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First thing I heard on Today this morning was Humphrys scornful disregard of BBC tax arrangements , as described by the Times.
Apparently it`s a “campaign they`ve been running”.
The Mail and Telegraph got a dishonourable mention too…so unlike the Guardian, Indie and Mirror.
I ended my sporadic trawl through the Beebs output with Dominic Raab getting his knife into Dimbleby minor about same topic…and Savile got a a mention too!
About time Rupert got his revenge isn`t it?…the BBC are on the rack…and Feedback listeners didn`t care much for Evan Davis shafting Miliband either…the BBC deserves its Labour zombies then!
It was a campaign that the BBC started , focussing on civil servants, with the support of Labour, hoping to embarrass the Government.
The trouble was it backfired on them.
And How! It must be a good line for all those who oppose the current BBC culture to ask how they can support a method of lowering tax for their super rich top presenters whilst asking for increases in the license fee or arguing that there should be more spending by the government or criticising lowering of the top tax rate.
Hoist on your own petard comes to mind.
About time Rupert got his revenge isn`t it?
Not just Murdoch – the Telegraph are aiming at the BBC big time.
Quite rightly so. You can be as un-partisan as I try to be and still accept that it’s basically time for massive perestroika at the BBC.
Since the GWPF report on “The BBC and Climate Change“, criticism of BBC bias has really began to take off. The Telegraph, Daily Mail and the Express and even in Mensa publications the BBC staff are being mocked as a bunch of morons.
Old Hobsbawm got his ten minutes tribute then on Last Word.
Hopefully that`ll be the last mention of that useful tool that the USSR ought to have sent back to Vienna.
Kinnock seemed to love him…thank God for Anne Applebaum who saw right through that commie fake with his jazz and love of working class chaps playing footer!
God-when Kinnock thought you were something…that`ll be the end of you!
Everybody say ” Yeaahhhhhhh”
for those too young to remember: just ask!
We’ve got his funeral to look forward to (probably to coincide with the Tory conference. No doubt the BBC will attempt to turn it into a state occasion.
It will be interesting to see if Miliband and his ‘one-nation’ faction will turn up to see him off.
Wonder if they’ll dump the old fool in Highgate cemetery next to Karl Marx. The Miliband’s can visit regularly, to pay homage to all those who ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶s̶l̶a̶u̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶l̶e̶s̶s̶l̶y̶ died in the struggle for equality.
…damn – stray apostrophe. 🙁
Maybe the Blue Peter garden-what remains of it after they`v e dug up the time capsule to Sir James Savile of Wood Lane.
Last thing I heard before going to sleep was Peter Donaldson telling me that the new Tory Health Secretary wanted the limit for abortion brought down.
I wondered where this one came from…and the BBC have been happily running with it all through “Toady” , this morning.
I`m learning to love Rupert and The Times…if it gets the BBC up on the stool screeching then his paper has done its job!
It trails another story though-now that Abu has gone to the USA( say hello for us, Mr P), turns out that his slew of `uman rights lawyers”..Team Hamza…wanted shot of him too!
Why else would they berate the Government for the time it took to get him on his plane?…and there was me thinking they all wanted him to get his old job back at Finsbury Mosque?
Evans, Stevens, Day…can we expect Shami, Cherie and Gareth; once all the nannies and violin tutors are aligned?
Hobsbawms hobbits are never satisfied…well done the Tories for getting him gone within 24 hours- does Supermax “do Cells towards Mecca” I wonder?
Nothing to do with Al-Beeb bias, but I really enjoyed the comments of the appeal judge when his team of lawyers came up with some dodgy “his health is failing…” bollocks. The response was that, if he isn’t well, he should be shipped out without delay while he’s still mentally fit to defend himself and, besides, they have really good medical facilities in the US.
Superb job.
Well said that Judge. I was puzzled why apparent ill health should extend Hamza’s stay in the UK. There are constant charity collections to send the latest invalid to the US for treatment our ‘envy of the World’ NHS cannot provide.
I’d never heard of him, let alone read any of what I have since discovered is drivel.
Beeboid greenies miss cause of UK lights’ blackout.
‘Daily Express’ puts the problem accurately in E.U. context:
But Beeboids miss E.U connection-
“Power shortage risks by 2015, Ofgem warns”
‘Daily Mail’:
“Britain ‘to be hit by 70s-style blackouts withing three years’ and EU rules may also force up bills, warns Ofgem.
“Spare energy capacity could drop to just four per cent by winter 2015.
“Britain will be reliant on other countries for supply – and prices could skyrocket.”
“Green rules coming from the EU threaten to plunge Britain into 1970s-style blackouts in three years and lead to energy bills doubling.
“Millions could be pushed into fuel poverty – having to choose between heating or eating – because Brussels diktats are closing power stations needlessly, the Government’s energy regulator warned yesterday.
“The plants that remain in Britain will not be able to keep up with demand by winter 2015, a dire report from Ofgem predicted.”
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Christopher Booker, ‘Sunday Telegraph’, wrote this 18 months ago:
“New figures show the lights may go out sooner than we thought.
“Our coal-fired power stations are closer to extinction than predicted, and wind power stubbornly refuses to fill the gap.”
