Oh another week begins. BBc plows onward. The con-servatives want to limit how many children you have..well hey didn’t wxactly say it but they implied it. Osbourne talks about automatic benefit increases for having more children. Damn right! Having had the dubious pleasure of working in the benefit system for almost two decades (working, not claiming)in my opinion about time they stopped financially rewarding claiments for having children. Wait for the BBc shock horror outrage campaign in the unlikely event the goverment actually does anything.
As I predicted at 8:51 the bbc has wheeled out someone to whinge that it would be bad if Mr Taxpayer didn’t fork out increased payments for benefit claiments increasing their family. As if by magic “noddy woman” (with “4 children” whoop whoop) appears, (@14:40 when I turned on the news) from 4Children (Who?) http://www.4children.org.uk/Home
Oh yes now I remember they were mentioned on the news this morning on their survey about woman and men increasing their drinking after the birth of their first child, or something like that?
Oh dear how sad. I had one child because that’s what I worked out that we could afford giving us and the child a financially comfortable lifestyle. Unlike the bloke who lives down the Road who has five (yes 5) children in a 3 bedroom semi ( they aren’t that big. Thats £60.50 in child benefit on it’s own – one is 19 so is too old if you know the rates.
It’s their choice to have a big family not mine.
Funny isn`t it?
The BBC (and the liberal broadsheets, Channel4 etc) seem always to find those “genuine hard cases” that will suffer if the Tories ever dare to cut a benefit…no matter, what benefit, no matter how much…not ever!
God knows how they find them-all I see round here are shell suited slouching babayfathers with Council Molls pushing the Stella where a baby ought to be!
Which got me thinking-couldn`t we ensure that only those the BBC and the liberal broadsheets/Channel 4 get to interview-only THEY are the genuine claimants…all the others who aren`t luvved up by Kirsty and Jon-they must be that feckless majority that I seem to know exist.
Are the feckless scrounging poor only doing a Savile-and are invisible and unknown to the liberal elite?
God knows how you can not only see them like Sir James-but you can smell that air of state funded arrogance and entitlement as well.
Hell-smells like Beeb spirit eh?
Monday morning, and the beginning of yet another week of BBC bias. And Auntie has wasted not time in getting down to business.
Firstly, in the hour or more of the ‘Today’ programme I heard before breakfast, I noted that the BBC had interviewed any number of Tories or ‘Tory supporters’, but strangely, every single one of them, without exception, had a bone to pick with the government, and Evan Davis in particular, was happy to supply as much ammunition as possible. And then there wae the ‘Boris’ thing, whereby. at every possible opportunity, BBC reporters were gleefully reflecting how ‘difficult’ things would be for David Cameron, given Boris’ popularity. Now, of course, we should remember that this behavious perfectly reflects the interviews being done last week when covering the Labour Party confernece, and esp[ecially with ‘Our Ed’s’ little local difficulty oncerning the vastly superior popularity of his brother. Oh, wait a minute…..
And then there’s the almost endless parade of people being schooled in how to absolve the BBC from any blame whatsoever (and any public enquiry, natch) in the Jimmy Saville affair. There was the ‘… attitudes to this sorty of behaviour have changed remarkably over the last 20 years…..across the business world as a whole…’ argument, and the ‘… but surely this wasn’t particularly a BBC issue, other media enterprises were also involved…’ excuse, and the ubiquitous ‘ ”’well, this happened long ago, senior management knew nothing about any of this, and we need to move on…’ approach. Of course, this perfectly reflects the BBC attitude to the run-up to the Leveson enquiry, wherre the BBC were to the fore with the ‘…this all happened some time ago, was acceptable then, and now attitudes have changed..’ approach, their ‘…and let’s not forget the the blagging and hacking was undertaken by all sorts of media interests, and not just the Murdoch empire…’ and the general acceptance that ‘…people didn’t know it was going on, e.g. with Coulson and Murdoch Jr…’ Oh, wait a minute…
And then we mioved on to the ‘… people must pay their fair cut to the taxman…’ – perfectly in line with its approach to encouraging its own employees not to avoid tax by setting up personal private companies, and its corruscating condemnation of the Guardian Group off-shoring swathes of its income to avoid UK taxes whilst shoving itself so far up the BBC’s backside to get business. Oh, wait a minute…
It’s not just hypocrisy, the central philosophy of the whole BBC is doing immense damage to British society and British interests. I do not want to pay for this but I am legally compelled to.
How ironic that the period when sexual assault was tolerated at the BBC is the same period during which ex-DG Thompson described the Corporation as having a “massive bias to the Left”.
There’s a lesson to be learned there, but I can quite think what it is…..
And then there was the geezer from Reading University, still trying to convince us that the wet summer has been due to the planet warming (when it hasn’t since 1998), and it was all due to the Atlantic being warm which might be natural, but probably our fault as well.
Of course, he failed to inform us that this is quite normal, is called the North Atlantic Oscillation, and is cyclical and usually follows behind the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, which is turning cold.
And whatever happened to the hot dry summers we were promised?
Combined with alarming rises in sea levels, I’d calculated it could only be a matter of a few years before I was taking an annual tropical holiday on a palm-fringed beach just west of Nantwich.
The young fat lad who sung ‘snowman’ was interviewing Mary Robinson on Sunday morning. She nicely rotated from one teat-sucking job to another, President of Ireland to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. In the latter position she could of course see the devastation global warming had wreaked with droughts in Africa, and of course (as proof) there was that ‘iconic’ picture of the polar bear on the ice floe.
What the snowman boy could have pointed out in the name of balance (but didn’t) was that ‘many believe’ that AGW is a colossal con, that California would be 70% desert without – hallo-o – irrigation, that polar bears can swim, and that ice floes melt in summer.
In other news, former head twat, Mark Thompson, who (laughingly) believes This Week to be ‘not a political programme’ now (laughingly) tries to convince us that he’d never heard the Jimmy Saville rumours.
Funny how I’d heard them at least twenty years ago.
Funny also how all the droids ‘heard’ the rumours but none of them apparently ‘started’ the rumours.
Don’t suppose the droids will be calling for alevesonstyleinquiry on this one.
‘tries to convince us that he’d never heard the Jimmy Saville rumours.’
The way things are going, he must have been the only one who didn’t.
I wasn’t aware that Alzheimer’s was contagious, but whatever selective version it was that struck Michael Aspel appears to have passed through the entire corporation.
Woman’s hour – back to their favourite topic – abortion – can’t ever debate it – there’s the woman’s hour view and then there’s the wrong view. What are the litmus tests of radio 4? abortion and homophilia. Some tory MP is trying to say something else but presenter isn’t having any of it. Gawd help us all – I wish they would do this with their own money and not mine.
The BBC think of themselves as the answer to all the questions we fail to ask….much as Lisa Simpson was described by Ned Flanders when having a funnyturn.
1. Listen to the language from Birmingham…Boris was “charging round” Grant Shapps was “trying to keep the troops happy”…we who have long observed the BBC KNOW what the game is….that Dez and Chums seem to think we don`t ,only shows that Libleftluvvies are as stupid as we know them all to be.
2. The likes of Mary Robinson are speed dial exotica that smell of Brussels and Clintons…so always get the free ride along the M4 and home to Auntie for a debriefing. Anyone else note Angela Knight having moved effortlessly over to defending Energy Companies…wasn`t she the Banking sandbag a year or so back? Add LaGarde and Jardine, Greenfield-and you have Womans Hours Warlocks(Warnocks?) for any ishoo that troubles the wives and mothers(more likely mothers) of the elite.
3. The Police must do their job eh?…the one we never bothered ourselves to do?….will someone from the Beeb tell us when an enquiry is “demanded”…or when it might be a nice idea when we`ve all cleared our desks and shredded our ISP details?
4. I want to know now if Evan is freelance like Humph syas he is…and why is Paxman a structured company, whereas Flanders is a walking contract.#
It`s MY BBC as John Birt once said…and his exotic tax arrangements clearly set the template…oh, and what category was Savile paid under then?
It being MY BBC…I`d like to know a little more about how they get my pocket money paid to them….have I the right to know?…I think I do!
10;45 in the debate a woman blats on about how she and her family are all employed but still need benefits as the working wage isn’t enough BUT when asked how much she earns, she doesn’t know. I detect a manipulation of the truth as is the case with most of the bleating on this show.
The same woman mentioned that she worked, but was ‘studying full-time’. How can she expect to get what she considers a ‘proper working wage’ when she’s studying full-time?
The whole audience seemed to be populated by teachers or NHS workers.
‘mentioned that she worked, but was ‘studying full-time’.
Novel. Unique, even.
One has to wonder what she is studying.
Given she appears unaware of the wage she is unhappy with, maybe’s she another afflicted with Mr. Aspel’s forgetfulness once in the presence of the BBC?
Or a career as a cherry vulture here is suggested, where leaping to broadcast anger and affront about that which you have no clue appears a mandatory.
In other words, she is working, claiming benefits and claiming a grant, and she is not entitled to much of the money she is claiming and does not want to get caught, so “forgets” pertinent information. The BBC will overlook her criminal fraud to use her to attack the tories.
200 invited anti-government guests, all either quango mouthpieces on expenses or folk with a personal grudge, plus VD (Victoria Derbyshire), all given free rein against Conservative MPs. And her most important contribution was to ask Shaps about his use of a nom-de-plume some years ago. Nothing like getting the the heart of our nation’s troubles eh VD? The BBC, the national broadcaster with the mindset of a tabloid.
BBC discussion this morning about the new drug on the streets “Annihilation”. Usual grave concern from the staff interviewer along the lines of the statest “How can we stop this danger to our youngsters?” Not the slightest consideration of the stupidity of those who try such drugs. The constant reiteration of such a line perpetuates the lie that it can only be the state, rather than personal responsibility, that can solve the problems of society.
