bpa on pervasive, sugar-coated 24/7 propaganda, backed by censorship (from internal omission to aggressive modding to ‘expediting’ complaints), buys a lot of control.
And it’s over the poor saps who are also required to fund it.
With zero choice in the matter.
The BBC gave us this “public sector” problem of avoiding tax as its second item on Todays 8a.m news.
The Student Loans Company boss was cited as the man who upset the applecart, and so HE was to blame for having a light shone into these “creative arrangements, used to employ the talent to mutual benefit-and it was…er..legal…ish!”
The BBC were quickly skated over as having “issued contracts”, not employing tax avoiders-largely the BBC itself of course.
I therefore see Naughtie and Humphrys no longer as stiffies and shillers for the BBC. Just “talking contracts”…so nothing could ever be illegal again.
And apparently Margaret Hodge said stuff-now when the likes of herself, Vaz and Morris have ANYTHING to say on behalf of their “Public Accounts/Enquiry”…theyt get a couple of free shots at a soundbite to shaft the Government/Big Oil/Pharma etc..all set up for the 8a.m news.
Yet, curiously and for the first time that I can recall, no word from “La Hodgerina” herself…not a dicky bird!
Had she been on already-will she be on? So many questions, so little time to fritter.
Ah but-the leads story at 8.10 is what we`ve ALL been talking about…no, not Sir Jimmy, not BBC tax affairs…but Imran Khans Peace People March today around the Afpak border…bloody US drones, eh and not their suicide bombers, Taliban butchers or psychotic Fat Controllers of toy railways.
Good old Beeb eh?…Imran will only be doing what Galloway did up in Bradford last month..so the BBC are truly the collectors of “halal dung” behind each and any Islamic “March Against Drones”…until Iran gets them of course.
Can we march against our own drones-those eternal whingers and Guardian shits at the BBC?
Witness Kirsty last night on Newsnight-that the Minister said what she`d shown him was “illegal” , Kirsty just banged on round the houses like a drone with no payload, but her tax accountants!
Desperate …desperate…desperate…the BBC are forever one month behind George Galloways horse and cart…probably their “Oil For Contracts” talking contract, our George…
Did listen to bits of the show on iPlayer.
They do a couple of pieces on it-just after 7, and in that bit where they slide off at 9.
But sense the crackly lines, the rushed dull accountant at the BBC who wanted to bore us all to death with all that detail will be a BBC ploy here-bore us with details about I`35s versus other documents, and hope we don`t ask who the hell Kirsty or Justin are to berate Phillip Green or Fred the Shred…they`re all in THAT together!
Noted too no “interview” with Hodge-just selected soundbites from a pre-recorded(and no doubt heavily-redacted )interview.
I only have the one clue-she says that such abuses “unfortunately happened even at the BBC”.
Say no more, squire-I sense a pre-edit here, for fear of unsettling the sheep out here!
Savile, tax…a good week for the BBC eh?…sense they`re on their way out!
Looks like Labour forgot to apply IR35 to the BBC back in 2000.
How convenient.
Height of Hypocrisy: …Where is the condemnation?!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-19826595
Turkey’s Parliament approved a motion Thursday that authorizes further military action against Syria, as Turkey began its second day of shelling targets within Syria in response to a mortar attack that killed five civilians.
Quoting a statement from Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s office:
“Our armed forces on the border responded immediately to this atrocious attack within the rules of engagement, and points in Syria determined by radar were hit with artillery fire,” it said. “Turkey, within the confines of the rules of engagement and international law, will never leave these types of provocations aimed at our national security unanswered.”
The BBC and Erdogan’s comments directed towards Israel, after the Jewish state responded to a very similar situation, albeit on a larger scale, betray an unparalleled and gross hypocrisy. After over 2700 Qassam rockets were fired into Israel by Gaza terrorists, within a two year period between 2005 and 2007, prompting Israel to launch Operation Cast Lead in defense of its citizens, the Turkish Premier’s reaction was very different to what we have seen today.
Oh but you see if this were not Islamic Turkey – but were instead Christian USA or the UK – as far the BBC is concerned the victims of such cross border shelling would be expected to ‘turn the other cheek’.