Remind me who was Labour’s avid fan of such legislation during last Labour government. The one who agreed to 20%, 30%, whatever reductions in evil CO2, what ever happened to them?
“The rotten culture at the heart of the BBC”
By Damian Thompson.
Thanks for this link. Thompson also points out Dominic Casciani’s twittering, hence my comment below.
Check out BBC Home Affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani’s Twitter feed. He’s been absolutely obsessed with Cap’n Hook’s extradition deal. He seems to have been tweeting about it with every breath, and the frenzied stream of tweets makes him seem a little hysterical. No prizes for guessing where his sympathies obviously lie.
Note that this is an officially sanctioned Twitter account, BBC logo prominently displayed, no “views my own” disclaimer. This is the same Casciani, by the way, who used this same officially sanctioned Twitter account to encourage BBC News producer Stuart Hughes in his little jihad against a taxi company whose owner made a rude remark about cyclists.
‘no “views my own” disclaimer’
Interesting therefore, to note the near total lack of difference in BBC corporate attitude to staff blurring of personal partiality with professional objectivity anyway.
Given other examples of the BBC appearing to feel normal rules of media conduct need not apply to them, rather telling.
That’s the whole problem in a nutshell. The entire policy needs to be scrapped and rethought. Yet they refuse to acknowledge it.
Keeping a record of the tweets of BBC staff could be useful for a future OFCOM inquiry or Judicial review or Parliamentary Inquiry. My hunch is something is in the pipeline for as early as next May.
I’ve got a collection going, close to 100 different biased tweets from over 40 different Beeboids. I’m sure there’s a lot more out there if one had the time to go through the archives.
Viewed together, the shared mindset becomes very obvious.
Covering up the Cover Up
It’s said that rather than the ‘crime’ itself, it’s often the way that people respond to circumstances that brings them down.
So, ‘too little, too late’ would be fair assessment of the belated and perfunctory intervention into the Savile affair by the BBC’s invisible DG, Entwistle. Not just perfunctory, but evasive, leaving our uniquely funded broadcaster wanting, calling for the very minimum to get themselves off the hook; calling for people to speak up, but ignoring criticism of the BBC’s slowness to respond and allegations that they themselves had covered up an inconvenient truth.
That said, on Thursday, there was a remarkable exchange on ‘5 Live Drive’ between Peter Allen and the BBC’s Director of Editorial Policy and Standards David Jordan, this on the Newsnight decision not to air their expose on Jimmy Savile, even though they were in possession of the same information that ITV went with on Wednesday (from 16:58 on the link below).
Full marks to Allen. In an extremely challenging interview he pinned Jordan down on the allegations that to broadcast the programme would be an embarrassment. The slippery and complacent Jordan clearly thought he could fob the listener off with an unconvincing and utterly patronising response that this was down to an editorial decision – the BBC had been investigating the actions of Surrey police, he said, but they had decided not to investigate the broader issue of Savile’s behaviour when he was working for them, no matter how ‘shocking’.
But Allen wouldn’t let it go. Listen to Allen ‘the journalist’ at 22:38 and how he asserts that the Newsnight editor’s blog is insufficient to get to the bottom of the decision not to broadcast. He says that records (which will exist) should be produced. Jordan isn’t up for any such transparency and the suggestion of proper disclosure is completely side-stepped.
It was amazing then, that later in the programme, Drive’s editors decided to replay the clip (1:37:20) – well most of it. The clip ends with Jordan’s view that the Editor’s blog is sufficient to explain Newsnight’s decision not to broadcast, but gone is Allen’s disagreement and his call for records to be made public, gone is Jordan’s evasion.
Now you hear it, now you don’t! Yet again, the world’s most trusted broadcaster cannot bring itself to be open, honest and transparent, something that it so often, hypocritically, demands of others. The embarrassment of one of its Directors is airbrushed away.
Belatedly the BBC has asked people to speak up and tell police if they have allegations about Savile. This episode has shown that this is not enough. We are entitled to understand the culture that existed in the BBC that facilitated these crimes, but more importantly the culture that exists today, which would have allowed wrongdoing to stay hidden.
The BBC has questions to answer. This time it should not be allowed to investigate itself, this is a job for OFCOM or an Independent Inquiry.
One would think the BBC covering the rape of an underage girl (or several) and their infatuation with Mohammed have nothing in common.
I was initially going to defend the BBC on this one, as the section you’re talking about is still there in the on-demand version. If they decided to clip the bit in question out for the repeat, the easy excuse is time constraints. Can’t really cry censorship on that since it’s still there for all to hear in the archive.
However… knew this was coming…..following that they brought in “the BBC’s Toren Douglas” who quoted David Jordan shifting blame “the culture in the country was different generally”.
In response to a further question about the BBC staff witness quoted in the ITV doc, he said that libel laws at the time plus a variety of other factors made the BBC bosses shy away from doing anything. Yeah, right.
It’s a fair cop, but society’s to blame. Were those old BBC bosses among those “protesters” last August trashing shops and burning homes whom the BBC similarly tried to excuse? What is it with the BBC’s war on young white girls? Seems like anyone who harms them gets every benefit of the doubt imaginable.