BBC coverage of the Tory conference is little more than a anti-conservative campaign.
A quick listen to BBC radio this morning revealed that they were determined to pursue every anti-Tory line they possibly could. The three main stories were: Tory splits over Europe, the threat of a Boris challenge for PM, and how, according to a BBC survey, the Tories were “out of touch”.
Did anybody notice the almost throwaway line in last nights Countryfile? The presenter had visited lthis large country house, and remarked that the occupants were (and I’m paraphrasing) “Forward thinking visionaries: Liberals in the 19th century, and Socialists in the 20th”. Thus insinuating that Socialism=progressive, forward thinking, and Conservatism=regressive backwards thought. Good one, BBC. You almost got away with it.
One final thing: today’s freeview version of Ceefax has, under their paper review, one of the most biased reviews I’ve ever read. If you have freeview, I’d recommend that you take a look. You might become apoplectic.
Curiouser and curiouser
Last week I posted a YOUTUBE clip on this site of Michael Aspel denying he had ever met Jimmy Savile, yet in a clip shown a moment later on the same show we saw Aspel hosting Savile’s “This Is Your Life” episode – which Michael says he did not host.
I decided to check Aspel’s assertion (after all, we can’t believe our eyes, can we!) and found that on IMDB the host for Savile’s “This is Your life” is listed as Eamonn Andrews. The problem is that the show was transmitted in January 1970 and Andrews died in November 1987.
I thought the answer appeared simple: Savile is one of the few celebrities considered so wonderful he was on “This Is Your life” TWICE! I assumed that Andrews was the host on the first show and Aspel was host on the second.
However, the first time Savile was “Lifed” was in 1970 and the second in 1990. Andrews was dead for both shows. Does that mean that Aspel hosted Savile twice? Surely not. He’d remember that, wouldn’t he?
To confuse matters even more Savile was interviewed by Anthony Clair (and didn’t he do a good job?!?!) on “Is This Your Life?” Guess you can depend on a media psychiatrist to get to the truth!
Its all so confusing. I’m going to lie down and leave the ironic last word to the Tremeloes
So the BBC line is that child sex abuse was acceptable in the 1960s – 1970s is it? They do not have such a view for the paedophile priests of the 60s – 70s do they? When a Catholic abuses children, it is rightly considered a sick power strip of sexual depravity and perversion.
Yet when it is one (or now several) of their own? “It was a laugh, the girls were groupies and wanted it.”
They push the same sort of line over the white children brutally gang raped by Pakistani Moslems. “They were asking for it!”
The BBC is a very very sick organisation and should be closed down.
5live, anoon, r bacon, liz kershaw, apparently assaulted, inappropriate fondling of breasts whilst air? and when complaining, – “well didn t you enjoy it whats wrong are you lesbian?”
hmm the plot sickens
The great (sadly too infrequent blogger) Venerable Bede: Weighs in on Saville http://venerablebeads.blogspot.co.uk/
The BBC loved all the Catholic-bashing, needless to say. How could they not? Iconoclasm, counterculturalism, anti-(western) religion, secular piousness and lots of sex: all it lacked was a link to Israel. They couldn’t get enough of it – in their strictly impartial way, of course.
Well, I don’t hate the Roman Catholic Church, but I do hate the BBC, so I’m hoping my atheist pals will be just as willing to support me today. After all, they clearly loathe the sexual exploitation of minors. Why else would they have taken to the streets in such numbers?
Will they join me if I propose a march against the BBC?
Or will they start saying bizarre things like: “You can’t indict an entire institution simply because some of its members behave reprehensibly”?
Really? Can you not?
Where’s the difference, really – except that the evidence against the higher echelons of the BBC turning a blind eye to what its priests were getting up to is looking a whole lot stronger than the personal case against Ratzinger ever did?
While the Reverend Fix-It was having his way in the vestry, while Saint Esther of the Consumers was keeping her counsel and Cardinal Gambaccini sat piously on his hands and waited for someone else to come forward, and while the establishment rallied round to ensure that even when they did they were dismissed as fantasist party-poopers, what can we say of the great and venerable institution itself?
At best, that it looked the other way, which is not a defence I remember cutting much ice with the God-haters.
And when I say ‘at best’, I bloody well mean it.
And yet, even now, there will be no enquiry. So there my analogy with the Catholics breaks down.
The devil makes work for idle hands, those old priests used to say. And some of them forgot to heed their own words. But few hands are as spectacularly idle as a disc jockey’s, few churches as sand-built as post-war pop culture, few institutions as ruinous as the BBC.
I recall that last week on one day the BBC led with the story that a Tory cabinet minister wanted the abortion limit reduced. All day this story was being pushed and then seemed to vanish.
This sounded to me like a clear case of attempting to set an agenda. The usual suspects were wheeled on to attack him. That this story never got going was rather odd.
Abortion and equal homosexual marriage rights are almost sacred causes to the liberal left. I think they were trying to pre empt an attack by reactionary forces ( their definition) on one of these .
r. bacon anoon 5live
liz kershaw, assaulted, inappropriate breast fondling whilst she was trying to broadcast, when complaining told
“why? don t you like it?, not a lesbian? are you”
dear dear … possible ahem! “culture” problem? an inference? …
yep! thats right at the … ‘smug sanctimonious politically correct self-appointed liberal/moronic moral guardians of our diverse and multicultural society’ corp.
hmm … the plot sickens
oh! … and old “obamaboy” bacon appears to be subdued about the romney “gaffe” wagon too. :-D, pulling in some lefty mate from the comedy circuit, as a commentator and beebot lard mardell? ….
hmmm that figures.
oh! also … the bbc hears that its beloved syrian “islamist/militant/rebel/freedom fighters”
appear to have been getting all kinds of help from (islamist sympathising) gulf states
well … no sh-t shylock – just where has this erm “news”? corp been eh!
So did anybody read the bBC article on the Election win by Hugo Chavaz and what will happen next? What now for Venezuela’s economy?
Have a butchers at how the bBC promote’s this view that life under Chavez is a lot better: If you compare life under Mr Chavez with the previous 20 years, under a now discredited two-party system widely blamed for rampant corruption, the Chavez era is preferable.
Nothing about the chronic power shortages where rolling 20 minute cuts across the country are now the norm. (Which is on top of daily 4 hour powercut every evening)
Nothing about the chronic food shortages
Nothing about the resulting high price of food.
(Do a goggle on shortages in Venezuela and read the top article)
Nothing about the water shortages
Nothing about one of the worlds highest murder rates.
Oh the article does hint, but hint as in passing ships through the night.
Instead the bBC sing’s “keep the red flag flying high”
In which to express to the world that Socialism is alive and working which is why they end with: If Mr Capriles had won, he and his team of advisers were preparing to take an axe to that extensive network of petro-diplomacy. But now most countries in the Caribbean, already suffering from a decline in tourism because of the global economic downturn, will be breathing sighs of relief that Venezuela’s economic lifeline will not disappear any time soon.
Subtle hint at the current British Government perhaps?
Yeah, but with petrol at only 5 cents a litre, it has to be a paradise for owners of big gas guzzling 4x4s… Strange that the Beeb seem to be quiet about that bit.
A joy to hear Evan Davis giving us what ought to be our agenda for this week…well a couple of pointless truffles anyway.
None of that tax dodging stuff at the BBC…and nothing new about Sir James Savile…not in front of the children if you don`t mind…oh, wait…HOW old did you say you were my dear?
So Evan contents himself with the vandalism of Rothkos masterpiece at Tate Modern…Davis hated to give the consequent publicity to Vladimir and his “yellowism”>
But wait-hasn`t the BBC told me that piss on a crucifix is “rad”,” street”,” edgy” and “not for you squares or cultural Philistines”?
Ah no, not when Will Gompertz has a sad face…this is VANDALISM I tells yer guv, not art!
Get over yourselves lads…just a bit of permamarker on a block of colour…if you read what Tate put up on the walls there, the science should be a breeze!
Evan would like a law against it though I`d say…the Beebs answer to anything it`s not organising or pointing its cameras at.
Next up-some Glasgow “herbal incense” that doubles as a legal high. Evan of course didn`t want to advertise it..but his producer did a good advert for it in a shouty voice for us.
It`s called Annihilation…available at BBC Scotland before the Beebers bring it down with their young friends to Kings Cross. Meet you at the buffet boys!
Evan does wonder though if Health and Safety Law could cover this…what, no laws? Surely HSE covers everything.
Poor Evan!
Now that I`m not able to give to Jimmy Saviles cheridee via Children In Need, I`m wondering who now to run for in the coming half marathon.
Maybe the John Pilger/Jemima Khan charity set up to reimburse them for losing the bail money for Julian Assange.
So sad, sales of truffled paninis around Islington may well drop…bloody Tories eh?
Compare the anti-Semitite@bBC.Com Turkey Turkey responds to Syrian mortar fire in Akcakale Turkish artillery has returned fire on Syria for a fifth day after a mortar landed in a border village.Five people were killed in a similar incident, reportedly in the same street in the village, Akcakale, last week.
So the bBC reports impartially when Muslims shell…Muslims. In fact the bBC goes to great pains in which to say that Turkey is actually quite justified in returning fire to those idiots across the border who like to lob mortars into the neighbours back year. I quote: Sunday’s shell in Akcakale landed in the grounds of a public building near the centre of the village, but there were no casualties as people had already been evacuated, Turkish NTV said. Media and local officials said Turkey immediately returned fire. An Associated Press journalist said at least six mortars could be heard.
Wednesday’s incident in Akcakale triggered international condemnation. The UN Security Council said the incident showed the “grave impact” of the Syrian crisis on “regional peace and stability”.Turkey’s retaliation was the first time Ankara had taken military action across the border since the Syrian uprising began. And on the next day, Turkey’s parliament authorised troops to launch cross-border operations and strike at Syrian targets for a period of one year. On Friday, Turkey moved tanks and anti-aircraft missiles into Akcakale, though Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country did not want war.