Jewish Israel (despite theological differences: eye for an eye and all that ) is expected to just take it ditto USA & UK.
“How Jeremy Paxman blew lid on BBC’s complicity in tax avoidance pay deals for stars”
“BBC contracts raise ‘suspicions of complicity in tax avoidance'”
“The Public Accounts Committee found that the BBC has issued 25,000 so-called “off-payroll” contracts, under which tax is not deducted at source. 13,000 of these contracts are for people who appear on our screens. Reports suggest they include Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman and Antiques Road Show presenter Fiona Bruce.
“The BBC admitted last night that 4,500 contributors were paid through personal service companies, including 1,500 who appear on camera such as presenters and actors.”
Read more: http://www.theweek.co.uk/business/49398/bbc-contracts-raise-suspicions-complicity-tax-avoidance#ixzz28PMICDUe
“The BBC, tax and a question of morality”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2213090/The-BBC-tax-question-morality.html#ixzz28Pxlsbmi
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Was listening to this on Radio 4 Today this morning
Humphrys: So the BBC has payed all the tax that it is obligated to
BBC accountant: Yes
Well that’s all right then!
Of the BBC, by the BBC for the BBC.
It’s what makes so much, especially it’s ‘reporting’, so unique.
Surprised they didn’t try out the ‘maybe it’s not as such the best way to behave, but no one had a problem before’ tack again.
Just like Mitt Romney has.
INBBC: still supporting Pakistani Islamic jihad apologist, IMRAN KHAN.
Khan’s ‘march against drones’ (supported by Taliban) got typically sympathetic treatment by INBBC ‘Today’ this morning (8:10 am).
A view of Imran Khan which INBBC never airs:
“The lies and triangulations of Imran Khan”
By Saroop Ijaz
“Imran Khan speaks of his fondness for the Taliban, Islamic welfare state (what that exactly is remains a historical mystery), liberal scum and female emancipation, progressive thought etc in the same breath, with complete absence of any embarrassment. Triangulation, a term perhaps most popularly used by Christopher Hitchens in regards to the politics of Bill Clinton is the concept of taking a few, best and most populist notion from both ends of the ideological spectrum and create a non-ideological, non-principled middle ground. In Imran Khan’s case it is certainly triangulation, however, it seems that he is drawing disproportionately heavily from the ultra-religious right rhetoric.
“The relative rise of Imran Khan has brought another disturbing and anti-democratic tendency to our already sordid political culture.”
For INBBC, and a clear indication of whose side KHAN is on:
“Taliban offer security to PTI’s peace march”
INBBC’s Islamic ‘reporters’ in Waziristan, Pakistan:
-at home with the Taliban, give only anti-West views on drones.
Reference to daily Taliban Islamic jihad atrocitries are, of course, excluded from INBBC ‘report’.
“Inside Pakistan’s drone country”
By Ahmed Wali Mujeeb
BBC News, Waziristan
Oh the irony, the irony…
On a day where the Daily Fail/ Hate/ Whatevs leads with the story of BBC’s 25,000 tax-dodging contracts, Radio 5 Rusted Iron Lung has a discussion on the value of UK brands. Completely unprompted up pops the sanctimonious twat’s sanctimonious twat, Gameshow Nikk with…
‘Of course there’s Vodafone-which-some-would-argue-doesn’t-pay-enough-tax.’
Another BBC neologism right there. cf drones-which-kill-innocent-people
And you gotta lurve that ‘which some people argue’ – routine droid-speak for ‘which we at the BBC believe’.
I suggest to Gameshow that he gets it together with his bezzie, Loooooocy from UKUncut and creates a new unter-race of brain-dead, sanctimonious, supercilious, hypocritical, stem-cell dead, publicity-junkie, shoutie, half-wit shills.
ps I look forward to the day when Gameshow says
‘and this evening we have Newsnight with Jeremy Paxman-who-some-would-argue-doesn’t-pay-enough-tax’.
And no doubt Evan Davis will refer to the transparency and morality of his tax returns on ‘Dragon’s Den’…
You might have thought the BBC would struggle with reporting this as it was also revealed that there are 25,000 people at the BBC who have such “off payroll” contracts. Strangely the word “hypocrisy” did not appear in the BBC report.