I happened to catch Jordan on the News Channel the other day talking about this with Julian Beeboid (one of the classier newsreaders IMHO, although he reminds me of the Prime Minister from Little Britain). There was no shifting of blame like this. I remarked at the time that it was sober and fair. This surprises me a bit.
“the culture in the country was different generally”.
Funny how that doesn’t apply to… Well, take your pick.
‘rather than the ‘crime’ itself, it’s often the way that people respond to circumstances that brings them down.’
They have been found wanting, and badly so.
And by those not noted for keeping the spotlight on the BBC any longer than necessary if possible.
Have to love the attempt at shared responsibility here, though:
And a new moral set of moral equivalences I am unsure the Graun, and certainly the BBC, would be so keen to discuss in the round if those in the frame were from representative areas they were not keen on.
Also not so sure if the ‘we can’t seem to find anything we’ve done wrong so there’s no point in looking’ meme from the DG is playing too well for an outfit who appear to feel that when questions get asked and the powerful get held to account… they did not mean them.
Newsnight, a key protagonist in all this, seems in total denial. After first going the tried and trusted ‘ignore it’ route, their Editor eventually hit ‘The Editors’ blog to issue a ‘we got it about right because we say so’ statement, that didn’t last too long before an early closing in the face of a less than sympathetic reception. They then sulked for a while before simply posting a link to this on their FaceBook page by way of… what? It added nothing.
Meanwhile, it still doesn’t appear to be going away quite as easily and quickly as they seem to have presumed it would, per normal.
Questions being asked can be less entertaining when the boot is on the other foot, they are now finding.
I said last week that I rated Peter Allan and I have an even higher opinion of him after hearing that clip. A rare thing, a BBC journo not afraid to ask the right questions and challenge the group-think mantra. Keep it up, Peter.
‘But Allen wouldn’t let it go. Listen to Allen ‘the journalist’ at 22:38 and how he asserts that the Newsnight editor’s blog is insufficient to get to the bottom of the decision not to broadcast.’
Good on him.
I note that in reply to his assertion that a blog is not enough, the BBC apologist essentially says that ‘he is comfortable in his belief that it is’, thereby ensuring promotion to an ECU Directorship. He also adds that ‘it is for others to judge’.
Well there’s a thing. Who? The BBC has moved heaven and earth to say that it is done and dusted, now ‘others’ will get to judge?
Don’t tell me, one of those BBC advisers or experts chosen from within or from the ranks of the old boy network still on the consultants’ books for their amazing ‘independence’.
If Paxo had any hapless pol or corporate shill trying BS to this level, his filleting would make the top of the news hour for a month.
The BBC, now in their newly found “shocked” and “concerned” phase regarding sexual abuse on their premises, cover the Liz Kershaw groping story.
but, strangely, there is no quote from Kershaw to back this claim up. Unfortunately, her voice sets my teeth on edge, so I can’t listen to the broadcast to check myself. Did anyone with a stronger stomach than me hear her, and did she say that Radio 1 had “changed out of all recognition”?
If she did say that, was she referring to the sexual abuse, prevalent at the BBC in those days, or just to the “artistic” output of the station?
Can’t be the former as the Newsnight programme was only pulled recently.
As I have pointed out to the Beeb I my latest complaint 😉
Ofcom is a liberal lefty staffed toothless tiger which will always paint the BBC in the best possible light. Any enquiry has to be forensic and conducted independently. QC’s and real journalists come to mind.
Remember when the BBC told you that Clint Eastwood’s humorous performance with that empty chair was “bizarre” and a train wreck and freaked them out and may even have cost Romney the election? Maybe not so much:
I’m pretty sure this is racist somehow.
BBc news seemed to be on a roll of hacking me off last night before I located the remote to turn over.
First the Mau Mau “veterans”
take a look at the picture on the report. Of course the general public (as my partner) will have no idea about the nasty little war surrounding this issue.
Still a chance to bang on about British Army attrocities and British imperialism.
Then a report on the “innocent” deaths caused by drones. Do you think I care .. take a wild guess.
Finally as I located the remote US unemployment figures down, this may help Obama…..
Did anyone ever see the pictorial illustrations of MauMau atrocities, which were supplied to our National service and regulars at the time? I did. none of them pretty sights.
Maybe you can sue the Kenyan govt for the trauma you suffered after seeing those pictures?
Never thought of that!
…after ‘Mitt The Meanie’ handed ‘The Great One’ his backside on a plate, I’m sure this is what many beeboids would have liked to have done – “Let’s just not do any news for a few days…wait ’til it’s faded”.
Shame about that altitude sickness, or those anniversary nerves, or that barrage of 27 lies too abhorrent to confront, or that brain too sophisticated and prone to overload with it’s own brilliance…or…
The perennial media bias may now work in Mitt’s favour.
Read “The Check Has Bounced” at :
Mark Thomson in New York. “Damn, all this has surfaced just after I left and am not there to have to deal with it. I am gutted!”
Entwhistle. “Cheers for that, Mark!”
Boaden. “Oh shit!”
Talk about a poisoned chalice!