Now read up on how the bBC reports the same thing when Jews are the victims: Israel launches strikes on Gaza after rocket fire The Israeli military has carried out strikes on the Gaza Strip after Palestinian militants fired about 50 mortar rounds and rockets into Israel.Several children were among those injured when Israeli forces shelled areas east of Khan Younis.Earlier, rockets launched from Gaza landed in Israel’s Eshkol region and near Kerem Shalom. No-one was hurt
Notice the more condemning reporting style from the bBC when the jews hit back, Oh and those strikes from the IDF 20 tank shells and 1 airstrike.
Turkey on the other hand is on its sixth day of firing back. Yet nowhere in the bBCs turkish article do they show a picture of a man running with a baby in his hand.
I’m sure your friendly pro-western (chuckle) rebel forces would like nothing better than Turkey to enter the war, you would almost think it would be worth their while chucking a couple of morters north? Naaaa – surely not.
The bBC, the mouth piece for radical Islam Linda Norgrove: Afghan kidnappers ‘told her she would live’ The aid worker who died in Afghanistan during an attempt to free her two years ago was told by her captors they were not going to kill her, it has emerged. Linda Norgrove, from Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, had been working in the country when she was kidnapped.
Former colleagues have told a BBC Alba documentary that her captors told Ms Norgrove she was only being held hostage as a bargaining tool. The 36-year-old was killed by a US grenade during a failed rescue attempt…..Colleagues still working in the country told BBC Alba that her captors told Ms Norgrove they did not intend to kill her. She was led to believe she was being held captive to secure the release of rebel prisoners and would be set free when that happened.The programme also shows images of Ms Norgrove’s kidnappers that she took herself on her camera and phone before she was killed.
Well what do you know, The bBC is telling me that the relgious bigots who go around kidnapping westerners and chopping their heads off in darkest Afghanistan hasd no intention of killing their captive and that photos they took of themselves with their hostage on her camera phone (As if they were going to let her keep it) proves that actually they were men of honour who believe in peace.
You couldn’t make up this shite in a month of Sundays.
I guess those savages told Ken Bigley they didn’t intend to cut his head off either.
What a stupid bunch of cnuts these morons are.
FFS This ought to get wider publicity.
Oh my, what nice cuddly, friendly terroristas they are, all friendly and sweet. Savage bastards all of them.
almost as bad as their apologists!
Belated comment about last night’s Stephen Nolan show on Radio 5. He had what I thought was a reasonable discussion, not particularly biased, with Michael Fallon MP. But the selection of telephone callers afterwards was back to the usual bBBC. First caller, “Amber”, claimed to be an “ex-Tory Party member” – which probably got her to the top of their phone-callers list – but read a script straight from the Socialist (non) Workers Party handbook. The NHS is going to disappear, schools are going to disappear … the usual drivel.
48.20 onwards at http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01n6098/Stephen_Nolan_07_10_2012/
Sounds like the bBBC has carefully selected from their list of Marxists, or has been duped again.
Jeremy Vine was in full flow today condemning Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson’s comments. Before she got on to say her piece he compared it to Romney’s ‘gaff’ (i.e. when he told the truth). He made up his own story about whether people who worked in the public sector were on ‘benefits’ or not. Indeed was the BBC Scotland correspondent on ‘benefits’ too? Then we had an SNP guy spouting rubbish re. Norway and oil.
Finally Ruth Davidson got to say her piece very clearly that essentially most HOUSEHOLDS contributed less than the GOVERNMENT spent on their behalf. Vine, as usual, completely ignored this and said how complicated it was and did public sector workers count in this calculation.
Of course if you don’t have a Beeb-brain it should be obvious that many households with children and possibly elderly grandparents are paying tax on only one income while the much larger costs of free schooling, health care, infrastructure support, defence spending, EU-danegeld tax etc. are being spent on their behalf.
I try to avoid BBC news for the sake of my blood pressure, but I have just caught a bit where a Conservative MP had to defend a policy proposal about workers rights from a left-wing Union woman – Lisa Johnson of the GMB. It’s irrelevant how it went as much as did anyone who does watch the BBC see a Conservative on last week to discuss Labour proposals? I would very much doubt it.
Ann Diamond up next to give her verdict on Boris Johnson and whether he will replace Cameron. If Dimwit Dez or any of the other BBC droids claim that the BBC is impartial it will invalidate any other claim they ever make.
BBC Breakfast was dreadful as usual this morning. The low point came during an interview with Donald Trump. His only interview given to the British media on this visit was conducted by a lady called Steph who is described as being a Business Reporter. Sadly she managed to squander the chance to gain an insight into Trump’s business know-how but preferred to ask “Does money make you happy” and “I have to ask you about your hair”. Trump was actually very gracious in the face of such an infantile interview.
It’s wasn’t biased, just really crap.
” lady called Steph” phwoar….wonder who is groping her as she broadcasts?
oh, sorry, times have changed now at the beeb?
Errr…you sure they have changed, or are women still afraid to speak out?
Answers entwhistle?
‘times have changed now at the beeb?’
You’d hope.
Of course, securing a position based on previous positions and who you have worked under are of course no longer a consequence of anything other than talent and qualification.
I take it you didn’t see ‘Never Mind The Buzzcocks’ last night?
The treatment dished out to an American actress – references to wanking to her naked image, giving her a pie with her face on it with a cunningly placed hole where her mouth was etc – God knows what wasn’t broadcast. She took it in good part but it was a bit strong even for a late night ‘yoof’ programme.
all of the bbc is crap. they only do things for those people who cant think for themselves. also known as sheep or
x factor and big brother viewers. take your choice of descriptions. if the beeb was a uni then it would soon disappear its funding would be stopped due to mickey mouse courses and biased views . or media studies to you and me tax payers.
Tonight’s biased-BBC programme is The Town that Never Retired where Labour supporter (of course) Nick Hewer (sidekick of Labour peer Lord Alan Sugar) visits Preston and drags long-retired pensioners back into the workplace to show that the government’s raising of the pension age is unfair, unworkable and all a Conservative plot to kill off the elderly.
He is given free rein to peddle this notion (at our expense) without anyone making the basic points that when the pension age is raised in the future, people will tend to be fitter and healthier than those of the same age are now; that coming back into work after a few years of retirement is not the same as continuing in employment; that anyone with any sense gives employees training rather than expecting them to start a new job ‘in at the deep end’.
Mustn’t raise the pension age because then there’d be no excuse for mass immigration, would there? Never mind that many pensioners would already love to have a part time job rather than living in semi poverty.
Err… correct me if I’m wrong but in my memory it was Liebour who started raising the retirement age and introducing changes to benefits.
Also if any liebour supporter stars telling me about how the goverment targets the rich for tax advantages instead of the poor I’m always delighted to remind them of the 10p tax rate fiasco. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2008/apr/21/economy.labour
All these things fast disappearing down the memory hole – mainly because Tory ministers won’t remind the electorate of them when interviewed. It also took Labour (Brown) 12 years to introduce the 50p rate of tax – another open goal for the Tories to sidefoot the ball into.
How the bBC promotes this view that Islam is a religion of peace.
Judge backs doctors in Muslim man’s right-to-life case A hospital trust can withhold life-saving treatment from a severely brain-damaged Muslim man if his condition deteriorates, a court has ruled. Doctors argued it would be unfair to resuscitate the patient, known as Mr L, if his condition worsened. His family, of Greater Manchester, said that was against their Muslim faith.
So reading the above what impression of the faithful do you get? Now have a butchers at the analysis box for this article: Many devout Muslims believe that DNR orders represent a soft form of euthanasia which is strictly forbidden in Islam. According to the Koran, Muslims cannot kill, or be complicit in the killing of another, except in the interests of justice.
Yet on a day to basis for the past 10 years all we have heard is how Muslims kill others at the drop of a …..Koran.
On the whole, I’d say this hasn’t been a good week for the cherry vultures. Yes I know has had a pop at Alan’s post, but very little from the rest. Cue links to prove me wrong.
I`m not sure what the demographic of Radio 4s “listeners”. is..or should that be activists, fellow-travellers, comrades, insurgents or campaigners?…let the BBC tell us how they see their “useful tools”
For the Toady Show this morning seem to be worried that burglars in someones home might lose some rights, should the homeowner want to deal with them. Quelle horreur! Do I see a campaign or an advocacy group of disabled ex-burglars forming under BBC auspices; so we can get an advocacy group up and running for Womans Hour next week?
The BBC seems to have decided that it is there to coalesce Islam, criminals, grievance farmers and Eurospittle lickers-but always to be under the direction of paedos and tax dodgers like themselves.
If only a few of Salfords vulnerable and challenging young stoodents would find themselves drugged up, knives in hand and hoping to reclaim some of our licence fees as purloined by the likes of Savile and Carr. The BBC would obviously have to be on their side…surely!
But you see, in BBC/Guardian-land, a householder is one of the “rich” who is being handed a cheque for £40,000 by Osborne on April 6 next year and has been relieved of a justifiable tax on their ill-gotten wealth by the toxic Conservatives.
As Naughtie insisted to Cameron this morning, it’s all very well getting aggressive with a burglar but supposing the uninvited guest was a victimised youth high on drugs. Surely, instead of beating up the scrote, he should – as a “vulnerable” person – be taken (preferably in the householder’s car) to the nearest hospital for urgent treatment and then – at the householder’s expense – to the nearest spa so he could come down in comfort. OK Naughtie didn’t actually say that but that was the implication of his question and, certainly, Naughtie’s lack of sympathy for the law-abiding shone through in all its lefty glory.
So Monday Night it’s shout at the telly time again. Yes it’s the conspiracy roadshow.
