Drones: BBC News24
Orla Guerin, presents sympathetic report towards the terrorists who shelter among the civilian population. She found one Captain who had to abort a drone attack they when he realised the target was probably a child. So if that target was wrong they must all be?
Interviews the ultra clean imram khan, who (what else you expect?) condemns the drone attacks as counterproductive, what a suprise!
usual logic is trotted out that the drones recruit more terrorists than it kills. You can rely on the bbc to trot out the terrorist propaganda time after time after time.
Traitors in our midst as pounce will say.
Were they doing this in the context of blaming the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-in-Chief’s massive escalation of drone attacks, specifically the one which led to the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi?
Lucy PevenseyJan 21, 10:39 Start the Week 20th January 2025 God Bless The USA President Trump has officially withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization.
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MarkyMarkJan 21, 09:58 Start the Week 20th January 2025 Are we all far-right now? HA HA HA HAAHAH! Lifts hand to point to sun – Nazi! [img]https://image.vuukle.com/3f5236ff-afea-4ca9-8445-9f71d760e95d-b03e85e9-4111-42f7-8678-439ef74b3c1d[/img]
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Drones: BBC News24
Orla Guerin, presents sympathetic report towards the terrorists who shelter among the civilian population. She found one Captain who had to abort a drone attack they when he realised the target was probably a child. So if that target was wrong they must all be?
Interviews the ultra clean imram khan, who (what else you expect?) condemns the drone attacks as counterproductive, what a suprise!
usual logic is trotted out that the drones recruit more terrorists than it kills. You can rely on the bbc to trot out the terrorist propaganda time after time after time.
Traitors in our midst as pounce will say.
Were they doing this in the context of blaming the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate-in-Chief’s massive escalation of drone attacks, specifically the one which led to the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi?
Well to be fair His name WAS mentioned.
But as to apportioning blame? err nope!
But did they at least mention Him in the context of increasing the drone attacks, maybe leaving the listener to draw conclusions regarding blame?