One could almost feel sorry for Paul Mason. Yeah, it was his turn to anchor on Newsnight this Friday. Newsnight works a little like the One Show now – you know, that bright idea Chris Evans had that the Beeb should switch presenters around on a show according to what day of the week it was. That’s right, the idea that got Adrian Chile’s goat.
I digress.
Poor old lugubrious comrade Paul Mason (or I should say ‘friend’ Mason – as Miliband Minor has taught us to say).
You could tell Mason wasn’t too chuffed about the Newsnight line up.
I’ve lost track, and don’t care much, for the characters involved in this long running BBC/New Labour hosted soap opera about the Middle East that aired right through the naughties (sponsored and brought to our screens courtesy of the legal profession)
Turns out Abdul Abulbul Amir and the Mad Arab Abdul Alhazred (hope I got that right – cultural sensitivities and all that) well, they have at last been deported. Mason had to ask on our behalf – ‘why has it taken so long?’
Next up BBC staff tax affairs. Mason was a little more comfortable in a recorded interview with a top BBC HR bod. Man of the people and all that. He could argue strongly for the raising of those lovely taxes that the Beeb are always finding new ways to spend on our behalf. It was an odd incestuous segment however.
But I guess when he’s not dodging the tear gas or shooting the breeze with sexy young would be Che Guevarras in lefty Euro cafes Mason is habitually back at the Beeb watercooler arguing with the management about PAYE probity. But wait up. I’m sure his own house must be in order? Surely! Oh, if only we knew for sure.
To quote BBC Crimewatch: ‘Names please!’
Mason then has to tell us a little about Sir Jimmy. Tough gig Paul, I should call your agent. Or your shop steward – oh you are the shop steward! Well, Adrian Child’s wouldn’t put up with this.
At last he’s on familiar ground with a story. Up the Mau Mau and all that. British Empire boo hiss. What did the Romans ever do for us?
Look at this. Kirsty is on next with another edition of ‘putting the world to rights’ or The Review Show.
Counter culture (1950s and 1970s style) blah blah, Turner Prize blah blah.
So what does our BBC panel think of the new JK Rowling book?
Paul Morley puts it rather well. He liked it a lot. A fine worthy old fashioned 1970s-ish leftwing book – mind you, if she weren’t famous only 200 people would have read it.
Careful Paul, I don’t know what your PAYE arrangements might be but with a sharp analysis like that you may just be worth every penny. And what a good analogy you make that might very well be extrapolated to describe so much of your ’employer’s’ current out put (I hope I got that technicality correct re: PAYE).
I say again BBC “Names please!”
Can I put that on my wish list for Xmas?
Special edition of Radio Times?
I could add that the weirdest moment of the utter fright of a show that was Paul Mason’s Newsnight turned out to be the embarrasment right at the end when he shared with us the Saturday newspaper front pages.
Leaving the Mail to last he read the BBC sex ring head line and commented:
“I’d like to see the details of that”
I guess he meant he didn’t believe the story and was eager to debunk it.
Just another example of ‘balance’ from our national broadcaster?
I’m loath to cast aspersions but I’m afraid I found his comment rather creepy.
I heard that too, of course it could be interpreted that he is simply eager to read it because he is kinky. Also creepy. Wasn’t his colleague big ears recently exposed in the newspapers as enjoying a bit of slap and tickle?
Up the Mau Mau and all that. British Empire boo hiss.
Our boys did proscribe certain areas and declare that anyone found there-in was fair game, did go out on seek-and-destroy missions, did ‘keep score’, but were fighting a war.
The Mau-mau’s favoured tactic was tying a rope round a straw hut (the doors opened outwards), trapping the family inside, and setting it alight.
Don’t suppose any of them are being sued.
No tears shed here.
The BBC is in full re-write history mode at the moment. Back in the 60’s they decided that The Beatles were the acceptable face of pop music and that ‘everyone’ liked them, not the nasty Rolling Stones. Well 50 years later the BBC is still pushing that message, The Rolling Stones fill arenas world-wide and McCartney is a national embarrassment.
Around the same time we had the first Bond film. Last night the BBC told us that it was an antidote to ‘wartime austerity’, was that Vietnam or The Boer War? Whatever, surely not WW2, twenty years before!
Earlier this year we had the programme “operation Crossbow”, all about the wonderful Spitfire that not only won the Battle of Britain (sorry Hurricane) but did all the photo reconnaisance work as well including taking the first photos of the V2. Unfortunately it didn’t have the range so that was left to the Mosquito, described by the USAAF as the greatest photo reconnaissance aircraft ever. The poor Mosquito only got a mention as a carrier air freighting in some spare parts to aid the war effort. But then the BBC is staffed by people like Vine who totally confused a WW2 pilot by asking him about his use of the ejector seat, a jet-age invention, (probably by John Lennon or James Bond, whatever).
The Kiwis are flying a recently restored Mosquito – the only airworthy one in existence, I believe.
Wonderful aircraft. Matters to me, even if the wretched BBC doesn’t give a ****.
I heard that the Kiwis are building a fleet of Lancasters for a film.