These week creationism. Yes dinosaurs and humans shared the world at the same time. These people can vote! No wonder we are in the mess we are in. ” I don’t think Christianity really did to well, I don’t think evolutionary theory did too well. I think islam came out unscathed” http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01n8ls6/Conspiracy_Road_Trip_Creationism/
These “British Creationists” are a transparent proxy for US voters who won’t vote to re-elect the President. All part of the agenda in the run up to the second-most important election in human history.
I note that Gary Richardson and the BBC are happy to trumpet the opening of a state-of-the-art State Academy up in Staffordshire….excellence, vision and “investing in the future”., so I understand.
Fair enough. But what is its admissions code?
The F.As St Georges Academy of Footie hardly seems inclusive does it? First impressions are that it will only admit the already privileged and over indulged; who are doing too well as it is…John Terry, Ashley Cole, Gary Lineker to name but three.
I therefore intend to get my wheezy pals up from the Kings Arms(along with assorted nebulisers, mobility scooters and carers) to try and get places at this £10,000,000 “investment”..and we shall chain ourselves to the railings if we don`t get full grants and enhanced access to our “Footie Sciences” degree under Prof Gary Nevile.
If we say we`re gay, will that help us?…I`ll ask Fiona Millar or Mary Bostead shall I?
Now whether we choose to search for our inner hero at the ParaLympics or the proper one…we shall see how it all pans out .
The BBC are reporting ‘BBC political editor Nick Robinson said the Conservatives, under Mr Cameron’s leadership, had gone from a party promising to “hug a hoodie” to one willing to allow the public to “bash a burglar”.’
As even this BBC report admits, the phrsae ‘hug a hoodie’ was never used by David Cameron but was instead first used in a Labour party pres release, why is Nick Robinson misleading the public?
Off subject – the new comment front end is easier to post from, assuming this post works!
Sorry, unrelated to the BBC but an interesting insight into the self-loathing liberalism that blights this country; they hate the empire and so hold us all (us white English-folk) to account and yet they are happy to live here and reap the rewards which the Empire brought. They could always leave… This is why the Left have imposed multiculturalism on us; to off set their upper -class guilt. It was the upper classes that caused the atrocities in the Empire and in keeping with the old days, they continue to make the poor indigenous people of this country pay, through airbrushing them out of their own communities.
How’s it work these days? Oh yes… ‘critics are saying…’: http://order-order.com/2012/10/09/unions-pilgrims-spin-unravels-again/ ‘Last the night the BBC website ran what was basically a press release from Mark Serwotka’s PCS union damning Francis Maude’s decision to wield the axe over Pilgrims
So biased and partial on top of, it would appear, unprofessional and inaccurate. ‘It turns out these “government figures” are from 2007, under Gordon’s Labour government. What a surprise they backed taxpayer cash being spent on unions.
Guido hears that the Beeb are getting it in the neck from the Cabinet Office for failing to check this out. Union spin unravels once again…
All for just a compelled £145.50pa.
Not really the best value information to bad had, on top of the funny activities and possibel cover-ups stuff.
Hard to account for, really.
Must be a ‘unique’ thing.
I like Jimmy Savile’s kiddies’ book from 1985, ‘Stranger Danger’. I’m not sure of it describes the danger of BBC celebs, though…perhaps a reprint with a thoughtful new chapter is in order?
Remind me how aggressive Naughtie and friends were with the dysfunctional – on a human as well as ministerial level – loony PM before this one. Not as much as Naughtie was this morning on Today I’ll bet. You’d think that, such was the anger displayed by Naughtie, Cameron had just come into the studio after a bout of child-abuse in the green room – oh no, wrong example: that would have been quite OK. Cameron was accused of doing something far worse: attempting to reverse Labour’s lovefest with those living off the sweat of the taxpayer. To Naughtie – and his chums at the BBC and Labour HQ – that really is unforgiveable.
If Cameron is the best that the Tories have to offer, then we`re stuffed….
The likes of Naughtie just play at it….and still they frighten the likes of Maude, Cameron and the like.
Personally, we need a nasty party.
If those working for a paedophile sex gang and fiddling taxes as well as kids…so it turns out-are not being routinely abused for pimping off the taxpayer, and lying as a matter of course -then the Tories that the BBC presume to traduce really don`t DESERVE to be in office, let alone in power!
Which will bring the BNP/EDL types a few steps closer to the vacuum created…we can`t say it`ll be undeserved, given the vacuum of the Tories in the face of smugshits like Naughtie and Monty.
“If Cameron is the best that the Tories have to offer, then we`re stuffed….”
He’s not actually “the best” but he’s all we’re being offered. Accordingly, we are stuffed. We’ve been stuffed since at least 2005 when Cameron defeated Davis for the leadership of the Conservatives. It was at that point that the three main parties effectively merged by agreeing (tacitly if not formally) on major aspects of policy (eg climate change, “greenism”, immigration, dealing – or rather, not dealing – with Moslems, EU).
There are a few marginal matters where “disagreement” is manufactured (tax rates, “cuts”, possibly education and so on) but the reality is that – were it physically possible – the 3 parties are the cheeks of the same set of buttocks.
Naughtie fronts the BBC position that, even if Cameron is Blair-lite (or Miliband-lite) they’d rather have one of the real lefties (not a pretend one) in charge and, preferably, someone from the Labour Party. At a pinch, though, Vince running a rump government for the last 18 months of the present Parliament would be acceptable.
BTW any vacuum would be filled from the “red” left not the nationalist left. After all, the great institutions of civil society (the civil service, the universities, the media, the senior ranks of the police) have been successfully infiltrated by the bien pensant left. Not that it makes much difference: a UK run by the greens/SWP or the BNP would be equally unpleasant and incompetent.
You`re right umbongo.
I thought David Davis was a good bloke who would have walked into the Tory Party leader-that he did not was probably the single moment where personality and image trumped any pretence of substance or competence.
Tragic really.
As for the type of left that will fill the vacuum, I`m aware that it will be the IslamoFascist axis of red/green and black.
But the chavs and white trash of England won`t stand it for too long….
His record on education and particularly the way he has tackled the institutionalised leftist ideology and self-interest of the educational establishment proves in my book he will stand up to anyone. Surely the Tories’ best bet for leader.
Here’s one Labour press release that the bBBC isn’t publicising.
A study shows the country’s largest police force arrests 200 people who do not hold a British passport every day [in London], a rise of 23 per cent in the past two years. In contrast, the number of foreign criminals deported has fallen by 13 per cent since the Tory-led coalition came to power.
Labour’s Shadow Immigration Minister Chris Bryant attacked the Government’s record, saying: “Anyone coming here should stick by the rules or face the consequences. It’s successful prosecutions and swift deportations that count. Depressingly, the Tories are now removing fewer foreign offenders than before, and more are absconding. Yet again they’re letting down the police and the public.”
A Freedom of Information request to London’s Metropolitan Police revealed that they held more than 72,500 non-British nationality suspects last year.
It wouldn’t be right to broadcast the truth about the foreign takeover of our capital city.
ZephirMar 29, 03:51 Weekend 29th March 2025 “Talking to me this week, Kjersti says she’s not only astonished by the response the video got but by the…
ZephirMar 29, 03:47 Weekend 29th March 2025 I know, to many, this will seem like an irellevant Hollywood spat. But underneath it all is another example of…
JohnCMar 29, 00:31 Weekend 29th March 2025 I noticed how when they reported on Trump rallies, they included lots of negative quotes from Democrats. Totally the opposite…
JohnCMar 29, 00:28 Weekend 29th March 2025 ‘Then, the phone rang’: BBC’s Mark Lowen on being deported from Turkey https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0jgj47zx53o lol – how many is that recently…
NiborMar 29, 00:22 Weekend 29th March 2025 Why do the likes of Sky and the BBC attend and report upon political rallies, conventions etc in the USA…
JohnCMar 29, 00:14 Weekend 29th March 2025 ‘We’re digging people out with our bare hands’ https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c4gex01m7n5t As usual the BBC delight in taking other peoples suffering and…
NiborMar 28, 23:52 Weekend 29th March 2025 Radio 4 programme “The Underdogs” 11.45am last in the series Book of the Week. About the white English working class.…
tomoMar 28, 23:28 Weekend 29th March 2025 If it isn’t on the BBC it’s fake news https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/regional-news/live-fire-crews-battling-huge-10064300
tomoMar 28, 23:22 Weekend 29th March 2025 Claire Fox is going to get a visit? [img]https://i.ibb.co/p60Zsc4K/chrome-Uq49t-SGMEa.png[/img]
tomoMar 28, 23:18 Midweek 26th March 2025 Claire Fox is going to get a visit? [img]https://i.ibb.co/p60Zsc4K/chrome-Uq49t-SGMEa.png[/img]
Oh another week begins. BBc plows onward. The con-servatives want to limit how many children you have..well hey didn’t wxactly say it but they implied it. Osbourne talks about automatic benefit increases for having more children. Damn right! Having had the dubious pleasure of working in the benefit system for almost two decades (working, not claiming)in my opinion about time they stopped financially rewarding claiments for having children. Wait for the BBc shock horror outrage campaign in the unlikely event the goverment actually does anything.
As I predicted at 8:51 the bbc has wheeled out someone to whinge that it would be bad if Mr Taxpayer didn’t fork out increased payments for benefit claiments increasing their family. As if by magic “noddy woman” (with “4 children” whoop whoop) appears, (@14:40 when I turned on the news) from 4Children (Who?) http://www.4children.org.uk/Home
Oh yes now I remember they were mentioned on the news this morning on their survey about woman and men increasing their drinking after the birth of their first child, or something like that?
Oh dear how sad. I had one child because that’s what I worked out that we could afford giving us and the child a financially comfortable lifestyle. Unlike the bloke who lives down the Road who has five (yes 5) children in a 3 bedroom semi ( they aren’t that big. Thats £60.50 in child benefit on it’s own – one is 19 so is too old if you know the rates.
