Here’s an interesting little video which shows just why climate sceptics have an uphill battle against the BBC.
Richard Black is ‘informing’ fellow journalists of the ‘facts’ surrounding various controversies….’myths’ as he calls them.
Note how he does not raise the very considerable questions that pour doubt upon the credibility and impartiality of the various inquiries into the CRU email hacking saga.
Black raises the ‘research’ done by B.E.S.T into surface temperatures….stating it is proof of AGW….no mention of the rather obvious problem….that one of the scientists completely refuses to be associated with the ‘research’ as she believes it draws the wrong conclusions and that the chief scientist is a proven pro-AGW advocate.
Black pours scorn on the notion that warming has stopped since 1998 (despite Phil Jones CRU admitting it had)…it is just a plateau for Black (it could well be).
However, he is quite prepared to use upper atmosphere temperature drop over a similar period to try and prove that the sun does not affect global warming….no plateau there then!
And all this is on the back of Prof Steve Jones report into BBC impartiality in science reporting….the same Jones whose career was ‘saved’ by the BBC as he couldn’t get any funding for his research….and then along came the telly with bag loads of cash.
When BBC reporters are fed this line of tosh is there any wonder that we do not get a proper debate on the subject….it is no less than brain washing by Black with a flood of misleading information.
I would be more impressed if the BBC College of Journalism also had some credible ‘sceptics’ on board giving their take on events….otherwise Black was merely pushing propaganda.
Fixed your link for you:
Also came across this interesting video; which could explain why headlines on the BBC website sometimes appear a little clunky and disjointed.
Or alternatively it’s all part of a marco-leninist plot to install an Islamist World Government…
‘Or alternatively it’s all part of a marco-leninist plot to install an Islamist World Government…’
Oh now I thought you were a true believer Dezzzy ? I thought only Skeptics were the ‘conspiracy theorists ‘?
Fascinating videos both. One like knight inquisitor brought to the seminary to instruct novitiates how to defend the received truth against the lies of heretics
The other Instruction on how best to spread that one true faith to the flock.
What happened to a journalists relentless search for the truth with out fear or favour?
Thanks for that Dez.
Any link to the Islamist world government? People should know about it.
Don’t forget flouride in water and GMO’s.
The NWO are using them to dumb everyone down so they become Socialists.
Dez and Nicked Emu must of had extra large doses of this because they leftys through and through.
On Sunday evening I was watching a very enjoyable programme about the Barrier Reef…admittedly with only half an eye. I hadn’t watched the beginning but we had interesting footage of turtles laying eggs and sad scenes showing them not making it back to the sea… and then it started. Pictures of the coral reef with white edges…because the sea tempertaure rises…when it cools the creatures that create the colour are taken into the coral….but then the presenter states that with global warming the coral will remain white for too long and be unable to reabsorb these bacteria and the reason for the warming was carbon dioixide. I swithced off. Why does every ‘nature’ programme now have to have a moralising section about global warming.
Deborah, I did the very same thing. The presenter is Monty Halls. He normally doesn’t do the climate change stuff, which is why I like his programmes, but now I shall be turning off if he tries to lie to me again.
Am I the only one when commenting on this site manages to write about ten lines…and then the comment box keeps scrolling back to the beginning and I cannot see what I am typing?
I didn’t ‘swithced’ off in the above comment…but of course ‘switched’ off.
No, it happens to me, too…
I’d hoped to see and end to this lefty cobblers..
Repetitive HARRABIN: high-cost Beeboid greenie as outright propagandist for E.U diktats on climate dogma.
Note the deviousness of e.g this paragraph:
“Experts in media and marketing” [such as propagandist Harrabin himself] “have criticised politicians in the past for failing to show people how climate policies could make their own lives better in the short term, as well as reducing planetary risk in the longer term.”
In contrast, Christopher Booker, a proper ‘environment analyst’ has this:
“Yet by next March, we learn, five of our largest coal-fired plants, capable of supplying a fifth of our average power needs, are to be shut down, much earlier than expected, under an EU anti-pollution directive.”
The BBC will relentlessly push the AGW agenda because it’s f-all to do with climate change and everything to do with re-distribution of wealth, or ‘social justice’ as the hapless Prescott let slip at one climate change conference.
The BBC – about as balanced as a 300ft wind turbine on the end of George Monbiot’s plonker.