I had high hopes for this, but learning that it’s being written by St. Stephen of Fry…not so keen now…best to stick with the 1955 original I think…
Turkey ‘responds to fresh Syrian mortar fire’
Typical BBC, not revealing the fact that the shelling of Turkish territory is actually done from a Syrian region controlled by rebel forces, you know those respectable Jihadis ,and Al Qaida chappies., etc. Now what was it that happened in Lybia recently, and the actions of “Islamic terrorists” jumping at the opportunity to hit the American consulate under the smokescreen of an Anti-Muslim film -trailer You Tube riots? How easy it is right now for these same forces to provoke Turkey, the Jihadists are laughing all the way to Mecca, and the gullible BBC Media, don’t even begin to think that this is, or could be a “trap”. Fresh Syrian Free Army mortar fire? Any UN intervention has, we are constantly told by the BBC, been blocked by Russia and China, and now we have a NATO member just about to go to war with Syria. Hey that should be convenient for us! BBC just sleepwalks along without any independent thinking journalism….
i had been looking for this after a segment on 5live news
i had to trawl through to regional news, then find the west mids section.
“Telford brothers convicted of child sex offences jailed
“the brothers were both “cold hearted and cynical” and “present significant danger to the public” and told them that they had shown “no remorse or regret”.
Tayyab Khan, defending Ahdel Ali, urged the judge to be lenient because “this type of rape is not like other horrible types of rapes”.Khan then told the court that the 13-year-old girl said in evidence that she had not been forced to do anything”
reported on 5live news, these two raped children, and then passed them round to pakistani restaurant workers for cash …child prostitution? or highly organised paedophile gang rapes involving probably dozens of immigrants, (who are simply continuing there behaviour from pakistan) …
there are no words
miners being sacked south africa front page
this you have to search around
Sooner or later folk are going to join up INBBC’s attitude to white working class victims of Savile with similar victims of paedostanis, and realise that Beeb is rotten to the core.
posted at the end of last open thread
as you find immediately apparent, this is not the bbc report
on rom-obomb 1, but , it is bitingly funny, incisive in equal measure
i just love it that climate scam guru al gore, blamed the erm denver? altitude … obvious he couldn t handle … “the inconvenient truth”
like the way that paul mason mocked the daily mail headline re bbc paedos…
” i’d like to see the source for that ” he said bitterly as he read out the daily mail headline on newsnight last night … ” was there a sex ring at the bbc”
well the source is any one with half a brain.
jimmy saville – multiple offender – bbc employee
john peel – national treasure. middle class to the core – -bbc employee – and a paedo who married a 15 year old
johnathan king – convicted paedo – bbc employee
and how many more ?????
the calls for a public inquiry from bbc journalists are strangely inaudible
Never liked Julie Birchall – the hypocrites hypocrite but this demolition of John Peel may a-peel.
What did Jo Brand know and when did she know it?
INBBC continues support for:- Imran ‘Taliban’ KHAN on drones.
INBBC, in its anti-West political stance, often shows its sympathy with Islamic jihad Taliban, enemy of UK and US.
The following one-sided ‘reporting’ by INBBC’s Orla Guerin in Islamabad is symptomatic of that.
“Pakistan’s Imran Khan starts anti-drone protest”
In contrast, the following Pakistani critique of ”Taliban” KHAN, does not see light of day with INBBC:-
“Imran Khan, knowingly or unknowingly ‘Taliban’ Khan”
“Imran has often been, somewhat, jokingly referred to as Taliban Khan for his apologist tendencies, which up till now I have always thought to be a bit unfair. Yet this entire affair of even considering the possibility of relying on the Taliban for security during a political rally is akin to crossing the dangerous line between innocent flirting and unforgivable advance. This is a deplorable and dangerous policy, for if Imran continues to engage and endorse the Pakistani Taliban, it will have the unintended consequence of granting unwanted legitimacy to whatever nutty, far out cause they claim to have.
“Imran will be giving our enemies exactly what they have been trying to acquire for years; some sort of mainstream political endorsement.”
I have just this minute heard Imran Khan interviewed on news BBC radio 4 saying the same. Somehow his complaining that the use of drones is not winning or is not really playing cricket (He seemed to be almost saying the US were actually bowling googlies) , probably appeals to an imagined BBC audience.
Khan seeking an electoral carreer in Pakistan, WTF would ANYONE expect him to say about drones FFS !!!!!!!!
as homer would say: Doooooooh!
Looks like they’re following up on that report by Orla Guerin you mentioned the other day.
Drones = bad
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who sends them = now “being more careful”
Why isn’t the BBC making a fuss over the anti-war crowd now? The silence is deafening.
Sorry, a little inappropriate for a bias BBC site, but still relevant to the wider theme of left-wing, anti-British froth.
It seems that revolting rag, the Guardian, is more concerned with the extradited Muslim terrorists’ human rights than their detestable and abhorrent crimes against the West. Typical.
Perhaps, one day, these idiotic contemporary drama-viewing, caviar-eating, chardonnay-drinking wastes of oxygen will know what it’s really like to live in an Islamic society….