It’s their choice to have a big family not mine.
Oh maybe she doesn’t have 4 children she is from 4 children dooh! wonder what she gets paid from the charity.
Funny isn`t it?
The BBC (and the liberal broadsheets, Channel4 etc) seem always to find those “genuine hard cases” that will suffer if the Tories ever dare to cut a benefit…no matter, what benefit, no matter how much…not ever!
God knows how they find them-all I see round here are shell suited slouching babayfathers with Council Molls pushing the Stella where a baby ought to be!
Which got me thinking-couldn`t we ensure that only those the BBC and the liberal broadsheets/Channel 4 get to interview-only THEY are the genuine claimants…all the others who aren`t luvved up by Kirsty and Jon-they must be that feckless majority that I seem to know exist.
Are the feckless scrounging poor only doing a Savile-and are invisible and unknown to the liberal elite?
God knows how you can not only see them like Sir James-but you can smell that air of state funded arrogance and entitlement as well.
Hell-smells like Beeb spirit eh?
Monday morning, and the beginning of yet another week of BBC bias. And Auntie has wasted not time in getting down to business.
Firstly, in the hour or more of the ‘Today’ programme I heard before breakfast, I noted that the BBC had interviewed any number of Tories or ‘Tory supporters’, but strangely, every single one of them, without exception, had a bone to pick with the government, and Evan Davis in particular, was happy to supply as much ammunition as possible. And then there wae the ‘Boris’ thing, whereby. at every possible opportunity, BBC reporters were gleefully reflecting how ‘difficult’ things would be for David Cameron, given Boris’ popularity. Now, of course, we should remember that this behavious perfectly reflects the interviews being done last week when covering the Labour Party confernece, and esp[ecially with ‘Our Ed’s’ little local difficulty oncerning the vastly superior popularity of his brother. Oh, wait a minute…..
And then there’s the almost endless parade of people being schooled in how to absolve the BBC from any blame whatsoever (and any public enquiry, natch) in the Jimmy Saville affair. There was the ‘… attitudes to this sorty of behaviour have changed remarkably over the last 20 years…..across the business world as a whole…’ argument, and the ‘… but surely this wasn’t particularly a BBC issue, other media enterprises were also involved…’ excuse, and the ubiquitous ‘ ”’well, this happened long ago, senior management knew nothing about any of this, and we need to move on…’ approach. Of course, this perfectly reflects the BBC attitude to the run-up to the Leveson enquiry, wherre the BBC were to the fore with the ‘…this all happened some time ago, was acceptable then, and now attitudes have changed..’ approach, their ‘…and let’s not forget the the blagging and hacking was undertaken by all sorts of media interests, and not just the Murdoch empire…’ and the general acceptance that ‘…people didn’t know it was going on, e.g. with Coulson and Murdoch Jr…’ Oh, wait a minute…
And then we mioved on to the ‘… people must pay their fair cut to the taxman…’ – perfectly in line with its approach to encouraging its own employees not to avoid tax by setting up personal private companies, and its corruscating condemnation of the Guardian Group off-shoring swathes of its income to avoid UK taxes whilst shoving itself so far up the BBC’s backside to get business. Oh, wait a minute…
The hypocrisy hasn’t diminished one whit, I see.
It’s not just hypocrisy, the central philosophy of the whole BBC is doing immense damage to British society and British interests. I do not want to pay for this but I am legally compelled to.
How ironic that the period when sexual assault was tolerated at the BBC is the same period during which ex-DG Thompson described the Corporation as having a “massive bias to the Left”.
There’s a lesson to be learned there, but I can quite think what it is…..
And then there was the geezer from Reading University, still trying to convince us that the wet summer has been due to the planet warming (when it hasn’t since 1998), and it was all due to the Atlantic being warm which might be natural, but probably our fault as well.
Of course, he failed to inform us that this is quite normal, is called the North Atlantic Oscillation, and is cyclical and usually follows behind the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, which is turning cold.
And whatever happened to the hot dry summers we were promised?
Combined with alarming rises in sea levels, I’d calculated it could only be a matter of a few years before I was taking an annual tropical holiday on a palm-fringed beach just west of Nantwich.
The young fat lad who sung ‘snowman’ was interviewing Mary Robinson on Sunday morning. She nicely rotated from one teat-sucking job to another, President of Ireland to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. In the latter position she could of course see the devastation global warming had wreaked with droughts in Africa, and of course (as proof) there was that ‘iconic’ picture of the polar bear on the ice floe.
What the snowman boy could have pointed out in the name of balance (but didn’t) was that ‘many believe’ that AGW is a colossal con, that California would be 70% desert without – hallo-o – irrigation, that polar bears can swim, and that ice floes melt in summer.
In other news, former head twat, Mark Thompson, who (laughingly) believes This Week to be ‘not a political programme’ now (laughingly) tries to convince us that he’d never heard the Jimmy Saville rumours.
Funny how I’d heard them at least twenty years ago.
Funny also how all the droids ‘heard’ the rumours but none of them apparently ‘started’ the rumours.
Don’t suppose the droids will be calling for alevesonstyleinquiry on this one.
With respect to my reference to Mary Robinson and ‘teat-sucking’.
I meant of course ‘serving the public’.
I apologise if anyone has misconstrued my original remark.
Don’t worry, I didn’t think you were describing Robinson’s auto-erotic habits…
‘tries to convince us that he’d never heard the Jimmy Saville rumours.’
The way things are going, he must have been the only one who didn’t.
I wasn’t aware that Alzheimer’s was contagious, but whatever selective version it was that struck Michael Aspel appears to have passed through the entire corporation.
Woman’s hour – back to their favourite topic – abortion – can’t ever debate it – there’s the woman’s hour view and then there’s the wrong view. What are the litmus tests of radio 4? abortion and homophilia. Some tory MP is trying to say something else but presenter isn’t having any of it. Gawd help us all – I wish they would do this with their own money and not mine.
Abortion? No. Their favourite topic is Asian women (anything about).
Victoria’s debate 20 minutes in,
enough to make you want to cry in frustration, innit!
The BBC think of themselves as the answer to all the questions we fail to ask….much as Lisa Simpson was described by Ned Flanders when having a funnyturn.
1. Listen to the language from Birmingham…Boris was “charging round” Grant Shapps was “trying to keep the troops happy”…we who have long observed the BBC KNOW what the game is….that Dez and Chums seem to think we don`t ,only shows that Libleftluvvies are as stupid as we know them all to be.
2. The likes of Mary Robinson are speed dial exotica that smell of Brussels and Clintons…so always get the free ride along the M4 and home to Auntie for a debriefing. Anyone else note Angela Knight having moved effortlessly over to defending Energy Companies…wasn`t she the Banking sandbag a year or so back? Add LaGarde and Jardine, Greenfield-and you have Womans Hours Warlocks(Warnocks?) for any ishoo that troubles the wives and mothers(more likely mothers) of the elite.
3. The Police must do their job eh?…the one we never bothered ourselves to do?….will someone from the Beeb tell us when an enquiry is “demanded”…or when it might be a nice idea when we`ve all cleared our desks and shredded our ISP details?
4. I want to know now if Evan is freelance like Humph syas he is…and why is Paxman a structured company, whereas Flanders is a walking contract.#
It`s MY BBC as John Birt once said…and his exotic tax arrangements clearly set the template…oh, and what category was Savile paid under then?
It being MY BBC…I`d like to know a little more about how they get my pocket money paid to them….have I the right to know?…I think I do!
10;45 in the debate a woman blats on about how she and her family are all employed but still need benefits as the working wage isn’t enough BUT when asked how much she earns, she doesn’t know. I detect a manipulation of the truth as is the case with most of the bleating on this show.
The same woman mentioned that she worked, but was ‘studying full-time’. How can she expect to get what she considers a ‘proper working wage’ when she’s studying full-time?
The whole audience seemed to be populated by teachers or NHS workers.
Probably on a Monday “sickie” as they get paid when off in the public sector. Hope their bosses were listening.
‘mentioned that she worked, but was ‘studying full-time’.
Novel. Unique, even.
One has to wonder what she is studying.
Given she appears unaware of the wage she is unhappy with, maybe’s she another afflicted with Mr. Aspel’s forgetfulness once in the presence of the BBC?
Or a career as a cherry vulture here is suggested, where leaping to broadcast anger and affront about that which you have no clue appears a mandatory.
In other words, she is working, claiming benefits and claiming a grant, and she is not entitled to much of the money she is claiming and does not want to get caught, so “forgets” pertinent information. The BBC will overlook her criminal fraud to use her to attack the tories.
bBC 24 h news 11.10 am : Norman Smith asking Gauk is not the Tories the ‘nasty’ party. Nice bit of propaganda on behalf of labour.
Don’t remember Smith asking during Labour’s conference are you ‘the criminally irresponsible party’.
Or ‘are you the party of no more boom and bust?’ Imagine if the Tories had used that mantra – we’d never hear the end of it from the BBC…
200 invited anti-government guests, all either quango mouthpieces on expenses or folk with a personal grudge, plus VD (Victoria Derbyshire), all given free rein against Conservative MPs. And her most important contribution was to ask Shaps about his use of a nom-de-plume some years ago. Nothing like getting the the heart of our nation’s troubles eh VD? The BBC, the national broadcaster with the mindset of a tabloid.
VD? Some kind of disease, surely.
INBBC: forever propagandising for repressive Islamic ‘Arab Spring’, and for mass immigration from Islamic countries into Europe.
“Tunisia’s unemployed revolutionaries head to Europe”
BBC discussion this morning about the new drug on the streets “Annihilation”. Usual grave concern from the staff interviewer along the lines of the statest “How can we stop this danger to our youngsters?” Not the slightest consideration of the stupidity of those who try such drugs. The constant reiteration of such a line perpetuates the lie that it can only be the state, rather than personal responsibility, that can solve the problems of society.
