1. Dave666 says:

    No suprises. Situation normal all f***ed up or SNAFU as we used to say.


  2. George R says:

    Yes, this is INBBC’s Mr Donnison relegating the significance of Islamic jihad Hamas (Donnison’s ‘militants’) imposition of a ban on viewing FC Barcelona in Hamas-controlled areas.

    At the same time Donnison uses a cheap propaganda shot of using the suggestion that Israel is the opposition which the local Muslims want to lose:


    “Everyone loves a winner.

    “But Palestinians seem to have a particular affinity for the club. [ FC Barcelona]

    “‘We can identify with the Catalans and their struggle against the great power of Madrid, like the way we struggle against Israel,’ one supporter in Ramallah told me with a slightly far-fetched simile.”

    -But Donnison is happy to use a far-off football match as a political platform for his ant-Israel bile.

    Anyway the result was:

    Barcelona 2 Real Madrid 2.

    Will Donnison visit e.g. Tel Aviv to get some less vitriolic views on Spanish football?


  3. Earls court says:


    • ROBERT BROWN says:

      Powerful stuff from France, we need this stuff too…..


    • dez says:

      Charming video, brought to you by Earls Court and the White Supremacists of “Bloc Identitaire”. A group formed by former members of the “National Front” and the virulently anti-Semitic “Unité Radicale”.
      But to be fair, they don’t just hate Blacks and Jews; they also hate Muslims. So perhaps they’re not that bad after all… Whaddya think Earls?


  4. George R says:

    Talking of FRANCE:

    “France: Police shoot dead Muslim involved in jihad attack on Jewish shop after he started shooting at them”



  5. Jeremy Clarke says:

    I don’t think this is a bad article, to be honest.

    In many ways – take the Sarsak/Shalit business – it shows how petty the I-P conflict can be.

    Donnison also points out that thousands of Gazans gave a resounding two fingers to the Hamas thugs, who demanded the game should not be screened.

    I sincerely hope Hamas tries this sort of thing again – Haniyeh and his cronies will be thrown into the Med faster than it takes Messi to score a hat-trick.


  6. George R says:

    Mr Donnison supports Bolton Wanderers, nicknamed ‘The Trotters’ because their gound used to back on to a piggery.

    How would this information go down with his Islamic chums?


  7. George R says:

    “BBC Gaza spin is deliberately pro-Hamas”