I actually purchase the guardian on a daily basis and I have been following the thread about innocent Islamic terrorists for a while now (I used to post on CIF but was banned for calling Bungawala a benchod) Anyway while the usual suspects openly foam at the mouth regards anything ‘English’ the vast majority of most recommended posts toe the otherline. Here is the third post and by far the most recommended:
Jihadis playing the legal system is noting new, it’s the standard tactic of ‘drag your feet’ as long and as hard as possible. As all good jihadis know, Jihad doesn’t cease at the point of apprehension, it merely continues asymmetrically. If you can’t damage your enemy physically, you have to damage them financially, and monopolise their resources and time. This is aided in no small part by the manipulation of people. People that while well meaning, exhibit a gross naivete which makes them perfect for manipulation. It’s not unusual for particularly nefarious Jihadis to amass quite a following of wilfully ignorant well wishers. People that have no problem suspending their critical faculties in favour of assuaging the martyrdom complexes of terrorists.
It’s very sad the the same people can’t muster any regard for the victims of these pushers and enablers of terrorism and death.
Ironically in today’s Guardian the editorial (Page 42..Collective amnesia) quotes a certain Enoch Powell as the voice of reason. Yup that Enoch Powell the left bemoan as a racist.
Pounce old chap, you should cease supporting their circulation figures. Do you realise you could halve their circulation overnight?
From reading his Twitter feed, one could be forgiven for thinking Dominic Casciani was removed from his post as BBC Home Affairs correspondent and made permanent Cap’n Hook editor. I guess it’s either that or spend the day tweeting about a white girl who’s gone missing. Quality.
French police kill Islamic jihadist, following anti-Jewish grenade attack.
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Islamic radical shot dead by anti-terrorism police in France after opening fire on offices in dawn raid.
“The man, in his 30s, was alleged to have targeted a Jewish food shop.
“Another gunman arrested in Paris as around 10 other men are seized across the country.
“All believed to be linked to a Salafist group which is committed to waging a jihad across Europe.”
Read more:
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Or, as INBBC puts it in its deliberately vague headline:
“French police kill man in wave of anti-terror raids”
The bBC, its fawning of radical Islamic terrorism and calling a spade anything bar a spade.
Israel downs unmanned aircraft
The Israeli air force has shot down a small unmanned aircraft after it entered the south of the country, the military has said.Troops are searching for remains of the aircraft in the north of the Negev desert. It is not clear where it came from.Local media quoted officials as saying the aircraft flew in from the west, but not from the Gaza Strip.
So the innocent Islamic terrorists that the bBC loves to promote as builders of hand made weapons have flown a UAV from the area to the South of Gaza (Gee I wonder which country that is?) and seen it shot down in flames (like the bBCs reputation in the Uk) by the IDF.
But hang on the bBC which is currently running a victim article for the 2,570-3,337 people killed in drone strikes (of which 474-884 were civilians) rewrites the headline from Drone to..unmanned aircraft.
But it gets even better, the so called military experts at the bBC (Frank…I fall when hit by 7.62 short rounds-Gardiner) then come out with this fluff piece.
An Israeli navy ship was damaged by an explosive drone in July 2006.
Err since when was a air to surface anti-ship missile a drone. (C802) But hey according to the bBC it was. They then finish off their fluff piece to Allah by extolling the beauty of Islamic jihad:
Two others flew over part of northern Israel in 2004 and 2005 without being intercepted.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
‘Telegraph’ MATT cartoon today:
“You work at the BBC?
So are you a tax dodger or a paedophile?”
Has anyone taken a look at the ‘It’s your call’ page about the American election? It scores 269-269 as an Obama victory.
Forgot the URL
I just tried it. No “win” check mark for 269-269. Need the Supreme Court to “steal” another election first.
They must have changed it. Good. I did point it out to them. Should have taken a screenshot.
Love the DT Matt cartoon on the front page today Saturday.
Woman to man at party ‘’You work at the BBC? So are you a tax dodger or a paedophile?
Strange this wasn’t mentioned on the review of the papers on Today!
May I suggest this quote this appears as a sideline on these pages along with the memorable sayings of past and present BBC types?
Muslim brothers convicted of raping (white) girls, and of causing their child prostitution ; or, in INBBC’s deliberately vague and euphemistic lingo:
“Telford brothers convicted of child sex offences jailed”
‘The Times’ (£):-
“Long sentences for brothers who revelled in power of ‘using and abusing’ young girls”
“Protecting Our Children ”
well done george, couldn t get it to link properly yesterday …. shocking and appalling
So how many people have noted the bBC’s current numerous news articles about how people in Pakistan are worried shitless about how death comes from above courtesy of US UAVs. The bBC while reporting how an anti US NGO says between 2500-3400 people have been killed (Of which they say between 400-800 have been civies) they don’t report the full story. Do a google on war in Pakistan and it will take you to articles about the internecine war in play in the North of Pakistan currently been played out between the Taliban,the Pakistani armed forces and the US. this war has been in play since 2004, funny enough the bBC claims the first innocent victim was a certain Taliban poet ,first aider,flower seller and generally good guy ‘Nek Mohammed’ who lost his nek in…2004.
So guess how many have died in total at the hands of the Pakistani and US forces since 2004…….? 21000
Yes 21000. yet the bBC instead on concentrating how 18000 Taliban followers have been killed by Pakistani forces instead concentrates on how between 400-800 civilians may have been killed by drone strikes.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
But INBBC is not cheering the downing of THIS drone:-
“Israeli Air Force Downs Drone”
It’s not realy about Drones, is it, INBBC?