BBC coverage of the Tory conference is little more than a anti-conservative campaign.
A quick listen to BBC radio this morning revealed that they were determined to pursue every anti-Tory line they possibly could. The three main stories were: Tory splits over Europe, the threat of a Boris challenge for PM, and how, according to a BBC survey, the Tories were “out of touch”.
completely off topic, but good luck on wednesday to a true modern day hero!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCqnQq86fkY?rel=0&w=560&h=315%5D
Did anybody notice the almost throwaway line in last nights Countryfile? The presenter had visited lthis large country house, and remarked that the occupants were (and I’m paraphrasing) “Forward thinking visionaries: Liberals in the 19th century, and Socialists in the 20th”. Thus insinuating that Socialism=progressive, forward thinking, and Conservatism=regressive backwards thought. Good one, BBC. You almost got away with it.
there’s little more progressive than that great touchstone of the Fabians, eugenics, is there?
One final thing: today’s freeview version of Ceefax has, under their paper review, one of the most biased reviews I’ve ever read. If you have freeview, I’d recommend that you take a look. You might become apoplectic.
It wouldn’t be based on this by any chance, would it?
“Newspaper review: Papers analyse Tory direction”
Followed by the Independent, The Guardian, The Mirror and, finally, The Express.
That was meant to be a reply to Jonathan 🙁
That’s it. Word for word identical.
Curiouser and curiouser
Last week I posted a YOUTUBE clip on this site of Michael Aspel denying he had ever met Jimmy Savile, yet in a clip shown a moment later on the same show we saw Aspel hosting Savile’s “This Is Your Life” episode – which Michael says he did not host.
I decided to check Aspel’s assertion (after all, we can’t believe our eyes, can we!) and found that on IMDB the host for Savile’s “This is Your life” is listed as Eamonn Andrews. The problem is that the show was transmitted in January 1970 and Andrews died in November 1987.
I thought the answer appeared simple: Savile is one of the few celebrities considered so wonderful he was on “This Is Your life” TWICE! I assumed that Andrews was the host on the first show and Aspel was host on the second.
However, the first time Savile was “Lifed” was in 1970 and the second in 1990. Andrews was dead for both shows. Does that mean that Aspel hosted Savile twice? Surely not. He’d remember that, wouldn’t he?
To confuse matters even more Savile was interviewed by Anthony Clair (and didn’t he do a good job?!?!) on “Is This Your Life?” Guess you can depend on a media psychiatrist to get to the truth!
Its all so confusing. I’m going to lie down and leave the ironic last word to the Tremeloes
I think I’ve figured it out. Andrews is list incorrectly on IMDB. he must have hosted the 1970 show and Aspel the 1990.
The Savile story – who, when and where – is going to be fun for people to figure out.
A very weird article by Mark Easton at the Beeb about Savilegate.
Basically it was acceptable in the 70s. WTF
Getting a 404 page not found error on that piece, did anyone cache a copy?
that’s an extraneous “C” at the end of the URL.
Sexual assault was acceptable round about the same time that the BBC had a massive bias to the Left”. What a shock.
So the BBC line is that child sex abuse was acceptable in the 1960s – 1970s is it? They do not have such a view for the paedophile priests of the 60s – 70s do they? When a Catholic abuses children, it is rightly considered a sick power strip of sexual depravity and perversion.
Yet when it is one (or now several) of their own? “It was a laugh, the girls were groupies and wanted it.”
They push the same sort of line over the white children brutally gang raped by Pakistani Moslems. “They were asking for it!”
The BBC is a very very sick organisation and should be closed down.
5live, anoon, r bacon, liz kershaw, apparently assaulted, inappropriate fondling of breasts whilst air? and when complaining, – “well didn t you enjoy it whats wrong are you lesbian?”
hmm the plot sickens
The great (sadly too infrequent blogger) Venerable Bede: Weighs in on Saville
The BBC loved all the Catholic-bashing, needless to say. How could they not? Iconoclasm, counterculturalism, anti-(western) religion, secular piousness and lots of sex: all it lacked was a link to Israel. They couldn’t get enough of it – in their strictly impartial way, of course.
Well, I don’t hate the Roman Catholic Church, but I do hate the BBC, so I’m hoping my atheist pals will be just as willing to support me today. After all, they clearly loathe the sexual exploitation of minors. Why else would they have taken to the streets in such numbers?
Will they join me if I propose a march against the BBC?
Or will they start saying bizarre things like: “You can’t indict an entire institution simply because some of its members behave reprehensibly”?
Really? Can you not?
Where’s the difference, really – except that the evidence against the higher echelons of the BBC turning a blind eye to what its priests were getting up to is looking a whole lot stronger than the personal case against Ratzinger ever did?
While the Reverend Fix-It was having his way in the vestry, while Saint Esther of the Consumers was keeping her counsel and Cardinal Gambaccini sat piously on his hands and waited for someone else to come forward, and while the establishment rallied round to ensure that even when they did they were dismissed as fantasist party-poopers, what can we say of the great and venerable institution itself?
At best, that it looked the other way, which is not a defence I remember cutting much ice with the God-haters.
And when I say ‘at best’, I bloody well mean it.
And yet, even now, there will be no enquiry. So there my analogy with the Catholics breaks down.
The devil makes work for idle hands, those old priests used to say. And some of them forgot to heed their own words. But few hands are as spectacularly idle as a disc jockey’s, few churches as sand-built as post-war pop culture, few institutions as ruinous as the BBC.
If you want to destroy something, start there.
I recall that last week on one day the BBC led with the story that a Tory cabinet minister wanted the abortion limit reduced. All day this story was being pushed and then seemed to vanish.
This sounded to me like a clear case of attempting to set an agenda. The usual suspects were wheeled on to attack him. That this story never got going was rather odd.
Abortion and equal homosexual marriage rights are almost sacred causes to the liberal left. I think they were trying to pre empt an attack by reactionary forces ( their definition) on one of these .
INBBC report:
“‘Saudi weapons’ seen at Syria rebel base.”
Isn’t INBBC on the same side as Saudi Arabia, Obama, Qatar, Turkey, etc in supporting the Islamic jihad ‘rebels’ in Syria?
SAUDI ARABIA and global Islamic jihad.
-INBBC: be systematic about the Saudis on this –
e.g. “A Second Look at the Saudis” (Parts 1,2,3 & 4, 2008)
r. bacon anoon 5live
liz kershaw, assaulted, inappropriate breast fondling whilst she was trying to broadcast, when complaining told
“why? don t you like it?, not a lesbian? are you”
dear dear … possible ahem! “culture” problem? an inference? …
yep! thats right at the … ‘smug sanctimonious politically correct self-appointed liberal/moronic moral guardians of our diverse and multicultural society’ corp.
hmm … the plot sickens
oh! … and old “obamaboy” bacon appears to be subdued about the romney “gaffe” wagon too. :-D, pulling in some lefty mate from the comedy circuit, as a commentator and beebot lard mardell? ….
hmmm that figures.
oh! also … the bbc hears that its beloved syrian “islamist/militant/rebel/freedom fighters”
appear to have been getting all kinds of help from (islamist sympathising) gulf states
well … no sh-t shylock – just where has this erm “news”? corp been eh!
So did anybody read the bBC article on the Election win by Hugo Chavaz and what will happen next?
What now for Venezuela’s economy?
Have a butchers at how the bBC promote’s this view that life under Chavez is a lot better:
If you compare life under Mr Chavez with the previous 20 years, under a now discredited two-party system widely blamed for rampant corruption, the Chavez era is preferable.
Nothing about the chronic power shortages where rolling 20 minute cuts across the country are now the norm. (Which is on top of daily 4 hour powercut every evening)
Nothing about the chronic food shortages
Nothing about the resulting high price of food.
(Do a goggle on shortages in Venezuela and read the top article)
Nothing about the water shortages
Nothing about one of the worlds highest murder rates.
Oh the article does hint, but hint as in passing ships through the night.
Instead the bBC sing’s “keep the red flag flying high”
In which to express to the world that Socialism is alive and working which is why they end with:
If Mr Capriles had won, he and his team of advisers were preparing to take an axe to that extensive network of petro-diplomacy. But now most countries in the Caribbean, already suffering from a decline in tourism because of the global economic downturn, will be breathing sighs of relief that Venezuela’s economic lifeline will not disappear any time soon.
Subtle hint at the current British Government perhaps?
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
Yeah, but with petrol at only 5 cents a litre, it has to be a paradise for owners of big gas guzzling 4x4s… Strange that the Beeb seem to be quiet about that bit.
A joy to hear Evan Davis giving us what ought to be our agenda for this week…well a couple of pointless truffles anyway.
None of that tax dodging stuff at the BBC…and nothing new about Sir James Savile…not in front of the children if you don`t mind…oh, wait…HOW old did you say you were my dear?
So Evan contents himself with the vandalism of Rothkos masterpiece at Tate Modern…Davis hated to give the consequent publicity to Vladimir and his “yellowism”>
But wait-hasn`t the BBC told me that piss on a crucifix is “rad”,” street”,” edgy” and “not for you squares or cultural Philistines”?
Ah no, not when Will Gompertz has a sad face…this is VANDALISM I tells yer guv, not art!
Get over yourselves lads…just a bit of permamarker on a block of colour…if you read what Tate put up on the walls there, the science should be a breeze!
Evan would like a law against it though I`d say…the Beebs answer to anything it`s not organising or pointing its cameras at.
Next up-some Glasgow “herbal incense” that doubles as a legal high. Evan of course didn`t want to advertise it..but his producer did a good advert for it in a shouty voice for us.
It`s called Annihilation…available at BBC Scotland before the Beebers bring it down with their young friends to Kings Cross. Meet you at the buffet boys!
Evan does wonder though if Health and Safety Law could cover this…what, no laws? Surely HSE covers everything.
Poor Evan!