Neither did it appear in a recent Guardian article about the Conservative Party Treasurer’s views that the UK should lower tax rates to allow the UK to compete with offshore tax havens like the Cayman Islands in which many hedge funds are incorporated.
But what was truly staggering is that the Guardian omitted to mention that Guardian Media Group has used Cayman Islands companies for tax management purposes and that it pays a lower rate of tax than Tullett Prebon.
The BBC, the Guardian and all those who drone on about “The pervasive culture of greed and tax avoidance in many areas of the private sector” need to be taught the rule about what you shouldn’t do if you live in a glass house.
re BBC bias against Israel:
Thanks definitely worth a read truly shows up a hateful creeps past musings !
The theories laid out by Dimbleby certainly seem to match pretty much all BBC reporting on the issue. Institutional bias? What institutional bias?
I presume it’s derived from a quote, but this tweet from our in no way partial ‘news headlines that fit mobiles’ national monopoly has just served me this tweet…
BBC Politics @BBCPolitics
VIDEO: ‘Miliband doesn’t have to be that good’ http://bbc.in/RhHX2m
Then again, it may just be them expressing their dearest wishes in securing him their desired victory.
I recently became aware of this legislation on empty homes.
Today I just happened to notice this programme which is currently in its fourth series.
So, tell me again. Does the BBC tailor it’s programming to Labour’s legislation or not?
. . . and back in the real world, the truth is that the tax saved by using a personal service company is minuscule: the money saved for both the “employee” and the BBC is in NI contributions.
For 2011/2, the tax paid on the profit of a PSC is a total of corporation tax (20% on a small company) together with – if all the post-tax profit is paid out as dividends – the dividend receivers “normal” tax less a 10% credit on such dividends. Accordingly, if say a PSC had a profit of £50,000 and all its post tax profit (£40,000) were paid out in dividends the company, its owner would pay a total of tax of £10,000 (the personal allowance kicks in of course which reduces the tax payable). If £50,000 were paid as wages, tax would (after personal allowance) be – wait for it – £10,010. But, of course, NI contributions would be nil if the dividend route is followed and £4,400 in employee‘s contribution and £5,900 by the employer if through PAYE.
For £100,000 profits the total tax paid would be £34,000 if through the company (£20,000 CT + £14,000 income tax) and £30,000 income tax if paid through PAYE but, again, no NI (if through PAYE the employee contribution alone would be around £5,400 and by the employer about £12,800).
I’d be grateful if somebody could check my calculations since they are done from memory and on a calculator but I think this is what all the fuss is about. No-one’s saving tax strictly speaking: all the saving is on NI (which is a tax on employment, assessed on earnings and “sold” to us by politicians and the press as some kind of insurance contribution – except there ain’t no insurance “fund”) and escaping the bureaucratic crapola of actually employing someone.
Was this explained on Today this morning? No – all we got was John Humphrys giving the BBC employment/tax bloke grief for saving the BBC money and hassle. I’ll agree that the BBC is complicit in eliding the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion (and allowing its airwaves to be used to give the “rich” a kicking – especially if they’re Conservative or conservative) but, on this matter, the BBC has absolutely nothing to apologise for – except hypocrisy, of course, but it’ll never admit that, let alone, apologise for it.
“MPs’ shock at BBC tax deals: Commons watchdog says 25,000 contracts raise ‘suspicion of complicity in tax avoidance'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2213120/MPs-shock-BBC-tax-deals-Commons-watchdog-says-25-000-contracts-raise-suspicion-complicity-tax-avoidance.html#ixzz28QGjitZo
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So politicians – who fall more into the tax evaders camp than the avoiders one – and the press display their fake “surprise” that this is going on. Were NI to be melded into the normal tax arrangements this whole issue would disappear tomorrow. Now why hasn’t this happened?
Well, follow the money and the politics: it doesn’t suit our civil “servants” to get rid of the job creating boondoggle which is the NI system. It doesn’t suit politicians since they can continue fooling the public that the “standard” rate of income tax is, what, 20% rather than way above 30% . It doesn’t suit the press because they’re too ignorant (or complicit with both the bureaucracy and the politicians) to realise or admit what the realities are: in that way the press can keep selling papers (and the BBC keep kicking the private sector and the “rich”) by “exposing” tax avoidance.