-It’s about your support and Mr Khan and the Taliban.
1.) Last week, BBC-NUJ-Labour had large feature for its Labour Party Conference on:
“Rising stars: Labour’s class of 2010”
2.) This week, BBC-NUJ-Labour has NO feature for Conservative Party Conference on:
‘Rising stars: the Conservatives’ class of 2010.’
Are you a tax dodger or a paedophile if you`re working for the BBC?…the only question we need ask the BBC.
That said, I bet the Savile story is the one that they`ll spend the next few weeks in firefighting….yet the smoulderings will be with us for some time.
In the early/mid 60s Savile had the Liverpool Manchester Leeds corridor to himself…and all those wacky Northern DJs, those bands, comedians and the like that celebrated the “new era” surely partook of lots of things that they should not have.
The fact that the BBC has done so many retrospectives on those gritty urban northern days up where the BBC filmed ToTP at the Hulme Hippodrome is soon to bite them , I`m sure.
What`s the chances that “Peel Studio/Awards etc” will not be with us much longer?…and lots of northern DJs and celebrities of Saviles era will be shitting themselves.
No wonder the BBC are so scared-they`ll never get a chance of making any more “analyses”-and those that they HAVE made will be used to convict I`m sure!
Radio Luxembourg DJs will hope that they`ll get tried in Brussels I`d expect.
How long before those hounding Sir James will be accused of exacerbating the north/south divide?
Several comments ago ChrisH asked
“How long before those hounding Sir James will be accused of exacerbating the north/south divide? ”
Many a true word said in jest
5 live Breakfast 6am-10am Nicky Campbell presents live from Sheffield as part of 5 live’s Octoberfest. He’ll be focussing on whether there’s a north/ south divide in the cost of living, and how people are coping in the recession.”
The BBC’s rebuttal of whatever might be said this week at the Tory Party conference no doubt.
BBC describes hamza as an extremist muslim cleric, to me an extremist muslim cleric = cunt
“John Peel honoured at new BBC building”
(March 2012).
“Special report: A 15-year-old who killed herself after leaving a diary naming DJs as abusers. Disturbing questions about John Peel. So how many stars WERE involved?”
Read more:
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The ‘John Peel’ wing of Broadcasting House, London, houses INBBC’s Arabic Television Service.
“Sexual favours were a way of life at the BBC”
By Janet Street-Porter.
There’s a growing army of people emerging to say that the culture in the INBBC simply allowed Savile and his ilk to do what they wanted.
In other words, well, that’s all right then! The fact that it was institutionally accepted makes it OK?
You couldn’t make it up, you just couldn’t.
come on all you feminists, where were you then, where are you now? Afraid to complain at the time?, knowing underage kids were getting abused? FFS!
“Beyond Savile: we’re still deaf to the voices of the abused”
Peter Hitchens:-
“I couldn’t stand Jimmy Savile. But at least his death has helped uncover one of the grossest pieces of hypocrisy in modern times.
“Compare and contrast: two great and respected institutions do nothing about child molesting in their midst.
“When the institution is the conservative Roman Catholic Church, the BBC cannot shut up about it. When the institution is the liberal, secular BBC, the Corporation mumbles feebly, and cancels its own programme on the subject. It wasn’t the children they cared about, you see.”
[Scroll down to final piece.]
Dopey Dave on Marr this morning, consigned his party to the dustbin of history when asked by marr about an in/out referendum on the EU. He has ruled out an in/out vote, because he believes most people want to stay in, albeit under different rules than we have at present. Oh, I see, he is so convinced of his facts, he’s afraid to allow a vote?.
All credit to Marr (sharp as a knife as ever!) he suggested that the answer for folk is to vote UKIP.
We all know that is what a significant number will do, and it will decimate the tory numbers elected. Goodbye Tories in this present form for ever.
Dopey Dave was also tossed a softball Q, and could have commented on the INBBC and savile. He ducked the issue totally, missing his chance to take them to the cleaners. Marr was virtually laying there prostrate, inviting comment, but comment came there none. WHAT a plonker!
I’m still wiping the coffee off my laptop after watching Marr this morning.
Marr, empathising with his ‘paper reviewers over the SaVILE stories; over the stories of groping at the BBC. A culture that according to Toksvig still exists.
Of course Marr can indeed empathise. Only a few weeks ago he was photographed with his hands down a Beeboid’s knickers (that’s assuming she was wearing some).
Marr better watch out.
One thing to be rather outed as the very ongoing predator the BBC is appalled to think may exist within its ranks since, well, last week, but quite another to have the boss of their main PR client accuse him of being a stooge for the Conservatives…
I wonder if Dopey Dave’s ‘people’ and Andrew’s ‘people’ came to an understanding on what would not be asked by either side in the cause of mutually assured troughing.
Just imagine how long it would take Leveson to investigate these scandals.
Where’s my judge-led inquiry?
Just when you thought it was safe to travel the Oxford/Paddington rail network, unmolested by the man who was one of the highest paid vagrants in Britain, think again. Mark ‘Scruff’ Thompson is back, & he’s full of it. This gem comes from BLUEPRINT, the Staff mag for the Univ. of Oxford.