Now that I`m not able to give to Jimmy Saviles cheridee via Children In Need, I`m wondering who now to run for in the coming half marathon.
Maybe the John Pilger/Jemima Khan charity set up to reimburse them for losing the bail money for Julian Assange.
So sad, sales of truffled paninis around Islington may well drop…bloody Tories eh?
Compare the anti-Semitite@bBC.Com
Turkey responds to Syrian mortar fire in Akcakale
Turkish artillery has returned fire on Syria for a fifth day after a mortar landed in a border village.Five people were killed in a similar incident, reportedly in the same street in the village, Akcakale, last week.
So the bBC reports impartially when Muslims shell…Muslims. In fact the bBC goes to great pains in which to say that Turkey is actually quite justified in returning fire to those idiots across the border who like to lob mortars into the neighbours back year. I quote:
Sunday’s shell in Akcakale landed in the grounds of a public building near the centre of the village, but there were no casualties as people had already been evacuated, Turkish NTV said. Media and local officials said Turkey immediately returned fire. An Associated Press journalist said at least six mortars could be heard.
Wednesday’s incident in Akcakale triggered international condemnation. The UN Security Council said the incident showed the “grave impact” of the Syrian crisis on “regional peace and stability”.Turkey’s retaliation was the first time Ankara had taken military action across the border since the Syrian uprising began. And on the next day, Turkey’s parliament authorised troops to launch cross-border operations and strike at Syrian targets for a period of one year. On Friday, Turkey moved tanks and anti-aircraft missiles into Akcakale, though Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country did not want war.
Now read up on how the bBC reports the same thing when Jews are the victims:
Israel launches strikes on Gaza after rocket fire
The Israeli military has carried out strikes on the Gaza Strip after Palestinian militants fired about 50 mortar rounds and rockets into Israel.Several children were among those injured when Israeli forces shelled areas east of Khan Younis.Earlier, rockets launched from Gaza landed in Israel’s Eshkol region and near Kerem Shalom. No-one was hurt
Notice the more condemning reporting style from the bBC when the jews hit back, Oh and those strikes from the IDF 20 tank shells and 1 airstrike.
Turkey on the other hand is on its sixth day of firing back. Yet nowhere in the bBCs turkish article do they show a picture of a man running with a baby in his hand.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
The BBC values people’s lives according to who kills them.
I’m sure your friendly pro-western (chuckle) rebel forces would like nothing better than Turkey to enter the war, you would almost think it would be worth their while chucking a couple of morters north? Naaaa – surely not.
The bBC, the mouth piece for radical Islam
Linda Norgrove: Afghan kidnappers ‘told her she would live’
The aid worker who died in Afghanistan during an attempt to free her two years ago was told by her captors they were not going to kill her, it has emerged. Linda Norgrove, from Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, had been working in the country when she was kidnapped.
Former colleagues have told a BBC Alba documentary that her captors told Ms Norgrove she was only being held hostage as a bargaining tool. The 36-year-old was killed by a US grenade during a failed rescue attempt…..Colleagues still working in the country told BBC Alba that her captors told Ms Norgrove they did not intend to kill her. She was led to believe she was being held captive to secure the release of rebel prisoners and would be set free when that happened.The programme also shows images of Ms Norgrove’s kidnappers that she took herself on her camera and phone before she was killed.
Well what do you know, The bBC is telling me that the relgious bigots who go around kidnapping westerners and chopping their heads off in darkest Afghanistan hasd no intention of killing their captive and that photos they took of themselves with their hostage on her camera phone (As if they were going to let her keep it) proves that actually they were men of honour who believe in peace.
You couldn’t make up this shite in a month of Sundays.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
I guess those savages told Ken Bigley they didn’t intend to cut his head off either.
What a stupid bunch of cnuts these morons are.
FFS This ought to get wider publicity.
Oh my, what nice cuddly, friendly terroristas they are, all friendly and sweet. Savage bastards all of them.
almost as bad as their apologists!
Belated comment about last night’s Stephen Nolan show on Radio 5. He had what I thought was a reasonable discussion, not particularly biased, with Michael Fallon MP. But the selection of telephone callers afterwards was back to the usual bBBC. First caller, “Amber”, claimed to be an “ex-Tory Party member” – which probably got her to the top of their phone-callers list – but read a script straight from the Socialist (non) Workers Party handbook. The NHS is going to disappear, schools are going to disappear … the usual drivel.
48.20 onwards at http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01n6098/Stephen_Nolan_07_10_2012/
Sounds like the bBBC has carefully selected from their list of Marxists, or has been duped again.
Jeremy Vine was in full flow today condemning Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson’s comments. Before she got on to say her piece he compared it to Romney’s ‘gaff’ (i.e. when he told the truth). He made up his own story about whether people who worked in the public sector were on ‘benefits’ or not. Indeed was the BBC Scotland correspondent on ‘benefits’ too? Then we had an SNP guy spouting rubbish re. Norway and oil.
Finally Ruth Davidson got to say her piece very clearly that essentially most HOUSEHOLDS contributed less than the GOVERNMENT spent on their behalf. Vine, as usual, completely ignored this and said how complicated it was and did public sector workers count in this calculation.
Of course if you don’t have a Beeb-brain it should be obvious that many households with children and possibly elderly grandparents are paying tax on only one income while the much larger costs of free schooling, health care, infrastructure support, defence spending, EU-danegeld tax etc. are being spent on their behalf.
I try to avoid BBC news for the sake of my blood pressure, but I have just caught a bit where a Conservative MP had to defend a policy proposal about workers rights from a left-wing Union woman – Lisa Johnson of the GMB. It’s irrelevant how it went as much as did anyone who does watch the BBC see a Conservative on last week to discuss Labour proposals? I would very much doubt it.
Ann Diamond up next to give her verdict on Boris Johnson and whether he will replace Cameron. If Dimwit Dez or any of the other BBC droids claim that the BBC is impartial it will invalidate any other claim they ever make.
BBC Breakfast was dreadful as usual this morning. The low point came during an interview with Donald Trump. His only interview given to the British media on this visit was conducted by a lady called Steph who is described as being a Business Reporter. Sadly she managed to squander the chance to gain an insight into Trump’s business know-how but preferred to ask “Does money make you happy” and “I have to ask you about your hair”. Trump was actually very gracious in the face of such an infantile interview.
It’s wasn’t biased, just really crap.
” lady called Steph” phwoar….wonder who is groping her as she broadcasts?
oh, sorry, times have changed now at the beeb?
Errr…you sure they have changed, or are women still afraid to speak out?
Answers entwhistle?
‘times have changed now at the beeb?’
You’d hope.
Of course, securing a position based on previous positions and who you have worked under are of course no longer a consequence of anything other than talent and qualification.
I take it you didn’t see ‘Never Mind The Buzzcocks’ last night?
The treatment dished out to an American actress – references to wanking to her naked image, giving her a pie with her face on it with a cunningly placed hole where her mouth was etc – God knows what wasn’t broadcast. She took it in good part but it was a bit strong even for a late night ‘yoof’ programme.
Seems lessons still need to be learned.
As long as they all hold the requisite approved thoughts, they can be as vulgar and vile as they like.
‘wasn’t biased, just really crap’
Nevertheless, to you, £142.50pa. No refunds. No option.
all of the bbc is crap. they only do things for those people who cant think for themselves. also known as sheep or
x factor and big brother viewers. take your choice of descriptions. if the beeb was a uni then it would soon disappear its funding would be stopped due to mickey mouse courses and biased views . or media studies to you and me tax payers.
Tonight’s biased-BBC programme is The Town that Never Retired where
Labour supporter (of course) Nick Hewer (sidekick of Labour peer Lord Alan Sugar) visits Preston and drags long-retired pensioners back into the workplace to show that the government’s raising of the pension age is unfair, unworkable and all a Conservative plot to kill off the elderly.
He is given free rein to peddle this notion (at our expense) without anyone making the basic points that when the pension age is raised in the future, people will tend to be fitter and healthier than those of the same age are now; that coming back into work after a few years of retirement is not the same as continuing in employment; that anyone with any sense gives employees training rather than expecting them to start a new job ‘in at the deep end’.
Mustn’t raise the pension age because then there’d be no excuse for mass immigration, would there? Never mind that many pensioners would already love to have a part time job rather than living in semi poverty.
Err… correct me if I’m wrong but in my memory it was Liebour who started raising the retirement age and introducing changes to benefits.
Also if any liebour supporter stars telling me about how the goverment targets the rich for tax advantages instead of the poor I’m always delighted to remind them of the 10p tax rate fiasco.
All these things fast disappearing down the memory hole – mainly because Tory ministers won’t remind the electorate of them when interviewed. It also took Labour (Brown) 12 years to introduce the 50p rate of tax – another open goal for the Tories to sidefoot the ball into.
mainly because Tory ministers won’t remind the electorate of them when interviewed.
Or if they do it’s not broadcast.
How the bBC promotes this view that Islam is a religion of peace.
Judge backs doctors in Muslim man’s right-to-life case
A hospital trust can withhold life-saving treatment from a severely brain-damaged Muslim man if his condition deteriorates, a court has ruled. Doctors argued it would be unfair to resuscitate the patient, known as Mr L, if his condition worsened. His family, of Greater Manchester, said that was against their Muslim faith.
So reading the above what impression of the faithful do you get? Now have a butchers at the analysis box for this article:
Many devout Muslims believe that DNR orders represent a soft form of euthanasia which is strictly forbidden in Islam. According to the Koran, Muslims cannot kill, or be complicit in the killing of another, except in the interests of justice.
Yet on a day to basis for the past 10 years all we have heard is how Muslims kill others at the drop of a …..Koran.
Presumably killing fellow Muslims in their thousands, usually because they are from a rival sect, is excluded.