This is a fake campaign against a faux-problem led by Margaret Hodge, a very wealthy Labour hypocrite who has lived a life of ease on money in a family trust set up (wholly or in part to avoid tax) by her (hard-working) father.
Don’t forget the VAT (at 20% of gross raises more than NI), other ‘owning a company’ taxes and the fees paid out to others like accountants and agents. All money lost to the economy when a PSC is forced to become a collection of wage slaves.
OKAY this is how the BBC will spin the tax avoidance scandal. They will blame Thatcher for deregulating the BBC and forcing ‘outsourced’ programming.
Thing is with bought in programmes and services is that they are just that, bought. So a programme like Red Dwarf is made by a company for the the BBC. The BBC will pay the company not Craig Charles or Chris Barrie.
They can try blaming Mrs Thatcher but the BBC has bought in such services for years before her and decades after. American programmes, like Star Trek for example, are no different to home made ones.
Then there’s people like Ken Livingstone who is paid through a PSC. Now if you were a tax grubbing lefty you could claim the newt botherer should be paid as an employee for his appearances as a ‘celeb’. But he isn’t so he isn’t.
So the BBC legitamately pays loads of companies for loads of things. Including IT, telecoms, catering, etc. I even met a lass who claimed she ran courses for public bodies, like the BBC, on how to answer the telephone!
The problems start where they are paying people to do jobs that they would normally have an employee do; not just presenting or news interviewing, but cameramen, sound engineers, runners, admin staff etc. Then they are stepping into dodgy waters – and deserve to drown in a lake of hypocritical tears.
Great post this umbongo!
Now why the hell do we have crackling line monkeys who deliberately will not tell us what is going on…and none of us would ever expect Humphrys to know what the point of all this was.
Got it in one-these haters of Phillip Green, Hester and the like are all Jimmy Carrs and Jimmy Savile Sheltered Vehicles aren`t they?
That word HYPOCRITES again…it never goes away when it comes to the BBC does it?
Were I looking for a aprt-time job at the BBC just now, I reckon I could find work there at the editing suite, redacting all references to our Sir Jim for all those endless reruns of Top of the Pops compilations they inflict on us to fill up BBC3.
I imagine that few shows didn`t feature Jim gurning and picking at teenage tots between songs; so I reckon there`s a few months work there.
Anyone care to write the Guardian job page/Ariel advert?…previous experience with Gary Glitter clips and Jonathan King shows an advantage?
Savile?…Tax dodging at the BBC?
Not on the The News at One though?
For the Kenyan Mau Mau can sue the pants and pith helmets of Old John Bull-well, his poor sods of descendants that we turn out to be, anyway!
The BBC seem very pleased-and all three interviewees chosen to speak by the BBC had gained materially from supporting the case brought…but you`d have to hear the clues to uncover THAT.
Typical BBC…that magic money tree just keeps on giving to charities and lawyers…and as long as it shafts the poor white trash forever stumping up for it, well grand!
I do hope that Hassans, Bigleys, Pearls, Bergs and the like are preparing cases so we can get Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan hauled before the High Court to get some REAL compo for the murder of their loved ones?
Will Martin Day, Phil Shiner or any other grievance farmer take THEIR cases?…not at all, just whitey and no BBC Empire sword to pose with!
Christ-this country is truly stuffed, innit?
Excellent news! Yet another reason (if any were needed) to drink real ale tonight 🙂
One is getting the impression when one reads the the BBC’s Live Text that the Corporation, by allowing many supportive texts to be aired, sympathizes with these foul vermin. I would love to see the looks on that hook-handed piece of excrement’s face when he gets off the train in America. The USA sure do know how to deal with these parasites, unlike our lilly-livered lefty country.
Sorry, I mean ‘plane’!
never has “sling your hook” been so much fun … its better than “a poke in the (only) eye with a blunt stick” though, apparently if this failed he was going to try to escape, so long as someone on the outside could give him a hand bum! bum!
Hey guys we’re not supposed to rejoice, the poor guy is depressed!