‘Mark Thompson, who has just stepped down from his post as D-G of the BBC, will be lecturing at Oxford next month following his appointment as Humanitas Visiting Professor in…Rhetoric & the Art of Public Persuasion.
His lectures will analyse the language of political debate in the UK/USA, examining the role of both the media & politicians in defining & restricting the way complex policies are discussed.
The Humanitas visiting professorships…created by Lord Weidenfeld…the programme is managed & funded by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, supported by generous benefactors.
Mr Thompson, himself an Oxford humanities graduate, will give lectures at St Peter’s College Chapel: on Healthcare & Rhetoric; on Science & Argument…& on War & Morality. He will also take part in a symposium with…Andrew ‘Groper-General’ Marr, David Willetts, Polly Toynbee & Gus O’Donnell…to discuss how language shapes public debate. The lecture series…is called ‘The Cloud of Unknowing’.
Can’t provide you with direct link, due to computer problems, but if you want free tickets, visit:
Can’t wait to hear ‘Scruff’ cut loose & dish the dirt on those long years of cruel incarceration in the Beeboid Biodome. Go for it, Thommo!
Link seems to have worked, after all.
Lecture 1:
Islam -how preferential treatment and censored language operates at INBBC.
I just knew the tone of the article from the second I saw the headline.
Having hounded the Catholic Church for its paedophile cover ups was one thing-as long as your OWN organisation-the Church of Liberal Humanism- was in a position to cast judgements and moralise on the same issue.
Having hounded bankers and the like for their greed and tax avoidance/evasion strategies, the BBC only had any right to preach and cast the first stones as long as its OWN High Priests and prophets of the Pink Socialist New Age of Green Growth were putting forth THEIR “broad shoulders” to bear the burden” for the mess left by their pals from 1997-2010.
There are no other issues in town today for the BBC…they housed paedo rings, sheltered the perps and paid them off the books , so they could fiddle their tax bills.
Now Green did one perhaps-Savile did another-only the BBC itself actually did both these “evils”; yet castigated anyone who didn`t do it in their name!
No further questions your Honour…except we need a NEW Savile Enquiry….shouldn`t cost so much and will actually ensure we lose that Northern Line of “slebs and pervs” who were happy enough to keep Jim fixed.
No wonder the Beeb don`t want one-that is the only reason why we MUST have one.
And if Rochdale and Rotherham are not loosely linked, I`ll be surprised…
Chris, it will only go the same way as Balen.
INBBC uses FC Barcelona for gratuitous Gaza propaganda v. Israel.
“Why Spain’s greatest football match, El Clasico, matters to Palestinians”
By Jon Donnison
BBC News, Gaza City.
Note, the anti-Israel INBBC’s Donnison does not present a report from e.g. Tel Aviv on this.
“Hamas boycotts Barcelona over Schalit tickets”
“An Englishman will burn his own bed to kill a flea”.
Apparently this is an Arab saying…what a joke!
That the worlds finest club side can`t even give a ticket to a match to an Israeli kid who suffered at the hands of the Palestinians is an utter disgrace…and tells you all you need to know about the scummy grievance mongers that “represent” the Palestinian peoples!
Joyless, stony hearted, evil whiners and attention seeking shits who could start a fight among themselves in a minibar!
Truly the BBCs kinda people.
Let`s hope true football fans run the Hamas Hate and Hypocrites out of town into the Dead Sea where they belong.
Wonderful File on 4 on at the moment. Apparently anti state wimmin are sueing the government because they were shafted, literally and figuratively, by secret policemen.
No doubt about where the BBC sympaties lie!
‘suing …. because they were shafted..
These lovely ladies… Mau Mau apprentice sushi chefs… Afghanistan pioneer Thomas Cook trainees… all getting a pretty decent hearing, if not hefty support from certain quarters of the media.
However, young British girls…. not so much.
In fact from one segment of said media, up to their ears in abuse stories, the only recourse would appear to be to make a complaint… and then see it get ‘investigated’ before being found without merit.
There appears to be a significant difference.
But I am darned if I can figure what it is.
Must be one of those many ‘uniques’ you hear about.
Wonder how these anti-state wimmin feel about shafting of minors facilitated and swept under carpets if not covered up by state organs?
Come on, be fair! Marr was just doing what 99% of blokes coming out of ‘Costa Dorada’ on Hanway Street at 2.30 in the morning pis*ed have been doing with their female companions for thirty years…
Muslim Brotherhood supporting INBBC yet to report this:
“Egypt: Muslims open fire on Christian’s home hours after Morsi promises to protect Christians”
the BBC is full of socialist bum bandits
like Hollywood
The whole media/entertainment world seems to have a abnormal amount of people who are homsexuals.
Some are great talents such as Sir Ian mckellen and some losers like Owen Jones.
If the BBC employed more homosexuals like Sir Ian mckellen instead of Owen Jones then it might be a better broadcaster.
Oh dear, time for Gavin Esler to invite on another specially selected Dateline London panel of ‘journalists’ to re-educate the audience that in fact it is the British Empire who is doing the sabre rattling.
Didn’t last long before closing; I wonder why?