On the whole, I’d say this hasn’t been a good week for the cherry vultures. Yes I know has had a pop at Alan’s post, but very little from the rest. Cue links to prove me wrong.
sorry meant to say : yes i know nicked has had etc….
I`m not sure what the demographic of Radio 4s “listeners”. is..or should that be activists, fellow-travellers, comrades, insurgents or campaigners?…let the BBC tell us how they see their “useful tools”
For the Toady Show this morning seem to be worried that burglars in someones home might lose some rights, should the homeowner want to deal with them. Quelle horreur! Do I see a campaign or an advocacy group of disabled ex-burglars forming under BBC auspices; so we can get an advocacy group up and running for Womans Hour next week?
The BBC seems to have decided that it is there to coalesce Islam, criminals, grievance farmers and Eurospittle lickers-but always to be under the direction of paedos and tax dodgers like themselves.
If only a few of Salfords vulnerable and challenging young stoodents would find themselves drugged up, knives in hand and hoping to reclaim some of our licence fees as purloined by the likes of Savile and Carr. The BBC would obviously have to be on their side…surely!
But you see, in BBC/Guardian-land, a householder is one of the “rich” who is being handed a cheque for £40,000 by Osborne on April 6 next year and has been relieved of a justifiable tax on their ill-gotten wealth by the toxic Conservatives.
As Naughtie insisted to Cameron this morning, it’s all very well getting aggressive with a burglar but supposing the uninvited guest was a victimised youth high on drugs. Surely, instead of beating up the scrote, he should – as a “vulnerable” person – be taken (preferably in the householder’s car) to the nearest hospital for urgent treatment and then – at the householder’s expense – to the nearest spa so he could come down in comfort. OK Naughtie didn’t actually say that but that was the implication of his question and, certainly, Naughtie’s lack of sympathy for the law-abiding shone through in all its lefty glory.
So Monday Night it’s shout at the telly time again. Yes it’s the conspiracy roadshow.
These week creationism. Yes dinosaurs and humans shared the world at the same time. These people can vote! No wonder we are in the mess we are in. ” I don’t think Christianity really did to well, I don’t think evolutionary theory did too well. I think islam came out unscathed”
These “British Creationists” are a transparent proxy for US voters who won’t vote to re-elect the President. All part of the agenda in the run up to the second-most important election in human history.
I note that Gary Richardson and the BBC are happy to trumpet the opening of a state-of-the-art State Academy up in Staffordshire….excellence, vision and “investing in the future”., so I understand.
Fair enough. But what is its admissions code?
The F.As St Georges Academy of Footie hardly seems inclusive does it? First impressions are that it will only admit the already privileged and over indulged; who are doing too well as it is…John Terry, Ashley Cole, Gary Lineker to name but three.
I therefore intend to get my wheezy pals up from the Kings Arms(along with assorted nebulisers, mobility scooters and carers) to try and get places at this £10,000,000 “investment”..and we shall chain ourselves to the railings if we don`t get full grants and enhanced access to our “Footie Sciences” degree under Prof Gary Nevile.
If we say we`re gay, will that help us?…I`ll ask Fiona Millar or Mary Bostead shall I?
Now whether we choose to search for our inner hero at the ParaLympics or the proper one…we shall see how it all pans out .
…Used to enjoy the footie, but the terminology is leaving me behind.
There was me thinking that England’s lack of success at international tournaments was in large part down to our hopelessness at penalty shoot outs.
I was wrong. BBC tells me that what we need is more BME managers and coaches. (?)
The BBC are reporting ‘BBC political editor Nick Robinson said the Conservatives, under Mr Cameron’s leadership, had gone from a party promising to “hug a hoodie” to one willing to allow the public to “bash a burglar”.’
As even this BBC report admits, the phrsae ‘hug a hoodie’ was never used by David Cameron but was instead first used in a Labour party pres release, why is Nick Robinson misleading the public?
Off subject – the new comment front end is easier to post from, assuming this post works!
For ‘phrsae’ please read ‘phrase’…
One perspective of Liebour’s unfettered immigration policy you won’t be hearing from the BBC:
Sorry, unrelated to the BBC but an interesting insight into the self-loathing liberalism that blights this country; they hate the empire and so hold us all (us white English-folk) to account and yet they are happy to live here and reap the rewards which the Empire brought. They could always leave… This is why the Left have imposed multiculturalism on us; to off set their upper -class guilt. It was the upper classes that caused the atrocities in the Empire and in keeping with the old days, they continue to make the poor indigenous people of this country pay, through airbrushing them out of their own communities.
How’s it work these days? Oh yes… ‘critics are saying…’:
‘Last the night the BBC website ran what was basically a press release from Mark Serwotka’s PCS union damning Francis Maude’s decision to wield the axe over Pilgrims
So biased and partial on top of, it would appear, unprofessional and inaccurate.
‘It turns out these “government figures” are from 2007, under Gordon’s Labour government. What a surprise they backed taxpayer cash being spent on unions.
Guido hears that the Beeb are getting it in the neck from the Cabinet Office for failing to check this out. Union spin unravels once again…
All for just a compelled £145.50pa.
Not really the best value information to bad had, on top of the funny activities and possibel cover-ups stuff.
Hard to account for, really.
Must be a ‘unique’ thing.
Bah, another fringe lunatic in an echo chamber, voicing an extremely tiny minority opinion that nobody listens to, not representative of anyone.
I like Jimmy Savile’s kiddies’ book from 1985, ‘Stranger Danger’. I’m not sure of it describes the danger of BBC celebs, though…perhaps a reprint with a thoughtful new chapter is in order?
You mean this one
With a foreword by Roman Polanski, yes, that’s the one…
Remind me how aggressive Naughtie and friends were with the dysfunctional – on a human as well as ministerial level – loony PM before this one. Not as much as Naughtie was this morning on Today I’ll bet. You’d think that, such was the anger displayed by Naughtie, Cameron had just come into the studio after a bout of child-abuse in the green room – oh no, wrong example: that would have been quite OK. Cameron was accused of doing something far worse: attempting to reverse Labour’s lovefest with those living off the sweat of the taxpayer. To Naughtie – and his chums at the BBC and Labour HQ – that really is unforgiveable.
If Cameron is the best that the Tories have to offer, then we`re stuffed….
The likes of Naughtie just play at it….and still they frighten the likes of Maude, Cameron and the like.
Personally, we need a nasty party.
If those working for a paedophile sex gang and fiddling taxes as well as kids…so it turns out-are not being routinely abused for pimping off the taxpayer, and lying as a matter of course -then the Tories that the BBC presume to traduce really don`t DESERVE to be in office, let alone in power!
Which will bring the BNP/EDL types a few steps closer to the vacuum created…we can`t say it`ll be undeserved, given the vacuum of the Tories in the face of smugshits like Naughtie and Monty.
“If Cameron is the best that the Tories have to offer, then we`re stuffed….”
He’s not actually “the best” but he’s all we’re being offered. Accordingly, we are stuffed. We’ve been stuffed since at least 2005 when Cameron defeated Davis for the leadership of the Conservatives. It was at that point that the three main parties effectively merged by agreeing (tacitly if not formally) on major aspects of policy (eg climate change, “greenism”, immigration, dealing – or rather, not dealing – with Moslems, EU).
There are a few marginal matters where “disagreement” is manufactured (tax rates, “cuts”, possibly education and so on) but the reality is that – were it physically possible – the 3 parties are the cheeks of the same set of buttocks.
Naughtie fronts the BBC position that, even if Cameron is Blair-lite (or Miliband-lite) they’d rather have one of the real lefties (not a pretend one) in charge and, preferably, someone from the Labour Party. At a pinch, though, Vince running a rump government for the last 18 months of the present Parliament would be acceptable.
BTW any vacuum would be filled from the “red” left not the nationalist left. After all, the great institutions of civil society (the civil service, the universities, the media, the senior ranks of the police) have been successfully infiltrated by the bien pensant left. Not that it makes much difference: a UK run by the greens/SWP or the BNP would be equally unpleasant and incompetent.
You`re right umbongo.
I thought David Davis was a good bloke who would have walked into the Tory Party leader-that he did not was probably the single moment where personality and image trumped any pretence of substance or competence.
Tragic really.
As for the type of left that will fill the vacuum, I`m aware that it will be the IslamoFascist axis of red/green and black.
But the chavs and white trash of England won`t stand it for too long….
Gove is the only one who really stands up to the Beeboid’s crap, and he says he won’t run for leader.
His record on education and particularly the way he has tackled the institutionalised leftist ideology and self-interest of the educational establishment proves in my book he will stand up to anyone. Surely the Tories’ best bet for leader.
Here’s one Labour press release that the bBBC isn’t publicising.
A study shows the country’s largest police force arrests 200 people who do not hold a British passport every day [in London], a rise of 23 per cent in the past two years. In contrast, the number of foreign criminals deported has fallen by 13 per cent since the Tory-led coalition came to power.
Labour’s Shadow Immigration Minister Chris Bryant attacked the Government’s record, saying: “Anyone coming here should stick by the rules or face the consequences. It’s successful prosecutions and swift deportations that count. Depressingly, the Tories are now removing fewer foreign offenders than before, and more are absconding. Yet again they’re letting down the police and the public.”
A Freedom of Information request to London’s Metropolitan Police revealed that they held more than 72,500 non-British nationality suspects last year.
It wouldn’t be right to broadcast the truth about the foreign takeover of our capital city.
Seems some other people come to the same conclusion but from the opposite side. http://www.opendemocracy.net/ourbeeb/adam-ramsay/time-to-elect-bbc-trust He thinks the bBC is the play thing of the Tories?
INBBC censors out the Islam/Muslim connection to this:
“Facebook slur about soldier deaths: Azhar Ahmed sentenced”
Ravensthorpe is, of course, part of Dewsbury.
For more on Dewsbury, see the book:
“The Islamic Republic of Dewsbury” by Danny Lockwood-