Hope the plane don’t crash on the way to the US.
as you find immediately apparent, this is not the bbc report
on rom-obomb 1, but :-D, it is bitingly funny
i just love it that climate scam guru al gore, blamed the erm denver? altitude 😀 … obvious he couldn t handle
yep! … “the inconvenient truth”
Beyond the fact that it is not a Graun/LSE special, there are aspects of the poll in this piece that the BBC will probably opt not to cover…
Or, if they do, 4900 to 600 will be described as public opinion being ‘split’.
Islamic jihadist ABU HAMZA and company to be extradited, despite liberal-left /Islamic campaigning, e.g.
1.) ‘Guardian’
“Condemned by the Abu Hamza stereotype.
Abu Hamza grabs the headlines. But four others face extradition and a grave miscarriage of justice”
By Victoria Brittain.
2.) Islamic campaign for Babar Ahmad:
3.) INBBC’s Casciani with Babar Ahmed :
In contrast:-
“Abu Hamza: civil engineer who turned hate preacher against West.
“Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza has finally lost his eight-year battle against extradition and will face a series of terror charges in the United States.”
Do Beeboids/Guardianistas support the anti-extradition demo people in photos here?:-
“Now can you sling your hook!
“Hate preacher Abu Hamza loses last-ditch attempt to stay in Britain as court rules he must be ‘extradited immediately’ to face trial in U.S.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2213397/Now-sling-hook-Hate-preacher-Abu-Hamza-loses-ditch-attempt-stay-Britain-court-rules-extradited-immediately-face-trial-U-S.html#ixzz28RXdqHOo
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george, it certainly looks like it,
given the amount of time they gave
one dr? ahmed on 5live drive this evening.
apparently it will be looked at as a great miscarriage of justice? , just like the bham pub bombers? can t be bothered to link .. sorry
ya da ya da
You just have to ask yourself, why do these savages, scum, murderous bastards all want to remain in the UK?
We just have to be the biggest bunch of fools in the world.
Where is Shami thses days? not watched the news all day, but shami? gareth pierce?, where are they?
This is the man who profited from Hamza’s years of delay – Edward Fitzgerald CBE QC Human Rights lawyer of the Year 2009
Specialises in preventing justice from being done – at our cost, a child of Blair’s Human Rights Industry.
“The 4,000 BBC workers avoiding tax: How workers across UK become ‘companies’ to cut tax rate to 20%'”
Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2213287/How-workers-Britain-companies-cut-tax-rate-20.html#ixzz28RdWGoly
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After the disgusting antics of Saville and the BBCs complicity, the latest tale of a teacher and pupil and a missig mite what do the BBC run as a story line in Waterloo Road?
Just seen an advert for a will they won’t they teaser for this crap. You’d think they’d’ve learned by now but they really have no clue do they?
What’s the betting it gets pulled.
BBC – Amplats fires 12,000 South African platinum miners
i think that the old bbc might take a lot of notice of this story
is david cameron, sending kindly, ian duncan smith
who, (after making it his “mission” to take concerted advice from the US where 47 million are on food stamps),
is flying over to spend a fortnight living in a tin hut, before overhauling any benefits that might be applicable?.
i had been looking for this after a segment on 5live news
i had to trawl through to regional news, then find the west mids section.
“Telford brothers convicted of child sex offences jailed
“the brothers were both “cold hearted and cynical” and “present significant danger to the public” and told them that they had shown “no remorse or regret”.
Tayyab Khan, defending Ahdel Ali, urged the judge to be lenient because “this type of rape is not like other horrible types of rapes”.Khan then told the court that the 13-year-old girl said in evidence that she had not been forced to do anything”
reported on 5live news, these two raped children, and then passed them round to pakistani restaurant workers for cash
The time has come for the BBC to pay for its mistakes in relation to Savile and its tax evasion.
A campaign to dock a fiver from the licence fee this year is due.
Instead of £145.50 pay £140.
They wouldn’t dare invoke jail threats for a fiver.
I have a better idea.
Refuse to pay anything!
Why should one have to pay for a criminal organisation?
News 24 bbc reporting entwhistles committment to assist the police with investigations into St Jimmy’s paedo activities:
Maybe he just has to look under the balen report where he may find other buried evidence?